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       July 18 is the anniversary of when the vile, mad emperor Nero took up his wooden cithera and ignited the city of Rome on fire in 64 A.D. with the intent of blaming the Christians. Some one thousand, nine hundred and forty six years later, Christians are still being blamed and the conciliarists are only fanning the flames. While Modernist Rome continues to burn out of control in our times, there are some who still claim to be traditional and yet continue to fiddle their anti-sedevacantist ditties, refusing the safe harbor provided by those who have connected the strings proving both Nero and the conciliar popes are no different since the smoke of satan consumes both. In an effort to stop the cacophony of the fiddlers and allow the fire to consume the bad trees, so that good trees can be planted for the sake of restoring Christ's Church as it should be, we dedicate this issue to enumerating the reasons why traditional Catholics must embrace sedevacantism as the only answer to the rebuilding of Eternal Rome. We begin with two original articles, one by Griff Ruby, entitled Authority by Default? and the other being John Gregory's essay Do Trees Exist?. We hope and pray that readers will be honest enough to read these articles provided and connect that last dot in coming to the only possible answer to the absolute corruption of the conciliar church. We touch on this as well in this week's ninth installment of Catholicism Made Simple with The Church's Role in Salvation and next week on The Sanctifier for since the early sixties the Holy Ghost has withdrawn His protection. Why? Because Christ has promised such guidance only to His Church and the true Successors of Peter. Since that protection is gone, vacant if you will, then either Christ lied or changed His mind (heresy to the umpth degree) or that protection has been pulled because of the usurpers who pose as Popes and whited sepulchres. We all know what Our Lord has to say about those pharisees! All we ask is that readers will be honest with themselves and, we'll say it again, "connect the dots." Don't you owe that to your self and others for the sake of salvation?

       Again we urge you to click the Rosary banner below for the fifth Saturday in the 15-week Rosary Crusade organized by Bishop Robert McKenna, O.P. to do our part for the salvation of souls by bringing souls to the true Catholic Faith and Sacraments through the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary in praying for the welfare of our country, and for our own special intentions as we all strive for holiness in our role as members of the Church Militant.

       Keeping the above all in mind, let us remember Christ's words in St. Matthew 7: 18-20, "A good tree cannot yield bad fruit, neither can a bad tree yield good fruit. Every tree that yieldeth not good fruit, shall be cut down, and shall be cast into the fire. Wherefore by their fruits you shall know them." From Our Lord's Own words we know that even when one wades through Ecclesiastical law, one realizes something is truly rotten in Rome and the only answer is it is a bad tree that has produced no good fruit for 50 years whereas the true Catholic Church is a good tree that continues to produce good fruit, albeit hidden from most. We have brought this home quite well in our special Third Anniversary Commiseration of the Motu Mess. All must realize the conciliar church is a bad tree, and therefore its destiny is inevitable: the conflagration of conciliarism. Praise the Lord and pass the matches.

  • More evidence of the Corruption in the Conciliar church As we have said, while it is not the policy of The DailyCatholic to keep track of the daily doings of the corrupt counterfeit church of conciliarism, Traditio is one of the best in highlighting the headlines of the crimes and incriminations against these charlatans as pointed out again this past week in showing why the Dutch really lost the World Cup since they long ago lost the faith; how the vice is tightening around the neck of one being fitted for a mill-stone: one Godfried Danneels for his complicity and scandalous cover-ups; and the pot calling the kettle black with the conciliar potentates in Rome to sit in judgment of the Medjugorje Menagerie for "secrets." Here's a hint: there are no secrets. It's all part of the con just as Modernist Rome cons the vast majority day in and day out. That surely is no secret. Traditio 7-20

  • Chastisements Under Which We Must Save Our Souls Part Three Concluding his short series, Tom points out that no matter where you turn, the naturalists of both church and state have no clue how to stave off God's chastisement because they not only insist on separating the two, but separating themselves from God as well. Do you think they realize they're to blame for their apostasy? Do you think they really care about those they are entrusted to protect? Not on your life. The very fact we have not had a true Pope in 50 years is evidence of God withdrawing His grace and protection and why this time of chastisement brings with it the fact that the Chair is empty (sede vacante). Argue against it if you will, but you will lose for the Church can never teach consistent error. We've had nothing but fallacies and heresies over the past five decades. True Catholics rest their case, clinging to their Brown Scapulars as the chastisement intensifies. Dr. Thomas A. Droleskey 7-16

  • Chastisements Under Which We Must Save Our Souls Part Two Perversity rules the day both in the secular sector and the conciliar climes where cardinals are fingered for their own perversion, where presbyters are appointed to teach catechism while living and promoting the most vile of acts, where the vapid viper in papal cloth slithers away from responsibility, hounded though he may be by a naturalist foe intent on bringing down the Church. The conciliarists have done a thorough job of that. Think if the sedevacantists didn't resist, where we'd be. Much worse off. Dr. Thomas A. Droleskey 7-14

