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       Novendiales - Day 3
  • Regina Coeli
  • TUESDAY      April 5, 2005      Volume 16, no. 95
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    Requiem aeternam dona eis, Domine:
    et lux perpetua luceat eis.
    Erue, Domine, anima ejus.
    Requiescat in pace. Amen.

    With John Paul II's body lying in state in St. Peter's Vatican reports are that two million are expected to view his body before his funeral at 8 a.m. Rome time. In the meantime, in day 3 of the Novendiales, Robert Moynihan, editor of Inside The Vatican sat down with Cardinal Joaquim Meisner. Keep in mind he is the same red-hat who we reported had, early in January, lacked the conviction of Catholic truth and backpeddled by apologizing for comparing abortion to the Holocaust. He also didn't realize the scandal of recanting truth. Evidently that wasn't important to Meisner, just making sure he was accepted as a tolerant Novus Ordophile. Here there was hope with his assimilating abortion to the horrors of Hitler and Stalin. But that offended man; never mind God. Evidently the Germans didn't like such comparison even though it is the unmitigated truth. Do they really want another Fuhrer? Why would Germans be upset at comparing Stalin to the horrors of abortion? It doesn't make sense and yet it does in this topsy-turvy world where cardinals haven't a backbone nor moral sense to uphold Catholic truth and be a "contradiction to the world." Ah, there's the rub for they have embraced - thanks to the aggiornamento of ecumenism and modernism - mammon. Has anyone alerted the cardinal of Cologne that what he denied has a fragrance that rises putrified to Heaven? Evidently not. Meisner regrets his holocaust remarks. We regret he was ever elevated to the episcopate, let alone the red-hat, but then we have come to expect lukewarmness and uncatholicity from the German prelates. Can you say Cardinals Walter Kasper, Karl Lehmann, and, yes, Joseph Ratzinger? Why is it that the only time these men employ Gestapo tactics is against Traditional Catholics? Good question, and don't bother to file an offense complaint for that remark because it's the truth, it's documented and we stand by it. We will not regret stating the horrors of the Holocaust in the Womb. What we will regret - and every Catholic must realize this as well - is if we don't sound the clarion for the innocent the consequences will be dire at each person's Particular Judgment for we all have a far, far superior Authority to answer to. Now Meisner is one who will vote in conclave. With that calibre there's not a lot of hope for the Holy Ghost to work within. Nevertheless, Meisner is one who agreed to sit down with Robert Moynihan of Inside The Vatican Magazine. We present it here because at least Moynihan is credible compared to the secular media. What Are Some Cardinals Thinking About?

       There are two sources we strongly encourage you to follow during this time of novendiales so that one can get a true picture of what the traditions should be during this time when the chair is empty and every Catholic in the world is a bonafide sedevacantist. One is the regular news wire we carry below from a Traditional Catholic perspective from In the face of so much fawning and false information from the secular media and even the Novus Ordo media, Fr. Moderator's daily commentaries are a must to understand what is really going on. We encourage you to go to for he is usually on top of whatever event has come down the pike and calls them pretty much as we see them here at The Daily Catholic in striving to uphold and preserve the Truths and Traditions of Holy Mother Church as part of the Resistance to the Revolution of Vatican II, especially during this time when so much misinformation is flooding into homes as fact and the Novus Ordo mentality and novelties will be ingrained in so many.

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    From a Traditional Catholic Perspective


    Terri Schiavo Expired at 9:05 A.M. EST Thursday, March 31

    Legalizing Mass Murder Has Begun!

        You'll note the Requiem plaque we have put together here has removed the surname Schiavo. That is because Terri is, before God's eyes, no longer a Schiavo but a Schindler for her legal and moral bond with Michael, and in this case bondage, has ended - "till death do us part." The graphic shows Terri truly suffering with Our Lord in His Passion and the strength given her at Confirmation as a Soldier of Christ as depicted in the small inset photo of her confirmation picture.

       We truly believe Bob and Mary Schindler have a saint in Heaven because of her purity and innocence. Not so for the soul of America, for those who sided on the side of the culture of death. Satan is doing a jig for all the souls he has confiscated because of hardened and cold hearts. So much was placed on the physical welfare of one person and judged not acceptable to medical and politically correct standards. Thank God her parents sought and followed through in providing Catholic measures to prepare for death. While everyone, including spineless shepherds, are praising the moral of this terrible saga as realizing we all need to make out a living will, few, very, very few emphasized that we all need to have a soul-saving will which prepares one for death by taking every means to remain in the state of Santifying Grace - for, as every Catholic should know, that is the only key to everlasting life.

