Note: As these pages load, we invite you to say as many Hail Mary's as necessary. You can click on the Rosary button to the left as well to see the Rosary Prayers in English, Latin and Spanish. We pray you will be imbued by the truths of the authentic Catholic Faith we provide here and yearn to learn more of the infrangible truths of the One and only Church founded by Jesus Christ. This page views best in Mozilla Firefox. For Internet Explorer, we suggest putting text view in smaller mode. When moving your cursor over the graphics, click on the graphic to take you to that link.

This replaces the Angelus during Paschaltide

Regina Coeli laetare. Alleluia.
Quia quem meruisti portare. Alleluia.
Resurrexit sicut dixit. Alleluia.
Ora pro nobis Deum. Alleluia.
V. Gaude et laetare, virgo Maria. Alleluia.
R. Quia surrexit Dominus vere. Alleluia.

Deus, qui per resurrectionem Filii tui, Domini nostri Iesu Christi, mundum laetificare dignatus es: praesta, quaesumus; ut, per eius Genetricem Virginem Mariam, perpetuae capiamus gaudia vitae. Per eundem Christum Dominum nostrum. Amen.

Queen of Heaven, rejoice, Alleluia.
For He Whom thou was made worthy to bear. Alleluia.
Hath risen as He said. Alleluia.
Pray for us to our God. Alleluia.
V. Rejoice and be glad, O Virgin Mary. Alleluia.
R. For the Lord hath risen indeed.

Let us pray.
O God, Who through the resurrection of Thy Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ, hast vouchsafed to make glad the whole world, grant us, we beseech Thee, that, through the intercession of the Virgin Mary, His Mother, we may attain the joys of eternal life. Through the same Christ our Lord.


In Griff Ruby's YouTube Series on "Sedevacantism - A Catholic Perspective", he presents the third in his lectures on how one Giovanni Montini, posing as Paul VI, set himself - and all who would follow him - outside the Church where he had jurisdiciton over those who followed him, but not over true Catholics or holy Mother Church for in signing off on Lumen Gentium he became persona non grata in Heaven and earth by abdicating any claim he had to the throne of Peter. He only compounded his sin by leading countless souls out of the true Church and into a man-made church, all those souls his responsibility before God. Even though the world may well have regarded him, and those who have followed him, as pope of the Catholic Church, God does not and cannot for as we say in the daily Act of Faith, "we believe these and all the truths which the holy Catholic Church teaches because Thou has revealed them, who canst neither deceive nor be deceived." Griff explains in Part Three - The doppelganger church

On the sixth day of May, the Feast of Saint John Before the Latin Gate is devoted to the virtue of HUMILITY and represented by the VIOLET. This is so appropriate considering the great humility of the beloved disciple who took Mary as his Mother at her Divine Son Jesus' dying request on the cross, to look after her and care for her. Humility is something so lacking in so many of us and so necessary for sanctity. The beloved disciple John possessed this virtue throughout his life and in his inspired words of Sacred Scripture. It was this humility which prompted God to choose him as Mary's protectress and also preserved him from the boiling oil and afforded him, through the Mercy of God, to be exiled to the Isle of Patmos where he received the final account of the final days in the Book of the Apocalypse and was the only Apostle not to die a martyr. The Little Crown of the Twelve Stars of the Blessed Virgin Mary

While this past Sunday the world blindly hailed "Mary's 'pope'", the true Pontiff who was truly "Mary's Pope" was His Holiness Pope St. Pius V, who not only upheld her divine Son's Church in the face of the rebellious reformation by codifying the infallible, doctrinal documents of the holy Council of Trent including the Immemorial Apostolic Mass of All Time with his landmark decrees Quo Primum and De Defectibus in assuring the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass would remain pure in every way for all time ("in perpetuity"), but called upon the Mother of God to defeat the Islamic threat upon Rome and all of Europe, this despite being terribly outmanned in the Battle of Lepanto. As we know, through Our Lady's intercession, Don Juan of Austria and his Christian warriors were victorious in turning back the superior Turkish armada and St. Pius dedicated October 7 to her as Our Lady of Victory, since established as a universal feast of Our Lady of the Rosary for that was the weapon the Sovereign Pontiff called all of the faithful to employ in Consueverunt Romani in evening the odds against the infidels. Today we celebrate his universal feast and are encouraged to remember that even when everyone think things are hopeless, impossible, we can take great hope in remembering Christ's words in St. Matthew 19: 26, St. Mark 10: 27, and St. Luke 18:27, "with man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible." So also in our time when things look so bleak and the Church St. Pius V so loved and protected is in eclipse. The darkness will pass and the Light will shine again. We have God's word on that. Quo Primum and De Defectibus and Consueverunt Romani

