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  • Regina Coeli
    Queen of Heaven Prayer
  • EASTER WEDNESDAY      March 30, 2005      Volume 16, no. 89
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    As these pages load, we invite you to say as many Hail Mary's as necessary.

    Click on the respective bar below to take you to today's highlights

  • Terri's Watch
  • Latest Christian NEWS

    Angelqueen News Up-to-Date News
    From a Traditional Catholic Perspective


    Schindler Family and Friends of Terri Schiavo Pulling Out All Stops to Save Terri in face of Outright Attempted Murder by Adulterous 'Husband' and Hostile Judge

    "There will be hell to pay for Judge George Greer's disregard for God's Laws and the Constitition." That is the refrain of angry Americans upon learning that Greer stubbornly defied U.S. Congress, Medical experts and Constitutionalists in sticking with his pre-meditated intent to allow Terri Schiavo to be killed by her estranged husband who wants her dead as soon as possible. So far he's gotten his way and the mainstream media has been only too happy to cooperate and patronize him. Despite the hypocritical stance that he loves his wife and "wants her to die with dignity" (the mantra of those pushing for the legalization of Euthanasia) the truth of the matter is that the last thing Michael wants is for Terri to recover for if she could speak she would finger Michael as the reason she has been incapacitated for the past 15 years from his physical abuse. It would make a great Hollywood mystery thriller if it weren't true life and playing out before our very eyes in a tragedy with great repercussions if the Authorities don't do something to stop this madness. Ora et Labora is what every Catholic must do. Work and Pray. Work as if everything depends on you, and pray as if everything depends on God. The Holy Rosary is a great weapon in this cause and invoking all the angels and saints. In these waning hours when her life hangs by a thread from starvation and dehydration, like Christ she thirsts and would cry out "Sitio!" if she could. We point you to a few sites which provide phone numbers to key people who could still make the difference whether Terri lives or dies and whether America goes the way of Nazi Germany or stands as the Home of the Free. But time is short. Act now and pray! and/or Terri' and

      When it comes to all these ungodly laws being passed by liberal judges because of the lobbying and intimidation of a small minority out to do away with the natural and supernatural order, it is wise to keep in mind the following:
    "Unjust laws are, properly speaking, NO LAWS!"
    His Eminence Saint Robert Cardinal Bellarmine, Doctor of the Church

    Terri's Watch is a special feature we will run daily in bringing you news and articles on Terri's physical welfare during this most crucial time when her life and America's soul hangs in the balance:

    LAST-DITCH LOOPHOLE?: Dr. Frank Joseph has proposed a loophole to the situation: Judge Greer ordered the feeding tube to be removed and as far as I know, he said nothing about feeding Terri by mouth. A couple of the nurses said that Terri had eaten jello in the past and with a little patience, she may be able to drink water and broth. An eye dropper can be used at first -- she will get some absorption, then a spoon. Also, intravenous fluids -- This has nothing to do with the judges orders -- TO REMOVE THE FEEDING TUBE. This should be done first These things are not against the ruling of Judge Greer. If anyone knows how to get in touch with the Terri's family, please do so Immediately. If the police also stop this, then Governor Bush has every right to send in the state troopers and be within the law. Also, get this message out to Governor Jeb Bush as quickly as possible. Call him at (850) 488-4441 or Fax him 850-487-0801 or e-mail him at

    DIPLOMATIC IMMUNITY?: In praying for a way to help Terri live, Attorney James Bendell, who is well known to traditional Catholics, is promoting a last-minute plan to try to save the life of Mrs. Terri Schindler-Schiavo as she is being starved and dehydrated to death under cover of law. Mr. Bendell is urging Catholics to plead with the Papal Nuncio, the Most Reverend Gabriel Montalvo, and the Holy See to appoint Mrs. Schiavo as a member of the staff of the Vatican Embassy in Washington, D.C. This would provide her with diplomatic immunity and would require the President of the United States of America to act under international law to save her life. Yes, this is a long shot. Some American cardinals and archbishops are opposed to it (would they have been opposed to protected Jews threatened by the Third Reich?). Time is running out. The idea, though, is very good. All it would take to bring it to fruition is for men who think cautiously to dare to act boldly in behalf of a member of the Mystical Body of Christ whose life is being snuffed out by diabolical forces. You may send a letter via facsimile transmission (202-337-4036) or e-mail Archbishop Montalvo % the USCCB Communications Department. (This urgent message was sent by Dr. Thomas Droleskey at

