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SUNDAY-SATURDAY      October 10-30, 2004      Volume 15, no. 176


  • Propers of the Mass for October 10-16
  • Propers of the Mass for October 17-23
  • Propers of the Mass for October 24-31
  • No vote is ever wasted when we stand for Christ! by Michael Cain
  • Eschewing, Not Choosing, the Evil by Fr. Lawrence Smith
  • PIC makes SIV fail-safe by Gabriel Garnica
  • The Apostate Altar Boy by Gary Morella
  • Bush or Bust! by Dr. Frank Joseph
  • A Journey to Truth by Griff Ruby
  • Putting on the new man by Fr. Louis Campbell
  • Faith will not fail; feelings will by Kevin Tierney
  • The Swan's Song of Galileo's Myth by Atila Sinke Guimarães
  • The Four Marks of the Church ONE in "LIVING our FAITH series
  • The Last Letter from London by Michael Matt
  • The Alter Christus Factor
  • Christ the King College is officially open
  • Special Fall Hiatus Issue

    Special Fall Hiatus Issue
    St. Placidus and Companion Martyrs
    St. Bruno
    Most Holy Rosary - original art copyrighted by Matthew Brooks, used with permission
    Pope St. Mark
    St. Bridget of Sweden
    St. Francis of Borgia
    Divine Maternity of the Blessed Virgin Mary
    St. Edward
    Our Lady of Fatima
    Pope St. Callistus
    St. Teresa of Avila
    St. Hedwig
    St. Margaret Mary Alacoque
    St. Luke
    St. Peter of Alcantara
    St. Hilarion
    St. Ursula
    Sts. Chrysanthus and Daria
    St. Simon and St. Jude
    St. Remigius Guardian AngelsGuardian Angels St. Theresa of the Child Jesus St. Francis of Assisi
    Litany of October Saints

      Editor's Note: In following up Jacob Michael's idea last month, we repeat this month the Saints of the Month. Need a little extra devotional prayer to add to your daily Rosary? What follows is a litany to all of the saints whose feast days are celebrated in the month of October. Many of these saints are little-known and often are not, for that reason, invoked in our prayers.

         If you add this short litany to your daily Rosary, you will have the benefit of invoking the prayers of some of these lesser-known saints for at least the rest of the month.

    Lord, have mercy. Christ, have mercy.
    Lord, have mercy, Christ, hear us. Christ, graciously hear us.
    God the Father of Heaven, have mercy on us.
    God the Son, Redeemer of the world, have mercy on us.
    God the Holy Ghost, have mercy on us.
    Holy Trinity, one God, have mercy on us.
    Holy Mary, pray for us.
    St. Remigius, pray for us*
    Holy Guardian Angels *
    St. Theresa of the Child Jesus *
    St. Francis of Assisi *
    St. Placidius and Companion Martyrs *
    St. Bruno *
    Pope St. Mark *
    St. Sergius and Companion Martyrs *
    St. Bridget of Sweden *
    St. John Leonardi *
    St. Dionysius and Companion Martyrs *
    St. Francis of Borgia *
    Blessed Mary, Mother of God *
    St. Edward, King of England *
    Our Lady of Fatima *
    Pope St. Callistus *
    St. Teresa of Avila *
    St. Hedwig *
    St. Margaret Mary Alacoque *
    St. Luke the Evangelist *
    St. Peter of Alcantara *
    St. John Cantius *
    St. Hilarion the Abbot *
    Sts. Chrysanthus and Daria *
    Sts. Simon and Jude *
    All you holy saints and angels, pray for us.
    Christ the King of glory and Crown of all saints, have mercy on us

    Print out Litany

      For those who truly want to delve deeper into what the Faith teaches and what past Sovereign Pontiffs have decreed, we recommend for your vital reading to better KNOW THE FAITH in order to KEEP THE FAITH, pertinent Papal decrees which put to the lie what is being promulgated today by the Vatican II church. We strongly encourage you to read these to understand how today the modern church is in Apostasy when compared to what had always been taught by Holy Mother Church and enforced and warned as most grievous by previous Pontiffs as you'll see in CREDO & CULTURE

    Now on line: Check out the only totally Traditional collegiate curriculum in the U.S. Christ the King College has been officially licensed to issue a Bachelor in Catholic Studies degree/ Dr. Thomas A. Droleskey is pleased to announce that the Bureau of Private Postsecondary and Vocational Education of the State of California's Department of Consumer Affairs has officially licensed Christ the King College to operate in order to grant a Bachelor of Catholic Studies degree. This means that Christ the King College is now legally able to accept students for admission. We encourage everyone who is interested in a College that makes no compromise with the regime of novelty of the past forty years to consider applying to Christ the King College. Application forms may be found under the Info and Resources tab at Christ the King College website. Dr. Droleskey and the faculty are grateful to Our Lady of Good Success for her intercession for the College, as well as to Saint Christopher, whose intercession they and all Traditional Catholics have been invoking in a special way. The administrators of Christ the King College are also grateful to all of those who have donated thus far to the College and those who have prayed--and are continuing to pray--for its founding. Keep up your prayers! Ora et Labora! Christ the King College Officially Open

        Because the New Mass does not manifest Faith in the Real Presence of our Lord -- the Traditional Mass manifests it unmistakably.

