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May is a devotional month with several prayers besides the holy Rosary, such as the Devotion of The Little Crown of the Twelve Stars of the Blessed Virgin Mary Let us ask Mary to bring us safely to her divine Son, before His altar where we can receive Him Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity that we may grow in sanctifying grace to help us better focus on our mission as members of the Church Militant, who will not give one ounce of concession to the conciliar church for we are true Catholics first and foremost and will not abandon the traditions as St. Paul asserts in 2 Thessalonians 2: 14.

   Below is the fourth week of bouquets we offer Our Lady during her special month of May. Each flower has significance with a corresponding virtue as you can see below by clicking on the flower of the day.

Mary, we crown thee with flowers for May

       With the feast of Pentecost, we launch a new series titled Catholicism Made Simple in an effort to simplify the holy Faith for those who have become so confused by all the bafflegab and contradictions, even heresies spewed over the past 50 years in the conciliar church of the novus ordo which has been so insidious in altering the true Faith to fit man's wishes, not God's.

        Therefore, it's back to basics for this series, a reconstruction of an earlier series titled "Appreciating the Precious Gift of the Faith." From numerous e-mails we've received it's a realization that for many what they read on these pages is akin to taking a college course on Advanced Catholicism 101. While that is fine and greatly educational, it is, alas, many times over the heads of so many. We forget that there are a multitude who have been so indoctrinated in conciliarism that they don't realize how unCatholic the humanistic religion spawned by Vatican II really is.

        Hopefully this series will aid all in realizing the truth, understanding it and encourage them to pass it on in fulfillment of Christ's mandate to His disciples in St. Matthew 28: 19-20:

      "Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost, teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you; and behold, I am with you all days, even to the consummation of the world."

        With that assurance we begin this series in this Pentecost Week edition with the express purpose of simplifying the holy Faith in prayerful hopes the Holy Ghost will touch many hearts and bring them to the fullness of truth in relearning what Catholicism really teaches and why what was true well before Vatican II still holds true today no matter how the present conciliar 'pope' spins it or denies Christ with his heretical beliefs. To quote St. Paul, several dogmatic Councils and holy Popes who said it best in response to how we should respond to anyone who deviates from the Faith in any manner: Let him be anathema!

   Whitsunday has arrived as we wind up the month of May when we have been celebrating the Living Tabernacle of the Risen One, the Blessed Virgin Mary leading to the Feast of the Queenship of Mary next Monday. While the liturgy this month has been full of joy and alleluias, there is little joy in the world today for society, thanks to the Great Apostasy, has foresaken God and the true Faith. Therefore it is left to Christ's few left among the remnant, those few He will find who still have the true Faith He instituted and who practice it according to the infallible, perennial Magisterium of His Church, not conceding even one iota of compromise to the counterfeit church of conciliarism or to the demonic government that has usurped man's rights before God. It is all because of our sins that Christ died and it is because of our sins that we are receiving just punishment for abandoning Him and His Commandments.

    It is truly a time of Tenebrae when the darkness grows even darker. Thus it is left to us to encourage others to take up with us the heavenly weapon that, outside of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, is the most powerful tool we have to combat all the demonic activities in ecclesiastical and secular circles that threaten souls. The very fact so many are lukewarm and that the Lord will vomit them out of His mouth as documented in Apocalypse 3: 16, should prompt us all to pray all the more and call upon Heaven for mercy. We must understand that the innocent will suffer along with the guilty, but the innocent who truly follow all that Christ established and are faithful to the end, even if it leads to martyrdom as it did in early Rome, England and France and so many other spots throughout the world throughout history, will be rewarded with a heavenly crown as Christ has promised and as Saint Paul affirms in his epistles.

