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Sacred Deposit of Faith
Herein you'll find an overview of the Truths and Traditions of Holy Mother Church, consisting of Divine Revelation in Sacred Scripture, all the major ecumenical councils, the Baltimore Catechism, the catechetical teachings of Trent, papal proclamations, and St. Thomas Aquinas' Summa Theologica.

Sacred Scripture
No study is complete without Divine Revelation of the Word of God contained in the Sacred Scripture of the Old and New Testaments and passed down through Tradition with the Latin Vulgate and translated to the Douay-Rheims edition which is the most loyal to those traditions. Therefore, we provide the full Bible available on line.

Baltimore Catechism
Many were weaned on the Baltimore Catechism which were the truths put simply and concretely in black and white. Those reared on this Catechism know their Faith and, when all else fails, we strongly urge you to return to the roots of what the Roman Catholic Church teaches without ambiguity - without relativism - without pouring through 800 pages from cover to cover.
Papal Proclamations
These are compiled proclamations by Sovereign Pontiffs from before the Council of Trent through Vatican II. In includes the landmark documents Unam Sanctam, Quo Primum, Pascendi Dominici Gregis, the Oath Against Modernism, and Mortalium Animos to name only a few.
The Ottaviani Intervention
In our effort to illustrate how Catholicism has been so protestantized and the truth kept from the faithful, we present the entire Ottaviani Intervention, a lengthy and critical letter respectfully submitted to Pope Paul VI by Cardinal Alfredo Ottaviani and Cardinal Antonio Bacci in an effort to stave off the revolution and uphold the Truths and Traditions of Holy Mother Church.
Appreciating the Precious Gift of our Faith
On going catechetical series with hundreds of installments compiled from excellent Traditional sources. all predicated on the unchanging Catechism of Trent and the Baltimore Catechism in upholding the Truths and Traditions of Holy Mother Church.
The Great Sacrilege
We present the entire book on-line. This picks up where the Ottaviani Intervention left off and the author Father James F. Wathen, O.S.J. has granted permission to publish this work first published by Tan Books in 1972. We urge you to read it because everything he wrote 30 years ago is backed by the solid depositum fidei - the Sacred Deposit of the Faith and still holds true.
Defending Catholic Truth and Tradition
A seven-part treatise and critique of the Pontifical Biblical Commission's document The Hebrew People and its Holy Scriptures in the Christian Bible. This is a comprehensive response by Atila Sinke Guimarães, translated by Dr. Marian Therese Horvat, to a document that proposes changes in doctrines and new anathemas.

Ecumenical Councils
It is vital to know the Faith in order to keep the Faith and knowing it entails knowing what has been handed down after Saint John's last word in the Book of Apocalypse. It is called Tradition and these Traditions were formed and formulated as necessary for belief by the Fathers of the Church and Bishops in the gatherings of special synods called General or Ecumenical Councils. To this point there have been 21 major councils. They are:

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