The VerbumQUO for today on the Feast of the holy and worthy Pope Saint Pius V is "ædificábo" which is "I will build" for the Latin future first conjugation singular of ædificáre. This verb fits perfectly with Pope St. Pius V for he, of all Popes, built what Christ had established 1525 years earlier by codifying the infallible dogmatic decrees of the Council of Trent and set in stone "in perpetuity" the continual Sacrifice with the Latin Mass, often called Tridentine Mass from the time of Trent, but known universally today as the Traditional Latin Mass with his infallible Papal Bull Quo Primum, assuring the bread and wine would be properly confected through his decree De defectibus. All that he did in building safeguards and preserving the Truths and Traditions is, in the face of all the conciliar church has tried to destroy, truly The True Reason for celebrating Cinco de Mayo

   Through these revelations to St. Bridget of Sweden we see clearer than ever the mind of God and what we need to do to not only assure our own salvation, but win souls for Him in sharing Heaven. In the second chapter of Book Three, the Blessed Mother speaks to her daughter of the opportune solution to the difficulties meeting the bishop on the narrow path. She imparts how patience is symbolized by clothing and the Ten Commandments by ten fingers, and the longing for eternity and the distaste for worldliness by two feet. The Virgin then tells her about three enemies to the bishop along his way in these soul-searching life-changing words imparted to the Swedish saint by our Lord and His Blessed Mother. It is also important to realize that to "Fight 4 Your Faith" you need to understand the consequences if you don't. As the world grows darker, we seek to provide readers the Light in how to apply It to our own lives so that we can truly live in and love Him alone. These lessons are invaluable in knowing our own hearts and judging the actions and words of those who have donned the purple garments of the episcopacy. Book Three, Chapter Two: Beware of the thorns along the Bishop's Path

On the fifth day of Mary's Month of May, the feast of the holy Sovereign Pontiff Pope Saint Pius V the flower contributing to the bouquet offered to the Blessed Mother is the MARGUERITE which represents SIMPLICITY so perfect for this holy saintly Shepherd who, through his infallible decree Quo Primum, sought to make worship so simple with the infrangible Mass of all Ages - the Apostolic Latin Holy Sacrifice of the Mass set in stone by the dogmatic Council of Trent and codified by this holy Pope for all posterity. How simple can it be? This is the way it is as St. Pius laid out in following the infallible tenets of Trent, and all one needs do is follow those rules and rubrics. Simple! But it is the devil who complicates things and therein we can see his complicity in Vatican II and how Our Lady has wept so at so many who who have apostacized from her divine Son's Church. For the daily devotion in May see The Little Crown of the Twelve Stars of the Blessed Virgin Mary

In Griff Ruby's YouTube Series on "Sedevacantism - A Catholic Perspective", he presents the second in his lectures how through the manipulation and innovation of "subsistet in" (thank you, Fr. Josef Ratzinger), they changed not only the boundaries but created a whole new organization and broke from the true vine, becoming just another broken branch left to wither and die no matter how long it will take the world to realize it is a bad tree destined for the fire. They can call themselves 'Catholic' but in 1964, by the official decree of Lumen Gentium those who did not reject this direction but went along with the overlap could not really call themselves Catholic any longer for they were not, any more than those who went along with Henry VIII call themselves Catholic. Griff explains in a seven minute video Part Two - Parallel Universe of a new church

