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Month of the Immaculate Heart of Mary
THURSDAY      August 4, 2005      Volume 16, no. 216
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    Our Lady to Saint Dominic in 1208 at the Church of Prouille

       'Wonder not that you have obtained so little fruit by your labors, you have spent them on barren soil, not yet watered with the dew of Divine Grace. When GOD willed to renew the face of the earth, He began by sending down on it the fertilizing rain of the Angelic Salutation. Therefore preach my Psalter composed of 150 Angelic Salutations and 15 Our Fathers, and you will obtain an abundant harvest'.

    One has to wonder if that "barren soil" has returned with John Paul's preposterous obliteration of Our Lady's Psalter which he perpetrated on the people by daring to increase the Holy Rosary to 200 'Angelic' Salutations; for when divided by the Triune number 3 the conciliar church no longer observes the 50 for the regular Rosary as it was given from Heaven nearly 800 years ago and observed until the aberration of change, but now the triplicate number divided comes out to 66.6! Yes, surely this is Heaven's wish. Not!!! Yet the blind ostriches and sheep can't see this obvious masonic and luciferian agenda as they try desperately to rush through the canonization of one who had such audacity to think he had a better idea than God and His Blessed Mother! Puh-lease!!! St. Dominic, intercede to stop this apostasy and satanic madness!


In keeping with Christ's assurance in Matthew 7: 19 that "Every tree that yieldeth not good fruit, shall be cut down, and shall be cast into the fire" the disintegration of the Protestant-Masonic-Pagan man-made church is inevitable. The collapse of this synthetic pan-christian religion spawned from Vatican II, which has usurped the True Roman Catholic Church, is evident from the news reports below, the feature articles to the right, our EyeOpeners highlighting certain news stories, and the realization of what the True Church truly teaches on our CREDO & CULTURE Page, and especially in the infrangible Holy Sacrifice of the Mass and the true Liturgy for each day of the Church's liturgical year, which we provide daily for readers with the Ordinary and Proper of each Mass in both Latin and English so Catholics may truly continue to practice their Faith and truly KNOW THE FAITH in order to KEEP THE FAITH! Tried and True! Tridentine True!

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  "It was a time of antithesis."
God made the world in "seven days" but the evil one, the Master of the Legion of the Basilisk wants to destroy the world in seven days, beginning on All Saints Day. Seven tense, nerve-wracking and dangerous days in November follow in the ultimate struggle for survival of body and soul. White Smoke, Black Fire! is both a prophecy and an inevitable incendiary event waiting to happen. It is a tightly woven mystery thriller with a plethora of action, hellish monsters, explosions, and romance that will carry the audience on a tidal wave of anxiety, suspense, horror, intrigue and virtual reality. Gleaned from the daily headlines and the Scriptures, the in-depth research of this novel will astound all readers regardless of their religious beliefs, for it transcends the politically correct era, and sweeps the reader through a vortex of violence and page-turning suspense, instilling an astute awareness to be ever vigilant in preserving the Faith.

   The demonic Legion of the Basilisk, vanguard of terrorism, has struck at the heart of the birthplace of Abraham, wiping out one million people near Ur in Iraq, including political and ecclesiastical dignitaries the world over gathered at a One Covenant ecumenical global media event on the morning of November 1st. Signaling the beginning of the ultimate apocalypse, taut, interwoven action takes the reader on a physical and psychological journey into hell as an eclectic ethnic group of ordinary people, suddenly catapulted into the smoldering ashes of the Basilisk's Black Fire, band together in a desperate effort to save mankind and stop the Devil himself from conquering all. With death slithering at their heels, these few allies of the resistance combat the clandestine Legion of the Basilisk from Dallas to Iraq to Israel to Rome and within the very hallowed halls of the Vatican itself as preparations for the Papal funeral and the impending Conclave in the famed Sistine Chapel take on a new light in the shroud of mystery cast upon the most secret of secrets. As the hours and minutes dwindle, as explosions rock St. Peter's Square, and when all hope seems lost, the few remaining resisters rely on the only weapons they have left: cunning, tenacity and the discovery of an inner strength in their faith, as well as their only Weapon; one of simplicity, awe and majesty. Discover how the simplicity of Catholic Truth and intestinal fortitude overcome insurmountable odds in the battle to restore the Church for the sake of mankind after the 'fruits' of ecumenism have devastated the world and its leaders in a tragic, massive explosion that makes 9-11 child's play.

   White Smoke, Black Fire! is the story of the redemption of truth and tradition in apocalyptic times with Catholic truth woven throughout from beginning to end. Discover what the Pope, who will follow Benedict XVI's successor, does as his final act on the throne of Peter. Go inside the Vatican to learn the background, secrets and passages that hold the answers to restoring authentic Catholicism when all else seems on the brink of despair. Read M.C. Siena's entire, exciting novel of these very times on-line for a limited time. WHITE SMOKE, BLACK FIRE!

  • Daily Propers for the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass from the Eleventh Sunday After Pentecost through the Twelfth Sunday After Pentecost.
    July 31   Aug 1   Aug 2   Aug 3

    Aug 4    Aug 5    Aug 6     Aug 7

  • Addressing Fallacies of Vatican II Perceptions Excerpts from The Resurrection of The Roman Catholic Church by Griff Ruby

  • An Attempt at a Defense Part Nine of the series "The Truth About Ecumenism" by Mario Derksen

  • The Bane of Atheism by Father James Wathen

  • Keeper of the Moral Compass St. Alphonsus Liguori

  • The Eves of Evil by Gabriel Garnica

  • "He has done all things well" by Father Louis Campbell

  • Wholehearted Love by Father James Wathen

  • Teach the Children A short summer primer prefaced by Why Me? by Tim Duff

  • Novus Ordo "Suffering" by Griff Ruby

  • The Importance of The Mystical City of God Part Eight in a series by Timothy A. Duff

  • Benedict's Upcoming Visit to the Synagogue of Cologne by Atila Sinke Guimarăes

  • An Attempt at a Defense Part Eight of the series "The Truth About Ecumenism" by Mario Derksen

  • We Want a Supreme Court, NOt a Supreme "Farce" by Gary L. Morella

  • The PETA Petard: Hypocrisy for the Birds by Gabriel Garnica

  • "If God has so loved us" by Father Louis Campbell

  • Can We Pray For Our Enemies? by Griff Ruby

  • The Canadian Canard by Gary L. Morella

  • The Importance of The Mystical City of God Part Seven in a series by Timothy A. Duff

  • An Attempt at a Defense Part Seven of the series "The Truth About Ecumenism" by Mario Derksen

  • EyeOpeners: News from a Traditional Perspective
    Hell has been emptied; new address: Canada - as persecution begins!

    Will the U.S. be next? Powerful voices trying to force state control of religion - especially Catholics - as many expected to be silenced by the sin of sodomy being championed north of the border. It has already begun as Bush nominates Judge John G. Roberts and pro-aborts mass to destroy his credibility!

  • The Precious Blood of Christ Part Two by Father James Wathen

  • The Four Horsemen of The New Order by Gabriel Garnica

  • Simple Hopes and Decisive Turns by Father Louis Campbell

  • The Lasting Magnificence, Grace, and Power of Our Lady of Mount Carmel including a reflection by Dom Prosper Gueranger

  • Harvest Moon Revisted by Griff Ruby

  • The Excellence of The Mystical City of God Part Six in a series by Timothy A. Duff

  • Saint Bonaventure: The Seraphic Doctor

  • An Attempt at a Defense Part Six of the series "The Truth About Ecumenism" by Mario Derksen

  • The Gall! How Dare They!?! by Dr. Frank Joseph

  • When Black Robes turn Red and Red Robes turn Black by Gabriel Garnica

  • The Disobedient Generation by Father Louis Campbell

  • "To Be Sure of God as of a Family Friend" by Father Yves le Roux

  • Lose the Attitude by Griff Ruby

  • The Excellence of The Mystical City of God Part Five in a series by Timothy A. Duff

  • Ecumenism & Modernism Part Five of the series "The Truth About Ecumenism" by Mario Derksen

  • The Precious Blood of Christ by Father James Wathen

  • The Secular Myth of Intimacy and Equality by Gabriel Garnica

  • Cut Off from the Land of the Living by Father Louis Campbell

  • Old enough to remember...a whole lot of stuff by Phil Brennan

  • The Excellence of The Mystical City of God Part Four in a series by Timothy A. Duff

  • The Infallible, perennial Magisterium of the Church
  • Recent Features for June issues
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    Griff Ruby's Excerpts
    In addition to his "Straight Stuff" columns, Griff Ruby provides from time to time excerpts from his excellent book The Resurrection of the Roman Catholic Church. Today he provides a small set of Questions and Objections from Appendix B of his book in which he answers one objection and the misconceptions many have harbored about the "pastoral" nature of a council and how the crafters manipulated the vast majority of signers into signing documents that, if they were Roman Catholic, would be considered bogus in every way. Since they are not considered bogus, but are being enforced and embraced by all in the conciliar church, then that proves a total split between modern Rome and Eternal Rome. The latter is the barque of Peter which Traditional Catholics continue to sail along with; the former is a new gib which hoists its own petard and continues to sail far off course while still flying the flag of what it once represented. Griff also points out a most pertinent fact: Confusion has never aroused from those who accepted a council of the Church, only those who rejected it. Yet, Vatican II it is reversed. No wonder so many are confused. Griff clarifies the predicaments in his excerpt from the appendix in Addressing Fallacies of Vatican II Perceptions

