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ARCHIVES of FEATURES Listed alphabetically
The Straight Stuff Griff Ruby completes his three-part series on clarifying graces and whether grace is possible outside the Church. Today he further cements his brilliant thesis he has been developing on Lumen Gentium. Using the analogy of the apple and the degrees of color, Griff explains how any arguments to explain away the meaning of subsists in turn into applesauce mush. We might use the same analogy of the good apple and the bad apple for the latter, having been infected with the poison of Lumen Gentium at its entry point, the entire conciliar apple - no matter its redness or hue - has spread to every fiber of the newchurch. But then, we know what Our Lord says about the good fruit and what will become of the bad fruit. We just hope and pray more souls will realize and not take a bite out of the conciliar apple for it is rotten to the core. Griff lays out the logic in his excellent essay that provides even more clarification for the reader to realize how the bad apple has spoiled. He explains in his final installment with part three: Grace and the Subsistent Superchurch
"Qui legit, intelligat" In Father Louis Campbell's sermon for the last Sunday of October - the Feast of the Kingship of Jesus Christ - he applies the magnificent and totally Catholic encyclical of His Holiness Pius XI Quas Primas in the clearest explanation possible on the necessity for every nation to recognize Jesus Christ as their Sovereign King. Conversely, Father shows how this has been undermined by the conciliar church over the past 40 plus years to transforming the purpose of the feast from its established position of the last Sunday in October as the Holy Father decreed for all Catholics 80 years ago on December 11, 1925 to where newchurch made the last Sunday in Pentecost - the gazillionth in ordinary time - as just another ordinary Sunday called Christ the King before Advent. So insipidly did they do this that the majority of the faithful had no clue that the change not only transformed the purpose Pius had intended, but intimated a new thinking that modern man doesn't need a king. Father cites Pope Leo XIII, St. Paul and Christ Himself in showing the folly of the modernists as he explains in his sermon.
All Honor, Praise and Glory
Gabriel's Clarion With All Hallows Eve just around the corner, the true purpose of this day has been twisted into a secular, pagan even satanic day. Gabriel Garnica shows how just has this day has been turned upside down, so also the devil campaigns to devalue values and mock morals by elevating evil to be a goal people should seek after and to celebrate, even flaunt. As we have said so often it is not good to mock God and in blatantly disobeying His Laws and ridiculing the sacred hopes for so many souls are going up in smoke. Gabriel shows the analogy of smoking and sodomy and how the former is considered a mortal sin by the secularists and the latter is considered a right where all others have no rights. We know Who is right and Gabriel points out who we should really fear - those who can kill the soul. He explains in his column The Scariest Scenario
Reality Check Father Kevin Vaillancourt provides a poignant piece that refutes the false hopes of conservatives and neo-traditionalists who buy into the idea that Benedict XVI is going to return the church of Rome to more traditional foundations. Those expecting such a fantasy truly do not know their Roman Catholic Faith nor what the infallible, perennial Living Magisterium of the Church teaches for what Paparazzi has been promoting - not just as Benedict now, but well before as a peritus at Vatican II and then head of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith flies in the face of tradition for, by his own admission, Ratzinger is still the liberal he always was, but because so many have been dumbed-down to accept the heresies of modernism, he is made to seem like a traditional man. Nothing could be farther from the truth as Father Kevin explains in his article first published in The Catholic Voice in June. We share with you his essay
By What Title Shall He Be Called?
Mass Confusion With that pagan holiday blaring its presence this week culminating in the day of the devil next Monday, John Gregory hammers home what really has haunted so many over the past 40 years: Vatican Two. One of the mechanisms for haunting souls into believing ghost stories not of the True Spirit but of a spooky synthetic synergy was the V2 document Sacrosanctum Concilium on the Sacred Liturgy. At least back in 1963 it was still sacred until the Council and Paul VI got their grimy hands on the sacrosanct. 42 years later we can clearly see how they have turned what once were holy churches into haunted houses. John dissects this dastardly, spooky document in part to show just how scary it was and has proven to be: the devil in the details. He makes his points in commentary on the conciliar document with TRICK or TREAT or THREAT!