  • Chastisements Under Which We Must Save Our Souls Part One In the first installment, Tom points to the insanity of trusting in naturalists for that is how we got into the mess we're in with the dictator we have as president and it is a chastisement duly deserved because we haven't heeded Heaven's request for Consecration of Russia to Mary's Immaculate Heart, nor have we prayed or made reparation. Therefore, as Our Lady showed to the children at the Cova, hell is very real. How many have ended up there or will land there because they have abandoned God and His Commandments? We have done this to ourselves and only prayer and repentance will save us. Dr. Thomas A. Droleskey 7-13

  • Further Proof of the Corruption in the Conciliar church While it is not the policy of The DailyCatholic to keep track of the daily doings of the corrupt counterfeit church of conciliarism, Traditio is one of the best in documenting the crimes and incriminations against these charlatans as pointed out just this past week in chronicling the on-going investigation of a V2 cardinal in Belgium, the appointment of a pro-abort, pro-sodomite auxiliary in San Fransicko, the tip of the iceberg discovery that pilfering from the collection plate is rampant in conciliar ranks by the wolves in sheeps' clothing, and the appointment by the new 'bishop' of Quebec of the notorious pervert male prostitute presbyter to train others in catechism from the bishop's own cathedral, to murder in China's conciliar lodge, and the secular progressivist 'Gray Lady' hounding another progressivist: Ratzinger and his record. Talk about the pot calling the kettle black! Truly these are the times that try and fry men's souls. Traditio 7-14

  • Naturalism's Boomerang Just as no judge or legislation could ever change the law of gravity, so also no judge or legislation can ever change moral laws. What God has put together, let no man put asunder. That's what Christ mandated, but do you think the naturalists care? Not on your life and that is the crux of the controversy over DOMA. Dumb is their problem for they have not wised up to realize they don't answer to anyone but their King if only they would recognize Him as their Sovereign King. If so we could all do away with most of the idiotic laws. Dr. Thomas A. Droleskey 7-11

  • Not An Ecumenist Among Them Thanks to the Calvinist Cancer the noble martyrs of England - most specifically Sts. Thomas More and Bishop John Fisher, as well as Fr. Edmund Campion and the Pilgrimage of Grace - have almost been forgotten; those very brave souls who stood against the Calvinist permeation of England that so infected the Tudor reign and turned Catholic England into an apostate isle ever since. The counterfeit church of conciliarism is no better in even giving credence to Calvinism, which they do. Should we be surprised? They're all ecumaniacs. Not so Thomas More, Bishop Fisher et alii for they kept the Faith unlike the feckless leaders of Modernist Rome over the last 40 years or so. Dr. Thomas A. Droleskey 7-9

  • As New Dog and Pony Shows Come to Town, Part Four In the final installment of his four part series, Tom points out that no matter what good any of the conciliar bishops or so-called Catholic politicians might do, if they have subscribed to the ethos of falsehood, sacrilege and apostasy, there can never be any good fruits for the origin is a bad tree and as we see in Sunday's Gospel, a bad tree cannot bear good fruit. Dr. Thomas A. Droleskey 7-7

  • As New Dog and Pony Shows Come to Town, Part Three We can rail at the pro-abort supposedly 'Catholic' politicians all we want, but as has been proven it has done no good for it is the conciliar bishops who have enabled them to veer from the faith, going all the way back to Cardinals Cooke and Cushing, the real culprits in allowing the moral compass to be totally skewered. Dr. Thomas A. Droleskey 7-6

  • As New Dog and Pony Shows Come to Town, Part Two Nowhere is the tragedy of the Motu Mess more evident than in the fallout of the SSPX for Fellay was one who bought the spider's lies and now is caught in the web. Numerous good priests have either left or been expelled, including the most recent one Fr. Juan Turco, all because of the silence of the Superior of the Society and his heavy-handedness in pleasing Ratzinger rather than Christ. Sadly, the tail is wagging the dog in this dog and pony show. Dr. Thomas A. Droleskey 7-4

  • As New Dog and Pony Shows Come to Town, Part One Misdirection. Diversion. You name it, Obama is doing it and the people are being cooked like the boiled frog for Obama and his handlers' agenda is diametrically opposed to all that Christ and His Church stand for. The problem is we have done it to ourselves by subscribing to naturalism and, in our increasingly slothful ways of a decaying nation, depending on conveniences and 'sound bites' while starving ourselves of the nutrients of Truth because we have played the game to get along while greatly offending our Lord and His Blessed Mother by subscribing to the American way. Thank you, Vatican II for greatly aiding this demise. Dr. Thomas A. Droleskey 7-2

  • Touchy, Touchy The conciliar conmen think they are above the law and when the law closes in, they circle the wagons. The problem is this time the slings and arrows are deserved and will find their mark because they have made friends with mammon and we all know what that means. The depravity of Danneels and his pornographic catechism is shocking, but then considering what he stands for, should we be surprised? It looks like the Belgian police knew what they were doing. Dr. Thomas A. Droleskey 6-30