    Traditional Insights
    Mario Derksen continues in his refutation of Kenneth Whitehead's arguments for justifying the ecumenical movement begun at Vatican II. Basing Catholic truth on Pope Pius XI's encyclical condemning ecumenism Mortalium animos, Mario shows how any variation from the Catholic Faith in action, gesture or words gives scandal and the appearance of, if not actual, heresy. This week he continues to dissect Whitehead's ridiculous statements about the "reunion" of "separated brethren" with firm words from none other than the dogmatic Council of Florence. Mario also cites other pre-Vatican II Popes and shows the obvious agenda John Paul the Great Apostate employed in his non-Catholic encyclicals. Mario reveals what Catholic Truth points out that those "outside the Church" return without compromise on Holy Mother Church's terms exclusively just as the Armenians did in the middle of the 15th Century. So also today, anything less than those same terms are unacceptable according to Catholic Truth which, as is so evident over the centuries to Jew and Gentile alike, is the great stumbling block and it is the conciliar church, the false church which wants to remove the very stumbling block Christ set in place. Mario documents this apostasy in Part Nine An Attempt at a Defense (4)
    Reality Check
    Father James F. Wathen, the pioneering traditional author of The Great Sacrilege, changes channels from the regular presentations in "Making Sense of Sensus Catholicus" to give readers this week a frank reality check as to what is happening to civilization today. The atheists are trying to take over. That is why sodomy is making such abhorrent gains, why the ACLU is doing all they can to eliminate Christian symbols, why "Big Brother" is growing in actuality, and why America's youth are being programmed with revisionist history, and taught to embrace tolerance and diversity; tolerance for everything that does not concern the One True Triune God. Atheism, masked in the inklike blackness of progressive, modernist democracy promoted by America, stretches its tentacles over every facet of life and culture in trying to eliminate the existence of God. It can't be done and that frustrates the nihilists all the more as they try to crush souls and spirits with their insane, but dangerous nonsense that is playing right into the hands of the devil. Why can't everyone see the obvious? Fr. Wathen tells it like it is in his latest essay sent to us by Maria Hughes entitled The Bane of Atheism
    Doctors of the Church
    In honor of his feast today, we present the holy wise one who was decreed the thirty-second Doctor of the Church. He was born near Naples and received a law doctorate in his teens. He had the world as his oyster and chose to cast his net into the sea in being a fisher of men. He founded an order dedicated to redeeming souls and he wrote volumes during a time when the enlightenment was already threatening the foundations of the Church. He vowed never to waste a moment and never did. He was the outstanding moral theologian who held the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass as the greatest gift any Catholic could partake in. He foretold the very crisis the Church is suffering today. He is considered the Patron Saint of Moral Theology and Confessors, two attributes and professions that are sorely deficient in holiness today. We would all do well to invoke his help during these trying trials of the Church and the world and remember this great saint, known far and wide as the "Keeper of the Moral Compass": Saint Alphonsus Liguori.
    Gabriel's Clarion
    Gabriel Garnica continues his weekly multi-part series which we've dubbed "Incorrigible Dirigibles" in comparing the liberal factions to blimps full of hot air which nevertheless cast a dark shadow over today's values and morals. In the manner of the Tower of Babel-like zeppelin "Hindenburg," so also these pompous, progressive windbags are full of gaseous, nauseous ideas that can be most dangerous if one seeks to hook a ride on such nonsense. In that same vein, they have nowhere to go but down. One must realize they are highly inflammable and the nearer they float toward the fires of hell, the more combustible souls become who are in their path, beneath them, or, God forbid, their passenger. Two of these dangerous windbags mock the first woman Eve with their lust for power and we all know their names for just like Eve, they are one-name feminists: Hillary and Oprah! Madonna could be added to this list, but she has wilted as will the two dangerous women who Gabriel features in today's feature. They will eventually plummet as well. Nevertheless, because of society's penchant for greed and ease, they will follow these two women anywhere, even to the brink of the abyss of eternal perdition. That is why Gabriel pulls no punches in telling it like it is with Part Two of the "Incorrigible Dirigibles" with his column The Eves of Evil!

    "Qui legit, intelligat"
    In Father Louis Campbell's sermon for the Eleventh Sunday After Pentecost, his theme is that Jesus Christ is the Perfect Man, and indeed He is. Father reminds us that long before He was born, His story was being told in the Old Testament by the Prophets of Old. The people then did not fully grasp it just as the people today do not grasp it. Yet the Holy Scriptures are so clear that one wonders why all cannot see the evident truths set down by the Prophets and fulfilled in the accounts of the four Evangelists on the Source of all truth, the One Who is the Way, the Truth and the Life. In these troubled times those who reject this Manifest Truth are doing all they can to eradicate from memory of the masses any thought of or remembrance of Him, perverting the Natural Law, revising history to dare to announce He never existed, to denying the Holy Sacrifice which He Himself said 'Do this in remembrance of Me.' The Traditional Truth Patrol needs to rev it up a few notches and remind all of these very truths instead of bahhing with the rest of the spineless sheep as the hireling shepherds herd them closer to the slippery slope. We don't need road maps, we don't need innovations or novelties, we don't need to dialogue with other religions but only seek salvation in the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church which Jesus Himself founded on the approval of God the Father and to which He left His Spirit - the Holy Ghost. Through this Triune Divinity we have the perfect formula laid out in the perfect log of God's law and legacy for the only Link between Heaven and earth is the Second Person of the Trinity. It is foolish to look anywhere else as Father explains in his sermon "He has done all things well"