  • With The Passage of Time When one lies to cover up the truth, he continues to lie to cover the previous lie until he tries to justify that all those lies lead to truth. That is impossible, and yet they futilely continue in their dead-end ways out of both stubbornness, pride and fear. Fear of being detected. As Tom wrote, "Falsehoods must lead to decay over the course of time." Dr. Thomas A. Droleskey 5-21
  • Truth or Consequences Yes, Virginia, there are consequences for not holding to the truths of the Catholic Faith. The problem is so few realize it. That is how insidious satan has used Modernism to eclipse the true Church. Dr. Thomas A. Droleskey 5-20
  • They're Screaming At Us: We're Not Catholic! When will conciliarists wake up and realize Buddhists can't be buddies in Heaven unless they convert? Yet Buddhists have no intention of converting for no one has asked them. Hmm, isn't that the primary duty of the Catholic clergy? To carry out the mandate of Our Lord in St. Matthew 28: 19-20? But then that would be the Catholic answer and Benedict hasn't a clue what is Catholic anymore. Dr. Thomas A. Droleskey 5-19
  • International Mother Earth Day: Tribalism, Marxism & Pantheism The 'fruits' of Liberation Theology: 3M - Marxism, Modernism and Masonry Not only do we have the UN mandating pantheism, but forcing on the world the heresies fostered by the ex-Franciscan apostate Leonardo Boff. Who's pushing the envelope the most? Other than Al Gore it would be Bolivia's prez Evo Morales whom the Godless UN named "World Hero of Mother Earth" just last fall. Beware of the Ides of Insanity. Miguel Oviedo 5-19
  • Nanny State U.S.A. In the battle of the bulge, a life long struggle for many, the wasteful "Big Brother" is now watching waistlines while wasting time meddling in things not authorized by God or the Constitution. Such is the state of the great wasteland America is becoming because we have rejected Christ as our Sovereign King. Dr. Thomas A. Droleskey 5-18
  • The Preferred Terrorist That would be Venezuela's Hugo Chavez who, despite all the posturing by Putin, is more dangerous than most give him credit for. This ally of the notorious FARC is an example of Liberation Theology gone badly, badly wrong. What few realize is that it's all for one purpose: to destroy God given rights and foment revolution in the streets and homes of the United States. Chavez and his demonic ilk on the left think they can grant rights. Right? Wrong! Only God can grant rights. We had better get it right before it's too late. Toby Westerman 5-17
  • Just Following Their "Pope's" Call for Cohesion And a little child shall lead them. Not! Even the refusal by an English parochial school girl to don Muslim garb for a field trip didn't alert the masses to the great apostasy for how could her school know when the man they think is a 'pope' sees no problem in condoning pagan religions, even to the shocking heresy of claiming other religions are salvific. Benedict's call for cohesion is a call for diabolical disorientation as all treat the infidel and their violent history with kid gloves. There was a reason for the Crusades, folks. Would you rather have the Crusades or the politically correct Godless New World Order? You better choose soon. Dr. Thomas A. Droleskey 5-16
  • March of the Tooth Fairies Those pining for the 'good ol' days' of the Bush Administration have short memories. As bad as the Obama Administration is, the only difference is that Bush wasn't as blatant as Barry about his pro-life record. While George talked a good game, results show he was listening more to his wife Laura. Beneath that sweet veneer of the First Lady in the White House for eight years lurked a liberal. Dr. Thomas A. Droleskey 5-15
  • On Full Display: The Modernist Mind In following Benedict's foray in Fatima, Tom brings up Edwin O'Connor's famous novel made into a movie in 1958. How appropriate, since 1958 was truly "The Last Hurrah" for holy Mother Church, especially if Ratzinger is allowed to continue spinning the heresies and deliberate deception he is weaving, particularly on the credibility of the visions in 1917. Dr. Thomas A. Droleskey 5-14
  • 'Cardinal' Ratzinger’s Cover-up for Fr. Kiesle The diabolical disorientation Our Lady referred to at Fatima is all too evident in what is playing out today, including clueless potentates coming forward to try to defend the indefensible. Lyle J. Arnold Jr. 5-14
  • Three Out of Nine, Something That Matters Speaking of frenetic paces, few in history have moved faster to destroy their own country than one Barry Soetero, otherwise known as Barack Hussein Obama. His latest foray into Marxism was to appoint a known Socialist to the Supreme Court, Elena Kagan, who has not only never been a judge, but was vetoed as Solicitor General by the Senate. No friend of the unborn, if she's confirmed it will be forty more years of Roe v. Wade and possibly worse. Dr. Thomas A. Droleskey 5-12
  • Mocking Pope Saint Pius X and Our Lady of Fatima As Ratzinger tries his darndest to fend off the slings and arrows of the press and growing suspicion and proof of his intrinsic involvement in the cover-up and continuation of the perverted sex scandals, he's off to Fatima to further dig a hole in hell by his refusal to repent of the lie he spread in 2000 on a fabricated Third Secret to suit the conciliar cause while fostering Modernism at a frenetic pace, all in the face of the holy Papa Sarto's admonitions and warnings of anathema sit. Dr. Thomas A. Droleskey 5-12
  • Not Going Down With the Concilar Ship Why everybody is to blame except the captain of the SS. Conciliar Titanic. Dr. Thomas A. Droleskey 5-11
  • To A Dead End on the Wrong Path The hell-bent Hegelian cul-de-sac Ratzinger is cornering souls into by his own apostasy. Dr. Thomas A. Droleskey 5-10
  • Hoyos Points to a Skeleton in Benedict's Closet Just as Our Lady foretold at LaSalette and Fatima that "Cardinal will turn on cardinal, and bishop upon bishop" so the collapse has accelerated with the bombshell statements by the former head of Ecclesia Dei Commission Castrillon Hoyos who refuses to be the scapegoat and has fought back with damming testimony that both JP2 and Ratzingere were aware and approved the cover-up of sexual predators in the conciliar clergy. The author asks why has the lamestream media been so silent on such a volatile issue that nails Benedict with the smoking gun? Margaret C. Galitzin 5-7
  • Pope Saint Pius V and the Conversion of the Conciliarists If we ever needed a man of the saintly Pius V's caliber, it is today but we know no such man of character could ever come from the ranks of the conciliarists unless one or more were truly converted. Ah, there's the rub. Dr. Thomas A. Droleskey 5-7
  • Pope Saint Pius V and the Conversion of the Muslims The Battle of Lepanto was a turning point, not possible without this holy Pontiff's urging that all call upon Mary for a miracle. Today we need one again. Dr. Thomas A. Droleskey 5-4
  • Caesar Ignoramus Why Obama needs history lessons, not to mention ethics. Dr. Thomas A. Droleskey 5-4
  • Peep As in "not a" from Bishop Bernard Fellay in the face of all the heresy exclaimed over and over every day from Modern Rome. When will he learn you can't deal with liars? Dr. Thomas A. Droleskey 5-3
  • To Be More Effective Witnesses of Conciliarism More shucking and jiving as the arrogant ones rearrange the chairs on the S.S. Conciliar Titanic. Dr. Thomas A. Droleskey 5-2
  • More Fallout in the SSPX as Fr. Turco abandons ship Can all-out rebellion against Fellay for his betrayal be far behind? Traditio 5-2
  • Why Burke was kicked upstairs in the same manner as Law Criminal corrupt cover-up's tentacles sucking any credibility out of Modern Rome with latest expose on former St. Louis 'Archbishop' Traditio 5-1
  • Unimaginable Deceit and Duplicity Shocking revelations about Fr. Maciel that only lends credence to the total corruption of the conciliar collective. Dr. Thomas A. Droleskey 4-30
  • Holy Historian on St. Bede the Venerable (May 27)
  • Novena in Preparation for the Feast of Corpus Christi From May 25 through June 2

  • Foundation and Mission of the Church Step One of Catholicism Made Simple

  • Pentecost Haydock Commentary for Whitsunday provided by John Gregory
  • Pentecost Week Propers of the Mass May 23-30

