Month of the Most Holy Name of Jesus
A Review of Feature Articles of 2004
  • January 2004
  • February 2004
  • March 2004
  • April 2004
  • May 2004
  • June 2004
  • July 2004
  • August 2004
  • September 2004
  • October 2004
  • November 2004
  • December 2004
  • Pro Life Prescriptions
    Dr. Frank Joseph illustrated how the gates of hell were opened and much of hell was emptied on January 22, 1973 when the deadly, venomous snakes of NARAL, NOW, NAF, and Planned Parenthood slithered onto the scene . Their deadly venom effecting whole generations in elimating generations to come through the hideous slaughter of untold millions of innocents in the womb and the poisoning of souls to believe this rot is right. Frank held nothing back in his column The Snakepit of Abortion.

    Gary Morella weighed in with the crux of what is at stake in the great battle in the Church. Anyone thinking the Vatican is not responsible for the sacrilege posing as the New Order Mass, or that Rome will amend her ways hasn't been paying attention to just the opposite direction. It is high time for neo-Catholics to admit they've been wrong in their assessment of the Vatican II agenda. Gary asked ...When are Catholics going to start connecting the dots as to the disaster that has befallen the Sacred Liturgy?

    "Quid dicit Scriptura?"
    Beyond the Holy Name Society men in the front pews, Fr. McMahon kneels on the side leading the Rosary while the monks continue to be dazed. Don't they get it? Get off the altar and out of the basilica! Jacob Michael followed up his inital report filed in Wednesday's issue, with a more thorough background and description on how, where, when, who, why and what happened Tuesday night in the Basilica of Grand Rapids, Michigan. Moved by the Holy Ghost, a righteous indignation against violaters of the First Commandment, and utilizing the powerful weapon known as the Holy Rosary of Mary, loyal Roman Catholics - almost 200 strong led by courageous Society of Saint Pius X Fr. Michael McMahon who led the Resisters in driving out the demons Nearly 200 loyal Catholics fire their weapons by reciting the Rosary on their knees. Note the 'rebellious garb' - coats and ties - of these young warriors of Our Lady's Army priest Fr. Michael McMahon - literally blasted the Buddhist monks out of the Basilica. In fact, according to secular media reports, their protest was so violent in reciting the Ave Marias and Hail Mary's that the pastor had no recourse but to call in the local gendarmes. Egads, how do we stop such "violence" as peaceful, reverent prayer? Jacob exposed the true absurdity, the true scandal personified in the pastor Fr. Thomas DeYoung himself as he explained in his column Booting the Buddhists from the Basilica!

    "Qui legit, intelligat"
    In Father Louis Campbell's sermon for Quinquagesima Sunday, he equated how the events being expedited today - from the blatant anarchy against supernatural and natural law, against Divine and human laws, are making a mockery of all order - such as in San Francisco with the flaunting of the sin of sodomy in blasphemy to Holy Matrimony to the attacks against the Word of God carried out against 'The Passion of The Christ' and Mel Gibson's beliefs to the veering from the tenets of the Faith by the hierarchy today to the terrible scandals within the Church - making it only too evident that the Church is undergoing her own Passion right now. As the persecution and slanderous scourging and spitting intensify, the ones suffering the most are those who understand those things hidden from others. Those are the Traditional Catholics who unceasingly cling to the Truths and Traditions of Holy Mother Church. Yet in this suffering, in this testing of our Faith like "silver and gold are tried in the fire," so also are tried "acceptable men in the furnace of humiliation." One must be willing to be sacrificed and offered up humiliatingly in that crucible, which Father cited from Ecclesiasticus, so that we have the mettle to go the distance with Christ and His Church and reap the rewards that await the other side of the Crucifixion. It is our passion as well as The Passion of the Church

    Catholic PewPOINT
    With the phenomenal success of Mel Gibson's masterpiece 'The Passion of The Christ' editor Michael Cain invokes Mel to consider what the next step could effect. He invites Mel to invest in the greatest and most valuable stock there is: Traditional Catholics and help put flesh on the bones of truth. That flesh is the undeniable truths of the True Catholic Church, a far different cry to what is being passed off as Catholic today. Mel's movie is separating the wheat from the chaff and now hopefully he'll have the opportunity to give back by reinforcing the flanks with five possibilities that Cain poses on behalf of the Traditional movement and bringing back a wider availability of the Traditional Latin Mass which re-enacts the Passion in an unbloody manner daily in the True Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. He delineates in his Open Letter to Mel Gibson titled Turn the mirage into a Miracle!

