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   We assure all that we will continue to provide as much insight and inspiration as possible in helping all learn more about their Faith in order to know what we must all do to preserve and uphold the One True Faith of Apostolic Tradition and pray that more will wake up to the words of St. Paul in 2 Thessalonians 2: 10-11 and realize the conciliar church is the "operation of error" that God has allowed souls "to believe a lie. That all may be judged, who have not believed the truth, but have consented to iniquity." We pray that they will realize this and heed Paul's words in verse 14, to "stand firm; and hold the traditions which you have learned, whether by word, or by our epistle." On this Easter 2010, we want to extend to all our readers a blessed and grace-filled Easter and may you bask in the Mystical Light of our Resurrected Savior and grow stronger in your Faith throughout this time of Paschaltide. Alleluia, alleluia.
Michael Cain, editor

This prayer replaces the Angelus during Paschaltide
Regina Coeli laetare. Alleluia.
Quia quem meruisti portare. Alleluia.
Resurrexit sicut dixit. Alleluia.
Ora pro nobis Deum. Alleluia.
V. Gaude et laetare, virgo Maria. Alleluia.
R. Quia surrexit Dominus vere. Alleluia.
Deus, qui per resurrectionem Filii tui, Domini nostri Iesu Christi, mundum laetificare dignatus es: praesta, quaesumus; ut, per eius Genetricem Virginem Mariam, perpetuae capiamus gaudia vitae. Per eundem Christum Dominum nostrum. Amen.
Queen of Heaven, rejoice, Alleluia.
For He Whom thou was made worthy to bear. Alleluia.
Hath risen as He said. Alleluia.
Pray for us to our God. Alleluia.
V. Rejoice and be glad, O Virgin Mary. Alleluia.
R. For the Lord hath risen indeed. Alleluia.
Let us pray.
O God, Who through the resurrection of Thy Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ, hast vouchsafed to make glad the whole world, grant us, we beseech Thee, that, through the intercession of the Virgin Mary, His Mother, we may attain the joys of eternal life. Through the same Christ our Lord. Amen.

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   Traditio recently alerted readers that "One press that used to be considered 'traditional' was sold out a couple of years ago to a Protestant conglomerate, but still calls itself 'traditional,' even though its publications now fully support the Protestant Novus Ordo. That press that published Fr. James Wathen's 1971 seminal work against the validity of the Novus Ordo, The Great Sacrilege, has pulled the book from its list because, now under its Protestant directors, it is no longer permitted to state that 'the New Mass [sic] is illegal, immoral, and not Catholic.' The once-courageous press can no longer publish a book that it now claims, under its new Protestant management, 'defames the [New]church and calls its approved form of the mass [sic] an invalid sacrilege.' The press now specifically rejects the truth that the Traditional Latin Mass "is the 'only' and 'true' Mass and that the Novus Ordo is invalid or illicit."

   The Fathers are, of course, referring to TAN Books. But have no fear. We are pleased to remind all readers that the late Fr. Wathen graciously gave The DailyCatholic permission in September 2001 to publish the entire book online so that it could be read by everyone, no matter the censorship by the counterfeit church of conciliarism. Thus, you can read his entire masterful work that has withstood the test of 40 years. No one has been able to refute the truth of his words in The Great Sacrilege

or you can send your tax-deductible contribution (check, cash or M.0.) by mail to:    SANCTUS/The DailyCatholic
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  • Beware of the Liberation of La Raza Atila Sinke Guimaraes provides an insightful essay on the dangers that liberation theology holds north of the border as it continues to spread south of the border throughout Mexico, Central America and almost the entire southern continent of the Americas. He lays out why the communist dragon has made such headway throughout the southern hemisphere and from its coven in Chiappas is reaching its claws northward to swallow up the great American Southwest and West. Just more of the bitter bad fruits of Vatican II. Atila Sinke Guimaraes 3-26

  • Swinging Clubs To Protect The Club The cancer is malignant and no matter how many band-aids the conciliar cabal try to apply whether it's the propaganda Pravda of the Vatican - L'Osservatore Romano or the nabobs doing their darndest to diffuse the death penalty for Ratzinger's reign, the counterfeit church is crashing. YES! Finally. It can't be soon enough! Long live holy Mother Church and pray the imposters are driven out soon like the snakes from Ireland. Come to think of it, Ireland needs another St. Patrick as well. Every diocese in the world needs one to drive out the snakes of Sodomgate. Dr. Thomas A. Droleskey 3-26

  • You Think We've Got Problems... No matter how down folks might be over the ramrodding of an unlawful law through Congress, we should all have hope and take our cue from the Blessed Mother and her divine Son. The problem is we're spoiled because, like the Jews of the Old Testament, have abandoned God and His Laws, have abandoned Christ as our Sovereign King. We deserve this chastisement. The key is what do we do about it to atone for our sins and the sins of our nation? Dr. Thomas A. Droleskey 3-25

  • Never Give In To Compromise So much for trusting a so-called pro-life 'Catholic' politician. We see so clearly how the Judases come out of the woodwork when there's a quid pro quo even at the expense of the innocent unborns. What does that matter when one has sold out to the devil? Dr. Thomas A. Droleskey 3-24

  • Front Men For The New World Order While there are many aspersions that both Benedict XVI and Barack Hussein Obama are the antichrist personified, (in truth they are 'antichrists' according to St. John) they are really the precursors of what is to come as they continue their agenda toward a One World Order, a One World Religion devoid of Jesus Christ as our Sovereign King to Whom alone we must bow and obey. Dr. Thomas A. Droleskey 3-22

