Front Page February 9 (feb9.htm)

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Month of the Sacred Passion
THURSDAY     February 9, 2006      Volume 17, no. 27

    On this Double Feast of Saint Cyril of Alexandria, Bishop and Doctor of the Church, John Gregory resumes his series on "The Devil Never Sleeps" with Part Two covering Modesty in preparation for working on self-denial in Lent to better help us do God's Will by curbing our concupiscence. We also present a reduct run four years ago on St. Cyril - "Defender of Theotokos" for our Gems of the Past feature.

         Since something is definitely afoul, or, as William Shakespeare penned "something rotten in Denmark," we are providing alternate sources above to be, to quote a certain network, "fair and balanced" with,, Angelqueen (below left), and the official SSPX site. We do so as a service in the same manner The Daily Catholic strives to give both sides of the story when it comes to Traditional issues. One thing we want to caution all sides and that is Christian charity and not to set themselves up as experts. Too many are rushing to judgment on both sides of the coin and what is being forgotten in the equation is prayer, and a reminder not to ever, ever trust the devil. For that reason, we at The Daily Catholic hope the Society is sincere when they say no compromise will be made. However words and actions too often disagree with their protests of denial. Time will tell. However, as we were quoted on Fr. Moderator's page, there seems to be almost a "me thinks thou dost protest too much" reaction from many in the SSPX camps. Whether these denials are warranted or just following the conciliar formula for deceiving we will know soon enough by the ides of February. It does not bode well for holding fast to Tradition when the official publication of the Society - The Angelus basically did a 180 in bending over backwards to canonize the New Order's rite of Episcopal consecration. In the December and January issues it shouted a definite cave job to a man-made alteration in a divinely ordained rite. Does anyone remember Bishop Bernard Fellay's declaration sent to every conciliar cardinal and bishop exactly two years ago? Read From Ecumenism to Silent Apostasy to understand that what he shouted from the rooftops two years ago has been terribly softened today. Something is afoot this month and the faithful cannot afford another Campos sellout.

          Though the SSPX camp has launched a concerted counter-attack on Father Moderator one must ask why the vitriol? Has he touched that sensitive of a nerve? And if so, why? He has an interesting piece on Father Franz Schmidberger's recent rants in the land of ten thousand lakes. There in Minnesota to quell concerns, he launched out emotionally against those who can see no Catholicity whatsoever in the conciliar popes. His rants tell volumes such as the source of why the Society could very well have used Father Nicholas Gruner of the Fatima Crusader and Chris Ferrara as the infantry in initating a Pearl Harbor-like attack against the growing numbers of sedevacantists. In fact, reading between the lines if push came to shove, many are beginning to believe Schmidberger would opt for the man-made, synthetic pagan protestant-masonic rite over the Immemorial Mass of All Ages. Yes, the former Superior General has truly shown his colors. But why the sudden turn in direction and the circling the wagons? As we said last week, many believed the marching orders came down from the Commodante himself - Benedict XVI - as a show of sincerity that the SSPX really are going to repudiate what they have stood for over the past 30 years - Catholic truth. That has already been confirmed in several secular and conciliar news sources with the camps forming on the conciliar side as well for and against.

         We need to remind all, that the devil loves to divide and conquer. Saint Paul has the best advice and that is to pray, sacrifice, rebuke in and out of season with charity, and stand fast for the Faith, fast to Tradition.

         Again we repeat: The whole thing comes down to the fact the Society should never forget: If you always tell the truth, you're bulletproof. Is Bishop Bernard Fellay bulletproof? Is Fr. Schmidberger telling the wholee truth? We know Modern Rome is not! We also can't see Bishop Richard Williamson ever caving in to the liberals - ever! Though even this proud Brit has been tutored by someone to badmouth the sedes and playdown his criticism of Ratzinger. Stay tuned for it promises to get interesting. Before they would ever take the plunge and fall prey to the trap being laid by the conciliarists this month, listen for the quack because if it sounds like a duck, looks like a duck and walks like a duck, it's most probably a duck. So, as a prayerful caution to the leaders of the Society, watch your head and your backside. In other words: Duck!

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As these pages load, we invite you to say as many Hail Mary's as necessary. We pray you will be imbued by the truths of the authentic Catholic Faith we provide here and yearn to learn more of the infrangible truths of the only Church founded by Jesus Christ.