    Making Sense of Sensus Catholicus
    Father James F. Wathen, the pioneering traditional author of The Great Sacrilege, presents today a must reading for every family to read and discern as he takes us through paragraph by paragraph of a love story for the ages and a guarantee of happiness as he shows how to love God more in letting go of the world - in other words, let go and let God. He cites the refusal to do this as the main reason there are so few true vocations today because love of self trumps love not only of God, but of working toward true happiness. Why is it so few want to delay working to shorten their time in Purgatory while they're still on this earth so they won't spend so much time there when they get there, if they get there!?! Would one rather wait in line here on earth, or for an interminable time that could be mighty long after we die? It is a fair question and in it Father has pinpointed the major problem today with the Christian mindset that they think they can have their cake and eat it too. Not so as Our Lord has said in Luke 10: 38-39. If we're not willing to fall in love with God now, what guarantee do we have that God will take us up as a suitor down the line? Sincerity is a two-way street and so far it's really only a one-way with man putting up the roadblocks. Father explains that the more one loves self and things of this world, the less will one be happy in this life and that creates a problem for assuring happiness in the next. As usual we are grateful to Maria Hughes for sending Father's latest essay titled Wholehearted Love
    Living in Tradition
    In concert with Fr. Wathen's essay above, we provide a short primer on how and what to teach the children, especially this summer with one month of summer vacation until the school year begins. We preface it with an inspiring short piece by Timothy A. Duff entitled, "Why me?" which gives one much food for thought. We have combined Tim Duff's inspirational short piece with the short primer of what Traditional Catholics can teach their children this summer and throughout the year. The latter was found in the vestibule of Tim's traditional church and, in concert with Father James Wathen's essay on wholehearted love today, gives a practical how-to manual for readers everywhere for putting virtue into practice. Tim's piece, which we have placed here instead of his regular Fiat Voluntas Dei series because of its brevity, is an excellent illustration of how we should look at God in all humility and gratefulness as His servants - as holy slaves of Jesus and Mary. Jesus said in Mark 10: 14, "Suffer the little children to come to Me, and forbid them not: for of such is the kingdom of God." As Traditional Catholics, we can veer from this message for the lure of the world, especially during the carefree and sweltering months of July and August, can dull the importance of daily working at teaching our children - no matter what age - what is important and how we can carry our cross daily, loving God all the more and practice the virtues in a Catholic's necessary quest for holiness. We furnish here, along with Tim's preface, a seven-point primer, which embodies the simplicity of what God is reminding us to be vigilant and, as responsible Catholics and parents, to Teach the Children
    Griff Ruby diffuses the idea many Novus Ordinarians launch that Traditional Catholics ought to attend the Novus Ordo in obedience, offering their spiritual sufferings therein as a kind of penance That's the shallow thinking of those who have been so dumbed down that they fail to realize why Catholics have no choice but to attend the True Mass and why such a "sacrifice" is not an acceptable penance. Though it may be a liturgical preference to many, that is not the reason Traditional Catholics make such amazing sacrifices to drive hours and hundreds of miles to attend the True Latin Mass. It is because in the Holy Sacrifice, decreed by St. Pius V to be said "in perpetuity," is the only true Catholic worship of a propitiatory nature in which the Sacrifice of Calvary is re-enacted in an unbloody manner; something which the Novus Ordo is not because it is a man-made, synthetic and poisonous rite, and that is why every Catholic needs to realize staying with the Novus Ordo only leads to further confusion and eventual entrapment, and to all who think they need to attend the Novus Ordo out of obedience: Why be a glutton for punishment? If you are within striking distance of the Vatican II venom, their fangs will reach you. For the sake of your soul hie thee out of the viper's pit of the conciliar church as fast as you can! Your eternal life depends on it! Griff explains in his column Novus Ordo "Suffering"
    Fiat Voluntas Dei
    Timothy Duff, long considered an expert on The Mystical City of God by Venerable Mary of Jesus of Agreda, completes this specific series on her Heavenly work in which Our Lord and His Blessed Mother imparted to this simple, humble and very obedient nun over 2500 handwritten pages on the definitive work that best explains the life of the Mother of God - the Blessed Virgin Mary and much about her Divine Son Jesus Christ. Today Tim illustrates how the City of God helps so much in living from Communion to Communion and staying in communion with Jesus and His Blessed Mother. We are the most privileged and blessed to be able to receive the Bread of Angels and reading the City of God brings home how important and awe-inspiring reception of the Holy Eucharist is in the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass and should give each person a far greater and deeper perspective on the Holy Mass' significance and help each person to better prepare and live in grace between Masses. Tim shows the significance of beginning to prepare on Thursday, Friday and Saturday for Sunday Mass in imitation of Our Lady in remembering the Passion of her Divine Son. Tim explains and documents in Part Eight of his series Mystica Civitate Dei The Importance of The Mystical City of God
    On The BattleLine
    Atila Sinke Guimarăes documents the exodus of the conciliar hierarchy from the certain Catholic truths on Judaism always held by Holy Mother Church by citing examples of how the conciliar popes have sabotaged a long list of pre-Vatican II Roman Pontiffs and Saints who asserted the position Catholics must take, for the sake of their own souls, that of extreme caution in regard to the Jews. This was never considered anti-Semitic for the Church preached against such prejudice towards any race, but not in regards to religion for the Jewish religion was abrogated by God Himself through His Divine Son. To encourage, as the conciliar popes have done and continue to do with modern Rome kowtowing to whatever Israel dictates and Benedict's upcoming visit to a Synagogue where he will pray in Yiddish, these things surely contradict Our Lord's charge in Mark 16: 15-16 and therefore cannot be Catholic. The whole concept of patronizing the Zionists began at Vatican II and has only intensified the longer the conciliarists barge onward in undermining Catholic doctrine. Atila provides the evidence in his Bird's Eye View column Benedict's Upcoming Visit to the Synagogue of Cologne.
    Traditional Insights
    Mario Derksen continues in his refutation of Kenneth Whitehead's arguments for justifying the ecumenical movement begun at Vatican II. Basing Catholic truth on Pope Pius XI's encyclical condemning ecumenism Mortalium animos, Mario shows how any variation from the Catholic Faith in action, gesture or words gives scandal and the appearance of, if not actual, heresy. This week he expands on the double standard obvious from the double speak of Vatican II where the conciliar idiots not only heretically contradict the dogma of Extra Ecclesiam Nulla Salus but contradict themselves in trying to justify such ecumaniacal rubbish. Mario points out the true Catholic stance as professed up through Pope Pius XII and then asks what exactly changed between his death in 1958 and 1965. The answer on the Protestant side is nothing, yet the ecumaniacs bend over backward to compromise the Catholic Faith in order to placate their non-Catholic 'brethren.' The Apostle Paul nailed the problem very clearly in Galatians 1: 8-11 for if one seeks to please man rather than God, they are not only not servants of Christ but are NOT Catholic. Mario explains further the obvious double standard that manifests itself so blatantly when it comes to quickly dismissing Traditional Catholics as "not in communion with" while the Protestants are in "imperfect union with". Mario exposes the insanity of this in Part Eight An Attempt at a Defense (3)
    If only Gary L. Morella were on the confirming committee for Supreme Court, we could be assured that the person confirmed would be a man not only we could be proud of, but God would be proud of. Gary focuses on the Supreme Court issue and John Roberts in particular and applies the wisdom of Augustine and Aquinas to the unlawful laws of abortion and sodomy today, showing very clearly that by advice and consent those who subscribe to these laws are going against the natural law and that goes for those who buy into the authority of unjust judges. Gary challenges John Roberts to show he is truly Catholic by standing without compromise for the eternal truths of his Catholic Faith and do all in his power to overturn unjust laws such as Roe vs. Wade for starters. Gary magnificently lays out the argument from the Angelic Doctor to Pope Pius XI's certainly clear encyclical Casti Connubii to other writers in bringing home the point that one - whether politician or judge - can never check their faith and belief at the door. Gary explains in his excellent essay We Want a Supreme Court, Not a Supreme "Farce"
    Gabriel's Clarion
    With this essay, Gabriel begins a multi-part series which we are calling "Incorrigible Dirigibles" in comparing the liberal factions to blimps full of hot air which nevertheless cast a dark shadow over today's values and morals. In the manner of the Tower of Babel-like zeppelin "Hindenburg," so also these pompous, progressive windbags are full of gaseous, nauseous ideas that can be most dangerous if one seeks to hook a ride on such nonsense. In that same vein, they have nowhere to go but down. One must realize they are highly inflammable and the nearer they float toward the fires of hell, the more combustible souls become who are in their path, beneath them, or, God forbid, their passenger. A petard is just that, a case containing explosives. In this first installment, Gabriel shows the ridiculousness and hypocrisy of the organization known as PETA which places animal rights above human rights in their crusade to save the cats, mice, fish and fowl but let the innocent unborn babies be mercilessly slaughtered! The Jewish sector doesn't seem to have a problem with that, but, as Gabriel points out, those who value salvation had better realize the insanity of such thinking; otherwise such a cavalier attitude toward the sanctity of life will manifest all the more a reason for God to roil and thunder and allow those who turn against His Laws to broil. That is why Gabriel pulls no punches in telling it like it is with Part One of the "Incorrigible Dirigibles" with his column The PETA Petard: Hypocrisy for the Birds!
    "Qui legit, intelligat"
    In Father Louis Campbell's sermon for the Tenth Sunday After Pentecost, he points out how many Spiritual Gifts God has bestowed on His children, but many take it for granted, not realizing inside they are rotting sepulchres who castigate the pious, the poor, the publican. We can have all the talent in the world but if we do not have the peace of God and the graces available by adhering to the Divine Will, then we are prey for the roaring lion - the devil in disguise - who, through charlatans of every cloth, through shallow values, through false prophets and the godless secularism so prevalent everywhere today, we are defenseless against the fallen angel lucifer who transforms into the fanged mangy cat on the prowl for souls. Father reminds us that the evil one mocks God by imitating Him, appropriately called "the ape of God" whose screeching alerts the predators of perdition throughout the lustful lush and deadly jungle of this world. To avoid the traps, to hover above the tangling vines, we need the light of the Holy Ghost to illuminate our way, to provide a safety net against the wiles and deceits of the devil. Only grace can do that and God gives it so lovingly. Why are we such ungrateful stewards? Father wonders, especially in light of what Our Lord promises as he emphasizes in his sermon "If God has so loved us"
    Griff Ruby takes a vacation this week from his hard-hitting, eye-opening apologetic essays to bring us a simple parable - if you will - in going back to school - back to the school of simplicity where, with the wisdom of Solomon, a prudent nun reaches and possibly alters the lives of two young minds with practical application of how we must love our neighbor and look forward to doing it. Griff illustrates how an elementary religious conveys it so very elementary, as easy as ABC. God makes it so simple, it is man who complicates things. If we strive to love God and do His will, we can't help but love our neighbor, and put down our 'spitwads' whether they be words or actions. Can We Pray For Our Enemies?
    Gary L. Morella weighs in with his cogent words about the aberration that occurred this week north of the border when Canada became the fourth country globally to sell out to satan lock, stock and barrel by legalizing an unnatural law that is diametrically and diabolically opposed to God's Natural Law. Now Canadian souls are even more vulnerable, especially with the lukewarm 'Catholic bishops' who, when push comes to shove, show themselves to be sniveling cowards, swatting away the welfare of souls like ping-pong balls bouncing into eternal perdition. Is there a St. John Fisher in the bunch? Or a St. Thomas More in government? Doesn't look like it! Gary points out that we have brought this upon ourselves by buying into the rot that contraception is justified, which has only made it all that much easier for satan to populate hell while enticing men and women to not procreate and take responsibility for life for offspring. Yes, we are reaping the 'fruits' of the barren lustful generations with abortion, contraception, adultery, pornography, and sodomy. And people are offended when those who respect and fear God warn people that these natural disasters and man-made disasters - namely terrorism, Islamism, Modernism, Globalism for a One World Order and every other ism including infiltration and pollution in His Church - are the last warnings of a Heavenly Father Who can no longer stay back His hand of Justice. Are we so overconfident, proud and that stupid not to connect the dots and see the causes and effects of a civilization when they turn their backs on God's Laws? Evidently we are. Gary explains in his commentary The Canadian Canard
    Fiat Voluntas Dei
    Timothy Duff, long considered an expert on The Mystical City of God by Venerable Mary of Jesus of Agreda, continues his series on her Heavenly work in which Our Lord and His Blessed Mother imparted to this simple, humble and very obedient nun over 2500 handwritten pages on the definitive work that best explains the life of the Mother of God - the Blessed Virgin Mary and much about her Divine Son Jesus Christ. Today Tim emphasizes the importance of the City of God and the necessity to apply it to our daily lives by willingly giving ourselves to Jesus and Mary as Their Holy Slaves to do with as They wilt. That, as Tim points out, is true freedom, while worldly freedom is, in truth, slavery to Lucifer. Whose master do we choose to be shackled to - the holy or the unholy? It's a no-brainer for those who love God and have the fear of God in them and City of God is an excellent how-to in living as St. Louis de Montfort so excellently conveyed. Tim explains and documents in Part Seven of his series Mystica Civitate Dei The Importance of The Mystical City of God
    Traditional Insights
    Mario Derksen continues in his refutation of Kenneth Whitehead's arguments for justifying the ecumenical movement begun at Vatican II. Basing Catholic truth on Pope Pius XI's encyclical condemning ecumenism Mortalium animos, Mario shows how any variation from the Catholic Faith in action, gesture or words gives scandal and the appearance of, if not actual, heresy. Derksen picks up where he left last week and expands his argument by illustrating just a few actions and gestures that prove the conciliar church has veered far from the Catholic path. He backs this up with Pope Pius XII's warning against false oecumenism in his encyclicalHumani generis and the Church's Instruction on the Ecumenical Movement, ushered in 1949 where the Holy Father identified the dangerous infifferentism that can arise. Mario explains in Part Seven An Attempt at a Defense (2)
    Making Sense of Sensus Catholicus
    Father James F. Wathen, the pioneering traditional author of The Great Sacrilege, continues, in honor of the Month of the Most Precious Blood, his treatise on its significance. He cites St. Paul's words to the Ephesians, specifically showing the definite abrogation of the Jews as the exclusive chosen people for, as Father points out, Heaven was opened for all - Jew and Gentile, but only if they follow the divine formula of the New Covenant and use the tools for redemption - His Church and sacraments - made manifest in the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass for which, through the merits of Jesus Christ, the fruits of that Sacrifice for all can be realized only "for the many" - Pro Multis - who adhere to the truths handed down in His One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church. It is there and only there where, through the Holy Mass, God's message cannot be changed, but His message can change us if we are loyal to Him and the infallible, perennial Magisterium of the Church He founded: the Church which upholds the only true sacrifice pleasing to God - the Traditional Latin Mass as infallibly decreed by St. Pius V must be said "in perpetuity." As usual we are grateful to Maria Hughes for sending Father's latest essay titled The Precious Blood of Christ Part Two
    Gabriel's Clarion
    Gabriel Garnica offers the lasso of faith, hope and charity in warning all of the marauders who have galloped across the last 40 years. With apologies to Grantland Rice, we paraphrase the following: Outlined against the black and white tenets of the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church, the Four Horsemen have galloped. In the Apocalypse they are known as famine, pestilence, destruction and death. These are only aliases to the New Order. Their real names are Feelings, Unity, Self and Pride. They formed the crest of the ecumenical cyclone before which another fighting force - the noble Church Militant - was swept over the precipice as countless souls looked on, hapless, dumb-struck sheep, bleating in blind obedience to the bewildering panorama stampeding across the wide arid-gray expanse of lukewarm hearts. Gabriel identifies the bandits upon their steeds in his column The Four Horsemen of The New Order
    "Qui legit, intelligat"
    In Father Louis Campbell's sermon for the Ninth Sunday After Pentecost, he shows the truths of St. Paul's words in Galatians 1: 8, 9 of the anathema being foisted on the faithful by the conciliar church which hopes to influence many with the lie of evolving doctrine. Yes, the modernists posit that man is so much more capable of rationalizing and correcting the 'errors' of those who were steeped in the Faith but, according to the apostate leaders of the new church, didn't have the 'fullness of truth' that we of this enlightened age have today. That is why so many opinions of heretics have taken over doctrine, turning Catholics into non-Catholics, often even non-Christians by embracing the skimble-skamble of those who now look for ways to eliminate the necessity of Baptism. Can we not see the great elation of hell rumbling forth in mocking laughter at this anathema which today is no longer considered anathema sit by the conciliarists but rather 'progress'? That is why Father reminds us of today's Gospel when our Lord was teaching daily in the temple and that we had best make a decisive turn to stand fast to the traditions handed down for we know not the time of visitation. In this same gospel Christ clearly identifies what the conciliarists have made of His Church today - a den of thieves; robbers who have twisted so many truths that they trip over their own lies and kill souls with the nonsense that Baptism is no longer necessary. That could be because ecumenism and Baptism do not mix; only conversion and Baptism. Conversion and Traditionalism are the only things the modernist church hold as anathema today. Such is the sad state of the Vatican II church as Father points out in his sermon Simple Hopes and Decisive Turns
    The Sanity of Sanctity