On the fourth day of Mary's Month of May, the feast of Saint Monica the bouquet offered were the delicate, colorful PANSIES which represent the virtue of THOUGHTS OF HEAVEN. Few exemplified this virtue better than Saint Monica who spent every hour of her day praying and sacrificing for the conversion of her son Augustine. She constantly had thoughts of Heaven in her mind, heart and soul, praying so wholeheartedly for the spiritual welfare of her son who had gone astray. The pansies of persistence paid off as we know and Monica lived to see her son become a religious. All she had prayed for came true. So also with us if we offer Our Lady our pansies of heavenly thoughts, she will intercede before her divine Son and answer our prayers. For the daily devotion in May see The Little Crown of the Twelve Stars of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Imitation of the Holy Cross

    God all powerful, who has suffered on the tree of the Cross be with us.
    Holy Cross of Jesus Christ have pity on us.
    Holy Cross of Jesus Christ be our hope.
    Holy Cross of Jesus Christ turn away from us all sharp weapons.
    Holy Cross of Jesus Christ pour into us all good.
    Holy Cross Of Jesus Christ turn away from us all evil.
    Holy Cross of Jesus Christ make us well in the paths of salvation.
    Holy Cross of Jesus Christ preserve us from all spiritual and temporal accidents.
    Holy Cross of Jesus Christ may we adore Thee.
    Holy Cross of Jesus Christ now and forever.
    Jesus of Nazareth, Crucified, have pity on us, make the invisible fly far from us now and for ever and ever. Amen.
    (Holy Mary, Mother of God, St. Joseph, St. Michael the Archangel, and all ye Holy Angels, protect us.)

This prayer is said to have been found under the Sepulchre where Jesus was buried. It is believed to have been sent by the Holy See to the Emperor Charles V who was going to war against his enemies. According to legend, some claim some amazing promises such as he who prays this prayer, or hears it read or carries it about with him shall not die a sudden death. He shall not be burned or drowned or poisoned, nor fall into the hands of his enemies, nor be vanquished in battle. A mother who reads this prayer or hears it read or carries it about her, will be happily delivered, and when the baby is born, if this prayer be put on it's right side it will be preserved from a number of accidents. He who carries this prayer about him shall be preserved from epilepsy. If this prayer be put on a person in an epileptic fit, he or she will be relieved if not cured. Our Lord has promised to bless him who recites or procures this prayer for himself or others, and to punish him who scoffs at it. He who reads this prayer daily shall be warned of the approach of his death, three days, by a divine sign. (source: Catholic Prayers)

That is the VerbumQUO for this Double of the Second Class Feast of the Finding of the Holy Cross Crucis is the Latin for "of the Cross", the singular possessive of the genitive and taken from today's Introit, Collect, Epistle, Secret and Communion for today's Proper of the Mass for the Finding of the True Cross Nos autem. The Holy Cross is the focal point of our lives for which we venerate and carry with us daily. As Christ showed that there can be no Resurrection without the Cross, there can be no Victory without the Cross for us. We must be willing to take up our cross and follow Him daily. Only then can we be assured of sharing in the triumph. This is illustrated in By this Sign we will Conquer

Rarely in the holy Mother Church's liturgical calendar do we run into a more diverse week of propers adapted by various traditional camps as this first week after Easter Week. That is because this year Easter was so late that the second day of May, normally reserved exclusively for the holy Doctor of the Church St. Athanasius, Apostle of Tradition, bunches up with two other transferred feasts. First we have the Feast of St. Mark whose feast day is normally on April 25, but since it fell during Easter Week which takes all preference, it is moved to the first available day after Low Sunday, which is May 2 this year. This is celebrated by those chapels which do not accept the changes made by His Holiness Pope Pius XII because they were manipulated by the known Masonic progressive Anibale Bugnini. Those who do accept the changes, celebrate the feast of St. Joseph the Worker for May 1 on May 2.
The normal feast of the holy widow St. Monica, mother of the holy Doctor of the Church St. Augustine is the "victim", if you will, of two more variables. Those not acknowledging Pius' changes celebrate the feast of the holy Apostles Sts. Philip and James which normally falls on May 1, but because...well, we think you get it by now. Those who subscribe to the way it was when Pius died, celebrate the feast of St. Mark on this day. So what feasts should you celebrate? Follow the feast your traditional parish/chapel/priest establishes and say a prayer or two to those saints not formally acknowledged in the propers for that day. For uniformity, we have chosen to acknowledge the feasts that normally fall on that day, but provide the Propers for each of these feasts. Confused? Aren't we all? Oh, yes, we hear you. We do need a true Pope to straighten this all out...especially in light of the false popes - antichrist antipopes (is that strong enough) who have deceived so many souls and are responsible for those souls before God. Thank God and pass the plate if you have a true priest who celebrates any of the above feasts. They and those who have remained faithful to the Truths and Traditions of holy Mother Church are truly rare; a remnant, if you will. "...stand firm, and hold to the traditions you have learned..."

