Special Nine-Day Novena of Intercession to Restore Christ's Church to it's rightful hierarchical heritage

   Thanks to Dr. Marian Therese Horvat and Tradition in Action, readers can pray this special Novena which honors Mary under the title of Our Lady of Good Success as imparted to the early 1600 visionary Mother Mariana de Jesus Torres, a Spanish Conceptionist nun whose mission was Quito, Ecuador where she received prophecies for these time in which the Blessed Mother warned of the dire crisis the Church is undergoing today. Prayer and penance are the only answer, and, as we prepare for the time of Septuagesima during the nine day Novena from the Feast of the Conversion of St. Paul up to the historical feast of Our Lady of Good Success on the same day as the Presentation of Our Lord and the Purification of Mary, we need to heed what the answer truly is in these dire times. Enough talk, enough supposition, it's time to place it in Heaven's hands. On your knees, folks, we've got some praying to do. For more information on the origins and necessity of this Novena, and the Novena itself, we urge you to see Our Lady of Good Success.

Holy Mass for Jan. 10   |

Holy Mass for Jan. 11   |  

Holy Mass for Jan. 12   | 

Holy Mass for Jan. 13   |  

Holy Mass for Jan. 14  | 

Holy Mass for Jan. 15  |

Commemoration Jan. 16

Commemoration Jan. 17  |

Holy Mass for Jan. 18   |   

Commemoration Jan. 19   |   

Holy Mass for Jan. 20  | 

Holy Mass for Jan. 21  | 

Holy Mass for Jan. 22  |

Commemoration Jan. 23

Commemoration Jan. 24   | 

Holy Mass for Jan. 25   |   

Holy Mass for Jan. 26   | 

Holy Mass for Jan. 27  |  

Holy Mass for Jan. 28  | 

Holy Mass for Jan. 29  |

Commemoration Jan. 30

Commemoration Jan. 31       |


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Holy Family Sunday

Baptism of Our Lord

2nd Sunday after Epiphany

3rd Sunday after Epiphany

Septuagesima Sunday

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We recommend the following traditional sites for catching up on the latest news and comments:

  • Refusing Any Semblance of Mercy (or Justice) Dr. Thomas A. Droleskey 1-8

  • Signs of Apostasy Abound Dr. Thomas A. Droleskey 1-7

  • Almost Always At Odds With Themselves Dr. Thomas A. Droleskey 1-5

  • Telling Omissions Dr. Thomas A. Droleskey 1-3

  • On A Mission of Their Very Own Dr. Thomas A. Droleskey 1-2

  • The Roman Observer of Insanity Dr. Thomas A. Droleskey 12-31

  • Co-conspirator of Vatican II dead at 95 Modernist Schillebeeckx influenced Ratzinger Traditio 12-28

  • Ever Pandering to the Enemies of the Faith Dr. Thomas A. Droleskey 12-24

  • Spokesman for Apostasy Dr. Thomas A. Droleskey 12-24

  • Public Scandal Is Never A Private Matter Dr. Thomas A. Droleskey 12-23

  • Making Sacrilege Palatable Dr. Thomas A. Droleskey 12-20

  • Enabled By Her Own "Archbishop" Dr. Thomas A. Droleskey 12-19

  • United in Apostasy Dr. Thomas A. Droleskey 12-17

  • Why trying to debate with conciliarists is fruitless and hopeless from Traditio 12-17

  • Minimizing Evil Is Itself Evil Dr. Thomas A. Droleskey 12-16

  • Dear Morons and Idiots in Copenhagen Dr. Thomas A. Droleskey 1-16

  • Not For A Single Innocent Life Dr. Thomas A. Droleskey 12-14

  • Missing the Really Big Picture Dr. Thomas A. Droleskey 12-11

  • Fr. Lucian Pulvermacher (aka "pope Pius XIII") dies of a heart attack at 91 - Requiescat in pace from Traditio 12-13

  • Climate Change Calls for a Reengineering of Religions by Juan Sanahuya 12-09

    See Dr. Thomas A. Droleskey's latest essay on the Fort Hood shooting and the lie that Islam is a "'religion' of peace." Yeah, right. Tell that to the 3,000 who died on 9-11-01. Tell that to those soldiers and civilians and Chaldeans who have died in Iraq and to our fallen troops in Afghanistan. Tell that to the Marines killed in Lebanon. For that matter, tell that to every Christian killed during the bloody Crusades. The fact is there is no justification for Killing in the Name of The Religion of Peace 11-11