  • The Descent of the Holy Ghost upon the Apostles and the Blessed Virgin Mary Meditation on the Third Glorious Mystery by John Gregory

  • Sunday Within the Octave of the Ascension Week Propers of the Mass May 16-22
  • They have not known the Father, nor Me" Haydock Commentary for the Sunday after the Ascension provided by John Gregory

  • The Ascension of Our Lord into Heaven Meditation on the Second Glorious Mystery by John Gregory
  • Fifth Sunday after Easter Week Propers of the Mass May 9-15
  • Through Christ Our Lord - Per Christum Dominum nostrum Haydock Commentary for the Fifth Sunday after Easter provided by John Gregory
  • Administrator of Theology on St. Gregory Nazianzen (May 9)
  • Theologian to Pontiffs and Trent on St. Robert Bellarmine (May 13)
  • Coming to That Moment of Truth by Michael Cain
  • Promise of the Paraclete Haydock Commentary for Cantate Sunday provided by John Gregory
  • Apostle of Tradition on St. Athanasius (May 2)
  • Petition Letter for Help by Cyndi Cain
  • Food for Thought Caring and sharing in gratitude
  • Third Week after Easter Propers of the Mass April 25-May 1
  • Windmill of Wisdom on St. Peter Canisius (April 27)

  • The Devil's Kicking Ash! Something wicked this way comes with the eruptions going on in Iceland. So much for hell freezing over! by Michael Cain

  • Undoing the Double-Negative Part Eight of a Series on the SSPX-published book, 'Sedevacantism - A False Solution To a Real Problem' by Griff Ruby

  • The Glorious Mysterires Meditative Inspiration on Mysteries 11 through 15 by John Gregory
  • More Than A Matter of Legality The rotten tree needs to be totally uprooted to eradicate the rot as first-person experience in plodding through the chancery and curial manure of ignoring or covering up the abuse was borne out by Dr. Thomas A. Droleskey

  • A Theological Map Part Two: Applying the Cardinal Compass for a Clearer Path by Griff Ruby
  • Second Week after Easter Propers of the Mass April 18-24
  • Father of Scholasticism on St. Anselm (April 21)
  • Codifier of Orthodoxy on Pope St. Leo the Great (April 11)

  • Surely He Jests and Conciliar Confusion, Catholic Zeal for Souls by Dr. Thomas A. Droleskey

  • A Theological Map Part One: Trouble Navigating When the Road is Not Clearly Delineated by Griff Ruby

  • Low Sunday Week Propers of the Mass April 11-17
  • A Testament of Lasting Faith Haydock Commentary for Low Sunday provided by John Gregory
  • Resurrexi, et Adhuc Tecum Sum, Alleluia Part 8 of series From Eden to the Empty Tomb by Dr. Thomas A. Droleskey
  • Rising of the Unleavened Bread Haydock Commentary for Easter provided by John Gregory

  • Guardian and Gardner of the Faith on St. Isidore of Seville (April 4)

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       Traditio recently alerted readers that "One press that used to be considered 'traditional' was sold out a couple of years ago to a Protestant conglomerate, but still calls itself 'traditional,' even though its publications now fully support the Protestant Novus Ordo. That press that published Fr. James Wathen's 1971 seminal work against the validity of the Novus Ordo, The Great Sacrilege, has pulled the book from its list because, now under its Protestant directors, it is no longer permitted to state that 'the New Mass [sic] is illegal, immoral, and not Catholic.' The once-courageous press can no longer publish a book that it now claims, under its new Protestant management, 'defames the [New]church and calls its approved form of the mass [sic] an invalid sacrilege.' The press now specifically rejects the truth that the Traditional Latin Mass "is the 'only' and 'true' Mass and that the Novus Ordo is invalid or illicit."

       The Fathers are, of course, referring to TAN Books. But have no fear. We are pleased to remind all readers that the late Fr. Wathen graciously gave The DailyCatholic permission in September 2001 to publish the entire book online so that it could be read by everyone, no matter the censorship by the counterfeit church of conciliarism. Thus, you can read his entire masterful work that has withstood the test of 40 years. No one has been able to refute the truth of his words in The Great Sacrilege

    or you can send your tax-deductible contribution (check, cash or M.0.) by mail to:    SANCTUS/The DailyCatholic
    4815 Calle Neil
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  • Beware of the Liberation of La Raza Atila Sinke Guimaraes provides an insightful essay on the dangers that liberation theology holds north of the border as it continues to spread south of the border throughout Mexico, Central America and almost the entire southern continent of the Americas. He lays out why the communist dragon has made such headway throughout the southern hemisphere and from its coven in Chiappas is reaching its claws northward to swallow up the great American Southwest and West. Just more of the bitter bad fruits of Vatican II. Atila Sinke Guimaraes 3-26

  • Swinging Clubs To Protect The Club The cancer is malignant and no matter how many band-aids the conciliar cabal try to apply whether it's the propaganda Pravda of the Vatican - L'Osservatore Romano or the nabobs doing their darndest to diffuse the death penalty for Ratzinger's reign, the counterfeit church is crashing. YES! Finally. It can't be soon enough! Long live holy Mother Church and pray the imposters are driven out soon like the snakes from Ireland. Come to think of it, Ireland needs another St. Patrick as well. Every diocese in the world needs one to drive out the snakes of Sodomgate. Dr. Thomas A. Droleskey 3-26

  • You Think We've Got Problems... No matter how down folks might be over the ramrodding of an unlawful law through Congress, we should all have hope and take our cue from the Blessed Mother and her divine Son. The problem is we're spoiled because, like the Jews of the Old Testament, have abandoned God and His Laws, have abandoned Christ as our Sovereign King. We deserve this chastisement. The key is what do we do about it to atone for our sins and the sins of our nation? Dr. Thomas A. Droleskey 3-25