       EyeOpeners is a new feature in 2005 to keep our readers informed. We provide you with articles from all over the world so you can see the Revolution for yourself and we add our own brief commentary when it fits the situation in order to magnify for the reader the problems that grow more evident each day. Click on the bar below to take you to our News & Information page.
          We are pleased to provide you a regular news wire from a Traditional Catholic perspective. Thanks to John Grasmeier of, he has provided a news ticker that updates daily news pertaining to Catholic headlines from a Traditional Catholic perspective. For The Daily Catholic it is a perfect match and we are delighted that this is available to our readers for things are happening so fast this editor cannot possibly keep up with all the madness and bizarre events and statements in the conciliar church. We encourage you to also check out Fr. Moderator's daily commentaries at for he is usually on top of whatever event has come down the pike and calls them pretty much as we see them here at The Daily Catholic in striving to uphold and preserve the Truths and Traditions of Holy Mother Church as part of the Resistance to the Revolution of Vatican II.

    Catholic PewPOINT
    Editor Michael Cain calls the blow-by-blow of the tremendous fight in the international ring known as Pinellas Park, Florida where we see the unfair advantage the euthanasia enthusiasts enjoy against the small, but dauntless forces of Theresa Marie Kathleen Schindler-Schiavo and her loving immediate family who, in fact are the determined David against the ghastly Goliath. Cain equates how the Terri Schiavo situation has become a Heavyweight prize fight with the prize being fought for worth millions - not in dollars - but in souls. It is a crisis beyond any mere boxing match for the stakes are life itself. Yes, it is a matter of life and death. Life fighting in one corner, death viciously flailing with loaded gloves in the other corner. At this point in time, though behind in jabs, Terri is still in there fighting. She hasn't been counted out yet, but time is fast deteriorating like Terri's physical condition as she nears two weeks without food and water. Anyone of lesser grit would have given up the ghost long ago, but Terri is a fighter! Unlike Maggie Fitzgerald, whom Hilary Swank portrayed in the pro-euthanasia film Million Dollar Baby, Terri is a fighter who won't give up. Fitzgerald did. Terri and her family won't quit and neither should we as Cain expounds in his hard-hitting editorial Million Dollar Maybe
    UGLIES Nominations
    This is a reminder that you have only two more days to still vote for your selections of the 2005 UGLIES. There are a plethora of new candidates this year with Michael Schiavo, George Greer, and George Felos leading the pack with the likes of the San Francisco Mayor and Michigan governor running close behind. There are many others and we'll pick the top ones you've selected. UGLIES is, of course, an acronym for Unprincipled Garrulous Liberal Idiots Embracing Sin. Readers have had their chance over the past several weeks to vent and to nominate those who they wanted to see be given an UGLIES; in other words which secular fool you thought was the most Unprincipled Garrulous Liberal Idiot Embracing Sin (UGLIES). The whole purpose of the UGLIES is to expose sin for what it is: UGLY, and to discredit those who tolerate it and seek to perpetuate tolerance by accepting what is unacceptable to God and therefore must be to us as well. Two days left to voice your opinion. April 1st is the deadline. Send your nominations to My Choice/s for the UGLIES
    Easter Tuesday
    Making Sense of Sensus Catholicus
    Father James F. Wathen, the pioneering traditional author of The Great Sacrilege, presents an interesting summation of the events of Easter morning and the why of these events, providing the rationale of the players - both those for and those against Him, including the sixteen unfortunate soldiers assigned to guard the tomb. Father explains Our Lord's words to Saint Mary Magdalene in its proper context as well as the unwritten fact that in truth the one who Jesus appeared to first was His Own Blessed Mother who had expected such in her heart. Father also brings home the point that despite Peter's cowardice, Jesus showed His love and faith in the man He appointed to head His Church. Father shares these Catholic truths in his essay celebrating the Resurrection of Our Lord sent by Maria Hughes, entitled The First Events of Easter Sunday
    Easter Monday
    Gabriel's Clarion
    Gabriel Garnica tackles the subject of Separation of Church and State with a clear-cut razor edged logic that traces the fault line of the temblor created by Everson vs. Board of Education in 1947. The revolt of the 60's in the Church and in society erupted from this decision for the fizzure reached to the very depths of hell, allowing satan open passage to souls caught in the the grip of confusion and diabolic disorientation. Gabriel points out Christ's most certain meaning of rendering to Caesar only those things that are Caesar's, but man, in his greed and effort to go it alone, has sold out everything to Caesar through a corrupt judicial system which for the past half century has endeavored to rule God and His infrangible Laws into oblivion. This is only too obvious over the last two weeks in the case of Terri Schlindler-Schiavo's tragic fate. But, The Supreme Judge will have His decision and it will not go well for those who have perpetrated the lie of Separation of Church and State. Gabriel presents the paradox of separation in his column Give To God What Belongs To God...
