April 10

We should shoulder our part of the Cross! SYMPHONY OF SUFFERING

Dr. Tom Droleskey on the absolutes of stability. Christ or chaos

Betrayed by the kiss of silent consent, 'Americanism' thrives. CATHOLIC PewPOINT

Rep. Charles Gonzalez, why do you persecute God's innocent ones? HEROD'S HEROES

The tale of two who would betray Christ. DAILY LITURGY

Jesus comforts not only the women, but also us. Prayer & Devotion

Election of the interim Pope between Trent. TIME CAPSULES

Beware of those who propound a type of liberation theology. SIMPLY SHEEN

...These and much more in Today's issue for
April 10, 2001

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  The mission of The DAILY CATHOLIC is to provide content in all phases of Catholic living so readers can keep up on their Faith in order to Keep the Faith. The DAILY CATHOLIC is in full accordance with the Magisterium of the Church and obedient to the Holy See. This publication is dedicated to the Sacred and Immaculate Hearts. You can be assured what you read in these pages is solid and trustworthy. We thank you for your continued prayers and support in our on-going apostolate of reaching out to souls for Christ and His One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church in responding to His call in Mark 16: 15.


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TUESDAY     April 10, 2001     volume 12, no. 100

 Updated April 10, 2001 8:05 am PDT

    All photos from Rome provided by the excellent monthly publication INSIDE THE VATICAN with permissionRome Photos taken by Grzegorz Galazka with permission from the editor of INSIDE THE VATICAN. No photos or images may be reproduced from these pages without permission.

Shouldering the Responsibility with Christ

Our Lord bore the weight of the cross not for the COLLECTIVE SIN of the world, but for each one of us individually...To meditate upon Our Lord's Sacred Wound in His Shoulder is to recognize the weight of our own sin.

   In her inspirational column today, Cyndi Cain shares something we should all shoulder, especially during this week of Our Lord's sacred Passion. That is to contemplate on the "other wound." We all know of the nails, the crown of thorns, the side pierced by a lance in which blood and water poured forth as a font of Divine Mercy for all generations. But how many are aware of the terrible, crushing wound Christ bore on His shoulder? It was there the burden of the Cross weighed so heavily on Him because of our sins. Cyndi enlightens all on the significance of this Wound and how we can help soothe it. For her column Let us help shoulder the heavy Cross see SYMPHONY OF SUFFERING

The bloodless coup of the modern liturgists lessened the essence and meaning of the Most Precious Blood shed for us

      "That which was without precedent in any of the approved rites of the Roman Catholic Church became commonplace, creating an ecclesiastical culture which would be receptive to a view of the Mass as a community-based exercised in self-affirmation rather than of the worship of the Father through the Son in Spirit and in Truth."

    In today's issue Thomas A. Droleskey, Ph.D. continues his enlightening, if not jolting series on what has happened to the stability that was equated with Holy Mother Church for centuries. Because of its importance and this time of the year when we willingly walk with Christ on the way to Calvary, we bring his treatise Stability of Worship Results in Endurance in Faith to you daily through tomorrow. What Dr. Droleskey speaks is fact, backed up by Catholic doctrine. Read it carefully and call on the Holy Spirit to guide you in realizing how far we have strayed from true Roman Catholic teaching. For the fifth part of his column, 1965 as a Prelude to 1969 , see CHRIST or chaos

Betrayal can sting! Especially the kiss of silent consent!

   In our lengthy commentary today we continue our walk with Jesus. Today we stand with Him as He awaits the mob coming toward Him, torches ablaze in the darkness that symbolizes the darkness souls wander in today. Rather than being led by the True Light of the Savior, they raise aloft their temporal torches, fevered not by faith but by an ideology that is willing to sacrifice anything, even Christ, His teachings and the four marks of His Church. They seek to rationalize their deeds as being for the common good and tolerate sin in complying with the world's values rather than the Son of Man's. Because of that, they willingly are swept up by this moving mass of flesh that moves as one toward betraying the Son of God. In so doing they are also betraying His Church. Pope Leo XIII warned of this 102 years ago and yet so many Catholic bishops have embraced 'Americanism' and snubbed their noses at the Primacy of Peter through their actions and, in many cases, their inactions. For part two of our editorial, The Judases among us!, see CATHOLIC PewPOINT

Archbishop Patrick Flores: We implore you to call Texas Congressman Charles Gonzalez to task for his unyielding pro-abortion stance.

