Jan 1         Jan 2          Jan 3          Jan 4          Jan 5         Jan 6
Within the Octave of the Feast of the Epiphany

White vestments
Mass is the Missa "Ecce advenit Dominator Dominus"

updated: January 6,      7:50 p.m., CST

  • Gabriel Garnica asks if you're comfortable enough. If you are then you had better listen up for you may not be as comfortable as you think. He points out that the more comfortable you may feel in your way of life with all its modern conveniences, the more you should worry for you are being lulled into a false sense of security as he emphasizes in his column for today's issue: Comfort and The New Order.
  • WEDNESDAY      January 7, 2004      Volume 15, no. 7
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    Tomorrow is also a Feria Day - the same Mass with no Credo or special Communicantes. White vestments. Mass is the Missa "Ecce advenit Dominator Dominus"


    of the


    We want to build a Traditional Roman Catholic community where people everywhere can attend the True Mass when visiting the Branson area. However this is impossible without an Authentic Roman Catholic priest. Therefore, we are letting it be known that we are praying, if it be God's Will, that a priest will decide he's had enough of the New Order Mess and seek to return to the rite, right and reverence of True Catholicism by saying the Latin Mass daily. Right now all we could provide unless we receive donations to supplement a priest, are accommodations. If you know of a priest who might feel called to say the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass on a regular basis in the beautiful, scenic Tri-Lakes area of Ozark Mountain Country in Southwest Missouri and would be available to relocate, please contact us at Need Traditional Priest
    The Catholicity of Tolkien's "The Lord of the Rings" Trilogy
    Have you seen the three films on "The Lord of the Rings" trilogy? The most recent masterpiece by Director Peter Jackson brought Tolkien's epic to a magnificent conclusion and sheds great hope for Catholics everywhere. Editor Michael Cain's commentary yesterday focused on the uncompromising Catholic analogy Tolkien intended in his literary treasure of the struggle of Middle Earth, seen very clearly as the Church Militant. Cain feels he was really only scratching the surface in delving into each character and location of the three books. If you see more analogies, please let us know and we'll share it with our readers. Send it to Editor   For his commentary yesterday, see Tolkien the Prophet!

       Because in times of confusion such as now, we are guided by the words of Our Lord: "By their fruits you shall know them." Fruits of the New Mass are: 30% decrease in Sunday Mass attendance in U.S. (NY Times 5/24/75), 43% decrease in France (Cardinal Marty), 50% decrease in Holland (NY Times 1/5/76). *
      * As we know the statistics have only grown worse, which is inevitable from the barren tree of Vatican II. Not that the Vatican was not warned of this catastrophe; see The Ottaviani Intervention This is the seventth of 62 reasons which were submitted by the Priests of Campos and endorsed by the late great Bishop Castro de Mayer. Each day we will publish one of the 62 until they're all complete.
    Conversely in the True Holy Mass of All Ages:

       For thy salvation He performs - through the alter Christus- on the altar the same act of worship He performed when on earth.
      This is just the seventh of at least 77 Graces derived from participation at the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass - the Mass of All Ages - the Latin Mass of the Roman Rite which was decreed to be said "in perpetuity" by Pope Saint Pius V in codifying the infallible decrees of the dogmatic Council of Trent. These graces are taken from Father Martin von Cochem's Explanation of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass with an imprimatur by New York's Archbishop Michael Augustin on June 24, 1818 during the Pontificate of Pope Pius VII.

      For those who truly want to delve deeper into what the Faith teaches and what past Sovereign Pontiffs have decreed, we recommend for your vital reading to better KNOW THE FAITH in order to KEEP THE FAITH, pertinent Papal decrees which put to the lie what is being promulgated today by the Vatican II church. We strongly encourage you to read these to understand how today the modern church is in Apostasy when compared to what had always been taught by Holy Mother Church and enforced and warned as most grievous by previous Pontiffs as you'll see in CREDO & CULTURE



    The entire thrill-packed suspense novel on the fight to preserve the True Faith and the world against the nefarious Legion of the Basilisk is now on-line

    Gabriel's Clarion
    In Gabriel Garnica's column today he continues on his treatise pointing out the alarming aspects of The New Order. Today he focuses on the comfort level which indeed over 40 years has made so many comfortable in their comfort zones that they never want to go back to the way it was in "the good ol' days" - read the Latin Mass and the uncompromising absolutes of Holy Mother Church. This is sad, but what is even sadder is that the more they seek comfort and convenience, the farther away they venture from what Christ intended for us all. Couch potatoes listen up to the wisdom he imparts in his column Comfort and The New Order .

    Qui legit, intelligat
    In Father Louis Campbell's sermon for the Double of the First Class Feast of the Epiphany, he reiterated how regal men of great wealth bowed and knelt before the greatest of Kings exemplifying what all others must do. Father points out that Herod and his dynasty of seven members was no 'coincidence' but part of Divine prophecy. Herod was an 'Idumaean' - a hybrid if you will - which means 'red' and could very well refer to the Red Dragon of the Apocalypse. Father equated the Herods in the Church today who persecute the innocent - read Traditional Catholics - in slaying the unchangeable tenets of the True Faith. Like the desert of the Apocalypse we can only pray that it will swallow the river of denial and heresies that has flooded so many souls and, with the help of the Woman - the Blessed Virgin Mary - restore Christ's Mystical Bride - His holy Church. Come, Let us Adore Him.
    Catholic PewPOINT
    On the Feast of the Epiphany editor Michael Cain focused on the King, not just on the Child King in the manger to Whom the Three Wisemen traveled to adore, but "The Return of the King" as in the epic by J.R.R. Tolkien which, thanks to the perseverance of Peter Jackson, will now be forever embedded on the silver screen in all the glorious imagery the master storyteller intended. Cain delved even deeper for he sees an underlying theme within the Trilogy which speaks not of mythology but of a chronology of the True Faith as he detailed his own discernment on each character and place in "The Fellowship of the Ring," "The Two Towers," and "The Return of the King." He shared with the reader the hope that no matter how devastating the situation becomes in the months and years ahead, we can always depend on what our Catholic Faith teaches. Tolkien has so cleverly contained a compendium of the Faith within his majestic masterpiece of the "The Lord of the Rings" that Cain deduced the greatest storyteller of the 20th Century was not just a master word wizard, but a seer of what lay ahead. Cain explained in his breakdown of the characters and scenes in his commentary Tolkien the Prophet!.