    Symphony of Suffering
    Cyndi Cain, who has shied away from writing most of the time in order to be the prayer pillar of this publication, took some time to share with readers her special thoughts on 'The Passion of The Christ,' wherein she could relate with the sorrows the Blessed Mother was going through and understand the thoughts of Our Lady for she had long pondered them in her heart as St. Luke affirms. In truth, Mel Gibson's film was a 'Symphony of Suffering' that, orchestrated in the open hearts of countless souls, will strike the chord of grace and timbre forth conversion of hearts and lives in doing "whatever He tells you to do." Cyndi shared her thoughts and impressions of how it has reinforced her own redemptive suffering for souls. Yes, it is all worth it, she assured in A Mother's Passion

    Lex Orandi, Lex Credendi
    Kevin Tierney presented his fifth installment on the Disciplines of Lent in this series simply called "Lex Orandi, Lex Credendi." He took the reader through the Propers of the Traditional Latin Mass for Laetare Sunday and compared it to what is offered in the Novus Ordo Missae. For his analysis of Laetare Sunday we would like to rejoice, but there is so much lacking in the synthetic rite that on laments instead. It is a fact that the man-made rite of Vatican II is sorely lacking as Kevin explained why: the New Order has left it so ambiguous and avoids those things which are absolutely necessary not only for striving toward sanctity, but for salvation. The whole purpose of the Novus Ordo liturgy is to negate the negative theology that we are totally dependent on God and are unworthy unless blessed by Him and in His good graces by having sanctifying grace on our souls. Kevin broke it down in The Disciplines of Lent: Laetare Sunday

    Father Lawrence Smith provided an inspiring, meditative series of poetic reflections of the Way of the Cross which he composed for readers of The Daily Catholic to enhance our meditation along with a pertinent scriptural reading to read and contemplate in better preparing during Passion Week, Holy Week and the Paschal Triduum in hopes of making our prayer time ever more meaningful. Running from Passion Monday through Holy Saturday, we look back on Fr. Smith's Reflections on the Way of the Cross

    Christ or chaos
    Dr. Thomas A. Droleskey requested his column be widely circulated in as many Traditional Catholic publications as possible and other venues as well for the sooner all Catholics realize there is no hope in either the Democratic or Republican Party for they are the ideal of the world, not God, will we begin to make progress in the slow rebuilding of our nation as truly blessed by God, under God and dedicated totally to the Social Kingship of Jesus Christ. Tom offered the latest betrayal of pythons eating their own when George Bush and then Rick Santorum swooped down and smothered Pennsylvania constituents with plaudits for a known pro-abort against one of their own. On closer introspection, even Pat Toomey wasn't all he said he was. The moral of this story: There are no more morals. Run from the Two-Party system for, as Father Campbell pointed out Sunday, this country is broken down and cannot be fixed unless they employ the failsafe instructions of instituting the Social Kingship of Jesus Christ and honor the Queenship of Mary. Then, and only then, can we count on not being sold out as Tom explained in his two part essay Why Are We So Shocked?

    Shears and Tears of a Lamb
    Catharine Lamb registered probably her most compelling, significant column to date as she addressed the Novus Ordo priests in pleading with them to awake from the terrible 40-year slumber that has so mesmerized them into a stupor. In the humble fashion of another Catharine - Saint Catharine of Siena - this Catharine entreated the priests to realize and educate their flocks that Holy Mass does not entail opening your mouths, but your hearts. Only when the priests open their hearts to the Truths that no pope had the authority to change the Immemorial Mass, canonized by the infallible decree of Trent and codified by Pope St. Pius V, will order be restored to their parishes! She points out that one cannot wallow in the mud without getting dirty! Expressing the thoroughness of a good housekeeper, Catharine advised that the only way to clean things up and for priests to cleanse themselves with the only cleaning agent that gets souls totally cleansed - the Sacramental divinely ordained Traditional Latin Mass! She illustrated the bitter, barren fruits of the "new springtime" and called on the priests first and foremost to say "NO!" to the NO! She laid it out so beautifully in her column Escape From the Absurd!