  • Live By Separation of Church and State? Die By Separation of Church and State Benedict XVI is learning you can't have your cake and eat it too. In fact, he's eating a lot more than cake these days, but rather the bitter and rotten meat of crow for his hypocrisy that is coming back to haunt him for what is good for the goose is also good for the gander and if that is not enough cliches, then read on for the conciLIARS have made and deserve the mess they're in for they have painted themselves into a corpulent corner. Dr. Thomas A. Droleskey 6-28

  • Belgium Police Raid Archdiocese and Cardinal's Files While the conciliar church has stalled for decades, finally the authorities have taken action. Fed up with the sandbagging, Belgium Police raided the offices of the Archdiocese of Brussels, confiscating computers and files as well as the files of the notorious Modernist prelate Cardinal Godfried Danneels, one of the most progressive of the potentates who was a strong proponent of Vatican II and sacking the Immemorial Mass of All Ages. The reason the police acted when they did was the fear that conciliar authorities were destroying evidence. So what else is new. Traditio 6-28

  • Fearing to Offend Men Rather Than God St. Paul said it so clearly in Galatians 1: 8-10, but the clueless conciliarists still don't get it or refuse to get it. What else would explain the condoning of a sodomite travesty and even participation? Considering the recent rash of scandals surging to the surface and the cover-ups being uncovered that so implicates Ratzinger and his predecessor, maybe there's a reason for protecting pedophiles: They're all in cahoots. Dr. Thomas A. Droleskey 6-27

  • King George III Is Looking Pretty Good These Days Considering where the Obama Administration is taking America, the "tyranny" of King George III pales in comparison. Even the Tea Parties can't seem to phase the demonic bent this Marxist regime is intent on carrying out. But then we've done it to ourselves by subscribing to naturalist statism and veering far from God. We do indeed sow what we reap. Dr. Thomas A. Droleskey 6-25

  • Boy! If Only The "Pope" Knew The title should tell you all you need to know because we all know the conciliar 'popes' know exactly what they're doing, but that canard has been the trump card for the conciliar cabal to capture so many. Delay and destroy. When will people wake up and realize they're being conned by the conciLIARS? We know when. When the grace is given to take the blinders from their eyes and hearts. Dr. Thomas A. Droleskey 6-19

    Until then you'll have the kind of blatant corruption of the faith you can find this week documented on Traditio from Ratzinger reinstating a sexual predator as the shepherd in sheep's clothing despite the howling protests of the Polish people to a clown mess in the Lateran. No matter where you look it truly is Diabolic Disorientation.

  • Lenin Lives! with his own spot on Larry King The media is the biggest conductor of misinformation and disinformation and downright deception. Such useful liberal idiots as Jesse Ventura and Oliver Stone serve as the usual suspects in trolling their communist trash on such trash shows as 'Larry King Live' who doesn't seem to have a clue to what is going on in this country. But then is that not the modus operandi of the lamestream media in indoctrinating Obamunism? Toby Westerman 6-18

  • Transparently Power Hungry You've heard the term, oil is thicker than water and never was that truer than what we see polluting the Gulf over the past two months. But what is thicker is the arrogant audacity of the joker in the White House who is trying to capitalize on a catastrophe for political power. That is the lowest, but then what do you expect from a man who is not a man but the devil in disguise? Dr. Thomas A. Droleskey 6-17

  • Much More Than Meets The Eye America's been so dumbed down over the decades and some of the tactics have been through subliminal advertising to boil the frog, so to speak. But God has ways of communicating and sending signs and one that will truly amaze you has to do with the late Michael Davies. Could it be a coincidence or a Godincidence. Dr. Thomas A. Droleskey 6-15

  • No Room In The Big Tent for Catholics Politics and pandering have become a pandora's box and that is never more evident than in parades put on by perverts who publically boast of one of the most vile sins that cries to Heaven for vengeance. No true Catholic can have anything to do with such travesties and affronts to God. Dr. Thomas A. Droleskey 6-15

  • Judge Orders Mahony Deposition to be made Public After years of wrangling, it just might be possible that justice will be served with the decision by a Los Angeles Superior Court Judge to release the sworn testimony (some 600 pages, no less) of one Roger Thug Mahony given as late as this January in trying to fend off the incarcerated whistleblower pedophile Michael Baker, now turned state's evidence. When the heat was turned up in Boston and San Fransicko, Modernist Rome provided the offending prelates Law and Levada sanctuary, but if Ratzinger tried that now with Roger the Dodger, Benny's goose would be truly cooked. Let us pray that Mahony's days as the most corrupt of the conciliar con artists are numbered. Traditio 6-16

  • Apologies are empty when no action is ever taken If Joseph Ratzinger were an honest man, if he were really sincere in his faux and very insulting apology in St. Peter's Square, he would immediately defrock over half of his bishops and a third of the world's presbyters beginning with Roger Thug Mahony of Lost Angeles as well as the man considered the "Hannibal Lector of Pedophiles" Oliver O'Grady and then Benedict would resign in disgrace for the failed policies of conciliarism that have caused the loss of countless millions and millions and millions of souls. But this apostate imposter won't and that is the greatest tragedy in a world filled with tragedy today where more documentation shows JP2 accepted bribe money to condone sin by the founder of the Legionairres of Christ and several of its members while the counterfeit church of conciliarism seeks to eliminate the one priest whose sermons they could all learn from, St. Jean Marie Vianney, the unyielding, holy Cure of Ars. Traditio 6-13 through 15