    Gabriel's Clarion
    In Gabriel Garnica's column he sounded the clarion of a very deadly virus alert that can infect us all. It is so devious and most of the time, unless we are grounded in our Faith, we won't have a clue until it's too late. Just as a computer virus can wipe out a computer's memory, the New Order is trying to wipe out our memories of what God wants us to remember. We need virus protection from this very clever and very deadly virus. That protection? It's called grace and wisdom! The password: Faith! Gabriel outlined the symptoms and what to be on the lookout for in his column VIRUS ALERT! The New Order As a Worldwide "Virus".
    Ron and Kirstie Finster continued with their on-going series on the Third Secret of Fatima as they delved deeper into the meaning of the 'killing' of the "Bishop in White." As they have pointed out in previous installments, the "Bishop" in question is most probably not the Pope, but rather Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre who was 'killed' by being cut off from the Mystical Body of Christ. In effect, the Finsters showed, however that it was not the man - but Christ Who is crucified anew because of the separation of Tradition and Pope for when the latter 'cut off' the Archbishop, he also cut off Tradition. The fact remains Tradition cannot do without the Pope and likewise the Pope cannot do without Tradition as the Finsters explained in Part Four of their series: The Crucifixion of the Body of Christ?.
    Defending Tradition!
    Mel Gibson has bravely withstood the slings and arrows flung at him over his bold, genius task of making the greatest film on Christ and His Passion ever. Earlier attacks have proved to backlash against the attackers of Mel and his work because truth always rises to the surface. Yet they continue to try to deceive. One such example is AP writer Rachel Zoll's article on December 27th in trying to 'expose' Gibson as an 'unfaithful Catholic'. Dr. Thomas A. Droleskey completely refuted this in As Hostile to the Truth Now as in the First Century

    Qui legit, intelligat
    In Father Louis Campbell's sermon for the Double of the Second Class Feast of the Most Holy Name of Jesus, he elaborated on the beauty and treasure of this wonderful, holy Name that is above all others. Sacred Scripture and Holy Mother Church express this so beautifully, and yet today His Holy Name is profaned so. Father points out that one way to reverse the trend is for True Catholics to bring back the reverence and to place the monogram emblem IHS above the doors of our homes as he pointed out in his sermon Sunday Blessed be His Holy Name

    Recent Previous Features:
    John Vennari, editor of Catholic Family News and one who was actually present at the now infamous Fatima Conference this past Fall issued a blatant rebuttal statement to the irresponsible journalism of ZENIT and the double-speak of those prelates who should be trustworthy, but have long ago foresaken Catholic doctrine and the wisdom of the Church and her Supreme Pontiffs. For John's Rebuttal, see Rebuttal Statement from John Vennari on ZENIT's 'Fatima Report'
    When sleeping dogs like the Rector of Fatima and the President of the Pontifical Council for Interreligious Dialogue lie, they really lie. In trying to divert the obvious attention away from their hidden agendas, they do what any deceiver would do, blame someone else. Who? Who better than Father Gruner? He's the Vatican's favorite whipping boy. While every abuse in the world goes on under these curiouser and curiouser (as Lewis G. Carroll would put it) curial canines' noses, they ignore the stench of their own scent and blame the one who is trying to clean up all the excrement over these past 40 years. Editor Michael Cain fired back on this Hot Issue with his tongue-in-cheek title Blame Father Gruner!.
    Ron and Kirstie Finster, in their on-going series on the Third Secret of Fatima, took a most fascinating look at the Psalms 55-57 to which the vision released by the Vatican appears to direct us by the use of the phrase "bullets and arrows." In striving to grasp a correct understanding of the meaning hidden within these psalms, they turned to St. Augustine of Hippo who wrote extensively on the psalms over 1,500 years ago. Oh what prophetic words David penned that apply most especially today when Tradition is so under assault by those very ones who were weaned on the Faith. For their interesting take in a follow-up to their first two installments, see Saint Augustine and the Psalms.
    Father Moderator separates the wheat from the chaff with no-holds barred candidness in keeping the faithful abreast daily with feedback and comments of all that is happening in the Church today. Besides the best available list of Latin Masses throughout the country, he tells it like it is, never pulling punches in punching holes in all the charade that is the Vatican II church as you'll see in Traditio.com

       We invite you to find out for yourself the truth as we present a compendium portal of documents on the Faith in all aspects, past, present and to come. We guarantee what you read is in full harmony with the Truths and Traditions of Holy Mother Church, and we guarantee you that if you read it all with a discerning heart you will be able to decipher the wheat from the chaff. You will better understand what the absolutes of our Faith are and not be fooled by modernism and ambiguities, no matter how cleverly they are couched. Remember satan is the father of half-truths. Read the fullness of the Truths and Tradtions of the Roman Catholic Faith by clicking on any of the bars below to go to that particular section.

    Copying and disseminating written material is permitted provided nothing is taken out of context and the URL and sources are credited.    For pertinent questions referring to this, contact the Editor