   The second day of Mary's Month of May is the Feast of the first man honored as a Doctor of the Church. That would be Saint Athanasius, the holy Bishop who withstood the brunt of the greatest apostasy in the Church until this present day when The Great Apostasy has arrived. It is in looking to this holy Doctor that we can take great hope and courage to stay the course and fight for the Faith as he did sixteen centuries ago. It was this stauch defender of Catholic truth, this Alexandrian Bishop who persisted against the Arian heresies through numerous popes. He was banished by emperors and the Arians four times. But in the end the True Faith won out, thanks to the persevereance of men like Saint Athanasius. Against all odds this Alexandrian Bishop persisted against the Arian heresies through numerous popes and was banished by emperors and the Arians four times. But in the end the True Faith won out, thanks to the perseverance of men like Saint Athanasius to whom we call on for intercession today when the VaticantwoArians had usurped the True Church and eclipsed Her, driving true Catholics into hiding to practice their faith just as Athanasius was forced to do seventeen hundred years ago. The more things change, as we see in today's Gospel, the more they stay the same for God's infernal enemy is our enemy and we should not fear man, but he who can destroy the soul. St. Athanasius is an ideal example of staying the course for he remains the Apostle of Tradition

On the second day of Mary's Month of May, a ROSE was presented to represent LOVE OF GOD. No one loves God more than His Blessed Mother Mary who humbly became the Living Tabernacle of the Holy of Holies. Mary is associated with the rose because it is one of the most beautiful flowers of all and her special prayer - the Rosary - is a bouquet of spiritual roses that we can offer her each day for her to take to the Holy Trinity in intercession for us as her Heavenly Mother who loves us so much. For the daily devotion in May see The Little Crown of the Twelve Stars of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Griff's YouTube Series on Sedevacantism - A Catholic Perspective Part One - Questions that arise Where the leadership of the true Church is NOT. It cannot lie with the Vatican II 'popes' for their trajectory of logic and faith is totally skewered and Griff explains why in his seven minute introductory lecture on YouTube.

    As we wrote last week, the world grows darker and further from God's ordaining will, and if this isn't manifested today, well, we don't know what would wake people up more. The devil has lulled the masses to sleep. As they place their consciences in a comatose state and the Mideast edges closer to Armeggeddon, the idealists are agog over three false global icons, namely a new Princess of England, a man in the White House who is as narcissistic as they come, and a devious Hegelian in the Vatican who thinks with the stroke of a pen and pronouncement that he will legitimize the very agenda he helped engineer in destroying the true Church founded by Jesus Christ upon the Rock of Peter. Would God allow such a travesty as this or the "beatification" of a man who universally preached heresy, yet was known by the misnomer as "Mary's Pope" and "John Paul the Great"? Yes, God would allow such a travesty for St. Paul told us this in 2 Thessalonians 2:10-11 that "And in all seduction of iniquity to them that perish : because they receive not the love of the truth that they might be saved. Therefore God shall send them the operation of error, to believe a lie. That all may be judged, who have not believed the truth, but have consented to iniquity." Can it get much worse than the aberration taking place in St. Peter's Square on this day known to the world as a great Soviet holiday. How ironic that the man who was a closet Communist in Poland is remembered on this day. How tragic that it comes on the first day of the Blessed Virgin Mary's Month of May in crowning her the Queen of the May. We can definitely attest, he was not 'Mary's Pope' nor anyone else's 'Pope' for he long ago had apostasized and excommunicated himself from the Church as a heretic. All we can do is offer a prayer for his soul this day and everyday for we have very, very grave doubts that he is in Heaven looking down on the extravaganza orchestrated by Josef Ratzinger and the lemmings holding up "Santa Subito" signs. At best we can hope Purgatory shelters Karol Woyjtyla and yet, how can we forget the haunting words of the holy Doctor of the Church St. Athanasius, whose feast we celebrate tomorrow: "The floor of hell is paved with the skulls of rotten bishops."