    Down through the ages Mount Carmel has been a rock of inspiration and sanctification from the time of Elias to present day. The story of Carmel is prose, poetry and prayer and basically the benchmark of the Blessed Virgin Mary's integral role as Advocate, Co-Redemptrix, Mediatrix of all graces. Carmel has been favored by Our Lady as foretold in the Old Testament and as manifested to St. Simon Stock in 1251 when she bestowed on him the Brown Scapular and the amazing promise of ultimate salvation to all who abide by the rules of the Scapular. In addition, at Lourdes the Blessed Mother appeared to Bernadette as Our Lady of Mt. Carmel on this day 147 years ago and in the same heavenly garb on her final apparition at Fatima on October 13, 1917. We provide a thorough backgrounder on the meaning and magnificence of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel and its history, masterfully conveyed by Dom Prosper Gueranger in his masterpiece The Liturgical Year as well as the Act of Consecration to Our Lady of Mt. Carmel in honor of today's Double Major Commemoration in a feature we have chosen to call The Lasting Magnificence, Grace, and Power of Our Lady of Mount Carmel
    Back in late May and early June, we ran Griff Ruby's two-part essay titled "Project Harvest Moon and Pope Gregory XVII" in which he effectively showed that, as much as many want the "Siri Theory" to be true, it is not possible for the clock has run out on this thesis. End of story, right? Not quite. One somewhat well-known public figure took issue with Griff and his syllogisms. Normally, as we preface to Griff's response in our Editor's Forward, we wouldn't run comments from readers disagreeing with various articles or we'd never have time to publish a regular issue, but the editor provides five reasons why it is necessary this time - with the main underlying current being that Griff's response strengthens his arguments all the more. Thus, when challenged by a die-hard Siri theorist, Griff shows he's up to the task. As you can see there won't be any shying away from controversy or personal questions as Griff masterfully answers the "last hurrah" of the Siri Thesis, going through the full letter from Jim Condit, Jr. in emphasizing how his argument that Lumen Gentium was factually and actually "the straw that broke the camel's back." Griff also strengthens his points on why his arguments hold much more credibility and fact than any other theories posited anywhere, anytime. He tackles all comers head on with his response, which we've titled Harvest Moon Revisited
    Fiat Voluntas Dei
    Timothy Duff, long considered an expert on The Mystical City of God by Venerable Mary of Jesus of Agreda, continues his series on her Heavenly work in which Our Lord and His Blessed Mother imparted to this simple, humble and very obedient nun over 2500 handwritten pages on the definitive work that best explains the life of the Mother of God - the Blessed Virgin Mary and much about her Divine Son Jesus Christ. Today Tim provides the proof of the pudding: the fruits of the work through conversions and vocations just as Jesus assures for a "good tree: in Matthew 7 and The Mystical City of God is a very, very good tree; most probably outside of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, the Rosary and Holy Scripture, the most fruitful in the sanctification of souls. He documents just an inkling of the great fruits produced by this masterful manuscript preserved for our time as Tim explains and documents in Part Six of his series Mystica Civitate Dei The Excellence of The Mystical City of God
    Doctors of the Church
    Today is the Traditional Double Feast of The Seraphic Doctor Saint Bonaventure, and, as part of our "gems from the past" we bring you our profiles on this holy twenty-third Doctor in our completed chronological series on the Doctors of the Church. Bonaventure was a man full of "good fortune" from his earliest years. Humility was his virtue; his role model was St. Francis of Assisi, the holy founder who named him. He followed this man, continuing the ideals of the Franciscans, guiding them during turbulent times when growing pains created problems in the ranks and with various ecclesial authorities opposed to the Friars Minor. This Universal Doctor was one of the first saintly Cardinals of the Church. He was close friends with "The Angelic Doctor" St. Thomas Aquinas and the saintly king of France King Louis IX. He was the architect of the 2nd Council of Lyons and, fittingly, was called home by God immediately following completion of the Council. His work done on earth but continued through his writings and example; so much so that he is known as "The Seraphic Doctor." He was Saint Bonaventure.
    Traditional Insights
    Having completed the "gems from the past series" on "The Truth About Ecumenism" with last week's fifth installment on Pope Pius XI's encyclical condemning ecumenism Mortalium animos, Mario Derksen picks up where he left off last July with Part Six in which he refutes the feeble attempts by conciliar shills to justify the unjustifiable. Mario shreds the arguments of one of the leading defenders of Vatican II - Dr. Kenneth D. Whitehead - which appeared in last year's issue of Homiletic and Pastoral Review. With the ecumania actually accelerating under Benedict XVI it is vital to bring the evil of ecumenism to light. In this installment Mario goes point by point in bursting the balloon of hot air launched by the conciliarists and without an inflated appearance that "things are better", Mario shows the bubble of bafflegab for what it really is - an illusion that has evolved into full-blown heresy in rejecting the dogmas and wisdom of the infallible, perennial Magisterium of the Church. Mario syllogizes how the heresy of ecumenism leads to indifferentism as has been so obvious over the past several decades, intensifying now all the more. Truly the conciliar church is collapsing because a house built on sand cannot stand. Mario explains in Part Six An Attempt at a Defense (1)
    Pro-Life Prescriptions
    With the 8th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals decision to reject the Partial Birth Abortion Ban, Dr. Frank Joseph registers his indignation that this judicial tyranny, which Gabriel Garnica zeroed in on yesterday, is running amok and, like Gabriel, he points to the culprits who are responsible for this - the judges, politicians and bishops. Frank gets down to basics like the Constitution of the United States and Declaration of Independence and Ten Commandments to show the absolute diabolical disorientation of these men in their maddening agendas and that it is time for the common man to rise up and say, "enough! God is in charge, not you!" It all comes down to, as Frank points out that never have the opportunities been more available for President Bush to appoint more men like Antonin Scalia on the Supreme Court bench in the quest to rid this land of the grievous sin that cries to Heaven for vengeance. Of course, as Frank shows, few know this because those entrusted with the spiritual welfare of souls have abrogated their responsibility because they are curs of the Democratic Party and a curse to the sanctity of life. Frank explains in his column The Gall! How Dare They!?!
    Gabriel's Clarion
    Gabriel Garnica focuses on two rogues who were in the news over the past week or so; one is Sandra Day O'Connor, wearing a black robe who has announced her retirement from the Supreme Court, and the other Roger Mahony, wearing the red robes of the cardinalate, who unfortunately has not announced such but many are demanding his resignation and rightly so. Neither of these two modernists are friends of the innocent unborn, as evidenced by their actions and track-record. Now there is a battle for O'Connor's replacement and pro-life forces are mobilizing, but one place to not look for much help is the USCCB for whether in purple or the scarlet, they, as well as their colleagues on the bench, have sold out to mammon as Sunday's gospel relates. The truth is these Robed Marauders in the Courts, Chanceries, and Curia have blackened hearts and bloody hands that can only be cleansed by willingly presenting themselves before the Supreme Judge to be washed in His Most Precious Blood. That can only be done by uncompromisingly respecting God's Laws and reinforcing these commandments in all they are responsible for. Gabriel explains in his column When Black Robes turn Red and Red Robes turn Black
    "Qui legit, intelligat"
    In Father Louis Campbell's sermon for the Eighth Sunday After Pentecost, he emphasizes that we sow what we reap and in the case of laws that go against God's Commandments and the Natural Law, we have sown chaos for God withdraws His graces from those who persist in neglecting His will.Father shows that we are in the mess we are in - in all aspects of life - our homes, church and society - because we have not been vigilant and stood for Christ. It is more evidence that the Supreme Court is in no way supreme but rather very vulgar in more ways than one and an aberration to not only God Himself, but all those who upheld His laws prior to the judicial tyranny and ecclesial rebellion that have so ravaged civilization over the past 30 to 40 years. The same goes for the usurpers who have hijacked the Church. The key is exactly what Paul speaks of in today's Epistle - to conquer the flesh for from the flesh come a multitude of sins. Look at the scandals and lack of fruits today for proof of this. As Jesus highlights in today's Gospel, "give an account of thy stewardship" and that accounting cannot be hidden when judgment time is nigh. Yet rather than taking this divine advice to heart, this disobedient generation seem to be far 'wiser' than the children of light. It brings into focus Our Lord's haunting words completing today's Gospel to make friends of mammon when one has persistently been disobedient to God. In other words, even the all-merciful and loving Son of God has said that those who reject Him and His teaching are worthy of the fate of destitution and destruction, for only through His True Church is their salvation. Those who do not grasp that, who think they have a better idea - be they 'shepherds' in the conciliar church, judges and politicians in government, or ostriches in society who refuse to recognize the truth, they are all part and parcel of The Disobedient Generation
    Traditional Thoughts
    Father Yves le Roux, rector of St. Thomas Seminary for the Society of St. Pius X in Winona, Minnesota, weighs in with a brief meditation on trust in God and how easy it is to submit to the taunts of the evil one that God is not there, that He is too busy for caring, or that one can do everything without his hope. All this is built on the devil's hope that one will despair and abandon the path of holiness. That is what satan is counting on. The basic truth is that only by trusting totally in God can we fend off the fiery arrows of the satanic archer that constantly peppers hearts and souls into thinking they can achieve holiness on their own. Father explains in his letter "To Be Sure of God as of a Family Friend"
    Griff Ruby, heats up the oven of traditional kibitzing by reminding us all of our need to not get too close to the flames. Traditional Catholics have a tendency to do a slow burn over the way they were deceived, but Griff says it will do no good to resent it for we'll be turned into worthless pretzels, twisting in the winds of regret and bitterness. Rather, we should be happy we have finally realized the Perfect Banquet is the infrangible Holy Sacrifice of the Mass as infallibly decreed to be said "in perpetuity" by Pope St. Pius V in ratifying the infallible, dogmatic decrees of Trent and seek to bring more to this same necessary ideal for salvation. Our Lord asserts in Matthew 5: 13 that as traditional Catholics we should be the salt of the earth, but if that salt lose its savor it is worth nothing. So also if we tie ourselves up in knots worrying over what this conciliar 'bishop' did or that Novus Ordinarian believes then we become agitated and salt-less twisted dough good for nothing but being ground into meal for the vultures of vice. If we do nothing but point fingers, we get twisted into narrow-thinking Pharisaec pretzels. Ouch! Griff explains why it does no good to go off half-baked in his column Lose the Attitude
    Fiat Voluntas Dei
    Timothy Duff, long considered an expert on The Mystical City of God by Venerable Mary of Jesus of Agreda, continues his series on her Heavenly work in which Our Lord and His Blessed Mother imparted to this simple, humble and very obedient nun over 2500 handwritten pages on the definitive work that best explains the life of the Mother of God - the Blessed Virgin Mary and much about her Divine Son Jesus Christ. Tim reasserts Fr. Blatter - the English translator's words - "Read and be convinced!" That, as Tim points out, is the proof of the pudding for outside of Sacred Scripture, nothing is more detailed or devout than this four-volume masterpiece of meditation of what God the Father wanted mankind to know now. In his fifth installment, reprinted from 1994, Tim emphasizes and cites examples of how it perfectly harmonizes with the traditional liturgy of Holy Mother Church, the Councils, Saints and papal decrees and how it unlocks so many answers previously hidden and how it reveals the mysteries of Apocalypse 21: 2 as Tim explains and documents in Part Five of his series Mystica Civitate Dei The Excellence of The Mystical City of God
    Traditional Insights
    As part of our "gems from the past" series in order for the reader to be refreshed on all the pertinent points Mario first presented a year ago, we are rerunning for the summer mode issues his excellent series on "The Truth About Ecumenism" as he meticulously analyzes a powerful encyclical on ecumenism; not Ut unum sint but rather Mortalium animos, the no nonsense Papal encyclical by Pope Pius XI who warned against the very insanity that has run wild over the past several decades and grows worse by the year, by the month. With John Paul II now passed into history, the ecumania is continuing with Benedict XVI and therefore it is vital to bring the evil of ecumenism to light. In this last installment which he ran last year Mario gets to the heart of His Holiness' message: one must accept all that the Church teaches without exception for dogma must be believed. There is no room for discussion or opinion. Roma locutus est. Mario also pinpoints where Pius XI emphasized that dialogue is the wrong path and leads not to conversion but to compromise. Ergo, the agenda announced by John XXIII, furthered by Paul VI and John Paul II and now Benedict XVI, is heresy which denies the True Faith, outside of which there is no salvation. Again Mario repeats one is either fully Catholic or not Catholic at all. There is no middle ground! The equation adds up to zero fruits from Vatican II, ripe with heresy. Next week Mario provides a brand new sixth installment in this series as today we complete the "gems from the past" series on An Analysis of the Encyclical Mortalium Animos and other true Catholic Teaching on Religious Unity with part five Ecumenism & Modernism
    Making Sense of Sensus Catholicus
    Father James F. Wathen, the pioneering traditional author of The Great Sacrilege, cites the Epistle for the Feast of the Most Precious Blood to illustrate how the New Testament is superior to the Old in the manner and essence of sacrifice, for all worship necessitates a sacrifice of blood and, while animal sacrifice was accepted in the Old Covenant, the New Covenant necessitates but one sacrifice. That is the memorial of the ultimate sacrifice given by the Divine Son to the Eternal Father by shedding every drop of His Most Precious Blood for all mankind as a "laver of redemption." Only by washing our sins in His Most Precious Blood can we be cleansed, and ultimately saved by adhering to His truths revealed to the Church He founded. Non-Catholics do not understand the vital, life-saving and infinite meaning of this and because of that, they have misconceptions about and antipathy for Catholics because, in truth, Catholic worship is what Our Lord established and only by "doing this in memory of Me" - "Haec quotiescumque feceritas, in Mei memoriam facietis" is the Immemorial Sacrifice for all ages perpetuated and pleasing to the Father. That is what is meant by the "laver of redemption." As usual we are grateful to Maria Hughes for sending Father's latest essay titled The Precious Blood of Christ
    Gabriel's Clarion
    Gabriel Garnica exposes how the New Order twists things to carry things beyond their regular conclusions to include syllogisms that are not possible. The French Revolution of Liberty, Equality and Fraternity greased the slippery slope, and, thanks to pushing the envelope with every generation since, today thinking has been so distorted that the New Order equates the idiom that "intimacy is only possible between equals" with the nonsensical conclusion that man is equal to God. There is no other way to describe this rubbish than heresy as Gabriel points out the difference between human intimacy, necessary in holy matrimony, and sacred intimacy with God which throws the equation of equality out the window. He explains in his column The Secular Myth of Intimacy and Equality
    "Qui legit, intelligat"
    In Father Louis Campbell's sermon for the Seventh Sunday After Pentecost, he rails against those who dismiss conspiracy theories as far-fetched and fabricated. He cites the words of David the Psalmist in Psalm 2: 1-3 as proof that the one who conspired to coerce Eve into disobeying God and consequently involving Adam, is the same who conspires today to make society ever more godless and depraved. It is only common sense that to carry off this massive conspiracy against God and His creatures of free will, the master conspirator had to somehow infiltrate God's Holy Church and corrupt it. Father points out the sewage that has spewed since the door was opened on January 25, 1959 by John XXIII and all that has followed as the Trojan Horse, teeming with demons, was pulled into the Holy See and her enemies craftily snuck into position, so insidiously that few could tell friend from foe and that was the devil's master plan, not only to control the world by diminishing his own existence in their midst but by propagating his non serviam mentality on men who should know better and who have become what Paul warned of in Galatians 1: 8-12 and 5: 17-21. Now, as Father points out, we can see the 'fruits' of the bad trees which our Lord speaks of in today's Gospel with the devastation wrought from Canada to western Europe to the USA, and it will only get worse unless we recognize there truly is a conspiracy and that it is no myth. Satan holds the world in his hands for he is the prince of the world, because mankind has not recognized Who we owe full allegiance to for, as Christ has said, His kingdom is not of this world; neither should we strive for things of the world, the flesh or the devil - all bad trees destined for the eternal fire; for if we do opt for the bad trees we too will be Cut Off from the Land of the Living
    With his blessings, in this issue as we head into the July Fourth weekend, we bring you a guest commentary by Phil Brennan, the witty and wise columnist inside and outside the Beltway with New York roots who plumbs those roots back to the days when our nation was just evolving, growing, struggling in its youth. Today, he laments that she and all of society, as well as the Church, are going through the troublesome teen era when so many and so much is in rebellion against the tried and true and the moral values, principles and sacrifices passed down by previous generations. He wisps nostalgically for what we have lost as his octogenarian milestone grows closer and he ponders his upcoming last birthday in the time of septuagesima by remembering when memories waft up like the candles on a cake; the spark of hope evaporating into thin air unless one holds moral values, principles, and sacrifices precious and worth fighting for. Phil takes us back in his column Old enough to remember...a whole lot of stuff
    Fiat Voluntas Dei
    Timothy Duff, long considered an expert on The Mystical City of God by Venerable Mary of Jesus of Agreda, continues his series on her Heavenly work in which Our Lord and His Blessed Mother imparted to this simple, humble and very obedient nun over 2500 handwritten pages on the definitive work that best explains the life of the Mother of God - the Blessed Virgin Mary and much about her Divine Son Jesus Christ. Outside of Sacred Scripture, nothing is more detailed or devout than this four-volume masterpiece of meditation of what God the Father wanted mankind to know now. In this issue, reprinted from 1994, Tim shows why this work is so important, chiefly because of who the author truly is. It is no work of fiction, no imagination of a simple nun, but the very words coming from the one who lived as the Mystical Rose, the Tower of Ivory, the Ark of the Covenant - the Blessed Mother herself as Tim explains and documents in Part Four of his series Mystica Civitate Dei The Excellence of The Mystical City of God

