DAILY CATHOLIC   MONDAY    March 22, 1999    vol. 10, no. 56


To print out entire text of Today's issue,
      These Meditative Lessons on the Sorrowful Mysteries of the Rosary which encompass the Passion and Death of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ were imparted via both interior visions and interior locutions to Cyndi Cain, the Hidden Flower of the Immaculate Heart from the Blessed Mother of God during Lent in 1993. Cyndi relates that, "while I saw many details in these interior visions, only certain details were to be written down. Therefore, these lessons are not meant to be a detailed geographical or historical account, nor are they meant to pinpoint all the intricate details one might wish to have knowledge of regarding the Passion of Our Lord...for the importance of each lesson lies not in the descriptive passage or dialogue, but in Our Lady's own meditations which follow each interior vision. These meditations are meant to strengthen us in our faith during this our exile - particularly in these end times when the Holy Catholic Church will be ripped apart by apostasy and schism...for Our Blessed Mother wants our faith to be as strong as an anchor. For our faith to be such, we must have the faith of a simple, little child." During Lent we bring these to you and ask the Holy Spirit to give all the enlightenment and discernment to learn and grow from these meditative lessons that all may persevere in the time of the Great Darkness which looms ever closer. For those who would like the complete works of "It is Consummated!, as well as the books on the Joyful Mysteries - "Come, Let us Adore Him", and the Glorious Mysteries - "My Lord and my God!", and the 100 Meditative Lessons compiled in "THE HIDDEN WAY" click on BOOKS.

Meditative Lesson 8:


part three Our Lady's Meditation

          O! My Little Ones. Behold my Divine Son so meek and humble of heart. How the sight of Caiphas, already a rotting corpse, disgusted His purity. Yet my Divine Son, even during this unjust mockery of a trial, looked at the High Priest and there radiated from His holy eyes only love, mercy and forgiveness.

          Caiphas, Annas and the many assembled had only to open their hearts to truly "see," and they would have been forgiven for repentance would have overcome them.

          My Little Ones, look upon this scene and meditate how cleverly the evil one and all his demons propel you by your weak will to great sin, and blind you to Him Who is mercy and forgiveness.

          Meditate, my Little Ones, upon your own human reaction when anyone speaks against you in the slightest way. You instantly begin to speak, to defend yourself. And your defense is based solely upon pride, which is of satan. To defend yourself and prove yourself just and upright, you speak every ill of your fellow-man, and as anger and pride join forces, your defense becomes the same buffetings, spittle and abuse given my Divine Son.

          Look upon Jesus Who as God had all the power. Caiphas, the Sanhedrin possessed nothing more than pride. He, my Divine Son, by a single glance, a thought could have halted all of their transgressions.

          But He remained the meek Lamb in obedience to His Father’s Will so that in all future generations mankind might learn that in order to halt pride, to stop anger and to advance in holiness one must speak very little but pray much.

          Dear children, throughout all of His Passion, which truly began at the moment of His Incarnation, my Divine Son prayed! His entire life was an Infinite Sacrifice gladly given to the Father that men might be freed from satan’s snares.

          O! My Little Ones. Now in these end times it is necessary for you to realize that even though my Divine Son’s Gospel has been preached in every corner of the world, it is only a few who, in their hearts, have heard His Doctrine and lived it. The world has turned to evil and embraced it with open arms. Satan rules your world, every aspect of it because all of your material possessions, your bodily comforts and amusements have been your gods. You have fallen into the snare of the dragon, because you pronounce my Son’s name and are instantly drawn back to your worldly pleasure.

          Little children of my Immaculate Heart, I ask you to stand with my Divine Son and care naught for the world’s opinion. I ask you to examine your conscience and to realize how far from Him you have grown.

          You have only to open your heart, surrender your will and be embraced by Him. Even bound and chained my Divine Son wished to dispense mercy and forgiveness. Had any of the rabble sought forgiveness they would have found themselves embraced by His Sacred Heart, forever transformed.

          I am asking each of you in these end times to give Jesus your heart daily. Do this by your prayers, by fasting, by mortification, by reverence for Him in the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. Receive His forgiveness in the sacrament of Penance and then fly to His embrace in the Holy Eucharist.

          I love you. I exhort each of you to true repentance. In a contrite heart there is no fear, for then does the soul see the love of the Father where it has its eternal abode.

          Pray! Meditate. Convert your hearts, for you are called to be apostles of the end times.


March 22, 1999       volume 10, no. 56


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