    The radical gunman Major Nidal Hasan (left) was a disgruntled soldier who flew below the radar in much the same way the 9-11 terrorists did. How many more are out there? Journalist Jon Christian Ryter may very well have the answer for he goes beyond the headlines to tell it like it is. Honesty in journalism is a rare commodity these days and a stark contrast to the indoctrinating propaganda and lies being fed to the public such as backing Obama's cautioning all not to jump to conclusions over the shooting when the conclusion is so blatantly clear. This is the same exalted dufus who jumped to a conclusion over beer-gate and who plays the race card whenever he can to foster unrest and division, but handles anything regarding Islam with kid gloves, even bowing to the Saudi king while apologizing for America. What you won't hear from the mainstream media, you'll find in Ryter's accounts Behind the Headlines

    While everyone is watching Obama and his minions in moving America closer to communism and the ultimate One World Order fashioned by surrender to the socialist order, few realize that his Hegelian counterpart in Rome is working diligently toward a One World Religion with his devious whirling dervishness toward the underground true Catholic prelates in China in Chicago-style threats while treating the invalid prelates of the Anglican and conciliar church in the Chicago-style corruption that the conciliar church has mastered over the years. Two articles bring this home of just what Ratzinger is up to. One is from Dr. Thomas A. Droleskey, posted on November 2 as a follow-up to his article on defaming the English Martyrs from last week, and the other is from Atila Sinke Guimarães on the hidden agenda in Ratzinger's encyclical Caritas in veritate. Read between the lines and you'll see the socialistic/communist leanings of the man in red shoes. Whether you want to call him "Pope" as Atila does or "antipope" and "antichrist" as sedevacantists must consider him, he is still, according to true Roman Pontiffs of the past and the infallible, perennial Magisterium of the Church, been declared "anathema sit" - "let him be accursed." These articles should wake up the faithful to what's really happening in moving closer to establishing a Christless cathedral to house the One World Religion.

    While we can see Obama dragging the United States to Marxism, few realize that Modernist Rome is doing the same thing through their own 'Pravda' L'Osservatore Romano. Guess the secret word and you could nominate a reprobate from the past to praise with revisionist thinking totally with the approval of the chief Hegelian in the Vatican who has always shared the same philosophy as Barack Obama and Karl Marx. Groucho? He was just a dirty old man. Dr. Thomas A. Droleskey once again exposes the real dirty ones from Georg Sans to Gian Maria Vian to Ratzinger and the absolute absurdity of those who still insist on calling the church Ratzinger heads as 'Catholic.' It can't possibly be as he provides proof from true Popes of the past in his essay L'Osservatore Marxista

  • Understanding Obama: The Making of a Fuehrer by Ali Sina

  • For Thirty Pieces of Pork Dr. Thomas A. Droleskey 12-21

  • Believing His Own Stuff Dr. Thomas A. Droleskey 12-10

  • Messiah Without A Purpose Dr. Thomas A. Droleskey 12-8

  • Lyndon Baines Walker Bush Obama Dr. Thomas A. Droleskey 12-3

  • Huck Passes The Buck Dr. Thomas A. Droleskey 12-2

  • Obama the Obsequious Dr. Thomas A. Droleskey 11-18

    There is no getting around it, the man at 1600 Pennsylvania and the man usurping the Holy See are joined at the hip and, though they may think their Hegelian idealogy is hip, it only forebodes more danger ahead for everyone. Catholics everywhere need to beware that Ratzinger is no friend of Christ or the Faith but will readily and has readily sold out the Church's rightful position to the satanic United Nations. The truth is there is no difference between Obama and Ratzinger. They are both manipulators in moving the world towards a New World Order and into the waiting arms of the devil as Dr. Thomas A. Droleskey points out in his piece Implementing Obamadict's New World Order 11-12

    The lastest flu scare is proven to be another fabricated crisis that Obama and his Maoist Marxist minions are using to strongarm America into ceding more rights, poisoning Americans that will lead to further enslavement and death camps. Hospitals are being forced to report every flu symptom as "Swine flu" aka H1N1 to bolster the numbers and to pad the pockets of pharmaceuticals and others who profit from the mishaps of others in true schadenfreude form. But that is, as Dr. Thomas A. Droleskey, points out, nothing but misdirection for those who fear for their life, because the real crisis is how many don't realize if they did die from the flu or anything else (and everyone reading this will die some day) that the only protection, the only insurance guaranteed to attain Heaven is being in the state of Sanctifying Grace. The only way to receive this "salvific shot" is to visit the infirmary of Divine Mercy in the Sacrament of Penance, administered by a true consecrated priest with the power to forgive sins. Any other way - this side of a perfect Act of Contrition - renders the rest plumb out of luck as Tom details in Oink

    Though we had stayed out of the fray on counsel by our confessor not to comment on the specific sad events taking place in the Queen City, chiefly because we have never met any of the principals involved and we deplore gossip, to suppress facts which Dr. Thomas A. Droleskey has brought to light would be covering up what needs to be expressed. That is why we wrote the editorial Cease Fire!