    With death imminent for Theresa Marie Kathleen Schindler-Schiavo, Gary Morella weighs in with a troubling problem that Bob and Mary Schindler will have to face after all the grief. Fighting for her life was not enough, now they must fight for her fate after death. Michael Schiavo wants to cremate her immediately if not sooner while the Schindlers want a Catholic funeral and burial, the only acceptable requiem requirements for Catholics. But Judge Greer now has usurped God Himself by not only denying communion to Terri on Easter Sunday, but dictating that she cannot have a proper, mandatory burial. Are Greer and Schiavo joined at the hip? Could that be near the hip pockets where the wallets reside? One has to wonder at the bizarre circumstances and done-deals that have been perpetrated against Terri and her immediate blood family under the cover of law. The guilty are provided every precaution and right while, tragically today the innocent are persecuted and tortured. Yes, we are no better than Nazi Germany or the Atheistic Soviet Union. Sieg heil, comrade liberals? Gary expounds in his short essay The Atrocity Being Committed Against Terri Schindler-Schiavo
    "Qui legit, intelligat"
    In Father Louis Campbell's sermon for the Double of the First Class Solemnity of the Resurrection of Our Lord, he reminds us emphatically that we can only truly celebrate Christ's Resurrection if we accept and believe, as every Catholic must, that we are already dead to this world. Realizing this, we have no fear of what man will do to us for neither War, Strife, Famine or Pestilence can harm the soul. But those who value the world, the flesh and the devil have much to fear for the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse have already begun their gallop over this earth. Father encourages us to take comfort in Christ's victory over death and sin, to be consoled by the optimism of the Exultet which illustrates so well the fact that the darkness is obliterated by the Light of Christ - the Light of Truth which cannot be suppressed. Christ's Rays are forever to those who choose to bask in His graces for He is risen as He said. Alleluia! Father explains in his Easter sermon "Christ is risen! He is truly risen!
    Traditional Thoughts
    Editor Michael Cain provides a brief reflection for Easter Sunday. which is the Solemnity of Solemnities in the Church's Liturgical Year. Jesus Christ has, as He promised, conquered death once and for all. We are given everlasting hope for He has indeed risen as He said, Alleluia. The season of Paschaltide is replete with Alleluias in this glorious season of celebration in the Church. There is no happier time of the year. This is the true "New Springtime" which Christ established, not man and the New Order church. This follows what the True Church has always considered as the established "Civilization of Love" - Good Friday - for "no greater love doth one have than to lay down one's life for another." Abraham's Bosom has been emptied. The flowers return to the altar, white is the festive color (though gold vestments are permitted for Easter Sunday) as Cain shares a short meditation on The Most Glorious of Mysteries
    Gabriel's Clarion
    Gabriel Garnica completes his countdown in his series of reflections for Holy Week. From five wounds to four fools to three crosses to two occasions in which Our Lord's silence spoke volumes to today where first things are first. The Cross and Resurrection are One for you cannot have one without the other. There can be no Resurrection without the Cross. Likewise, what worth would the Cross be without the Resurrection? Gabriel points this out in his reflection, noting the distance between Jerusalem and Calvary were much further than between the summit and the sepulchre. This is to represent that our travails, our crosses are not the short-cut, but the well-earned merit badges of grace made possible through the Merits of Jesus Christ's ultimate Sacrifice. Gabriel explains in his Easter refelction First Things First
    From Eden to the Empty Tomb
    Dr. Thomas A. Droleskey completes his special series on Reflections of Salvation History with the Glorious Resurrection. In this special six-part series on "A Reflection of Salvation History," first introduced to our readers in 2003, and brought to you to enhance your contemplation for this holy season, Tom has taken us indeed from Eden to the empty tomb. He points out that, despite the hardships, the sacrifices, the insults, the scourging, the stripping, the nailing and hanging on the wood of the Cross, Christ proved for all time that it was worth it. Is it worth it to us? By our actions and fidelity to His teachings passed down through His Holy Church and carried out in the Sacraments, especially Baptism, Penance and the Holy Eucharist, we illustrate if we think so. If we are His loyal lambs, Christ the Lamb of God has guaranteed He will be loyal to us at our Particular Judgment. Nothing else matters for salvation is at stake. Alleluia. Tom explains in his seventh and final installment of his Holy Week series From Eden to the Empty Tomb The Resurrection
    Lex Orandi, Lex Credendi
    Kevin Tierney reprises his Easter installment on the Disciplines of the Season, having passed from Lent and Passiontide we now focus on the beauty and significance, the power and glory of the Resurrection. Yet, as Kevin points out, the Novus Ordo still doesn't get it even though they have so stalwartly preached the Resurrected Christ much more than the Crucified Lord as evident from the crosses in so many churches today that bear the Resurrected One rather than the Immolated One at Calvary. In this series simply called "Lex Orandi, Lex Credendi." He takes the reader through the Propers of the Traditional Latin Mass for the glorious Double of the First Class Feast of the Resurrection of the Lord and compares key points where once again omissions glaringly reveal themselves which once again points out how the New Order Rite expresses a Protestant mentality in so many ways. Kevin identifies the differences in The Disciplines of the Season: EASTER SUNDAY
    Gabriel's Clarion
    Gabriel Garnica continues his countdown in his series of reflections for Holy Week. From five wounds to four fools to three crosses to two occasions in which Our Lord's silence spoke volumes. For Holy Saturday, which cries out silence for Our Lord lies in the sepulchre, Gabriel offers two events which prove worthy of discussing for they follow His wisdom not to cast pearls before swine. Of all Jesus spoke, when He did not speak told us even more such as when standing before those judging Him unfairly and when the Bad Thief refused to repent. Christ's silence is a strong statement to the futility and foolishness of the dialogue dementia proposed by those who have, like the apostles before receiving the Holy Ghost, fled Christ and His Church. Gabriel explains in his reflection Golden Silence
