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FRIDAY-SATURDAY      September 3-4, 2004      Volume 15, no. 168

    First Friday
    First Saturday

  "The Holy Mass is a prayer itself, even the highest prayer that exists. It is the Sacrifice, dedicated to Our Redeemer at the Cross, and repeated every day at the Altar. If you wish to hear Mass as it should be heard, you must follow with eye, heart, and mouth all that happens at the Altar. Further, you must pray with the Priest the holy words said by him in the Name of Christ and which Christ says by him. You have to associate your heart with the holy feelings which are contained in these words, and in this manner you ought to follow all that happens on the Altar. When acting in this way you have prayed the Holy Mass."

Pope Saint Pius X

First Friday Devotion and the Twelve Promises of the Sacred Heart for those who keep nine First Fridays in succession.

For past issues this year, click on month of your choice below:

all issues in January

The Promise of the Five First Saturdays

"When you see a night illuminated by an unknown light, know that it is a great sign that God gives you that He is going to punish the world for its crimes by means of war, hunger, and persecution of the Church, and of the Holy Father. To prevent this, I come to ask the consecration of Russia to my Immaculate Heart, and the Communion of Reparation on the First Saturdays. If they listen to my requests, Russia will be converted, and there will be peace. If not, she will scatter her errors through the world, provoking wars and persecutions of the Church. The good will be martyred, the Holy Father will have much to suffer, and various nations will be annihilated. But, in the end, my Immaculate Heart will triumph! My Immaculate Heart will be your sole refuge, and the way that will lead you to God."

Given at the Cova da Iria on July 13, 1917


    Because the New Mass leads us to think "that truths ... can be changed or ignored without infidelity to that sacred deposit of doctrine to which the Catholic Faith is bound forever." *
    * The quote is from Cardinal Alfredo Ottaviani and Cardinal Antonio Bacci to Paul VI on September 25, 1969 in the The Ottaviani Intervention This is the third of 62 reasons which were submitted by the Priests of Campos and endorsed by the late great Bishop Castro de Mayer. Each day we will publish one of the 62 until they are all complete.

For Reason #2 see September 2.

Conversely in the True Immemorial Mass of Tradition - the Mass of All Ages:

    For thy sake the Son of God comes down from Heaven and conceals Himself under the form of the Sacred Host.
    This is just the third of at least 77 Graces derived from participation at the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass - the Mass of All Ages - the Latin Mass of the Roman Rite which was decreed to be said "in perpetuity" by Pope Saint Pius V in codifying the infallible decrees of the dogmatic Council of Trent. These graces are taken from Father Martin von Cochem's Explanation of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass with an imprimatur by New York's Archbishop Michael Augustin on June 24, 1818 during the Pontificate of Pope Pius VII.

For Grace #2 see September 2.

  For those who truly want to delve deeper into what the Faith teaches and what past Sovereign Pontiffs have decreed, we recommend for your vital reading to better KNOW THE FAITH in order to KEEP THE FAITH, pertinent Papal decrees which put to the lie what is being promulgated today by the Vatican II church. We strongly encourage you to read these to understand how today the modern church is in Apostasy when compared to what had always been taught by Holy Mother Church and enforced and warned as most grievous by previous Pontiffs as you'll see in CREDO & CULTURE

Holy Mass Propers for September 3-5

Click on the day button below for each Holy Sacrifice of the Mass
September 3 - Pope St. Pius X   September 4 - Our Lady's Saturday   September 5 - Fourteenth Sunday After Pentecost

   We are proud to be able to provide for our readers the full Ordinary and Proper of each day's Holy Sacrifice of the Mass for the Immemorial Latin Mass in the Traditional Calendar.

