![]() Tom and his wife Sharon are the proud parents of Lucy Mary Norma Droleskey, born on March 27, 2002 in Council Bluffs, Iowa. She was baptized at the great hour of Mercy on March 31st on Easter Sunday in St. Patrick's Church in Omaha, Nebraska by Father Eric Flood of the Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter. Dr. Droleskey received his Bachelor of Arts degree in political science from St. John's University, Jamaica, New York, in January of 1973, his Master of Arts degree in political science from the University of Notre Dame in January of 1974, and his Doctor of Philosophy in political science from the State University of New York at Albany in August of 1977. He taught in numerous universities and colleges between January of 1974 and December of 2000, receiving awards for excellence in teaching. His years of service as an adjunct professor at the C. W. Post Campus of Long Island University, Brookville, New York, were recognized by the Department of Political Science in an awards ceremony in May of 1996. Droleskey has spoken before hundreds of groups across the nation since 1984, principally to defend the concept of a Christocentric world which recognizes the primacy of Christ the King and the authority of Christ's true Church to direct men in matters of faith and morals (and in matters of fundamental justice). He has been the recipient of the Chesterbelloc Award, presented by the Chesterton Society of Toledo, Ohio, in June of 1995; the Christ the King Award, presented by the Christian Law Institute in El Paso, Texas, on November 24, 1996; and the Pope John Paul II Defender of the Faith Award, presented by St. Malachy's Church Respect Life Committee, October 31, 1998. He has made numerous television and radio appearances. Droleskey has run for office several times on the line of the New York State Right to Life Party. He was the party's candidate for Lieutenant Governor of New York in 1986 and its candidate for the Supervisor of the Town of Oyster Bay in 1997. He unsuccessfully challenged then incumbent Senator Alfonse M. D'Amato for the party's nomination for the United States Senate in 1998, although he did receive over 37% of the vote in the primary, which he waged to attempt to give to call to public attention the fact that no one is legitimately pro-life who supports even a single abortion-and that those who support with pride the Planned Parenthood agenda ought not to receive the nomination of a pro-life political party. He also stressed the importance of establishing the Social Kingship of Christ as the sine qua non in the restoration of a respect for all innocent human life from the moment of fertilization through all subsequent stages until natural death. The author of hundreds of articles, Droleskey is also the author of two books, both published by Hope of Saint Monica, Inc. The first, "Christ in the Voting Booth", was published in 1998. It is available for $17.95 (s & h included).
A third book, which will contain a transcription of his adult education series, "Living in the Shadow of the Cross," will be published in the year 2002. Droleskey serves on the Board of Advisers of the Society of Catholic Social Scientists, the National Association of Private and Independent Catholic Schools, and had served a term on the Board of Directors of the Wanderer Forum Foundation from 1994 to 1996. His column is carried by The DAILY CATHOLIC in agreement with Dr. Droleskey and his website Chartres Communications and Hope of St. Monica. We encourage you to sign up for his monthly newsletter CHRIST OR CHAOS. It is available for $40.00 a year or $70.00 for two years. You will also find many of his columns at www.griffnews.com where you can subscribe to his latest column. We have a working agreement with Tom and Fran Griffin, president of the Public Relations Firm Griffin Communications in Washington, D.C., to carry his columns after a two-week grace period for subscribers to Griffin Internet Syndicate. We are appreciative of their cooperation and permissions for we feel Dr. Droleskey is a columnist that greatly fits The DAILY CATHOLIC demographics and conservative Catholic ideology, which is uncompromisingly loyal to the Truths and Traditions of the Roman Catholic Church, not the "American Catholic Church" - the hybrid that has been hatched from the hideous 'spirit of Vatican II!'
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