Gabriel's Clarion Gabriel Garnica brings home the point that close only counts in the game of horseshoes, never in gambling for souls and that is the risky business of those who emit toxic influences by writing half-truths and twisting the Faith to suit their lifestyle with little regard for God's Will or His Laws. Gabriel points to four specifically guilty of this, one non-Catholic and three who claim to be 'Catholic' but by their words and deeds show only too clearly they are anything but - not even close whether it be horseshoes or salvation. Gabriel exposes these charlatans and identifies the middle ground of demonic compromise they choose as their pulpit and the obvious subjectivity of radical, progressive, pagan and pathetic rationale for spewing their swill. He wouldn't advise horseshoes as a hobby for these goats because they've already shown only too well that they wouldn't even be close since they have missed the mark where it truly counts - with God. Gabriel explains in his column Faith is Not Horseshoes
Making Sense of Sensus Catholicus
Father James F. Wathen, the pioneering traditional author of The Great Sacrilege, presents a follow-up on why God allows evil to permeate the world, why He does not strike every evil person in their tracks. The life each person given is a short tenure on this earth. That person has been deigned from all eternity to be happy with God forever. But in order to do, he must love God and strive to obey Him and the laws He has established for salvation - available only through the sacramental graces of the vehicle He founded - the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church. Because evil has given a fair platform, man is embroiled in a chess game in which his moves are dictated by his free will. If he so chooses to make the wrong move, that is man's consequences, not God's. Those consequences can be minor or major depending on the degree of disobedience and pertinacity. We need to be aware of the strategy of the devil or we can wind up being checkmated for all eternity. Father explains in his essay on Further Thoughts on the Problem of Evil
On the BattleLine Atila Sinke Guimarães
weighs in with his opinions of the charade going on between the conciliar church of modern Rome and the Communist People's Republic of China in which hypocrisy and apostasy are so apparent. It is all part of the bitter fruits of the Pact of Metz, all part of the abandonment of the apostolic universal mission to go into the world and preach the gospel to every creature. Sacred Scripture and Holy Mother Church have always taught that those who believe and are baptized into the Church Christ founded would be saved, those who do not will be condemned. From Atila's account of what the Vatican II church is doing, this no longer applies. Ergo, since this is directly contrary to all the truths which the Holy Catholic Church teaches and Christ can neither deceive nor be deceived, the church of modern Rome is an anathema as St. Paul has affirmed in Galatians 1: 8-10. There is no rhyme nor reason to what this two-headed dragon of modern Rome and Red China are doing in raising their ugly heads in persecuting and selling out the faithful and Taiwan except to be cooperators with the devil, not to mention mammon - personified in the atheistic communist government and policies of Red China and the corruption of the conciliar church. Can you say Betrayal of Christ? As Cardinal Theodore McCarrick proved only too well last week in so blatantly falling all over himself to praise Red China, now we know the true significance of the color these cardinals wear. Atila, in his Bird's Eye View at Tradition In Action, documents the obvious signs with his column
The Disastrous Cost of Vatican Ostpolik with China
The Straight Stuff Griff Ruby continues his three-part series on clarifying graces and whether grace is possible outside the Church. Today he dissects a key part of the conciliar decree on Ecumenism Unitatis Redintegratio in showing how the Vatican Council fathers eschewed the dogma of Extra Ecclesiam Nulla Salus by proclaiming a new doctrine that through dialogue it is now possible to confirm heretics in their errors. This demonstrates and documents the intended ramifications of Lumen Gentium's infamous "subsists in" phrase that changed and denuded the entire visible structure of the Church. Now that all manner of schismatics, heretics, and pagans are themselves declared to be part of the Church equal to the Vatican as souces of Truth and Grace, why not engage in all manner of Communicatio in Sacris with them? Why bother to convert them at all when friendly dialog and spiritual fellowship is enough?"
As we can clearly see, dialogue has proved fruitless as the conciliar church has sought over these last 40 years to accommodate and placate the heretics rather than converting them as Christ commanded in Mark 16: 15-16.
In patronizing Protestant and pagan, the conciliar church, masquerading as the Catholic Church, has foisted the errors of Unitatis Redintegratio on unsuspecting souls who think they no longer need to convert for salvation. He explains in part two: Grace and the Decree on Ecumenism
"Qui legit, intelligat" In Father Louis Campbell's sermon for the Twenty-Third Sunday After Pentecost, he reminds us of the simplicity of faith of those whom Our Lord heals in today's Gospel of St. Matthew, for Christ is the Calm before the storm and the storm is the wrath of God generated because of man's refusal to heed God's Word. From Sacred Scripture, specifically the Psalms, we know only too well that those who do not strive to love God and do all they are asked by God and the Church Christ founded, have little or no chance of being happy with Him in eternity. That is why storms come: to remind man of his sins so he will repent and amend his life. The natural is employed to remind man of the supernatural. Today's society best represents those the Apostle Paul speaks of in his Epistle to the Ephesians for today's Mass. They are enemies of the Cross of Christ, their god is embodied in the world, the flesh and the devil. These, sadly are today's 'heroes' who lead so many astray and cause scandal. If we choose to follow them, we will stray further from our ultimate goal which is to strive after Christ and His everlasting kingdom. Those who do so are the heroes we must follow; such heroes as the saints who eschewed the wide path of the world and chose the narrow, tough, demanding path filled with thorns. They made it through unscathed grace-wise. If they have made it, so also can we - if we have but the faith of a mustard seed and reach out in all humility to touch His cloak, seeking repentance and a refuge from the storms that ravage and pillage not merely the body, but the soul as well. Father explains in his sermon.