    We have placed articles on this in the SSPX category since the manner former Society priests are acting replicates a SSPX cult mentality. Tom, above all parties because of his travels, is more in touch with the pulse of the traditional movement than any one else. Therefore, when he writes what he has written it is only prudent to link his tough-love article, which explains much on the whys and wherefores of the scandals presently dividing St. Gertrude the Great and gravely harming souls. We ask you to pray for all parties concerned - both clergy and laity - and to read St. Matthew 18: 1-20 in understanding the grave harm being done and what all parties need to do to alleviate the cancer there as Tom painfully identifies in the articles below.

  • Stalinists Always Claim to Want Peace Dr. Thomas A. Droleskey 1-1

  • The Betrayal of the Reverend Mr. Bernard Hall Timothy Duff 1-1

  • Absolom Times Two or More Dr. Thomas A. Droleskey 12-10

  • The Firing of Another Teacher Dr. Thomas A. Droleskey 12-4

  • In A Capsule Dr. Thomas A. Droleskey 12-2

  • Cover-Ups Always Unravel Dr. Thomas A. Droleskey 11-23

  • So What? Dr. Thomas A. Droleskey 11-23

  • Shooting the Messenger Dr. Thomas A. Droleskey 11-18

  • Rational Thought Need Not Apply Dr. Thomas A. Droleskey 11-17

  • Justifying Glory Into Shame Dr. Thomas A. Droleskey 11-15

  • Sanctimony Won't Work This Time Dr. Thomas A. Droleskey 11-8

  • "Partial" Communion Only Goes So Far Putting any hope in Fellay is useless Dr. Thomas A. Droleskey

  • Bishop Fellay Accepted 95% of Vatican II Firm reply to Bishop Fellay for expelling Fr. Meramo. Fr. Basilio Méramo

  • Awakening from a False Obedience Five cases beg to differ with Fellay's tactics and direction. Atila Sinke Guimarães

  • With Perfection Staring Directly At Them If it wasn't broke, why was the True Mass changed? Now they want to enact another "reform of the reform" Dr. Thomas A. Droleskey 1-11

  • As if the "abomination of desolation" is not bad enough, as if ransacking St. John's Cathedral in Milwaukee was not enough in tearing down the altar and putting up modern monstrosities passing as religious art, they've gone too far this time by enshrining the unrepentant sodomite Rembert Weakland in bronze (above) as a shepherd and "protector of children." Oh, the irony for he did everything but protect souls as have the conciliar potentates of all stripes also neglected the spiritual welfare of their flocks and their own souls. When you read Tom's article, you, too, will weep over Just a Matter of Forgiveness? Dr. Thomas A. Droleskey 1-9

  • L'Osservatore Benedetto Dr. Thomas A. Droleskey 12-22

  • Appeasing Those Who Hate The Holy Name Dr. Thomas A. Droleskey 12-13

  • Collapsing Before Our Very Eyes Dr. Thomas A. Droleskey 12-6

  • Drinking More Than Swiss Miss Chocalate Dr. Thomas A. Droleskey 12-1

  • Never Afaid to Scandal the Little Ones Dr. Thomas A. Droleskey 11-30

  • A Truly Quiet Revolution Dr. Thomas A. Droleskey 11-29

  • Ashamed of Christ the King In Life, He Will Be Ashamed of You in Death Dr. Thomas A. Droleskey 11-28

  • More Than Enough Chaos To Go Around Dr. Thomas A. Droleskey 11-25

    For so many years the conciliarists from the top on down have been dodging secular authorities, claiming diplomatic immunity as they continue to not only cover-up sodomite clerics intent on preying on innocent boys, but move them around so they can continue their perversity. Traditional Catholics can see the cover-up so clearly, but until recently most could not. Now the Supreme Court may just step in and sink the Bismark, so to speak. For more, see Traditio's comments Supreme Court to clear up conciliar collusion confusion

