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November 13, 2002
Volume 13, no. 135
Semi-Double Traditional Feast of Saint Didacus, Confessor Martyr and the historical feast of Saint Stanislaus Kostka, Jesuit novice and Patron of Young Students.

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November is the Month of the Communion of Saints. The first day is dedicated to the Church Triumphant (All Saints), the second to the Church Suffering (All Souls); the rest of the month and year is up to us - the Church Militant - to do our part.

Christ or chaos
Today Dr. Thomas A. Droleskey begins a series of articles on the socio-political climate in respect to the teachings of Holy Mother Church. In this first part, he weighs in just what last week's election means. He points out that those still basking in the euphoria of the Republican victories last Tuesday truly must have short memories for, despite all the pro-life rhetoric a Republican-controlled Congress with a very popular sitting president did nothing to curtail the culture of death. What makes anyone think they will this time he asks. He lays out the measures necessary to assure God's protection and graces. The problem is will those in control from congress to the chanceries do anything to effect it. If you are a neo-Catholic, which he addressed in his article yesterday in Needless Antagonisms, the answers might surprise you. If you cling to what was always taught in Holy Mother Church before Vatican II, you won't be surprised at all as he explains in Thirty Years of Indifference .

Pro Life Prescriptions
Dr. Frank Joseph analyzes the epidemic that broke out last week across the U.S.A. which caused Republicans to become absolutely giddy. He shows how the stampede should continue if the Grand Old Party upholds their promise to legislate pro-life measures. First up is passing the Partial Birth Abortion Ban. While the 'demoncrats' are frantically searching for their soul as one analyst referred to on 'Hardball', Dr. Frank suggests the first place they should look is where it's hotter than hell. Oh, right, nothing's hotter than that! He explains in his column Good slam-dunks Evil
SIMPLY SHEEN: Treasures from Bishop Sheen
The late, great Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen makes it so simple that we have dubbed this series: "SIMPLY SHEEN". In today's issue, the good bishop talks about the lost art of hospitality and how we can practice it in the true Christian sense, seeing Christ in everyone we meet and greet. Always exhibiting our Catholic way towards all in love, never compromise or tolerance for sin. In that way, we will discover that we don't have to search high and low, spending endless time searching for the "Holy Grail of Grace," for it is there before us if we only peel away the "no vacancy" sign over our eyes and heart. For words of wisdom from Bishop Sheen as Bishop Sheen points out in The Holy Grail of Grace is there if we reach out to others and share the banquet! .
Profiles of the Saints & Seasons
Today is the Semi-Double Traditional Feast of Saint Didacus, confessor who died in the 15th century. It is also the historical feast of the Jesuit Novice, Saint Stanislaus Kostka, the Polish saint who is the Patron Saint of Young Students and the saint invoked for curing broken bones. He died in 1658. For the Proper of the Mass of the day and profile, see Saint Didacus


Echoes of True Catholicism
With war in our streets from snipers to terrorists, with the rumors of war with Iraq so imminent, Dr. Marian Therese Horvat reminds us that we know not the hour when our lives will end. She cites the wisdom and counsel of Saint John Bosco in keeping the concept of Death, Judgment, Heaven and hell before his students at all times so that we will be prepared. So also should we be prepared and focused on the Four Last Things. Since Vatican II, these all-important Novissima have been de-emphasized in order to placate the modern world, giving in to tolerance and diversity at the mortal expense of millions and millions of souls. Contrary to what the modern Church preaches that no one goes to hell, they'll find out the truth when they get there. That is why Marian emphasizes the need for preaching the Novissima from every pulpit as she explains in her column The Inevitability of the Novissima .


Shears and Tears of a Lamb
Catharine Lamb lamented the closing of another religious institution - a once-thriving Benedictine Abbey which, in essence, tells the story of the fate of the Church in America. Another Tradition will soon be obliterated; one that St. Benedict weeps over despite all the conciliar spin that the 'Benedictine spirituality' is mushrooming. The only things 'mushrooming' are the toadstools of the Vatican II fungus that continue to rot away within the Church. Holy institutions that once provided the conduit for vocations are falling by the wayside thanks to 'modern spirituality', novelty and ecumenism. Catharine related the sad details in her column Death of an Abbey.