The Calm After the Storm
Living in Tradition His Excellency Bishop Richard Williamson has sent a brief communique through Traditional List in which he reminds all of his heritage and roots as a loyal Brit and a loyal Catholic. He remembers two men who trusted in God to guide them on the sea of battle. To England, Admiral Horatio Nelson is a hero forever emblazoned on lips and history books. To the Society of St. Pius X, Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre is a hero who marshaled a small fleet against the might of the conciliar armada. He stood tall as an 'Admiral' for Christ. Today, where are the heroes? Few and far between because fabricated and false 'heroes' - anti-Catholic ones at that - are given the limelight while those, who keep their eye on the Heavenly prize and persevere, are persecuted. Traditional Catholicism today is the out-manned ship which all are gunning for...including the conciliar gunships. Archbishop Lefebvre knew only too well the weapons the latter used to try to sink Traditional Catholicism and ultimately the True Faith. Bishop Williamson explains in Admirable Admirals
Gabriel's Clarion Gabriel Garnica draws the parallels between two disasters 93 years apart - the sinking of the Titanic in 1912 and the devastation that has rendered New Orleans a sewer that must be bulldozed under because of cholera and mold. Both the haughty Titanic and the flagrant Big Easy taunted God, daring Him to allow these tragedies because man had beligerantly ignored the natural order. God will not be mocked and, just as the Tower of Babel confused and divided man, so also those who turn their backs on the Almighty and His Laws will suffer the inevitable consequences. Follow the sin trail - the one where the arrogance is non-repentant and then flee from those who persist in their ways of the world, the flesh and the devil. Gabriel explains in his column The New SOS
Transition to Tradition Father Kevin Vaillancourt shares a part of his in-depth review of the erroneous teachings of John Paul II. Father highlights Karol Wojtyla's six obvious, blatant doctrinal errors. Father points out that it is absurd for such a person's candidacy for sainthood to be even considered, let alone be "fast-tracked" through the saints factory which he himself gutted and fabricated a whole new structure. One can only pray someday the true Devil's Advocate will be reinstated and strict, traditional standards will be reestablished. Of course that means having a true Pope on the Chair of Peter, one who is faithful to the Sacred Deposit of Faith, not veering one iota from the constituted evangelic traditions handed down and upheld from Peter through Pius XII. What is truly tragic is that some of those elevated by the conciliar church, are no longer Catholic and, quite possibly God forbid, some of these so-called saints aren't even in Heaven! Father outlines the problems in his essay
Lest We Forget: The Case Against The Canonization of John Paul II
Gabriel's Clarion Gabriel Garnica illustrates how not having a 'paper trail' is a mark against one, and the lack of such should be a red flag for those considering confirming the nomination of little known Harriet Miers. But Gabriel applies the same scrutiny to souls - those who proclaim they are Catholic, but pick and choose whatever they want to believe and discard the rest. They are not Catholic, but Protestant in every way and worse. This lack of commitment to upholding the truths and traditions of Holy Mother Church translates into modernism, humanism, ecumenism and all the other heresies running rampant today and exhibited in all their ugliness by the very men we should be able to trust - the bishops. Yet, these mercenaries expose themselves as the wolves in shepherds' clothing that they are by their hypocrisy and outright apostasy against the True Church. Would you really want to hook your fortunes with their paper trail? Only if you are a total imbecile or have already sold out to mammon. If so, then don't look for angels to laud your paper trail if you are not willing to take up your cross and follow Christ daily. Gabriel explains in his column Paper Trail to Heaven
Making Sense of Sensus Catholicus
Father James F. Wathen, the pioneering traditional author of The Great Sacrilege, we present a poignant piece on considering something few seem to take the time to think about these days: Eternity. So busy are they focused on temporal things that many lose sight of what it is all about, why we are here and where we are heading. Thanks to the modernism of the conciliar church, the vast majority today believe everyone is going to Heaven. Nothing could be further from the truth as every true Catholic knows from Catholic teaching. Father puts it all in perspective for it is something no person in the world can dismiss for no one is exempt, and though Father has titled it "Random Thoughts on Eternity", there is nothing random about God's plan for everyone of us. Father explains in his short essay on Random Thoughts on Eternity
The Sanity of Sanctity
Because of our two-week series on the question of whether the conciliar popes are Catholic, we are only now bringing you the list of saints honored by Holy Mother Church during the month of October. In this month of the Most Holy Rosary of the Blessed Virgin Mary, we provide a little extra devotional prayer to add to your daily Rosary. What we provide is a litany to all of the saints whose feast days are celebrated throughout this month.
If you add this short litany to your daily Rosary, you will have the benefit of invoking the prayers of some of these lesser-known saints for October.
