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Catholic PewPOINT
Michael Cain touches numerous veins with his weekly no-nonsense, uncompromising editorials which often raise the blood pressure of many readers in his efforts to motivate Catholics to truly know their Faith and defend the Truths and Traditions of Holy Mother Church. He gets to the pulse in his commentaries.

On the BattleLine
Atila Sinke Guimarães, a foremost authority on the causes and effects of Vatican II and at the forefront in identifying the charades being proffered by the bishops and curia, exposes the revolution, providing proof that we must all truly stand with the Church Militant On the BattleLine.
Christ or chaos
Few have traversed the nation as much as Dr. Tom Droleskey who continues to crusade for the Social Kingship of Jesus Christ with articles that lay out very clearly the true Catholic way of doing things at all times. No man can serve two masters as Tom points out in his columns. It's either Christ or chaos.

Traditional Insights
Mario Derksen, coordinator of Catholic Insight, exhibits a wisdom and understanding far beyond his youthful age as he provides syllogistic arguments to illustrate how documents coming out of Rome are in contradiction to true Catholic teaching as he points out in his columns.
"Qui legit, intelligat"
Beginning in October we will be bringing you weekly sermons by Father Louis J. Campbell to assist Traditionalists in their spiritual journey. The title for these Sunday Sermons is taken from Our Lord's most revealing and pertinent words in Matthew 24: vs. 15, "he that readeth, let him understand" - words that have much more significance in these times of grave crisis.
Echoes of True Catholicism
One of the more respected experts on medieval history and Catholic culture, Dr. Marian Therese Horvat illustrates the tried and true Catholic principles necessary in every walk of life in her columns which provide tremendous insight to true Catholic thought.
"Feed My sheep"
Following what Our Lord entreats in the Gospel of St. John to St. Peter and the Apostles to "Feed My sheep", we present articles that will cause one to pause and ask if the shepherds are shepherding in proficient columns which prod our consciences to see if we are doing all God asks of us.
Pro Life Prescriptions
Dr. Frank Joseph, a Catholic physician and long one of the leading crusaders for the Sanctity of Life, keeps his pulse on the political landscape, identifying the landmines that threaten the life of Christ's most innocent ones - the unborn. Dr. Frank monitors the situation in his columns.
Shears & Tears of a Lamb
How do the faithful feel about what is happening within their beloved Church? Mom and wife Catharine Lamb, representing the everyday Catholic who loves their Faith, shares what many are afraid to say in her periodic columns.
Traditional Thoughts
We provide solid Traditional Catholic essays from respected authors that hone in on what Roman Catholicism truly is and how, through agendas today, it has been altered to accommodate the world through ambiguities, relativism, rationalism, and Vatican II-speak that does not convey the full truths of Holy Mother Church.
We provide columns by various writers who do not regularly contribute material for The DAILY CATHOLIC. These journalists are not affiliated with this publication, however we include them since their views support the Traditionalist viewpoint.
The Germs of G.I.R.M.
Dr. Thomas A. Droleskey analyzes and comments on the General Instruction of the Roman Missal in his thought-provoking series on G.I.R.M. warfare, showing the ambiguity, errors and deliberate secession from the Roman Rite observed for centuries. He shows how G.I.R.M. and the ICEL operatives have contributed to promulgating this atrocity.
In this series we feature timely essays from various Traditional sources that reliably deal with the state of the world or Church in 2002 and how the Truths and Traditions have been so greatly compromised by the Revolution.
Exspectans exspectavimus Ecclesia Dei
This on-going series incorporates various articles of orthodoxy, upholding the Latin Mass (hence the Latin title of "for long we have waited for fulfillment of John Paul II's motu proprio "Ecclesia Dei" and Pontifical Commission of the same name). It instructed the bishops to make The Tridentine Mass readily available to their flocks. And still we wait while so many of the faithful wallow in the confusion of a Novus Ordo that in no way resembles the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass.
"By their fruits you shall know them"
Articles that clearly show the difference between good fruits and bad fruits and the fact a good tree cannot bear bad fruit. Because we have had bad fruits from Vatican II, then Vatican II could not have been a good tree and therefore needs to be eradicated and generate new buds for good trees stemming from the Truths and Traditions of Holy Mother Church as practiced up until the auto-demolition of Vatican II.
White Smoke, Black Fire!
This work of fiction, presented in installment form, replicates the reality of today in many ways. It deals with the devastating effects of the revolution and the antichrist's attempts to wrest control from within the Vatican after a global catastrophic event. God raises up unlikely heroes in times like this, even just a few. It is those few who've been entrusted with saving the Church and the world. By themselves they can do nothing, but with God all things are possible. Truly a miracle is needed for the situation looks impossible as the Legion of the Basilisk advances toward the bitter end. This is an on-going on-line novel that as of December 2002 will be half-way through the book.
The Fatima File
This series follows the consequences to the world and Russia for the failure to faithfully follow Our Lady's specific messages at Fatima. Despite the spin the post-conciliar Church has put on the fulfillment of Fatima and the completion of the Third Secret, common sense, history and current events prove that the mission of Fatima has not been faithfully carried out.
Pertinent book reviews of Catholic reading by expert reviewers you can rely upon, featuring the best in true Roman Catholic literature. The imprimatur of these reviews guarantee these are Books you can book on!
Cultivating Catholic Culture
Atila Sinke Guimarães and Marian Therese Horvat, Ph.D. combine to provide faith-filled fodder for cultivating the mindsets and hearts of the faithful in sewing what is necessary to preserve and harvest Catholic Culture in the face of the revolution within Holy Mother Church.
The Sanity of Sanctity
These articles deal with the absolute necessity for all the faithful to strive daily for holiness to offset the evil that pervades society, our Church and our own homes. We know that the Holy Catholic Church reveals God's truths because He can neither deceive nor be deceived.
"Father, forgive them..."
The full title is based on Luke 23: 34, "Father, forgive them for they know not what they do." Here we provide timely articles which will alert readers to conduct and views that are not in accordance with the will of Holy Mother Church.
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