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       "My soul is restless, Lord, till it rests in Thee."    Saint Augustine

Prayers and Devotions
Traditional Catholic Prayers and Devotion that enhance our spiritual life and allow all to continue the beautiful prayers that so many were weaned on. For the compilation of prayers, see
The Rosary of Mary: our most powerful weapon. Click on the Rosary button to recite the full Rosary in either English or Latin.
"Qui legit, intelligat"
We are please to be able to bring you weekly sermons by Father Louis J. Campbell to assist Traditionalists in their spiritual journey. The title for these Sunday Sermons is taken from Our Lord's most revealing and pertinent words in Matthew 24: vs. 15, "he that readeth, let him understand" - words that have much more significance in these times of grave crisis. Father Louis provides the nourishment from the Gospels so that we can all understand more clearly and respond to God's Holy Will.
When you can't attend the Holy Sacrifice
There are many who, realizing the Novus Ordo is not the fullness of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, cannot attend the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass as it was always meant to be said. Therefore, we have gleaned from The Key of Heaven prayers to say at home. It is very comforting to know that the Holy Mass is offered for us even when we are not actually present. But to enjoy the benefits which it procures, we must by a SPIRITUAL COMMUNION become partakers of the altar from which we are temporarily banished. We add here that these prayers never fulfill fully our obligation and privilege to assist at Holy Mass, but serve as a necessary alternative during these times when the eternal sacrifice is being eliminated everywhere. Here we provide prayers in preparation for fulfilling assistance in absentia.
Promises of the Sacred Heart
On-going excellent work by Father Joseph McDonnell, S.J.. Catholic Family News has given us permission to reprint following their publishing of these beautiful meditations and commentaries that should encourage more devotion to the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus.


Saturday, November 30, 2002
    Double of the Second Class Feast of Saint Andrew, Apostle and Martyr

        Red Vestments.

Proper of the Saints:

Mass of Saint Andrew

EPISTLE: Romans 10: 10-18
GRADUAL: Psalm 44: 17-18
GOSPEL: Matthew 4: 18-22

see Saint Andrew

Prayer for the Feast of Saint Andrew

We humbly entreat Thy majesty, O Lord, that as the blessed Apostle Andrew was once a teacher and ruler of Thy Church: so he may be a constant advocate for us before Thee. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, Thy Son, Who liveth and reigneth with Thee in the unity of the Holy Ghost, one God, world without end. Amen.

Collect for the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass honoring St. Andrew
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