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Artwork 'I Knew You' by Shannon Wirrenga, Bismarck, ND, c 1998. All rights reserved
Artwork "I Knew You" by Shannon Wirrenga, Bismarck, ND. c 1998. All rights reserved
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Jeremiah 1: 5

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Blessed Virgin Mary on Saturday Weekday in Ordinary Time
Feast of Saint Hilary, Bishop and Doctor of the Church
and the
Observance of the Blessed Virgin Mary on Saturday.

volume 12, no. 13
January 13, 2001

The DAILY CATHOLIC's apostolate is dedicated to the Sacred and Immaculate Hearts
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      For a list of all the Features in this week's Daily issues and for our
      Archive Search Engine, see PORTS 2001

 Updated January 13, 2001 1:00 pm PST
 We recommend refreshing periodically to update the latest breaking news today
Where there's God's Will there's a Way!

   How does one find a mate for life? In today's world it can be pretty difficult, nay, impossible without trusting in God to guide you to the right person at the right time. That is the key, trusting in Him and being patient to wait until His time. It is confirmation of the addage, "the teacher will appear when the student is ready" so also "our spouse will appear when we are ready to commit for life." That is the path Cyndi Cain took in her journey to the altar, placing herself totally in God's care and allowing Him to nourish her for her vocation to the marriage state although that is not where she thought she was being pointed. But the Almighty moves in mysterious and wondrous ways and, looking back, she can see the Divine hand in all phases of her life. This is the essence of today's twelfth lesson A willingness to love and live God's Will in which Cyndi shares her story. This sensitive and enlightening series is co-written by Cyndi and Michael, who share what the Holy Spirit has inspired them to write including intimate, chasteful revelations of their own lives that have helped elevate their Conjugal Love. The entire concept unlocks the keys to reestablishing the Sanctity of Life through the Charism of Conjugal Love and, through one couple at a time, like a ripple that extends ever outward, we can change the world and eradicate the culture of death. This series will run in each Saturday issue. For the twelfth lesson, see AT ONE WITH GOD series on Conjugal Love

a cardinal's red biretta - photo from Inside The Vatican

Pope could announce Consistory this Sunday

    There is conjecture that His Holiness Pope John Paul II will make public his list of cardinals-elect this Sunday. Many thought he would make the announcement at the end of the Jubilee on the Feast of the Epiphany, but again the Holy Father threw off the prognosticators. Will he do it again? If not Sunday, the next most appropriate date would be January 25th, the Feast of the Conversion of the Apostle Saint Paul. But oddsmakers are making Sunday the choice and the choice of who will be named is mere speculation, albeit well-thought out and researched. In anticipation of this announcement, which could be the most important in John Paul's long and illustrious pontificate, the noted editor of INSIDE THE VATICAN, Robert Moynihan offers his take on who might be selected in a special to The DAILY CATHOLIC. He even offers the idea that the Pope could name more than the expected 25, which, according to Moynihan's predictions, include three from the US and only one Italian outside of the Curia. For more, see News from the Holy See          ALSO:

Pius XII Liberal Jewish Group continues relentless attacks on Pope Pius XII

    When they're not mounting opposition to President-elect George W. Bush's Attorney General nominee John Ashcroft, the World Jewish Congress is trying to dig up more dirt against the much maligned Pope Pius XII, most recently foisting into the spotlight a document from Pope Paul VI when he was the Vatican Secretary under Pius. Headquartered in New York, the WJC is a radical group of militant Jews who oppose anyone or anything that is not according to their view and they have openly declared war on the cause for Pius' canonization. Like most liberals, they ignore the facts and evidence and cling to isolated incidences to make their own judgments which they force on others. T For more, see USA News          ALSO:

St. Lucia

Nun in St. Lucia considered last martyr of the Jubilee after being brutally murdered during Holy Sacrifice of the Mass

   The ZENIT News agency revealed Friday that thanks to the kindness of a New York pastor, twelve people are getting proper care in the aftermath of a horrendous attack on a group of Catholics on the Carribean island of St. Lucia where an elderly nun Sister Theresa Egan was brutally murdered during the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass on New Year's Eve. The culprits were the members of a radical Rastifarian sect who claimed they had a vision that they were to attack the Catholic Church. Because Monsignor Michael Wrenn from St. John the Evangelist parish in Manhattan heard about it and since he had gotten to know several of the people, including Sister Egan, while spending a few weeks in St. Lucia, he decided to take action and see that those injured, including Eucharistic Minister Victor Reyes whom the Msgr also knew, be given proper medical care even to flying them to New York. For more, see Universal News          ALSO:

For More Daily News, we recommend the following available news sources:

  • CBN News
  • AIM - Accuracy in the Media
  • All the above News Agencies are not affiliated with the DAILY CATHOLIC, but the DAILY CATHOLIC provides this service to keep our readers up-to-date with what's truly happening in our world, especially considering all the misinformation the secular media circulates.