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    Last one out of Canada, turn off the lights and be sure to shut the door! A mass exodus is possible if radical liberals get their way with Sodomite Bill!
    It looks more and more like the fictional account of George Orwell's Animal Farm is fast becoming reality as Canada grows redder by the minute - both in communist leanings and out of embarassment for their people who are being herded toward hell faster than a Canadian Mountie can say "Sergeant Preston." That is why Gary Morella states that Canada is "in the grip of insantity - a Brave new world order" toward "State control of religion, ESPECIALLY Catholicism called for by Canadian Public Radio." Will the U.S. be far behind? Considering the communist laws being passed and the freedoms being suppressed, we can expect such mainly because the bishops both in Canada and the U.S. are mere "hirelings" who are not true shepherds and because they have veered and the people have not adhered to both God's Laws and infrangible Catholic dogmas, God is allowing this chastisement. These are the fruits of allowing satan into the sanctuary. Now he is plundering homes and hard hearts. Hell, it would seem, is indeed empty and more and more it looks right now that the devil's forwarding address is going to be Canada! To all Canucks, take a page from the martyrs and be prepared. To all Americans, a word to the wise should be sufficient. Stop the madness before the progressives gain full control in the U.S. as well. Hopefully the nomination of Judge John G. Roberts, who claims to be Catholic, will help, but prayer is the key to stave off the hand of God which is so overdue for America because of the heinous sins of abortion, sodomy, adultery, porn, and greed to name but a few. What we are seeing is the fulfillment of Our Lady of Good Success' prophecies to Mother Marian de Jesus Torres at Quito, Ecuador in the 17th Century. Strap in, gang, it's going to be a wild one!