       That is the saddest result of this whole crisis for more hearts have hardened in this ordeal and we have entered that hemisphere of Hitler. Those pushing the euthanasia agenda are the most vicious in denying the Mengale mindset. Our deepest sympathy and prayers for the Schindler family and friends, and those who did not compromise but stood on the front lines in this battle for America's soul. Terri has lost in her struggle, but won the war and has now the laurels of victory as a true martyr for the cause of life. The fact she held out for thirteen days and twenty-hours proves that she indeed DID WANT TO LIVE.

       Now she is at peace; not so for those left behind for the great war is just heating up and we all need to continue Ora et Labora - to work and pray and take very seriously the Apostle Paul's words in Ephesians 6: 10-20.

      Requiem aeternam dona eis, Domine: et lux perpetua luceat eis. Erue, Domine, anima ejus. Requiescat in pace. Amen.

      For those wishing to send Holy Mass Cards and any note or card of condolences, the Schindlers' address is:
            Terri Schindler-Schiavo Foundation
            Bob & Mary Schindler
            4615 Gulf Blvd. #104-103
            Gulfport, FL 33707

      When it comes to all these ungodly laws being passed by liberal judges because of the lobbying and intimidation of a small minority out to do away with the natural and supernatural order, it is wise to keep in mind the following:
    "Unjust laws are, properly speaking, NO LAWS!"
    His Eminence Saint Robert Cardinal Bellarmine, Doctor of the Church