  • Deeper Waters Than We Think To overwhelm the system, to distract and destroy, these are the methods the prince of the world has always used but today that authorship is claimed by one Saul Alinsky and the Obamunist regime is taking obvious full advantage of the crisis in order to not only socialize the oil industry but cripple tourism and the fishing industry and forcefeed the devastating cap and trade bill through as Chicago muscle ripples through these thugs posing as Democrats. Or was that Demoncrats? Dr. Thomas A. Droleskey 6-14

  • Get The Man A Mirror They say that the apostasy has been spun to countless souls with smoke and mirrors, the smoke of satan and the illusions they have woven. But what is truly accurate is that Joseph Ratzinger has not looked into the mirror himself or he wouldn't have made it so obvious the blame starts and ends with him. Dr. Thomas A. Droleskey 6-13

  • Deepwater Plague Ironic, is it not, that God allowed the plagues to drive the Israelites into the water to escape the Egyptians and today God allows the plague of the oil spill to drive the water into the very heart of man's greed. While countless millions are being effected by this terrible tragedy that is being capitalized on by the anti-capitalist communist Obama regime as they purposely stall to create a greater crisis, there is a far worse tragedy that has plagued the soul of man over the past 50 years and that is the Great Apostasy. Oil and water will eventually seep back into the ground; dead souls covered in sin will never recover unless they have the rescue of the true sacraments beginning with the absolving Sacrament of Penance, a lost commodity in the business of conciliarism. Dr. Thomas A. Droleskey 6-12
  • Authority by Default? by Griff Ruby

  • Do Trees Exist? by John Gregory

  • The Church's Role in Salvation Step Nine of Catholicism Made Simple

  • "Give an account of thy stewardship" Haydock Commentary for the Eighth Sunday after Pentecost provided by John Gregory

  • Eighth Week after Pentecost Week Propers of the Mass July 18-25

  • Fifth Saturday of Rosary Crusade

  • Fourth Saturday of Rosary Crusade

  • The Lasting Magnificence, Grace, and Power of Our Lady of Mount Carmel with excerpts from Dom Prosper Gueranger

  • "I AM Who AM" Step Eight of Catholicism Made Simple

  • The Seraphic Doctor on Saint Bonaventure

  • Those who do not yield good fruit and remain unrepentant will be cast into the eternal fire Haydock Commentary for the Seventh Sunday after Pentecost provided by John Gregory

  • Seventh Week after Pentecost Week Propers of the Mass July 11-17

  • Third Saturday of Rosary Crusade

  • Comisserating the third year anniversary of the miserable Motu Mess a compendium of articles that prove we were right.

  • Motu Wars A look back at Griff Ruby's keen insight and foresight

  • A Creed We Must Live By Step Seven of Catholicism Made Simple

  • If we die to sin we will always be nourished Haydock Commentary for the Sixth Sunday after Pentecost provided by John Gregory

  • Sixth Week after Pentecost Week Propers of the Mass July 4-10

  • Second Saturday of Rosary Crusade

  • First Saturday Devotions

  • The Second Joyful Mystery: The Visitation Meditation on the Second Joyful Mystery by John Gregory

  • Magnificat Inspiration for the Feast of the Visitation by Dr. Thomas A. Droleskey

  • The Laver of Redemption Inspiration for the Feast of the Most Precious Blood of Jesus by Dr. Thomas A. Droleskey

  • First Friday Devotions

  • Litany of the Most Precious Blood

  • The Spotless Bride of Christ is Indefectible Step Six of Catholicism Made Simple

  • Make amends with thy brother before partaking at the altar Haydock Commentary for the Fifth Sunday after Pentecost provided by John Gregory

  • Fifth Week after Pentecost Week Propers of the Mass June 27-July 3

  • Devotion to Our Mother of Perpetual Help for the Feast of Our Mother of Perpetual Help on June 27.

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       Traditio recently alerted readers that "One press that used to be considered 'traditional' was sold out a couple of years ago to a Protestant conglomerate, but still calls itself 'traditional,' even though its publications now fully support the Protestant Novus Ordo. That press that published Fr. James Wathen's 1971 seminal work against the validity of the Novus Ordo, The Great Sacrilege, has pulled the book from its list because, now under its Protestant directors, it is no longer permitted to state that 'the New Mass [sic] is illegal, immoral, and not Catholic.' The once-courageous press can no longer publish a book that it now claims, under its new Protestant management, 'defames the [New]church and calls its approved form of the mass [sic] an invalid sacrilege.' The press now specifically rejects the truth that the Traditional Latin Mass "is the 'only' and 'true' Mass and that the Novus Ordo is invalid or illicit."