    From Eden to the Empty Tomb
    Dr. Thomas A. Droleskey's series, first run on these pages Holy Week of 2003, has brought us to Holy Saturday - the time in the tomb - that time of suspension when souls suspended in Limbo for thousands of years were freed by Our Lord Who "descended into hell." Today all remains stripped bear for Christ is nowhere to be found. This liturgical symbolism in the Easter Triduum of Our Lord in the tomb is, unfortunately, too prevalent today in society where so many seek to dismiss Christ from their thoughts in order to continue their own sinful agendas. This is so starkly obvious with the Schiavo sadness and we encourage you to catch up on his most recent articles on this at his own site at Christ or chaos. So many are lost in the darkness and it is only through the Lumen Christi - the Light of Christ - that they will find their way. By His Death and Resurrection the new Adam has won for us - through His merits and the co-redemptrix fiat of the new Eve - His sinless Blessed Mother - the reality of eternal life in recovering what our first parents had lost.We know from the next truth of the Apostles' Creed that "On the third day He arose from the dead..." We are almost to that glorious day, but many cannot see in the darkness of this world and he reminds us that the only illumination comes from the "Light of Christ" - Lumen Christi to which we can only say: Deo gratias as Tom expounds in his sixth reflection Lumen Christi
    Quid Dicit Scriptura?
    Jacob Michael completes his five-part reflections on the Sorrowful Mysteries in helping us all better understand the scope of this week in his short series "Five Days of Sorrow." Jacob asks us to stand with Christ's Blessed Mother and His beloved disciple and the few others who braved the scourning of others to stand uncompromisingly with Him to the bitter end. The pain He suffered was bitter as Jacob describes through medical and historical facts that make it all the more remarkable He could survive for three hours on the Tree of Salvation...and all for us! Yet we can't spend one hour with Him? Perhaps we need to get our perspectives in order so that He will recognize us when we knock and say "Lord?" Few there are who want to hear,"I do not recognize you, begone." Thanks to His crucifixion, He opened that door, but we must be willing to go through it on His terms, His Divine Will as Jacob delivers a most inspiring meditation for Good Friday on The Crucifixion of Our Lord
    Gabriel's Clarion
    Gabriel Garnica continues his countdown in his series of reflections for Holy Week. From five wounds to four fools to three crosses. For Good Friday, Gabriel focuses on the meaning of the three crosses atop Calvary, lonely spires reaching to the Heavenly skies but only two felt that glow; the other, that of the Bad Thief was rooted in the soil of Gehenna for he refused reconciliation with the Son of God, despite the urging of his counterpart on the other cross - the Good Thief known as Dismas. Gabriel points out the dismal direction one will most surely take if they do not make amends and seek the loving forgiveness of God, as he explains in his special reflection Perfection, Redemption, and Perdition
    From Eden to the Empty Tomb
    In keeping with the season we continue a special retro series first presented by Dr. Thomas A. Droleskey in 2003 for The Daily Catholic readers on A Reflection on Salvation History. It stretches from Adam and Eve to the glory of the Paschal Lamb on Easter Sunday. We also encourage you to catch up on his most recent articles at his own site, specifically articles on the moral questions of the Terri Schindler-Shiavo case at Christ or chaos. For Good Friday he reflects on the everlasting impact of the wood - the wood of the manger, the feeding trough of life became the wood of the Cross - the feeding trough of everlasting life. Tom asks if we will stand with Him, walk with Him, suffer the scorn and scourgings, be nailed with Him to the Cross. Or will we cave to the crowd and join them in rejecting the One True God? How we respond could determine if we truly understand the glory of the Resurrection which awaits. Tom reflects in Part Five Behold the Wood of the Cross - Ecce lignum crucis
    "Qui legit, intelligat"
    We bring you a retro column from Father Louis Campbell's sermon for Maundy Thursday's Evening Mass in which he emphasizes importance of the priesthood on the institution of Holy Orders by the Divine Priest and the vital necessity for priests to be as pure and worthy of the call of Melchizedech that, one ordained through the most noble of Sacraments in the carrying out of Christ's charge in Mark 16: 15-16, could fulfill and increase the number of saved souls through his exemplary sacerdotal behavior. This is carried out by virtue of his vow to preserve the Sacred Traditions and Doctrines of Christ's Church and, most vital, the administration of the most Sublime Sacrament in being the alter Christus where he is the only instrument able to carry out the necessary Transubstantiation to offer to the Father the True Presence of Jesus in the unbloody propitiatory Sacrifice of the Mass. Yes, there is nothing more sublime or necessary for Catholics. The world has never understood the sacerdotal nature of the priesthood, but in its ignorance it has greatly misrepresented this most sacred vocation in which the essence is to work counterproductive to worldly goals. The very fact that the priesthood has been so viciously attacked by satan through the unprecedented assaulting of the human vulnerabilities of so many priests and their bishops who have become lax and caused grave scandals makes the road for good, dedicated priests all the more difficult. The true Church needs men who can assimilate their suffering with Christ on the road to Calvary. Why are priests so precious and priceless to the faithful and the preservation of the True Faith? Contrary to the relaxed and, often times anathematical norms of Vatican II, only truly consecrated priests can offer, on behalf of Christ, the cup of salvation containing His Most Precious Body and Blood. Father explains in his sermon "I will take up the cup of salvation"