    The Sanity of Sanctity
    As talk of who is papabile heats up before the conclave begins, they would be wise to take to heart the words of the holy bishop and Doctor of the Church Saint Alphonsus Liguori, known as the "Keeper of the Moral Compass." 230 years ago he wrote a letter to an unknown bishop during the time of sede vacante between the pontificates of Clement XIV and Pius VI. St. Alphonsus also wrote: "The devil has always attempted, by means of the heretics, to deprive the world of the Mass, making them precursors of the Antichrist, who, before anything else, will try to abolish and will actually abolish the Holy Sacrament of the altar, as a punishment for the sins of men, according to the prediction of Daniel 'And strength was given him against the continual sacrificer'." He was right on about that as we now see what occurred on April 3, 1969, and his sage and sobering words below should give all pause to pray and unabashedly continue to preach the Truths and Traditions of Holy Mother Church. The holy Doctor's sage and pious thoughts on the election of a new Pontiff is wise advice that should be heeded today, but most probably won't because, as St. Alphonsus says "in a word, there is a need for a general reform of all clerics and ecclesiastics if there is to be any improvement in the present great corruption of morals among the laity." And he was talking about the times when our country was founded! Imagine his words today in light of the apostasy running so rampant from Rome on down! John Vennari adds, to quote Saint Alphonsus, “There is need for prayer and much prayer”. We present The "Keeper of the Moral Compass" on the Election of the Next Pope
    Hope on the Horizon
    Barbara Simpson puts the exclamation mark on the injustice done to Theresa Marie Kathleen Schindler-Schiavo even after her death. From the church to the courts, the blood-stained hands cannot be washed for the sin lies with them for their omission. It is good that she brings this to the fore since so many have forgotten that one can sin just as well by omission rather than only commission. You won't hear that from your Novus Ordo bishops, but it comes rather from one sane voice in the middle of Sodom by the Bay - the "Babe in the Bunker" literally. Barbara illustrates the cold-heartedness of the judges who cruelly let Terri's parents swing on the limbs of hope in a justice system based on liberty. So much for bringing the tired and the poor, those in any way handicapped need not apply. She explains in her column from World Net Daily, The dress of liberty is stained with Terri's blood
    White Smoke, Black Fire!
    Because of the crisis now in place and because events are paralleling so much of what is contained in our novel White Smoke, Black Fire and because it deals with the death of a pope and the ensuing conclave, we have decided it is time to rerun the novel in its entirety. Today episode two takes us to New Nasiriyah in Iraq, the very place of the ancient Ur and birthplace of Abraham as well as the approximate location of the very first Garden of Eden. There is no evidence of any living fauna in this second episode of Chapter One of The Unleashing as dust and dirt cover the horizon in all directions from a synthetic, quickly-fashioned modern and massive circular stage arena to accommodate over one million people in attendance for the Magna Carta of the 21st Century - "One Eucharist" - the great compromise. In the early hours of November 1st The Staging: Final Preparations
    Making Sense of Sensus Catholicus
    Father James F. Wathen, the pioneering traditional author of The Great Sacrilege, presents plenty of ammunition on why Catholics cannot consider cremation as an alternative. In light of the publicity over Michael Schiavo's insistance that Terri's body be cremated despite objections from her parents to have a Catholic burial,Father provides the proofs of Catholic truth that verifies the article of the Apostles' Creed of belief in the Resurrection of the body. Father equates the fact that cremation is the final mutilation by anti-Christian forces bent on answering to satan. It is the only thing left after piercing, drug abuse and every other abomination of the human body has not only multiplied, but has been accepted by society, as mutilation of the temples of the Holy Ghost. It is sadistic and sadomasochistic. It fits satan's agenda to a tee, but not Christ's. Father shares these solid Catholic truths in his essay that hammers home the necessity to be buried, never cremated for that is the antithesis of the Resurrection of the body. As usual we are grateful to Maria Hughes for sending his latest essay entitled The Resurrection and Cremation
    White Smoke, Black Fire!
    Because of the crisis now in place and because events are paralleling so much of what is contained in our novel White Smoke, Black Fire and because it deals with the death of a pope and the ensuing conclave, we have decided it is time to rerun the novel in its entirety. First published here beginning in 2001, many of the supposedly fictional events have become facts and thus, we have updated it, shortened some parts, phased back a few characters to make it faster paced for its re-release now in 2005 at this pivotal point in history. You'll note the pope in this novel Clement XV is not the successor of John Paul II, but the successor of who will be elected next. As art imitates life, here it is so clear that life is imitating art and following a pattern that has already been foretold in Holy Writ. So far civilization has followed the script, right to the brink of the abyss. Hopefully White Smoke, Black Fire will shake souls to realize how close we are to the Apocalypse. Today we present episode one of Chapter One of The Unleashing with the dark and sinister deeds of The Mysterious Black Figure Strikes
    "Qui legit, intelligat"
    In Father Louis Campbell's sermon for Low or Quasi modo Sunday, he may sound like a voice in the wilderness for this weekend pagan, Moslem, Jew, Protestant, agnostic, pro-abort, pro-euthanasia, pro-sodomite and new-ager alike - even atheists - can't praise John Paul II enough as every network drones on about how "this pope preached tolerance." While JPII may have, Christ did not. Father is not here to praise John Paul, but to pray for him and point out what a pope should be - one who separates the wheat from the chaff as Christ asked; never compromise. Being Catholic is a sign of contradiction to the world for there is another power, a much higher Power and another Kingdom which we must always be focused on. Ecumenism, as an example, will eventually emerge, after all the hurrahs and huzzahs die down, as part of the lost legacy of John Paul II. For all plaudits aside, the grave errors in doctrine made by this man have done immeasurable damage to souls. The saddest part is that few have a clue about this, or what Holy Scriptures say, especially in today's Epistle and Gospel. The sad facts, that will eventually come to the fore when more realize the fruits are a facade and there are no lasting fruits, that rather than being a sign of contradiction for Catholics, John Paul II was a contradiction to Catholicism as it was taught and practiced from Peter through Pope Pius XII. Father explains in his sermon Separating the Wheat from the Chaff