       The Fathers are, of course, referring to TAN Books. But have no fear. We are pleased to remind all readers that the late Fr. Wathen graciously gave The DailyCatholic permission in September 2001 to publish the entire book online so that it could be read by everyone, no matter the censorship by the counterfeit church of conciliarism. Thus, you can read his entire masterful work that has withstood the test of 40 years. No one has been able to refute the truth of his words in The Great Sacrilege

    or you can send your tax-deductible contribution (check, cash or M.0.) by mail to:    SANCTUS/The DailyCatholic
    4815 Calle Neil
    San Diego, CA 92117

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  • Joyful Mysteries of the Rosary

  • Novena to the Sacred Heart of Jesus

  • Consecration and Enthronement of the Sacred Heart in the Home

  • Novena for Corpus Christi


  • Traditional Propers for May

  • Glorious Mysteries of the Rosary

  • Traditional Propers for April

  • Special Port for Lent 2010

  • Way of the Cross according to the method of St. Alphonsus Ligouri

  • Rules of Fast and Abstinence

  • Sorrowful Mysteries of the Rosary

  • Traditional Propers for March

  • Live Streaming of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass from Our Lady of Guadalupe in Spokane, Washington.

  • Live Streaming of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass from St. Gertrude the Great in Westchester, Ohio.

  • Holy Rosary in English, Latin and Spanish with meditations for all fifteen Mysteries.

  • Griff Ruby returns after a few months hiatus with installment nine of his series refuting a SSPX anti-sedevacantist book. For several decades now, traditional priests and bishops, who have reached the inevitable conclusion that the Chair of Peter has been vacant, have had to be on the defense against attacks from all corners. Isn't it about time they went on the offense for the sake of souls? In effect, the traditional bishops, who have remained loyal to the infrangible teachings of the Church and have not given one iota of concessions to the conciliar church, have themselves to blame for allowing the chair to remain empty as long as it has. That might seem like a rash statement, but when you consider that they are legally auxiliary bishops of the Eternal Diocese of Rome you realize they therefore have every right to call for a conclave of those eligible to elect a true Pope. While they may reply that they are waiting for a miracle from Heaven to restore the Primacy of Peter, perhaps they do not realize that God just might want them to help effect that by doing what they, who have not apostasized nor subscribed to the false religion of Novus Ordoism, are rightfully expected to do as true Successors of the Apostles: Perpetuate the Faith and restore Catholic Order to the disorder created by the Robber Barons of Vatican II by electing a true Pope to teach, govern and sanctify Catholics for the salvation of all. That is Griff's summation in Authority by Default? .

    John Gregory provides undeniable proof of the veracity of the sedevacantist position. The title of this article would seem to be a no-brainer. Of course trees exist you say. But if that is so obvious, then why is it not as obvious as to whom, over the last five decades, have been the ones responsible for preaching error, for allowing the foxes and wolves in sheeps' clothing to "wretchedly ensnare the souls of the simple, and drag with them into perdition, destruction and damnation countless peoples committed to their care and rule, either in spiritual or in temporal matters"? Those words are from a previous reliable true Pope who foresaw the dangers we face today and sought to do all he could so that when these antipopes would surface we would recognize them. Sadly, too many are like the sleeping dog today. They say let sleeping dogs lay, don't disturb them. That has to come from satan himself because Pope Paul IV warned all "so as to arrest the foxes who are occupying themselves in the destruction of the vineyard of the Lord and to keep the wolves from the sheepfolds, lest We seem to be dumb watchdogs that cannot bark and lest We perish with the wicked husbandman and be compared with the hireling." What good is a mute watchdog? What's needed is an axe to fell the bad trees as John exposes the rot in the forest of false popes in his essay Do Trees Exist?

    We have covered the Foundation and Mission of the Church as well as Her Authority, Infallibility, Indefectibility and Indelible Marks. Now we arrive at perhaps the most important aspect of the Church established by Jesus Christ upon this earth: How and why it is only through holy Mother Church that one can be saved. Despite the fact that over 33,000 different sects have arisen over two millennia there is only one true religion, one way to Heaven. That is through Christ's Church of which the gates of hell cannot prevail against it. We have Christ's promise on that, but there are stipulations He set down and which have been passed down by those He authorized providing they adhere to all the constituted evangelic traditions beginning with the dogma Extra Ecclesiam Nulla Salus. To deviate from that truth is to step off the narrow path and to join the wide path leading straight toward perdition as explained in Step Nine of this series: The Church's Role in Salvation.