    On the BattleLine
    Tower of Trent honoree Atila Sinke Guimarães weighed in with his latest Bird's Eye View of the News in which he reported back from on the BattleLine of the full steam ahead intention of new Church to make Fatima a fully pan-religious shrine. He provided proof of this from just one month ago in how Christ was compromised so all could hail the pagan gods. He then focused on the shuffling going on within the Vatican as Cardinal Ratzinger and others try with all their might to sidestep the issue of denying communion by wishing it would just go away as they cave to Democratic pressure. As Atila asserted that "after 40 years, the same invariable treason against the traditional Catholic teachings has been witnessed by whoever has the eyes to see." He completed his article with the anathema being promoted by Protestant and Modernist alike that the Old Jerusalem needs to be revived. Such Zionism flies in the face of Scripture and Our Lord's New Covenant with the New Jerusalem. In our June 10th issue, Atila detailed in his Proof Positive of Fatima Syncretism, Vatican denial and the anathema of revising the Old Jerusalem

    Treasures of Tradition
    We are delighted to introduce to our readers another Traditional priest so solid on preserving the True Catholic Faith. He expresses this in his column "Treasures of Tradition." Father Paul Trinchard, S.T.L., head of MAETA out of the New Orleans area, laments the loss of these treasures as he points out that the U.S. Bishops' response in Colorado shows that an avalanche of apostasy is upon us and only when these charlatans in purple and scarlet are rooted out, and the Canonized Mass reinstituted, will God once again shed His graces upon His Church. Father's books, pamphlets, and tapes are available at and maily dedicated to reinstituting the Mass of All Ages - the Immemorial Mass of Tradition - the Canonized Mass of Trent; for only in the Holy Sacrifice codified by Pope Saint Pius V is there found the Treasures of Tradition that is the divinely ordained Latin Mass. Father deals with this and the warning in Apocalypse 3: 16 to the Church of Laodicia in reference to the American bishops in The Lukewarm Landslide

    Fingerprints of Anathema
    We call on Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger to take the GATE in our "Fingerprints of Anathema?" in which we provide the testimony of Gary Morella and editor Michael Cain to call his Eminence to task for his procrastination to upholding Canon Law and further confusing the flocks with weak-kneed response to deliberate disobedience by the American bishops, most specifically the apostate Cardinal Theodore McCarrick. Our Lord states quite clearly the consequences for such action which we cite as we apply the Galatians Anathermometer Theological Exam - the GATE to one of the most powerful men in the Vatican - the head of the Sacred Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith - at one time the Holy Office of the Inquisition. Perhaps bringing back the values and discipline of the Holy Inquisition might save countless souls. It's a fact Rome's present actions and the American bishops waffling sure isn't for the smudges of anathema are everywhere in Giving the GATE to Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger

    Gabriel's Clarion
    Gabriel Garnica provides reflection on the Sacrament of Penance and by following the example of the penitent Mary Magdalene whose feast we celebrate on Thursday, July 22, there is no greater way to be one with Christ than by placing ourself in the center of His Heart - the chamber of Divine Mercy - the Confessional. Gabriel points out the healing effects of confession and how it has been so obscured in the New Order priority where sin is diminished at the expense of souls. Gabriel explains in his magnificent column that provides great meditation for every Catholic. He has titled his column simply with the first words a penitent says when entering the confessional: Father, forgive me for I have sinned.

