Day Five of 9-Day Novena up to Christmas Eve  4th Day of the O Antiphons  The Prophecies and Revelation of St. Bridget: Book One: Chapters 1-60
Dr. Droleskey's recent articles: Benedict in Wonderland  and  Practical Atheism As the Lowest Common Denominator  and  More Catholic Blood Flows...
Step 22: The Prophecy Fulfilled        Griff Ruby's 14-part series        Fr. Salvani on why We Should Attack and Discredit the Agent of Error
Dr. Droleskey's completed four-part series on Juan Diego, "Grace of Guadalupe" from the book by Frances Parkinson Keyes          Christmas Gift Ideas

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  O Most Adorable Jesus, Who, upon Thine arrival at Bethlehem, was rejected by all men. O grant us to follow Thine example in sufferings and contempt, that we may welcome Thee joyfully into our hearts, when Thou seekest an entrance there, either by holy inspiration or by Thy Divine Sacraments.

Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory Be

Hail and blessed be the hour and the moment in which the Son of God was born of the most pure Virgin Mary, at midnight, in Bethlehem, in the piercing cold. In that hour, vouchsafe, O my God, to hear my prayer and grant my petitions, through the merits of Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.

O come, Thou Rod of Jesse, free Thine Own from Satan's tyranny; from the depths of hell Thy people save, and give them vict'ry o'er the grave.

Stir up, O Lord, we beseech Thee, Thy might, and come; and with great power succor us; that, by the help of Thy grace, that which our sins hinder may be hastened, by thy merciful forgivenes.

Expectation of Our Lady
Mary's jubilation in the last week of her gestation in this last week of Advent as we anticipate the Birth of our Lord and Savior

This special feature is provided by John Gregory with the Haydock Commentary found at the bottom of each page of the Douay-Rheims Bible. With the type so small in most bibles, we publish it here in larger type in conjunction with the Epistle and Gospel for the Sunday Mass with the cogent comprehensive Catholic Commentary penned by Father George Leo Haydock on the Douay-Rheims version of the New Testament. The commentary for the Fourth Sunday of Advent lays out the expectations of the great Light in the darkness Who will redeem man as has been foretold with the immediate precursor of the Messias being St. John the Baptist proclaiming the Lord by being the Voice of one crying in the wilderness in fulfilling the prophecy of Isaias that "all flesh shall see salvation" by alerting the world to pray and repent, to "make straight His paths." A manifestation that God depends on man for cooperation in abiding by His holy will as can be seen in this Sunday's Commentary "Make Straight His Paths" "Make Straight His Paths"

Those who remember Dr. Thomas A. Droleskey witty book, "There's No Cure for This Condition" will relish his follow-up which is more applicable today toward keeping our bodies and souls fit. See what methods Tom used to lose over 97 pounds in less than a year. As he says, if he can do it, anyone can. What are his secrets? We would think millions would want to know in this multi-billion dollar industry of diet and weight watchers who charge exhorbitant amounts to look good while what really counts is what's on the inside - the soul. Tom covers both and does so as a tremendous bargain for your pocketbook: less than a cup of coffee or a gallon of gas. Download Kindle for free on your PC and then order Tom's book for only $3.99. What a deal! You'll chortle and be inspired at the same time as you journey with Tom and experience the trials and triumphs during his "bootcamp" to lose weight. An inspiration for all, especially Traditional Catholics who can identify with all that Tom goes through as he continues A Catholic Man's Lifelong Battle of the Bulge and why he had to write There is No Shortcut to Cure This Condition

With so many unable to access the Traditional Latin Mass, you now have the opportunity to at least inspire your perseverance in keeping the Faith by the edification of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. You can now order a fantastic DVD on the Traditional Latin Mass with subtitles for both the Latin and English of a beautiful Low Mass said by Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI on the Feast of St. Michael the Archangel on the altar of St. Joseph's in Wayne, Michigan where Fr. Francisco Radecki, CMRI is the pastor and head of St. Joseph Media. The packet also includes a Latin Mass Little Missal booklet of the Ordinary of the Mass in both Latin and English. The DVD also has BONUS material on the meaning of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, the sacred vessels, vestments and liturgical explanations. A must have for all Catholics. Send them to your friends and family. Give this as a gift to all your conciliar friends so they can see what they are missing out on. To make this available to as many as possible, the price has been lowered to only $23.00. Don't pass up this offer. Catch a minute and a half sample at The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass on DVD Offer

If you want to read a book that traces the history of the Church and effectively puts the lie to the blasphemies in not only The Da Vinci Code series but in the bigger scandal known as the conciLIAR church of Vatican II, then we cannot recommend strongly enough the excellent book by Fathers Dominic and Francisco Radecki, CMRI entitled Tumultuous Times. Reading this clear, uncompromising masterpiece will easily enable you to refute whatever Da Vinci Code enthusiasts will twist, as well as debunk all the novelties and innovations and heresies that have evolved from Vatican II. The Da Vinci Code is bad, but the false, One World Order conciliar church is worst. Far worse! These two traditional Catholic priests lay out the history of the Church through all the Councils and devote the second part of the book to showing the vast difference between the True Catholic Church and the conciliar church of Vatican II. At $25. plus shipping, a must Read for every Catholic and non-Catholic alike. Next to Bishop Lavoire Morrow's My Catholic Faith this is the most thorough, yet simply put work on the Catholic Faith for all ages. Tumultuous Times

In the thirteenth century, Christ asked a simple Friar from Assisi to 'Rebuild My Church;' today Our Lord has used many other vehicles for conveying the same thing. Griff Ruby's magnificent book, available for as low as $26.95, is an excellent practical instrument to begin understanding the traditional movement and the process of rebuilding so that the tree will once again grow stronger, taller and fuller, bearing abundant fruits for the greater honor and glory of God and the salvation of countless souls. You are all familiar with the excellent logic of Griff Ruby, now see how he puts it all together in his magnificent opus, The Resurrection of the Roman Catholic Church