HOT ISSUE: Compromise with the Jews.
Gary Morella analyzed and commented on a news report by Vatican correspondent John Thavis for Catholic News Service in which Cardinal Walter Kasper, President of the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity, was quoted and cornered in his own heresy. You can read the news story - read it right from the 'horse's mouth' in the CNS story "Christians can't hide mission role in talks with Jews, cardinal says" in our SIGNS THAT CAUSE ONE TO WONDER section. Gary refuted this absolute insanity with a short, but concise defense of true Catholic orthodoxy in his commentary in which he asserts To say that the Catholic Church is no longer in the conversion business as Cardinal Kasper did is heresy, not Catholicism!. This was the subtitle of his comments on this HOT ISSUE of the Jewish Compromise in Voices of Deceit.
White Smoke, Black Fire!
Gleaned from the daily headlines and Sacred Scripture, "White Smoke, Black Fire!" deals with how the followers of the Anti-Christ, through political cunning, compromise and media manipulation, try to wrest control from within the Vatican after a horrific holocaust of terror at the birthplace of Abraham. As the world tries to recover, evening has descended on the fourth night of November. Pat, Niki, Stephen and Ogidi stayed longer at the Ristorante Romano than they should have and the consequences were disastrous as the beast bellowed forth its hideous, hatred, targeting Pat as the prize of Maria Figuerido's mission from hell. Was Pat prepared to face his own death? Some insight into his past gave us a hint of what lie ahead. Chapter Eight, Episode Eight


On the BattleLine
Atila Sinke Guimarães, a foremost authority on the causes and effects of Vatican II, shared with us excerpts from his new book Animus Delendi - II, the fifth in a his excellent, thorough series Eli, Eli, Lamma sabacthani. These excerpts from Animus Delendi - II are barely the bones of the 'maneuvers' the conciliarists have engineered and to get the full picture - the meat of the matter - we encourage you to purchase and read Animus Delendi - II as well as the many other excellent books and booklets available from Tradition In Action. These books are must reads for they hold the key to all that is happening today. Monday he presented his Introduction to Animus Delendi - II, provided in abridged form, on how aggiornamento became Secularization, thus opening the way for the pan-religious concept of Ecumenism to eke into the Church lexicon and open the door wide for novelty and abuse, masked in ambiguity for the very purpose intended: the desire to destroy: animus delendi. He explained in Secularization and Ecumenism - the Two Principal Maneuvers of Vatican II.

"Qui legit, intelligat"
In his sermon for the 25th Sunday After Pentecost, taken from the Fifth Sunday After Epiphany, which Father Louis Campbell delivered to his parishioners Sunday, he cited the Gospel reading of Matthew 13: 24-30. Father pointed out how the cockles of sin squeeze and choke our spiritual life. The most suffocating rotting root being satan's tabernacle - the television and the obscene material emitting from this "black box of terror" that far exceeds anything imagined in the times of Sodom and Gomorrah. Mock and smirk all you want, he cautioned the faithful, but damnation is no laughing matter and the more we forget that and cave to the wiles of the devil, the more the architect of hell plants more weeds to choke out everything around the few strands of wheat that remain in the remnant garden. We need to help eradicate the weeds through a strong sensus fidelium. Father gave his traditional 'garden tips' in his sermon, Weeds Among the Wheat.


Traditional Insight
Over the weekend Mario Derksen began a series on the controversy that surrounds "the illicit Episcopal Ordinations of Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre." In part one, Mario presented apologetics, based on the Angelic Doctor of the Church, Canon Law and a documented letter from the Prefect of the Congregation for Bishops that prove that before the ordinations on June 30, 1988, there was no excommunication. He showed that the law of salvation supercedes all other laws when placed on the list of priorities and necessities. Thus he set up the undeniable arguments for why Archbishop Lefebvre acted as he did in ordaining four bishops for the Society of St. Pius X. More and more as the truth comes forward countless Catholics are beginning to look differently at the SSPX. They are not the 'raging schismatics' they've been portratyed to be by the post-conciliarists. Mario laid out the syllogisms in the first part of his series with Refuting Claims of Excommunication Before June 30, 1988.

What you might have missed in our most recent columns, articles, features and series:
  • Separating the wheat from... Catholic PewPOINT
  • The Temple and the... Fr. Campbell's homily
  • Why Celibacy? Mario Derksen
  • Needless Antagonisms Dr. Thomas A. Droleskey
  • Is it morally permissible... Feed My Sheep
  • Notes from the Trenches Catharine Lamb
  • Vatican II under the..." Bishop Williamson
  • Episode Seven of Chapter 8 "White Smoke, Black Fire!"
  • An Urgent Message to All Catholics Dr. Joseph
  • The Tenth Promise of the Sacred Heart
  • Liturgy of the SaintsSt. Willibrord
  • The Real Crux of the Church's Crisis Erven Park
  • Mass Confusion "Reign of Terror in the... Michael J. Matt
  • The Common Good and... Atila Sinke Guimarães
  • De-kneeing and Denying Dr. Thomas A. Droleskey
  • A Goodness that has... Dr. Marian T. Horvat
  • Our Last Shot at Saving... Dr. Frank Joseph
  • Book Review: The Great Facade
  • The Neo-Catholic Dead-End! Dr. Thomas Woods
  • Saint Isidore of Seville
  • Spin and Cover Gary L. Morella

  • Semper Idem? Jacob Michael

  • Sacrament of Extreme Unction Gift of Our Faith
  • Before you try to forget... Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen
  • Prayer, Devotion, Reflection and the Rosary
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