Litany of October Saints
The Straight Stuff Griff Ruby offers a two-part series on clarifying graces and whether grace is possible outside the Church. He delves into authentic Baptism then actual and sanctifying grace. While it is possible for actual grace to flow because of God's goodness, sanctifying grace cannot be gained anywhere outside the Church. To the Roman Catholic Church alone is given the sacramental grace of sanctifying grace in which sins can be forgiven and one's soul becomes pure before God. That is the only way one gets to Heaven: by being purified to be worthy to stand in the presence of the Beatific Vision. In this first part Griff differentiates between these graces and how God can direct actual grace as He sees fit and how, often it leads those outside the Church to the embrace the Church and, through the sacraments, to attain sanctifying grace. He shows how actual graces, always temporary, can come in all shapes, sizes, coincidences and events and can be effected through other religions, but never, ever sanctifying grace which is permanent for as long as the person remains without mortal sin on his soul and in the good graces of Holy Mother Church. Griff brings this point home in his first of two parts on Clarification about Graces outside the Church
"Qui legit, intelligat" In Father Louis Campbell's sermon for the Twenty-Second Sunday After Pentecost, he equates all the harmful additives that have been added to our foods today with the dangerous synthetic, syncretic sap that is draining souls, dripping with all the errors and, yes, heresies that permeate every aspect of life today thanks to that entity spawned from Vatican II - the conciliar church - which relinquished the exclusive right to truth by recognizing and enabling the "doctrine of devils." Yet there are those who sit on the fence, deceiving themselves that there are no heresies where, in truth, they know in their hearts that they abound but to recognize these heresies would be to admit they have been wrong. Father points out St. Augustine's stinging words from his famous work Confessions, "since they hate to be deceived, they hate being convinced that they are deceived." Yet Our Lord foretold of this in Matthew 24: 24. This then identifies why so many have bought into the harmful additives and poisons of Vatican Two over the last 40 plus years, because they don't want to admit they were wrong, that they have been duped big time and so they continue to ingest the synthetic junk food of the conciliar church, which most admit tastes terrible and foul the appetite, but, as if addicted to apostasy, won't admit that the more they sup with the syncretists and dine with devils, the more this poison takes its effect in the soul. Father explains in his sermon
High Fructose Corn Syrup
Gabriel's Clarion Gabriel Garnica presents a play on words regarding light with an analogy of airline pilots and their industry and priests and their ecclesiastical airlines (Dioceses). He points out the possibility of a pilot shortage as a reality of the priest shortage, but he provides some of the idiotic "solutions" proffered by the imbecilic groups who demand democracy in church affairs. Gabriel shows the futility of this, the insanity behind this rationale, and the terrible devastation of souls already done. The analogy of pilots and priests reveals the flight plan necessary for reaching Heaven, but the ecclesiastical FAA has scratched that and grounded good priests. Why? Because the good pilots of souls want to make sure their passengers are safe and cared for by assuring their own vehicles are orthodox in every way. Whereas the eccesiastical airlines want to cut corners, cut back, and cut out because they don't have the spiritual welfare of their passengers as priority. Which plane would you rather fly in? There is only one way to take care of damage control and, as Gabriel documents only too well, the bishops who should know better are clueless. What a great way to run an airline, let alone a church. All the New Order clerics can offer is peanuts as they continue off course as Gabriel explains in his column Pilot Lite
Doctors of the Church
Today is the Double Feast of the holy terror of the counter-revolution better known as Saint Teresa of Avila, the first woman ever elevated to the status of Doctor. Throughout her life she placed priority on what God thought rather than man. This feisty holy nun was not afraid to speak out and speak out strongly to prelates against abuses in the Church and was directed by Heaven to reform the Carmelites. Traveling the bredth of Spain, no hardship was too tough as this Prioress founded over 150 Carmelite convents and took no guff from any bishop. This no-nonsense Carmelite sacrificed much and expected others to do so as well for she sought to return the purity of the rule as it had been practiced before corruption seeped in. Despite great hardships, she persevered and her body was preserved incorrupt after her death. She shredded corrupt bishops, coddled innocent peasants, and was a stickler for discipline. Truly, St. Teresa of Avila was The Holy Terror of the Counter-Reformation
Catholic PewPOINT Editor Michael Cain wraps up the two week foray into a hitherto non-discussed subject and that is whether the conciliar popes from John XXIII through Benedict XVI are Catholic. Having weighed all the essays to date, Cain applies Our Lord's words in Sacred Scripture and the disciplinary measures set in place to assure the faithful whether one elected to the Chair of Peter is indeed a Pope before God and man. Cain points out one way to calibrate this measurement is in the Pontifical Oath that 179 Sovereign Pontiffs solemnly took upon their coronation - a vow before God to uphold and not change anything handed down. Cain asserts that, true to Christ's words, "no man can serve two masters." Either the conciliar popes have served God uncompromisingly and preserved the evangelic constituted Tradition and the purity of the orthodox Faith and Christian religion without altering anything their predecessors have defined and declared, or they have undertaken such a blasphemous venture as to incur their own excommunication and therefore forfeit all authority per Christ's words and Pope Paul IV's Papal Bull Cum ex apostolatus officio which is still in force. It can't be both. Either they are Catholic or not. There can be no middle road. Cain breaks down the doctrinal deductions in his editorial The Syllogism of Sedevacantism
Traditional Thoughts Father Kevin Vaillancourt weighs in today on putting to rest the villainization of those "dirty ol' sedevacantists" by asking the reader to realize who the sedevacantists really are. Though the word, derived from Latin, is a relatively modern term used to identify those who believe that the Chair of Peter has been vacant since the death of Pope Pius XII for the very reason of public heresy by the conciliar popes, Father identifies four very trusting saints who hold to the same position. Father points out that there cannot be a double standard with the rules holding for one and not the other; so also with a pope. Because of his grave responsibility, one who is a true pope must be held to an even stricter behavior in adhering to the sacred oath administered to every Sovereign Pontiff from St. Agatho on: "Accordingly, without exclusion, We subject to severest excommunication anyone -- be it Ourselves or be it another -- who would dare to undertake anything new in contradiction to this constituted evangelic Tradition and the purity of the orthodox Faith and the Christian religion, or would seek to change anything by his opposing efforts, or would agree with those who undertake such a blasphemous venture." Has there been "such a blasphemous venture"? What else would one call it? Father points out the obvious in his piece Who Are The Sedevacantists?