    Quid Dicit Scriptura?
    Jacob Michael continues to apply Divine Revelation in his reflections on the Sorrowful Mysteries this week to help us all better understand the scope of this week in his short series "Five Days of Sorrow." Jacob focuses on the trek up Calvary - the Via Dolorosa - "Way of Sorrows" and how much more difficult it really was for Our Lord than anyone can imagine considering His thoroughly battered condition and the weight and balance of the beam. Jacob points out that Christ did not carry His cross alone, but allowed Simon the Cyrenian to help. So also He invites us to share our cross with Him and to share the crosses of others for if we can share the pain, we will also share in the great gain of grace. This means aiding His Mystical Body which surely needs help today as She struggles under the burden of modernism and other heresies. Jacob delivers a most inspiring meditation for Maundy Thursday on The Carrying of the Cross
    From Eden to the Empty Tomb
    In keeping with the season we continue a special retro series first presented by Dr. Thomas A. Droleskey in 2003 for The Daily Catholic readers on A Reflection on Salvation History. It stretches from Adam and Eve to the glory of the Paschal Lamb on Easter Sunday. Today on the 1,972nd anniversary of the Institution of the Most Blessed Sacrament of the Altar, Tom reflects on how "Holy Thursday is the time to enter deep into the mystery of God's love." Tom emphasizes the need to wait and watch with Christ, truly present when the bread and wine are validly confected into the Body and Blood of Christ, Soul and Divinity. Just as His Own apostles failed the test to stand with Him, so also do we time and time again no matter how good our intentions. Dr. Droleskey invites us to resolve to stick it out this time, stay with Him through the blood and guts, so to speak, so that we can truly share in the triumph of the Cross at the Dawn of Pachaltide. Tom reflects on Part Four Maundy Thursday
    Traditional Thoughts
    Editor Michael Cain continues his reflections for Holy Week as we enter the Easter Triduum and its great, divinely-ordained purpose which Holy Mother Church places so much significance and reverence on. Despite constant Vatican II and post-Vatican II documents trying to justify change in the Holy Sacrifice, the fact that the modern Church has abandoned the infallible command of Pope St. Pius V is one reason why so few Catholics believe in the True Presence today. There are many others because they have lost sight of the propitiatory nature of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. Editor Michael Cain presents a short reflection on one of the most significant feasts of the Church in Why the Holy Eucharist is the Blessed Sacrament
    Gabriel's Clarion
    Because his reflection last year for Holy Thursday was so powerful, we repeat Gabriel Garnica's magnificent piece on the True Presence of the Holy Eucharist in which he calls all Catholics to come to the defense of the Saving Victim - O Salutaris Hostia for the Bread of Angels Panis Angelicus is under heavy assault in every way as the New Order seeks to totally Protestanize the infrangible belief in the Real Presence in so many ways. Gabriel cites two saints who hungered for the Heavenly Manna and had a fire in their heart and soul to do all they could to preserve the Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity of Christ. On this day when we celebrate the institution of this most wonderful Sacrament to which we bend our knee in deep adoring Tantum ergo Sacramentum we can take time just to say thank you to Jesus for this most wonderful gift He gave us for time immemorial - His immemorial Mass in which we are privileged to re-enact His propitiatory Sacrifice on the altar in an unbloody manner. What joy should fill every Catholic heart and soul. We should never want to leave His side if we truly believe He is present in the holy Tabernacle. Gabriel explains further in his reflection The Real Presence and the New Order
    Shears and Tears of a Lamb
    As a retro treat, we bring you Catharine Lamb's excellent piece from last year at this time in which she helps us prepare for the beginning of the Easter Triduum by giving us a better perspective of the symbolism and meaning of the rituals of Maundy Thursday and why it is called such, for Maundy means Mandatum which translates to 'Commandment' and this Christ gave us with the institution of the Blessed Sacrament gifting those worthy of His graces His Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity. Catharine also gives us some insight into the Office of Tenebrae and where it originated and its beautiful meaning and customs kept alive from the monks keeping Christ company overnight to Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament in the side chapel for the faithful to keep watch. Catharine takes us through tomorrow's magnificent liturgy practiced for so many centuries by Holy Mother Church. She explains in - The Mandatum of Love
    Quid Dicit Scriptura?
    We continue to rerun Jacob Michael's excellent reflection on the Sorrowful Mysteries for Holy Week in which he continues to apply Divine Revelation in his reflections on the Sorrowful Mysteries to help us all better understand the scope of this week in his short series "Five Days of Sorrow." Jacob hopes to give each reader a better grasp of their own life and put it all in perspective. Indeed the force with which the soldiers plunged the cruel thorn-plated helmet into Christ's sacred skull would doom any man to immediate, indescribable pain and horror. Yet Christ did not give up, He did not say "Enough!" He merely remained silent as his torturers mocked and derided Him further. Talk about harassment and persecution. Think about what He went through for us the next time we feel put upon. Jacob shares some astounding medical and historical facts that make the crowning of thorns all the more horrible in scope as he provides a most inspiring meditation for Wednesday of Holy Week on The Crowning of Thorns