      As we know from statistics released and the admissions of so many priests and laity belief in the Real Presence grows less and less with every new innovation employed. The Vatican was warned of this catastrophe. See The Ottaviani Intervention This is the eleventh of 62 reasons which were submitted by the Priests of Campos and endorsed by the late great Bishop Castro de Mayer. Each issue we will publish one of the 62 until they're all completed.

    For other reasons to date see Eleven Reasons thus far.

    Conversely in the True Immemorial Mass of Tradition - the Mass of All Ages:

        With this Precious Blood He sprinkles thy soul and purifies it from every stain.
      This is just the eleventh of at least 77 Graces derived from participation at the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass - the Mass of All Ages - the Latin Mass of the Roman Rite which was decreed to be said "in perpetuity" by Pope Saint Pius V in codifying the infallible decrees of the dogmatic Council of Trent. These graces are taken from Father Martin von Cochem's Explanation of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass with an imprimatur by New York's Archbishop Michael Augustin on June 24, 1818 during the Pontificate of Pope Pius VII.

    For the previous Graces, see Eleven Graces thus far.

    For past issues this year, click on month of your choice below:

    all issues in January

    Click on the day button below for each Holy Sacrifice of the Mass

    Holy Mass Propers for October 10-17

    October 10 - NINETEENTH SUNDAY AFTER PENTECOST and St. Francis Borgia     October 11 - Divine Maternity of the BVM     Oct 12 - Feria Day on historical feast of Our Lady of Pilar     October 13 - St. Edward     October 14 - Pope St. Callistus I

    October 15 - St. Teresa of Avila     October 16 - St. John Leonardi     October 17 - TWENTIETH SUNDAY AFTER PENTECOST and St. Margaret Mary Alacoque

    Holy Mass Propers for October 18-24

    October 18 - SAINT LUKE THE EVANGELIST     Oct 19 - St. Peter of Alcantara     October 20 - St. John Cantius     October 21 - St. Hilarion, Abbot, with a commemoration of St. Ursula and Companion Martyrs

    October 22 - Feria Day     October 23 - Our Lady's Saturday     October 24 - TWENTY-FIRST SUNDAY AFTER PENTECOST

    Holy Mass Propers for October 25-31

    October 25 - Sts. Chrysanthus & Daria     Oct 26 - St. Evaristus     October 27 - Vigil of Sts. Simon and Jude     October 28 - SAINTS SIMON & JUDE

    October 29 - Ferial Day     October 30 - Vigil of All Saints (anticipated)     October 31 - SOVEREIGNTY OF CHRIST THE SUPREME KING

       We are proud to be able to provide for our readers the full Ordinary and Proper of each day's Holy Sacrifice of the Mass for the Immemorial Latin Mass in the Traditional Calendar.

    Catholic PewPOINT
    Graphic used with permission by Lorenzo Gigliotti of
    Editor Michael Cain attempts to make heads and tails out of two sides of the same coin in this year's Presidential Election and realizes that we can not leave it to chance, especially considering that this year V-day will be held on a most significant feast: ALL SOULS' DAY. He asks if we understand the significance of this and the two feast days which immediately precede it. He has some surprising, but logical and weighty recommendations when we enter the polling booth next month and they do not include the two frontrunners for the two-party system. That is not the answer for saving America. The answer lies in total submission to and promotion of the Social Kingship of Jesus Christ, not only in the United States but in every country of the universe. There is one ideal candidate who could possibly carry this off because he has already been put through the gauntlet of credibility and emerged with flying colors. That would be Mel Gibson who, though he has no chance in 2004, could be a serious and most viable candidate in 2008. Think of the possibilities. Cain elaborates on the necessity to vote our sensus Catholicus conscience in his editorial No vote is ever wasted when we stand for Christ!