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In keeping with Christ's assurance in Matthew 7: 19 that "Every tree that yieldeth not good fruit, shall be cut down, and shall be cast into the fire" the disintegration of the Protestant-Masonic-Pagan man-made church is inevitable. The collapse of this synthetic pan-christian religion spawned from Vatican II, which has usurped the True Roman Catholic Church, is evident from the news reports below, the feature articles to the right, our EyeOpeners highlighting certain news stories, and the realization of what the True Church truly teaches on our CREDO & CULTURE Page, and especially in the infrangible Holy Sacrifice of the Mass and the true Liturgy for each day of the Church's liturgical year, which we provide daily for readers with the Ordinary and Proper of each Mass in both Latin and English so Catholics may truly continue to practice their Faith and truly KNOW THE FAITH in order to KEEP THE FAITH! Tried and True! Tridentine True!

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Traditional Values Headlines

  We encourage you to continue to check often with the two best sources for cutting through the spin and chaff to get to Catholic truth:

  • Daily Propers for the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass from the Fifth Sunday After Epiphany through Septuagesima Sunday
    Feb 5 Feb 6 Feb 7 Feb 8

    Feb 9 Feb 10 Feb 11 Feb 12


    We are proud to be able to provide for our readers the exact Proper and Ordinary of each day's Holy Sacrifice of the Mass in Latin and English for the Traditional Calendar.

  • The Devil Never Sleeps Part Two: Modesty by John Gregory

  • Defender of Theotokos on St. Cyril of Alexandria

  • An ill Wind Blows in the Windy City by Gabriel Garnica

  • Authority by Griff Ruby

  • The Boiling Point! by Michael Cain

  • The Good, the Bad, and the Bland by Fr. Louis Campbell

  • The Only Super Bowl That Counts by Gabriel Garnica

  • In Defense of the Deposit of the Faith by Fr. James F. Wathen

  • The Fourth Joyful Mystery: The Presentation by John Gregory

  • Another One Bites the Dust by Gabriel Garnica

  • In THIS I Rejoice by Griff Ruby

  • "The Day Tradition Died" by Michael Cain

  • "There Arose a Great Storm" by Fr. Louis Campbell

  • Patron Saint of the Catholic Press on Saint Francis de Sales

  • The Three Levels of Shepherds by Gabriel Garnica

  • War and Peace in Perspective by Atila Sinke Guimarães

  • Each Abortion is a Mini-Calvary by Gabriel Garnica

  • The Golden Voice of Truth The Story of Saint John Chrysostom

  • The Devil's Disaster Demeanor by Gabriel Garnica

  • A Certain Type of "Movement" Part Four by John Gregory

  • The Infallible, perennial Magisterium of the Church

    •   We began our 17th year of publishing with our tenth on the internet, which originated with our publishing the monthly Catholic-Internet Network for nearly two years before debuting The Daily Catholic on November 1, 1997. And, speaking of looking back, we were proud to have shared a sample of some of the best articles of 2005: Sixty of them!

  • Faithful to Tradition
    In preparation for Lent, John Gregory resumes his series on deciphering what is Catholic and what is not Catholic today. To those who truly know the Faith, it should be only too obvious. Sadly, due to the fact so many do not, they are blinded by the secular spin. Nowhere is this more noticeable than in today's mores and culture in which modesty takes a holiday as one wades through a jungle of temptations day in and day out in the workplace and elsewhere. Custody of the eyes, ears and mouth can go a long way in curbing concupiscence, but knowing why one must strive for purity of body, mind and soul is the key to attaining true happiness. The devil will do all he can to prevent one from understanding this and lure souls away through rationalization and gratification. He knows what he offers is fleeting and leads to residence with him. The question John asks is whether the reader realizes that? John offers advice that is in accord with Church teaching on curbing our appetites by avoiding the near occasions of sin lest we fall into temptation and the clutches of the devil who never sleeps. John lays out the guidelines in his second installment on Modesty in Part Two of The Devil Never Sleeps.