    Traditional Thoughts
    Wednesday in Holy Week features the Passion Reading from St. Luke's Gospel. Following up yesterday's Passion Reading of St. Mark and the reflection on these pages editor Michael Cain reminds how Judas is again one of the main players - the major culprit in betraying Christ. From Christ's time on anyone turning their backs on Our Lord or deviating from their Catholic Faith have been considered "Judases" and more so today as Cain details. Just as God gave Judas a free will, so we also have been bestowed. How we use it will determine our future. What price is it worth? There is no temporal treasure that compares with what Our Lord has promised to those who are faithful to Him and His True Church. We ask today, how many are being truly faithful in a short reflection for Wednesday in Holy Week on The Kiss of Death
    Gabriel's Clarion
    Yesterday Gabriel Garnica spoke of the five wounds. Today he continues the countdown in his series of reflections for Holy Week by sounding the clarion about the four fools, who were the most despicable jokers, all lurking and ready to pounce on Christ in the trickiest of fashions, but not taking responsibility for their dastardly deeds. Gabriel identifies the four fools as key enablers of the sorrowful Passion, equating each of these fools with a profession today and then asking us to reflect in the mirror our own actions and if we in any way personify those bad traits, to make amends for them so that, through grace and self-mortification, the faithful follower of Christ will not fall for the joker unless he falls for the folly of the four fools as Gabriel explains in his reflection Four Fools
    Traditional Thoughts
    For Tuesday in Holy Week, the Passion of St. Mark is read during the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. This is the longest of the Passion accounts, taking up two full chapters with 118 verses. Editor Michael Cain provides a brief reflection on the emphasis Mark places on two apostles - Peter and Judas. Cain shows the fine line between these two men who, despite their similarities and faults, are today on opposite ends of the spectrum - one forever praised and emulated as the first Pope and keeper of the Keys, the other forever defiled and abhorred as the unrepentant sinner. Cain shows that it is a humble contrite heart that made the difference and God extends to us today that same mercy in His refreshing Font of Divine Mercy - the Confessional through the Sacrament of Penance where, once Judases, we become Peters. Cain also points out the irony of those who consider Traditional Catholics "Judases" for not going along with the heretical novelties and instead standing by what Our Lord taught and passed on to Peter. In truth the real Judases are those who have turned their backs on the Truths and Traditions by embracing a false and new religion and synthetic Masonic-Pagan rite. They have betrayed Christ and the Primacy of Peter. Cain explains in his reflection The Tale of Two Apostles who denied Christ
    Quid Dicit Scriptura?
    We continue to rerun Jacob Michael's excellent reflection on the Sorrowful Mysteries for Holy Week in which he employs Divine Revelation to help us all better understand the scope of this week, and the unimaginable Love God has for us that He would send His only-begotten Son to die for us so that we might live. Jacob hopes to give each reader a better grasp of their own life and put it all in perspective. Indeed Christ's terrible scourging at the Pillar, so brilliantly and vividly portrayed by Mel Gibson in his masterpiece film, is really only a hint of what Our Lord suffered. And what He suffered were the lashes of our sins - from the most inconspicuous venial sin to the most deliberate and vile mortal sin. They are all offensive to God and need to be atoned for since God operates in "Trinity Time" not linear time. Jacob reminds us to reflect on this scourging and realize every time we sin or have sinned it is another deep bruise in the precious Body of Christ as he shares a most inspiring meditation for Tuesday of Holy Week on The Scourging at the Pillar
    Gabriel's Clarion
    Gabriel Garnica continues his series of reflections for Holy Week and today focuses on the Five Wounds of Christ and, just as the Sorrowful Mother suffered with Her Divine Son, true Catholics cannot help but feel the pains of the five sacred wounds if they are truly Catholic. Gabriel points out that this entails the free will to willingly embrace the Cross and share in the pain of suffering - redemptive suffering - through assimilation of what Jesus went through to a far greater extent on our human part. Gabriel identifies the correlation of each major wound with what Catholics should consider as outrage against their Lord and Savior. Gabriel takes us through the wounds in his reflective column The Five Sacred Wounds We Face
    Christ or chaos
    This series, first submitted by Dr. Droleskey in 2003 for The Daily Catholic, is an excellent way to complement your Holy Week contemplation. That is why we annually run this magnificent meditation for your reflection each Holy Week. Dr. Thomas A. Droleskey provides his third reflection on Salvation History covering the time of the arrival of the Messias and the fulfillment of all foretold in the Old Covenant, thus placing a perfect ending to the Old in establishing the New Covenant. Tom emphasizes that by emulating Christ's life and adhering to His teachings, we, as His loyal followers, are called to be a sign of contradiction. Jesus told us through Holy Writ that if they so viciously persecute, calumniate, and attack Him, how is it only evident that they will do the same to those faithful to His teachings. Tom shows throughout Our Lord's life that He invited man to either join or reject Him, but never compromised. Today we present the next installment from "Eden to the Empty Tomb" in Part Three A Hidden Life, A Public Ministry