  • Longer Than World War II The seven year anniversary of the Iraq War marks the longest war in United States history and what have been the fruits? Nada! Just as would be expected of a bad tree for a country which thinks nothing of killing its own cannot succeed in receiving God's blessings but rather more of the devastation we presently encounter from enemies foreign and domestic. The problem is discerning who is the real enemy. Dr. Thomas A. Droleskey 3-20

  • Losing Everything to Gain God Should we be surprised that so many souls have been fooled? Not when you realize the scope of how many were duped in the past just as St. Paul said to "believe a lie". The key is not to give up hope but to realize that even when things look the bleakest, Christ is with us and the rewards far outweigh the trials and tribulations of this present apostasy and chaos in our day and age. Call on St. Joseph for reassurance. Dr. Thomas A. Droleskey 3-19

  • Becoming What They Once Opposed Charlie Rangel needs to remember he can't wrangle his way into Heaven if he doesn't amend his ways totally. But then, more often than not, Christ's truth about making friends with mammon is the tragic result to so many politicians who have blithely sold their souls. There is a price to pay and the ignominy of resigning a committee is nothing compared to eternity. Dr. Thomas A. Droleskey 3-5

  • Refusing To Champion Christ the King Compromising and Massaging a heresy to appease man in an atmosphere of 'can't we just all get along' proves the cowardice of the conciliar cabal of potentates who believe more in Americanism than Christ the King. Oh, will they be in for a surprise when the divine Monarch calls them before His throne. Dr. Thomas A. Droleskey 3-4

  • King Juan Carlos, Meet Pope Leo XIII A good sovereign is never afraid of his subjects, but he should be very afraid of his Sovereign King if he dares violate God's Law no matter what conciliar potentates say in trying to absolve him of wrong doing. The catch-22 Spain's king finds himself in is really not as difficult as he would think. Dr. Thomas A. Droleskey 3-2

  • Imagine What A Lost Soul Looks Like To God While we bemoan the deaths and commiserate with the victims of devastating earthquakes in Haiti and now Chile, there is a much more dangerous temblor that few consider but should and that is the terrible tremor of mortal sin which will wipe out countless souls if they're not fortified with sanctifying grace. Sadly, today that would be the majority of the population of the world! Dr. Thomas A. Droleskey 3-1

       Regardless of the corruption going on by the antichrists in both Washington D.C. and Modernist Rome, we know the bad trees will ultimately be cut down and cast into the eternal fire as Our Lord has guaranteed. Pray for perseverance of the just to stay the course of the narrow path and pray for the conversion of those attached to those evil trees so that they can find the roots of salvation only through the sacramental Church founded by Christ. Remember Christ's words about persecution and buckle in. It's our time to shine for our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!

  • Memo to Pelosi: St. Joseph was Not a Socialist! How dare a disciple of the devil invoke the holy, pure St. Joseph and attribute to him the passage of the nefarious Obamacare is blasphemous to say the least. But then what do you expect of such a charlatan as pasty Pelosi? She long ago abandoned her faith, preaching something even conciliars never heard, and that's pretty bad. Traditio 3-25

  • Salvation Or Votes? While Obama and his communist cronies bribe, cajole, extort for votes for the socialistic health care, we must realize that in the scheme of things, it is expected considering America has abandoned any trace of accepting Christ as Sovereign King. Instead, because we have abandoned God and His Laws, the Almighty has permitted souls to be overlorded by one who thinks he himself is a god. What the faithful need is "apostolic courage" to stay the course. Dr. Thomas A. Droleskey 3-17

  • Kill Truth, Kill Babies Do not, we repeat, do not believe one politician for it's not about morals or life, but money and the love of it - the root of all evil drives the greed and graft at the expense of countless innocent unborns. Be careful of all the misdirection and sideshows for it is a sure fact that while you're watching anything to distract you, the evildoers are plotting behind closed doors to murder even more of God's little ones. Obamacare is of the devil. Dr. Thomas A. Droleskey 3-15

  • Follow Us--Or We Will Kill You The cancer of the West Chester-Brookfield Corridor has spread to Milwaukee threatening souls at St. Hugh of Lincoln where the same scenario that happened at St. Gertrude's is playing out with Fr. McGuire kowtowing to Fr. Cekada's gestapo tactics. Dr. Thomas A. Droleskey 2-27

  • Clash of the SSPX Titans Evident split widens as Fellay's Reich Marshall of the SSPX Gestapo Fr. Schmidberger's latest chess move is to attack Bishop Williamson's speaking out against Ratzinger's ruse. It would seem as more French, British, American and Australian resistance against reconciliation with Modernist Rome grows, the Germans have intensified their attacks and persecution, aligning with the Italians and using the Swiss fortress of Econe to hide their real agenda of their pact with the Hegelian German who holds Eternal Rome hostage. We can only hope history will repeat itself and the Axis powers of Modernism and Compromise will go down to defeat. We can also take solace in knowing Christ will not allow His Church to be totally checkmated no matter how fierce the war and that the Judgment of Nuremberg will come for all aligned with conciliarism. Traditio 2-23

  • Even Hans Kung Now Indicts Ratzinger. What's Next? When even your apostate friends turn on you, it's time to toss in the towel and that's exactly what could happen as the circle of those defending Ratzinger's rakish ways of covering up sodomite rapists is fast diminishing when a man who knows what Josef Ratzinger really stands for, is urging a fellow Modernist and Hegelian to pack it in. What was that Jesus said about making friends with Mammon? Traditio 3-26

