
Double Feast of Saint Martin of Tours, Bishop and Confessor, Patron of SoldiersCommemoration of Saint Mennas, Martyr
White Vestments
Missa "Statuit ei Dominus"
At a time when liturgical honors were reserved almost exclusively to martyrs only, the Apostle of Gaul was the object, at a very early period, of the
veneration afterwards extended to all Confessors. St. Martin of Tours died at Candes
towards the end of the year 396 or the beginning of 397, after a life marked
by many miracles, and by the apostolic zeal in which he labored to root out
paganism in his diocese and to establish in it the ideals of the monastic
life. His asceticism and his simple habits did not find favor with his
brother bishops, or even with his own clergy whilst he lived, but in 397,
immediately after his death, his biography, written by Sulpicius Severus,
entirely rehabilitated his memory. This little book became a kind of gospel
of the monastic life.
Martin was born in Sabaria (now in Hungary); his father, a Roman general,
brought him up as a pagan and destined him for the life of a soldier. He was
drawn to Christianity, despite his pagan surroundings. One day, having no
money, he gave half his cloak to a poor beggar; that night he saw Our Lord
in a vision wrapped in one half of his cloak and surrounded by choirs of
angels to whom He said: "Martin, yet a catechumen, hath clothed Me with this
garment." His biographer says: "He never thought unkindly of another, and
never returned evil for evil." His shrine was as much visited during the
Middle Ages as Lourdes is now. Thousands of churches have been dedicated to
St. Benedict dedicated the first church of his Order on Monte Cassino to
his honor and desired to yield up his soul before the altar of St. Martin.
There is also a commemoration today of St. Mennas, Martyr. He was an Egyptian and a soldier in the Roman army, who was beheaded in Phrygia, a province of Asia Minor, in 304, for refusing to renounce his faith in Christ. At one time his fame eclipsed that of St. Martin at Rome.
Many miracles occurred at his tomb; mementos, little phials made of earthenware, with the image of the saint between two kneeling camels and the inscription "the blessing of St. Mennas," are found in almost all the museums in Europe. After the Eighth Century popular devotion to him declined.
Resources: We are grateful to Friends of Our Lady of Fatima for providing the Propers for the faithful. Sources: Saint Andrew Daily Missal and the Marian Missal , 1945
Missa "Statuit ei Dominus"
INTROIT: Ecclesiasticus 45: 30
Statuit ei Dominus testamentum pacis, et principem fecit eum: ut sit illi sacerdotii dignitas in aeternum. (Ps. 131: 1 ) Memento Domine, David: et omnis mansuetudinus ejus. V. Gloria Patri, et Filio, et Spiritui Sancto. Sicut erat in principio et nunc et semper et in saecula saeculorum. Amen. RepeatStatuit ei Dominus...
The Lord made to him a covenant of peace, and made him a prince: that the dignity of priesthood should be to him for ever. (Ps. 131: 1) O Lord, remember David: and all his meekness.
v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Ghost, as it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be, world without end. Amen. RepeatSimon Peter, If thou lovest Me...
Dominus vobiscum. R. Et cum spiritu tuo. Oremus. Deus, qui cónspicis, quia ex nulla nostra virtúte subsístimus:
concéde propítius; ut, intercessióne beáti Martíni Confessóris tui atque Pontificis, contra ómnia advérsa muniámur. Per Dominum Jesum Christum, Filium Tuum, Qui Tecum vivit et regnat in unitate Spiritus Sancti, Deus, Per omnia saecula saeculorum. R. Amen.
Commemoration of St. Mennas, Martyr
Oremus. Præsta quæsumus, omnípotens Deus: ut, qui beáti Mennæ. Mártyris tui,
natalítia cólimus, intercessióne ejus, in tui nóminis amóre roborémur. Per Dominum Jesum Christum, Filium Tuum, Qui Tecum vivit et regnat in unitate Spiritus Sancti, Deus, Per omnia saecula saeculorum. R. Amen.
The Lord be with you. R. And with thy spirit. Let us pray.
O God, Who seest that we exist by no power of our own, mercifully grant that, by the intercession of blessed Martin, Thy confessor and bishop, we be strengthened against all adversities. Through the same Lord Jesus Christ, Thy Son, Who liveth and reigneth with Thee in the unity of the Holy Ghost, one God Forever and ever. R.Amen.
Commemoration of St. Mennas, Martyr
Let us pray. Grant, we beseech Thee, O almighty God, that we, who venerate the birthday of blessed Mennas, Thy martyr, may, through his intercession, be strengthened in the love of Thy name. Through the same Lord Jesus Christ, Thy Son, Who liveth and reigneth with Thee in the unity of the Holy Ghost, one God Forever and ever. R.Amen.