   Today we begin to ferret out the hypocritical and Democratic (isn't that an oxymoron?) congressmen from the state of Texas. We feature the two worst offenders today and tomorrow and will resume this series on Easter Monday. Today's "Herod's Hero" is the Democratic Representative in the United States House from Texas' 20th District, the Honorable Charles A. Gonzalez. There's nothing honorable about how he, as a 'Catholic,' has promoted the culture of death. We call on him to repent and for his shepherd in San Antonio Bishop Patrick Flores along with Gonzalez' shepherd in Washington D.C. Cardinal Theodore McCarrick, to issue the ultimatum of the "Bell, Book, and Candle" if he will not hear even the Church. We beg of the Bishops, to stand up for the Roman Catholic Church, to exact the discipline all Catholics are expected to follow. By Gonzalez' 100% pro-abortion record during his two terms in the House, he has turned away from God by showing a disdain for Catholic doctrine and being a willing accomplice to satan. We implore him to amend his ways, to turn away from embracing the pro-abort stance with no mercy for the lives of millions of unborn. For another betrayer who seeks to perpetuate the culture of death and slay the innocents, see HEROD'S HEROES

Note: During Holy Week we have suspended the Daily News because we are also partly on retreat. We will resume our up-to-date News on Tuesday, April 17th issue with a new format that will bring you even more news. For this week, we recommend sources we rely on. For these news agencies, see News Sources

Tuesday in Holy Week

  Today's liturgy from John 13 provides an insight on the tale of two Apostles. Both were weak, both betrayed Jesus. One repented, the other left the Last Supper. One went on to be the Rock upon which Christ would build His Church, the other hung himself. We are talking, of course, about Simon Peter and Judas Iscariot and Christ foretells what both would do. Tomorrow we observe Wednesday in Holy Week, before heading into the Easter Triduum. For these liturgies, see Daily LITURGY
Purple vestments

Tuesday, April 10:
Tuesday in Holy Week

First Reading: Isaiah 49:1-6
Psalms: Psalm 71: 1-6, 15, 17
Gospel Reading: John 13: 21-33, 36-38

"Amen, amen, I say to you, one of you will betray Me...It is he for whom I shall dip the bread and give it to him...What thou dost do, do quickly...Where I am going thou canst not follow Me now, but thou shalt follow later...Wilt thou lay down thy life for Me? Amen, amen, I say to thee, the cock will not crow before thou dost deny Me thrice." John 13: 21, 26, 27, 36, 38


  On Good Friday in 2000, the Holy Father led the Via Crucis meditations with his own words while leading the faithful on the traditional Papal Way of the Cross. His deep spirituality, renewed by a spontaneous visit to Mount Calvary within the Basilica of the Holy Sepulchre during his "Jubilee Journey" to the Holy Land last year is an inspiration we want to share with our readers. Therefore, now in Holy Week, we resume daily one Station of the Cross at a time leading up to Holy Saturday. It is important to drink in the meditative treasures of each one day at a time. The eleventh, twelfth and thirteenth will be featured in our Good Friday issue. For the Eighth Station by His Holiness, see Papal Way of the Cross

Election of the interim Tridentine Pope

   On this day 446 years ago in 1555, the College of Cardinals chose Cardinal Marcello Cervini as the 222nd successor of Peter. He chose to keep his own name, thus becoming Pope Marcellus II who would rule only three weeks. Even during that short time, he made great strides in paving the way for missions to Russia and other Asian countries as well as restoring a sense of dignity in the Roman Curia. He died of a stroke on May 1st. He succeeded Pope Julius III who reopened the Council of Trent just as Pope John Paul I succeeded Pope Paul VI who reopened the Second Vatican Council. Marcellus was succeeded by Pope Pius IV who brought the Council of Trent to a successful conclusion and carried out by Pope Saint Pius V just as Pope John Paul II has carried out Vatican II. For other Time Capsule events that happened Today in Church history, see TIME CAPSULES

The motives of many who cry peace and justice are the socializers satan loves!

    "The second group of those who have been caught on the hooks of the devil's fishing line are the Socializers. Not everyone in our modern world develops social interests because he loves his neighbor in God. There are some who enter social work to ecape the incessant accusing repartee of their consciences. Failing in individual justice, they compensate for it by espousing social justice; they escape the need of personal reformation by going hog wild about social reformation; they meddle with everyone else's morals, in order to be too busy to correct their own."

For more Daily News, we recommend sources we rely on. For these news agencies, see News Sources

Monthly Medjugorje Message for March 2001

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April 10, 2001    volume 12, no. 100