  • A Tale of Two Benedicts Though St. Benedict's feast was superseded by Passion Sunday this year, it is not lost on how different the holy founder of the Benedictines was from the modern Benedict XVI who has none of the traits of the Father of Monasticism. No, in fact he is even worse then Benedict Arnold, for while the latter betrayed a country, BeneRatz betrayed Christ and His Church. Dr. Thomas A. Droleskey 3-23

  • Always Evading Root Causes Ratzinger's ruse is more than blarney to the Irish because his 'pastoral' letter is not fit to fertilize the potatoes for it's all mashed together in the corrupt conciliar collective that is rotten to the core. Dr. Thomas A. Droleskey 3-20

  • Of Worldwide Scope The scandal only grows worse as the walls close in on Ratzinger for his nefarious cover-up of the corrupt. Make friends of mammon for that is who he will be thrown to as more whistle blowers come forth to point the finger at the man responsible for the raping of bodies and souls universally. Dr. Thomas A. Droleskey 3-18

  • Unity Among Lutherans What does it profit a man? Ask those who have deviated from the faith over the past 500 years and they will answer from the depths: Nothing! That should tell Ratzinger everything he needs to know why it is a grave, grave sin and apostasy to participate in any non-Catholic activity; yet since he has long ago left the true Church, what's the buzz? Scandal. That's what, and we know what our Lord says about the man who would scandalize. Dr. Thomas A. Droleskey 3-14
    x's Three!
  • Germans ready to nail Ratzinger for his cover up To save their own derriers, many are pointing their finger at the man responsible as Archbishop of Munich and Freising for transfering pedophiles. This is the very same man who headed the cover-up as Prefect of the CDOF under JP2 and continued once he became B16 despite the devastating damage to the victims and souls everywhere in causing scandal. Surprise, surprise! Not! Traditio 3-15

  • Without Precedent Though it's Laetare Sunday, there is nothing to rejoice over regarding the radical progressive agenda being foisted on so many clueless conciliar Catholics. You won't believe the Marxist Stations of the Cross promoted by the nefarious 'Catholic' Campaign for Human Development, which is supported and promoted by the USCCB or, as they are more and more becoming known as the United States Concilar Cabal of Baal! They have fashioned a Way of the Cross that defies imagination in promoting the leftist, anti-Catholic causes which Obama and his ilk would be so proud of. All more of the inane, insane novelties that keep getting wierder and wierder and wierder, but then satan loves wierd and the counterfeit church of conciliarism fits that description to a tee! Dr. Thomas A. Droleskey 3-14

  • Rome reeling from revelations of Ratzinger's brother's involvement in pedophilia
    Truly the apple doesn't fall far from the tree, especially the rotten ones and in the conciliar climes things are plenty rotten and promise to get more rank with the ranks of Ratzinger's own brother Georg implicated for pedophilia while headmaster at the Benedictine Monastery in Bavaria. Yeah, the Rhine has definitely polluted the Tiber. So what will the worm heading that infested conciliar church do next? Stay tuned. Traditio 3-10

  • Short and To The Catholic Point and Words Really Do Matter Levada leaves 'em weeping in Omaha over the apostasy he and Ratzinger share in the ecumaniacal manner they are known for. Dr. Thomas A. Droleskey 3-10

  • The 'Smoking Gun' is rightly pointing right at Ratzinger Discovery of sodomite prostitution ring run by Ratzinger's buddy Angelo Balducci in the 'papal' household could be the straw that breaks the cabal's back as the out-of-control homosexual pedophilia scandal spreads like wildfire across Europe. Let us hope Modern Rome burns out and Eternal Rome can rise again. Traditio 3-8

  • Do Tell In his last hurrah, Fr. Gabriele Amorth, one of the only true exorcists still living, reveals a shocking truth: There are satanists in the College of 'Cardinals'. (Surprise! Surprise!!!) When asked if Ratzinger knows, he said: "Of, course." What the reporter did not ask: Was Ratzinger one of those cardinals? It's time to start asking the tough questions. Or are the conciliar robber barons afraid of the devil? (How can they be? They don't believe in him!) However, they should be very, very afraid of his Adversary for they will have to atone for what they have wrought. So is it any surprise that the respected and really last true priest from the days of Pius XII and, other than selected traditional priests, the only one in the conciliar structure who has the true power of the Order of Excorcist Fr. Amorth is contradicted by those out to defend the conciliar cabal? Just as Nancy Pelosi vows that this Congress is the most open and ethical in history (right!!!), so also a non-priest - 'Fr.' Jose Antonio Fortea Cucurull, who claims he has the same powers of exorcism as Fr. Gabriele Amorth (he doesn't!!!), is quick to have the gall to say that this current cabal of 'cardinals' (in which there really isn't a legitimate true cardinal of the Church in the bunch now) is (are you ready for this?) "Our College of Cardinals, if we compare it with past centuries is the most edifying and virtuous that history has ever known. One would have to go back to the epoch of the Roman Empire to find a body of electors so distanced from all earthly pretension as the current one is." (Yeah, he really said that!!! What does he think Rasputin and Ghengis Khan ruled the College of Cardinals in the past?) The conciliar clowns are desperate to cover up how much in control satan really is of the new church founded at Vatican II. Dr. Thomas A. Droleskey 3-6

  • No Rush Hour at Calvary The new wave of "Quickie 'Masses'" may be the rage in Ireland, but they will soon find that haste makes waste. When will they learn that when they rush the sacred they are not rushing toward Heaven, but rather in the opposite direction toward the abyss. It's a cruel edge of the cliff when one seeks to cut corners. Dr. Thomas A. Droleskey 3-3