    Father Lawrence Smith provides voters a reality check as he delves into the impossibilities of being able to vote for either major candidate for it is a matter of voting for the lesser of two evils. However, this doesn't wash with committed Catholics for one can never justify that premise for it is still evil, and no matter how one breaks down the issues you still get Tweedledum and Tweedledumber and the dumbest would be the Catholic who would vote for either evil. It is still evil. Therefore, our charge as Catholics, dedicated to re-establishing the fact that Jesus Christ is King of the Universe, is to vote for someone who will not perpetuate evil. True, that doesn't leave a lot of choices. It's a real challenge, but consider the alternatives and consequences if you do endorse a person who promotes the policies of evil. Father covers this in depth in his essay Eschewing, Not Choosing, the Evil.
    Gabriel's Clarion
    Gabriel Garnica sounds the clarion in debunking the critics of single issue voting (SIV) by offering a fail-safe method of deduction that will assure Catholics that their consciences will be in line with the teachings of Holy Mother Church. Gabriel calls it Priority Issue Clustering (PIC) which syllogistically will place morality as the highest priority of any issue or platform, thus, if this is applied, it will assure that no sensible Catholic will vote for a candidate who openly promotes the killing of innocents in the womb, stem cell research from unborn embryos, euthanasia, or desecrate the sacrament of matrimony by advancing the cause of sodomite unions on an equal plane. Those sins can never be justified and no cluster buster can beat PIC as Gabriel proves in his column PIC makes SIV fail-safe
    Gary Morella presses the hot issue button over the latest skimble-skamble that Senator John Kerry blurted patronizingly to the entire nation in the televised debate from St. Louis. It is too much! How can this former altar boy say with a straight face that he is a practicing Catholic and that the Church allows him to check his faith at the door? The record needs to be set straight for nowhere in Catholic teaching does it permit such heresy. The man is an obstinate sinner who, because of his persistent and unrepentant ways, has long ago excommunicated himself. No wonder the St. Louis Archbishop and Colorado Springs Bishop have come out so strongly about warning voters of the sinfulness of voting for such a liar and apostate without mentioning his name. It's blatantly obvious it would be a sin to vote for Kerry, period! That is what Gary asserts unflinchingly in his short commentary, The Apostate Altar Boy
    Pro-Life Prescriptions
    Dr. Frank Joseph, one of the most active pro-life advocates in fighting the pro-abortion factories, calls for the Church Militant to get tough and assure that avowed amoral pro-abort John Kerry is not elected the 44th President of the United States for that would assure the continued death sentence for the innocent unborns for the next 32 years. Why? Because at stake is the appointment of possibly three Supreme Court Justices in the next four years. Kerry has sworn he will not appoint a pro-life judge. Therefore, Bush is the only alternative according to Dr. Frank. While many may feel Bush may not be the best president, he's the best we've got right now, unless you consider the worst-case scenario: John Kerry as president. Shudder the thought! Frank details in his column Bush or Bust!

    Griff Ruby, a welcome new addition to The Daily Catholic's impressive list of contributing writers, shares his background so that readers can better understand not only where he is coming from, but also how this author of The Resurrection of the Roman Catholic Church arrived at the inevitable conclusion that the True Faith can only be found in the Church of St. Peter and Paul through Pope Pius XII. Tradition is key and the reader can take courage that if Griff could be put through the ordeal in his search for truth, testing many false religions before discovering the Latin Mass, then such a goal is possible for anyone if they have a clean heart and are open to Heaven's prompting. He poses the question "So, Who is this Griff Ruby, Anyway?" and proceeds to answer for the reader's satisfaction and assurance in his column A Journey to Truth

    "Qui legit, intelligat"
    In Father Louis Campbell's sermon for the Nineteenth Sunday After Pentecost, he encourages us to heed the words of St. Paul for we will be examined spiritually and will have to account for that which we are culpable for. That is why Father reminds us that Christ's Church is built upon the solid foundation of the rock, but those who try to construct the Sacred Deposit of the Faith upon the shifting, worldly sands of modernism and ecumenism are destined to fail. Thus the direction Modern Rome has taken is directly contrary to the firm footing of Eternal Rome and the reader must decide which footing he wants to be planted on - the rock of the Church of Peter and Paul through Pius XII, or the loose sands of the post-conciliar church. One way we can better make this choice is by heeding all Our Lord conveyed and abiding by the Truths and Traditions faithfully handed down. To do this we must garb ourselves in grace, for as Jesus says in today's Gospel, "Many are called, but few are chosen." Wouldn't it be a shame if you were not chosen? Begin now by Putting on the new man
    Lex Orandi, Lex Credendi
    Kevin Tierney shows that when push comes to shove, the Novus Ordo is afraid to submit body and soul in humility, thinking its congregants can suffice on feelings alone. When the going gets tough, the sun is not shining, or any other obstacle comes along, those following the Novus Ordo will not have the stamina to sustain their Faith. Whereas, those clinging to the Rite of the Traditional Latin Mass, are strengthened through grace and determination, realizing it is not feelings that make the faith, but faith - a trusting faith that is totally dependent upon our Creator. That is the attitude, if followed religiously, that will assure being chosen when our time on earth is complete. After all, that is the first requirement of the Faith, salvation of our souls. Not our bodies, but our souls! Kevin touches on this in the comparisons of the Traditional Proper of the Nineteenth Sunday After Pentecost with the Novus Ordo 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time. Faith will not fail, feelings will
    St. Robert Bellarmine and Galileo In continuing his series on the Theology of History, Atila Sinke Guimarães drives a stake into the coffin of progressivists in affirming that Galileo was not censured for his scientific data per se, but because his theories infringed upon philosophy and, even worse, theology. Had he remained within the borders of purely science, there would have been no problems, but because he dared advance the progressivist platform that challenged the infrangible Scriptures themselves. Despite the feeble and totally inappropriate apologies by John Paul II, Karol Wojtyla didn't have a leg to stand on theologically and even scientists have acknowledged that fact; a fact which Cardinal Saint Robert Bellarmine determined in protecting the integrity of Divine Revelation. Atila shows how progressivists in the 16th century had already begun to infiltrate the Church and how the Inquisition kept it in check. If only the Inquisition were still in place in the early 60's, Vatican II would never have gotten off the ground. Atila points out the problems and and provides The Swan's Song of Galileo's Myth
    Living our Faith
    We continue with our revised series on emphasizing the practical aspect of our Faith from a totally Traditional Catholic perspective, we continue with the First Article of the Apostles' Creed, beginning in this issue with the Four Indelible Marks of the Church. Contrary to what many may think, nothing in Holy Mother Church's teaching has changed and therefore we feel confident that these catechetical "points of enlightenment" will help more Catholics better understand their Faith, especially those who were not blessed with early formation of the Faith in the home and their parish school. Regardless of where any Catholic is in his or her journey toward salvation, he or she has to recognize that the Faith they were initiated into at the Sacrament of Baptism is the most precious gift they have been given in life. If they truly want to live their Faith as it was taught in the Church of Peter to Pius XII, they must know the Faith and live it as Traditional Catholics. That is the only way to KEEP THE FAITH! We begin, then with The Four Marks of the Church - ONE
    Traditional Thoughts
    Michael Matt, editor of The Remnant and a loyal friend of the late, great Michael Davies pens a tribute to this Traditional literary giant of our time. Matt shares some of his personal moments with Davies and the trials the British writer underwent, never wavering in upholding the Immemorial Mass of Tradition. Matt also takes to task those who have dared besmirch the good name of Michael Davies with such slanderous remarks as "unfaithful departed." While Traditional Catholics have been known to disagree on various and sundry topics, few have ever resorted to name-calling and Matt sets the record straight in bringing to life the character of a man whose courage and perseverance have paved the way for still having the Latin Mass today. Michael Davies taught us that all is not lost. It would be a shame to lose the momentum he helped foster. Davies funeral will be held in the British Isles on the morning of October 22. Matt presents his tribute, The Last Letter from London
    The Sanity of Sanctity
    As shown above, we provide a print out for readers of the Litany of the Saints for October saints. This idea, originated by Jacob Michael, is something we are carrying out each month for it will hopefully add a renewed interest in the saints of the Traditional calendar and spur readers to do further search on the saints in hopes of emulating their holiness and the means by which each saint strove toward sanctity. The Litany can be found at Litany of the Saints of October