"By their fruits you shall know them" Father Martin Stepanich, a retired Franciscan seminary professor with a Doctorate in Sacred Theology, responds to Fr. Gruner's article that first appeared in The Fatima Crusader and which ran on these pages on October 3rd. In his response titled in which he emphasizes the Latin words "Take and Read!", he keys on the point that it's time to dismiss dead arguments already refuted by the Living Magisterium because, the last he checked, persistent public pronouncements and scandals without correction or repentance definitely manifest public, formal or material heresy and the greater the office, the greater the scandal and offense. What else would one call it when one persists in deviating from the Catholic Faith but heresy? - Manifest Heresy! It doesn't matter the nuances or the "heart of the suspect" - it is a public act, not a private one and public acts call for a public reparation. The bottom line is to keep the faith, even if there remain only a remnant. Past saints and Doctors have attested to this as Father cuts through the chaff with the wheat of Tolle! Lege!
Symphony of Suffering On this Feast of the Divine Maternity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, what so many fail to realize in the midst of these discussions on whether the conciliar popes are Catholic, what the Mother of God has imparted over the centuries, not to mention Divine Revelation about these times. When quotes and brickbats are being thrown around so liberally in such subjective tones, Cyndi Cain reminds all that Mary's Divine Son foretold of these times and He sent His Blessed Mother not only to Fatima, but before that to Quito in Ecuador in the 16th Century and then La Salette to mention just a few in expressing her great sorrow as the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart. God sent His Mother to remind us what Holy Scripture affirms: to stand firm and hold to tradition. Yet His adversary the devil roams around freely like a roaring lion seeking whom he wills to devour and we aid his frenzy by bickering amongst ourselves, not realizing what has occurred is exactly as Our Lady said and the Sacred Scriptures predicted. Cyndi expands on this in her letter It's Not Good to Make Mother Mary Mad
Transition to Tradition In drawing toward a close in our forum on whether the conciliar popes are Catholic, we present today Dr. Rama P. Coomeraswamy's treatise in which he deflects the false barbs that sedevacantism is schism by providing proof of St. Cyprian's statement "To adhere to a false Bishop of Rome is to be out of communion with the Church." Coomeraswamy identifies the true purpose and authority of the Magisterium and how the Vatican II concept of collegiality totally skewered this. He also touches on the triregno power of the Papacy in the jurisdiction of teaching, governing and sanctifying and since the Sacraments have been gutted, he provides the obvious syllogisms that leave anti-sedevacantists scrambling for a response and left stuttering for again a Pope cannot teach error and it is a fact that the conciliar popes have done just that. It is the responsibility of every Catholic to not only realize this but do everything one can to know their Faith. He reassures Christ's promise in Matthew 16: 18 and that, despite this nearly impossible situation today afflicting the Mystical Body of Christ, She will not fail, but the conciliar church will crumble just as Our Lord affirms in Matthew 7: 18-20. He concludes that perhaps it is God's permitting will that we put our shoulders to the plow and work at our salvation. It's work, not a picnic! He explains in
A Brief on Sedevacantism
"Qui legit, intelligat" In Father Louis Campbell's sermon for the Twenty-First Sunday After Pentecost, he focuses on today's Epistle and St. Paul's words to alert us to be on guard, to put on the armor of God, the shield of Faith, to be girded for battle because it is a war out there between good and evil and too often, as Father points out, we underestimate the power of the evil one, think that the devil is insignificant or buy into the Vatican II rubbish that it's just superstition which the "old Church" used to teach but in these modern, enlightened times man and hierarch seem to know better than God. Thus, by their lukewarm vigilance, they have paved the way for hordes of scorpion-like locusts to swarm and devastate souls because those shepherds who should have known better have failed miserably as mere mercenaries who will flee, and have fled, when truth and tradition need to be defended. Father shows how the devil so cleverly seduces man into thinking there's no rush to convert, no hurry to do God's holy will and once man relaxes, he has let down his guard and betrayed Christ. And Bingo! Like a pack of voracious locusts with scorpion tails - specifically the ones of the Apocalypse - the devil has accomplished more than imagined because of his willing or unwitting accomplices in the conciliar church who have helped enable this Apocalyptic plague visited upon immortal souls everywhere by not admonishing the faithful to gird themselves with the shield of Faith. Father explains in his sermon.