  • Never Give In To Compromise So much for trusting a so-called pro-life 'Catholic' politician. We see so clearly how the Judases come out of the woodwork when there's a quid pro quo even at the expense of the innocent unborns. What does that matter when one has sold out to the devil? Dr. Thomas A. Droleskey 3-24

  • Front Men For The New World Order While there are many aspersions that both Benedict XVI and Barack Hussein Obama are the antichrist personified, (in truth they are 'antichrists' according to St. John) they are really the precursors of what is to come as they continue their agenda toward a One World Order, a One World Religion devoid of Jesus Christ as our Sovereign King to Whom alone we must bow and obey. Dr. Thomas A. Droleskey 3-22

  • Longer Than World War II The seven year anniversary of the Iraq War marks the longest war in United States history and what have been the fruits? Nada! Just as would be expected of a bad tree for a country which thinks nothing of killing its own cannot succeed in receiving God's blessings but rather more of the devastation we presently encounter from enemies foreign and domestic. The problem is discerning who is the real enemy. Dr. Thomas A. Droleskey 3-20

  • Losing Everything to Gain God Should we be surprised that so many souls have been fooled? Not when you realize the scope of how many were duped in the past just as St. Paul said to "believe a lie". The key is not to give up hope but to realize that even when things look the bleakest, Christ is with us and the rewards far outweigh the trials and tribulations of this present apostasy and chaos in our day and age. Call on St. Joseph for reassurance. Dr. Thomas A. Droleskey 3-19

       Regardless of the corruption going on by the antichrists in both Washington D.C. and Modernist Rome, we know the bad trees will ultimately be cut down and cast into the eternal fire as Our Lord has guaranteed. Pray for perseverance of the just to stay the course of the narrow path and pray for the conversion of those attached to those evil trees so that they can find the roots of salvation only through the sacramental Church founded by Christ. Remember Christ's words about persecution and buckle in. It's our time to shine for our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!

  • Memo to Pelosi: St. Joseph was Not a Socialist! How dare a disciple of the devil invoke the holy, pure St. Joseph and attribute to him the passage of the nefarious Obamacare is blasphemous to say the least. But then what do you expect of such a charlatan as pasty Pelosi? She long ago abandoned her faith, preaching something even conciliars never heard, and that's pretty bad. Traditio 3-25

  • Salvation Or Votes? While Obama and his communist cronies bribe, cajole, extort for votes for the socialistic health care, we must realize that in the scheme of things, it is expected considering America has abandoned any trace of accepting Christ as Sovereign King. Instead, because we have abandoned God and His Laws, the Almighty has permitted souls to be overlorded by one who thinks he himself is a god. What the faithful need is "apostolic courage" to stay the course. Dr. Thomas A. Droleskey 3-17

  • Kill Truth, Kill Babies Do not, we repeat, do not believe one politician for it's not about morals or life, but money and the love of it - the root of all evil drives the greed and graft at the expense of countless innocent unborns. Be careful of all the misdirection and sideshows for it is a sure fact that while you're watching anything to distract you, the evildoers are plotting behind closed doors to murder even more of God's little ones. Obamacare is of the devil. Dr. Thomas A. Droleskey 3-15

  • Follow Us--Or We Will Kill You The cancer of the West Chester-Brookfield Corridor has spread to Milwaukee threatening souls at St. Hugh of Lincoln where the same scenario that happened at St. Gertrude's is playing out with Fr. McGuire kowtowing to Fr. Cekada's gestapo tactics. Dr. Thomas A. Droleskey 2-27

  • Clash of the SSPX Titans Evident split widens as Fellay's Reich Marshall of the SSPX Gestapo Fr. Schmidberger's latest chess move is to attack Bishop Williamson's speaking out against Ratzinger's ruse. It would seem as more French, British, American and Australian resistance against reconciliation with Modernist Rome grows, the Germans have intensified their attacks and persecution, aligning with the Italians and using the Swiss fortress of Econe to hide their real agenda of their pact with the Hegelian German who holds Eternal Rome hostage. We can only hope history will repeat itself and the Axis powers of Modernism and Compromise will go down to defeat. We can also take solace in knowing Christ will not allow His Church to be totally checkmated no matter how fierce the war and that the Judgment of Nuremberg will come for all aligned with conciliarism. Traditio 2-23

  • Even Hans Kung Now Indicts Ratzinger. What's Next? When even your apostate friends turn on you, it's time to toss in the towel and that's exactly what could happen as the circle of those defending Ratzinger's rakish ways of covering up sodomite rapists is fast diminishing when a man who knows what Josef Ratzinger really stands for, is urging a fellow Modernist and Hegelian to pack it in. What was that Jesus said about making friends with Mammon? Traditio 3-26

  • A Tale of Two Benedicts Though St. Benedict's feast was superseded by Passion Sunday this year, it is not lost on how different the holy founder of the Benedictines was from the modern Benedict XVI who has none of the traits of the Father of Monasticism. No, in fact he is even worse then Benedict Arnold, for while the latter betrayed a country, BeneRatz betrayed Christ and His Church. Dr. Thomas A. Droleskey 3-23

  • Always Evading Root Causes Ratzinger's ruse is more than blarney to the Irish because his 'pastoral' letter is not fit to fertilize the potatoes for it's all mashed together in the corrupt conciliar collective that is rotten to the core. Dr. Thomas A. Droleskey 3-20

  • Of Worldwide Scope The scandal only grows worse as the walls close in on Ratzinger for his nefarious cover-up of the corrupt. Make friends of mammon for that is who he will be thrown to as more whistle blowers come forth to point the finger at the man responsible for the raping of bodies and souls universally. Dr. Thomas A. Droleskey 3-18

  • Unity Among Lutherans What does it profit a man? Ask those who have deviated from the faith over the past 500 years and they will answer from the depths: Nothing! That should tell Ratzinger everything he needs to know why it is a grave, grave sin and apostasy to participate in any non-Catholic activity; yet since he has long ago left the true Church, what's the buzz? Scandal. That's what, and we know what our Lord says about the man who would scandalize. Dr. Thomas A. Droleskey 3-14