Click on the Feature Articles button to the right for more

Jacob Michael offers some sobering thoughts in tweaking the consciences of Traditional Catholics everywhere to consider what this 'business' of salvation truly entails. On this Feast of St. Pius X, he points out that we need to focus less on the juicy news and more on the pulp of prayer and penance in helping restore all things in Christ. He urges all to focus on if we're doing enough to keep ourselves on the straight and narrow and not worry about all the wreckage going on in the Novus Ordo establishment. It's inevitable it is going to happen and rather than looking for the carnage as ambulance chasers, let us put our minds to knowing and practicing our Faith so when the collapse does occur, we can be their with the net to help save souls, primarily our own by offering whatever we do for the greater honor and glory of God and for the souls in Purgatory. That's the essence of being a member of the Church Militant as he explains in his column Assisting in the Restoration

Shears and Tears of a Lamb
Catharine Lamb follows in the same vein as Jacob as she comes to the conclusion that nothing is going to get done while the present regime reigns for the Chair of Peter is Sede-vacation - since the pope is seldom there and when he is, well who knows what he is going to say. No anathemas have been pronounced, discipline is a thing of the past, and collegiality has taken over. If we allow these overwhelming situations to depress us it won't help our own spirituality and therefore only through prayer and penance can we expect the abbeys, seminaries and convents to be teeming with vocations again. It won't happen in the Novus Ordo no matter what novelty they come up with. Catharine advises we chalk that up and move on. It's time we're resigned to the fact that we need to know our Faith and seek to improve our own prayer life in the Traditional Latin Mass and other devotions so Catholic before the abandonment of the Faith by the Modernists. She points this out in her column Vacation Anyone?
The Sanity of Sanctity
In honor of the holy Pontiff Pope St. Pius X, the only Pope to be canonized since Pope Saint Pius V, we provide a detailed essay on his life and accomplishments for during his reign all was right within the Church. True outside and plotting were the Modernists, Masons and Communists, but due to his strong pontificate they didn't dare show their heads. One would have thought his strong decrees including the Oath Against Modernism and his encyclical on the dangers of Modernism Pascendi Dominici Gregis would have been enough to stave off what he referred to Modernism as the "Mother of all heresies," but then who would have thought Quo Primum would ever be tinkered with either. Nearly a century later we must remember the wisdom of this holy Pope and do all we can to restore all things in Christ. That begins with each one of us doing our small part. His life helps inspire us as you'll see in The Pope of the Blessed Sacrament

   This weekend we observe First Friday and First Saturday. This year First Friday falls on the Double Feast of Saint Pius X, the holy Pontiff who declared Instaurare Omnia in Christo - "To Restore All things in Christ." It is to that goal which The Daily Catholic is going to rededicate its efforts fully. In the coming weeks you will notice we will start to steer the principles of the faith to the practical application of attaining holiness in a world totally devoid of such. This slight change in emphasis is something we have been praying on over this summer and many, including several of our contributing writers, have expressed recently the need to start showing how we can live our Faith and become closer to God spiritually as well as mentally. For many it means physically as well in relocating to areas where the Traditional Sacraments are assured. That would include us here at The Daily Catholic and in the coming months we will explain more in detail, including a few new features. One will be a refreshing column titled "Heart to Heart," which is an extension by Cassie Cunningham and Sister Mary Bernadette of their popular radio show of the same name. Watch for it later this month or early October on these pages. Another will be a feature you the readers can provide by sending us information about your Traditional parish, chapel and community so more Traditional Catholics will have the opportunity to realize the possibilities of places they might want to relocate for the support of like-minded Traditional Catholics. Stay tuned for more as these features develop.

   The facts, as we can sadly see, are that as much as we have laid out the problems here, as much as our writers have pontificated and documented atrocities in the Novus Ordo and its accompanying novelties by the present post-conciliar hierarchy from the local presbyter to the pope, all hope of converting them back to the True Faith is fading fast. In subscribing to the time-honored idiom, you can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink - so also with the dried-up stubborn NO establishment of Vatican II. We can gripe all we want, but it isn't helping our own spirituality. We need to be regenerated in the Authentic Roman Catholic Faith and refuel regularly at the Font of Divine Mercy which is the confessional in order to gain the graces at the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass - the more frequent the better. That is our goal in helping more Catholics to understand the most precious gift they have - their Faith which has been so undermined by Modernism and the politically correct tolerant trash that permeates every phase of society today. The fact is there is only one True Mass that is valid: The Immemorial Latin Mass of Tradition. Any usurper of that is false and bad, and, ergo, Protestant in every way, and we must flee from any rite which contradicts Pope St. Pius V's infallible decree Quo Primum which set in stone for all time the Traditional Latin Mass. Note, the Latin Mass, often referred to as the Tridentine Mass was not created by the Council of Trent but codified once and for all as the only Mass for the Western Church as it was established by Christ and evolved largely to its present form during the pontificate of Pope Saint Gregory the Great. The synthetic man-made Novus Ordo can never replace the True Mass for it is Protestant through and through and therefore a contradiction to everything Catholic. Despite the fact that it has been perpetrated upon the faithful, they must not only forsake such a sacrilege, but seek out the True Mass. This then is what The Daily Catholic will endeavor to share with readers: Where you can find the True Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. We will strive not to get into the politics and petty squabbles between various segments of the Traditional movement for these only splinter the the unity of the Remnant Church. To quote Benjamin Franklin, no friend to Catholics, but a man of worldly wisdom, who said to his fellow Constitutionalists while trying to hold them together amidst the bickering, "Gentlemen, if we do not hang in there together, we will all hang separately." We know that those who strive to uphold the Truths and Traditions of Holy Mother Church are basically the only group where there is open season for persecution today. So be it. It is a sign that we must be doing something right in following what Christ established for all time (cf. Matthew 16: 18-19).