    Doctors of the Church
    Today is the Double Feast of Saint Cyril of Alexandria and so, reaching back to the summer of 2002, we bring you a Gems from the Past reduct of a profile of this eleventh Doctor of the Church chronologically. Saint Cyril was considered the "Defender of Theotokos" - the dogma of Mary as Mother of God. As many bishops in the early centuries, he was used and duped by the Arian prelates, but the Holy Ghost won out and rather than caving to the heretics, this Doctor became one of Holy Mother Church's staunchest defenders and presided over the Third Ecumenical Council - the Council of Ephesus. He stood tall when all about him were caving to heresy, mainly because of his sincere unyielding devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary, honoring her as Christ asks us to honor His Mother. Serving as the Patriarch of Alexandria and effectively squashing Nestorianism, Saint Cyril has become known in Church annals as the holy Doctor of the Church also called the Defender of Theotokos
    Gabriel's Clarion
    The Annual UGLIES Awards are just around the corner and Gabriel Garnica informs the reader about a candidate who could well be in the running. True to the name of the region where liberals abound north of the Golden Gate, a progressive polyanna by the name of Carol Marin has taken Chicago by storm and therein is the warning for this Chicago-based 'Catholic' Journalist is the Poster Child for What Ails the Church. From the city with broad shoulders - Frank Sinatra's kind of town, Chicago - Marin wields her media might. Like the lyrics of one of Sinatra's songs, Carol Marin has done it her way, rejecting the dogmatic teachings of Holy Mother Church to advance the liberal agenda which embraces abortion and sodomy. She attacks Judie Brown's ALL organization for taking Illinois Senator Dick Durbin to task for not living his Catholic faith. Evidently it also struck a chord in Marin's conscience or she wouldn't have been so quick to not only counter attack, but even bait the President into partaking in the propaganda project of 2006: Brokeback Mountain. Why is it that Mel Gibson's critics have turned out to be the promoters of queer porn? Gabriel shares the answers in his column An ill Wind Blows in the Windy City
    Griff Ruby focuses on the one target that remains fair game to anyone who wants to take potshots with whatever weapons they have, no holds barred. It is all about adhering to authority; not authority formed by man, but that founded and elevated by God. Down through the ages, the One Authority of the Church Jesus Christ established has stood alone as the one most persecuted. This Authority, suffering the slings and arrows from those who think man has a better idea, has remained steadfast despite its attackers who have continued to turn a blind eye to the eyes of Faith by aiming at the bullseye of Truth. In their heart, the apostate archers know they're wrong, but still they fire away at True Catholicism. Yes, the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church remains the only target that is fair game to assault. Why is it that the only ones who respect this Authority, namely the Traditional Bishops, are most cautious in overstepping their boundaries? The Answer: Total respect and awe for what Christ has established. The SSPX bishops would do well to remember that before letting down their guard or giving away the store. Griff explains in his column on Authority
    Catholic PewPOINT
    The 40th Super Bowl and all the useless commerce accompanying it are yesterday's news, but still the frogs continue to wallow on the stove, allowing the conciliar chefs to turn up the heat. What us worry? Not when we continue to be dulled into bobbing 'yes' toads to whatever Modern Rome wants. Editor Michael Cain sounds the siren to all on the hotstove. If you don't take action soon, it's going to be too late. He equates the mediocrity of the game and commercials to our acceptance of anything but excellence, including compromising our doctrines to please man. Who would have thought the Society of St. Pius X would ever have even considered such a thought? But that is what more and more we fear as confirmation continues to surface as to Benedict XVI's invite to the SSPX: "Come into the parlor" said the spider to the fly. It does not bode well for the traditional movement but it is exactly what Modern Rome has in mind: Divide and conquer. They will too if the frogs who should know better don't start realizing that it's getting too hot for anyone to even consider staying in the conciliar kitchen for soon, very soon, the fahrenheit will reach The Boiling Point!
    "Qui legit, intelligat"