    White Smoke, Black Fire!
    Because of the crisis now in place and because events are paralleling so much of what is contained in our novel White Smoke, Black Fire and because it deals with the death of a pope and the ensuing conclave, we have decided it is time to rerun the novel in its entirety. First published here beginning in 2001, many of the supposedly fictional events have become facts and thus, we have updated it, shortened some parts, phased back a few characters to make it faster paced for its re-release now in 2005 at this pivotal point in history. You'll note the pope in this novel Clement XV is not the successor of John Paul II, but the successor of who will be elected next. As art imitates life, here it is so clear that life is imitating art and following a pattern that has already been foretold in Holy Writ. So far civilization has followed the script, right to the brink of the abyss. Hopefully White Smoke, Black Fire will shake souls to realize how close we are to the Apocalypse. We begin with the PROLOGUE
    Easter Saturday
    Gabriel's Clarion
    With death so prominent in everyone's minds because of the last few days, Gabriel Garnica reminds us of the wise investment souls must make in order to reap the Heavenly currency. That's the only kind you can take with you. All temporal treasures are worthless and Our Lord reminded us of that when He said what doth it profit a man if he gain the whole world but lose his soul. Gabriel offers the sad fact that if we do not deposit our talents and gifts in God's bank, then we are wasting our time and even worse, we are utilizing those God-given talents for His great adversary - the devil who goes about the world like a roaring lion seeking whom he might devour. Not a wise investment. Much better to build up a portfolio of graces in order to receive everlasting dividends as Gabriel explains in his column God's Stock Market
    Easter Friday
    Griff Ruby tackles a tough, but necessary subject - hell and the question of who and why people end up there. Contrary to the popular mantra which satan has managed to implant in the psyches of so many today, hell does exist and it is filling fast. This was confirmed not only by Our Lord in Sacred Scripture, but by His Blessed Mother to the children of Fatima at the Cova in 1917. There are too many misconceptions about hell and the devil diverts us from what we must truly do to avoid the hellfires of gehenna. Saints and sinners have been given glimpses of hell from early saints to the Fatima and it has never been pretty. Hell is no place for good people, but there are "good people" in hell. The factor here is the variance of what we and God consider "good." Griff uses his column to identify the errors and confusion over whether good people can or can't go to hell. He explains in Can Good People Go to Hell?
    "Father, forgive them..."
    One week ago on Good Friday, Father Francis de Rosa delivered a powerful sermon on the similarities of Our Lord's Passion and Terri Schiavo to the Poor Clare Monastery in Arlington, Virginia. As all know, yesterday morning Terri completed her crucifixion and now can reap the glories of the Resurrection through the merits of her Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. We provide his full homily here which Father personally sent us yesterday and granted us the gracious permission to republish it for our readers. May Terri's soul and all the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen. And may we ever strive to conquer the evils of the culture of death, holding the standard of Terri' martyrdom as a sign that in hoc signis the cross is victorious. Father provides the proof in his sermon The Passion and Death of Terri Schiavo
    Easter Thursday
    Gabriel's Clarion
    Gabriel Garnica reminds us, even with Lent behind us, not to let up or drop our guard for satan is still very much active and on the attack and if we relax he will pounce. Only through prayer and living in grace can we fend off the onslaughts the evil one throws at us from every direction and every situation. Satan never sleeps. That is why we must be vigilant as Christ and His Apostles counsel us. If Christ was prey for lucifer and his legions, should we expect to be immune from even more fierce attacks? Not unless we are already saints in Heaven or lukewarm zombies. Sadly, too many are the latter and not striving for the former and that makes fertile soil for the devil's devastated desert who slithers and burrows into the sands of skeletel hell to prompt compromise, emotions and discord in casting a mirage over the deceived eyes of souls everywhere. Gabriel explains in his column Divine Attacks
    Easter Wednesday
    Catholic PewPOINT
    Editor Michael Cain calls the blow-by-blow of the tremendous fight in the international ring known as Pinellas Park, Florida where we see the unfair advantage the euthanasia enthusiasts enjoy against the small, but dauntless forces of Theresa Marie Kathleen Schindler-Schiavo and her loving immediate family who, in fact are the determined David against the ghastly Goliath. Cain equates how the Terri Schiavo situation has become a Heavyweight prize fight with the prize being fought for worth millions - not in dollars - but in souls. It is a crisis beyond any mere boxing match for the stakes are life itself. Yes, it is a matter of life and death. Life fighting in one corner, death viciously flailing with loaded gloves in the other corner. At this point in time, though behind in jabs, Terri is still in there fighting. She hasn't been counted out yet, but time is fast deteriorating like Terri's physical condition as she nears two weeks without food and water. Anyone of lesser grit would have given up the ghost long ago, but Terri is a fighter! Unlike Maggie Fitzgerald, whom Hilary Swank portrayed in the pro-euthanasia film Million Dollar Baby, Terri is a fighter who won't give up. Fitzgerald did. Terri and her family won't quit and neither should we as Cain expounds in his hard-hitting editorial Million Dollar Maybe
    Easter Tuesday
    Making Sense of Sensus Catholicus
    Father James F. Wathen, the pioneering traditional author of The Great Sacrilege, presents an interesting summation of the events of Easter morning and the why of these events, providing the rationale of the players - both those for and those against Him, including the sixteen unfortunate soldiers assigned to guard the tomb. Father explains Our Lord's words to Saint Mary Magdalene in its proper context as well as the unwritten fact that in truth the one who Jesus appeared to first was His Own Blessed Mother who had expected such in her heart. Father also brings home the point that despite Peter's cowardice, Jesus showed His love and faith in the man He appointed to head His Church. Father shares these Catholic truths in his essay celebrating the Resurrection of Our Lord sent by Maria Hughes, entitled The First Events of Easter Sunday
    Easter Monday
    Gabriel's Clarion
