Archives of Episode Installments of this on-line novel for these times
White Smoke, Black Fire!

Part I - The Unleashing
Episode One - The mysterious black figure strikes
Episode Two - Planting the explosives
Episode Three - Halloween hauntings
Episode Four - Background on main characters at The Crooked Spigot
Episode Five - The Bewitching Hour
Episode Six - Background on the global document One Eucharist
Episode Seven - Operatives prepare as the great procession begans on the Field of Abraham in Iraq

Episode One - Fruits of ecumenism: The ill-timing and terrible twist of "Amazing Grace"
Episode Two - Armageddon arrives in all its fatal fury on the Field of Abraham.
Episode Three - Two cardinals plot within the Vatican as Pat finds himself heading east into the beast's jaws
Episode Four - The world awakes to the horror as the press gather at Paul VI Hall in the Vatican to hear the inevitable.
Episode Five - Vatican head of Communications seeks to stop heretical decree released to the press by Cardinal Macelli
Episode Six - Pat jets toward the Field of Death as his editor is left to explain to publisher Edwin Blix
Episode Seven - Late morning in Dallas and Corrie tries desperately to get Vic Van Wess to tell her where Pat is.

Episode One - In a dungeon corridor just off the Papal Palace a loyal Swiss Guard comes to an astounding discovery.
Episode Two - Pat arrives in Iraq while the head of Vatican communication alerts a loyal cardinal of subterfuge within.
Episode Three - A clandestine meeting of the Legion of the Basilisk in the seedier side of Rome could have dire repercussions.
Episode Four - An old beggar is ready to sell what he knows - even his soul - for the next elixir to calm the demons within.

Part II - The Smoldering
Episode One - Pat plods through the Field of Death, seeing first-hand the total devastation that had reduced everything to ashes.
Episode Two - Amid the debris Pat runs into Niki Andriopoulos; a chance meeting that will forever change the course of their lives.
Episode Three - As Vic puts the next issue to bed, two cardinals seethe in St. Peter's Basilica on the other side of midnight.
Episode Four - At the Field of Death the mysterious Niki Andriopoulos makes Pat Gallagher an offer he can't refuse.

Episode One - The link that will forever tie Pat to the relentless cause against the nefarious Legion of the Basilisk.
Episode Two - Fasif contacts Helene Shenneker while Riage Benziger hauls his precious cargo toward safe haven
Episode Three - Pat meets his host at breakfast as more background is revealed about Fasif Khadid
Episode Four - Pat begins to learn about the terror of the Legion of the Basilisk and its biblical reptilian link.
Episode Five - As our story unfolds we learn of the intrigue and mystery of a global chess game between good and evil.
Episode Six - Fasif unveils how the Legion of the Basilisk penetrated the inner sanctum of the Holy See of Rome
Episode Seven - The example of a cigarette clearly illustrates how the Legion's cancer has permeated even the innocent
Episode Eight - Pat gets his marching orders for Rome from Fasif as Niki's true profession is revealed

Episode One - Riage Benziger tends to a dehydrated Pope as Cardinal Macelli bluntly eliminates a long Holy See tradition
Episode Two - More subterfuge from Dallas to Rome by overconfident, insolent principal members of the Legion of the Basilisk
Episode Three - Pat arrives in Rome as the Basilisk grows more powerful, its stench ever more present in the Eternal City.
Episode Four - The venomous Basilisk slithers into Helene Sheneker's Tel Aviv home at night intent on destruction.
Episode Five - Explosions engulf Fasif's estate in smoke and fire. Fr. Andriopoulos' chagrin can do nothing but flee for his life.
Episode Six - Racing for his life, Niki chooses the vehicle of death to escape certain death. But where will it take him?

Part III - The Shadowing
Episode One - Upon landing in Rome, Niki is discovered by Dr. Makuta Ogidi in the hold of the C-130 transport with the caskets.
Episode Two - Pat discovers the fate of Fasif, Elias and Helena as Fr. Stephen and Macelli wait for the caskets to be released.
Episode Three - Macelli and Vendhem plot as Fr. Niki finds shelter in a simple flat on the other side of Rome provided by Dr. Ogidi.
Episode Four - The coffins are arranged in St. Peter's in preparation for the funeral as Fr. Niki goes undercover in Rome.
Episode Five - Pat rendezvous with Karel in St. Peter's Square, the beginning of a cloak and dagger tour through Rome.
Episode Six - Macelli receives a vile vial from Elena Grabe while Fr. Niki discovers the shocking intent of a small piece of plastic.
Episode Seven - Benziger makes plans to notify someone he can trust as Pat heads for an evening meeting with Karel.
Episode Eight - Pat can do nothing to save Fasif's daughter Karel as he realizes too late he has walked into the Legion's lair.

Episode One - Pat Gallagher recovers from a concussion and bruised ribs as he meets another of Niki's mysterious friends.
Episode Two - Dr. Makuta Ogidi divulges more on the Legion of the Basilisk as Pat and Fr. Niki can practically feel the hissing.
Episode Three - A new day dawns as tension begins to build both in fitful sleep and in the fears of what the Legion is planning.
Episode Four - Riage tends to the comatose pope while Pat relates his hellish nightmare of the Basilisk to Niki.
Episode Five - A weakened Benziger returns to the Vatican as Stephen experiences a haunting vision inside the Holy See.
Episode Six - Benziger betrayed; his only hope that someone on the side of right will find his S.O.S. scribbled on a towel.
Episode Seven - Pat, Niki, Stephen and Ogidi meet incognito at the Ristorante Romano in Rome as whispers wait in the shadows.
Episode Eight - When they least expect it, the beast appears and Pat Gallagher is the target of all its hideous hatred and horror.

Episode One - Corrie expects the worst after a call from Vic as the Legion plots further terror - this time the theater is the Vatican.
Episode Two - In the midst of a winter storm coming off the plains of Texas, Vic confides in Corrie's trust and Pat's possible fate.
Episode Three - The power of prayer calls forth the mercy of God where the blood of martyrs became the seed of Christianity.
Episode Four - Inside Vatican City Pat escapes yet another close shave with death, but Riage Benziger is not as fortunate.

Part IV - The Shrouding
Episode One - As the Pope struggles for life, Niki and Dr. Ogidi track two members of the Legion of the Basilisk to a home in the hills.
Episode Two - Pat is smuggled into the Vatican by Msgr. Navarro as Riage Benziger fights to stay alive in loyalty to his Pope.
Episode Three - Niki and Ogidi uncover clues to the Legion's scheme while Stephen and Sr. Bridie help an injured Pat.
Episode Four - Sr. Bridie smuggles Pat into the Vatican Infirmary as Legion cardinals plot the destruction of the Holy See.
Episode Five - Lorenzo reveals the explosive nature of the mylar Niki gave him as Grabe, masked as a nun, intimidates Sr. Bridie.
Episode Six - Vic takes matters into his own hands to slow the Legion as Niki and Ogidi smuggle their way into the Vatican.

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"White Smoke, Black Fire!" is an original work, registered with the Writers' Guild and all rights are the exclusive rights of The DAILY CATHOLIC who owns the copyright. Because of the nature of the internet and the importance of sharing, we hereby give the reader permission to collect and disseminate by e-mail each episode as it is presented in each issue of The DAILY CATHOLIC, provided that one includes this 1986, 2001 copyright statement and source - www.DailyCatholic.org - and take nothing out of context, nor reproduce it for profit. This work, fifteen years in the making, is a work of fiction that replicates the reality of today in many ways. However names, characters, places and incidents are used fictionally and any resemblance to actual persons and events, except those recorded in history, are purely coincidental.

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