    And so with the school year just getting underway, we hope to educate more Catholics as to the truths of their insoluble Faith. In order to do this we are carrying again the 62 reasons to the left why one cannot in good faith attend the Novus Ordo and the 77 Graces one receives from attending the True Immemorial Mass of Tradition, and we will be revising popular series from the past including our Catechetical series which we are giving a new title: Living our Faith! Much of it is taken from impeccable Catholic sources such as Bishop Louis Laravoire Morrow's incomparable "My Catholic Faith", "The Catholic Church Alone - The One True Church of Christ" (1902), "Cabinet of Catholic Information" (1904), and "The Glories and Triumphs of the Catholic Church" (1907). And what better way to start this school year by truly understanding what it's all about - Love, the greatest Love the One Who loved us could give - Himself, carried out in His Passion and Death and so brilliantly, masterfully depicted by Mel Gibson in his film now available on video and DVD. Never has a more truly Catholic movie been made.

For the most recent articles see below
For all articles in August, see August Issue

On Gabriel's Clarion
Gabriel Garnica weighs in on the sad plight of France. This once mighty fortress of the Faith has practically lost all semblance of the sensus Catholicus. To make matters worse, the pope of modern Rome travels to one of the most holy of Marian Shrines and proclaims for all the world to hear the Masonic Creed of Liberty, Equality, Fraternity and Tolerance. To compound the anathema, he did so on the 150th anniversary of Pope Pius IX's proclamation of the Dogma of the Immaculate Conception. While Gabriel laments how far France has fallen, in reading between the lines we can see how far the papacy has plumetted since men named Pius ruled the Primacy of Peter with respect and Fear of the Lord. This, sadly, has been lost on the modern popes who prize placating man above pleasing God. Gabriel lays out the facts in his column France is Falling!
Echoes of True Catholicism
though it may look like these women are nude, they are wearing skin tight leotards while marching before the pope in 1984Note the discipline of custody of the eyes is sorely missing
The Olympics are over, though few paid much attention to all the commercial hype. For that we are thankful and many, including the editor, didn't watch any of it at all. Neither did Dr. Marian Therese Horvat and she gives an indication why by broaching a subject few talk about, but is part of the core of masculinizing women today: Sports and the short shorts they wear. Marian points out the immodesty inherent both in apparel and activities that have deteriorated to brutal combat where all femininity is removed and the absurd and obscene take over. An example is the photo above taken from TIA of women in tight, tight leotards - yes, they are covered but it wouldn't look like it from the photo above - who marched for the Pope in 1984 to his thunderous approval! The book, published by Marian and Atila Sinke Guimarães, Previews of the New Papacy, has hundreds of pictures that show the laxity in the Papacy today. This is not as it should be nor as it was just a short several decades ago. Marian bases her argument not on just her personal opinion, but on the words of vigilant popes - yes, we did have such before Vatican II allowed for the demasculization of men and defeminization of women. Today women wear leotards and suggestive wear while taking part in Papal Masses no less, so we shouldn't be surprised that the modern Vatican saw fit to place more importance on establishing a special Sports commission for the brotherhood of man rather than cleaning up the charlatans in wolves' clothing who pose as bishops, scandalizing so many and causing countless Catholics to lose their Faith and disuading anyone from converting to the True Faith. Marian shares the wisdom of Holy Fathers Pius XI and Pius XII in her column on decency in how one should comport oneself and finishes with the solid words of the Angelic Doctor. She explains the perennial moral teaching of the Church in her article Women in Sports: Natural and Unnatural Challenges to Purity
The Fatima File
John Vennari, editor of Catholic Family News, provides the latest volley in exposing the lies coming from the Modernist humanists. He is one of the chief journalists who has been at the forefront in exposing the unCatholic skimble-skamble coming from the Rector of Fatima in trying to cover-up the inevitable - an interfaith shrine at the Cova where the ugly heresy of ecumenism will be celebrated much to Our Lady's chagrin. In his signature piece appearing this month in CFN, he documents on film the facts that prove Monsignor Guerra, the Shrine Rector, is either living on another planet or is lying. You be the judge. Also, with this undeniable proof, surely Father Robert Fox of the Fatima Apostolate has to see how he himself has been deceived and come clean himself, beginning with an apology to Traditional Catholics for not abandoning Our Lady's plea when all others have. John dots the i's and crosses the t's in getting to the crux of the matter in his excellent article, which, because of its length, we are carrying only this article today so readers can take their time reading his insight and facts. As Jack Webb used to say, "Just the facts, sir." Well, that's what Vennari provides in Shrine Rector Attempts to Justify Hindu Prayer Service at Fatima