    Some sixty years ago Canon George Smith wrote a most poignant compendium of why there can be no dialogue with heretics as the Pope and his novelty-driven cardinals and bishops push for today. The reason is quite simple as Dr. Smith laid out for Catholic truth does not and cannot change. As Catholics we are bound to uphold the depositum fidei and therefore defend always the Truths and Traditions of Holy Mother Church so all the faithful may KNOW THE FAITH in order to KEEP THE FAITH and share such a precious gift with others through conversion, not compromise! Canon Smith truly raised the Standard of Christ the King and His Church with Charity, Clarity and Valor and the current crop of bishops and priests, as well as the laity would do well to read his absolute words in his excellent essay "Must I Believe It?"

    Echoes of True Catholicism
    Dr. Marian Therese Horvat gives us a veritable banquet of treasures that are presently on exhibit in beautiful Balboa Park overlooking the skyline of San Diego where she was able to recently visit. Even considering Chapultapec Park in Mexico City, there is probably not a more beautiful cultural park in the world as this and thus it is fitting that it would house a traveling Vatican exhibit of many rare treasures in displaying the Legacy of the Popes. Those in Florida, Cincinnati and Houston will remember these treasures. Now, on its final exhibit until Septemer 6, it is in the grandeur of these items, some sacramentals that Marian shows the stark contrast between what was so right and proper and how after Vatican II so much was lost. She illustrates in words and a cornucopia of photos the essence of this in her column on the Consequences of Vatican II St. Peter and the Vatican Exhibit: Marvelous Continuity and Shocking Change

    Traditional Insights
    Mario Derksen emerges after several months with some new perspectives on things and which are his opinions and not necessarily the stance taken by The Daily Catholic. Yet, since what he provides in no way contradicts the constituted evangelic traditions and can be documented by what Holy Mother Church has professed and determined from Peter through Pius XII, we have decided it has much merit for our readers for Mario has studied these issues in depth. He tackles today the Message of La Salette and poses the question if Pope Benedict XV or Pius XI were alive today would they still be so guarded about these messages if they knew indeed the grave crisis that has occurred within the bosom of Holy Mother Church today. The times grow darker as more and more principles and truths are compromised. The Church is nearly in eclipse. Were we not warned by Heaven? Mario explains in his column in part one of the Eclipse of the Church: 1958 and Beyond

    Books you can count on!
    We want to bring to the attention of all our readers an excellent book by Griff Ruby that clarifies so well what the Traditional Catholic movement is, when, where and how it began and why it has continued to advance - despite the persecutions by the Novus Ordo Church of the "People of God" and the infighting among various Traditional factions - and how God is employing the Traditional Catholic movement to keep the Faith founded by Christ alive. Griff is not afraid to tackle all issues and emerges with a lucid chronicle of the major camps in the struggle to preserve the True Faith for in the Sacraments, Doctrines, and Immemorial Mass of Tradition - the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass in Latin - all Traditional Catholics are united. What amazed this editor was how each of the factions within the Traditional Catholic movement have a God-given function and that no one Traditional group has all the answers, but with Christ working through them, the situation within Holy Mother Church today is "where the Church is there is Peter." We encourage you to read this excellent book and share it with your friends, family and community. It will answer many questions about where they have taken the Mystical Body of Christ. As Mary Magdalen discovered when she asked "Where have they taken my Lord?", the Angel responded, "He is not here. He is risen." So also, thanks to the research and concise compendium Griff has put together, we are witnessing through the Traditional Catholic movement The Resurrection of the Roman Catholic Church

    Transition to Tradition
    We present the crux of why the Novus Ordinarians have been so vicious toward Fr. Stephen Somerville. It is not because he has been tentative to serving souls in the SSPX parishes, but that he has exposed ICEL and the entire charade perpetrated on the faithful. That is why he is a marked man as you can see in his own words for he would not sell out what ICEL did sell out. Thus, Cardinal Aloysius Ambrozic went after Mel Gibson's chaplain (during shooting of The Passion of The Christ) with such venomous discipline this past summer. Father's statement appeared two years ago in Catholic Family News, the Angelus, and Communicantes. It is obvious the People of God church must silence this consecrated priest who has converted back to the True Faith, or else the conciliar church will unravel further. Thus Ambrozic has his marching orders as the hatchet man. But why should Fr. Stephen be concerned that an apostate bishop has suspended him? He needs to courageously forget the false religion and faux hierarchy and stand by the principles of Tradition, upheld from Peter through Pius XII and Stand by your Man Jesus Christ