  • "Not Perfect"? The Novus Ordo can't even be Ordinary! The more they try to tweak the invalid Pagan-Masonic-Protestant rite more bizarre it becomes, depressing even those trying to push it on duped souls. Traditio 3-3

    Click here for past issues last year

  • What would the holy theologian and preacher St. Vincent Ferrer do or say about the lies and heretical panzy pabulum being spewed today? Dr. Thomas A. Droleskey tells us why the conciliar triumverate of Levada, Cantalamessa and Sodano is circling the wagons in trying to defend the indefensible while they themselves continue the cover-up that has been going since the tragic rules of apostate pozers Giovanni Montini and then Karol Wojtyla, who appointed the latter two and made the scurrilous Levada a 'bishop'. Meanwhile the most liberal of rags, The New York Times with their cabal of leftist columnists and reporters, aim their pitchforks at Ratzinger, accusing him of complicity in the cover-up of the sex scandal. While they are right about the 'smoking gun', they are the mercenaries of the devil dueling another devil. In other words, neither camp has any credibility and the more they launch the volley of vitriolic verbosity at each other, the more they both expose themselves as enemies of Christ and enemies of His holy Church, which is not and cannot be the one posing as such in Modernist Rome. Dr. Thomas A. Droleskey has filed two excellent articles that get to the heart of the matter in taking Levada to task for his hypocrisy in Surely He Jests and the infamous words of official 'preacher' of the VaticantwoArians the Capuchin Raniero Cantalamessa that have sparked yet another war with the naturalists as Tom compares such with the zeal of St. Vincent Ferrer in Conciliar Confusion, Catholic Zeal for Souls

    Griff Ruby provides food for thought in his two part treatise on how we need to map out the necessary direction for faithful Catholics. With all the factions facing off with no fruits of victory, there is a simple reason why? Most are lost. Scattered all over the disoriented diagram. Either they have lost their way in the Faith or they have lost their bearings as to their own grandiose egos that they alone personally are the Church or they have lost sight of which way the fence tips. What all parties need is a steady Catholic Compass in order to chart a GPS system that will guide each and every Catholic on the right path and, with God's grace, lead us finally, in His time, to a union of the traditional Bishops to take the action Christ and His faithful ones expect and take charge of their rightful duty to regain control of themselves as the Church for the sake of souls. It's all laid out on a simple Theological Map, that, if followed, will lead to clearing up the confusion and end the apostasy once and for all. Amen. Griff lays out the itinerary in part one, A Theological Map: Trouble Navigating When the Road is Not Clearly Delineated .

    Though superseded by the Solemnity of the Resurrection this year, St. Isidore is often regarded as the "Patron Saint of the Internet." And though, needless to say, he knew nothing of the fiber-optic world or the world wide web, the truths he spread will continue long after high technology has become obsolete for his domain was Christ's and Isidore was so instrumental in planting the seeds of the uncompromising True Faith in his beloved Spain where he stifled heresy and converted the Arians, as well as staving off the curse of the crescent moon which had invaded Iberia. Thanks to the dedication and doctrines preached by this holy Doctor, he paved the way for the glorious fruits of conversion that transformed the entire world, especially in the Western Hemisphere. He was truly the Guardian and Gardner of the Faith

    This year Low Sunday supersedes the Feast of the holy Doctor of the Church and Roman Pontiff Saint Leo the Great. Nevertheless, the day cannot pass without honoring this phenomenal saint who was so vigilant and masterful in all he did from staving off the devastating Arian heresy, to reinstating solid doctrine when the Robbers Council sought to undermine the Faith, to miraculously stopping the "Scourge of God" Attila the Hun in his tracks at the gates of Rome. Through the grace of God and Leo's heroic virtue, the ruthless barbarian left without sacking the city. Leo was the only Vicar of Christ to convene two major ecumenical councils. He is best remembered as the "Defender of Rome" Such was the fifth century spiritual giant St. Leo the Great Defender of Rome and Codifier of Orthodoxy

    April 21st is the traditional feast of the holy Doctor of the Church and Bishop Saint Anselm who was a crusader against lay investiture, fiercely loyal to Rome and to his vocation as a priest who loved his flocks. They rewarded him by fiercely standing behind him against mighty temporal kings. He was a Frenchman who conquered the Brits with love. He was the father of Scholastic Theology. He was the holy doctor from Piedmont whose writings and teachings became an important barometer for another Doctor of the Church - the angelic doctor St. Thomas Aquinas a little over a century later. St. Anselm was the uncompromising Archbishop of Canterbury in the middle ages who lived 76 years and is known best as the Father of Scholasticism. Father of Scholasticism

    This Dutch-born Jesuit priest played a key role in the landmark dogmatic and canonical Council of Trent and in debating the Protestant heresies while whirling through his native Netherlands and Germany, Austria, Bohemia and Poland. He was a great eloquent preacher sought by prince and pauper alike. He served as mediator between Holy Roman Emperors and Popes. He also founded the University of Fribourg in 1580. One of his most famous works was "Manuel of Catholics" and he is referred to as the "Second Apostle of Germany," giving way only to the great Saint Boniface as the "First Apostle of Germany." Because of his efforts, the counter-reformation was a resounding success in Bavaria. Saint Peter of Canisius was truly the Windmill of Wisdom.

