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September 2008 (sep2008.htm)

Excuses are a dime a dozen and illustrate a lack of confidence in one's arguments, but the Feeneyites' excuse that it's all God's fault takes the cake for absurdity.

Griff Ruby continues his mega-part comprehensive series "The Art of Scholastic Dishonesty" in exposing not only the heresy of Feeneyism, but also the intended deliberate dishonest deception of this of one of this heresy's greatest defenders, one Peter Dimond, half of the combination known as the Dimond brothers. There are a plethora of excuses Peter Dimond desperately drums up in his Treatise and elsewhere to deflect the obvious in his stubborn pridefulness to cling to the dangling thread of denying Baptism of Desire and Baptism of Blood. Does he not realize that once it completely unravels he'll be completely separated from the vine? Completely "outside the Church" via heresy in the same manner the man he defends was excommunicated by a true pope. The only thing allowing Dimond to spew his rubbish today is that there has been an absence of any papal intervention in doctrinal affairs. Regardless, holy Mother Church has wisely prepared for just this and states such in her legitimate Councils, papal decrees and Canon Law: Latae sententiae. In other words by one's persistent deeds or words or actions that contradict Catholic truth, one has separated oneself from the Church. There is no necessity for a pope to decree such, for it still stands in the eyes of God. But to Dimond it's all in the predestined cards and therefore it has to be God's fault that His Church accepts BOB and BOD. Griff points out this gaffe in his eighth installment, When all else fails, blame God!

At the Cross, her station keeping, stood the mournful Mother weeping, close to Jesus to the last.

The VerbumQUO for the Feast of the Seven Dolors of the Blessed Virgin Mary "Stabat Mater" meaning "The Mother stood" or "The Mother was standing" and is the well-known 13th century Gregorian Chant Hymn, taken from today's Sequence Stabat Mater for the second of two feasts in the liturgical year for Our Lady of Sorrows; today being the greater double Feast of the Seven Sorrows, the signature feast for the month of September dedicated to Our Sorrowful Mother. In Passion Week this feast precedes Holy Week and the Triumph of the Cross, but this month it is that triumph, the Exaltation of the Holy Cross which immediately precedes this Double of the Second Class Feast of the Seven Sorrows of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Let Mary lead us and show us the combination that unlocks the door, possible only by the ultimate Sacrifice of the Cross. Cain explains in A Mother's Love that Knows No Bounds

    We adore Thee, O Christ, and we praise Thee. Because by Thy Holy Cross Thou hast redeemed the world.
For today and tomorrow's feast we resuscitate this series, intended to identify one key word and sum up that word to help the faithful focus on the message Holy Mother Church conveys in the liturgy of the Proper of the Holy Mass so the faithful can better understand the magnificent correlation of Sacred Scripture. It is also our hope that in choosing the Latin word with its meaning and etimology more will be attuned to hearing Latin read at the altar and better comprehend the beauty of the Mother tongue. Editor Michael Cain has taken the Latin Verbum and Quotidianum, which mean respectively "Word" and "Daily", and coined the word "VerbumQUO" for the title of this series by contracting quotidianum to quo and running it together as Verbumquo; thus the "Daily Word", as in the sum of the message, the 'quotient', if you will. The VerbumQUO for today is "crucis" the possessive noun for "cross", taken from the Proper for the Mass of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross in the Collect, Epistle, Gradual, Offertory, Secret, and Communion Prayer. Cain shares the etimology in Lift High the Cross

"And Jesus seeing their hearts"

We continue this special feature provided by John Gregory with the Haydock Commentary found at the bottom of each page of the Douay-Rheims Bible. With the type so small in most bibles, we publish it here in larger type in conjunction with the Epistle and Gospel for the Sunday Mass, with the cogent comprehensive Catholic Commentary penned by Father George Leo Haydock. For the Eighteenth Sunday after Pentecost Father Haydock provides one of the keys to revealing Christ's divinity in knowing hearts and working miracles. Few miracles conveyed as much resentment from the Pharisees as His baiting their blackened souls for He knew their hearts and, in His healing the man because of the faith of those who had brought him forward, Jesus was manifesting that He, as the Son of God, had the power to forgive sins, a power He bestowed on the Apostles of the only Church He established. John provides the commentary for Eighteenth Sunday after Pentecost

    It can definitely be dangerous to one's spiritual health if one does not follow the Doctors' advice, especially one so esteemed as the Angelic Doctor. But to deliberately forge St. Thomas Aquinas' medicinal manual for the soul - the Summa, well that can be criminal.
Griff Ruby resumes his mega-part comprehensive series "The Art of Scholastic Dishonesty" in exposing not only the heresy of Feeneyism, but also the intended deliberate dishonest deception of this heresy's defender, most notably one Peter Dimond, half of the combination known as the Dimond brothers. This week Griff pits them against seven Doctors of the Church. No contest. And yet one would ask, how dare two self-taught pipsqueaks from podunk think they know more than St. Thomas Aquinas by not only doubting, but misinterpreting his masterful Summa Theologica. Not to mention their audacity of calling other holy Doctors of the Church wrong while asserting they themselves - the almighty Dimond brothers - the only ones who are right. Of course, the latter consider themselves self-appointed gods who relish sitting in judgment of one and all whether that be many revered, and proven holy Doctors of the Church or present Traditional Catholic authorities as well as writers of good will who dare challenge their audacity. It's always been a practice that if you might disagree with your doctor, it wouldn't hurt to go to another for a second opinion, or even, rarely, a third. But by the time seven Doctors have all told you the same thing it's time to listen to your Doctor and humbly swallow that bitter pill of truth and accept that your Doctor knows more than you do. In his seventh installment, Griff provides what the Doctors have prescribed and The Evidence is Overwhelming