  • When Apostates Are Two of a Kind Dr. Thomas A. Droleskey 11-21

  • Refusing to Take Ratzinger At His Word Dr. Thomas A. Droleskey 11-20

    Click here for past issues last year
  • Griff Ruby resumes the new year with his fifth installment on refuting the SSPX-published book, Sedevacantism - A False Solution To a Real Problem. Anti-sedevacantists are quick to say, "no one can judge the Pope." But who says sedevacantists are judging the Vicar of Christ? Not us. No, we must judge men who preach a different gospel than what which we have received as St. Paul tells us to to consider them anathema in Galatians 1: 8-9. Everyone judges via the fine-tuning of that barometer which is our inner compass telling us right from wrong. Yet, when many see a contradiction, too many stick their heads in the sand or give the lame excuse, "It's too high for my pay grade." Well, it's time to start earning your pay by paying attention to what is truly Catholic and what is not; what the Apostles' Creed means and why each person must adhere to those beliefs; what constitutes a loyal Catholic and what does not; and the fact that because one holds the position that the Chair is empty (sede vacante), it does not preclude one from being a good Catholic, even a holy one. In fact, if one truly knows their faith, they'd realize something has been terribly wrong for quite some time - as in 50 years - and would want to find out who, what, when, where, how and why! They would realize God's way is not a democracy. Mob rule doesn't rule. And it would be wise to remember St. Augustine's words, which basically state that right is right, even if no one is following the right way; and wrong is wrong, even if everyone is following that path. That would apply so well to the mentality of the world today that no matter if the world does not know the "pope" is a heretic, God does. The SSPX should know better than to foist their false solutions on the gullible. Therein is the problem for the answer lies in honest solutions through true syllogisms of faith, not suppositions as Griff points out in The Screed of a Creed?.

    Though the feast is not universally celebrated in the Traditional Propers of the Mass, January 15 is the traditional feast of Our Lady of Prompt Succor. Dr. Marian Therese Horvat provides an excellent article on this feast and how intricately it is tied to the United States, especially New Orleans and the amazing miracle Our Lady interceded for in the Battle of New Orleans in 1812 and General Andrew Jackson's acknowledgement of such. Of course, that was back when there was respect and awe for God's Justice and Mercy, not to mention respect for Catholic truth. Fast forward to modern times and the fact the statue of Our Lady wept in 1972. Could it be she wept because of what was happening to her divine Son's Mystical Bride or that within one year human sacrifice would return to the new world in the senseless slaughter of the unborn with Roe v. Wade? Either way she knew God was not happy and could stay His hand only so long. Perhaps she knew that the "Big Easy" was about to run into hard times for the sinful debauchery of Mardi Gras. Can anyone say "Katrina"? Marian lays out the history of Our Lady's title and the valiant efforts of the Ursuline nuns who went above and beyond the call of duty in answering Heaven's call and how Heaven responded in 1812. She explains in Our Lady of Prompt Succor, a Patroness for Americans

    January 18, 2010 through January 25, 2010

        There are still some who are under the impression that the Week for Christian Unity, which lasts from the Double Major Feast of St. Peter's Chair at Rome on Monday, January 18th until the Double Major Feast of the Conversion of St. Paul on the following Monday, January 25th, is a concoction of the Vatican II church. Au contraire, for it had been in vogue prior to Vatican II for true ecumenism - conversion, if you will and the antiphon prayer below illustrates this because it definitely does not call for dialogue but rather conversion to the True Faith by those outside the Faith. And, as we all know from the thrice-proclaimed dogma Extra Ecclesiam Nulla Salus, Outside the Church there is No Salvation!

       The daily prayer for true Church Unity is also for the restoration of Traditional Catholicism throughout the world. Let us also pray that God will hear our prayer, allow the conciliar VulgArians to implode and purge Rome of the interlopers and robber barons and, through His ordaining will, by some miracle only He can effect, give us a truly Catholic Pope once again along with true shepherds to replace all the false ones who are nothing but Masonic potentates. We pray God will end The Great Apostasy and wake hearts and souls to the destruction and heresies that have not only been permeated over the past 50 plus years, but also have produced no fruits whatsoever, confirming our Lord's words in St. Matthew 7: 15-20 that the conciliar church is a bad tree that must be cast into the fire. The sooner the better!

      (Official Octave Prayer)

      ANTIPHON: "That they all may be one, as Thou, Father, in Me and I in Thee; that they also may be one in Us; that the world may believe that Thou has sent Me." (John 17: 21)

        V. I say unto thee that thou art Peter
        R. And upon this Rock I will build My Church.

      Let us pray. O Lord Jesus Christ, Who saidst unto Thine Apostles: Peace I leave with you, My peace I give unto you; regard not our sins, but the faith of Thy Church, and vouchsafe to grant unto Her that peace and unity which are agreeable to Thy Will. Who livest and reignest God forever and ever. Amen.