    With Holy Week upon us, editor Michael Cain completes his series on the analogy of the Sorrowful Mysteries and the Mystical Body of Christ with the Carrying of the Cross. Cain provides answers as to how can we sort out all that has happened over the past 50 years? How can we not equate the Crucifixion of the Mystical Body of Christ to the Apostasy and Schism of Modernist Rome? We have the evidence from Divine Revelation as well as reaffirmation from Heaven to reliable saints, popes and the Mother of God herself, who invites us to stand with her divine Son and His Church during these dark hours before the resplendent radiance of the resurrection. The journey has taken us to the final hours when almost all have abandoned Christ and His faithful ones. Calvary is a journey all faithful Catholics take every Lent leading up through Passiontide to Holy Week and Good Friday. There can be no victory without the cross and that is what we must all embrace, even moreso in our day than ever before. Are we really ready to not only embrace the tree of the cross, but also be nailed to Christ on it? If not, we are barking up the wrong tree - a bad tree, one that will be chopped down and cast into the eternal fire. It's truth time for all faithful Catholics to uphold what Cain terms, The Code of Faithful Souljourners

    Editor Michael Cain reprises an article written several years ago but key in Passiontide Week for impressing on readers the importance of the Feast of the Seven Sorrows in Friday of Passion Week. That especially holds true this year in how the three feasts intricately involving Our Lady fall in line. A week before the holy Triduum we have the precursor to that with the trilogy of feasts. The former could not have been possible without the cooperation of what we acknowledge in the feast of St. Gabriel on Wednesday, the Annunciation on Thursday and commemoration of the Seven Dolors on Friday. Cain takes the reader on a journey through Mary's life on earth, identifying each sword mystically piercing Her Immaculate and Sorrowful Heart. He poses the question: Why is Our Lady so sorrowful? Because She is a Mother and She continues to weep because so many do not believe, do not adore, do not trust and do not love her Divine Son. Wouldn't you weep too? Cain illustrates how Our Lady was so perfectly in sync with the divine Will that without this cooperation many souls might be even more lost considering the ravaging perpetuated by her divine Son's demonic adversary in these trying, troublesome times. We need to heed her strong motherly advice, meld our sorrows with hers and do as she asks, take our cares, concerns, anxieties, worries and woes and lay them at the foot of the Cross to be washed in His Most Precious, Cleansing Blood at every true Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. Cain explains in his reflective essay Mater Dolorosa

    John Gregory provides inspiration to better understand the first Joyful Mystery. What greater joy can there be than to be told by a heavenly messenger of the highest order - St. Gabriel the Archangel - that the Almighty Father has created you for all time for this moment? chosen the Holy Ghost as your divine Spouse? and selected you, among zillions of souls, to be the mother of His only-begotten Son? This great Mystery is cause for unending joy and if there ever was a sanctification of motherhood it was in Mary's fiat that she would accept - "be it done unto me according to Thy will" - and through the full cooperation of her Immaculate and Sorrowful Heart, paved the way for God's children to gain Heaven through this living and most pure Ark of the Covenant. John provides a meditative essay during Passion Week to contemplate during the joyous feasts of St. Gabriel and the Annunciation before we turn our full focus on the dolorous passion with Friday's Feast of the the Seven Sorrows of the Blessed Virgin Mary. He provides reflections in The First Joyful Mystery: The Annunciation

    Editor Michael Cain nears the completion of his series on the analogy of the Sorrowful Mysteries and the Mystical Body of Christ with the Carrying of the Cross. On this Ides of March, we echo the warning given to Julius Caesar. He did not heed it. Will you also fail to recognize the danger? The Roman soldiers, in deference to politics and their fear of a Jewish uprising, were merely carrying out their cruel duty in escorting Christ to Calvary. The Roman antipopes, in deference to diversity and tolerance, are also carrying out their cruel duty in escorting souls away from Christ in their attempt to avoid suffering and sacrifice and adapt to a world in chaos by planting an alien avatar posing as Catholic. Oh, but they are clever and have so infiltrated hearts and minds that most are blind to the fact that they have abandoned the path to Heaven which must lead through the Via Dolorosa. Though our Lord is so battered and beaten and practically unrecognizable, just as the true Mystical Body is unrecognizable to so many today, we can take comfort in knowing Christ has not abandoned His Church. Cain explains with part four, Beware of the Anathematized Alien Avatar

    With things finally falling apart for the counterfeit church of conciliarism, we must rejoice for the sake of souls and pray that those guilty will repent and hie themselves to a monastery to make reparation for the rest of their lives. While Traditio provides the headlines and a short explanation of the terrible scandals in the conciliar church, Dr. Thomas A. Droleskey provides the depths in delving into the reasons why the counterfeit church of conciliarism is of satan, a bad tree destined for the eternal fire. The leaks in the wall of silence are about to break wide open and flood the truth onto the scene, sinking Ratzinger and hopefully bringing down the entire false church with damning evidence that he knew and not only showed no concern about the raping of the faithful body and soul, but was a chief manipulator of the cover-up as Tom reveals in Blind to Truth, Blind to the Horror of Personal Sin and Waterloo For Benedict?