    Click here for past issues last year

  • After much prayer and discussions, we've decided to launch this series is an effort to return to basics since too often we all make the holy Faith complicated, whereas in reality the truths and traditions of the Catholic Faith are quite simple. God doesn't complicate things, man does. Realizing this fact, we've decided to employ this series to simplify the tenets of the Faith for those who continue to wallow in what they think is the 'Catholic Church' out of obedience to a man and his hierarchy who long ago betrayed Christ and His flocks. This then, is an affirmation of the basic truths the Spotless Bride of Christ has always taught and cannot change or evolve as "living documents" for truth is truth. As we say every day in the Act of Faith, "We believe these and all the truths which the holy Catholic Church teaches, because Thou hast revealed them, Who canst neither deceive nor be deceived." If you have been deceived, and the vast majority have been, then realize what you've been indoctrinated with over the past 50 years cannot be from God but from His adversary. Our advice: flee the conciliar confines as well as other man-made religions which do not teach these truths without compromise. Seek out a traditional chapel nearest to you. Knowing that is not as simple as it sounds, you can at least keep the Faith by knowing it. This is the intent of this series, beginning with Step One: Foundation and Mission of the Church

    Following John Gregory meditation on the Second Glorious Mystery just over a week ago, he returns with inspiration for the Solemnity of the Descent of the Holy Ghost upon the Apostles in a meditation of the Third Glorious Mystery. Fifty days after our Lord Jesus Christ conquered death and ten days after He bodily ascended into Heaven, He made good on His promise to send His Spirit. The Holy Ghost came with a rush of grace and inspiration, transforming the formerly apprehensive Apostles into men of virtuous courage who were now ready to fully take up the command Christ had given them. The charism of the Church was born that day and the Faith spread rapidly with three thousand on the first day. A glorious day it was! John provides reflections on The Third Glorious Mystery: Pentecost

    John Gregory provides inspiration for the Solemnity of the Ascension of Our Lord into Heaven on Thursday, May 13 this year in a meditation of the Second Glorious Mystery. The Son of God has gone to prepare a place for us, and thus the effects of the Ascension remain an on-going mystery for Christ continues to prepare for us at the Father's right hand and in that wondrous news is extended the greatest hope to all for where Christ has gone He waits for us to follow in a place of everlasting happiness for those who are obedient to His teachings and cooperate with the divine Will. Just as Jesus left instructions for His Apostles, He has left us inerrant instructions that, if we follow fully, will assure us of being with Him forever. John provides reflections on The Second Glorious Mystery: The Ascension

    Editor Michael Cain files an editorial in which he thanks those who have responded to Cyndi's letter to readers in April. Then he provides the pepto to the paradigm for nausea. We know even the Lord can experience such symptoms for He said so in Apocalypse 3: 15-16. It is the apathetic attitudes He despises and it is the lukewarm who will fall prey to the devil. There are also those who are "hot" (as opposed to those who are "cold") who have dedicated their lives to undermining all that is sacred and set in stone such as, for State, the Constitution of the United States, and for Church, the infallible dogmatic decrees of the Council of Trent. As the conciliar church continues to unravel an interesting document has surfaced that could be the true Third Secret. That's the buzz that could be the death knell for the termites that have burrowed into the very fabric of the Faith and left their lascivious larvae, infecting holy Mother Church for over half a century and now out to destroy America. Oh, they are persistent buggers in trying to destroy the foundation of both Church and State. But we have the antidote to their sting. After all, the best extermination is the truth whether it's setting the facts straight or proclaiming the infrangible teachings of the Church. Jesus said so in St. John 8: 32 and Cain elaborates on the fact that we are fast Coming to That Moment of Truth

    The second day of Mary's Month of May is the Feast of the first man honored as a Doctor of the Church Saint Athanasius, the holy Bishop who withstood the brunt of the greatest apostasy in the Church until this present day Great Apostasy we are living in. Though Athanasius was not martyred, he is considered the first of countless dry martyrs who have been persecuted by their own for adhering uncompromisingly to the holy Faith. It is in looking to this holy Doctor that we can take great hope and courage to stay the course and fight for the Faith as he did sixteen centuries ago. It was this stauch defender of Catholic truth, this Alexandrian Bishop who persisted against the Arian heresies through numerous popes. He was banished by emperors and the Arians four times. But in the end the True Faith won out, thanks to the persevereance of men like this Apostle of Tradition

    This year, like St. Athanasius, a Sunday supersedes the Feast of the holy Doctor of the Church and Bishop St. Gregory Nazianzen. Saint Gregory Nazianzen, the fifth in a chronological list of the holy scholars of the Church, was another from the 4th century who also faced the intense persecutions and calumnies of the Arian bishops. Son of two saints - Saint Gregory Nazianzen the Elder and Saint Nonna - and the sibling of two others - Saint Caesarius and Saint Gorgonna - this Doctor of the Church teamed with another Doctor of the Church the holy Saint Basil to uphold true teaching in combating the heresies of his time. The holy bishop St. Gregory Nazianzen is considered the Church's Theologian. This Cappadocian shepherd also nurtured a young protege who would turn out pretty well himself, one Saint Jerome. St. Gregory is often called the Administrator of Theology

    Though the holy Doctor of the Church Saint Robert Bellarmine was born in Italy on the feast of St. Francis of Assisi, he opted to be a Jesuit when the Society were a dedicated order in upholding the ideals of the Jesuits' founders. He was an extremely sharp polemist who was not afraid to take on the most vitrolic Protestant theologians and, because this master apologist never wavered from Catholic truth, he always won out in perpetuating the Counter Reformation of Trent. His fame, humility and sense of the sensus Catholicus won back countless souls who had wavered during the Protestant Revolution. But his wisdom was not employed only on the sheep, but the shepherds as well - the chief shepherds - for he was Theologian and Spiritual Counselor to no less than five Popes. He was the noted Theologian to Roman Pontiffs and Trent