Call it Dante's Inferno meets Screwtape Letters with a generous dab of St. John Bosco and you have an eye-opening realization how powerful the prince of darkness is and why we can never take him for granted and need the protection of God's graces and His holy angels and archangels as well as Mary our Immaculate Queen to defend us against the wiles of satan and his demon minions who will do anything to deceive. A journey with Peregrine should open everyone's eyes to better protect their souls. Pre-Vatican II cradle Catholic Mary Ann Panevska offers a terrifying insight into the beast and instills enough fear to make everyone a better Catholic for only $10. via Amazon. The Story of Satan & A Visit to Hell

In his latest book, Ecclesia, Atila Sinke Guimaraes analyzes every aspect of the conciliar church arrives at this simple and decisive conclusion: This conciliar tree that gives such bad fruits must be cut down. Vatican II is a null and void Council that should be set aside by history and all repealed in a return to throwing all the robber barons out. Eye-opening documentation in Volume XI of his extensive and excellent Eli, Eli Sabacthani Collection that has been many years in the making. Only $20. plus shipping for Ecclesia

Finally, might we suggest a few other outlets where your dollar would be well-spent in the efforts of salvation of souls. You could take out for yourself or give to others a gift subscription to Reign of Mary, a quarterly magazine published by the CMRI for $16 for an annual subscription. Or you might want to subscribe to the only monthly print publication for sedevacantists, The Four Marks for $40. a year. And if you really want to know your Faith and intensify your zeal, and can afford it after you've made whatever donations you deem fair and equitable between you and God, then we have an idea you'll be thrilled beyond imagination of the magnificent work of Abbe Dom Prosper Gueranger's Fifteen Volume The Liturgical Year. It is a treasure you will truly treasure with the fifteen hard-cover books, with sturdy binding and gold leaf for the amazing price of $165. plus shipping from St. Bonaventure Press out of Montana. We recommend it highly. The Liturgical Year 15-Volume Set

  As 2010 draws to a close, we don't need to tell you that Our Lord sheds tears because so many souls still do not know the Truth. Because of that the light of Tradition grows dimmer. You can see that in the apathy expressed over Benedict XVI's blasphemy and apostasy. The truth is being squeezed out with every generation, dimmer and dimmer. With your donations to The DailyCatholic and through Our Lady's intercession, you can help to save souls, brighten the path to Tradition, and dry a tear or two from Jesus' holy face, lest those of you, who have the Truth and have been blessed with the means to help, might have to try to explain your selfishness at your Particular Judgment. Reading the very sobering words in the Prophecies and Revelations to St. Bridget of Sweden should bring that fact home as we resume daily chapters. Think and pray over it as we ask you to remember this apostolate for charitable giving this Christmas and for a year-end tax deductible donation. We count on the generosity of our readers to keep up the integrity of this publication and keep it free of all advertising and banners in providing our readers worldwide with the foundations for the Truths and Traditions of Holy Mother Church. If you can pledge for 2011 we would be most grateful and assure you that you will personally be in our daily prayers.

    Most recent pertinent articles from Dr. Thomas A. Droleskey at Christ or chaos:
  • Benedict in Wonderland With apologies to Lewis G. Carroll, he missed the boat on his characterization of the Mad Hatter for had he lived today he would have had an ideal candidate in one Joseph Ratzinger, alias Benedict XVI. Whether he's leering at topless male acrobats as he did a few days ago in a shameless exhibit in the Vatican or proclaiming another false religion as perfectly fine while failing to suborn even one conciliar potentate for their complicity in the perversion and scandals that have ravaged the counterfeit church of conciliarism, he is truly mad. Only insanity could absolve him before God because before man he is an out and out radical heretic even if everyone else pretends they can't see the cheshire cat. Meow! 12-17

  • Practical Atheism as the Lowest Common Denominator Oh, how far we have fallen as a country, illustrating the collective in a man who calls himself the President and espouses collective salvation. It is merely a microcosm of the heresy of Americanism where any religion must take second place to the American way of life. The fact that there is no salvation outside the Church (which would be the true Church founded by Jesus Christ with the mandate to imitate Him in all things, and, by the way, bears no resemblance to the conciliar church of Vatican II) has been buried in the dustbins of political correctness where men today don't even say "Lord, Lord" but refer to Him as the generic Creator to appease Jew, Muslim and every Protestant sect under the sun. We had better wake up and realize there is only one faith and it trumps any loyalty to country or anything else, that is if we want to enjoy eternal life. If not, go right ahead praising anyone you wish. 12-16

  • More Catholic Blood Flows from the "Religion of Peace" So much for liberating Iraq! More Chaldean Catholics have been slaughtered since the U.S. entered than anytime since the crusades. No, you can't blame U.S. troops, only U.S. policy and the fact that Muslims have no desire for living in peace and harmony with Christian or Jew. The leaders of the world realize this and they also realize the devastation of the massacre at Our Lady of Salvation in Baghdad this fall. But political correctness fear of offending the infidels, spurs them to silence as we have seen from Benedict XVI and John Paul II before him to both Bushes and Obama today. Oh, they may have tried to give the impression of outrage, but there really is no outrage. It's all a sham as more Christians senselessly die in a "war" that was never a "just war" while genocide, abortion, contraception and sodomy are promoted liberally. If anyone protests, there's nothing to see here as they shoo you away or create a diversion to cover-up. Oh, they have mastered the game; so much so that Chaldeans long for the days of Saddam Hussein. Is that progress? Not in God's eyes! 12-15

    If there are still non-sedes out there defending Benedict XVI (and they seem to be coming out of the woodwork in trying to defend the indefensible by stating it is merely an 'opinion') over his massive naturalistic heresy that a lesser evil is permitted to avoid a greater evil, please step forward for the mental ward has a vacancy for you. Unbelieveably, even to Traditional Catholics who know how this Hegelian mindset works like a spring trap in speaking ambiguously while undermining Catholic truth as often as he can, so many won't see the severe gravity of this as the world shouts hurrahs and "atta boy, Benny" in light of the Vatican reaffirming what most Catholics didn't really think he meant but now discover he did indeed mean as he further slips toward hell in taking so many souls with him. Tom documents in eight articles not only what ol' off-the-cuff Ratz indeed meant, but what Catholic truth means in the very words true reliable Catholic Popes decreed in illustrating how Ratzinger and his conciliar predecessors have violated so many commandments as in all of them including causing scandal and bearing false witness by lying to cover up so many things as well as stealing the faith from souls. Besides, Ratzinger has blatantly sinned against the Faith by his infidelity, apostasy, heresy, indifferentism toward the welfare of souls, and taking part in non-Catholic worship. And you really still think he could ever be a true pope even if just formaliter? Get serious. Tom does in putting into perspective the great damage done and why every Catholic must recognize this naturalistic heresy and the sins Ratzinger is condoning by his idiocy. As his wife Sharon has said, "Wake up and smell the sulphur! This is not Catholic!" Tom elucidates in numerous pertinent articles:

  • Slick Willie Returns (Or The Return of the Triangulator) Comrade Obama had to call in Dr. Teflon, so to speak, in the person of none other than a man who did more to promote abortion - William Jefferson Clinton. Smooth talking Willie sought to mollify the rising tide of rebellion within the Democratic ranks while pulling the wool over everyone else. Beware, learn from the past and pray because prayer is our only answer as America slips from Our Lady's grip thanks to the legions of hell bent on her destruction. 12-11

  • Recipe for Tyranny The riots in London and other cities in Europe are merely a by-product of Christ's words in St. Matthew 6: 24 and St. Luke 16: 9 to make friends of Mammon for that will be their just deserts when Mammon is through with them. So also the entitled-envy spoiled lemmings, read university students who, fueled by radical professional protesters, unionists and communists, are doing all they can to uproot the establishment with cries of "Off with their 'eads?" But then is that not what Henry VIII did back in the 1500's? No matter what pied piper's siren promises peace - whether it be a politician or a 'prelate', true social order can only be restored through the holy Catholic Church (not the counterfeit church of conciliarism and their faux pope Ratzinger) in re-establishing the Social Kingship of Christ and Queenship of Immaculate Mary Queen. Only then can there be true peace in concert with the Natural Law. 12-10

  • Red China: As Red As Ever No matter the propaganda or spin, BeneRatz moves closer toward a One World Religion that has nothing to do with Catholicism all through more moves that cry of apostasy (as if this were something new with B16) as Red China continues to pull the wool over the eyes of false shepherds by taking over the 'Church' in China, commandeering the election of the 'Bishops'' Conference. Not much different than in the U.S. but then what lukewarm Catholic is going to recognize that? Meanwhile countless souls are betrayed as they cluelessly go about their sinful ways while Modernist Rome preaches: go along to get along or, in another way, offer incense to every pagan god but the Triune Divinity. That's basically what's going on behind the Great Wall with recognizing the state-run, man-made religion of the Chinese Patriotic Church which, like the counterfeit church of conciliarism and its faux pope, have sold out Our Lord and His Church. That's the path Ratzinger is on and has been for many, many decades dating back to his Nazi days as a National Socialist which he never gave up and has become so bold as to express it openly today, but few are really Catholic today so who's to notice? Just how different is Nazism from Marxism or Communism? Merely word salad for the same thing. 12-9

  • Promoting "Dialog" Over "Dogmatism" It's a known fact that conciliar potentates have no clue what "dialoguing with the devil" leads to as they incessantly push dialogue with those who oppose the true Faith and even give them prominence as if they have a salvific bone in their measley cultish bones. But we know no true Pope or Bishop would ever counsel such a foolish endeavor. Proof again that in the counterfeit church of conciliarism the former do not exist but there are plenty of the latter: foolish endeavors that gravely harm souls and cause scandal. 12-8

  • God Rewards the Good and Punishes the Wicked On the 69th anniversary of Pearl Harbor, few realize how a much more dangerous kamikaze has penetrated the spiritual defense lines of the United States and obliterated millions and millions of souls through acts and legislation that defy God's Laws. While many decry WikiLeaks they should take note of WickedLeaks in which satan lies in wait for more to blithely unaware enter his gates for all eternity...a place from which there is no exit. Until America and her citizens wake to the fact that God cannot let sin go unpunished, they will continue their merry way right into damnation. 12-7

  • Memo to Patrick Quinn (and Charles Bernard Rangle, too) Tom lists the ways one sins by commission and omission and politicians and their conciliar potentates are the worst offenders. He takes on Blago's successor and reminds Charlie Rangel that a censure in Congress is nothing compared with the inevitable censure by the Supreme Judge if these so-called 'Catholic' polticians and mitered ones persist in their enabling two of the four sins that cry to Heaven for vengeance. 12-3

  • If Them, Why Not Others? It's a maddening world and Benedict/Ratzinger has just made it all the more mad in mind and soul with his idiotic Hegelian mindset made public in a book about to be released in which a part is devoted to Ratzinger's flip-flopping on condoms in his and his lackey Lombardi at L'Osservatore Romano trying to spin and assert something is possible when all Catholic truth shouts no it is not possible for sin is sin and no moralization of sin can change that fact and to condone one sin in order to prevent another is sheer madness. 11-22

  • Ever Faithful To His Infidelity With each passing day Ratzinger/Benedict makes it so obvious he is not Catholic and that's before his most outrageous statement on condoms that will get plenty of play and spin. The tragedy is the insufferable damage he has done to souls and the Catholic name by posing as a pope and worse yet, deceiving the world into thinking he is in charge of what everyone considers the Roman Catholic Church. All those fence sitters out there, if what he has said and done over his sad career doesn't convince you; and if the state of the world doesn't prove to you that there is no moral authority any more and God has withdrawn His graces from all but His remnant Church in the catacombs, then there is little hope you'll ever come around for you've been programmed to "believe a lie" and "have consented to iniquity" as St. Paul warns in 2 Thessalonians 2: 10-11. 11-21

  • Criminalizing the Innocent, Indemnifying the Guilty With all the controversy swirling around over the TSA fiascoes in every airport in the land, Tom asks where is the logic? Why should we trust a government to protect its people when they not only won't protect the innocent unborn? In fact, they are taking every measure possible to make eliminating those who are "dispensable" such as the old and sick legal. Not only that but criminals and perverts are being hired to grope at the airport. That's the kind of madness that reigns today as we witness the Decline and Fall of America. Why should we be surprised? God said it would happen if we didn't heed His Laws. 11-19