    In honor of Saint Patrick's Day, we present, as an annual tradition, the special diary of Saint Patrick himself, written by the saint. It delves into his mindset and heart and reveals the pure holiness of this great man who brought Catholicism to a pagan island in the 5th Century. It details the hardships and obstacles he encountered and how, through his immense love for the Triune Divinity and the True Faith, he persevered, even to being rebuked by his superiors, even when a normal person would abandon all hope of converting these stubborn people of Eire. That is what separates common men from saints and this humble confession by the Patron Saint of Ireland. Translated from his own Latin, it is a testimony to his sanctity. Through the natural - the shamrock - he was able to explain the Supernatural. Truly a testament to the sanity of sanctity. Since the 5th Century the emerald isle has remained one of the staunchest bastions of the Roman Catholic Faith in the world. He would weep today at how it has deteriorated over the past 45 years with the cancer of Vatican II that has so ravaged every parish, parishes that produced so many priests who populated the clergy in America in the 40's and 50's but, thanks to the drying up of the True Faith, that constant stream of vocations has slowed to barely a trickle. Nevertheless, we pray that the holy Patrick's diary might be a spark that will once again ignite the chaste fire of a true vocation in someone's heart and soul as we present Conversion of Souls in the Apostle of Ireland's Own Words

    The Sanity of Sanctity
    On the day which Holy Mother Church has designated as a Double of the First Class Feast, the highest classification possible, it is dedicated to the the saint who enabled the Blessed Mother to fulfill her fiat and raised the Son of Man in the virtuous life. It was the quiet and holy Joseph who helped his foster Son Jesus Christ prepare for His mission on earth. Look at the innocent child in the massive arms of good St. Joseph and we see how love overflowed in the home of the Holy Family. Editor Michael Cain reprises an article he wrote seven years ago, updating it slighty, to honor this gentle giant of our Faith; a saint who serves as the ultimate role model for all men just as his earthly spouse the Blessed Virgin Mary is the ideal mentor for all women. Their intercession is the greatest in Heaven and too few call upon good St. Joseph, who molded and taught the Son of God in all things human. Indeed, of all his many titles, few realize he is also The Silent Assassin

    Editor Michael Cain continues his series on the analogy of the Sorrowful Mysteries and the Mystical Body of Christ. At the Crowning with thorns, Christ's persecutors mocked Him by placing a crown of cruel thorns on His precious head. For over 50 years, as Archbishop Lefebvre titled his book, 'They Have Uncrowned Him', the conciliar church has aided the enemy. Let us count the ways: "The New 'Mass' is the Real Destruction of the Roman Rite!" Those are not our words, but rather none other than Fr. Joseph Ratzinger well before he became Benedict XVI. Indeed, after you have read this important, revealing commentary if you still cling to the Novus Ordo - no matter how comfortable you may have become with this pseudo, sacrilegious and scandalous ritual and the concessions of BeneRatz who is a died-in-the-wool Modernist - then you will have to face yourself in the mirror and realize you are no longer truly Catholic! You have been thoroughly Protestantized because you truly do not know your Faith! Cain explains the reality of that with part three, A Thorny Problem that Needs to be Resolved

    Though this year the Feast of St. Thomas Aquinas is not celebrated because it falls on the Third Sunday of Lent, John Gregory hopes that is not a sign of the trend away from the holy Doctor of the Church. With every passing year one hears less of the Angelic Doctor and more of those he warned against: heretics and n'er-do-wells out to undermine all he accomplished for souls. One of the greatest strategies by the enemies of holy Mother Church was to diminish and eventually overcome the steady influence of the Angelic Doctor. If the robber barons could eliminate the logic of the Summa Theologica and the embedded Thomistic tradition, then they could reshape minds and fully infiltrate the Church in order to destroy her. This might sound bizarre unless you realize one Fr. Joseph Ratzinger is a died-in-the-wool anti-Aquin who prefers Georg Hegel to the most prolific Doctor of the Church, praised by Popes and Church theologians. Who's the dumb ox here? With all the uproar about education today, the soundest direction, especially in lieu of the obvious misdirection and countless errors of the progressives, is a return to the fail-safe logic of Thomistic thinking. John presents sage words from Dom Gueranger, Pope Leo XIII and Gabriel Garnica on the might and magnificence of the holy Dominican Thomas Aquinas. John asks O, Thomas, where art thou? .

    Griff continues his series on refuting the SSPX book with his seventh installment Griff exposes the hypocritical hypothesis posed by the SSPX writers. In fact this could easily have been placed in Griff's other series "The Art of Scholastic Dishonesty" because the twisting of Pope Paul IV's infallible bull Cum Ex Apostolatus Officio denies the real purpose of the decree and why it still stands as one of the strongest arguments for proving that heretics cannot possibly be true popes, even if mistakenly recognized as pope by the whole Church. Yet, it is the Society of St. Piux X itself that has stumbled all over itself in staving off the inevitable syllogism of sedevacantism because they are afraid to go where Paul IV and the holy Cardinal St. Robert Bellarmine and the infallible, perennial Magisterium of the Church dared to venture in voiding the possibility that a heretic could be a pope. Griff rounds it out in part seven, Learning Curve, Interrupted.

    Modernist whips, fashioned and twisted into place at Vatican II, lash at the Mystical Body with unrelenting force in the sabotage of souls. Editor Michael Cain illustrates this fifty-year flagellation as he continues a series on the analogy of the Mystical Body of Christ with the Sorrowful Mysteries. The Scourging at the Pillar is the focus in this second installment, redacted and updated from the past, as he demonstrates how it correlates with the Second Vatican Council where the lashes of progressive reform and compromise were seditiously snapped with a fury - every year a spur stinging deeper - as more scourgers have grown immune to the horror and have gathered around the Pillar. In so doing, they have proceeded to further decimate the Mystical Body unmercifully with the whips of worldliness. Though they have tried to excuse and extemporize the flagellation as nothing more than a few flesh wounds, it truly has gone much deeper as the precious Blood sorrowfully and scandalously has blanketed the secular stone floor of every ism and vice possible as Cain explains with part two, The Kind of Rot that Smells to High Heaven