While everyone, at least most everyone, celebrates December 25 as the Birthday of our Lord, it seems that only committed Catholics honor His Mother on her birthday. So many miss out on the significance of this birth for she was conceived in her mother Saint Anne's womb as immaculate, without the stain of Original Sin. But then why wouldn't the Father prepare the most pure tabernacle for His Son? Makes perfect sense that she would be the most perfect being possible. And if Christ honored His Mother with recognition of such respect and love, should any of God's children ever do less? We didn't think so. To hammer this point home Denise Michelle has composed a short essay in tribute to The Nativity of the Virgin Mary

The surge to cage the heresy of Feeneyism continues

   In Sunday's Epistle for the Seventeenth Sunday after Pentecost, the holy Apostle of the Gentiles St. Paul urges us to "walk worthy of the vocation in which you are called." That we are endeavoring to do "with all humility and mildness, with patience, supporting one another in charity, careful to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace." It isn't always easy, especially when heresy creeps in so stealthily that it divides even Traditional Catholics. But the Church has always been aggressive against heresy for she knows how dangerous this raptor can be. Heresy, like a ferocious predator, lurks in the shadows, not baring its carniverous fangs on unsuspecting souls until it's too late. But there are ways to fight these rapacious dangers by going after the lair of the liars and snaring the prey through prayer and Catholic truth. That is our mission in this hunt to eradicate the vulturous vamps who seem to thrive by hemorrhaging hope, scattering the flesh of faith on the winds of twisted doctrines, seemingly sucking dry all avenues of grace through "the wickedness of men, in craftiness to the machination of error." It is a question of survival, a matter of love, that we intensify our mission to constrain the beast be it Modernism, Ecumenism or Dimonds in the rough. Editor Michael Cain separates the wheat from the chaff in his editorial, Setting the bait to halt the hate.

"On these two commandments dependeth the whole law"

We resume this special feature provided by John Gregory with the Haydock Commentary found at the bottom of each page of the Douay-Rheims Bible. With the type so small in most bibles, we publish it here in larger type in conjunction with the Epistle and Gospel for the Sunday Mass, with the cogent comprehensive Catholic Commentary penned by Father George Leo Haydock. For the Seventeenth Sunday after Pentecost Father brings out the importance of the two greatest commandments on which the sum of the law is based. It dovetails with St. Paul's words in the Epistle to the Ephesians of "One Lord, one faith, one baptism." The Pharisees sought to trip Jesus up in any way they could, thinking they could trap Him into blasphemy, but our Lord nailed them with love - love of God and love of neighbor, the latter something they found difficult to stomach in their pompous ways of practicing the old law of an eye for an eye. John provides the commentary for Seventeenth Sunday after Pentecost

For a long time many have suspected the author of the Treatise has lost his marbles. It's a fact he's left some out of the bag, which proves he's not playing fair.

Griff Ruby completes the first round with his sixth installment of a mega-part comprehensive series "The Art of Scholastic Dishonesty" in exposing not only the heresy of Feeneyism, but also the intended deliberate dishonest deception of this heresy's defender, most notably one Peter Dimond whose moral compass has taken him dangerously off course. Some might think he's lost his marbles by playing loose and fast with the doctrinal game. However, Catholic truth is always rock solid as marble and the true Church never lags whether the match involves the aggies and steelies of the great Fathers and Doctors that plunked Arianism and Pelagianism, or the Rosary-beaded puries and onyx orbs that targeted Albigensianism, or knuckling down with the flints and alabaster milkies of Trent to strike out of the circle the ducks of Protestantism, Calvinism and every other ism that was introduced in the teen centuries, or the cats-eyes and micas that shoot at the overwhelming heresies so prevalent today in the counterfeit church of conciliarism, including one not affiliated with such, but nevertheless still an obstacle in the direct line: pitching against the fudging Feeneyites. Griff provides clear evidence that the author of the Treatise has been shooting in the dark, taking great liberties in his personal "interpretations" of papal decrees and statements of Saints, Doctors, and sincere Catholic luminaries of the Church. The end result is deliberate deception and proof he's refused to knuckle down to the truth of BOB/BOD. Griff provides the clear evidence in Part Six, It's All or Nothing!

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        For those who truly want to delve deeper into what the Faith teaches and what past Sovereign Pontiffs have decreed, we recommend for your vital reading to better KNOW THE FAITH in order to KEEP THE FAITH, pertinent Papal decrees which put to the lie what is being promulgated today by the Vatican II church. We strongly encourage you to read these to understand how today the modern church is in Apostasy when compared to what had always been taught by Holy Mother Church and enforced and warned as most grievous by previous Pontiffs as you'll see in CREDO & CULTURE

        We at the Daily Catholic believe that copyrighting material is counterproductive to the purpose of saving souls and, therefore, in order to expand our reach so that we may decrease while Christ increases, we freely give permission to all to copy and disseminate any written material contained on these pages from 2002 onward, provided nothing is taken out of context and the URL and sources are credited for the sake of accuracy and for the sake of restoring all things in Christ. So as not to confuse or deceive the faithful in any way, nothing before 2002 may be used without written permission from the editor. For pertinent questions on this, contact the Director


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