    Down through the ages Mount Carmel has been a rock of inspiration and sanctification from the time of Elias to present day. The story of Carmel is prose, poetry and prayer and basically the benchmark of the Blessed Virgin Mary's integral role as Advocate, Co-Redemptrix, Mediatrix of all graces. Carmel has been favored by Our Lady as foretold in the Old Testament and as manifested to St. Simon Stock in 1251 when she bestowed on him the Brown Scapular and the amazing promise of ultimate salvation to all who abide by the rules of the Scapular. In addition, at Lourdes the Blessed Mother appeared to Bernadette as Our Lady of Mt. Carmel on this day 147 years ago and in the same heavenly garb on her final apparition at Fatima on October 13, 1917. We provide a thorough backgrounder on the meaning and magnificence of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel and its history, masterfully conveyed by Abbe Dom Prosper Gueranger in his masterpiece The Liturgical Year as well as the Act of Consecration to Our Lady of Mt. Carmel in honor of today's Double Major Commemoration in a feature we have chosen to call The Lasting Magnificence, Grace, and Power of Our Lady of Mount Carmel

    As we covered in Step Two on the Blessed Trinity, there is only one God. He is the Alpha and the Omega, the Maker of everything that ever was and ever will be. God is forever and ever eternal. This means He always was and always will be, and always remains the same. God had no beginning; there never was a time when there was no God. God can never cease to exist; He will have no end. He will always be living, immortal. This mystery can fry the minds of the most erudiate of intellectuals, and yet it is so simple if we but have the faith of a little child as Christ asks. In Step Eight we delve into the very essence of the Supreme Being Who made Heaven and earth, and the whole universe. Is there other life in the galaxy? Does it really matter? Should we be concerned with such things when we earthlings have forgotten or refuse to acknowledge God's role, yay, in fact His very existence? We all need to realize the very essence of God and what He meant when He proclaimed to Moses "I AM Who AM" .

    July 14 is the Double Feast of Saint Bonaventure. He is the only doctor celebrated in July. Satan is indeed furious and we need today men of the caliber of St. Bonaventure who was a man full of "good fortune" from his earliest years. Humility was his virtue; his role model was St. Francis of Asissi, the holy founder who named him. He followed this man, continuing the ideals of the Franciscans, guiding them during turbulent times when growing pains created problems in the ranks and with various ecclesial authorities opposed to the Friars Minor. This Universal Doctor was one of the first saintly Cardinals of the Church. He was close friends with "The Angelic Doctor" St. Thomas Aquinas and the saintly king of France King Louis IX. He was the architect of the 2nd Council of Lyons and, fittingly, was called home by God immediately following completion of the Council. His work done on earth but continued through his writings and example; so much so that Saint Bonaventure is known as The Seraphic Doctor

    In the overall metaphor of the edifice of the Church, the walls are made of the sturdy dogmas and doctrines, fashioned from the concrete base of Divine Revelation. Canon Laws, Papal decrees and the teachings of the Fathers of the Church create the buttresses for the roof. Yet, the architectural plans of the Church, so to speak, are structured from the blueprint of the Creed - The Apostles' Creed - which contains the twelve Articles of Faith. What was applicable and necessary for the first Council of Jerusalem in the first century holds true today and tomorrow. It cannot change with the ages or adapt to the times; rather, it must always be the other way around. Man must always adapt and adhere to God's Laws and the guidelines He has set down for man's salvation via A Creed We Must Live By .

    John Gregory provides an insightful inspiration on the Visitation where Our Lady dismissed all concerns for herself to minister to others, most notably her cousin St. Elizabeth who was further along in her pregnancy than Mary. Elizabeth recognized in Mary God's design for her younger cousin as did the babe in her womb - Saint John the Baptist who, though not conceived free of Original Sin was sanctified at the presence of the Babe in Mary's womb - the fetus of the God-Man. In this time when man's uncharity towards his fellow man is legend, we need to refocus on the intention for the Second Joyful Mystery - charity towards our neighbor out of our love for God. This charity is not reserved only for a select few, but all we meet. This charity is not about doing only humane things for others, but going well beyond that in doing all we can to do all in our power to see that our neighbor will save his eternal soul. This means charitably rebuking, correcting and admonishing if our neighbor has veered from the path God intended, and that means knowing our Faith so others will know it and convert. That's the greatest charity we can do for others because we do not want to see them condemned. That's what can happen as Jesus so clearly told us in St. Matthew 28: 20 and St. Mark 16: 16. John shares the meditation of The Second Joyful Mystery: The Visitation

          It has definitely been a decade of transition, as this editor dubs it - Transition to Tradition, our last opportunity before God really lowers the boom. Looking back, it doesn't take a brain surgeon to see the deterioration in society as the ranks of the good, decent ones striving for holiness grow smaller and the enemy flanks are massing larger and larger, more threatening than ever. With every day we inch closer to the apocalypse foretold in the book of the same name, contrary to Protestant and conciliar concerns that it was always called "Revelation." Would St. John the Evangelist be surprised, and for that matter the holy Doctor of the Church who translated it and several of the holy hierarchs who ratified the Scriptures at various major councils of the Church, most recently at the dogmatic Council of Trent. Many closet conciliarists reading this may not be familiar with that council since the robber barons have sought to eliminate any mention of Trent in the same manner as the U.S. Government is doing everything it can to wipe out any mention of God. For both these offenses there are consequences, grave ones and we are beginning to see now that both anti-Catholic campaigns by the counterfeit church of conciliarism and the United States Congress and its cohorts in the Obama administration both in Washington and Chicago are getting more desperate as each day passes. Those not grounded in grace had best get right with God before it is too late. Call it "gloom and doom" if you want, but that doom can be eternal and that would cause anyone gloom. Can you say fire and brimstone? To remind you, we will be bringing you throughout this year "Diadems of the Decade" featuring an article from each month of each of the past ten years. We're not saying these are the "Best" of the decade for how do you choose which ones are the best? Yet, they are gems that we want to share for we're sure you will treasure them and realize, like fine jewels, they are still as valuable today especially when investing in souls. For this edition, we present a diadem for each July from 2000 through July 2009.