"To resist in the evil day"
Living in Tradition His Excellency Bishop Mark A. Pivarunas has expressed, in the most charitable of terms, the exact course true Catholics must take if they are to remain authentic Roman Catholics. We have taken four of his essays and compiled them into one to bring you the arguments for the Congregatio Mariae Reginae Immaculatae (CMRI). The point comes down to whether one believes in all the truths which the Holy Catholic Church teaches because Jesus Christ has revealed them and it is a fact of dogma that Our Lord cannot deceive nor be deceived as we state daily in the Act of Faith. Since the conciliar church does not possess all of the necessary four indelible Marks of the Church, as the Bishop illustrates, this conciliar entity along with its popes - cannot in any way be considered truly Catholic. If one thinks otherwise, then one would have to conclude that all that went before - from Peter through Pius XII - was in vain. That is, as we know, impossible for Christ's Mystical Body is indefectible. His Excellency explains in "Let no one deceive you in any way"
Mass Confusion John Gregory is an Arlington, Virginia resident who, as so many Traditional Catholics in their journey to truth began with EWTN and then the Indult and then realized the True Mass and Truths of the Faith were only to be found in those chapels and areas where Vatican II indoctrination was not taught and the Truths and Traditions of Holy Mother Church upheld, preserved and practiced. A member of St. Athanasius independent chapel in Vienna, John has looked at both sides of the arguments for and against the chair being empty and replies in an 'everyman' way that many Traditional Catholics will be able to relate to and understand. We present his sincere and simple way of deciphering this problem and his plea to not condemn one another when we should be working together for the greater honor and glory of God. He only asks for the Novus Ordinarians to be less ignorant in realizing what has happened and the anti-sedevacantists to be more logical and less timid and more consistent in their thinking so that it will correspond more with their actions and beliefs - the beliefs of the True Church as opposed to those of the new church founded upon Vatican II. He explains in Legitimate Reasons Why There Are Doubts About the Conciliar Popes
Exspectans exspectavimus... In an effort to provide balance we have found an article that represents, evidently since it is on their site, the Society of St. Pius X's position as laid out by a layman Richard Cure who wrote his article in 1998. In it he traces the Great Western Schism, Gallicanism and Antipopes in Church history and various councils and comes to the conclusion that a visible head would be necessary for the Church to continue, thus negating - no matter how manifest the heresies of the Vatican II popes - any possibility that the chair could remain empty for an extended period of time that the faithful would know of. Cure believes the conciliar popes cannot be heretics and therein he builds his arguments which, to our knowledge have already been refuted, but we will leave that for another day. For now, in order to balance the responses for sedevacantism over the last several days we have endeavored to find an article against sedevacantism even though he concludes his article with the state of Epikea and the fact that St. Athanasius, Father of Tradition, "simply practiced his faith as it
was given to him by the teachings of his apostolic predecessors, the upholders
of tradition." Is this not exactly what almost every true Catholic - sedevacantist and non-sedevacantist - strives to do as well? You see the differences aren't as wide as some may think. Following is Richard Cure's four-part piece titled Is Sedevacantism Catholic?
Traditional Insights Mario Derksen weighs in on the attacks against sedevacantists by documenting the very words used by Christopher Ferrara, Fr. Gruner and Fr. Kramer to reveal the fact that the tone used prior to the election of Joseph Ratzinger was no-holds barred in taking the head of the CDF to task for his heresies, but once he became Benedict XVI it is hands off. Mario wants to know if he missed something; if, upon being elected, the liberal Ratzinger repented and recanted of his heresies and subterfuge including the authorship of Lumen Gentium, his signing off on the Jews not needing to be converted, and the flat-out lie that the Fatima Third Secret had totally been revealed in 2000 and fulfilled. To Mario's knowledge and to everyone else's, such a retraction never took place meaning Ratzinger as Benedict is still in the state of deviation from the Faith. Yet mum is now the word from the franchise as well as The Remnant. Why have they given this man a pass and declared hands-off? Mario tackles this conundrum in his column in pointing out that from their own words, if they take off their blindfolds they'll find they are no different than those sedevacantists they have castigated. Mario explains in his column The Blind Leading the Blind
Hope on the Horizon In these times when Congress is freewheeling and spending money like there is no tomorrow and putting on hypocritical airs as if they are being so generous one realizes why: Because they are spending the people's money, not theirs. Thanks to Maria Hughes we see what the Constitution really intended and what a true statesman, the likes of which have not passed this way since, admits in an excerpt by Edward Sylvester Ellis in his book The Life of Colonel David
Crockett. For it is the words of none other than the legendary Davy Crockett who, as one can see in this piece, is more than the coonskin image Disney made him out to be. In truth, he was a man who sought to be as Christ-like as possible in representing the people before God. You can see the comparisons of his colleagues then and the entire congress today and the charade that is the pork-bellied hand-outs for Katrina in which everyone is dipping their hands into a resevoir of treasure that is not theirs - legally and morally. You'll understand when reading Not Yours To Give