        An indulgence of 300 days during the octave of prayers for the unity of the Church, from the Feast of the Chair of St. Peter in Rome to the feast of the Conversion of St. Paul. A Plenary Indulgence on the usual conditions at the end of the devout exercise.

    This is the first Doctor of the Church in the calendar year. This holy Bishop and Doctor of the Church Saint Hilary of Poitiers was another from the fourth century who, like the three great Doctors - St. Athanasius, St. Ephrem and St. Cyril of Jerusalem - who proceeded him. Unlike the one whose name sounds so similar, there are no similarities to the character of St. Hilary with Hillary Clinton. The former is a saint, the latter...well, you fill in the blanks, but keep it clean. Back to the true Hilary. He was both greatly persecuted by the Arians and ostracized by many within the Church because of false information. Hmm, sound familiar? Every Traditional Catholic can relate to that. This first Doctor, of what is today France - eldest Daughter of the Church - was known for his great labors in the fields of God from Gaul to Ilyria. Born the same year as his colleague Doctor and Bishop of Jerusalem St. Cyril, he labored tirelessly for the True Faith and is appropriately known as Laborer for God

    Oh, to have the caliber of saints like the Golden Voiced Orator today to combat the heresies of Modernism and to bring souls back from the abyss just as he did in the early Church. The holy Doctor of the Church Saint John Chrysostom was a great orator who studied under one of Greece's famed orators and ultimately became one of the greatest orators himself, laboring for Christ and His Church in the century in which Constantine had declared Rome a Christian state and Christianity began to flourish, thanks in large part to John. He was duly recognized by Pope St. Pius X as Patron of Preachers. Like the other Doctors of the fourth and fifth century, he combatted the damaging heresy of Arianism and was harassed for his orthodoxy. Like St. Jerome, he employed the wealth of his family to further his own studies before turning his talents to bring souls to Our Lord. This masterful Doctor, the "Golden-throated Orator" is Saint John Chrysostom who was known far and wide as The Golden Voice of Truth

    The story of St. Francis de Sales is encouragement for our times for just as God raised up many heroes following the Protestant Revolution, so too today He will do the same if we adhere to our faith and pray. In the devastation that followed the Reformation, this holy man became a key component for restoring Catholic truth as a warrior for the Word in being a major force in spreading the counter-reformation of Trent. He was born in France, yet reached every corner of the world with his works and influence. His piety, zeal and energy caught the eye of no less than the Pope himself who made him one of the youngest bishops to rule the See of Geneva. Along with another holy religious - St. Jane de Chantal, he founded the Visitandines. He was known for his gentleness and meekness, and his holiness so well known that he was the first person to be beatified in the new St. Peter's Basilica. In 1923 His Holiness Pope Pius XI proclaimed this meek warrior of the word as Patron Saint of the Catholic Press

    Jon Christian Ryter again provides an insightful and eye-opening article on what is really behind the "global warming" scare, what cap and trade really means, and why even the verbal engineering of changing the term to "climate change" has not deterred the globalist interests, banked by David Rockefeller and other illuminati towards total control of America in their effort to establish a One World Order where we become slaves of a pagan system that will not only eliminate God from the equation, but ramp up the killing of the young and the old in an eugenics society far worse than the Weimar Republic. Thanks to Roe vs. Wade, fostered by Rockefeller, the numbers are tragic for those evil ones playing God have effected the deaths of "three billion one hundred sixty-six million, six hundred thousand unborn babies worldwide since 1973. They would be the babies which the Gaia crowd thought had no financial value to mankind since they would simply grow up and consume too much of nature's commodities." Did you get that number? 666? Ah, yes, we know whose really behind "going green" don't we? The devil is in the details that they won't tell you about, but Ryter does in Going green right into hell

        As an added note, you might be surprised about that term "Illuminati" but the graphic to the right should affirm its origins and the Novus Ordo Seculorum which, when the devil's pentagram points are circled as you can see, they spell out NOM. Hmm, know of any other NOM? D'ya think it was just a coincidence that Bugnini and Montini and the rest titled the "abomination of desolation" as the Novus Ordo Missae (NOM)? Not on your life. Ratzinger's recent encyclical only solidifies that Modernist Rome is in league with the green movement on the path not only towards a One World Order, but a One World Religion which will not be as Christ meant when He said, that they might all be one - "ut unum sint". In other words, the Modernists have it all bass ackwards. And speaking of backwards, there are several words when spelled backwards mean something else such as dog spelled backwards is God, or lived backwards spells devil. To illustrate America's involvement, our son told us about a web where if you type in Illuminati backwards you'll be surprised at what it takes you to. Then again, considering what's gone down this past year, we shouldn't be surprised at all. See for yourself: Itanimulli.com