    While the first step to sainthood is making one "venerable" the title of Saint Bede the Venerable means so much more for he was the illustrious ornament of the Anglo-Saxon Church and its very first historian. Considered the Father of English History, he was the first to date events as in the "Year of Our Lord" - Anno Domini (A.D.) and would be appalled today to hear that the Modernist secularists want to make it A.C.E. (After the Common Era)in doing away with any reference to Christ whatsoever, all part of the anti-Catholic agenda to de-Christianize America thoroughly. That is the Masonic creed which Bede would never have stood for. St. Bede was officially named a Doctor of the Church by Pope Leo XIII. Considered a Father of the Church, he was the Benedictines' jewel and is often called the Holy Historian

    Editor Michael Cain files an editorial on the phenomenon in Iceland that is causing worldwide havoc. He asks if you've noticed how it seems all hell's breaking loose lately? Other than those living in a cave, everyone has to see that satan is getting really desperate, so much so, that he's blowing his stack; allowing his caliginous temper to pour forth in a caliginous cloud of red-hot black ash visible from the active volcano in Iceland with the unpronounceable name. While few knew of the devastation such a glacial crag could cause globally in bursting forth with such voluminous vexation from the depths of the the precipice of perdition, even fewer recognize it is casting a sinister shadow over the crepusculum of the conciliar church, which mirrors the tumultuous tenebrous times in which we find ourselves. The billowing behemoth cloud of auguring ash is intended to obfuscate the Way, the Truth and the Life. An omen of dark days ahead. When will we see the light and take control, convert? First ourselves, then others. The clock's ticking. Nature roils, satan boils and we cannot recoil. Hot or cold, we cannot be lukewarm or we will find ourselves part of the regurgitation. Rather, we must make our stand, girded in the armor of Faith as loyal members of the few faithful left in the Church Militant. Cain explains in his commentary The Devil's Kicking Ash!

    In Griff Ruby's eighth installment in refuting the anti-sedevacantist SSPX book, he endeavors to undo the negative. Why? Because the checks and balances of our Faith are like a battery which works in tandem with the ions of a negative charge to act as an electron donor to freely distribute its charges to the receptive positive ions to create a perfect balance in order to function fully. Nothing can run effectively on two negative charges though the SSPX authors seem to think it can be done by their own engine of "resisting and recognize", but, as is proven below, that is impossible and will always sputter and die, just as will the contraption known as the counterfeit church of conciliarism. The only way of undoing the double-negative is to replace the batteries, if you will, by discarding all elements of the newfangled Rube Goldberg invention created via Vatican II, which has complicated and confused with its miasma of modernist mazes that all wind up in dead-ends, and, in its place, reassert the simple original model which was never broke because it was perfect from the outset as promised by the One Who installed Her upon the Rock and guaranteed that His Church will go on, and on, and on "until the consummation of the world." Isn't it time to replace the batteries? That's Griff's recommendation in his eighth installment Undoing the Double-Negative .

    While the Modernist Vatican circles the wagons in trying to fend off the increasing secular press prodding that has them running scared and well they should. However, to really understand why this rotting tree of conciliararboris needs to be totally rooted out and cast into the fire as Our Lord foretells in St. Matthew 7: 15-20, Dr. Thomas A. Droleskey has just filed an insightful article that proves the rot stinks from the head whether it was Angelo Roncalli who opened the portals to allow the sodomite culture in or Giovanni Montini who celebrated it or Karol Wojtyla (see the latest on this evidence at Traditio) who encouraged it or Joseph Ratzinger who condoned it by his doing absolutely nothing at the diocesan, curia or conciliar papal levels over the past 45 years. Tom nails the problems and points to the Rainbow Connection of the perverted Montini and the man he appointed as Apostolic Delegate to the US, 'Archbishop' Jean Jadot who made as his first episcopal recommendation one Bernard Law in 1973 and his last terrible choice in 1980: Kenneth Untener, the notorious ultra Modernist who introduced many perverse curriculums into seminaries. Jadot also received the Hans Kung Award. Enough said. Tom provides the rest of the details on what the secular media is just beginning to discover. Let us hope they connect all the dots on the dominos and realize the church of Vatican II is not the Catholic Church and the media is free to give the counterfeit church of conciliarism a push so all the dominos will finally fall. More Than A Matter of Legality

    While Ratzinger et alii tread the turbulent waves, splashing about with every excuse in the book to duck their deserved millstones Griff Ruby encourages all to bury the hatchets, put down the gloves, pick up the Rosaries, and pray that the true Successors of the Apostles will have the heroic virtue and courage of those who preceeded them down through the centuries in perpetuating the Faith and multiplying holy Mother Church's ranks through the consecration of more traditional bishops and a meeting of the minds in arriving at the conclusion they are our only hope in the face of the hopeless apostasy that has poisoned the Vatican nation and left us with no other alternative but the clear cut choice to move forward for the Divine Nation in returning a true Vicar of Christ to Rome. What is the difference between the role of Cardinals as the Church intended and our traditional Bishops? The Answer: Nothing! And there should be nothing to stop them from coming together to act as an august body of true Authority in restoring the Catholic Church. Quite possibly that's the miracle we've been awaiting: For all the traditional Bishops to come together for the sake of souls. Griff maps out the course in part two, A Theological Map: Applying the Cardinal Compass for a Clearer and Sure Path .