          It has definitely been a decade of transition, as this editor dubs it - Transition to Tradition, our last opportunity before God really lowers the boom. Looking back, it doesn't take a brain surgeon to see the deterioration in society as the ranks of the good, decent ones striving for holiness grow smaller and the enemy flanks are massing larger and larger, more threatening than ever. With every day we inch closer to the apocalypse foretold in the book of the same name, contrary to Protestant and conciliar concerns that it was always called "Revelation." Would St. John the Evangelist be surprised, and for that matter the holy Doctor of the Church who translated it and several of the holy hierarchs who ratified the Scriptures at various major councils of the Church, most recently at the dogmatic Council of Trent. Many closet conciliarists reading this may not be familiar with that council since the robber barons have sought to eliminate any mention of Trent in the same manner as the U.S. Government is doing everything it can to wipe out any mention of God. For both these offenses there are consequences, grave ones and we are beginning to see now that both anti-Catholic campaigns by the counterfeit church of conciliarism and the United States Congress and its cohorts in the Obama administration both in Washington and Chicago are getting more desperate as each day passes. Those not grounded in grace had best get right with God before it is too late. Call it "gloom and doom" if you want, but that doom can be eternal and that would cause anyone gloom. Can you say fire and brimstone? To remind you, we will be bringing you throughout this year "Diadems of the Decade" featuring an article from each month of each of the past ten years. We're not saying these are the "Best" of the decade for how do you choose which ones are the best? Yet, they are gems that we want to share for we're sure you will treasure them and realize, like fine jewels, they are still as valuable today especially when investing in souls. For this edition, we present a diadem for each April from 2000 through April 2009.

    This article ran on April 3 ten years ago following the Academy Awards that year in a short series we featured back then by Catholic critic Michael Boyer, titled "How Holy would help Hollywood." This well-respected Catholic insider expert reporting on what was happening in the entertainment industry, wrote about how the Oscar-winning movie "American Beauty" and the rest of the lot of expensive celluloid not only left much to be desired, but showed a disturbing trend in insidiously trying to make the abnormal normal, the sin sinless. We could't agree and neither could Michael as he broke through the glitter to reveal a tarnished Oscar which is definitely not golden but spun with the fibers of the deceit of satan. Beware! Since then we can see the steady decline where the sewer isn't even good enough for most Hollywood fare; a far cry from when the Legion of Decency curbed the scurilous. Of course, that was before the conciliar church eclipsed the true Guardian of the Faith and from that point on it was Katy bar the door. Satan was unleashed. For Michael's column see, Why Oscar is No Longer Golden.

    This article ran on Easter Monday, April 16 in 2001 by Patrick Ludwa. Though Pat and The DailyCatholic parted ways when we turned our backs on the conciliar Novus Ordo, what he wrote nine years ago is advice we all can all take to the bank for we must always keep our eye on the prize which is the Crucifix for therein lies the antidote against the venom of lies satan spreads. Pat talks about how the devil delivers the seed of dissent and our own pride takes it from there, all the way to sin by giving into the the evil one slithering about, but he can never worm his way around the wood of the Crucifix! On the Cross with Christ is the only way to avoid satan's lies! When we divert away from the Truths God set down through the New Covenant carried out in the absolutes of the Doctrines and Dogmas of Holy Mother Church, then we become prey for the deadly serpent whose bite is mortal, as in mortal sin. Pat provides the very advice every soul should follow: Look To The Crucifix

    This article ran on Low Sunday Weekend back in April 5-7, 2002 by Dr. Thomas A. Droleskey. That was eight years ago and what he wrote then has proven so true. Some say the fight against terrorism is a shell game and shells will be shattered as well as souls if our politicos and military geniuses continue the futile path they are on. No amount of weaponry, influence or brainwashing will be able to put the proverbial "Humpty Dumpty" together again until the Social Kingship of Christ and the Queenship of His Blessed Mother are accomplished. Since Tom wrote that Americans not only have had egg on their faces, but have been getting fried in the sour yolk of Mohammedanism because of their fear to speak the truth and to shun the political correctness of tolerance and diversity. All The King's Horses

    This article ran on Thursday, April 17 in 2003 and what Dr. Frank Joseph wrote then has proven true over and over in every country we engage in. Under cover of humanitarian need, they force their way in and turn countries that previously did not have the contraceptive mentality into the slippery slope syndrome. Frank, a Catholic physician and long one of the leading crusaders for the Sanctity of Life, warns the clarion that Iraq has seen nothing yet for the real destruction is soon to descend on Iraqi civilization - not in the loss of artifacts, but the true loss of civilization for abortion and contraception leads to death and non-procreation. That spells disaster and it's spelled Planned Parenthood. Dr. Frank explained the nefarious agenda of the devil's disciples, as approved by the UN, in his column The Real Invasion of Iraq Begins

    This article ran on Easter Wednesday back on April 11, 2004 by Gabriel Garnica to coincide with the beginning of America's favorite pasttime - at least it was in the past - baseball. He waxed nostalgic for the days of innocence both on the fields and in our churches. He literally took the verse from Take me out to the ballgame to show us that if one could go back they wouldn't care if they ever came back to the present for they had it all in those days and didn't realize it! If only we had known then what we know now we wouldn't have sacrificed our values on the ashen altars of materialism and convenience, but we would have hit away at the evil that slithered in through the knothole of ignorance and laziness. As a result of our inaction and blind obedience to 'progress,' respect for the rules has been replaced by a new team invading the Field of Faith and of the grand old game. Blame it on expansion, innovation and novelty. The players are Pride, Covetousness, Lust, Anger, Gluttony, Envy and Sloth with Mortal and Venial as the battery and Lukewarm cooling off in the bullpen! Ah for the good old days of Tinkers-to-Evers-to-Chance or In nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti. Say hey? Say halo! No more! The pine of the Louisville Slugger and the wood of the cross have given way to the non-serviam pitchfork of cacophony and rebellion; modernism has replaced the resin bag of reason, respect and right. Gabriel asks, Remember when they played by the Book?