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       We are proud to be able to provide for our readers the full Ordinary and Proper of each day's Holy Sacrifice of the Mass for the Immemorial Latin Mass in the Traditional Calendar.


    This prayer replaces the Angelus during Paschaltide

    Regina Coeli laetare. Alleluia.
    Quia quem meruisti portare. Alleluia.
    Resurrexit sicut dixit. Alleluia.
    Ora pro nobis Deum. Alleluia.
    V. Gaude et laetare, virgo Maria. Alleluia.
    R. Quia surrexit Dominus vere. Alleluia.
    Oremus. Deus, qui per resurrectionem Filii tui, Domini nostri Iesu Christi, mundum laetificare dignatus es: praesta, quae-sumus; ut, per eius Genetricem Virginem Mariam, perpetuae capiamus gaudia vitae. Per eundem Christum Dominum nostrum. Amen.

    Queen of Heaven, rejoice, Alleluia.
    For He Whom thou was made worthy to bear. Alleluia.
    Hath risen as He said. Alleluia.
    Pray for us to our God. Alleluia.
    V. Rejoice and be glad, O Virgin Mary. Alleluia.
    R. For the Lord hath risen indeed. Alleluia.
    Let us pray. O God, Who through the resurrection of Thy Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ, hast vouchsafed to make glad the whole world, grant us, we beseech Thee, that, through the intercession of the Virgin Mary, His Mother, we may attain the joys of eternal life. Through the same Christ our Lord. Amen.

    To PRINT this prayer out, see Regina Coeli

      For those who truly want to delve deeper into what the Faith teaches and what past Sovereign Pontiffs have decreed, we recommend for your vital reading to better KNOW THE FAITH in order to KEEP THE FAITH, pertinent Papal decrees which put to the lie what is being promulgated today by the Vatican II church. We strongly encourage you to read these to understand how today the modern church is in Apostasy when compared to what had always been taught by Holy Mother Church and enforced and warned as most grievous by previous Pontiffs as you'll see in CREDO & CULTURE


    For past issues this year so far, click on month of your choice below:

    all issues in January                      

    For past issues last year, click on month of your choice below:

    all issues in January                  



    The 2005 Nominations are now open for the Second Annual Good, Bad and the UGLIES Recognition

    We purposely opened the voting for this year's nominees for our prestigious TOWER OF TRENT Trophies and induction into the "Tower of Trent Hall of Honor" on the feast of St. Thomas Aquinas on Monday. Readers will have four weeks in which they can nominate the person of their choice who would be a worthy recipient.