    It's Official! Benedict XVI signs off on New Vatican's fast lane to "sainthood" to enable the promotion of a known heretic!
    Tuesday, June 28th, the day BeneRatz made it official, Fox News had a Fr. Jonathan Morris of the Legionaires of Christ on as a guest commentator who was also introduced as a "Fox News correspondent." For someone who should have been relatively journalistic in demeanor, he was simply giddy about John Paul II being made a saint. What is the overwhelming reason he gave for waiving the rules of the canonization process? Because of the people and placards at his funeral calling for his sainthood! Did anyone tell this poor misinformed and blind presbyter that it was a planned PR blitz by Chiara Lubich and her Focalare brigades who distributed the signs and frenzied up the crowds? Another indication of how the 'saint factory' works as man moves the gears, not the Holy Ghost. The floodgates for diminishing sanctity have been opened wide with the elimination of the long-standing necessary Devil's Advocate. Remember, satan can effect miracles. That is why holy discernment is mandatory. But now, it's anything for a buck with all kinds of propaganda and several religious items being peddled to capitalize on the phenomenon just as JPII encouraged when he was alive. Even rosaries are being pushed on dumbed-down Novus Ordinarians with JPII's graven image instead of Our Lady's and the Sacred Heart of Jesus on the "Salve Regina" / Hail Holy Queen" medal of the Rosary. We know Our Lady and the saints before Vatican II are all in Heaven; but there is grave doubt Karol Wojtyla even made Purgatory considering how he violated what he had promised to uphold and protect. Did Our Lord not say in Luke 12: 48, "And unto whomsoever much is given, of him much shall be required: and to whom they have committed much, of him they will demand the more"? Yet the man-made push to make Wojtyla a 'god' continues with the runaway papolotry. Now books are being published that only verify the veering away from the Catholic Faith with a book already titled "John Paul the Great" with the subhead, "Maker of the post-conciliar church" [sic]. Even the new order writers (25 of them) have no respect for the new church by lowercasing it and have admitted that John Paul II is the "Maker of a new church." As we posted last month, if Novus Ordinarians can't see the unraveling through the obvious facts that modern Rome is in no way connected with Eternal Rome and the Church Christ founded, then at least Traditional Catholics had better. Let's face it. A heretic can never be a saint, especially a manifest public heretic that Karol Wojtyla was well before he was elected by the usurping hierarchy as pope. The fact he did nothing to refute those heresies or repent of his errors, unlike Peter had done, proves he could not have been a valid pope. Does that mean Traditional Catholics will go along with even the idea of sainting a man many consider, in taking his teachings into account, an anti-pope? One wonders as the time quickly approaches to make the line in the sand and admit the obvious. Shortly after Benedict was elected, Michael Matt and Chris Ferrara implored him to do the right thing. Canonizing a man responsible for the damnation of countless souls and who fostered the destruction of Catholicism sure isn't the right thing!!! It is truly amazing that in this day and age there is such a fabricated array of "saints" for this is the very same era which Our Lord and Our Lady indicated to Mother Mariana de Jesus Torres in the 1600's that, "The times will come when doctrine will be commonly known among the learned and ignorant. ...Many religious books will be written. But the practice of the virtues and these doctrines will be found in only a few souls; for this reason, saints will become rare" (page 63 of Our Lady of Good Success: Prophecies for Our Times, Tradition In Action). That last line from Christ Himself shows that John Paul II says something else by the 477 men and women he 'canonized' - more than all 260 Popes combined prior to Vatican II. Who is right Jesus or John Paul II? If you have to think about that then you have been thoroughly lobotomized by the VaticanTwoArians. Watch for an editorial soon on how un-Catholic this all is. It more readily represents the hype of American Idol than the august, sacrosanct process it should be reserved for in considering only those candidates who possessed and exhibited in all things totally Catholic heroic virtue and impeccable moral standards where there can be no room for controversy and no room for doubt...and definitely no room for scandal! Yet his 'pontificate' was peppered with scandal and heresy. The fact that much evidence bears out that he really died on April Fools Day but that the Vatican covered that up too makes it what it really is: a great big joke except God is not laughing. Below are some previous articles on these and similar subjects.

