The Mission of The

The Pillars of Jesus in the Holy Eucharist and the Immaculate Heart of Mary serve as guiding beacons to steer all safely over the seas of evangelization. We use this imagery from the vision given to Saint John Bosco and the pertinent messages he received specifically for our times.

Vision of Saint John Bosco

Thus, anchored to the Barque of Peter , we invite you to come aboard the S.S. DAILY CATHOLIC - the on-line flagship publication of SANCTUS - and cruise with us daily as we discover new horizons with up-to-the-minute news, views, columns, features, devotions, reflections and articles in endeavoring to help fulfill this vision. SANCTUS is the parent non-profit organization. SANCTUS, besides being the Latin word for "holy", is also an acronym for Save All Necessary Catholic Traditions in the United States.

    The mission of The DAILY CATHOLIC is to provide content in all phases of Catholic living so readers can KNOW THE FAITH in order to KEEP THE FAITH. The DAILY CATHOLIC is in full accordance with the Infallible and perennial Magisterium of the Church and obedient to the Primacy of Peter. This publication is dedicated to the Sacred and Immaculate Hearts. You can be assured what you read in these pages is solid and trustworthy and in full accord with the Doctrines, Dogmas and Traditions of the One True Faith taught for 20 centuries. We thank you for your continued prayers and support in our on-going apostolate of reaching out to souls for Christ and His One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church in responding to His call in Mark 16: 15.

    If you can see it in your heart to send a donation to help keep this apostolate on-line, we would be most grateful for whatever you can give. You can send a love offering on our secure server by going to YES, I WANT TO HELP YOU CONTINUE TO SPREAD THE TRUE FAITH.

     For forty years the ramparts of Holy Mother Church have been ransacked and pummelled, the turrets turned in a worldly direction, the treasure of the great Deposit of the Faith greatly diminished; the liturgical legates seized and ransomed for finite goals as the Infinite is forgotten in a desert of deceit. Like the Holy City of Jerusalem a millennium ago, the infidels have captured her and hold her ransom under the sign of the new religion formed by a conciliar Church that over 40 years has slowly but steadily been deconstructing the truths and absolutes, has slowly but surely ebbed more and more toward protestantization of our beloved Church in liturgy and belief until a pan-Christian ecumenism will be complete and we will all be one in the one-world religion of the prince of darkness. We have been wandering in the desert for 40 years; failing in the surging seas of ambiguity with countless casualties of souls lost in the depths of sin and lukewarmness.

    It is time to muster the forces of right and goodness, to speak up for the rights that have been wronged. To many this may seem an impossible dream, but consider Our Lord's affirming words "With men this is impossible, but with God all things are possible"  (Matthew 19: 26). Let us follow the wisdom of Saint Augustine, "Pray as if everything depends on God, and work as if everything depends on us." The time has come to right the wrongs. The time has come for a holy crusade to recapture the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church founded by Jesus Christ and built on the Rock of the Petrine Primacy.

Below is a more realistic depiction of the great battle in St. John Bosco's dream. It was painted by Matthew R. Brooks, who heads up Art for the Catholic Restoration and is reprinted here with his permission. However it cannot be reproduced from these pages since it is copyrighted by him, with all rights reserved.

Contemporary painting by Matthew Brooks of great sea battle between the Church and her enemies in a state of virtual reality

Description of our totally Traditional DAILY CATHOLIC masthead

   We have been inundated with e-mails on our masthead and we greatly appreciate it. Because we can't possibly answer all of them right now, we want to publicly acknowledge receipt of them. For those who want a further explanation of the masthead we will briefly provide a description.

Everything flows from the Father, Son and Holy Ghost, depicted in a Heavenly glow of adoring angels above the altar. On the altar is the Tabernacle - the Holy of Holies that holds the Most Blessed Sacrament of the Altar - the Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity of Jesus Christ. Also on the altar is the perpetual vigil light along with six candles, the Missale Romanum or Sacramentary, and the three Mass cards to assure the priest changes nothing for the Mass is unchangeable.

The Holy Eucharist is a Sacrament established by Christ and cannot be altered. That is why we have returned to the Traditional look for our logo. On the altar is the felt green covering that protects the white linens on the altar when Mass is not being said.

Flanking the altar are the Two Pillars envisioned by Saint John Bosco of which this The DAILY CATHOLIC has always used as a theme. The Pillars, of course, represent on the Gospel side of the altar the Holy Eucharist confected in the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass and to the right of the Epistle side the Pillar for devotion to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Both Pillars stand above the raging waters and the only way to be anchored to them is to be aboard the ship in the center - the Altar of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass which represents the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church Christ founded.

The DAILY CATHOLIC lettering represent the steps to the altar - a boarding pass so to speak for safe passage on the rough seas of secularism, heresies, and other vices commandeered by the prince of darkness. The light above the altar radiating from Heaven guides the way.

  MAIN PAGE of the most current graphics issue

CREDO & CULTURE on the Truths and Traditions of Holy Mother Church  FEATURES & ARTICLES in our op-ed section  DEVOTION & REFLECTION section  DAILY NEWS & INFORMATION  TRADITIONAL CATHOLIC CAUSES