TUESDAY     March 14, 2000    vol. 11, no. 52    SECTION THREE

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SECTION THREE Contents: Go immediately to the article:
WORLDWIDE NEWS & VIEWS with a Catholic slant continued:
  • Singles to have their own Jubilee in the USA
  • Special Jubilee celebrations set to honor Workers in conjunction with Saint Joseph
  • Overpopulation is all a lot of hooey president of Population Research Group asserts, just a tool for planned population by culture of death advocates
  • More and more it's looking like a consistory will be called by the Pope this year to fill void in College of Cardinals
  • Latest ShipLogs of visitors sailing on the DailyCATHOLIC

  • WORLDWIDE NEWS & VIEWS with a Catholic slant continued:

    Initiative To Help Unmarried Make Greater Contribution

        WASHINGTON, MAR 10 (ZENIT.org).- The U.S. Episcopal Conference has organized a Jubilee Day for Single People on April 27.

        The Bishops' original initiative seeks to emphasize the mission of single persons in the world, and the contribution they can make if they are aware of the Lord's call, which is no different than that of all other lay members of the Church.

        Given the great variety of personal situations included in the "singles" category (youth, adults, widows and widowers, separated, divorced, consecrated, etc.), the Episcopal Conference proposed to dioceses and parishes that the Day be celebrated in the manner considered most appropriate. The parish of Ss. Peter and Paul in Milwaukee, for instance, will invite all the unmarried of the area to a dinner to find out how they are received by the local Catholic community.

        The objectives of the Jubilee Day are to help singles understand the need to dedicate more time to prayer, formation, and parish activities; to live the sacramental life more intensely, practice charity and share their faith with others, making their home a "domestic church" open to persons with difficulties. In addition, they should be more socially committed, have the courage to go out to exhibitions, weddings, etc., and tell others in similar circumstances about the Jubilee Day dedicated to them.

        In preparation for this Jubilee, the Bishops offer bibliographic information on pastoral care for singles, and suggest 4 saintly models who were neither priests nor religious: St. Benedict Joseph Labre, St. Praxedes, St. Joseph Moscati, and St. Zita. ZE00031001

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    Craftsmen's Celebration on March 18-19

        VATICAN CITY, MAR 9 (ZENIT.org).- The Great Jubilee of the Year 2000 dedicates three special events to the working world: March 18-19, the Craftsmen's Jubilee; May 1, the Workers' Jubilee; November 12, the Agricultural Workers' Jubilee. At a press conference in the Vatican this morning, all three events were discussed, especially the most imminent, the Jubilee of Craftsmen.

        During the meeting with reporters, Archbishop Crescenzio Sepe, secretary of the Vatican Jubilee Committee, explained that the Craftsmen's Jubilee "is a manifestation of the will of the Creator who wants man to perfect creation by making his contribution, in an attempt to make creation ever more beautiful."

        The key moment of the Craftsmens' Jubilee will take place on March 19, when men and women of this profession from all over the world meet with the Holy Father in St. Peter's Square. About 35,000 men and women of these professions are expected to attend. The event will begin the previous evening in the Basilica of St. John Lateran with a Prayer Vigil.

        The Workers' Jubilee will be held on May 1. As an enormous number of participants are expected, the event will be held on the outskirts of Rome (St. Peter's Square does not have sufficient space). Labor unions of different persuasions from several countries are committed to participate. In Italy the support for this event on the part of the unions is virtually complete. In the morning of their special Jubilee, workers will attend a Mass with the Pontiff. In the afternoon, they will enjoy a Labor Day concert, whose theme will be the cancellation of the poor countries' debt.

        Finally, on November 12, St. Peter's Square will welcome agricultural laborers from around the world. The theme of their celebration will be: "Land of God, Land for Man." It is a reminder to safeguard and preserve the earth's wealth.

        During the press conference to present these Jubilees, attention was called to the fact that the Jubilees are not just for those who enjoy the right to work, but the Church also keeps in mind all those who at this time do not enjoy such a right. ZE00030907

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        PHILADELPHIA, (NE) "The myth of overpopulation is one of the driving forces of the abortion movement here and abroad", said recently Stephen Mosher, president of the Virginia-based Population Research Institute, during a dinner of Pennsylvanians for Human Life (PHL), a group that promotes the protection of human life from conception through natural death through educational programs schools, community groups and the media.

        During his address, Mosher recalled as well the decline in population in Europe. This year the continent, taken as a whole, he said, will show a decline in population. While countries or groups of European countries have had previous population declines, mostly because of war, emigration or crop failure, this decline will be the first for the entire continent "since the black death of the Middle Ages."

        He also denounced the presence of other interests to promote control population in third world countries, asserting as well that the United States sends "hundreds of millions of dollars overseas to promote population control in these countries." "The United Nations Population Fund also tells us too many people are being born to poor children in developing counties," Mosher further emphasized. "This is tantamount to saying only wealthy people should be allowed to have children; it's a new global form of racism."

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      Rumors of a Papal Consistory this year getting stronger

         When, and we pray it won't be for a very long time, the Holy Father is called home to his Heavenly home, there will be only 103 electoral cardinals eligible to vote in the Sacred Conclave, due to the recent birthdays of a number of prelates who have reached the age of 80 and therefore not eligible for participation in the College of Cardinals. Speculation continues that the Pope could appoint up to 20 new red-hats. continued inside.


        VATICAN CITY, MAR (ZENIT.org).- On March 1, Cardinal Simon Ignatius Pimenta, Archbishop Emeritus of Bombay, turned 80. Next Friday, March 17, Philippine Cardinal Jose T. Sanchez, Prefect Emeritus of the Vatican Congregation for the Clergy, will also be 80. Thus, on March 17 there will be only 103 electoral Cardinals eligible for a conclave, as only those younger than 80 are permitted by Canon Law to vote for a new Pope.

        On May 15 Lebanese Cardinal Pierre Nasrallah Sfeir, Patriarch of Antioch of the Maronites, will celebrate his 80th birthday, as will Lithuanian Cardinal Vicentas Sladkevicius on August 20, U.S. Cardinal James A. Hickey on October 11, and Brazilian Cardinal Eugenio Sales de Araujo on November 8. Consequently, at the end of 2000 the list of electoral Cardinals will be decreased by at least another 4. For this reason, it is expected that Pope John Paul II will announce a consistory during this Jubilee year to create new Cardinals. ZE00031004

         For more headlines and articles, we suggest you go to the Catholic World News site at the CWN home page and Church News at Noticias Eclesiales and the Dossiers, features and Daily Dispatches from ZENIT International News Agency CWN, NE and ZENIT are not affiliated with the Daily CATHOLIC, but provide this service via e-mail to the Daily CATHOLIC Monday through Friday.

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    Daily SHIPLOGS

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      • Total number of visits since this daily publication went on line November 1, 1997:
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    March 14, 2000     volume 11, no. 52
    The DailyCATHOLIC is available Monday thru Friday at www.DailyCatholic.org