         It has definitely been a decade of transition, as this editor dubs it - Transition to Tradition, our last opportunity before God really lowers the boom. Looking back, it doesn't take a brain surgeon to see the deterioration in society as the ranks of the good, decent ones striving for holiness grow smaller and the enemy flanks are massing larger and larger, more threatening than ever. With every day we inch closer to the apocalypse foretold in the book of the same name, contrary to Protestant and conciliar concerns that it was always called "Revelation." Would St. John the Evangelist be surprised, and for that matter the holy Doctor of the Church who translated it and several of the holy hierarchs who ratified the Scriptures at various major councils of the Church, most recently at the dogmatic Council of Trent. Many closet conciliarists reading this may not be familiar with that council since the robber barons have sought to eliminate any mention of Trent in the same manner as the U.S. Government is doing everything it can to wipe out any mention of God. For both these offenses there are consequences, grave ones and we are beginning to see now that both anti-Catholic campaigns by the counterfeit church of conciliarism and the United States Congress and its cohorts in the Obama administration both in Washington and Chicago are getting more desperate as each day passes. Those not grounded in grace had best get right with God before it is too late. Call it "gloom and doom" if you want, but that doom can be eternal and that would cause anyone gloom. Can you say fire and brimstone? To remind you, we will be bringing you throughout this year "Diadems of the Decade" featuring an article from each month of each of the past ten years. We're not saying these are the "Best" of the decade for how do you choose which ones are the best? Yet, they are gems that we want to share for we're sure you will treasure them and realize, like fine jewels, they are still as valuable today especially when investing in souls. For this January edition, we present one from each January below from 2000 through January 2009.

    This article by Frank Joseph, MD first ran in January 2000 and, as you can see, nothing has changed in ten years as to the mindset of the politicians. Senator Boxer and the rest of that culture of death ilk must go. These politicians are the number one reason why there should be term limits on senators and congressmen and women. Two at the most. Throughout this decade Dr. Frank has remained totally committed to exposing the charlatans responsible for the countless, senseless deaths - nay, murders (can you say slaughters) of the innocent unborn. Those responsible will answer to God and His avenging angels. For several years we enlisted this committed retired Catholic physician from Southern California to write a special pro-life column for The DailyCatholic, exalting the Catholic beliefs on creation and procreation in upholding the Sanctity of Life. As you read this you'll see the spin zone in Washington is still the same ol' screed as Frank shows in Now, We Have the Truth about Pro Aborts.

    This article ran on the first day of the year in 2001 and was the final article by Patrick Ludwa who had written for three years for The DailyCatholic, contributing 129 features. His piece on scandal nine years ago still doesn't seem to be taken seriously by those who have caused scandal in both the conciliar church, the government and, lately, even in certain traditional circles of the True Church. Jesus had several warnings and guidelines for us which Pat addresses in his short article during a time when cover-up within the lodges and lodgehalls of the Masonic potentates posing as bishops was so obvious and yet no one in authority within the conciliar ranks said a word. They may just be speechless when they stand before the Supreme Judge to account for their sins of scandal. Pat explains in his last piece, The Price of Scandal.

    This ran in installments beginning in January 2002 and was the first articles by Mario Derksen who, at the time, was the first bonafide sedevacantist featured on the pages of The DailyCatholic. Mario wrote for three more years before retiring from writing to pursue another vocation in life. His words carry much meaning in looking back eight years to where we are today and why to still assert that the conciliar structure and its hierarchs from the conciliar pope on down are Catholic, let alone have any authority is akin to admitting Barack Obama is a conservative and Glenn Beck is a leftist socialist. You get the idea. Mario expertly conveyed the idea that, at the time we were seriously considering in our conversion journey from the pungent Novus Ordo arena to the fresh air of traditional Catholicism, proved it was the only course anyone could take considering all alternatives. He laid it out in his multi-part series The Crisis in the Catholic Liturgy