    What would the holy theologian and preacher St. Vincent Ferrer do or say about the lies and heretical panzy pabulum being spewed today? Dr. Thomas A. Droleskey tells us why the conciliar triumverate of Levada, Cantalamessa and Sodano is circling the wagons in trying to defend the indefensible while they themselves continue the cover-up that has been going since the tragic rules of apostate pozers Giovanni Montini and then Karol Wojtyla, who appointed the latter two and made the scurrilous Levada a 'bishop'. Meanwhile the most liberal of rags, The New York Times with their cabal of leftist columnists and reporters, aim their pitchforks at Ratzinger, accusing him of complicity in the cover-up of the sex scandal. While they are right about the 'smoking gun', they are the mercenaries of the devil dueling another devil. In other words, neither camp has any credibility and the more they launch the volley of vitriolic verbosity at each other, the more they both expose themselves as enemies of Christ and enemies of His holy Church, which is not and cannot be the one posing as such in Modernist Rome. Dr. Thomas A. Droleskey has filed two excellent articles that get to the heart of the matter in taking Levada to task for his hypocrisy in Surely He Jests and the infamous words of official 'preacher' of the VaticantwoArians the Capuchin Raniero Cantalamessa that have sparked yet another war with the naturalists as Tom compares such with the zeal of St. Vincent Ferrer in Conciliar Confusion, Catholic Zeal for Souls

          It has definitely been a decade of transition, as this editor dubs it - Transition to Tradition, our last opportunity before God really lowers the boom. Looking back, it doesn't take a brain surgeon to see the deterioration in society as the ranks of the good, decent ones striving for holiness grow smaller and the enemy flanks are massing larger and larger, more threatening than ever. With every day we inch closer to the apocalypse foretold in the book of the same name, contrary to Protestant and conciliar concerns that it was always called "Revelation." Would St. John the Evangelist be surprised, and for that matter the holy Doctor of the Church who translated it and several of the holy hierarchs who ratified the Scriptures at various major councils of the Church, most recently at the dogmatic Council of Trent. Many closet conciliarists reading this may not be familiar with that council since the robber barons have sought to eliminate any mention of Trent in the same manner as the U.S. Government is doing everything it can to wipe out any mention of God. For both these offenses there are consequences, grave ones and we are beginning to see now that both anti-Catholic campaigns by the counterfeit church of conciliarism and the United States Congress and its cohorts in the Obama administration both in Washington and Chicago are getting more desperate as each day passes. Those not grounded in grace had best get right with God before it is too late. Call it "gloom and doom" if you want, but that doom can be eternal and that would cause anyone gloom. Can you say fire and brimstone? To remind you, we will be bringing you throughout this year "Diadems of the Decade" featuring an article from each month of each of the past ten years. We're not saying these are the "Best" of the decade for how do you choose which ones are the best? Yet, they are gems that we want to share for we're sure you will treasure them and realize, like fine jewels, they are still as valuable today especially when investing in souls. For this edition, we present a diadem for each May from 2000 through May 2009.

    This column ran a decade ago in which Pat Ludwa prompted all to understand the method God sometimes uses to bring man back to Him. He showed how, through sin, a man can be converted from his evil ways just as Saint Paul and Saint Augustine were to name but a few of the countless souls who walked in darkness before seeing the light. Pat illustrated how God allows evil for good. By that is meant God allows man to do of his free will, to be tempted, to pursue activities that are in direct confrontation against the Almighty. He does so that to show man the emptiness, the void that still exists no matter how rich one might be or secure in their profession for without God, there is nothing. That is the gist of Pat's column ten years ago which is even more pertinent today, when it's a golden opportunity to realize Sin Has Value!!!.

    While the title of Dr. Frank Joseph's article a year after Pat's above would seem to contradict Ludwa's, they're actually in lock step with Catholic truth. There are many pro life advocates who get the press and accolades in the crusade for the Sanctity of Life, few are more dedicated than the retired physician Dr. Frank Joseph. Ever since his retirement well over a decade ago, Frank has committed his life to exposing the insidious culture of death, a moratorium that began with Roe vs. Wade and since has resulted in over 80 million unborn innocents being slaughtered in the womb. Frank wrote this article nine years ago when more supposed 'Catholics' than ever had been elected to Congress. You would think that would have bode well for eventually overturning abortion laws and returning to sanity in pleading for God's mercy for His little ones. As we can see in those nine years since it has not only gotten worse, but one of the senators mentioned went on to become Vice President. Talk about a joke! To this day Frank continues to uncover the horrors and political chicanery of those who would continue to make it open season on killing the innocent babies. In 2001, Catholics controlled the Senate, Frank asked if they would join Bush and the Republicans in honoring God by stopping the Killing of Unborn babies, or would they continue to sell their souls to satan for political gain? Sadly, today in 2010 we know the answer to that all too well. You Cannot Justify Sin!

    In an early editorial eight years ago the editor of The DailyCatholic hinted that sedevacantism was very possible considering the actions of the men claiming to be 'Popes.' Cain reported from the bunkers where Traditionalists have been hunkered down deflecting needless artillery from Modern Rome who has decided the real enemy is anyone who professes to embrace the Truths and Traditions of Holy Mother Church, which is Eternal Rome. Meanwhile the scandalous and very damaging 'fruits of Vatican II' continue to run amok in the post-conciliar jungle as it becomes more apparent everyday that the "top banana" Modernists have no intention to rein in the abusers. They claim they see no evil, hear no evil and say no evil yet it is obvious they're slipping all over themselves on the peels of denial and contradiction as evil indeed permeates every fiber of the hierarchy. So much for trust. The modern hierarchy ape sincerity while continuing to monkey around with the sacrosanct. We can see this so clearly today as more and more evidence surfaces over Ratzinger's complicity in covering up the sex scandals and everything is unraveling. Why then is anyone still duped into believing he could ever possibly be a true Pontiff, let alone Catholic? Cain asks in Who's Fooling Who?!?