EPISTLE: James 1: 12-18
Léctio Epístolæ beáti Jacóbi Apóstoli. Carissimi: Beátus vir, qui suffert tentatiónem: quóniam cum probátus ferit, accípiet corónam vitæ quam repromísit Deus diligéntibus se. Nemo cum
tentátur, dicat quóniam a Deo tentátur Deus enim intentátor malórum est: ipse autem néminem tentat. Unusquísque vero tentátur a concupiscéntia sua abstráctus, et illéctus. Deínde concupiscéntia cum concéperit, parit peccátum: peccátum vero cum consummátum fúerit, génerat mortem. Nolíte ítaque erráre, fratres mei dilectíssimi. Omne datum óptimum, et omne donum
perféctum desúrsum est, descéndens a Patre lúminum, apud quem non est transmutátio, nec vicissitúdinis obumbrátio. Voluntárie enim génuit nos verbo veritátis, ut simus initium áliquod creatúræ ejus.
Deo Gratias.
Lesson from the Epistle of blessed James the Apostle.
Dearly beloved, blessed is the man that endureth temptation: for when he hath been proved, he shall receive the crown of life, which God hath promised to them that love Him. Let no man, when he is tempted, say that he is tempted by God. For God is not a tempter of evils, and He tempteth no man. But every man is tempted by his own concupiscence, being drawn away and allured. Then when concupiscence hath conceived it bringeth forth sin. But sin, when it is completed, begetteth death. Do not err therefore, my dearest brethren. Every best gift, and every perfect gift, is from above; coming down from the Father of lights, with Whom there is no change, nor shadow of alteration. For of His own will hath He begotten us by the word of truth, that we might be some beginning of His creature.
Thanks be to God.
GRADUAL: Psalm 88: 21-23
Invéni David servum meum, óleo sancto meo unxi eum: manus enim mea auxiliábitur ei, et bráchium meum confortabitá earn. V. Nihil profíciet inimícus in eo, et fílius iniquitátis non nocébit ei. Allelúja, allelúja. V. (Ps. 109: 4) Tu es sacérdos in ætérnum, secúndum órdinem Melchísedech. Allelúia.
I have found David, My servant; with My holy oil I have anointed him: for My hand shall help him, and My arm shall strengthen him. V. The enemy shall have no advantage over him, nor the son of iniquity have power to hurt him.
Alleluia, alleluia. V. (Ps. 109: 4) Thou art a priest forever, according to the order of Melchisedech.
GOSPEL: Matthew 25: 14-23
Dominus vobiscum. R. Et cum spiritu tuo. Sequentia sancti Evangelii secundum Matthaeum. R.Gloria tibi, Domine In illo tempore : Dixit Jesus discipulis suis parabola hanc : 'Homo peregre proficiscens, vocavit servos suos, et tradidit illis bona sua. Et uni dedit Quinquae talenta, alli autem duo, alli vero unum unicuique secundum propriam virtutem, et profectus est statim. Abiit autem qui Quinque talenta acceperat, et operatus est in eis, et lucratus est alia qinque. Similiter et qui duo acceperat, lucratus est alia duo. Aui autem unum acceperat, abiens fodit in terran, et abscondit pecuniam domni sui. Post multum vero temporis venit dominus servorum illorum, et posuit rationem cum eis. Et accedens qui Quinque talenta acceperat, obtulit alia Quinque talenta, dicens : Domine, Quinque talenta tradidisti mihi, ecce alia Quinque superlucratus sum. Ait illi dominus ejus : Euge, serve bone et fidelis, quia super pauca fuisti fidelis, super multa te constituam : intra in gaudium domini tui. Acessit autem et qui duo talenta acceperat, et ait : Domine, duo talenta tradidisti mihi, ecce alia duo lucratus sum. Ait illi dominus ejus : Euge, serve bone et fidelis, quia super pauca fuisti fidelis, super multa te constituam : intra in gaudium domini tui.
Laus tibi Christe.
The Lord be with you. R. And with thy spirit. The continuation of the holy Gospel according to Matthew. R. Glory to Thee, O Lord
At that time Jesus spoke this parable to His disciples: "A man going into a far country called his servants, and delivered to them his goods. And to one he gave five talents, and to another two, and to another one, to every one according to his proper ability : and immediately he took his journey. And he that had received the five talents went his way, and traded with the same, and gained another five. And in like manner he that had received the two gained other two. But he that had received the one, going his way, digged into the earth and hid his lord's money. But after a long time the lord of those servants came and reckoned with them. And he that had received the five talents coming, brought other five talents, saying : Lord, thou didst deliver to me five talents, behold I have gained other five over and above. His lord said to him: Well done, good and faithful servant, because thou has been faithful over a few things, I will place thee over many things : enter thou into the joy of thy lord. And he also that had received the two talents came and said : Lord, thou deliverest two talents to me, behold I have gained other two. His lord said to him: Well done, good and faithful servant, because thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will place thee over many things: enter thou into the joy of thy lord."
Praise be to Christ
OFFERTORY: Ps 88: 22
Dominus vobiscum. R. Et cum spiritu tuo.
Inveni David servus meum oleo sancto meo unxi eum : manus enim mea auxiliabitur ei,et brachium meum confortabit eum. Alleluja.