    For the most recent articles see below
    "Qui legit, intelligat"
    In Father Louis Campbell's sermon for the Eighteenth Sunday After Pentecost, he focuses on the human emotion of fear and proceeds to explain how our fears are ill-founded if we do not place Fear of the Lord at the top of the list. If we do, then we have nothing to fear as Our Lord has assured. Yet saying it, believing it and living it by letting go are another thing and Father realizes the very fallible human nature we all have. Thus he serves up the salve of today's saint - the holy virgin of Lisieux - Saint Thérèse of the Child Jesus whose simple faith conquered any finite fear. Father shares a personal story of his own mother and her uncompromising belief that her prayers would be answered. He ties this all together in showing how God uses His creations to bring harmony and peace just as the opening words of today's Introit ask, "Da pacem, Domine, sustinentibus Te." "Give peace, O Lord, to them that patiently wait for Thee." He shares these gems in his sermon. "Awaiting the Appearance of our Lord Jesus Christ"
    Making Sense of Sensus Catholicus
    Father Lawrence Smith presents a fascinating, mind-probing essay on defending the sensus Catholicus of J.R.R. Tolkien in this issue. While some have tried to delve inside the creative mind of Tolkien, they fail to realize the guiding light that illuminated his ventures into the world of Middle Earth - his Catholic Faith and the solid sensus Catholicus of his writings. Fans of Tolkien might find this interesting. Critics of Tolkien might find this frustrating. Fans might become critics or critics might become fans on reading it. Or nothing might come of it all. Whatever the reader senses, Father's piece is an answer to a fellow priest's inquiry on the English master and his work. Father answers it in his indubitable, witty and thought-provoking style that will prompt you to read it again and again for more of the gems of his writing on the writings of Tolkien and The Theology of Tolkien's Mythology
    Traditional Thoughts
    As tribulations build in all facets of our lives from society to the grave crisis and confusion in the Church, Father Yves le Roux assuages readers that we can take refuge in these sufferings for it will bring us closer to Christ and His redemptive suffering. When our time comes to take our medicine, so to speak, we can look back and take pride that in humbling ourselves we have remained with Mary on Calvary and can count ourselves among those Christ will be merciful to. This will also free us from the shackles of sin and fear of being singled out and persecuted for His name's sake (Matthew 24, Mark 13, and Luke 21), and, like gold is purified, place us in God's kiln to mold us as He sees fit in the divine will. When we are in harmony with our Creator, all else pales in comparison as Father explains in his article In the Hour of Trial
    Transition to Tradition
    We present the crux of why the Novus Ordinarians have been so vicious toward Fr. Stephen Somerville. It is not because he has been tentative to serving souls in the SSPX parishes, but that he has exposed ICEL and the entire charade perpetrated on the faithful. That is why he is a marked man as you can see in his own words for he would not sell out what ICEL did sell out. Thus, Cardinal Aloysius Ambrozic went after Mel Gibson's chaplain (during shooting of The Passion of The Christ) with such venomous discipline this past summer. Father's statement appeared two years ago in Catholic Family News, the Angelus, and Communicantes. It is obvious the People of God church must silence this consecrated priest who has converted back to the True Faith, or else the conciliar church will unravel further. Thus Ambrozic has his marching orders as the hatchet man. But why should Fr. Stephen be concerned that an apostate bishop has suspended him? He needs to courageously forget the false religion and faux hierarchy and stand by the principles of Tradition, upheld from Peter through Pius XII and Stand by your Man Jesus Christ
    In this issue we introduce Griff Ruby, author of The Resurrection of the Roman Catholic Church as a regular contributor to The Daily Catholic with his inaugural column in a series he has chosen to call "STRAIGHT STUFF." The Church has given us the perfect role models to seek purity in all ways. This especially holds true this week with the feasts of St. Thérèse of Lisieux, the Most Holy Rosary, and, followed a few days later by, the Maternity of Mary. The lily or rose represent purity and roses are always part of the identity of these three feasts. As very delicate flowers that need nourishing to keep the weeds out, the root is purity which manifests itself visibly in the precious petals of the flower of obedience to God's Will. With the Church Triumphant's intercession and our own tending to our garden through constant care and prayer, we can more readily treasure purity by bearing the thorns of imperfection in order to increase in us the desire to be purified in every way so that we can "see God." Purity, and the Grace to See God
    Gabriel's Clarion
    Gabriel Garnica targets the flap which the "snakes of anti-Mel venom" are hissing at, but fortunately there are few within striking distance and they are really only lunging at air - stale air coming from their own illogic and hatred. Already proved insignificant, the few relentless critics of Mel Gibson are really urked over the phenomenal success of the DVD and video of his masterpiece The Passion of The Christ, and so these disciples of the serpent have re-emerged from their holes, trying to resurrect their hollow echo of anti-Semitism in the film. What they are doing is trying to poison souls about the dangers of having such an incendiary device as The Passion DVD in their homes and raising false concerns that Christians will be foaming at the mouth. Oh, the horror!!! When will these raving handful of idiots raise the white flag and realize they have lost? Mel won a long time ago. As Gabriel puts it: "If an empty intellectual speaks and nobody listens, is there a sound and is there a clue where someone is too arrogant to accept that their words mean nothing?" He disects the other feckless arguments in his column about the necessary evils of the left in What Would We Do Without Them? Reach Heaven!
