GABRIEL'S CLARION (jan25gab.htm)
January 25, 2006
vol 17, no. 12
The Recipe for Making An Abortion Defense

      Murderers have always gotten fat on the entrails of the innocent. That's the menu of at the table of Satan and there are plenty today pushing abortion who are anxious to keep their placesetting in hell.

    "The similarity between Nazi and abortion insanity does not end with the comparison of how each describes its victims. In both Nazi death camps and abortion death clinics, euphemisms such as "treatment", "procedure", "health", "welfare", "charity" and "medicine" are used to describe and name instruments and processes whereby murder is inflicted upon innocent, helpless victims. Nazi death camps were "relocation centers" just as abortion mills are called "reproductive health centers". Nazis spoke of "terminating" Jews just as abortionists speak of "terminating" pregnancies. In both Nazi death camps and abortion death clinics, long flowery names describe committees and groups who basically kill. Don't the Committee for the Scientific Registration of Serious Hereditary Congenital Diseases and Children's Specialty Institutions sound impressive? They were simply the groups who decided which children were killed in Nazi death camps and the places where they were killed! Likewise, "reproductive health", "women's health clinic" and all such names sound nice, but are they not usually just the terms used to describe why and where babies are murdered? Nazi death squads were "special service groups" just as abortionists are "service providers". The Nazi organization that implemented euthanasia was called The Charitable Foundation for Institutional Care which rings quite similar to the way abortion clinics and Planned Parenthood are listed as "charities" by the IRS."

    I have argued many times that The American Holocaust of abortion is in many ways no different than the Jewish Holocaust and that abortion is clearly the most detestable and heinous form of terrorism and genocide known to humanity. I firmly stand by those assertions and dare anyone to show me why they are wrong or inaccurate. I further add that there is no need to apologize to anyone, as some have done, for making said assertions because one need apologize for the truth! Given the above statements and verifiable facts concerning the harm of abortion to the woman, the disproportionate rates of abortion of African-American infants, and the vile evidence of just how barbaric and detestable this crime really is, I cannot conceive (no pun intended) how anyone, much less Jews, African-Americans, or women, can ever justify this despicable procedure. I can only conclude that a key ingredient in defending abortion must be hypocrisy, for without such hypocrisy any defense of abortion seems doomed to an even faster demise.

The Ingredients of Perdition

    40% Nazi Insanity It should be no surprise to anyone that the infamous "Doctor of Death" Josef Mengele became an abortionist after the war. After all, all he did was change his hat and keep the rest! Just as the Nazis believed in dividing human beings into groups of varying "usefulness" and treated those they judged to be useless or unwanted as trash, abortionists view and treat the unborn child as subhuman and mere waste to be removed. In fact, many quotes from Nazi and abortion advocates are practically indistinguishable. One cannot tell if a concentration camp victim or a fetus is being described! Terms such as "trash", "garbage", and "germs" are often used to describe both. For example, Himmler called Jews "germs" in 1943 and Natalie Shainess called pregnancy an "alien germ". Dr. Fritz Klein once compared Jews to a diseased appendix to be removed from the body of Europe and Dr. Alan Guttmacher once compared destroying and removing a fetus to removing an appendix!

        The similarity between Nazi and abortion insanity does not end with the comparison of how each describes its victims. In both Nazi death camps and abortion death clinics, euphemisms such as "treatment", "procedure", "health", "welfare", "charity" and "medicine" are used to describe and name instruments and processes whereby murder is inflicted upon innocent, helpless victims. Nazi death camps were "relocation centers" just as abortion mills are called "reproductive health centers". Nazis spoke of "terminating" Jews just as abortionists speak of "terminating" pregnancies. In both Nazi death camps and abortion death clinics, long flowery names describe committees and groups who basically kill. Don't the Committee for the Scientific Registration of Serious Hereditary and Congenital Diseases and Children's Specialty Institutions sound impressive? They were simply the groups who decided which children were killed in Nazi death camps and the places where they were killed! Likewise, "reproductive health", "women's health clinic" and all such names sound nice, but are they not usually just the terms used to describe why and where babies are murdered? Nazi death squads were "special service groups" just as abortionists are "service providers". The Nazi organization that implemented euthanasia was called The Charitable Foundation for Institutional Care which rings quite similar to the way abortion clinics and Planned Parenthood are listed as "charities" by the IRS.

        The Nazis justified using poison gas and chemicals to kill Jews by stating that these procedures were "humane" and "relieved suffering" just as abortionists tell us that abortion is often a way to avoid giving birth to a child who will only suffer in life.