Reality Check Weighing in with an air-tight intelligent and brilliant rebuttal to Ferrara's piece is guest editorialist Joseph C. Maurer who uses Ferrara's own words to prove it is all a smoke-screen and that the franchise's arguments against sedevacantism in these times evaporate in the sands of contradiction as he illustrates in citing not only the Scriptures, holy Popes and Doctors of the Church, but Ferrara himself as well as Fr. Gruner, Fr. Paul Kramer, and CFN Editor John Vennari. Joe provides the facts that the basis for today's Sede Vacante position is based on the rock-solid foundation of Christ's teachings and His Apostles as Joe reminds all of St. James' clear words in his epistle 2:10 "and whosoever shall keep the whole law but offend on one point, is guilty of all" and cites several passages of Sacred Scripture that illustrate only too clearly the manifest heresies of the conciliar popes and bishops. To work within is to be without the True Faith. Joe refutes Ferrara's commentary in his piece which was sent to Catholic Family News as a Letter to the Editor. In case it is not published, it is too important not to publish it here for the evidence is overwhelming: if anathema sit, you cannot acquit. Thus we present Joe's commentary Opposition to the Anti-Sedevacantists
The Straight Stuff In deference to the prophet David in the Psalms, it is time to fire back. Griff Ruby wants to know why Chris Ferrara has switched his focus from exposing the 'neo-Catholic' fallacies to getting downright personal in his vicious attack on those who have strived to be Catholic in every way and obedient to God rather than man; especially when man is speaking anathema. Though Griff had not intended on addressing the issue, the vindictiveness with which the franchise went on the attack begs a response and, in the vein of Psalm 17: 15 - "And He sent forth His arrows, and He scattered them: He multiplied lightnings, and troubled them" - Griff perceives that many have been troubled by Chris' assault on Tradition and Ferrara's attempt to scatter the faithful. Thus Griff pulls out his quiver and hits a bullseye in pinpointing why Ferrara and company have bitten off more than they can chew; in fact, he wonders why the franchise would bite the hand that feeds them by alienating an ever growing number of devout and concerned Catholics. Our Lord has asserted that the truth shall set us free and it is by considering all the evidence, and the obvious facts that the only 'Free Enterprise' rests in Christ Who is The Source of Truth and Tradition of Eternal Rome, and by the very fact that this is sorely and blatantly missing in action in modern Rome in these times that Griff suggests Ferrara should re-examine his brief against the 'Enterprise'for Chris will realize he is very much a part of that very 'Enterprise' whether he wants to admit it or not. Griff explains in his column God's Eternal Enterprise
FOCUS In the same manner we have provided the anti-sedevacantist viewpoints above, so also we provide Father Anthony Cekada's rebuttal to Ferrara's comment which was published at shortly after the CFN article was printed. We have reproduced it here so the reader can gain the full scope of the situation and make an objective discernment of this situation. Fr. Cekada has long been the most eloquent of spokesmen for the sedevacantist cause in which he refutes, point by point, Ferrara's points and documents them in a fail-safe fashion that leaves those who previously had dismissed the sedevacantist position as schismatic or heretical as reconsidering what constitutes the true Catholic position. Father points out that, considering the anathemas pronounced and the fact that Pope Paul IV's Papal Bull Cum ex Apostolatus officio has never been abrogated and therefore is still very much in effect, the logical conclusions are not for us to judge for Holy Mother Church has already pronounced sentence on John XXIII, Paul VI, John Paul I, John Paul II and Benedict XVI. The duration of interregnum has never been established and though these times are indeed unprecedented, the position that the chair has been empty has nothing to do with Christ's promise that "the gates of hell shall not prevail against it." Fr. Cekada shows how the visual evidence that the aforementioned men who posed as Roman Pontiffs in the 'spirit of Vatican II' deviated from the Catholic Faith and therefore lost all authority in the eyes of Eternal Rome is unmistakable. Those men propped up as 'popes' are for display purposes only as Fr. Cekada points out in his rebuttal piece Sedevacantism and Mr. Ferrara's Cardboard Pope
Christ or chaos Dr. Thomas A. Droleskey cites the truths of Sacred Scripture in exposing the heresy of Father Raniero Cantalamessa, the Papal Preacher of modern Rome for the past 25 years, who has, along with most in the Vatican, totally rejected the teachings of Holy Mother Church and denies the infallible decrees of the Council of Florence. Tom points out that if Cantalamessa is right, then Christ was wrong, St. Paul was wrong, St. Stephen and all the martyrs over the past 2000 years died in vain. We all know that is impossible. Tom points to why Our Lady bestowed her Miraculous Medal on her children and why Fr. Alphonse Ratisbonne converted miraculously from Judaism to Catholicism and converted so many both in his family and others to the True Faith through the graces of the Holy Ghost and Our Lady's intercession. Tom then asks why did Benedict XVI patronize the Jews in Germany rather than speaking boldly as St. Paul and St. Stephen did, or for that matter past faithful Pontiffs before Vatican II? Compromise is the devil's doings when denying any article of Faith and it is obvious this has been the politically correct modus operandi of the Vaticantwoarians as Tom documents the Word of God in asking many questions in his article from the Feast of St. Therese of the Child Jesus at with Papal Preacher to Pope (Saint Peter) and Council (of Florence): You're Wrong: Do Not Seek to Convert the Jews