    Gabriel Garnica tackles the subject of Separation of Church and State with a clear-cut razor edged logic that traces the fault line of the temblor created by Everson vs. Board of Education in 1947. The revolt of the 60's in the Church and in society erupted from this decision for the fizzure reached to the very depths of hell, allowing satan open passage to souls caught in the the grip of confusion and diabolic disorientation. Gabriel points out Christ's most certain meaning of rendering to Caesar only those things that are Caesar's, but man, in his greed and effort to go it alone, has sold out everything to Caesar through a corrupt judicial system which for the past half century has endeavored to rule God and His infrangible Laws into oblivion. This is only too obvious over the last two weeks in the case of Terri Schlindler-Schiavo's tragic fate. But, The Supreme Judge will have His decision and it will not go well for those who have perpetrated the lie of Separation of Church and State. Gabriel presents the paradox of separation in his column Give To God What Belongs To God...
    With death imminent for Theresa Marie Kathleen Schindler-Schiavo, Gary Morella weighs in with a troubling problem that Bob and Mary Schindler will have to face after all the grief. Fighting for her life was not enough, now they must fight for her fate after death. Michael Schiavo wants to cremate her immediately if not sooner while the Schindlers want a Catholic funeral and burial, the only acceptable requiem requirements for Catholics. But Judge Greer now has usurped God Himself by not only denying communion to Terri on Easter Sunday, but dictating that she cannot have a proper, mandatory burial. Are Greer and Schiavo joined at the hip? Could that be near the hip pockets where the wallets reside? One has to wonder at the bizarre circumstances and done-deals that have been perpetrated against Terri and her immediate blood family under the cover of law. The guilty are provided every precaution and right while, tragically today the innocent are persecuted and tortured. Yes, we are no better than Nazi Germany or the Atheistic Soviet Union. Sieg heil, comrade liberals? Gary expounds in his short essay The Atrocity Being Committed Against Terri Schindler-Schiavo
    "Qui legit, intelligat"
    In Father Louis Campbell's sermon for the Double of the First Class Solemnity of the Resurrection of Our Lord, he reminds us emphatically that we can only truly celebrate Christ's Resurrection if we accept and believe, as every Catholic must, that we are already dead to this world. Realizing this, we have no fear of what man will do to us for neither War, Strife, Famine or Pestilence can harm the soul. But those who value the world, the flesh and the devil have much to fear for the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse have already begun their gallop over this earth. Father encourages us to take comfort in Christ's victory over death and sin, to be consoled by the optimism of the Exultet which illustrates so well the fact that the darkness is obliterated by the Light of Christ - the Light of Truth which cannot be suppressed. Christ's Rays are forever to those who choose to bask in His graces for He is risen as He said. Alleluia! Father explains in his Easter sermon "Christ is risen! He is truly risen!
    Traditional Thoughts
    Editor Michael Cain provides a brief reflection for Easter Sunday. which is the Solemnity of Solemnities in the Church's Liturgical Year. Jesus Christ has, as He promised, conquered death once and for all. We are given everlasting hope for He has indeed risen as He said, Alleluia. The season of Paschaltide is replete with Alleluias in this glorious season of celebration in the Church. There is no happier time of the year. This is the true "New Springtime" which Christ established, not man and the New Order church. This follows what the True Church has always considered as the established "Civilization of Love" - Good Friday - for "no greater love doth one have than to lay down one's life for another." Abraham's Bosom has been emptied. The flowers return to the altar, white is the festive color (though gold vestments are permitted for Easter Sunday) as Cain shares a short meditation on The Most Glorious of Mysteries
    Gabriel's Clarion
    Gabriel Garnica completes his countdown in his series of reflections for Holy Week. From five wounds to four fools to three crosses to two occasions in which Our Lord's silence spoke volumes to today where first things are first. The Cross and Resurrection are One for you cannot have one without the other. There can be no Resurrection without the Cross. Likewise, what worth would the Cross be without the Resurrection? Gabriel points this out in his reflection, noting the distance between Jerusalem and Calvary were much further than between the summit and the sepulchre. This is to represent that our travails, our crosses are not the short-cut, but the well-earned merit badges of grace made possible through the Merits of Jesus Christ's ultimate Sacrifice. Gabriel explains in his Easter refelction First Things First
    From Eden to the Empty Tomb
    Dr. Thomas A. Droleskey completes his special series on Reflections of Salvation History with the Glorious Resurrection. In this special six-part series on "A Reflection of Salvation History," first introduced to our readers in 2003, and brought to you to enhance your contemplation for this holy season, Tom has taken us indeed from Eden to the empty tomb. He points out that, despite the hardships, the sacrifices, the insults, the scourging, the stripping, the nailing and hanging on the wood of the Cross, Christ proved for all time that it was worth it. Is it worth it to us? By our actions and fidelity to His teachings passed down through His Holy Church and carried out in the Sacraments, especially Baptism, Penance and the Holy Eucharist, we illustrate if we think so. If we are His loyal lambs, Christ the Lamb of God has guaranteed He will be loyal to us at our Particular Judgment. Nothing else matters for salvation is at stake. Alleluia. Tom explains in his seventh and final installment of his Holy Week series From Eden to the Empty Tomb The Resurrection
    Lex Orandi, Lex Credendi
    Kevin Tierney reprises his Easter installment on the Disciplines of the Season, having passed from Lent and Passiontide we now focus on the beauty and significance, the power and glory of the Resurrection. Yet, as Kevin points out, the Novus Ordo still doesn't get it even though they have so stalwartly preached the Resurrected Christ much more than the Crucified Lord as evident from the crosses in so many churches today that bear the Resurrected One rather than the Immolated One at Calvary. In this series simply called "Lex Orandi, Lex Credendi." He takes the reader through the Propers of the Traditional Latin Mass for the glorious Double of the First Class Feast of the Resurrection of the Lord and compares key points where once again omissions glaringly reveal themselves which once again points out how the New Order Rite expresses a Protestant mentality in so many ways. Kevin identifies the differences in The Disciplines of the Season: EASTER SUNDAY