    Traditional Thoughts
    Michael Matt, editor of The Remnant and a loyal friend of the late, great Michael Davies pens a tribute to this Traditional literary giant of our time. Matt shares some of his personal moments with Davies and the trials the British writer underwent, never wavering in upholding the Immemorial Mass of Tradition. Matt also takes to task those who have dared besmirch the good name of Michael Davies with such slanderous remarks as "unfaithful departed." While Traditional Catholics have been known to disagree on various and sundry topics, few have ever resorted to name-calling and Matt sets the record straight in bringing to life the character of a man whose courage and perseverance have paved the way for still having the Latin Mass today. Michael Davies taught us that all is not lost. It would be a shame to lose the momentum he helped foster. Davies funeral will be held in the British Isles on the morning of October 22. Matt presents his tribute, The Last Letter from London

    Griff Ruby offers a refreshing honeycomb of hope and common sense for all Traditional Catholics. He recommends we all stop the name calling and seek to win conservative Novus Ordo believers over to true Catholic thinking and practice by loving them to death, for, as he explains, down deep they really want to be Catholic, but just don't realize how far they have veered from the Truths and Traditions of Holy Mother Church. Griff points out it isn't always their fault if they don't know and we shouldn't lump them in with the "cafeteria 'Catholics'" who are anything but. He rationalizes that many traditionalists came from the same place for indeed we were once in their shoes and should more readily be able to understand their angst and confusion. We just need to give them a shove and the best way to shove is by hugging 'em. He explains in his column Have you hugged your local conservative Novus Ordo believer lately?

    "Feed My Sheep"
    While we would like to hold out hope that a letter will spark something within the psyche, heart and soul of John Paul II and wake him from the lethargy that has caused the devastation of countless souls and the destruction of morality. These are the 'fruits' we present to the post-conciliar 'pope', asking him if this is how he wants to be remembered. Time has just about run out for him to salvage anything. This is a last-chance missive to follow the reliable popes of the past and, like St. Pius X, restore all things in Christ. Oh, if only he would turn back before he stands before the Eternal Judge. The sad results are evident in The AntiCrusade Pope

    The Agony of Aggiornamento
    The ambiguous agenda of Vatican II which incarcerated Catholic Truth in cells of anomalies that reek of modernism, humanism and other anathemas have been foisted on the faithful and now have come back to haunt big time those who had hoped they could trust the leaders of the Church, but, as Kathy Willett Redle reveals in her column today there are powerful periti from the Council who have burrowed beneath dogmatic truth to loosen foundations within the modern Vatican. At various times they surface from their foxholes via statements that, based on the aberration of ambiguity, give rise to relativism and further make the sheep ripe for the shearing. Why? Because they've been so dumbed down that they've had the wool pulled over their collective eyes and ears, unable to recognize the identity of who's really undermining the Truth Faith. She documents in her column, The Aberration of Ambiguity

    As the year comes to a close Ron and Kirstie Finster have affixed the bookends to their argument on "The Third Secret of Fatima." If you recall, it was early this year on January 14 when they provided the fifth installment of their series, seemingly the final one. But in study over the year they have added an addendum with this sixth part and the piece which puts the puzzle together. Though it may have taken them almost a year to complete, it is well worth the wait for hidden within Pope Leo XIII's encyclical are answers to the analogy released that, reading between the lines we can see the apostasy warned of by the Blessed Mother. For it is Holy Mother Church which is indeed A City Upon The Mountain

    We at the Daily Catholic believe that copyrighting material is counterproductive to the purpose of saving souls and therefore, in order to expand our reach so that we may decrease while Christ increases, we freely give permission to all to copy and disseminate any written material contained on these pages from 2002 onward, provided nothing is taken out of context and the URL and sources are credited for the sake of accuracy and for the sake of restoring all things in Christ. So as not to confuse or deceive the faithful in any way, nothing before 2002 may be used without written permission from the editor.    For pertinent questions on this, contact the Editor