On the travesty that occurred in Rome on May 1, 2011 you can always find objection from this editor at Catholic PewPOINT and Griff Ruby's excellent essays in Straight Stuff as well as the specific links below from both sede and non-sedes for on this issue we are all united: John Paul II is far from being a saint...and we do mean far!

And, less you think objection comes only from sedevacantist circles, note the following:

    Article by John Vennari who has recently stated: "This is a move to beatify the Pope [sic]who promoted a Masonic-styled pan-religious ecumenism, who effectively told the Jews they have their own Covenant independent from Christ, who kissed the Koran, who glorified in rock'n'roll and pagan inculturatred liturgies, who appointed faithless and feckless bishops, whose official point-man for Protestants (Cardinal [sic] Kasper) publicly said Vatican II did away with the notion that non-Catholics need to convert, who presided over the worst clerical scandal in history, and whose consistent words and actions presented Vatican II as a radical discontinuity with Catholic Tradition. ...This will only serve to "hallow" all of those modernist words and acts of John Paul II, including the Assisi that Pope [sic] Benedict now wants to celebrate. “How can you find fault with Assisi when it was the program of ‘Blessed [sic] John Paul II’”? There is no logic or true Faith involved with this decision, only shallow sentiment at its worst that places beatifications on the same level as the Academy Awards."

    Articles by Atila Sinke Guimaraes

   It is appropriate in leading off Mary's Month of May by honoring her chaste earthly spouse for Saint Joseph is the Universal Patron of the Church. He is symbolized by the LILY and the designated virtue in offering Our Lady a beautiful spiritual bouquet is PURITY. No flower is more significant in identifying the Foster Father of Jesus and chase Protector of Mary than the holy Joseph whose feast we celebrate and who is the symbol of purity,most always depicted by the pure Lily. Thus, as we noted, in some traditional chapels this feast is celebrated on the Third Wednesday after Easter (this year on May 11).
   The beloved disciple Saint John the Evangelist was granted the blessing of the vision of a woman crowned with twelve stars, clothed with the sun, and the moon under her feet. According to expert commentators, most specifically the Haydock Commentary in the Douay-Rheims version, this woman is the Blessed Virgin Mary, with her virtues and her privileges, especially that of her divine maternity. Thus originated the Little Crown of the Twelve Stars of the Blessed Virgin Mary, which Saint John Calasanctius, Saint John Berchmans and many other saints made it a practice to recite frequently, especially during Mary's Month of May.

    In order to make this prayer more attractive, Saint Louis Marie de Montfort added to each Hail Mary one of the praises of the Blessed Virgin, with the invocation: "Rejoice, O Virgin Mary; rejoice a thousand times."

    It is this prayer which St. Louis gave to his religious families (The Montfort Fathers and the Daughters of Wisdom) as their morning prayer. He also recommends it to all those who embrace the devotion of the holy and loving slavery of Jesus through Mary. We combine with this beautiful prayer at the very beginning the designated flower and virtue for the day throughout Mary's month for she is the Queen of the May. You can print it out so that you have a copy to pray each day at Little Crown of the Twelve Stars of the Blessed Virgin Mary Devotion

