April 30, 2001
volume 12, no. 120

Events throughout Church History that occurred on April 30th

  • 311 A.D.
  • Roman Emperor Galerius issues the first edict of toleration for Christianity ending three centuries of terrible persecutions.

  • 1250 A.D.
  • Saint Louis IX, King of France, ransoms his crusaders and himself in a deal with the Saracens at Daimetta, allowing the freed troops to go to the Holy Land.

  • 1492 A.D.
  • Christopher Columbus receives his commission for exploration of the New World from Queen Isabella of Spain.

  • 1623 A.D.
  • Birth of Franaois de Montmorency Laval who would go on to become the first Bishop of Canada.

  • 1774 A.D.
  • Pope Clement XIV issues his fourth and final encyclical proclaiming the universal jubilee for 1775 in his Salutis nostra. He would not live to see the Jubilee year, being poisoned in September of 1774.

  • 1841 A.D.
  • The encyclical Quas vestro is published by Pope Gregory XVI on this date. It was aimed at the bishops of Hungary regarding mixed marriages.

  • 1902 A.D.
  • Pope Leo XIII releases his 80th of 84 encyclicals during his long reign, Quod votis addressed to the bishops of Austria on the proposed Catholic University there.

  • 1921 A.D.
  • Nineteen years to the date, Pope Benedict XV issues a similar encyclical In praeclara summorum aimed at professors and students of fine arts in Catholic institutions of learning. It focused on Dante and his works.

  • 1926 A.D.
  • Benedict's successor Pope Pius XI released his eighth encyclical called Rite expiatis which dealt with Saint Francis of Assis.

April 30, 2001
volume 12, no. 120
TIME CAPSULES in Church History
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