    In Living our Faith
    We continue with our revised series on emphasizing the practical aspect of our Faith from a totally Traditional Catholic perspective, we continue with the First Article of the Apostles' Creed, which contains the basis for what Catholics believe. This particular chapter is taken from Bishop Morrow's My Catholic Faith. Other chapters will be taken from that excellent Authentic Roman Catholic work as well as "The Catholic Church Alone - The One True Church of Christ" (1902), "Cabinet of Catholic Information" (1904), and "The Glories and Triumphs of the Catholic Church" (1907). There will be other reputable, unerring works we will be referencing - all before Vatican II including Father George Leo Haydock's comprehensive Catholic commentaries from the Douay-Rheims Version of Sacred Scriptures. You'll also note that all pronouncements by Our Lord in Divine Revelation are characterized in red type to distinguish the Word made flesh. In this sixth chapter, we see the foundation of the Faith is built upon the solid and sacred Deposit of the Faith composed of Holy Scripture and Tradition, comprising pre-Christian and Christian oral and written Tradition to the last words of St. John. Since that time there can be no new or developed public revelation, thus exposing the Achilles heel of Vatican II for Jesus Christ is the same today, yesterday and tomorrow. This knowledge handed down comes from Divine Revelation
    In lieu of his regular Lex Orandi, Lex Credendi column, Kevin Tierney shares some musings more on the serious side in this issue, such as describing somewhat that animal that has come to be known as the Traditionalis Catholicus species - the Traditional Catholic. This strange breed is springing up more and more in the last decade and, because of their purpose, are only considered a dangered species by those who most fear them - the Modernists and Liberals. Kevin points out some of its habitats and how it evolved some 35 years ago when two Cardinals wrote a resistance to the Novus Ordo. He shows that they really are not wild beasts to be feared, but loyal and very tame creatures who will protect with their last breath the Primacy of Peter. Kevin explains in his piece What is a Traditionalist?
    "Qui legit, intelligat"
    In Father Louis Campbell's sermon for the Feast of the North American Martyred Jesuits, he honors these men and shows clearly the stark difference between then and now. Then those dedicated holy servants proved themselves as uncompromising principals of moral right. They were willing to give their very lives for Christ while striving with every fiber of their being and every moment of their lives to convert souls to Him. Father contrasts that with the total sell-out today where souls no longer matter, and the more immoral the more they will be accepted in modern society - even in Father's own beloved homeland of Nova Scotia. Yet, Father extends hope for the precedent has been set: Consider that while millions were apostasizing from the Faith during the upheaval of the Protestant revolution in the Old World, even greater numbers were rushing to be baptized in the New World, thanks to the gentle urging of Our Lord's Own Mother who appeared at Guadalupe. And yet many ignored her pleadings and continue to do so up through these times. Thus, because man has been blinded by his humanistic tendencies to go it alone, God has allowed man to fend on his own resulting in, what the prophet Isaias warned: "Wisdom shall perish from the wise"
    Gabriel Garnica tackles a form of terrorism which is particularly painful and pertinent this week when we commemorate the cruel martyrdom of the faithful North American Martyrs, St. Michael, and the Holy Guardian Angels. Holy Mother Church remembers six loyal, saintly Jesuits while lamenting over 50 million other North American Martyrs - the innocent unborn who have been slain by modern savages much fiercer and terrorists than the Iroquois or Huron. St. Michael will lead the avenging angels when the final battle will call these terrorists to task. Each innocent unborn had a guardian angel and they have been deprived of protecting an assigned soul because of the unspeakable terrorism in the womb. We have heard so much decrying the despicable acts of Islamic fanatics beheading several civilians, but not a peep of the countless souls beheaded in the womb, and of the souls of those who are accomplices to these senseless, causeless, and totally selfish acts of murder in the first degree. Gabriel lays out the logic why abortion is one of the most vile acts of terrorism and why the perpetrators continue to confuses as he explains in his column Abortion is Terrorism!
    In Living our Faith
    We continue with our revised series on emphasizing the practical aspect of our Faith from a totally Traditional Catholic perspective, we continue with the First Article of the Apostles' Creed, which contains the basis for what Catholics believe. This particular chapter is taken from Bishop Morrow's My Catholic Faith. Other chapters will be taken from that excellent Authentic Roman Catholic work as well as "The Catholic Church Alone - The One True Church of Christ" (1902), "Cabinet of Catholic Information" (1904), and "The Glories and Triumphs of the Catholic Church" (1907). There will be other reputable, unerring works we will be referencing - all before Vatican II including Father George Leo Haydock's comprehensive Catholic commentaries from the Douay-Rheims Version of Sacred Scriptures. You'll also note that all pronouncements by Our Lord in Divine Revelation are characterized in red type to distinguish the Word made flesh. In this fifth chapter, we focus on the basic tenet that there is a God. If one cannot see this, they have no logic and are DOA for it is an undeniable fact of The Existence of God