  • Defend Truth Now or Lose The Only Election That Matters Those who put their trust in man are destined to not only be disappointed, but defeated whereas those who put their trust in God and strive to do His will, not the politicians who promise anything but never deliver because they never had the intention to. The latter are firmly in the prince of the world's camp and to believe them is to "believe a lie" which put us in this predicament in the first place with the "operation of error." Trust in the past true Popes who were endowed with the grace and protection of God; not the conciliar frauds whom God has disavowed as even Tradition in Action admits. 11-16

      Evidence of the "operation of error" that is the counterfeit church of conciliarism from other sites:

  • We Should Attack and Discredit the Agent of Error In 1960 the Spanish priest Fr. Felix Sarada y Salvani tried to alert all that the liberals would try to turn the tables and accuse true Catholics of hate whenever they were attacked. That trend of diversion continues today and it's time it's stopped. Why? Because as the Fathers and Doctors of the Church, as well as many Saints and true Popes, such as Paul IV, St. Pius V, Leo XIII, St. Pius X to name a few, emphasized: we must attack the person spouting heresy in order to defuse the weapon he uses. It's warfare and we have to strike at the heart of the enemy with forceful words to discredit them, but always with the sword of truth. Therefore, Fr. Salvani's words should reassure and justify traditional publications, sites and writers who have been accused of being mean-spirited when they attack the heresies of the conciliar popes and potentates who have been firing slings and arrows expecting traditional Catholics to be more "charitable" while they wreak havoc on souls with their Hegelian, Modernist bafflegab and gobbledygook that has so confused countless souls. from Tradition in Action 11-20

  • Joseph Ratzinger is Not the Pope by Jerry Meng

  • The China Nightmare The sleeping giant is not sleeping. No, it is ratching up all its muscle while lulling the United States into a false sense of security. Then again with Obama and his Marxist thugs in charge, who knows, maybe China's already in control with their Manchurian candidate. Toby Westerman, an expert on foreign affairs, files this report that should wake up Americans who think China means well. No communist has ever meant well. from Tradition in Action 11-19

  • Could the Modern Vatican be behind the controversy of the recently found version of the Third Secret of Fatima? A correspondent from Portugal weighs in on why the secret that Tradition in Action has published and commented numerous times on could be a facsimile of the real secret with lies interspersed to not only throw off the truth, but also cover up more lies. The person expresses the possibility that someone out there has the real secret and could be in danger if, indeed, the Modernists are hunting the holder down. from Tradition in Action 11-16

  • Looking for evil in all the wrong places If you can't beat 'em, try and catch up even though the devil's beat them at their own game. That could the slogan of the conciliar conundrum of why no one can drive the demons out of countless souls. To try to close the barn after the horses are out, a conciliar consulate is offering classes in exorcism to men who cannot exorcise simply because they have not been endowed with the sacramental grace of exorcism, a right obtained only through the rite of traditional Minor and Major Orders leading to true ordination. What they fail to realize is the reason why there is so much demonic possession today: because God has withdrawn His graces from all but His True remnant Church in the catacombs. from Traditio 11-15

  • Smoke and Mirrors While the mammoth thurible pendulums forth with clouds of incense in Spain, in the U.S. a trial is about to begin that should hopefully shed light on the caliginous conciliar consciences that have allowed the perversion and filth to continue unabated as one of the most bitter fruits of Vatican II. Hopefully it will reflect the crack in the mirror and shed light on the fact that the entire house of cards the conciLIARS have erected at the expense of billions of souls must be abolished. from Traditio 11-15

  • USCCB going up or is that down in flames? With the latest scandal regarding the president-in-waiting to lead the corrupt inept conciliar cabal of the USCCB, it looks like those potentates will have to look elsewhere for a titular head this year since Tucson's Gerald Kicanis has been outed as being pedophile-phriendly. And you thought it couldn't get much worse than Chicago's Francis George?! from Traditio 11-12

  • Bamboozled in Boston What will it take to drive the scandal mongers out? A presbyter in Haverhill, Mass gets caught redhanded helping himself to $80,000 from the collection plate to feed his porno habit and his ordinary Sean O'Malley is mum on the whole thing? O'Malley is the one who replaced Bernie Law. What was that Our Lord said about one demon leaves and seven more enter? Corruption has no limits when it comes to the conciliar cronies. from Traditio 11-12

  • Oh, yes, it can get worse with the rotten robber baron of Vatican II Just when we thought we'd heard it all, Traditio reports that Ratzinger has not only allowed a consecrated, renowned church in Rome to become a brothel and bar, but he's also had the unmitigated gall to bestow a long-standing Catholic honor on a high Mason who is a known murderer, philanderer and drug lord. Can it get any more bizarre? Stay tuned. from Traditio 11-10

  • Closet Muslim celebrates Hindu feast in so-called 'Catholic' school Isn't this just hunky dory? B. Hussein Obama on U.S. taxpayers' dime (or is that taxpayers' two hundred million a day ticket?!) had no time to meet with the U.S. Chamber of Commerce but while continuing to sell out America to our enemies, took time out on his "let 'em eat cake" oriental tour to celebrate the pagan feast of Diwali (feast of lights) in, of all places, a school considered 'Catholic.' We all know it isn't and the presbyter of the school documents that fact: "60 per cent Hindu students, 35 per cent Muslims and only five per cent Christians." No reason in the world to call it a 'Catholic' school, but then none of them are anymore. from CathNewsIndia 11-08

  • Oh, what the conciliar church has wrought As Benedict XVI heys to Spain (why, we have no clue considering what he and his cabal have allowed) to try to assuage the masses who are in an uproar over this apostate responsible for so much scandal, it is revealed that the conciliar church will go so far as to team with the deadly drug cartels in Mexico to reap funds, even if it's dirty money. What next? from Traditio 11-9

  • All Caesars Go Mad 11-12
  • Still Caught in the Trap of Naturalism 11-9
  • More Committed to Error Than We Are to Truth 11-8
  • Fratricide in the Lodge 11-6
  • As Blind Now As He Has Always Been 11-5
  • See Caesar Pout 11-4
  • Written in Sand 11-3
  • Saint Alphonsus, Please Make Clint Eastwood's Day for Him 11-2

       On the Feast of St. Bridget of Sweden, October 8, we introduced a new feature in bringing you each day a chapter a day for meditation on the wondrous, Church-approved and encouraged, plethora of prophesies revealed to St. Bridget in the fourteenth century which, as you reflect on Our Lord's words to her, you will realize they hold even truer in our very time today. Thanks to the resources of we are able to provide this for you. The only difference is that we are parcelling it out to a chapter each day so readers can meditate on the contents of each short chapter and not be overwhelmed by too much.

