All DailyCatholic Issues (portal99.htm)

    Click on the respective year below to go to any issue and month you wish to find. (Note: Some of the earlier issues are only available in text only). We apologize if a few issues are missing. We are extremely grateful to Griff Ruby for devoting countless hours compiling this master archive.

        We are deeply grateful to Griff Ruby, who spent months recouping all the links possible from every issue of The Daily Catholic since its inception on November 1, 1997. Amazingly, he was also able to find and preserve some articles and issues from our former print tabloid A Call To Peace published from 1990 through 1997. This includes articles placed on line in 1996 which were posted on a site no longer active -

       We want to post here a disclaimer for as you read each issue, you'll be able to see the editor's journey from conservative Novus Ordo to the Indult to the SSPX position to independent chapels to the ultimate conclusion every Catholic will eventually arrive at when they review all the evidence and documentation of what Holy Mother Church has always taught that the conciliar popes and all they authorized must be null and void for they have veered from what Christ taught and from what has been set in stone by the infallible, perennial Magisterium of the Church. We also disavow the Top 100 Catholics of the Century selections for those were amassed by the votes of our readers of the time and thus are biased toward people who since would not be eligible for the list today, considering the qualifications we stated, especially the part of being in good stead in the Church. Heretics are not and cannot be in good stead with the Church! Period!

        Because of Griff's dedication to this massive project which he has encouraged us to make available to all as a resource, we do so for the sake of souls everywhere, but ask each of you to keep in mind this apostolate has been and continues to be a vehicle in which God has given us the grace to see more clearly and return to the solid ground of the infrangible one True Faith; a faith which is contradictory to the conciliar path taken over the past 48 years. Perhaps our journey and the articles provided from October 15, 2001 on will help the reader reflect that arduous pilgrimage - and it truly was soul-wrenching and a stark wake-up call in realizing what we had been told over the past 40 years was diametrically opposed to the patrimony of the Church Christ founded - a syllogistic determination that had taken us quite a while to realize and finally return to the fullness of the faith in harmony with the Truths and Traditions of Holy Mother Church. We hope this will aid you in your journey back to the unchangable truth.

       We take pride in, and are grateful for, the caliber of contributing writers we were able to feature over the years and are delighted that they can still be read, regardless of the fact some writers are no longer affiliated with The Daily Catholic but can still be resourced, regardless of our differences with them all for we will always hold them with deep Christian charity. And so below is the portal to over 30,000 pages in the archives of The Daily Catholic. May you have good sailing and may our Lord and His Blessed Mother Mary guide and guard you always and may the Holy Ghost inspire you to always seek the truth no matter the consequences of how it will affect your life in the world, for the more you learn the True Faith, the greater your opportunity to keep the True Faith and intelligently pass it on to present and future generations - the backbone of tomorrow's Roman Catholic Church and the hope of all mankind in prayerful anticipation of the Triumph of Mary's Immaculate Heart and the inevitable establishment of the Social Kingship of Jesus Christ in every nation on earth. Vivat Christus Rex

    Michael Cain, editor

Click on the issue of your choice below to see the issue during



MARCH 1999

APRIL 1999

MAY 1999

JUNE 1999

JULY 1999