    In Father Louis Campbell's sermon for the Fifth Sunday After Epiphany, he gets down to basics in warning about what our Lord warned of in His parable of the enemy sower of cockle amongst the wheat. Father points out that because the conciliar church - the false religion that has eclipsed the True Church - has not been been a good gardener of souls and actually has been an accomplice in planting the bad seeds, an unbelievable abundance of wheat has withered, choked off from grace over the past half century. Only with the protective garment of grace can one fend off the sharp barbs of compromise with the contemporary 'values' the world has embraced today. If souls are not careful, these prickly thorns of sin pierce the shield of grace and make a soul vulnerable to the bland - the lukewarmness that will condemn souls per the Lord's wake up call in Apocalypse 3: 15-16. The result: the ravages of hell, sucking in the poisonous pollen of worldly things that make the wheat more vulnerable to infection that brings about total corruption. If we want to assure that our stalks will grow stronger and stay pure in this field of suffocating cockle, we must ignore the lure of the world, the flesh and the devil and remember Him Who suffered and died for us and never take our eyes off that Prize. Truly the "wages of sin are death" and if we do not uncompromisingly put our stock on Him Who conquered death and sin, we will fall prey to the weeds and become slaves to the enemy who oversowed the cockle among the wheat. Father explains in his sermon. The Good, the Bad, and the Bland
    Gabriel's Clarion
    While the masses are preparing for Super Sunday and most missing Holy Mass, Gabriel Garnica digs beneath the hype to not only explain the strategy that football fans understand, but to take it a step further in laying out the game plan for the real "Super" Bowl. XL is the Roman Numeral of Sunday's Super Bowl between the Seattle Seahawks and the Pittsburgh Steelers. Forty Years! While the NFL has had unprecedented temporal success, God's Mystical Bride has suffered the slings and arrows of apostasy for 4 decades. But in the end, the XL size of God's mercy will deliver His Church from the grip of the world, the flesh and the devil. Now that will be Super! With Christ calling the plays, sent in by the Holy Ghost and fortified by the defensive stalwart of the Truths and Traditions of Holy Mother Church, our opponent is much more formidable than any human foe. Gabriel shares the metaphor of the gridiron battle for souls, beginning with our own in preserving Tradition and keeping the Faith. He explains in his column The Only Super Bowl That Counts
    Making Sense of Sensus Catholicus
    Father James F. Wathen, the pioneering traditional author of The Great Sacrilege, shares some questions from an e-mailer and makes no bones about the fact that the traditional answers must never be ambiguous or patronizing, but always express the unadulterated truth. He enunciates in black and white the certain answers that many may not have heard before about tackles questions about the Indult, 'Natural Family Planning', and why attending the Novus Ordo even for funerals or weddings is wrong because it recognizes the sacrilege that gravely offends God. These and a few other questions from a curious e-mailer compose the body of his article for this week as he continues to recuperate and pray. Father answers the queries in his article this week we have called In Defense of the Deposit of the Faith
    Faithful To Tradition
    John Gregory continues his comprehensive meditation on the Joyful Mysteries of the Holy Rosary presenting today, on this Feast of both the Presentation of the Child Jesus and the Purification of His Blessed Mother in the Temple, that marvelous mystery of obedience and submission to the law in total humility. John illustrates a renewed perspective of Mary's role in salvation in how her life parallels her holy obedience to all God has asked. Though her divine Child would be submissive to her as an obedient, loving Son for the next 30 years, it was here, 40 days after His birth that Mary followed the letter of the Jewish Law not only to present Him to the Jews as the Messiah, so recognized by Simeon, but also for Mary to obediently go through the rite of purification in the eyes of man - though she already was the purest vessel ever created by the Almighty, free of original sin. In a sense, for the rest of us born with Original Sin, her submission was the precursor for the Sacrament of Penance. The Fourth Joyful Mystery: The Presentation
    Gabriel's Clarion
    Gabriel Garnica brings us an article on the media mediums who think they can forecast hits with the terrible fare they try to pass off. Cancellation after cancellation just dulls their senses. It's a new month and dollars to donuts the networks will fill February with more inane programming tripe and try to perfect lucifer 101 in endeavoring to indoctrinate the masses that good is now bad and bad is oh, so good. They tried to tell us that with Joan of Arcadia and then The Book of Daniel but America was, thank God, too smart for the hidden persuaders. Yet Hollywood still hasn't learned, continuing to push irreverent and sinful agendas from Brokeback to DaVinci to what not. Don't they realize no matter the ratings (always low) and the box office dividends (also very low) they will have to pay in the end. As we are accustomed to saying: They're going to have hell to pay. Quality has cashed in and Hollywood is bankrupt morally and artistically. Like dominoes and dinosaurs, down they go as Gabriel explains in his column Another One Bites the Dust