    This was the first guest column we carried by Gary L. Morella who has continued to contribute throughout the decade. Gary has been one of the foremost watchdogs in preserving the truths and traditions of Holy Mother Church and he is one of the first who coined the phrase of displeasure against altering the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass: "If it ain't broke, don't fix it." In this first piece, he warned how once a compromise of the faith was breached even one iota, it headed down that slippery slope toward syncretism and schism, apostasy and apathy. It's proved true and no amount of rationalizing or nauseating tolerance talk and "unity in diversity" can ever amount to a hill of beans with God or with those who consider themselves true Catholics. Gary explained in his piece, The Dangers of Syncretism and Indifferentism

    In Father Louis Campbell's sermon for the Third Sunday After Epiphany in 2004, he focused on the message of Gospel and the faith of the centurion and that many who "shall come from the east and the west, and shall sit down with Abraham and Isaac and Jacob in the kingdom of Heaven" shall be "cast out into the exterior darkness;" where "there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth." This they shall suffer because of their disbelief. Whereas the leper and the centurion believed, the High Priests, Sanhedrin and a great majority of Jews did not believe Christ was the Messiah 2000 years ago, and today they still do not believe. We can see six years later nothing has changed whether Wojtyla is calling the shots or now Ratzinger. The facts are clear that apostasy has permeated the conciliar newChurch as Father clearly documented. Instead of a Church standing in solidarity for what Jesus commanded in Mark 16: 15-16 and converting non-believers so they will not be condemned as she had for two millennia, today it has sold out to Jewish pressure and abandoned the mission of the Gospel and what the Church has always taught from Peter through Pope Pius XII. Father showed proof of this just in the actions by Rome and John Paul II during that week with shocking admissions that should have rocked Catholics into the awareness of the total apostasy going on beginning in Rome itself. It applies just as much today in 2010. You must read his sermon The New Judaizers

    This editorial ran on January 25, 2005 half way through the first decade and was editor Michael Cain's effort to convince conciliar Catholics that what he had discovered earlier in the decade was backed up by infallible decrees that totally nullify what had been done by the conciliar leaders in Rome from John XXIII through JP II and currently Benedict. It was the year the former would meet his Maker and have to account for what he did in this life for those who have been given much, much will be expected as Christ emphasized in St. Luke 12: 48 in His words, "of him they will demand the more." Yet still so few realize this and the rationalization exhibited by desperate Novus Ordophiles illustrated only too readily what lengths they would go to in order to repudiate a holy Pontiff on the binding perpetuity of the Immemorial Mass of All Ages. Cain fired back with a salvo of ammunition to prove the fallacy of such weak defenses by also showing that the comment "we can't judge a pope" is meaningless for indeed we can't but Holy Mother Church can and has well before these men who would be popes were ever even a sparkle in their mothers' eyes. He furnished an arsenel of truths in the infallible decrees of previous reliable pontiffs who stressed the true meaning of ut unum sint in uncompromisingly upholding the thrice-proclaimed dogma Extra Ecclesam Nulla Salus which today is under such assault by the usurpers who have sought to change Catholic doctrine to accommodate man, not God. Have any of these 'experts' read St. Paul's words in Galatians 1: 6-10? Cain provided the wake-up call in his candid editorial Quo Primum and Forever are synonymous!

    In commemoration of Church Unity Week as it was always intended per Christ's words in St. Mark 16: 15-16, St. Matthew 28: 19-20, and St. John 17: 21, John Gregory was able to locate Professor Ralph "Braniac" Barfmen, Ph.D. back in the beginning of 2006. No, he was no relation to the Bartman of Cubs' infamy, but the savvy professor was rather a very mysterious hermit, if you will over the last several decades, thanks to the corruption known as Vatican II. John managed to entice this orthodox but unusual doctor to comment on the dreaded document that started the conciliarists on the slippery slope of Ecumenism back in 1964 with the V2 decree Unitatis Redintegratio. John provided in four parts his cogent comments on the key erroneous and non-Catholic points of this conciliar decree. He prefaced his piece by letting readers know of Dr. Barfmen's extreme gasticular sensitivities to heresy and ambiguity. The prognosis was exposing the underbelly of the ecumaniacs and the fact Catholicism took a holiday from Vatican II on. As difficult has that is for the professor, John and the rest of us to stomach, it is a fact that many more need to know so that the masses will demand the abrogation of all the conciliar popes have decreed and return to the sanity, sacredness and sensibility of pre-Vatican II when Catholic meant CATHOLIC and there were no such terms as "Traditional" or "Conservative" or "Progressive". Yet what we have today is a treacherous chess game the conciliar church has been playing with minds and souls over these last 40 plus years, specifically with the wretching decree on Ecumenism, dissected in A Certain Type of "Movement"