    Five years ago, editor Michael Cain withheld comments about Fr. Joseph Ratzinger being elected the new conciliar head, taking the name Benedict XVI, until the inevitable was only too obvious. Then, on the vigil of one of the greatest saints known for making sure popes adhered to the Faith, Cain spoke out; not ranting on about what Ratzinger/Benedict has said, but in just what he did over the first ten days. Sadly, that said volumes of what his papacy portended. As Cain pointed out, that was not good and in emulating the holy Catherine of Siena, he reasserted that we must be vigilant of the Deposit of the Faith and demand the hierarchs do the same and more. Cain showed the slide toward perdition so visually depicted in the papal coats of arms of the men who have sat on the throne of Peter over the past half century. He laid out seven diadems that signaled the Ratz-glitz we could sadly expect more of in the shell game Benedict XVI planned on playing out in the same manner he did when a cardinal and before as a periti at Vatican II. Just with what has happened recently, we can see he was dead on in nailing Ratzinger for what he is: An apostate from the word go. That is why, for the sake of Ratzinger's eternal soul, it's so necessary to Pray for the Conversion of Benedict XVI

    This article ran on the feast of the holy Doctor of the Church Pope St. Leo the Great, April 11 four years ago by Timothy Duff. At that time the buzz was going on about canonizing Karol Wojtyla in a railroad fashion where the necessary devil's advocate need not apply. Tim showed that any consideration was as much an aberration than giving credence that Judas was only being obedient to what Christ wanted him to do as the gnostics wrote in the infamous Gospel of Judas. Either way both Judas and John Paul II were guilty of betrayal. It was an insult then and it still is today to every person who professes to be Catholic to even think of the possibility of Karol Wojtyla even being considered for one second as holy and worthy of even the slightest consideration of canonization. Only to those who embrace the Church of Darkness does such insanity make sense, for it is satan's will to destroy what God established once and for all. That is why Tim asked facetiously, Was John Paul II a "Saint"?

    Three years ago, Father Paul Trinchard, S.T.L., esteemed author of the books, "New Mass" Is Conclusively Invalid, Latin Mass Prayers Explained, and Apocalypse of the Mass, to mention just a few, continued to provide unmitigated proof that the Novus Ordo church - Newchurch - the conciliar church of Vatican II is a New Religion and therefore cannot possibly be Catholic. His best advice was to run as fast as you can away from this "abomination of desolation" and take harbor aboard the Ark of Salvation, the Roman Catholic Church founded by Christ and kept intact in all her dogmas and doctrines until the wreckovation took full force with Vatican II and its aftermath which rendered the faithful practically impotent to do anything. Now we must, for no amount of changes can alter the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church no matter how the masters of deceit pontificate. Yet, so many have been duped into believing the "party lie" that Newchurch is still Catholic! Oh, satan is clever, very clever and because the vast majority of Catholics did not truly know their Faith, they became "useful idiots" to further the insidious and diabolical agenda. Father told it like it is for it is all CHANGE FOR THE WORST

    Two years ago, just before Benedict XVI's visit to New York, Griff Ruby filed an essay on Ratzinger's magical misdirection skills of simulation and dissimulation all part of the performance to misdirect souls, and the counterfeit church of conciliarism has done a magnificent job of diverting eyes and hearts to itself and away from the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church. Step right up, Ladies and Gentlemen, and see for yourselves the one and only, the incredible, truth-denying soul-defying amazing Vanishing Catholic Church! See for yourself the Rock of Peter melting into soft sludge! Who would have thought it possible? But we know that these things cannot happen to the real Catholic Church, and they never really have, any more than the Statue of Liberty ever really disappeared when Magician David Copperfield performed his most famous trick! The events of the past 50 years constitute the true Illusion of the Century - an illusion far greater than making the Statue of Liberty disappear. It's all, as Griff revealed, Sleight of Hand

    Last year, John Sharpe Sr. filed an essay on the hubbub over Bishop Williamson's comments on history. John is the husband of Judith Sharpe. Together they are directors of In the Spirit Of Chartres ministry at Both are parents of Naval Officer Lt. Commander John Sharpe, Jr., director of IHS John is at the eye of the storm that has been blown into a full force tsunami, first stirred up by the hate-mongering Southern Poverty Law Center. He has been slandered and libeled for anti-Semitism and is fighting back with everything he's got for the sake of his stellar character, reputation and career as an honored Naval Officer. Just as he is resisting the vitrolic anti-Catholic rhetoric and social engineering, so should we. When will the real haters of Christ realize no true Catholic can ever be anti-Semitic for our Lord Jesus Christ and His Blessed Mother Mary were Jews? What the real hate-mongers, who claim to be Jewish, are, in truth, are the very demons Christ warned of, the very ones who would invade and mandate "the synagogue of satan." How? By stirring unrest and curbing freedom of speech by labeling any differing opinion as "hate speech" and bad-mouthing Catholic truth. We saw it in Germany in the 30's and 40's, we're seeing it again in the world in so many places for the devil is firmly ensconced thanks to Vatican II. That is why John wrote Bishop Williamson's Last Stand

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