Catholic PewPOINT
Editor Michael Cain gets personal in entreating John Paul II in an open letter to prove his mettle and asking him to walk the walk. Cain points out that this pontiff has talked the talk, but not followed up with any authority; something in his capacity he must do. Cain relates his own miraculous healing at Lourdes and prays that the Holy Father will experience the same kind of spiritual healing that will take away the scales of prejudice against Tradition and prompt him to turn Holy Mother Church around by finally admitting before God and man that the experiment of Vatican II has proven to be a horrendous mistake and to continue on that path would not only be folly, it will lead to perdition. It would take a man truly of God to do that and Cain is throwing down the gauntlet to see if this Pope is truly "Mary's Pope" by respectfully, but rightfully asking him to Prove Totus Tuus To Us
Reality Check
Father Lawrence Smith illustrates why he is such a prolific writer as he contributes a cornucopia of food for thought that will make every person examine their own conscience to discover their own level of sanity in this sanitarium of dimentia called earth. He examines the demise of society and the craziness of those who write the unwritten rules that seem to dominate in a topsy-turvy world that Christ said we should never be of, but only in. Even being in this world can be a taxing exercise in futility if we are not centered in Christ and the unchangeable teachings of His Church. Father lays out the symptoms and maladies of a civilization lacking in common sense from his perspective as an inmate of Prison Earth. He presents an essay on the uncommonness of commen sense with an honest assessment for the stout of heart that one will want to read twice, three times even more. He nails the maladies in Bad News For Modern Man
The Agony of Aggiornamento
Kathy Willett Redle completes her three-part essay on the ill-effects of Dignitatis Humanae, which, of course, is the Vatican II document on Religious Liberty. Kathy devoted this treatise to respectfully challenge Novus Ordinarian priest Fr. Brian Harrison to acknowledge the barren fruits of the Vatican II tree in order that he can partake in the rich and grace-filled fruits harvested through the good tree of the Traditional Latin Mass. Kathy shows clearly why "by their fruits you shall know them" as she cites the reasons and contradictions that prove Religious Liberty is anathema. She illustrates the stark contrast between Popes Pius XI and Pius XII with that of Paul VI. She summarizes in Part Three of Truth is stranger than Fiction!
"Father, forgive them..."
Crisis Editor Deal HudsonMichael Moore loves itGeorge Sim Johnston
With our Mid-Summer Hiatus issue, Kevin takes a break from his weekly Lex Orandi, Lex Credendi comparisons of the Propers to expound on one of the problems that only compounds the problem: The drivel that drives Deal Hudson and his magazine Crisis - that self-absorbed publication battling with Envoy for most outrageous Novus OrdinArian malaprop propping up the New Order from a "conservative perspective". Kevin takes on George Sim Johnston, but the buck stops at the top and, like any publication, the contributing writers reflect the essence of what the publication says and therein lies the crisis with Crisis. It would seem Deal is not dealing with it but characters such as Michael Moore would love it for indeed Johnston's piece reads more like "Fahrenheit V2" as you'll see in Kevin's commentary How to Deal with the Crisis at Crisis