    Ten years later we can see there is nothing 'Supreme' left in the Supreme Court for they have totally turned from the Supreme Judge.

    This column ran ten years ago in which Dr. Frank Joseph, one of our first contributing writers, presented the dubious award for "Jurisprudence Absurdity" to the "Faulty Five" of the Supreme Court and asked how men and women of such intelligence could make such a stupid, demented decision as to overturn the Partial-Birth Abortion ban in Nebraska and consequently in other states. He deduced that it is not stupidity but a stubborn lack of ethics in which they have sold their souls to the Democratic Party cause by rationalizing that it is the woman's choice first and foremost without any consideration for the living, human body within their bodies. We can see a decade later that nothing has changed, in fact only grown worse as a result of their decision which, as we know, sealed the fate of countless millions of pre-born souls who cried out for life only to be crushed to death through a process called D&X which is an euphenism for outright murder. With the addition of avowed pro-abort radical Elena Kagan, it is only getting worse than back in 2000 Supreme Court Wins Absurdity Title .

    The Soul of America is under the Microscope! We need to stem the destruction of Christ's Mystical Body. Embryonic Stem-cell research is wrong!

    Nine years ago, with the issue of embryonic stem-cell research being thrown into the political fray and so many waffling on the absolutes of what the Roman Catholic Church must uphold, we proudly brought you a no-nonsense composition by Dr. Thomas Droleskey which pinpointed so expertly the undeniable truths of Catholic doctrine. He pointed out how certain past American prelates, supposed pro-life advocates, and even conservative Catholics had compromised and, in that concession to moral truth, had allowed the Catholic mindset to be muddied and confused, yes, hijacked. The results are only to evident today for all of this diabolical disorientation has only further prevented Christ the King to work in us, for us and through us. Tom explained in God Remains a Majority of One

    Before you race down to your neighborhood video store to rent Harry Potter films or buy the books, you should read what's really behind all the hype.

    Eight years ago Atila Sinke Guimarães, a foremost authority on the causes and effects of Vatican II, pinpointed the parallel problems of the corruption in the conciliar church and the climate of France before the French Revolution. It would seem, as he pointed out, to be only a matter of time before history repeats itself and the flock is further scattered thanks to the clever games being played for the temporal prize. We can see less than a decade later the rebellion against Christ rising both inside the conciliar church and outside. The problem is it's harder these days to distinguish from the two because The Revolution Rumbles On!

    When the balance of nature, as God designed it, is disrupted, consequences, very dangerous consequences result for those who dare to taunt the Almighty.

    Seven years ago Father Louis Campbell filed a sermon for the Seventh Sunday After Pentecost in which he focused on the fact that the fruits of truth were being bruised by worms of modernism and paganism including the idiotic emphasis on ecology and 'animal rights' activism over the God-given human right of life. This lunacy had pervaded the church of Vatican II as all have marched in lockstep towards the everlasting fire being prepared for the bad trees Our Lord speaks of in the Gospel. Fr. Lous reaffirmed what Sacred Scriptures say about the hierarchy of homo sapiens over all other species and why God provides for such. He also reminded us that while the animal and plant kingdom are for man's use, it cannot and must not be abused. Yet, in defiance of God's holy Will, man, in his quest to become god, has disrupted the natural order. Father explained in his sermon "The wolf shall dwell with the lamb"

    Revolution vs. Evolution - The bad fruits of Europe's fall from grace are the reapers of the apostasy that has made the American State all the more ugly by her total abandonment of Christ and His Church and the Masonic banner held high.

    Six years ago Fr. Lawrence Smith asked readers to stop and reflect and ask ourselves what were we really celebrating on July 4 Independence Day. Freedom? He begged to differ with those who have such myopic utopian illusions and provided the facts tracing the bad fruits back to the protestant reformation which inaugurated the beginning of Europe's fall from grace. America is merely an extension and despite the cries of "God bless America" the facts are that the reapers of the apostasy that felled Europe have been feeding themselves quite well on the rotting corpse of America which has fallen into decay because it was never preserved in the manner God so willed because from the beginning the Founders abandoned Christ and His Church. That is why the Masonic banner flies so high over the United States though few can see it through the illusion they've bought into. Father called for a reality check in The Dissolution of Church and State

    Non-Catholics do not understand the vital, life-saving and infinite meaning of the "laver of redemption" available only in the Immemorial Mass of All Ages.