    Feast of Saint Hilary, Bishop and Doctor of the Church

        Today is not only Weekday in the First Week in Ordinary Time, but also the Feast of Saint Hilary, Bishop and Doctor of the Church. It is also the First Observance of the new Church Year of the Blessed Virgin Mary on Saturday. For more see, Daily LITURGY
    Green or White vestments
    SATURDAY January 13:
    Weekday/Feast of Saint Hilary and Observance of the Blessed Virgin Mary on Saturday
    First Reading: Hebrews 4: 12-16
    Psalms: Psalm 19: 8-10, 15
    Gospel Reading: Mark 2: 13-17

    Opening Prayer for Today's Mass honoring Saint Hilary

      O God, Whose Only-begotten Son appeared in the substance of our flesh: grant, we beseech Thee, that by Him, in Whom outwardly we recognize our likeness, we may deserve to be inwardly created anew. Who liveth and reigns, with God the Father in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God without end. Amen.

       Mark 2: 16-17

    "And the Scribes and Pharisees, seeing that He ate with sinners and publicans said to His disciples, 'Why does your Master eat and drink with publicans and sinners?' And Jesus heard this, and said to them, 'It is not the healthy who need a physician, but they who are sick. For I have not come to call the just, but sinners.'"

    Fr. Al Svobodny, OMI 78 years dedicated to God

       Today is the 78th birthday of a very special priest, the Spiritual Director for The DAILY CATHOLIC and it's parent ministry MIR-A-CALL Center - Father Al Svobodny, OMI. It was at the age of 33, the same age as Jesus Christ Whom Fr. Al has always emulated, that this editor was first guided by this holy priest now in the autumn of his years and suffering from macular degeneration of his eyes. But the eyes of his soul are as clear as ever and, though he is in semi-retirement after being responsible for populating the Oblates of Mary Immaculate in the United States as Vocation Director, including helping to recruit Cardinal Francis George, OMI and Archbishop Roger Schweitz, OMI, Fr. Al continues to stay busy welcoming retreatants at Christ the King Retreat Center overlooking Buffalo Lake just northwest of the Twin Cities. His loving and warm sense of humor draws people to him like a magnet and the mirror of his goodness reflects back to all he meets. For other Time Capsule events that happened Today in Church history, see Daily TIME CAPSULES in Church History

    Pleasures are indeed good when they aid the soul

       They say a picture is worth a thousand words, but the words of Bishop Fulton J. Sheen have been known to launch a thousand images in one's mind, one of the ways this late luminary did so much to evangelize the faith. Because of the urgency of the times and because few there are today who possess the wisdom, simplicity and insight than the late Archbishop who touched millions, we are bringing you daily gems from his writings. The good bishop makes it so simple that we have dubbed this daily series: "SIMPLY SHEEN".

      "One cannot talk with the mouth full. Our thinking processes are impeded in direct relation to the intensity of the exercise of our sensible satisfactions. The more intense the sensible reaction, the less the concentration of thought. This is the basis for two important truths: first, lust does, as Scripture says, impede the spirit and the mind. The second is that the pleasures of the body do play an important role in aiding the soul. It is this very power of relaxation attached to sensible pleasure which proves such a boon; it rests our soul, and when pleasure does that, it is really pleasurable."

    The Gospa's message for December Monthly Medjugorje Message for December 2000

    NOTE: We respectfully recognize and accept the final authority regarding apparitions, locutions and prophecies presently being reported around the world rests with the Holy See of Rome and the Magisterium of Holy Mother Church to whose judjment we humbly and obediently submit. For more Our Lady's Christmas message for December and more on Medjugorje, see MEDJUGORJE AND MORE

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