    Benedict explores digging in deeper in efforts to sleep with the enemy!
    Also, as we reported last month, the great compromise with China continues to plow forward as more Catholic truths are abandoned to placate man. Never mind the persecution of Christians by the Chinese Communists,and the radical Muslims, now Benedict XVI not only going to dialog to death - literally perhaps - those very enemies of the Church who have openly defied the Traditions of 2000 years and sought to persecute Christ and His followers, but is approving lax bishops as the Red Chinese dictate. Calling for diplomatic ties this modernist church will reach out to all of mammon but hold those most faithful to the faith as lepers. Go figure! It's easy to figure because the Vatican II church is the enemy of Jesus Christ and His True Church. The evidence is overwhelming for those who have eyes to see.

    Miami Vice 2005-style - Exposing the Flavor and Favor of South Beach's clerics should put Favalora on the hot seat, Finally!    
    Odds are that it won't be much longer that this apostate archbishop of Miami John C. Favalora will continue to smile since the rot is finally catching up to him. That is because a Polish priest, who isn't even a Traditional priest, was summarily dismissed and persecuted because he dared to complain of sodomite presbyters in every parish where he was assigned. Favalora's hatchet men tried to silence and intimidate him, but Father Andrew Dowgiert was not to be intimidated and has retaliated with a full-fledged suit in which he is ready to open Pandora's Box in requesting a jury trial. Great for public relations of newchurch whose credibility is totally nil, right!?! What makes it all the worse is that the rector of the seminary in Miami Irish monsignor John Noonan - long a fixture on the Florida coast - was just named an auxiliary bishop of Miami by Benedict XVI which only compounds the very problem that modern Rome is complicit in the cover-up of homosexual presbyters for Noonan has long known of the perversion among his fellow clerics and aided and abetted the sinners, and has also covered for his own rotten prelate. His reward? In worldly terms the bishopric. What price will it cost him and Favalora in the long run? Christ answers that in Sacred Scripture very clearly. And now the scandal is about to spill out into public view. As we wrote two years ago, Boston was just the tip of the iceberg of the fetid frozen fruits of the conciliar church - the false church.

    The Passion and Plight of Susan Torres and the plea for prayer and help    
    A case that reminds one of Terri Schiavo and her family is playing out right now with Susan M. Torres, but her situation is even more devastating and yet so encouraging for the sanctity of life. It is the story of the on-going Passion of Mrs. Rollins-Torres, a Catholic wife and mother of a two-year old son in Virginia. Susan's plight also parallels the fiat of the holy Italian doctor and mother Gianna Beretta Molla, for both women have offered their lives for their children. In the case of Susan, we just learned of her terrible predicament on Father's Day, but it was on the day before Mother's Day that Susan, pregnant with the family's second child, collapsed into a brain-dead four stage melanoma. Her husband, rather than pulling the plug as Michael Schiavo so eagerly wanted to do, is doing all he can to keep her alive in order that life within her will continue for she is presently in the 19th or 20th week of her pregnancy and the family hopes and prays that a caesarean will produce Susan's offspring. No greater love can one express than to give one's life for another. Needless to say, medical expenses are obscene and donations are encouraged to help defray costs for hers and the baby's care. We encourage you to go to the special website set up for the family's cause and give what you can.

       There are several sources we strongly encourage you to follow so that one can get a true picture of what the traditions should be during this time of transition and questions. One is the regular news wire we carry below from a fairly closely related Traditional Catholic perspective from In the face of so much fawning and false information from the secular media and especially the Novus Ordo media, Fr. Moderator's daily commentaries are a must to understand what is really going on. We encourage you to go to for he is usually on top of whatever event has come down the pike and calls them pretty much as we see them here at The Daily Catholic in striving to uphold and preserve the Truths and Traditions of Holy Mother Church as part of the Resistance to the Revolution of Vatican II, especially during this time when so much misinformation is flooding into homes as fact and the Novus Ordo mentality and novelties will be ingrained in so many.


       Like Fox News, The Daily Catholic seeks to provide a fair and balanced perspective on modern Rome always from a Traditional point of view. There are traditional Catholics who believe Ratzinger is a legitimate successor of St. Peter. Their views need to be heard. There are also traditional Catholics who believe he is not a true Pope in light of the heresies of Vatican II and his own complicity in the conciliar church, and have documented such. Their views also definitely need to be heard. Therefore, The Daily Catholic from this point on will provide both views for the discernment of readers for these are very, very critical times - indeed, a time of epikea - the likes of which have never afflicted the Church as it is today. We are all fighting a common enemy and need to be united as Traditional Catholics. We are the Church Militant and in all charity, need to speak out when wrong is being done. The Church is not above Christ. The greatest criteria for our own salvation is being fully Catholic in every way. That means not veering one iota from what Holy Mother Church has always taught. Not one iota! We must cling to the Faith handed down by the Apostles in Divine Revelation and Divine Tradition, reinforced and codified, often with the power of perpetuity by popes, many holy ones, down through the ages. When those infrangible truths are tampered with, we will not stand still and let the marauders have their way. The Church is not a democracy, does not sway with political correctness, polls, public opinion or the times. True authentic Catholics will always confront the barbarians both at the gate and inside the gate, having as their allies our Lord Jesus Christ, His most Blessed Mother, the Primacy of Peter, and all His angels and His saints.

      Why the Anglicans have abandoned Christ and common sense!
      The wacky Archbishop of Canterbury has just gotten more dangerous, much more! No longer is looney Rowan Williams that eccentric nut-case, now he is an apostate from his own man-made church and has totally lost all sense of decency and moral fiber. That was made manifestly clear Sunday in the London Sunday Times when it was announced that - are you sitting down, folks? - that it will be okay for anglican "priests" to marry their live-in boyfriends...they just can't touch them! Yeah, right, and the Vatican II church will never allow communion in the hand or altar girls! Memo to Benedict XVI: Do you really intend to continue to dialogue with the devil? This man whom your predecessor schmoozed with and gave improper privilege to in ecumenical services is no Christian. He has succumbed to mammon by caving to the sodomites. Will you also do the same? From your appointment of William Levada to head up the Doctrine of the Faith it sure looks like you'll eventually follow the same course as your Anglican bud. Such is the path of ecumenism that leads to the fruits of sodomy and every other sin. Henry VIII was bad, but even he would have been outraged! Where is your outrage, Benedict?

      Why are these people smiling? Do they know the dam is breaking in Spokane?
      The picture above left is taken from the Diocese of Spokane's website which pictures the bishop of Spokane William Skylstad with some of his closest friends. We have no idea why they are all smiling considering the sorry situation he has left the See of Spokane in. Lord knows he needs friends at a time like this when his Diocese and City are falling apart. Not only has his diocese of Spokane declared bankruptcy, but the City itself is enmeshed in a lurid scandal with charges against the mayor Jim West for the very same reason Skylstad and his fellow Novus Ordo bishops covered for homosexual behavior among men who did not have a vocation to the priesthood but rather were deviants who should never have made it through the first year, let alone month of their seminary training. Spokanians are up in arms calling for West's removal. If only Catholics had that kind of fervent perseverance and conviction to demand the same of the modern apostate bishops. We present for your perusal two stories, one which reports that Skylstad is pushing for the courts to accept the fact that the Diocese does not own the parishes. If the courts agree with that, it could work very much in the favor of Traditional Catholicism as Fr. Moderator so astutely points out. One point he doesn't approach however is that it would be left to the parishes to decide and sadly, there are few Novus Ordo parishes where the parishioners are not totally dumbed down to even realize they could have a Traditional Latin Mass in place of the aberration they now have. It takes education and a willingness to accept the truth; something ex-Novus Ordo Spokanians have discovered by increasing the ranks of Tradition, spearheaded by the mushrooming fruits cultivated by the CMRI priests, sisters and brothers on the campus of the magnificent, edifying Mt. St. Michael's above the very city where everything else is going to pot-hole hell. Traditional Catholics have come to realize Our Lord's words that one does not cast pearls to the swine.

      Why 2 million marching for Christ is disheartening news to Catholics
      On the glorious feast of Corpus Christi two million Brazilians massed and marched in Sao Paolo. One would think that would brighten the heart and soul of every Catholic, thinking oh, how wonderful that the Blessed Sacrament would be processed through the streets. But it wasn't like that because there was nothing Catholic about it. In the spirit of ecumenism the Protestants have slowly but surely been taking over South America and this is evidence of it since the event, not called Corpus Christi but simply "Jesus Day" was organized by evangelicals that have been doing it since 1987. Ah, the fruits of ecumenism. This once great Catholic country is going to the dogs of Protestantism and the modern Church can do nothing but congratulate them just as they congratulate the Hindus, Jews, Muslims and every other New Age innovation while spurning and persecuting those who cling to the True Faith. Truly Our Lord's words ring true, "Not all who say Lord, Lord will enter the kingdom of Heaven."