        Today in the Revelations and Prophesies Imparted to St. Bridget of Sweden we complete Book One of this Seven Book series as Bridget hears Christ speak of three kinds of Christians symbolized by the Jews living in Egypt, and how the things which have been revealed to the bride should be transmitted, published and preached to ignorant persons by the friends of God in

    The Fatima Prayers
    My God, I believe, I adore, I trust and I love Thee; and I beg pardon for those who do not believe, do not adore, do not trust, and do not love Thee.
    (repeat the above 3 times then bow your head in reciting the following:)

        O Most Holy Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Ghost, I adore Thee profoundly. I offer Thee the most Precious Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Jesus Christ, present in tabernacles throughout the world, in reparation for the outrages, sacrileges and indifference by which He is offended. By the infinite merits of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, in unison with the Immaculate Heart of Mary, I beg the conversion of poor sinners.

        O Most Holy Trinity, I addore Thee! My God, my God, I love Thee in the Most Blessed Sacrament!

        O my Jesus, it is for love of Thee, in reparation for the offenses committed against the Immaculate Heart of Mary and for the conversion of poor sinners.

    To assist all in striving toward holiness, click on the Confessional to your right to review your transgressions through a thorough Examination of Conscience

    Note: As these pages load, we invite you to say as many Hail Mary's as necessary. You can click on the Rosary button to the left as well to see the Rosary Prayers in English, Latin and Spanish. We pray you will be imbued by the truths of the authentic Catholic Faith we provide here and yearn to learn more of the infrangible truths of the One and only Church founded by Jesus Christ. This page views best in Mozilla Firefox. For Internet Explorer, we suggest putting text view in smaller mode. When moving your cursor over the graphics, click on the graphic to take you to that link.

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  • In this time of O Antiphons, we are nearer to the moment of the Nativity of our Lord Jesus Christ, the promised Redeemer. From the root of Jesse to the Annunciation souls waited for the Messias and, good to His Promise, God delivered. The Incarnation remains such a wonderful mystery in the divine formation by the Holy Ghost in the womb of the Immaculate Ark of the Covenant, who is the Blessed Virgin Mary by way of her divine Spouse thanks to the heavenly Father she would bear His only-begotten Son. Her humble fiat, recorded for all posterity in St. Luke 1: 26-31 and confirmed by her cousin St. Elizabeth in the same chapter, verses 41-56 is only magnified the more by Mary's magnificent Magnificat. The Holy Trinity knew exactly what They were doing in choosing Mary from all time to be the holy living tabernacle for the Son of God. No other receptacle would do to usher in the Savior through the Gate of Heaven, Mary Immaculate as we see in step Twenty-Two The Prophecy Fulfilled

    Dr. Thomas A. Droleskey completed his four-part series on the visionary of Guadalupe, Juan Diego from the 1941 book "Grace of Guadalupe" by the prolific Catholic convert from the deep south Frances Parkinson Keyes (rhymes with "eyes"), author of over sixty novels from 1919 through the 60's. She died in New Orleans in 1970 and was known as a leading authority on Catholic biographies as well as fiction with traditional Catholic themes. In his first installent, Tom pointed out in his first installment that perhaps the United States and Mexico, and all of Central and South America would not be in the clutches of corruption and communism today had things been different in the 1870's and 1880's; had America not have collaborated with establishing the Statue of Liberty, a definitive symbol of the French Revolution. But then things would have been quite different had Martin Luther, Henry VIII and the French Revolution never have succeeded in the destruction they wrought as well. What would have been the outcome of such possibilities? Perhaps as God ordained. Perhaps had they realized that Christ established one Church and no other or branches, they would have erected a massive statue in New York Harbor to Our Lady of the Americas: Our Lady of Guadalupe to symbolize the message Heaven was sending: to follow the humble example of Juan Diego. "Unless you become as a little child, you cannot enter the kingdom of Heaven." Think of what might have been: Peace and harmony throughout the western hemisphere because of fidelity to the One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church in establishing the Social Kingship of Jesus and the Queenship of the Immaculate Virgin Mary. God tried. He sent His only-begotten Son to free those trapped in Abraham's bosom; then when His new "chosen people" turned from Him, He sent His Own Mother to the New World. Still we have not learned. Thus we have been left to our own miserable fallen human natures which has brought out the worst in men with turmoil everywhere; drug cartels rule the roost in Mexico; immorality reigns supreme in the U.S. while the sickle and hammer suffocates almost all of Sud America. This is not God's ordaining will, but rather His permitting will. We would be wise to learn from Juan Diego and receive the "grace of Guadalupe" as well as Tom explains in his multi-piece essay May We Be Made As Simple and Trusting, Part One and Part Two and Part Three and Part Four

    As we near the end of the year, we wanted to take this opportunity to review the excellent fourteen-part series by Griff Ruby that has run on these pages for the past year and a half and expertly refuted the SSPX's arguments against sedevacantism for, in truth, they have not a leg to stand on as they near closer to being swallowed up by the conciliar condor for the Modernist vultures will do anything to eliminate any traces of tradition and the true Faith. Below you can see the fourteen installments dating from July 2009 through last Monday. Just click on each to read again Griff's airtight polemics against the Society's authors' false premise so you will be able to hold your own when false accusations are flung at those who have arrived at the syllogism of sedevacantism.