    This letter by Bishop Richard Williamson was published on these pages with permission seven years ago. At the time he was responding to the rumors flying around in 2003 about "re-incommunication" with modern Rome. Back then he made it manifestly clear that Conciliar 'Catholicism' is not Authentic Roman Catholicism and Traditional Catholics, indeed every Catholic, has a duty to resist and to engage in all out war against the Conciliarists for only one will be left standing and, for the sake of millions and millions of souls, let us hope and pray that True Catholicism will win out. He said then that both could not stand, especially if the SSPX is compromised by the enemy camp of the New-church Vatican. Fast forward to present time and we have to ask, what happened? Today he is a house prisoner of the turncoat Bishop Fellay. What was that part Bishop Williamson said about only one house can stand? He still has his chance to speak out before the entire SSPX are swallowed up by the VulgArians. Read carefully his words from seven years ago when he wrote Two Rumors and More to Come?

    Six years ago Gabriel Garnica tried to burrow through the wall that continues even to today to be unmistakenly erected by the twisters of truth. That wall is the wall of Separation between Church and State, something that has totally been misrepresented and misunderstood. The logic of those saying there must be a wall is more twisted than a pretzel, but that doesn't seem to faze warped minds that neglect the importance and necessity of the documents of truth - the Holy Scriptures and why the U.S. Constitution, Declarion of Independance, and Bill of Rights were founded upon the principles and tenets of the Holy Bible. That is a problem with the New Order who are so malleable to accepting the New Manifesto of Modernism, while twisting the Living Documents to justify killing. "Thou shalt not kill" means nothing to these cannibals of cantankerousness. Gabriel explained in When Living Documents Are Twisted To Justify Death!

    Five years ago, we brought you a short essay by Father Kevin Vaillancourt, editor of the Traditional publication The Catholic Voice who had given us personal permission to reprint his article from many years ago on the very subject of the questioning of the validity of the Sacrament of Ordination which Paul VI changed. Father reinforced that what Pius XII decreed in Sacramentum Ordinis has been omitted in the new rite of ordination and thus throwing so much into mass confusion with the conciliar church. Father Kevin provided the correct words of the long established traditional rite of Ordination. He clarified why those ordained in the new rite after 1968 are presbyters and not really worthy of the revered title "Father." What is worse, is that they can't confect the Sacrament either. That creates a major problem for those who think they can. "Father" or Not "Father"?

    Five years ago, Timothy Duff, who has taught Traditional Catholicism for decades and is also a consummate expert on Venerable Mary Agreda's masterful work Mystical City of God, provided a primer on how to help our friends trapped in the Novus Ordo establishment to see the truths of the True Mass, the True Faith and to better understand why the New Order 'Mass' is not from Christ nor from the Church He established! It is not Catholic! The title of this article seems obvious enough, does it not? What Catholic could be found who would not agree that the Church is not above Christ? Yet the belief that the Catholic Church has more authority than Jesus Christ Himself is actually the very core of the error of those who attend the Novus Ordo Missae or "New Order Mass" (NOM). It is a sacred duty of charity for those whom the Sacred Heart of Jesus has mercifully called to attend exclusively the Traditional Latin Mass to desire the same grace for others. That is why Tim shares this "how to explain why" to help our friends trapped in the counterfeit church of conciliarism to truly understand Catholic truth as he explained so clearly in his magnificent essay The Church is Not Above Christ

    Though Father James Francis Wathen has passed on to his eternal reward, he has left us not only his words of wisdom in Making Sense of sensus Catholicus and his magnificent and irrefutable opus The Great Sacrilege, but has also given us several radio reflections. We are grateful to be able to bring you these pearls of wisdom, especially this one in which Fr. Wathen peeled away the layers of complication that the world covers everything with in order to deny the simplest, most basic point of life: Why God made us. Father resorted to the first question of the Baltimore Catechism to refute all the great minds that steer us away from the ineffable truth that we are His creations to do as He wills and if we are not willing to cooperate, then we deserve the fate that awaits us. He called upon the brilliant Father Frederick Faber to bring home this everlasting truth and the audacity of those who think they can go it alone...for they are in for a shock when all is said and done and they pass back into dust. Father Wathen explained in God intends us to have Meaning and Purpose to our life God intends us to have Meaning and Purpose to our life

    With the last day of May being the feast of the Queenship of Mary, we bring you John Gregory's inspiration on the Fifth Glorious Mystery with the exemplary words of Pope Pius XII's encyclical Munificentissimus Deus pertaining to her Coronation. For the first part of his encyclical on the Dogma of the Assumption on November 1, 1950, the last time anything infallible has been pronounced from the See of Peter, see first part of encyclical. As His Holiness put it so poignantly for what greater glory can there be for a lifetime of devotion and uncompromising fiat to the divine will than to be recognized for all time what the Blessed Mother accomplished in being crowned by her divine Son and heavenly Father with the assistance of the Holy Ghost, her divine Spouse. It is a lesson for us that indeed there is a light at the end of this worldly tunnel, a light from the Beatific Vision attainable only by adhering willingly and lovingly to the will of Almighty God for she is the Woman of the Apocalypse, with a crown of twelve stars. John provides the inspiration for Coronation of the Blessed Virgin Mary

    Last year Griff Ruby presented a column in which he asked: Is Bishop Fellay the answer to the end of the Crisis in the Church? Does he have the answers? Many within his own Society don't think so. They feel they are being betrayed. The question remains: Is he being beamed into the Vatican for the good of Catholics or at their expense? What assurance does he have that the Modernists can ever be sincere and honest? From what has been seen thus far one would be wise to suspect 'there's something rotten in Denmark' as well as Rome. A year has passed and we can see Fellay is very much of the problem, especially by his purging those who object to his sell-out. The SSPX is in a great state of flux and for those still associated with the Society, the proof is in the pudding by Fellay's total silence in the face of ever more egregious offenses, heresies and outright deceit of all by the usurper in Rome and his thugs in purple and red. Griff's warning holds truer than ever to those who would place their hopes in Modern Rome: Don't! Griff lays out the parameters in his column To Go Where No Saint Has Gone Before

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