UPDATE: First of all I want to thank all those who have expressed their prayers and are having Holy Masses said for my healing of the cancer that presently afflicts me. I must admit I've been quite weak and tired, a result of the cancer and meds. It's one reason I haven't been able to keep up with answering emails. Thank you for writing and I don't know when I'll be able to respond, but I truly appreciate your caring. It means a lot. I have a petscan that will clarify if any of the cancer has spread to other parts of my body, but to my knowledge it is only in the upper lobe of my left lung. That's why I am confident that in God's time and through His grace, I'll make it through the radiation, meds and possible chemo. During this time I am so grateful to a dear friend Mary Beth who has so charitably taken over doing the daily tweets and facebook posts since my time at the computer is now so limited that I can't sit for more than five minutes or so before my feet and legs swell up. I must elevate my legs and feet above my heart since I also had a heart stent inserted last year, but still have poor circulation in the feet and ankles. Unfortuntely, there is no way to lift my legs higher at the computer desk. But enough about me, we have a full September edition below in bringing you the daily liturgy as always along with more on each saint/feast along with a corresponding daily sermon by a traditional bishop or priest for your edification and inspiration. We also continue honoring Our Lady each day with one of her many titles around the world in this 100th Anniversary year of her Fatima apparitions that are so important as a guide in what we must do, first to attain Heaven by following all the tenets of the true Church her Divine Son instituted, and secondly, to save souls from the world, the flesh, and the devil. It is part of the narrow path every Catholic must choose as opposed to the wide one strewn with roses that leads to perdition. That is why each day we pray for souls to receive the grace to truly see what is Catholic and to cling to the true Ark of Salvation which alone, today, is the Traditional Catholic movement as opposed to the majority CONciLIAR church that calls itself Catholic. Be not deceived. See for yourself below in the Overview for September on the holy saints and feasts we celebrate this month at Devotion & Reflection Links and the trusted Traditional Catholic Resource Links. Trusting always in the Sacred and Immaculate Hearts,
Michael Cain, Editor, DailyCatholic
For the Liturgy and Sermon for each day of September, choose the respective week below.