      Legionaries playing the spin game in trying to save Maciel's hide
      Despite the Boston Globe's account on Monday that all charges against the Legionaries of Christ founder Fr. Marcial Maciel have been dropped by the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith and that there will be no further investigation, we have on good assurance that it is the Legionaries that launched that fabrication and that the investigation is very much still on as was reported previously in the story below. In typical non-committal fashion the modern Vatican institution continues to dodge and weave just as the ambiguous ones have been doing over the past 40 years. Anyone remember the "It is as it was" fiasco where they changed their mind several times? Can you say credibility gap? Here is another one and though the Boston Globe article would be more advantageous for those out to canonize JP2 and try to justify the unjustifiable - Vatican II - Benedict XVI is caught in a Catch-22. If he closes the case, it will be obvious there's a cover-up; if he authorizes full-speed ahead with the trial, it will open many cans of worms that will further taint his predecessor's reputation. Ah, what a tangled web the modernists weave.

      Legionaries' Maciel might be in trouble without John Paul Two to protect him
      Sandro Magister of is on top of a story that could have impacting consequences on the Legion of Christ founder Fr. Marcial Maciel who has long been suspected of improprieties including sexual abuse. For long he was protected and his accusers denigrated, but more and more it looks like there may be truth to some accusations; so much so that Joseph Ratzinger, before handing over the reins of the CDF, ordered all cases to be resurrected, thus dashing the hopes of Legionaries that Maciel would go scott-free. As evidence mounts, the trial is inevitable.

      Many questions surface as to who Levada really is
      Two articles have revealed the fears that many Roman Catholics have expressed over placing William Levada as the Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith. One priest tells horror stories about his experience with Levada when he was bishop of Portland. One thing is for sure, Levada is no friend to Traditional Catholics and no friend of the True Latin Mass. That in and of itself is enough to be very, very leery and doubtful any progress toward returning to orthodoxy will happen. Also read Gabriel Garnica's piece Left Their Souls in San Francisco. There is another article on Levada that comes from a homosexual-oriented publication which we only link because it tells volumes about Levada's political correctness. See the news article directly below this to understand what PC really means. The best advice regarding Levada is be very aware and astute in what he does or says. As Gary Morella commented on this article, "Are these qualifications for Prefect for the Congregation of the Doctrine of the Faith? Not if the Church is still Catholic!"

      The Red Casting of Political Correctness
      What we have warned of for quite a few years has been verified in a special study conducted by and that is that the dreaded PC is communism masked. That is the finding as stated, “Political Correctness is Marxism, with all that implies: loss of freedom of expression, thought control, inversion of the traditional social order and, ultimately, a totalitarian state.” Have we not seen this in our own society and government where the state has taken over through the media to dictate how people should act, think and react. Tolerance and diversity are all part of the manifesto to eliminate not only freedom, but God. Political Correctness is dangerous and must be exposed and that is what a series of expert writers have done with the links available through or More and more we can see Holy Writ being fulfilled in these times foretold by Our Lord in Matthew 24 and what Our Lady warned at La Salette and Fatima. Truly Russia's errors have spread, so much so that few recognize it for what it really is today: inside our psyches and rotting souls by the second.

      Horrors of horrors! Benedict turns over CDF to the wolves!!!
      Friday 13th turned out to bring to fruition any and every Traditional Catholic's worst nightmare! Any hopes they had of Benedict XVI cleaning house and being any different than John Paul II can forget it. That was evident by two announcements out of the Modernist new Vatican on the 88th Anniversary of the First Apparition at Fatima and the universal Feast of the holy Doctor St. Robert Bellarmine, who would have rather given his life in martyrdom than turning over the guardianship of the Sacred Deposit of the Faith to one who caused grave scandal and empowered the sodomites because he didn't have the guts to stand up to the political pressure. We're talking about William Levada, a sorry and spineless excuse for a bishop - even a Novus Ordinarian pretender. He said nothing to deter supposedly 'Catholic' mayor Gavin Newsom who single-handedly solidified San Francisco as Sodom by the Bay. It was just announced that Levada's own See is to be the headquarters for human stem cell research using aborted fetuses. This proves this God-forsaken area has added yet another sin to the many sins that cry out to Heaven for vengeance.

      Christopher FerraraMichael MattThe Remnant's Christopher Ferrara and Michael Matt Implore Benedict XVI to Do the Right Thing
      In the aftermath of their personal coverage in Rome during the conclave, Remnant editor Michael Matt and columnist Christopher Ferrara weigh in with an Open Letter imploring Joseph Ratzinger, now Benedict XVI to alter the course of history and turn away from the destructive path of Vatican II and return to the Truths and Traditions of Holy Mother Church. They express how many times they had hoped previous conciliar popes were going to do the same only to disappoint greatly. Can Benedict XVI make a difference? Time will tell, but they respectfully lay out the problems and the solutions, magnificently researched, and use the very words Ratzinger as a cardinal expressed in pleading with him to back up what he has said. Will it work? Time will tell, but they have presented an excellent argument that puts the ball squarely in Benedict's court. If he does not respond, does not exhibit the sensitivity he himself expressed, we will know it is all smoke and mirrors. Though lengthy, it is an excellent argument for Tradition in persuading him to abandon the novelties of the Novus Ordo, Ecumenism and Dialogue. They detail it all in their

    Let Benedict XVI know what he must do to return to the Truths and Traditions of Holy Mother Church at

      In a show of "openness," Benedict XVI is encouraging Catholics to e-mail him and this is your chance to remind him of the Catholic truths that have been abandoned by the church of Vatican II and also the fact that the Immemorial Mass of All Ages - the Traditional Latin Mass said from Peter through Pius XII is at the heart of reform in rebuilding Christ's Church. He can be another St. Benedict in uncompromisingly converting souls to the Faith or he can be a Benedict Arnold in betraying Christ and the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Faith. Here's your chance to speak directly with the new pope. Pounce on it by e-mailing him at

      One way to contact him directly is to either send a copy of the Open Letter from Michael Matt and Christopher Ferrara below or reinforce certain points they have brought up. Either way, if you remain silent, you have no one to blame but yourself when God asks "What did you do to rebuild My Church?" Again, we can't reiterate strongly enough: Countless souls are at stake!

      When it comes to all these ungodly laws being passed by liberal judges because of the lobbying and intimidation of a small minority out to do away with the natural and supernatural order, it is wise to keep in mind the following:
    "Unjust laws are, properly speaking, NO LAWS!"
    His Eminence Saint Robert Cardinal Bellarmine, Doctor of the Church

      Holy Mass Propers for this Week

      Daily Propers for the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass from the Eleventh Sunday After Pentecost through the Twelfth Sunday After Pentecost.
      July 31   Aug 1   Aug 2   Aug 3

      Aug 4    Aug 5    Aug 6     Aug 7

         We are proud to be able to provide for our readers the full Proper and Ordinary of each day's Holy Sacrifice of the Mass for the Traditional Calendar.

      In this month dedicated to the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, let us continue to pray daily the Leonine Prayer said at the end of every Latin Low Mass:

      Let us pray. O God, our refuge and our strength, look down in mercy on Thy people who cry to Thee; and by the intercession of the glorious and immaculate Virgin Mary Mother of God, of St. Joseph her spouse, of Thy blessed apostles Peter and Paul, and of all the saints, in mercy and goodness hear our prayers for the conversion of sinners, and for the freedom and exaltation of our Holy Mother Church. Through the same Christ our Lord. Amen.

      For those who truly want to delve deeper into what the Faith teaches and what past Sovereign Pontiffs have decreed, we recommend for your vital reading to better KNOW THE FAITH in order to KEEP THE FAITH, pertinent Papal decrees which put to the lie what is being promulgated today by the Vatican II church. We strongly encourage you to read these to understand how today the modern church is in Apostasy when compared to what had always been taught by Holy Mother Church and enforced and warned as most grievous by previous Pontiffs as you'll see in CREDO & CULTURE


    For past issues this year so far, click on month of your choice below:

    all issues in January            



    For past issues last year, click on month of your choice below:

    all issues in January                  



    2005 Kudos and Brickbats

    The Good, the Bad and the UGLIES have been selected by the readers for 2005. Below is a review of your choices. It's never too early to start thinking of worthy and 'unworthy' candidates for next year's selection.

    2005 Enshrined in the Tower of Trent Hall of Honor

    2005 Recipients of the IgNOMinious gNOMe Hall of Shame

    2005 Culprits voted into the UGLIES Hall of Shame

    When it comes to all these ungodly laws being passed by liberal judges because of the lobbying and intimidation of a small minority out to do away with the natural and supernatural order, it is wise to keep in mind the following:

    "Unjust laws are, properly speaking, NO LAWS!"
    His Eminence Saint Robert Cardinal Bellarmine, Doctor of the Church

       We invite you to find out for yourself the truth as we present a compendium portal of documents on the Faith in all aspects, past, present and to come. We guarantee what you read is in full harmony with the Truths and Traditions of Holy Mother Church, and we guarantee you that if you read it all with a discerning heart you will be able to decipher the wheat from the chaff. You will better understand what the absolutes of our Faith are and not be fooled by modernism and ambiguities, no matter how cleverly they are couched. Remember satan is the father of half-truths. Read the fullness of the Truths and Traditions of the Roman Catholic Faith in the sections below.


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