    This year Gaudete Sunday superseded the feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe, thus transfering the feast to Monday, December 13 when we remember that the appearance of the Blessed Mother of God to the peasant Juan Diego in 1531 just outside of Mexico City stands as a landmark in Church history. While millions were defecting from the true Church in Europe due to the Protestant Revolution fostered by Martin Luther, John Calvin and Henry Tudor of England, Our Lady balanced the scales by prompting the conversions of millions in the New World and ending human sacrifice. Fast forward nearly 500 years and we have the same atrocity of human sacrifice afflicting the world once again. This time it is in the womb. In the tilma of Guadalupe, scientists have discovered many amazing miracles within the fibers of the cloth that continues to live. Most amazing is the fact that in a sonagram of Our Lady's womb is the Christ Child. For the story of Guadalupe, see Our Lady of Guadalupe - the Living Miracle that lives on

    In the midst of Advent we take time to rejoice as we say several times during the holy Sacrifice of the Mass Gaudete; something that gives us hope just as it inflamed the hearts of those hearing St. John the Baptist to repent for the Lord was nigh. The Haydock Commentary for the Third Sunday of Advent, provided by John Gregory, expresses joy for all in both the Epistle where St. Paul speaks of the attributes of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass with Repentant Prayer, Adoration, Petition and Thanksgiving in preparation for the Lord and in the gospel of St. John, his namesake the Baptist, when grilled by the Jews, confounds them by not identifying Who the Lord is by name, but by the Old Testament prophecies and when interrogated as to who the Baptist is he answers with what Isaias foretold as "the voice of one crying in the wilderness" in The Voice of the Precursor

    Since Advent represents the period of waiting for the promised Redeemer, how fitting that we feature in this time of Advent why and what God promised through His prophets in the Old Covenant. Yes, the Old Testament gives testament to its reason for existing: to prepare man for the coming of the Second Adam, Jesus Christ the God-Man through the Second Eve, the immaculate Blessed Virgin Mary. In a reverse of creation, it would be through the Second Eve that the Second Adam would come into this world. "How could this be?" was the cry of those from Genesis through the Machabbees. All that was to come was clearly foretold by His chosen prophets who were, for the most part, scorned and ridiculed and yet, it was merely a manifestation that God always writes straight with crooked lines in utilizing man to convey the majesty of our Supreme Creator the Triune Divinity. In step Twenty-one we see The Promised Redeemer

    It is a sad fact that the most apostate council in the history of the Church closed on the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Perhaps it is also a signal that Our Lady had had enough of the heresy promulgated in the various documents and the revolution that the council promulgated. While we commisserate the 45 years since its conclusion, we should remember that December 8 is a very special day in the United States - a Holy Day of Obligation - in which Americans honor the Patroness of our country - the Mother of God, immaculately conceived in St. Anne's womb. A reminder: Catholics everywhere are to do all in their power to avoid servile work (save for necessary duties such as a job, etc.) and to not shop on this day. For those who cannot attend a Traditional Mass, we encourage you to pray the Proper of the Holy Mass for this First Class Feast Gaudens gaudebo in concert with the Ordinary of the Mass at home with your family as well as the Holy Rosary. If you think fulfilling your obligation will be fulfilled by attending a novus ordo service, you are gravely mistaken and might as well attend the protestant service down the street, which, as most know, will thankfully be closed anyway. So honor Our Lady and her Divine Son by worthily praying at home unless you can attend the true Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. Pray that the counterfeit church of conciliarism will soon collapse since it is not of God and cannot last as Jesus defines in St. Matthew 7: 13-20. Let us pray that souls will be given the grace to truly see this "mystery of iniquity" satan has worked and which St. Paul warned us of in 2 Thessalonians 2. Pray they'll return to the true Immemorial Mass of All Ages with its salvific sanctifying graces manifested in the Traditional Liturgy.

    The Haydock Commentary for the Solemnity of the Double of the First Class Feast of the Immaculate Conception, provided to us by John Gregory, show how from all eternity God had chosen the most pure Star of the sea, the light of the heavens reflected in the purest human tabernacle ever created - the Blessed Virgin Mary. Though not specifically identified in Proverbs, we see in the Gospel of St. Luke that she is indeed named, not only specifically as Mary, but "full of grace" and "blessed"..."among all women." This confirmation comes directly from God via His Archangel Gabriel and is all the more stunning since Mary is truly a virgin, at the time of her conception through her Assumption she remains forever ever virgin, ever pure, ever Immaculate as we see in the commentary for this Holyday, From All Eternity

    The Doctor of the Church whose feast immediately precedes the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception is the wise and holy Saint Ambrose, who was so pivotal in converting and nurturing his prize pupil Saint Augustine, was the first to migrate from the north, the Rhineland area of Trier and settled in Milan, Italy where he cast away a lucrative career as a lawyer and politician, and, seeking baptism as a convert himself, was unanimously elected by the people as the bishop. He refused, feeling not worthy, but when the emperor insisted he accepted. On December 3, 374 after being baptized and ordained, he was consecrated the Bishop of Milan. to accept the people's acclaim as their Bishop. He ruled in holiness and justice and, together with his protege from Hippo, fought vigorously against the Arian heresy towards the end of the fourth century. Ambrose truly was a Converter of Saints

    Griff Ruby ascertains that after all the supposed arguments against sedevacantism by the authors of the SSPX book, it all revolves back to the fact that it is not the Sede Vacante position that is the problem, but rather that the Society does not have now nor have they in the past answers to the real problem because they refuse to consider the only solution to the problem of The Great Apostasy which is: Since the Mystical Bride cannot err and the conciliar church has done nothing but err, how then could the heretics who have greatly deviated from Catholic truth ever be considered 'Successors of Peter'? What the book actually reveals is that the SSPX really has no clue and has been content to go along in order to get along as was evident during the days of Archbishop Lefebvre and continues to be so apparent today with Bishop Fellay's present dealings with the fox who is Ratzinger. The problem is that the SSPX's solution is to protect their own interests at the expense of souls by attacking the growing number of traditional Catholics who have connected the dots and been given the grace to see the veracity of sedevacantism. It is the only explanation that passes muster and it can be traced back to Ratzinger's own involvment in Lumen Gentium, the breaking off point in the same manner as Henry VIII separated from Eternal Rome. By refusing to acknowledge this the SSPX remains stuck on a bridge that would lead souls to the truth, but with every passing generation that bridge is losing its Divine purpose as those who would cross it into Life will have done so, while the Society remains stagnant because they cannot pinpoint the right direction. In truth it is the sedevacantists who speak out with no fear of man, but out of love for God and the integrity of His Church. That is how souls are saved, not in clandestine meetings or by browbeating others to march to their agenda. Griff illustrates this in his final installment on this series, In Conclusion - A Real Solution To a False Problem.