Gabriel's Clarion
Gabriel Garnica continues his multi-part series "PRIMER FOR THE PRELATES" as he continues to expose the Democratic Platform and those pushing the agenda of the Party of Death. Not that the Republicans are pure, but next to the donkey-clad ones, well, let's just say the pachyderms aren't publicans. Gabriel lists the disses so prominent in the DNC and illustrates how each dis further disturbs the sensibilities of the faithful and certainly disgusts God. It's time to dis the disses as Gabriel outlines in his fourth installment Dis is what dem Dems are all about!
Hope on the Horizon
In this issue Doug Giles, author of 'Ruling in Babylon' and syndicated columnist whose columns appear in and on his site, lays out ten reasons why pastors, priests and, yes, the United States Bishops, have been so timid and unvigilant. He points out why they have not lead their flocks in ways Our Lord wishes, but have kowtowed to the politically correct creed to placate man and political parties. Doug unabashedly sends a wake-up call for them to remember why they were called in the first place as he explains candidly in his column Pastors, Priests, and Politics
Cardinal Ambrozic of Toronto
Hot off The Remnant pages, editor Michael Matt reports yet another Traditional priest suspended by a New Order bishop. Just last month Fr. Stephen Zigrang was suspended illegally by Archbishop Joseph Fiorenza despite the fact Fr. Zigrang is one of the few orthodox Catholic priests left in Houston and it is documented that Fiorenza refused to discipline a known sodomite priest Fr. David Holley because, in the words of the ex-head of the USCCB, "with our shortage of priests, I am willing to risk incardinating him," but not a real Catholic priest who dared to bring the truth to the flocks! Now it is happening again, this time north of the border in Toronto. But this time there could be repercussions for the priest in question is Father Stephen Somerville, a retired priest who also just happens to be one of the priests Mel Gibson trusts to say Holy Mass for him on the set of The Passion of The Christ. Maybe, just maybe this will get Mel's attention of something that has long been needed and which we specifically addressed in our open letter to Mel Turn the mirage into a Miracle! in which we petitioned Mel to set up a fund for priests to leave the exile of the NOM and return home to Tradition without worrying about insurance and pension funds. This is something which a few other groups, including Brian Kopp, have recently been promoting as well. It is long overdue to make clear every priest has a universal celebret to say in Latin the Immemorial Mass of Tradition. Matt provides the correspondence, including the flip-flop doublespeak of Monsignor Perl and the utter nonsense of Cardinal Aloysius Ambrozic - the epitomé of the Pharisee in the Gospel for the Tenth Sunday After Pentecost vs. the humble Publican in Fr. Somerville. Matt's compilation shows how much the Novus OrdinArian bigwigs hate the SSPX for being, oh...would you say, so CATHOLIC!?! Read it for yourself for truly, as St. John Fisher proclaimed in the 16th Century, "The fort is betrayed even of them that should have defended it" and his cohort in martyrdom St. Thomas More's words, "I do not care if I have against me all the Bishops: I have with me the saints and all the Doctors of the Church." Amen! Read Mel Gibson's Chaplain Suspended