    The Straight Stuff
    Griff Ruby rejoices that the "Indult" even exists for to many it is the only link to the truths and traditions of Holy Mother Church. While the truth may be blurred by the Novus Ordo conciliarists, at least, for the most part, the traditions remain. What also remains is the fact that many, who have since disowned the heretical Vatican II agenda and its man-made pagan, Protestant synthetic rite, began that road to discovery by attending an Indult at a time in their life when satan's venemous veil still blinded them to what was really going on. Yet by their attendance God allowed a small rip in that veil and it shed a small light on their hearts to what has been lost. Slowly but surely there were enough graces to shred that demonic curtain and shed full light into the heart, soul and mind. This was also the inspiration of the Apostle Paul's final epistles to the Ephesians, Colossians and Philippians composed while he was incarcerated in a small cell. Griff encourages the Indult for now for eventually it will drive more and more to the True Traditional Latin Mass and populate parishes who will not compromise the Sacred Deposit of the Faith and Holy Mother Church's sacred liturgy. Griff explains in his column In THIS I Rejoice

    Catholic PewPOINT
    Time flies when you're having fun, but when it is at the expense of our Lord and His holy Mystical Bride, then it drags while hell's tempo accelerates. The clock started 47 years ago and since then it seems like most have been going in slow motion toward Christ and His truths while in actuality racing pell mell away from Him at breakneck speed toward that ever-greased slippery slope to perdition. In this 17th issue of the 17th edition, Editor Michael Cain takes the reader down memory lane to conditions the way they were in 1959 and how far we have fallen since. Will we ever learn? From Benedict's latest encyclical it is obvious most have not and continue to blindly follow the pied-pipers of pan-religion right to the abyss. While the fallacious flute had been prepped well before 1959, it was first trilled on that Septuagesima Sunday when the newly elected Roncalli ignored our Lord's parable of the day. Ironic that back then "many were called, but few chosen" because those chosen ignored the call. Cain cites the plane crash of a trio of rock n' roll legends around the same time as the catalyst for expressing the aurora of an era that was just beginning - "the day the music died" -for ushering in the daybreak of revolution that would reach its apex in the savage 60's and lay waste to millions of souls and psyches long into the 70's, 80's, 90's and now past the halfway point in the new millennium. If we were to mark that time it could best be described as "The Day Tradition Died"
    "Qui legit, intelligat"
    In Father Louis Campbell's sermon for the Fourth Sunday After Epiphany, he cites today's Gospel as a wake-up call to all who don't seem to think we are perishing. The Apostles were afraid of losing their lives in the all-engulfing sea, but so many today, especially those who call themselves 'Catholic' (but don't act or speak like Catholics) think there is nothing to be afraid of, that no matter their sinful lives and reliance on worldy things and authorities, that God will still lift them out of the boat if things really get bad. Father points out that they have been stagnant too long on the banks of the Lethe River, one of the tributaries that flows through hell and from which the comes the etimology of "lethargic". Lethargy is one of the derivatives for the seven deadly sins and the longer those who place their hope in man wait, the harder it will be to recognize the true Beacon of Hope, the Lamp of Salvation. Father quotes both Old and New Testament Holy Writ in assuring that the only hope for redemption is through Jesus Christ and the steady rescue ship He has sent: the Immemorial Holy Sacrifice of the Mass wherein daily - or weekly for most without the daily Latin Mass - we are not only reminded, but can readily recognize why Christ is the Lord and our only hope for salvation. Take courage, we shall not perish if we but believe and hoist the sails of true Catholicism against the winds of the world which will be quelled by the One Who created and rules all. Father explains in his sermon "There Arose a Great Storm"
    Doctors of the Church
    In honor of today's Feast of the holy Doctor of the Church Saint Francis de Sales which is superseded by the Fourth Sunday After Epiphany this year, we present a brief backgrounder on this saintly bishop born in France. Through the grace of God he reached every corner of the world with his works and influence. His piety, zeal and energy caught the eye of no less than the Pope himself who made him one of the youngest bishops to rule the See of Geneva. Along with another saint, he founded the Visitandines. He was known for his gentleness and meekness, and his holiness so well known that he was the first person to be beatified in the new St. Peter's Basilica. In 1923 this meek but magnificent warrior orator and writer of orthodoxy was officially proclaimed Patron Saint of the Catholic Press
    Gabriel's Clarion
    Gabriel Garnica finishes off the week by addressing a problem in society and the Church today on why abortion and sodomy have gained such ground in the last 30 plus years. That could be because of the level of competency and lack of dedication the shepherds have settled for over the past 40 years. Because they have been lax, Gabriel lays out the lukewarmness that has permeated society today, expressed in the words and actions of the spineless prelates who think they can have it both ways. Christ has asserted that no man can serve two masters and yet these whited sepulchres dressed in prelates' robes try to contradict the Son of God and lead everyone astray by preaching a gospel other than what Paul preached per his words in Galatians 1: 8-10. Gabriel describes the tiers and why it is so lonely on the top level and so crowded where the bottomfeeders dwell. If you must ask why Roe v. Wade has gone on this long, you need only look to the third level of shepherds to see why the flocks are so scattered and confused. Gabriel explains in his column The Three Levels of Shepherds
    On the BattleLine
    Released on Tradition In Action near the 15th year anniversary when the United States first went into Iraq, Atila Sinke Guimarães presents some sobering thoughts that should stop the anti-war activists in their tracks. As the liberals clamor about the number of American troop casualties in Iraq over the past three years, the numbers actually pale in comparison to the number of urban casualties just in three of the largest U.S. cities New York, LA, and Chicago. Even one casualty of war is too much, but when you realize that more have died of homicide in those three cities than those fallen soldiers in Iraq, it's time to put things in persepective, especially now, when the Al Qaeda is rumbling once again, spurred on by new threats from Osama bin Laden, and the radical left are doing all they can to undermine the U.S. effort for peace. This is no time to retreat with our tails between our legs. Rather it is the time to defend humanity and be the beacon of freedom the United States has always been. The biggest problem is the ban on proselytism. All those muslims and no one can tell them the truth of Jesus Christ. That is the true tragedy of the war in Iraq. Atila explains in his bird's eye view of the news column War and Peace in Perspective