    John Gregory has provided Father Leo George Haydock's cogent comprehensive Catholic Commentary on the Douay-Rheims version of the New Testament. The commentary for the Second Sunday of Advent expresses hope for all in both the Epistle where St. Paul speaks of patience in persevering for Christ and in the Gospel where our Lord manifests to St. John the Baptist's disciples that Jesus is indeed the Messias Whom the Baptist has strived to make way the path for in his preaching. Christ proves this through the prophecies of the Old Testament, specifically the prophet Isaias who foretold the "Root of Jesse" and affirming St. John the Baptist as a prophet as the immediate Precursor of the Messias. In fact, Our Lord reveals that His cousin in prison is "More Than A Prophet"

    Today is the feast of the first Doctor of the Church in the liturgical year to be so honored. He is Saint Peter Chrysologus who was born at the turn of the 5th Century in Italy and, like his predecessor colleagues in the great academy of Doctors, strove with his every breath and magnificent oratory skills to uphold and preserve the Sacred Fidei Depositum. He had no fear in taking on the deceiving Monophysite heresy that, in the aftermath of the Arian heresy, threatened to wrent the Church asunder once more, but he confronted the chief heretic Eutyches himself and won the day. So great was St. Peter Chrysologus' eloquence in conveying the Faith in all its beauty and simplicity that he is remembered, even though less than 200 of his sermons have survived the annals of history, as Doctor of Homilies

        It has definitely been a decade of transition, as this editor dubs it - Transition to Tradition, our last opportunity before God really lowers the boom. Looking back, it doesn't take a brain surgeon to see the deterioration in society as the ranks of the good, decent ones striving for holiness grow smaller and the enemy flanks are massing larger and larger, more threatening than ever. With every day we inch closer to the apocalypse foretold in the book of the same name, contrary to Protestant and conciliar concerns that it was always called "Revelation." Would St. John the Evangelist be surprised, and for that matter the holy Doctor of the Church who translated it and several of the holy hierarchs who ratified the Scriptures at various major councils of the Church, most recently at the dogmatic Council of Trent. Many closet conciliarists reading this may not be familiar with that council since the robber barons have sought to eliminate any mention of Trent in the same manner as the U.S. Government is doing everything it can to wipe out any mention of God. For both these offenses there are consequences, grave ones and we are beginning to see now that both anti-Catholic campaigns by the counterfeit church of conciliarism and the United States Congress and its cohorts in the Obama administration both in Washington and Chicago are getting more desperate as each day passes. Those not grounded in grace had best get right with God before it is too late. Call it "gloom and doom" if you want, but that doom can be eternal and that would cause anyone gloom. Can you say fire and brimstone? To remind you, we have been bringing you throughout this past year "Diadems of the Decade" featuring an article from each month of each of the past ten years. We're not saying these are the "Best" of the decade for how do you choose which ones are the best? Yet, they are gems that we want to share for we're sure you will treasure them and realize, like fine jewels, they are still as valuable today especially when investing in souls. For this final month of 2010, we complete this feature with a diadem for each December from 2000 through December 2009.

    Our Lady appeared in 1531 to stop human sacrifice. Nearly 500 years later she's asking the same thing for we have surpassed the Aztecs in brutality

    Ten years ago Cyndi Cain, in her twenty-first installment, shared the urgency of listening to God and His primary emissary - His Most Blessed Mother Mary. One of Mary's most powerful messages came on December 12, 469 years ago on Tepeyac Hill in Guadalupe, Mexico. The purpose was to inform the New World, then ruled by the Aztec Empire, to embrace the New Faith being brought to them by the Spanish missionaries as well as stop the barbaric practice of human sacrifice, a custom long observed by the pagan culture. Just as the Father chose for His only-begotten Son Jesus Christ to be born in a humble, poor stable, so also He chose a humble peasant to be the clarion for the new evangelization that would take the New World by storm for the Faith and end the human sacrifice by the Aztec nation at the same time defections were going on in the Old World due to the damaging Protestant Reformation. Cyndi pointed out that Our Lady's mission is still not done, for a far worse human sacrifice has visited our earth and our country in the horrible holocaust of the womb - abortion. She asked all to prepare for the birth of the Messiah by doing all in our power to help prepare for the births of 4,000 daily who are denied the right to life through abortion. Each of us can do our part to fulfill Our Lady's plea by offering our prayers and encouraging others of the vital importance of the Sanctity of Life and by using this Advent in prayer, penance and fasting for the reparation of many souls and the conversion of the hard-hearted. For her column, Your fiat, in harmony with Mary's, will continue the Cantata of Life

    The child abuse scandal caused by the Robber Barons of Vatican II is having repercussions thanks to political correctness gone amok

    Nine years ago Atila Sinke Guimarães asks whatever happened to teaching orthodoxy and virtue and getting rid of those who continue to ignore sound Church teaching. He presents a tableau of the new regulations in the British Isles where the privacy of the confessional has caved in favor of glass confessionals because 'priests can't be trusted alone!' What would St. John Vianney, the Cure d'Ars think about the new confessional? Ah, there is an excellent question that few Atila's article bears out all the more the sad direction the Vatican II reforms have taken in Those in glass confessionals should not throw stones

    By defending disobedience to the modernists we do not encourage anarchy and disorder in the Church, but rather point out who the ones are who are disobedient to God. Obedience must always be to the Faith!

    Eight years ago DailyCatholic editor Michael Cain was busy connecting the dots and several e-mailers were beneficial in doing so as he shared the various comments from readers who weighed in with their perception of the "abomination of desolation". Through it all he noted that one thing stands perfectly clear and that is that the modern church has done nothing to curtail the slide toward perdition. Obedience blinds them to the truths of their Faith. By defending disobedience to the modernists we do not encourage anarchy and disorder in the Church, but rather point out who the ones are who are disobedient to God. Obedience must always be to the Faith! That is the key point of his column written during the time when he was beginning to realize the possibility that the conciliar popes could not be Catholic, ergo the only logical solution pointed to an on-going interregnum during a time of Sede Vacante as he deduced in his editorial Faith trumps obedience every time!

