Below are all the installments of Making Sense of Sensus Catholicus articles to date. installment 48: God intends us to have Meaning and Purpose to our life by Father James F. Wathen installment 47: Truth Can Never Be Changed! by Father James F. Wathen installment 46: Truth Conquers All! by Father James F. Wathen installment 45: Truth and Consequences by Father James F. Wathen installment 44: Tribute to the late Father James Francis Wathen, OSJ by Denise M. Trias installment 43: Bishop Williamson's Mentevacantist Error by Father Anthony Cekada installment 42: The Essence of Corpus Christi by Father James F. Wathen installment 41: The Life of the Spirit Working in us through the Holy Ghost by Father James F. Wathen installment 40: Christ refreshes His Apostles Part III by Father James F. Wathen installment 39: Christ refreshes His Apostles Part II by Father James F. Wathen installment 38: Christ refreshes His Apostles Part I by Father James F. Wathen installment 37: The Seven Words from The Cross by Father James F. Wathen installment 36: A Time and a Place by Father James F. Wathen installment 35: Some Thoughts for Women on Woman by Father James F. Wathen installment 34: Planting the Seeds of Love and Truth by Father James F. Wathen installment 33: In Defense of the Deposit of the Faith by Father James F. Wathen installment 32: Intelligent Design by Father James F. Wathen installment 31: The Hidden Life by Father James F. Wathen installment 30: House of Gold by Father James F. Wathen installment 29: The 1962 Missal by Father James F. Wathen installment 28: The Lord of History by Father James F. Wathen installment 27: Pope Leo and The Rosary by John Gregory installment 26: Further Thoughts on the Problem of Evil by Father James F. Wathen installment 25: Random Thoughts on Eternity by Father James F. Wathen installment 24: The Value of Traditional Priests by Father James F. Wathen installment 23: The Catholic's Secret by Father James F. Wathen installment 22: Speech Therapy by Father James F. Wathen installment 21: O Jesus Draw Me by Father Urban Snyder Gems from the Past feature installment 20: Wholehearted Love by Father James F. Wathen installment 19: The Precious Blood of Christ Part Two by Father James F. Wathen installment 18: The Precious Blood of Christ Part One by Father James F. Wathen installment 17: Dispositions of Worship by Father James F. Wathen installment 16: The Love of The Sacred Heart by Father James F. Wathen installment 15: Tempting God by Father James F. Wathen installment 14: Peter's Penance by Father James F. Wathen installment 13: Papal Passion by Father James F. Wathen installment 12: The Resurrection and Cremation by Father James F. Wathen installment 12: The First Events of Easter Sunday by Father James F. Wathen installment 11: The Man Born Blind by Father James F. Wathen installment 10: The Woman Taken in Adultery by Father James F. Wathen installment 9: The Parable of the Rich Man and Lazarus by Father James F. Wathen installment 8: Interior Mortification and Conformity to the Will of God by Father Dominic Radecki installment 7: A Catholic Pope Part Two by Father James F. Wathen installment 6: A Catholic Pope Part One by Father James F. Wathen installment 5: Thoughts to Sustain Catholic Families by Father James F. Wathen installment 4: The Perfect Union by Father James F. Wathen installment 3: Empty's Promise by Father Lawrence Smith installment 2: A Priest Forever by Father James F. Wathen installment 1: The Theology of Tolkien's Mythology by Father Lawrence Smith