    During this week we celebrate the glorious feast of the Dedication of St. Michael the Archangel, it is appropriate that Atila Sinke Guimarães provides a chronological account of where the Revolution began and how it has taken hold today. He traces revolt back to the fallen angel who declared to God, "non serviam" and thus, the agenda of revolution took root. Over the centuries - especially in the middle ages or medieval times - a golden age - rebellion was held in check, stymied by the weed killer of the Faith - in absolute submission to Christ as King and Mary as Queen, but with the emergence of rebellion in liberalism and other heresies that raised their ugly heads, humanism, protestantism, modernism and ecumenism as well as other like Medusas slithered into the fabric of society. Atila shows who were the agents of lucifer in furthering the devil's dealings leading right up to the 1960's and the coup de grace within the Church - Vatican II. He shows the Achilles heel of the Revolution and therein the answer for the Counter-Revolution to combat this vile evil. Fortunately, with Christ's promise and St. Michael leading the charge of the Church Militant, there is hope that more Traditional Catholics (who have already progressed from Conservative Catholicism), will take that next step as counter-revolutionaries in the battle for souls. Atila details in his essay Revolution and Counter-Revolution - An Overview
    Because the Feast of the North American Jesuit Martyrs takes precedence over the Seventeenth Sunday After Pentecost this year, Kevin Tierney takes a break from his Lex Orandi, Lex Credendi series to share more pertinent thoughts on Pope Pius XI's most definitive decree on Christian Marriage in his encyclical Casti Connubii in 1930. Nearly 75 years later the foundations are being undermined as Kevin pointed out last week. This week, because of the importance of the Marriage amendment before Congress and the issue being on so many ballots, Kevin focuses on the beauty and fruits of Christian Marriage if they follow the ideal guidelines laid out by Pius XI, built on the sturdy three-fold blessings tripod of Christian Marriage: children, conjugal love, and as a sacrament in which the wedding vows take on a greater and more lasting meaning. He comments on His Holiness' wisdom in his essay, The Blessings of Christian Marriage
    "Qui legit, intelligat"
    In Father Louis Campbell's sermon for the Sixteenth Sunday After Pentecost, he emphasizes the Epistle for the Holy Mass in which the Apostle Paul speaks of Christ dwelling in our hearts by Faith. Yet it is that very Faith that has been sabotaged by the usurpers of the true holy Faith today, as the enemy has penetrated the inner sanctum and opened the door wide to their peers in crime, trying to justify their offense against God by tolerating all religions as if the First Commandment meant nothing. Ecumenism is a heresy, a grievous error. Father assures us the One True Church will win out, but we must be willing to stand for the victor in these necessary battles for, as Christ asserts in today's Gospel, he who humbles himself will be exalted, but those who do not, woe be to them. Father explains in his sermon "Christ dwelling through faith in your hearts"
    Kevin Tierney takes a break from his Lex Orandi, Lex Credendi series to share some pertinent thoughts on Pope Pius XI's most definitive decree on Christian Marriage in his encyclical Casti Connubii in 1930. Kevin illustrates how it holds truer today than ever before when attacks against marriage have forced all faithful Christians seeking to preserve this sacred institution and sacrament to call for "Protect Marriage Sunday" on September 19th. Had the conciliar popes heeded their predecessor's wisdom we would never have arrived at this crisis point. Kevin comments on His Holiness' identification of the methods of attack on the holy institute of matrimony in his essay, Modern Society's Attack on the Sacramental Aspect of Marriage
    "Quid dicit Scriptura?"
    Jacob Michael continues his series on Indulgences, assuring that indulgences are not a "get out of hell" card to allow one to sin as Protestants so often think erroneously. As he points out, Indulgences are probably one of "the most difficult teachings of the Church to understand, and even harder to defend." Yet, Jacob, no stranger to tackling tough assignments, immediately illustrates ways to better understand what Holy Mother Church intends by taking us directly to Sacred Scripture to refute Protestant accusations and misconceptions. In his second part, he also provides more indulgenced prayers so the reader can continue to put into practice what we preach immediately. Jacob explains in Part Two of The Ripple Effect: A Study of Indulgences
    In Living our Faith