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Lex Orandi, Lex Credendi
Kevin Tierney points out how the fullness of the Heavenly virtues of Faith, Hope and Charity can only be attained through the divine rite. He shows how this is so clearly absolute in the Traditional Latin Mass and so maddingly ambiguous in the synthetic man-made Novus Ordo that it reeks of modernism. Omissions and denials permeate the 22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time - another novelty of the New Order expanded into the innovation of a three year cycle to further dilute and pollute. Kevin exposes the stark differences between the Church's total truths of the Traditional Latin Mass and the vulgar vernacular Novus Ordo that make it as evident as black and white. He explains in his column for the final Sunday of August The Fullness of the Heavenly Virtues are not Ordinary
"Qui legit, intelligat"
Because Father Louis Campbell has been on vacation, we present his sermon from last year on the Thirteenth Sunday After Pentecost in which he exposed the heresies so rampant today regarding the contradiction to Catholic Doctrine on the completion of the Old Testament. The Church has always taught that the Old Covenant was fulfilled and replaced with the New Testament beginning with Christ. Yet the new dogma, which is espoused in direct confrontation to St. Paul's warnings of 'anathema,' is that "the perfidious Jews" - as was always the prayer for them on Good Friday - can continue in their mistaken, heretical and damned ways despite Christ's confirmation in Mark 16: 15-16 that those who do not believe and are not baptized will not be saved. No, those who reject the Sacraments, who reject Christ will "be condemned." One could not say it any clearer, yet the Vatican II progressives seek to obliterate everything that went before 1960 and ally themselves with those who do not believe, while turning their wrath on those within the bosom of Christ who stand by the dogma "Extra Ecclesia Nulla Salus" as Father points out in his sermon "Who then can be saved?"
The Sanity of Sanctity
Father Lawrence Smith provides inspiration and encouragement in his sermon for the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Filling in for the vacationing Fr. Louis Campbell, Father Smith avers the goodness and dependability of a Mom - a Heavenly Mom who will not only always be there for us, but will lead us safely to her Divine Son. He points out that to just being Catholic is not enough to those who truly love their Heavenly Mother; we must strive for sanctity by doing what her Son tells us. In everything we know - because She is our Mom - we can trust her to steer us right. Father illustrates in his sermon Like Mother, Like Sons!
Lex Orandi, Lex Credendi
Kevin Tierney illustrates how the omissions in the Novus Ordo give rise to the canine canard that, though it's a dog-eat-dog world, Satan really isn't that relevant and therefore St. Michael, the Heavenly Choirs and Saints have very little to do in fighting for our Salvation. This is especially evident in the liturgy for the Double of the First Class Feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary into Heaven, which naturally supersedes the 11th Sunday After Pentecost. So much of the reverence and meaning of the propitiatory sacrifice and the why of the set liturgy has been cast to the dogs in the Novus Ordo. Kevin points out just a few obvious ones in his comparison of the propers for the Assumption in The Ecumenical Tail Wagging the Dogma
"Qui legit, intelligat"
Since the Twelfth Sunday After Pentecost is superseded by the Double of the Second Class Feast of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, Father Louis Campbell's sermon could deal with almost anything under the moon. But it is the moon in which he focuses for in the Heavenly lunar light he refound the foundation of his faith thanks to Our Lady and came to his senses as he shares an eventful evening he experienced; one that woke him to the reality of how much the evil one has succeeded in convincing the vast majority that devotion to Mary is no longer necessary - so 'medieval' in playing right into the Vatican 2 agenda. Seeing clearly for the first time in a long while, Father realized that the devil's deceit could not hold up in the brilliant light of the Mother of God's Immaculate Heart. Indeed, what Father, and so many others, had been programmed to consider foul could only be seen as fair for Mary is "Fair as the Moon"
"Qui legit, intelligat"
In Father Louis Campbell's sermon for the Tenth Sunday After Pentecost, he focuses on the Publican and Pharisee in today's Gospel, illustrating how the Publican best is represented in these times by the humble Traditional Catholic who seeks to please God no matter the sacrifice; while sacrifice is the farthest thing from the mind of today's Pharisees - Modernists all - who have disregarded God's signs and guide posts thinking they have a better roadmap than the Almighty. Foolish travelers, the haughty will fall just as the scriptures foretell the devil will fall while the those who humble themselves in emulating the Mother of God and calling upon her intercession will be assured of not missing the sure signs for they will follow the bright Star God has placed for our help - Stella Maris - Star of the Sea, safely guiding us to the refuge of her Son's Sacred Heart and her Immaculate Heart. It is and has long been the Catholic way of Taking the High Road to Heaven .

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    2004 Kudos and Brickbats

   We invite you to find out for yourself the truth as we present a compendium portal of documents on the Faith in all aspects, past, present and to come. We guarantee what you read is in full harmony with the Truths and Traditions of Holy Mother Church, and we guarantee you that if you read it all with a discerning heart you will be able to decipher the wheat from the chaff. You will better understand what the absolutes of our Faith are and not be fooled by modernism and ambiguities, no matter how cleverly they are couched. Remember satan is the father of half-truths. Read the fullness of the Truths and Traditions of the Roman Catholic Faith in the sections below.


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