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       We are proud to be able to provide for our readers the full Ordinary and Proper of each day's Holy Sacrifice of the Mass for the Immemorial Latin Mass in the Traditional Calendar.


    This prayer replaces the Angelus during Paschaltide

    Regina Coeli laetare. Alleluia.
    Quia quem meruisti portare. Alleluia.
    Resurrexit sicut dixit. Alleluia.
    Ora pro nobis Deum. Alleluia.
    V. Gaude et laetare, virgo Maria. Alleluia.
    R. Quia surrexit Dominus vere. Alleluia.
    Oremus. Deus, qui per resurrectionem Filii tui, Domini nostri Iesu Christi, mundum laetificare dignatus es: praesta, quae-sumus; ut, per eius Genetricem Virginem Mariam, perpetuae capiamus gaudia vitae. Per eundem Christum Dominum nostrum. Amen.

    Queen of Heaven, rejoice, Alleluia.
    For He Whom thou was made worthy to bear. Alleluia.
    Hath risen as He said. Alleluia.
    Pray for us to our God. Alleluia.
    V. Rejoice and be glad, O Virgin Mary. Alleluia.
    R. For the Lord hath risen indeed. Alleluia.
    Let us pray. O God, Who through the resurrection of Thy Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ, hast vouchsafed to make glad the whole world, grant us, we beseech Thee, that, through the intercession of the Virgin Mary, His Mother, we may attain the joys of eternal life. Through the same Christ our Lord. Amen.

    To PRINT this prayer out, see Regina Coeli

      For those who truly want to delve deeper into what the Faith teaches and what past Sovereign Pontiffs have decreed, we recommend for your vital reading to better KNOW THE FAITH in order to KEEP THE FAITH, pertinent Papal decrees which put to the lie what is being promulgated today by the Vatican II church. We strongly encourage you to read these to understand how today the modern church is in Apostasy when compared to what had always been taught by Holy Mother Church and enforced and warned as most grievous by previous Pontiffs as you'll see in CREDO & CULTURE


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    The 2005 Nominations for the Second Annual Good, Bad and the UGLIES Recognition

    We purposely opened the voting for this year's nominees for our prestigious TOWER OF TRENT Trophies and induction into the "Tower of Trent Hall of Honor" on the feast of St. Thomas Aquinas. Readers will have had almost a month to nominate the person of their choice who would be a worthy or unworthy recipient.