    We continue with our revised series on emphasizing the practical aspect of our Faith from a totally Traditional Catholic perspective, we continue with the First Article of the Apostles' Creed, which contains the basis for what Catholics believe. This particular chapter is taken from Bishop Morrow's My Catholic Faith. Other chapters will be taken from that excellent Authentic Roman Catholic work as well as "The Catholic Church Alone - The One True Church of Christ" (1902), "Cabinet of Catholic Information" (1904), and "The Glories and Triumphs of the Catholic Church" (1907). There will be other reputable, unerring works we will be referencing - all before Vatican II including Father George Leo Haydock's comprehensive Catholic commentaries from the Douay-Rheims Version of Sacred Scriptures. You'll also note that all pronouncements by Our Lord in Divine Revelation are characterized in red type to distinguish the Word made flesh. In this fourth chapter, we focus on God's loving care in which He provides for all our needs as He sees fit in our best interest. It is called Divine Providence
    Father Lawrence Smith asks some very basic, but necessary questions that defy the logic of the thinking of so many of our leaders today in government and the church. Too often we forget, as Paul Harvey would say, "the rest of the story." While certain issues are getting the headlines, sound bytes and blogs for all the attention, other much deadlier cancers are allowed to metastasize unfettered in the vulnerable souls of so many who have not taken measures to protect themselves by knowing what the Church has always taught and what is morally right. Father takes to task the Catholic politicians and their hierarchs - from John Paul II on down - who should be protecting constituents and flocks, but instead are feeding at the troughs of political correctness and abandoning common sense, not to mention the irrefutable teachings of Holy Mother Church. Just as Pope Leo XIII warned the American Bishops in addressing his letter to Cardinal James Gibbons in condemning the heresy of Americanism in 1899, so today all, including the modern church, have seemingly embraced exactly what Leo cautioned so meticulously against 105 years ago. Father presents points that must be answered either now or at Judgment time in his article Deadly America
    Gabriel's Clarion
    Gabriel Garnica tackles the aspects of how the Church should and how the world does treat three ways of purposeful death. There has been a lot of rhetoric about the war and deaths caused by war, but Gabriel sets the record straight on this as well as actual Church teaching on capital punishment and then focuses on what so many others have conveniently ignored or purposefully denied: It is a given that those engaged in war or facing capital punishment are most of the time not innocent. This cannot be said of the helpless child in his mother's womb. He is totally innocent and yet, all the deaths on the battlefield in American history do not add up to the total murdered so mercilessly in the womb; all death penalties in the annals of America do not add up to the number annihilated in the womb in one day! With apologies to Milton, Gabriel shows how Innocence Lost
    Christ or chaos
    Despite an overwhelming agenda in getting Christ the King College underway, Dr. Thomas A. Droleskey took time on the Feast of the Seven Dolors of the Blessed Virgin Mary to weigh in on one of the main reason Our Lady is so sorrowful. Tom traces the tyrants who intentionally intensified efforts to weaken the tried and true government of Church and State as it was working in harmony for the temporal and spiritual welfare of all citizens when Holy Mother Church was flourishing by giving all honor to the Sovereign Kingship of Christ, when popes wore the triregno tiara with honor and authority. He chronicles the subversion of Church and State beginning materially with Henry VIII, who, having a free will, chose to turn his back on his duty as 'Defender of the Faith', by placing concupiscence over obedience. Thus began the steady implosion of the ideal system of governance and the evolution of satan's final agenda which has steadily increased war, hate, and vile sin over the centuries - all ushered in by apathy and lukewarmness from those who should have spoken out including leaders in the U.S. and the Modernist Church who have both turned a deaf ear to the plight of those who don't measure up to the manufactured Freemasonry standards. This has culminated this month in the awareness that killing of innocents is no longer limited to the womb. After murdering over 45 million unborn, the 'authorities' are now playing God by dictating in the Netherlands who lives and who dies. It's also happening in America and will only grow worse. It's all part of the insane illogic which Tom identifies as The Logic of Overthrowing the Social Reign of Christ the King
    "Quid dicit Scriptura?"
    Jacob Michael begins appropriately in this Ember Days Issue a series on Indulgences. As he points out, Indulgences are probably one of "the most difficult teachings of the Church to understand, and even harder to defend." Yet, Jacob, no stranger to tackling tough assignments, immediately illustrates ways to better understand what Holy Mother Church intends by taking us directly to Sacred Scripture to refute Protestant accusations and misconceptions. In this thought-provoking first part, he also provides some indulgenced prayers so the reader can put into practice what we preach immediately. Jacob explains in Part One of The Ripple Effect: A Study of Indulgences
    Books you can count on!