        Just as Nazis claimed that their actions were acceptable and legal, so too present abortionists defend their actions as legal. Perhaps the two most despicable aspects of this clear similarity between Nazi maniacs and their abortion counterparts are the way both dress death in cheerful tones and use that murder to harvest human parts. Many survivors of death camps tell us that flowers, plants, and music were present at places where victims were separated into groups facing death and those to be used in labor. These survivors state that there was a twisted attempt to create a "cheerful" environment despite such despicable situations. Likewise, soft music and plants are often used in abortion clinics to create a soothing, non-stressful mood. It is the height of disgusting irony to dress murder in the form of soothing peace and calm! Likewise, both the Nazis and present abortionists have used the body parts and tissues derived from their crime for research, cosmetic, and other despicable purposes. The list of similarities between the Nazi regime and present abortionists is so long that time and practicality do not allow me to continue. Sufficient to say that these similarities should make any rational, moral person ill and angry!

    40% Terrorism

        In other articles I have written how terrorists are often described as those who practice genocide or mass murder in carefully planned or focused ways to promote and proclaim a political or social agenda. Such terrorists often go to other countries to extend their efforts and messages. These people care little about innocent life and instead use such lives as mere stepping stones to some perceived greater agenda. They often cushion and dress their rhetoric in terms of human and social rights and greater good. They may even claim ethical and moral grounds for what they do. Again, do not abortionists practice mass genocide against the unborn in carefully planned or focused ways to promote their political and social agenda? Do they not often spread their methods on other nations often imposing their views on populations that do not agree? Do not terrorists, abortionists, and Nazis for that matter, all create propaganda attempting to paint their vile acts as noble, virtuous, and saving humanity? Is not the confused mother merely a suicide bomber carrying out the twisted message created by the abortion terrorists? Again, the comparisons between terrorism and abortion are so many that I become ill and angry when making them.

    20% Hypocrisy

        To the above concoction we must add some hypocrisy if this recipe is going to work. Clearly, any Jew who defends abortion in light of the similarities between abortion and the Holocaust is at least morally clueless if not simply a complete imbecile. Obviously, any African-American who defends abortion in the light of evidence that a disproportionate number of blacks are aborted or that the founder of Planned Parenthood, Margaret Sanger, was clearly a racist who believed in racial superiority must have no clue about any of these facts or else be mindless as well. Given medical evidence that shows just how much abortion harms women, anyone claiming to be marching "for women's lives" and defending abortion is about as morally moronic as can be. How can someone fight against breast cancer, for example, and defend abortion? The only way that Jews, Blacks, women, and promoters of women's health can defend and promote abortion is either through ignorance, denial, or hypocrisy.

        I feel sorry for the ignorant and those who cannot accept reality but, respecting my belief that most people are not moral and mental imbeciles, I will have to conclude that many are professional hypocrites. These are Jews like Chuck Schumer and Barbara Boxer, 'Catholics' like John Kerry and Edward Kennedy, African-Americans like Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton, and any of those women's issues defenders who simply defend abortion because it fits and protects their political or social agenda and not because it is an obvious position given their backgrounds. This is the kind of hypocrisy that promotes abortion while condemning forced abortion as Hillary Clinton does, that claims to be against it while defending the right to it as John Kerry does, that passionately defends it even though it is the latest version of genocide which a Jew like Chuck Schumer should have some sensitivity to, that decries the movie The Passion as violent while promoting ripping a fetus to pieces, and which claims to be fighting for women's health while raking in millions of dollars despite harm to women's health. Clearly, hypocrisy is the spice that makes an abortion defense fly, not upward, but fly nevertheless. Most likely this flight will be toward hell.


    If I was going to cook a defense to abortion, I would need some Nazi insanity, some Terrorist thinking, and some hypocrisy. Clearly all of these ingredients and likely others are needed to make the spoiled, rotten trash that is abortion taste like anything that can be consumed by a rational populace. All of these ingredients would need to be simmered in a broth of denial since these people continue to claim that America is pro-choice and that most people favor abortion or at least do not want to limit it. The media is more often than not the cook that stirs this soup of sin by their biased, absurd propaganda in favor of abortion and against pro-life arguments. At the end of the day, the broth that is abortion is nothing more than the poison that increasingly dooms this society toward moral indigestion. Have we not learned from history? Evidently not!

Gabriel Garnica

    Editor's Note: Heaven is once again under attack by those who would seek to ignore and overthrow God's majesty and authority. Gabriel Garnica, educator and attorney, submits regular insights and commentaries to remind and help guide readers toward a deeper and more assertive faith. Touching on topics and issues ranging from personal faith, doctrine, education, scripture, the media, family life, morality, and values, Gabriel's notes are music to traditional ears but unpleasant tones to those who have bought into the misguided notions so prevalent and spreading in today's Catholic world.

    Gabriel's Clarion
    January 25, 2006
    Volume 17, no. 12