    • The Tower of Trent Nominations will close on the Feast of Pope St. Leo the Great on Monday, April 11. Those worthy recipients will be announced beginning again this year on the Feast of St. Robert Bellarmine, also the 88th anniversary of the first apparition at Fatima as well as the historical feast of Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament on Friday, May 13.
    • For the IgNOMinious gNOMes Awards, the voting for the sorriest ecclesiastics will extend from March 7 to Tax Deadline Day on April 15 and be announced again on Monday, May 2 - the feast of St. Athanasius, who stood against the apostates.
    • Finally,for the UGLIES Awards nominees this year, voting expired on April Fools Day, Friday, April 1, and the consensus will be announced on April 27, the Feast of St. Peter Canisius, the holy Doctor of the Church who would not stand for the nonsense of today's fools.
    To get an idea of what or who you are voting for, we provide last year's awardees below. To submit your nomination/nominees for 2005 in all three categories, send the names to GOOD, BAD, and UGLIES
    For last year's charter inductees awarded Tower of Trent Trophies, see 2004 Tower of Trent Hall of Honor

    Send your choice to
    My Choice/s for the
    Tower of Trent
    Hall of Honor

    DEADLINE: April 11
    ANNOUNCED: May 13

    BAD, and

    For last year's nominees and igNOMinious recipients, see 2004 gNOMe Hall of Shame

    Send your choice to
    My Choice/s for an
    IgNOMinious gNOMe

    DEADLINE: April 15
    ANNOUNCED: May 2


    For last year's sorry awardees, see 2004 UGLIES Awards

    Send your choice to
    My Choice/s for an UGLIES

    DEADLINE: April 1
    ANNOUNCED:April 27

       With Lent in the rear view mirror, almsgiving was down this year and with events where March roared out like a lion and hasn't let up in April, we don't need to tell you that almsgiving is one way Catholics can show their sincerity and commitment to Tradition. Our Lord sheds tears because so many souls still do not know the Truth and are wallowing in the desert of desertion, devastation and destruction. Right now they are being dumbed-down further and propagandized by the New Order with every secular media leeching on to the love train that cannot see the emperor wore no clothes. Because of that the light of Tradition grows dimmer as the weather patterns and natural disasters grow stronger. With your donations to The Daily Catholic and Our Lady's intercession, you can help to save souls, brighten the path to Tradition, and dry a tear or two from Jesus' holy face, lest those of you, who have the Truth and have been blessed with the means to help, might have to try to explain your selfishness at your Particular Judgment. Think and pray over it as we ask you to remember this apostolate for charitable giving during this time when the dollar is stretched tight with donations to help the victims of the devastations in Indonesia, which must take priority. But if you have anything left over, we greatly appreciate any donation you can make for almsgiving is one of the commandments of the Church. We count on the generosity of our readers to keep up the integrity of this publication and keep it free of all advertising and banners in providing our readers worldwide with the foundations for the Truths and Traditions of Holy Mother Church. If you can give of your love and bounty we would be most grateful.

    You can donate so simply to The Daily Catholic through SANCTUS securely with a major credit card or personal check through PayPal! Just click on the white button below and we extend a heartfelt, grateful thank you in advance for your generosity and charity!
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    or you can send a charitable donation (check, cash or M.0.) by mail to:

    The Daily Catholic % SANCTUS
    P.O. Box 365, Mead, WA 99021

    When it comes to all these ungodly laws being passed by liberal judges because of the lobbying and intimidation of a small minority out to do away with the natural and supernatural order, it is wise to keep in mind the following:

    "Unjust laws are, properly speaking, NO LAWS!"
    His Eminence Saint Robert Cardinal Bellarmine, Doctor of the Church

       We invite you to find out for yourself the truth as we present a compendium portal of documents on the Faith in all aspects, past, present and to come. We guarantee what you read is in full harmony with the Truths and Traditions of Holy Mother Church, and we guarantee you that if you read it all with a discerning heart you will be able to decipher the wheat from the chaff. You will better understand what the absolutes of our Faith are and not be fooled by modernism and ambiguities, no matter how cleverly they are couched. Remember satan is the father of half-truths. Read the fullness of the Truths and Traditions of the Roman Catholic Faith in the sections below.


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