The Lord be with you. R. And with thy spirit.
I have found David My servant, with My holy oil I have anointed him : for My hand shall help him, and My arm shall strengthen him. Alleluia.
Sanctífica, quæsumus, Dómine Deus, hæc múnera, quæ in solemnitáte sancti
Antístitis tui Martíni offérimus: ut per ea, vita nostra inter advérsa et próspera ubíque dirigátur. Per Dominum nostrum Jesum Christum Filium Tuum, Qui Tecum vivit et regnat in unitate Spiritus Sancti, Deus, Per omnia saecula saeculorum. R. Amen.
Commemoration of St. Mennas, Martyr
Munéribus nostris, quæsumus, Dómine, precibúsque suscéptis: et coeléstibus
nos munda mystériis, et cleménter exáudi.
Per Dominum nostrum Jesum Christum Filium Tuum, Qui Tecum vivit et regnat in unitate Spiritus Sancti, Deus, Per omnia saecula saeculorum. R. Amen.
The Lord be with you. R. And with thy spirit.
Let us pray. Lord God, these gifts which we offer to Thee in the solemnity of Thy holy bishop Martin, that by them our life, everywhere, may go in the straight path, in adversity and in happiness. Through our Lord Jesus Christ Thy Son our Lord, Who liveth and reigneth with Thee in the unity of the Holy Ghost, one God Forever and ever. R.Amen.
Commemoration of St. Mennas, Martyr
Let us pray. Accept, we beseech Thee, O Lord, our offerings and prayers; both cleanse us by these heavenly mysteries and graciously hear us. Through our Lord Jesus Christ Thy Son our Lord, Who liveth and reigneth with Thee in the unity of the Holy Ghost, one God Forever and ever. R.Amen.
PREFACE Common Preface
Dominus vobiscum. R. Et cum spiritu tuo. Sursum corda. R.Habemus ad Dominum. Gratias agamus Domino Deo nostro. R. Dignum et justum est.
Vere dignum et justum est, aequum et salutare, nos Tibi simper, et ubique gratias agere: Domine sancte, Pater omnipotens, aeterne Deus: per Christum Dominum nostrum. Per quem majestatem Tuam laudant Angeli, adorant Dominationes, tremunt Potestates, Coeli, Coelorumque Virtutes, ac beata Seraphim socia exultatione concelebrant. Cum quibus et nostras voces, ut admitti, jubeas, supplici confessione dicentes:
The Lord be with you. R. And with thy spirit.
Lift up your hearts. R.We have lifted them up to the Lord. Let us give thanks to the Lord our God. R. It is meet and just.
It is truly meet and just, right and for our salvation that we should at all times and in all places, give thanks unto Thee, O holy Lord, Father almighty, everlasting God: through Christ our Lord. Through Whom the Angels praise Thy Majesty, the Dominations worship it, the Powers stand in awe. The Heavens and the Heavenly hosts together with the blessed Seraphim in triumphant chorus unite to celebrate it. Together with them we entreat Thee, that Thou mayest bid our voices also to be admitted, while we say in lowly praise:
COMMUNION: Luke 12: 42
Fidelis servus et prudens, quem constituit Dominus super familiam suam: ut det illis in tempore tritici mensuram.
This is the faithful and wise steward, whom his lord setteth over his family: to give them their measure of wheat in due season.
Dominus vobiscum. R. Et cum spiritu tuo. Oremus.
Præsta quæsumus, Dómine Deus noster: ut, quorum festivitáte votiva sunt
sacraménta, eórum intercessióne salutária nobis reddántur.
Per Dominum nostrum Jesum Christum, Filium Tuum, Qui Tecum vivit et regnat in unitate Spiritus Sancti, Deus, Per omnia saecula saeculorum. R. Amen.
Commemoration of St. Mennas, Martyr
Orémus. Da, quæsumus, Dómine Deus noster: ut, sicut tuórum commemoratióne
sanctórum, temporáli gratulámur offício; ita perpétuo lætémur aspéctu. Per Dominum nostrum Jesum Christum, Filium Tuum, Qui Tecum vivit et regnat in unitate Spiritus Sancti, Deus, Per omnia saecula saeculorum. R. Amen.
The Lord be with you. R. And with thy spirit. Let us pray.
Grant, we beseech Thee, O Lord, our God, that by the intercession of those on whose feast the mysteries are offered, they may be made efficacious for our salvation. Through the Lord Jesus Christ, Thy Son, Who liveth and reigneth with Thee in the unity of the Holy Ghost, one God For ever and ever. R. Amen.
Commemoration of St. Maurice and Companion Martyrs
Let us pray. Grant, we beseech Thee, O Lord, our God, that we, who in this life joyfully assist in the commemoration of Thy saints, may hereafter rejoice in beholding them forever in Heaven. Through the Lord Jesus Christ, Thy Son, Who liveth and reigneth with Thee in the unity of the Holy Ghost, one God For ever and ever. R. Amen.
Feast of St. Martin of Tours