    We want to bring to the attention of all our readers an excellent book by Griff Ruby that clarifies so well what the Traditional Catholic movement is, when, where and how it began and why it has continued to advance - despite the persecutions by the Novus Ordo Church of the "People of God" and the infighting among various Traditional factions - and how God is employing the Traditional Catholic movement to keep the Faith founded by Christ alive. Griff is not afraid to tackle all issues and emerges with a lucid chronicle of the major camps in the struggle to preserve the True Faith for in the Sacraments, Doctrines, and Immemorial Mass of Tradition - the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass in Latin - all Traditional Catholics are united. What amazed this editor was how each of the factions within the Traditional Catholic movement have a God-given function and that no one Traditional group has all the answers, but with Christ working through them, the situation within Holy Mother Church today is "where the Church is there is Peter." We encourage you to read this excellent book and share it with your friends, family and community. It will answer many questions about where they have taken the Mystical Body of Christ. As Mary Magdalen discovered when she asked "Where have they taken my Lord?", the Angel responded, "He is not here. He is risen." So also, thanks to the research and concise compendium Griff has put together, we are witnessing through the Traditional Catholic movement The Resurrection of the Roman Catholic Church
    In Living our Faith
    In our revised series on emphasizing the practical aspect of our Faith from a totally Traditional Catholic perspective, we continue with the First Article of the Apostles' Creed, which contains the basis for what Catholics believe. This particular chapter is taken from Bishop Morrow's My Catholic Faith. Other chapters will be taken from that excellent Authentic Roman Catholic work as well as "The Catholic Church Alone - The One True Church of Christ" (1902), "Cabinet of Catholic Information" (1904), and "The Glories and Triumphs of the Catholic Church" (1907). There will be other reputable, unerring works we will be referencing - all before Vatican II including Father George Leo Haydock's comprehensive Catholic commentaries from the Douay-Rheims Version of Sacred Scriptures. You'll also note that all pronouncements by Our Lord in Divine Revelation are characterized in red type to distinguish the Word made flesh. In this third chapter, we discover the most august and unfathomable attributes of the Divine in The Perfections of God
    On Gabriel's Clarion
    Gabriel Garnica points out that over the last several month or so there have been many flip-flops and they are not all coming from the mouth of John Kerry, but from many bishops and cardinals who straddle the fence of political correctness at the expense of countless souls, confused even further by the ambiguous proportinate bafflegab that lead to a false rationalism which could be most deadly for the soul come, not election time, but judgment time. A Pope who was not afraid to be clear and absolute - Pope Pius XI - put it most assuredly that God will not be mocked. He will avenge those who are responsible for innocent blood. Gabriel cuts to the chase in his column Politics, Proportionalism and Perdition
    "Qui legit, intelligat"
    In Father Louis Campbell's sermon for the Fifteenth Sunday After Pentecost, he emphasizes that we will remain 'dead' if we do not place our trust in Christ and strive to seek first the kingdom and reject the snares and lures of the world. Those who place their trust in humanist institutions from the Conciliar Church to the UN are sadly lacking for these entities come up spiritually empty, incompetent, as Father points out, mainly because they have rejected the sole authority of Christ as their Sovereign King. Only in the True Church is there hope. Father reminds us of what St. Paul admonished and what Our Lady lamented at Fatima regarding sins of the flesh, and he entreats us to shun those things that would harm our souls by being vigilant in the custody of the eyes and closing our ears to the cacaphony of the satanic din that is called 'music' today. If we give in we are dead to sin. These noises are the sirens of satan and we can only shut them out by taking refuge at the Door of Salvation - Jesus Christ. He will muffle the noise of the world with His love, mercy and compassion in raising us up above the din by His pronouncing "I say to thee, arise."
    Lex Orandi, Lex Credendi
    Kevin Tierney takes a cue from the Traditional Gospel where Our Lord raises up the young man, making him new again - renewed and pure as in Our Lord's words in today's Gospel "I say to thee, arise". Kevin illustrates which Proper is in accord with the fullness of Faith and the fact that Christ indeed can manifest miracles and can raise us up from the mundane to the heights of grace if we are open to His Will for He will have compassion on us. Kevin compares this to the Novus Ordo Proper which may omit the heart of the message for it includes negative theology and that is frowned on in the New Order. As Kevin points out the Traditional Mass gives us the Truth, the whole truth and nothing but the Truth, while the Novus Ordo goes out of its way to omit the essence of man - his soul - because that would be politically incorrect for modern time and might offend man. Never mind how much God is offended! Kevin explains in comparing the Traditional Proper of the Fifteenth Sunday After Pentecost with the Novus Ordo 24th Sunday in Ordinary Time in The Soul Reason We Can Leave No Stone Unturned!

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       We invite you to find out for yourself the truth as we present a compendium portal of documents on the Faith in all aspects, past, present and to come. We guarantee what you read is in full harmony with the Truths and Traditions of Holy Mother Church, and we guarantee you that if you read it all with a discerning heart you will be able to decipher the wheat from the chaff. You will better understand what the absolutes of our Faith are and not be fooled by modernism and ambiguities, no matter how cleverly they are couched. Remember satan is the father of half-truths. Read the fullness of the Truths and Traditions of the Roman Catholic Faith in the sections below.


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