    Gabriel's Clarion
    Gabriel Garnica completes his week of articles on abortion in commiserating "Woe is Roe Week" with an article on the devastation that satan has wrought. Despite the various victories of the evil one, Gabriel points out that they are hollow and short-lived for he will get his head crushed in the end. We can help expedite that longed-for event but only by striving with every fiber of our being to educate the masses as to the sins that cry out to Heaven for vengeance. Sadly, nearly 50 million unborns have been sacrificed nonsensically at the altar of convenience and there will be hell to pay for all those who had a part in any way in these monstrous murders. Those who could have curbed the massacres and did not will be held more accountable than those who did not have total knowledge of the despicable act they were complicit in. Gabriel explains in his column Each Abortion is a Mini-Calvary
    Doctors of the Church
    In honor of today's Double Feast of the holy Doctor of the Church Saint John Chrysostom, we bring you a short profile on his life. This great orator studied under one of Greece's famed orators and ultimately became one of the greatest orators laboring for Christ and His Church. He was duly recognized by Pope St. Pius X as Patron of Preachers. Like the other Doctors of the fourth and fifth century, he combatted the damaging heresy of Arianism and was harassed for his orthodoxy. Like St. Jerome, he employed the wealth of his family to further his own studies before turning his talents to bring souls to Our Lord. This masterful Doctor, the "Golden-throated Orator" is Saint John Chrysostom who was known far and wide as The Golden Voice of Truth
    Gabriel's Clarion
    Gabriel Garnica continues his week of articles on abortion to commiserate "Woe is Roe Week" with an article on the audacity of Planned Parenthood to capitalize on a disaster the scope of Katrina to spawn their lies against life and push contraceptives and abortion. Gabriel likens it to the Titanic in which the SOS sent out for help today would not be a humble, pleading cry to God but a demand to the Almighty that He accept sinners just as they are without any repentance and accommodate them in their sin or else. Gabriel exposes the total senselessness of such thinking and yet million continue to contribute to these harbingers of the culture of death with nary a thought that they are merely accommodating and reserving their eternal quarters in hell. Call it the devil's triumph and Planned Barrenhood is at the forefront with the pitchfork, ready to plunge it into any womb they can to kill tomorrow's leaders. Talk about terrorism. Forget Al Qaeda, pro aborts are the worst terrorists this world has ever known. Gabriel explains in his column The Devil's Disaster Demeanor
    Faithful To Tradition
    John Gregory has convinced Professor Ralph "Brainiac" Barfmen, Ph.D. to complete his dissection of Unitatis Redintegratio in reading between the lines of the dreadful Vatican 2 decree on Ecumenism. Today John has coaxed the good doctor to finish up this abominable decree which, as Professor Barfmen points out, shows that those who carried out their agenda to take away the propitiatory sacrifice from the Mass were only carrying out their marching orders as set down so ambiguously in the conciliar documents. Truly even back then few realized there was definitely something "rotten in Denmark." Ah yes, the nefarious northern Europe that influenced so much of Vatican II. The professor explains further in reading between the lines after putting his digestive tract on life support, so to speak, over these last four days. Such has been the attacks of unorthodoxy against his sensus Catholicus. He completes today what he began Monday in deciphering the treacherous chess game the conciliar church has been playing with minds and souls over these last 40 plus years, specifically with the wretching decree on Ecumenism. A Certain Type of "Movement" Part Four
    Gabriel's Clarion
    Gabriel Garnica continues his week of articles on abortion to commiserate "Woe is Roe Week" with an article in which he exposes the agenda of those who defend abortion as using the tactics the Nazis and Terrorists such as Al Qaeda use. Murderers all have the same modus operandi and they all march to one man's orders: satan. Gabriel lays out the recipe most often used by those enemies of God who have sold their souls to the devil to do his bidding in murdering Almighty's innocent ones. They don't care how they do it and they'll rationalize it in every way they can, but the bottom line these chefs will have hell to pay when God exacts the bill at the end of the day. Gabriel explains in his column The Recipe for Making An Abortion Defense
    Faithful To Tradition
    John Gregory has convinced Professor Ralph "Braniac" Barfmen, Ph.D. to continue his dissection of Unitatis Redintegratio in reading between the lines of the dreadful Vatican 2 decree on Ecumenism. Today John has resuscitated the good doctor enough to complete Chapter Two. On this Feast of the Conversion of St. Paul, Professor Ralph "Braniac" Barfmen, Phd. struck from his horse from the last installment's nauseating nonsense on ecumenism, has duly recovered though many thought the exercise had killed him - so strong the attack of unorthodoxy against his sensus Catholicus. True to his word he will follow through what he started in further deciphering the treacherous chess game the conciliar church has been playing with minds and souls over these last 40 plus years, specifically with the wretching decree on Ecumenism. A Certain Type of "Movement" Part Three
    Gabriel's Clarion
    Gabriel Garnica continues his week of articles on abortion to commiserate "Woe is Roe Week" with an article that laments what has happened to those supposedly "safe" havens or refuges such as the womb, home, workplace and church. The womb was ransacked universally only after the universal Church abandoned its post as the guardian of morals and virtues thanks to the liberality and novelty adopted from Vatican II. What the conciliarists also forgot, and that was the key to it all, was the meaning of Christ's ultimate sacrifice on Calvary. This lapse is all the more evident in their forsaking the propitiatory Sacrifice of the Mass in favor of a participatory service that seeks to please man rather than God. For such there is a price to pay and millions upon millions of unborn have paid that price and twice that many now realize the error of their ways, but it is too late. They are already in hell. No wonder Our Lord and His Blessed Mother weep so for Their children. Will we ever learn? Gabriel explains the new meaning of Calvary in his column Murder of Innocence