    • The Tower of Trent Nominations will close on the Feast of Pope St. Leo the Great on Monday, April 11. Those worthy recipients will be announced beginning again this year on the Feast of St. Robert Bellarmine, also the 88th anniversary of the first apparition at Fatima as well as the historical feast of Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament on Friday, May 13.
    • For the IgNOMinious gNOMes Awards, the voting for the sorriest ecclesiastics will extend from March 7 to Tax Deadline Day on April 15 and be announced again on Monday, May 2 - the feast of St. Athanasius, who stood against the apostates.
    • Finally,for the UGLIES Awards nominees this year, voting will extend until April Fools Day, Friday, April 1, and be announced on April 27, the Feast of St. Peter Canisius, the holy Doctor of the Church who would not stand for the nonsense of today's fools.
    To get an idea of what or who you are voting for, we provide last year's awardees below. To submit your nomination/nominees for 2005 in all three categories, send the names to GOOD, BAD, and UGLIES
    For last year's charter inductees awarded Tower of Trent Trophies, see 2004 Tower of Trent Hall of Honor

    Send your choice to
    My Choice/s for the
    Tower of Trent
    Hall of Honor

    DEADLINE: April 11
    ANNOUNCED: May 13

    BAD, and

    For last year's nominees and igNOMinious recipients, see 2004 gNOMe Hall of Shame

    Send your choice to
    My Choice/s for an
    IgNOMinious gNOMe

    DEADLINE: April 15
    ANNOUNCED: May 2


    For last year's sorry awardees, see 2004 UGLIES Awards

    Send your choice to
    My Choice/s for an UGLIES

    DEADLINE: April 1
    ANNOUNCED:April 27

       With Lent in full swing, we don't need to tell you that almsgiving is one way Catholics can fullfill their Lenten duty, along with prayer, fasting and penance. Our Lord sheds tears because so many souls still do not know the Truth and are wallowing in the desert of desertion, devastation and destruction. Because of that the light of Tradition grows dimmer as the weather patterns and natural disasters grow stronger. With your donations to The Daily Catholic and Our Lady's intercession, you can help to save souls, brighten the path to Tradition, and dry a tear or two from Jesus' holy face, lest those of you, who have the Truth and have been blessed with the means to help, might have to try to explain your selfishness at your Particular Judgment. Think and pray over it as we ask you to remember this apostolate for charitable giving during this time when the dollar is stretched tight with donations to help the victims of the Tsunami, which must take priority. But if you have anything left over, we greatly appreciate any donation you can make for almsgiving is one of the practices for Lent. We count on the generosity of our readers to keep up the integrity of this publication and keep it free of all advertising and banners in providing our readers worldwide with the foundations for the Truths and Traditions of Holy Mother Church. If you can give of your love and bounty we would be most grateful.

    You can donate so simply to The Daily Catholic through SANCTUS securely with a major credit card or personal check through PayPal! Just click on the white button below and we extend a heartfelt, grateful thank you in advance for your generosity and charity!
    Visa MasterCard Discover American Express eCheck

    or you can send a charitable donation (check, cash or M.0.) by mail to:

    The Daily Catholic % SANCTUS
    P.O. Box 365, Mead, WA 99021

    When it comes to all these ungodly laws being passed by liberal judges because of the lobbying and intimidation of a small minority out to do away with the natural and supernatural order, it is wise to keep in mind the following:

    "Unjust laws are, properly speaking, NO LAWS!"
    His Eminence Saint Robert Bellarmine, Doctor of the Church

       We invite you to find out for yourself the truth as we present a compendium portal of documents on the Faith in all aspects, past, present and to come. We guarantee what you read is in full harmony with the Truths and Traditions of Holy Mother Church, and we guarantee you that if you read it all with a discerning heart you will be able to decipher the wheat from the chaff. You will better understand what the absolutes of our Faith are and not be fooled by modernism and ambiguities, no matter how cleverly they are couched. Remember satan is the father of half-truths. Read the fullness of the Truths and Traditions of the Roman Catholic Faith in the sections below.


    Copying and disseminating written material is permitted provided nothing is taken out of context and the URL and sources are credited.    For pertinent questions on this, contact the Editor