    How much Newchurch hates Fatima

    Seven years ago Mario Derksen pulled no punches in documenting the Newchurch's relentless, blatant and blasphemous efforts to destroy Fatima and its importance in Church annals for, like any criminal, they must destroy the evidence or else be caught for the deceiving liars they are and their agenda which is, pure and simple, dictated by the prince of the world - the winged warrior of all evil who directs the obliteration of the beautiful Fatima basilica so that the most mundane monstrosities of the new age can be erected to all the gods who serve at the altar of lucifer. Mario outlined how this subterfuge has been able to gain legs as he explained in his column Finishing with Fatima - How much the New Church hates Fatima Finishing with Fatima

    Today there are powerful periti from the Council who have burrowed beneath dogmatic truth to loosen foundations within the modern Vatican.

    The ambiguous agenda of Vatican II which incarcerated Catholic Truth in cells of anomalies that reek of modernism, humanism and other anathemas have been foisted on the faithful and now have come back to haunt big time those who had hoped they could trust the leaders of the Church, but, as Kathy Willett Redle revealed six years ago in her short essay there are powerful periti from the Council who have burrowed beneath dogmatic truth to loosen foundations within the modern Vatican. At various times they surface from their foxholes via statements that, based on the aberration of ambiguity, give rise to relativism and further make the sheep ripe for the shearing. Why? Because they've been so dumbed down that they've had the wool pulled over their collective eyes and ears, unable to recognize the identity of who's really undermining the Truth Faith. She documented this in The Aberration of Ambiguity

    The evidence is overwhelming: If anathema sit, you cannot acquit!

    Five years ago guest editorialist Joseph C. Maurer used Christopher Ferrara's own words to prove the latter's attack on sedevacantism was all a smoke-screen and that the franchise's arguments against sedevacantism evaporate in the sands of contradiction as he illustrated in citing not only the Scriptures, holy Popes and Doctors of the Church, but Ferrara himself as well as Fr. Gruner, Fr. Paul Kramer, CFN Editor John Vennari and Michael Matt's Remnant. Joe provided the facts that the basis for today's Sede Vacante position is based on the rock-solid foundation of Christ's teachings and His Apostles. While Ferrara dared to go where no man has gone before in turning on the "Enterprise" and 'klingson' to defending the indefensible, Joe pointed out that those attackers should realize that the 'Final Frontier' is where the True Church resides, free of the errors and, yes, heresies, of the conciliar church - heresies which have been manifestly professed in word and deed many times over. Joe also cited how Ferrara's attacks left him vulnerable credibility-wise since the very publications he had written for have contradicted his words several times. He documented it all in his reply Opposition to the Anti-Sedevacantists

    The ecumenism of Vatican II is heretical, whereas the goal of Traditional oecumenism is necessary to unite the flocks in preparing for a true Vicar of Christ to come.

    Four years ago Griff Ruby turned to solutions in laying out the path that Traditional Catholics need to realize in seeking to restore the Oneness of holy Mother Church, which, though still intact in the True Church now in the catacombs, is blurred from so many because of the divisiveness of various factions within the Traditional movement. In order to bring unity, Griff proposed a necessary course that begins with true oecumenism as opposed to the false ecumenism of Vatican II and the conciliar church. And the Journey toward full alignment with the perennial and infallible Magisterium of the Church inevitably returns to True Catholicism when one realizes there needs to be unity of Traditional Catholics in all things holy Mother Church has always taught and realize the conciliar church is not even on the radar as far as accordance with Catholic truth. The ecumenism of Vatican II is heretical, whereas the goal of Traditional oecumenism is necessary to unite the flocks in preparing for a true Vicar of Christ to come as Griff points out in his column Trad-Oecumenism

    How our Lady of Victory made popsicles out of Protestant plans fourteen years after Lepanto

    Three years ago George Codina shared a little known true story of a battle that, had it not gone well, could very well have changed the face of Europe. He pointed out that you most likely won't hear about this event in revisionist history annals, but it is something every Catholic should know and realize that when all else fails, praying for a miracle can't hurt. As trite as that may sound to some, true believers understand how true that can be. Throughout the history of salvation it has occurred from the time of the Old Testament to the time our Lord and Savior walked the earth to the testament of His deity following His Ascension, His Church has a treasure of miracles that did indeed change the course of history. We know of the victories at Lepanto and Viena, but few know of the miracle on ice. No, we are not talking of the USA Olympic Hockey victory over the Soviets, but the miracle our Lady effected through the grace of God in hearing the prayers of her children trapped on the Isle of Bomel in 1585. George relayed the details in his article, Miracle on Ice

    America has shown by their omissions and commissions that they don't love God. How then could they ever truly love their neighbor? Therein is the downfall in domino fashion of America as we know it. Civilization has asked for Chastisement and God will answer in kind. Beware.

    Two years ago, in light of the recent elections and vitriol of the culture of death and sin-all-we-want crowds that have demanded rights that fly in the face of God, Scott Montgomery weighed in with a short essay on what we have lost for true love (not amare or agape, or even the kind of charity caritas St. Peter refers to in 1 Peter 4: 8, but the sincerest love with which Christ expects us to love Him and our neighbor, to truly love: diligere) - is trampled under when family and values are abandoned and ridiculed. This is the kind of love our Lord references in St. John 14: 15, Si diligis Me, Mandata Mea servate "If you love Me, keep My Commandments." Have we? It's obvious America has not and the consequences are also quite obvious for we have not learned from history or from Scripture. The result, as Scott shows, is the decline of civilization, even in the great United States of America. so blessed for so long by God, but which now cries out to Heaven for vengeance because of its blatant sins and abandonment of God and His Laws, both Natural and Supernatural. Scott laments America's fate for their faithlessness in his essay Charity and the Fall of the American Empire

    One year ago Stephen Grieve completed the second part of the essence of the Gospel of St. Matthew 23: 1-3 which basically served as the launching point for Our Lord to castigate the seemingly ruling authority of His days, but which Steve proved Christ was declaring them usurpers and not valid holders of the 'seat of Moses.' Likewise, Steve illustrated how the same arguments holds true for the conciliar usurpers who have seized the throne through material means, but are totally invalid and should definitely stir the sensibilities of those who continue to elude the inevitability that a true pope would never and could never do what the conciliar leaders in Rome have done for the past 50 years as he provided proof in part eight of his series Toward a Scriptural Brief proving Sede Vacante with Usurpers of the Old and New Covenants

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