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      For those who truly want to delve deeper into what the Faith teaches and what past Sovereign Pontiffs have decreed, we recommend for your vital reading to better KNOW THE FAITH in order to KEEP THE FAITH, pertinent Papal decrees which put to the lie what is being promulgated today by the Vatican II church. We strongly encourage you to read these to understand how today the modern church is in Apostasy when compared to what had always been taught by Holy Mother Church and enforced and warned as most grievous by previous Pontiffs as you'll see in CREDO & CULTURE


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    When it comes to all these ungodly laws being passed by liberal judges because of the lobbying and intimidation of a small minority out to do away with the natural and supernatural order, it is wise to keep in mind the following:

    "Unjust laws are, properly speaking, NO LAWS!"
    His Eminence Saint Robert Cardinal Bellarmine, Doctor of the Church

       We invite you to find out for yourself the truth as we present a compendium portal of documents on the Faith in all aspects, past, present and to come. We guarantee what you read is in full harmony with the Truths and Traditions of Holy Mother Church, and we guarantee you that if you read it all with a discerning heart you will be able to decipher the wheat from the chaff. You will better understand what the absolutes of our Faith are and not be fooled by modernism and ambiguities, no matter how cleverly they are couched. Remember satan is the father of half-truths. Read the fullness of the Truths and Traditions of the Roman Catholic Faith in the sections below.

    We at the Daily Catholic believe that copyrighting material is counterproductive to the purpose of saving souls and therefore, in order to expand our reach so that we may decrease while Christ increases, we freely give permission to all to copy and disseminate any written material contained on these pages, provided nothing is taken out of context and the URL and sources are credited for the sake of accuracy and for the sake of restoring all things in Christ.    For pertinent questions on this, contact the Editor