    In early 2007 Gabriel Garnica weighed in with one of his many columns he contributed over his five and a half year participation with The DailyCatholic. Each January Gabe especially focused on the commiseration of legalizing abortion and was always there to trumpet the rights of the unborn. In this article he was ready for bear for the 34th anniversary of the fatal and fateful Roe v. Wade decision that has claimed at least 50 million souls. Just as the Jews of their day considered Christ's life disposable, and ruthlessly recycled their own morality to justify their evil deed of assaulting Innocence by sealing His fate with the release of the criminal Barrabas, so also today history repeats itself as the devil fiendishly infects minds and hearts to continue the slaughter of the innocents to the tune of over 50 million preborn souls. And we wonder why this world is in the shape it is today? We have blood on our hands if we do not stand up as true, committed Roman Catholics and work to stop this most vilest of murders in the history of mankind. The salvation of our very souls might very well depend on our response. Gabriel explained in his column The Mob Still Chooses Barrabas

    In January 2008 we started hearing more and more about "global warming", failing to realize God was shouting to us with all these Global Warning signs He has provided, not to mention His infrangible Laws and His holy Church, and still we have not heard Him. Cyndi Cain provided a poignant article, one that should caused our jaws to drop and hopefully motivate our mouths to shut and to open our ears and hearts. We need to turn down the volume and tune into the whispers of the Holy Ghost. After all, how can we hear God if we're constantly talking? How can we communicate with Him when there is so much noise and clutter? Modern technology may be great to most but what is the benefit if it prevents us from communicating with the one Being Who we owe our life to? Why is it so few really can hear God? Why do we think that is impossible? After all He is God. He can do anything. If we who are finite can talk to the Infinite, how in the world can anyone think the Infinite cannot communicate with us? Maybe that's because we don't let Him into our lives. We're too busy, too occupied with things of the world and all its loud and obnoxious chaos. We would be wise to take a lesson from the silent saint the good and holy Saint Joseph whose words cannot be found in holy Writ but whose example should be forever with us for he is the Saint of the Virtue of Silence. Cyndi explained how quiet can be the ideal quietude we need in her lesson, I can't hear You, God!

    Throughout the countless articles that Dr. Thomas A. Droleskey has provided throughout the years from early 2001 to the present (though most have been on the site he established in 2004), we felt this one was ideal for two reasons. First, because in January 2009 our computer crashed and we had no new features for the entire month; and secondly, because his article on January 20th signaled just what good people praying for God's ordaining Will had not bargained for but are getting anyway because man doesn't understand the divine Will in the scope of things. Thus, we have His permitting Will in allowing one of the most evil men to ever rule become the president of these United States. Just as in the Church, those who should have known better, did not guard their posts, did not prepare the sheep on how they should deal with the wolf at the door, the barbarians at the gate. Now they are inside and forcing us into a communist manifesto whether we want it or not. As the Obama administration itself has said, if we cannot convince you by the power of persuasion, we will by the persuasion of power whether that is at the end of gun barrel or not, it doesn't matter. They will do as they please, but, as Tom points out, they will not be victorious for they do not have the real Power on their side. That would be the one and only King, Christ the King. He explains in his article on Inauguration Day We Wait for Another, We Wait for Christ the King

        We have no compunction in informing you that we are running on fumes. This is our mayday alert that we desperately need your help. We have received no bailout from anyone nor do we expect such, but we do expect those who visit this site to ask themselves how they can help. We ask where are the "Good Samaritans" out there? Other than a few, and we do mean "few" loyal and regular benefactors, everyone else seems to think we can operate without donations. In the demonic despot Barack Hussein Obama's world that might work by printing up more money and taxing everyone for it, but in the real world the reality is that we dearly need everyone to pitch in and help. As Dr. Thomas Droleskey has written often on his own site, if everyone who logs on once a week sent one dollar there'd be no need to ask again. That amount - times the number of visitors per week for The DailyCatholic - would basically set us up for the year with over $25,000. just there. However, we know that won't happen considering the apathy and modernist philosophy that has seeped into society today where so many consider themselves entitled. They seem to think they can use things for free with little consideration toward those, who have not only spent many, many years in learning and intense study (not to mention costs), but also continue to labor long in time and research to provide Catholic truth and information that would, in a true republic or monarchy, be duly rewarded or reciprocated in trade in the manner that made the guilds so successful and so Catholic. Did Our Lord not say, "a laborer is worthy of his hire" in St. Luke 10: 7? What say you? Won't you help us in our mission for saving souls?

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