The Agony of Aggiornamento In order to provide the pros and cons, in order to provide the case of the prosecution vs. the defense, and to assure you read the very words expressed, we have formatted Christopher Ferrara's attack on the Sedevacantist "Enterprise" published recently in both The Fatima Crusader and Catholic Family News. For some reason Chris has chosen to launch out at a small segment that seems to be growing much larger as more have syllogized the sedevacantist viewpoint thanks to the anathematical abuses manifesting themselves daily in the conciLiar church and its leaders. We are reaping the agony of aggiornamento and yet, in this time when a united front would serve the purpose of Traditional Catholicism much more in exposing the facts that the church of Vatican II is not Catholic, this high profile author and reporter has chosen to turn on the ranks. We provide his piece here in our effort to provide balance for both positions. You be the judge in reading
Defending the Papacy - Opposing the Sedevacantist Enterprise
Hot Issues We've placed this article under our "Hot Issues" feature because it was the respected Fatima priest Fr. Nicholas Gruner who uncharacteristically 'Pearl-Harbored' the Traditional faithful by launching the first volley against those who believe the Vatican II popes from John XXIII through Benedict XVI cannot be recognized as true Popes because they are not Catholic. In order to provide the pros and cons, in order to provide the case of the prosecution vs. the defense, and to assure you read the very words expressed, we have formatted Fr. Gruner's words along with the original source which was The Fatima Crusader Summer Issue, no. 80. Editorially speaking, we have sensed a certain desperateness in his words for if it can be proven the Popes are not Catholic and it can be, just as it can be proven the Novus Ordo Bishops are not Catholic, then no wonder his constant request for the "Pope and his bishops" to consecrate Russia has fallen upon deaf ears over all these years. That would explain the new strategy of attacking sedevacantists with unfounded logic. You be the judge in reading
Defend YOUR Salvation
"Qui legit, intelligat" In Father Louis Campbell's sermon for the Twentieth Sunday After Pentecost, he pinpoints some of the cracks in the apostate wall where the serpent slithered through as he highlights the Apostle Paul's Epistle in today's Mass to the Ephesians in which he warns the faithful to walk carefully and wisely for the days are evil and one must live in honesty and grace, giving all to Our Lord Jesus Christ in order to survive these evil times. And indeed, as Father reveals the subterfuge that created the monster Nostra Aetate, the Zionist conspiracy has only grown stronger over the fated 40 years it has been allowed to fester its heretical tenets where today Jesus Christ is downplayed by the conciliarists in order to placate man. The heck with the Redeemer and Messiah of the world. We can't offend the Jews! In the midst of all the hypocritical, hollow celebrating of the 40th anniversary of the dastardly Vatican II document Nostra Aetate, which senselessly submitted to a wretched miniscule minority of stubborn perfidious Zionists who continue to reject Christ as the only way to Heaven, those very shepherds who should be Catholic, and wise, and who should be Successors of the Apostles, are not! For they have betrayed not only Christ but their flocks and will be held in account and be treaded upon for they have betrayed the Triune Divinity. Father explains in his sermon.
The Struggle for the Catholic Church
Gabriel's Clarion Gabriel Garnica applies the principles of business acumen in deciphering why Christ said in Matthew 10: 14, "whosoever shall not receive you, nor hear your words: going forth out of that house, or city, shake off the dust from your feet." The bottom line is that you cannot save everyone. There are those who are more malleable to God's will and those are the ones to influence as an ally, even working to persuade an adversary for those two categories are conditional and can be swayed through solid orthodoxy, penance, and prayer. As for unconditional antagonism, Gabriel identifies very clearly the roots of this evil - coming from the devil himself - and to dance with the devil can be dangerous. That is why striving to lead holy lives is the best policy for getting ahead in life - eternal life and, just as a vehicle needs fuel to run, so also we need grace to click on all cylinders as Gabriel explains in his column The Business of Salvation
Christ or chaos Dr. Thomas A. Droleskey, in the midst of a mid-west odyssey that would rival the travails of Job, took time to comment on the blatant syncretism and manifest heresy of the very visible Archbishop of Washington D.C. Theodore McCarrick who praised Allah in patronizing the King of Jordan. Tom points out just which King McCarrick and all the other hierarchs should praise and that is Jesus Christ and Him alone for there is no other by which men are saved as St. Paul affirms.Tom exposes the grave offenses committed by the leaders of the conciliar church against the First Commandment. Dr. Droleksy hammers home the point that Christ asserted in Matthew 10: 32-33, "Whosoever therefore shall confess Me before men, I will also confess him before My Father, Who is in Heaven. But whosoever shall deny Me before men, I will also deny him before My Father, Who is in Heaven." If that is not a wake-up call for Modern Rome, nothing is for these mercenary shepherds from the popes on down over the last 40 years have gone out of their way by omission and commission not to offend man, but greatly offending the only One Who counts. Woe be to them at their Particular Judgement. Tom reinforces the need to speak out uncompromisingly for the Social Reign of Jesus Christ and the First Dogma of the Church - Extra Ecclesiam Nulla Salus at in his column Denying Christ by Omission and Commission
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