Father George Leo Haydock's commentaries on the Douay-Rheims version of the New Testament are provided by John Gregory. Though the first Sunday following Easter is called Low Sunday, in truth St. John the Evangelists leaves us with a spiritual high in both his Epistle and Gospel, emphasizing how faith conquers all and is the answer to believing in Christ the Lord. Those who believe not, are liars and in deep trouble if they do not believe the Three in One Who gave testimony and the physical testimony of Christ's two natures - Divine (the spirit) and human (water and blood) which lives on in the Sacred Deposit of the Faith through the spirit (inspired divine revelation), the water (Baptism) and the Blood (the Perpetual Holy Sacrifice of the Mass) For further discernment on this, Fr. Haydock provides more food for thought for as Catholics we go by faith, not feelings. That is why there are few lows when one goes on faith, but a constant confident high that is tempered by a steady keel provided by the sacramental life of the Church that enables us to believe and say the very same words the doubting Apostle said when he was at last convinced: My Lord, and my God. Dominus meus, et Deus meus. We see this is A Testament of Lasting Faith

Dr. Thomas A. Droleskey completes his special series on Reflections of Salvation History with the Glorious Resurrection. In this special eight-part series on "A Reflection of Salvation History," first introduced to our readers back in 2003, and brought to you to enhance your contemplation for this holy season, Tom has taken us indeed from Eden to the empty tomb. He points out that, despite the hardships, the sacrifices, the insults, the scourging, the stripping, the nailing and hanging on the wood of the Cross, Christ proved for all time that it was worth it. Is it worth it to us? By our actions and fidelity to His teachings passed down through His Holy Church and carried out in the Sacraments, especially Baptism, Penance and the Holy Eucharist, we illustrate if we think so. If we are His loyal lambs, Christ the Lamb of God has guaranteed He will be loyal to us at our Particular Judgment. Nothing else matters for salvation is at stake. Alleluia. Tom explains in his seventh and final installment of his Holy Week series From Eden to the Empty Tomb The Resurrection

Through the kind assistance of John Gregory, we are able to provide our readers with the Haydock Commentaries for the Epistle and Gospel for the Solemnity of the Resurrection of the Lord to complement the Propers of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. In Father George Leo Haydock's commentaries on the Douay-Rheims version of the New Testament for Easter Sunday As St. Paul asserts in one of the shortest epistles of the year, the old leaven, meaning the Old Testament, has been fulfilled. The old rites have been superseded by the new rite instituted by the Son of man on Maundy Thursday. Through the new unleavened Bread we receive the Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity of Jesus Christ our Lord and become heirs of the kingdom of Heaven, Jew and Gentile alike who abide in Him and all He has taught through His One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church. Reason indeed to exclaim with great jubilation: Alleluia, alleluia for indeed it is time to The Rising of the Unleavened Bread

   With this Easter Week issue we resume with the soul-searching life-changing words imparted to St. Bridget of Sweden by our Lord and His Blessed Mother. It is also important to realize that to "Fight 4 Your Faith" you need to understand the consequences if you don't. Through these revelations to St. Bridget we see clearer than ever the mind of God and what we need to do to not only assure our own salvation, but win souls for Him in sharing Heaven. As the world grows darker, we seek to provide readers the Light in how to apply It to our own lives so that we can truly live in and love Him alone. We begin Book Three with chapter one in which Our Lady issues the guideline of warnings and instructions to the bishop about how to eat and dress and pray, and about how he should behave before meals, at meals, and after meals, and likewise his sleep and how he should carry out the office of bishop always and everywhere. For he is a shepherd of souls and will be held to a higher account the higher he rises as we see in Book Three, Chapter One: A Bishop's Daily Duty

During this Easter Week we celebrate the feast of the holy Doctor of the Church St. Peter Canisius. This Dutch-born Jesuit priest played a key role in the landmark dogmatic and canonical Council of Trent and in debating the Protestant heresies while whirling through his native Netherlands and Germany, Austria, Bohemia and Poland. He was a great eloquent preacher sought by prince and pauper alike. He served as mediator between Holy Roman Emperors and Popes. He also founded the University of Fribourg in 1580. One of his most famous works was "Manuel of Catholics" and he is referred to as the "Second Apostle of Germany," giving way only to the great Saint Boniface as the "First Apostle of Germany." Because of his efforts, the counter-reformation was a resounding success in Bavaria. He was truly the Windmill of Wisdom.

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