    Back in 2005, Before his death five months later on November 7, Father James F. Wathen, the pioneering traditional author of The Great Sacrilege, left this gem in which he cited the Epistle for the Feast of the Most Precious Blood to illustrate how the New Testament is superior to the Old in the manner and essence of sacrifice, for all worship necessitates a sacrifice of blood and, while animal sacrifice was accepted in the Old Covenant, the New Covenant necessitates but one sacrifice. That is the memorial of the ultimate sacrifice given by the Divine Son to the Eternal Father by shedding every drop of His Most Precious Blood for all mankind as a "laver of redemption." Only by washing our sins in His Most Precious Blood can we be cleansed, and ultimately saved by adhering to His truths revealed to the Church He founded. Non-Catholics do not understand the vital, life-saving and infinite meaning of this and because of that, they have misconceptions about and antipathy for Catholics because, in truth, Catholic worship is what Our Lord established and only by "doing this in memory of Me" - "Haec quotiescumque feceritas, in Mei memoriam facietis" is the Immemorial Sacrifice for all ages perpetuated and pleasing to the Father. The Precious Blood of Christ

    Knowing that Christ will put things well in focus, we just need to keep our eye on the Prize through our powerful spiritual binoculars and realize that all that is not of Him will fade away.

    Late in July 2006, Griff Ruby pointed out that the picture of the situation in the Traditional Movement wasn't as bleak as some may have thought even if - through eyes of our fallen human nature - the future might have looked hazy and dark thanks to the distortion wrought by the conciliar church, but, when we put our spiritual binoculars to the horizon, we know that the Restoration - the Resurrection of the Roman Catholic Church - is not only possible, viable and plausible, but a veritable fact. He reminded that few could judge the distance in linear time, yet we could see clearly that Christ will put things well in focus and we just need to keep our eye on the Prize for all that is not of Him will fade away and the Holy Sacrifice will be restored universally when the abomination of desolation is discarded once and for all. Until then, as Griff advised, be patient. What Griff and the rest were not counting on was the cunning of Ratzinger in foisting the Motu Mess on the gullible a year later. It has only made it more difficult to separate the wheat from the chaff but, as Griff insisted, we can afford to wait and work toward conversion one at a time for "conversion is gradual, repentance is abrupt." He explained in his column View to the Long Term

    In Saint Anne's womb was formed the most Immaculate, perfect finite being the world has ever, or will ever, know. How could we ever forget Mary's mother and Jesus' Grandma?

    How could we ever forget Mary's mother and Jesus' Grandma? Denise Michele (Trias), who is presently fighting for her life in her battle with cancer, illustrated three years ago how St. Anne sets the example of perseverance and the priority of bearing children. This is a lesson lost on today's selfish, instant-gratification generation who have so sadly forgotten that the rewards of motherhood are 'rolled over' in Heaven forever. Why? Because mothers work in cooperation with God to populate Heaven, and this would never have been possible without the fiat of good Saint Anne. Denise also took the reader inside St. Anne's Shrine in Massachusetts to illustrate some of the magnificent statues in this magnificent edifice, most notably of St. Anne herself nurturing her beloved, Immaculate daughter in body, mind and soul. Denise, whom we ask you to remember in your prayers, shared her experience in Good Saint Anne, Patroness of Mothers

    Knowing how the Brown Scapular will protect souls entails knowing why. Ah, there's the wooly rub.

    We've all heard the axiom, "there but for the grace of God go I", but how many of us really understand this? Two years ago Ava Bell, a committed Traditional Catholic, related how this hit home for her in her earlier days before her awakening, if you will, in the same manner that Saint Augustine wrote about when confiding his past sins in his landmark book "Confessions." Her experience is pertinent for our times, especially in this day and age when so many worship at the altar of the world, the flesh and the devil. Ava presented a sobering story that should shake the timbers of our souls and wake the echoes of those who assume security when, in truth, there is only one way to secure eternal salvation and no amount of superstitions will stay the inevitable truth that for any sacramental to be effective, the one receiving it must be of good will and open to the grace of God, specifically Sanctifying Grace. Without this protection, all else is futile, fateful. The Brown Scapular is Not a Good Luck Charm

    Last year the editor Michael Cain filed an editorial on the feast of Sts. Peter and Paul that ran throughout July, in which he lamented that most are sadly complacent, falling into that vial lukewarm category so castigated by the Lord in Apocalypse 3: 16. The devil is having a field day by creating diversions in diversity in both temporal and spiritual matters. Nowhere is this more evident than in the disunity he sows within the Traditional Catholic movement, pitting one against the other. When will we bury the hatchets and seek the common ground of Catholic Truth in our fight against those who oppose just that? When those who pine for the good ol' days, those who complain about the sacrilegious travesties in the New Order, those, such as TIA, who claim exclusivity in the Resistance movement, and dissident 'home-aloners' all realize that the nearest sedevacantist chapel is where they will all discover that the sacramental life of the Church is alive and well. And why not? The Church has provided as Christ promised. Cain explained in his editorial, A Question no one has yet to Answer

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