To be able to make heads and tails of all the documents we've linked, we strongly recommend the books below from Tradition In Action that separate fact from fiction. Everything is backed up to show how everything changed and how, and why it was allowed. You owe it to yourself to read, judge, discuss and share so that the True Faith will be preserved always.

"In the Murky Waters of Vatican II" - the first of the incomparable collection Eli, Eli, Lamma Sabacthani? $15. (+ $4. shipping)

"Animus Delendi - I" - The second of the Eli, Eli... series, translated "Desire to Destroy" tells how the Church was sabotaged through Vatican II and by whom. $20. (plus $4. shipping)

"An Urgent Plea: Do Not Change The Papacy" - plea to the Holy Father to not listen to the progressivists who would diminish the role of the Successor of Peter. $7. (plus $3. shipping)

"Quo Vadis, Petre?" - Special Edition of the Eli, Eli, Lamma... Collection on the Jubilee's pan-religious nature that has weakened Holy Mother Church. $8. (plus $3. shipping)

"We Resist You To The Face" - Do not be fooled by the title. This is one of the most respectful and obedient pieces justified by Sacred Scripture and Catholic Doctrine in saying 'enough is enough, no more destruction of our beloved Church!' $10. (plus $3. shipping)

"Our Lady of Good Success: Prophecies for Our Times" - A 350-year-old approved devotion from Quito, Ecuador that is very pertinent today. $7. (plus $3. shipping)

To order these books and see others available, go to or call 1-323-725-0219.

PO Box 23135
Los Angeles, CA 90023

John XXIII's funeral in 1963

38 years later on Pentecost Sunday, John XXIII's body in St. Peter's Square

Pope John Paul II on the right of John's glass coffin


Council of Trent

  To understand what the Roman Catholic Faith is all about, the truths and absolutes of the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church, one needs to go back to the unchangeable doctrine that was defined and set in stone.. We start with the counter-reformation 19th Ecumenical Council in the Tridentine mountains of northern Italy in the longest council in Church history: the Council of Trent called by Pope Paul III in 1545 and the 25th session closed in 1563 by Pope Pius IV. For all the documents see Council of Trent

Proclamations of Pope Saint Pius V

  For Pope Saint Pius V's Apostolic Constitution on the Rosary "Consueverunt Romani" which helped create the miraculous victory at Lepanto in 1571, see Exhortation on the Rosary
For his Papal Bull Quo Primum for carrying out the reforms of Trent and establishing the Holy Mass in stone, see QUO PRIMUM

Pre-Vatican I Papal Proclamations

  For the encyclicals, apostolic exhortations and Papal Bulls fromPope Gregory XIII in 1572 through 28 Popes to Pope Gregory XVI up to 1846, see Between Trent and Vatican I

First Vatican Council

  306 years after the Council of Trent Blessed Pope Pius IX called the First Vatican Council in order to declare the doctrine of infallibility of the Vicar of Christ when speaking ex cathedra on faith and morals. This dogma was proclaimed on July 18, 1870. That same year, after 14 full sessions, Pius suspended the 20th Ecumenical Council because the Italian army had entered Rome, which would end the Papal States and Pius himself would never leave the Vatican again. For all these documents see Vatican I

Blessed Pope Pius IX
Proclamations of post-Vatican I Popes

  The longest reigning Pontiff outside of Saint Peter himself, Blessed Pope Pius IX was selected the 255th successor of Peter on June 21, 1846 and died on February 7, 1878 - 32 years in which he guided the Barque of Peter through the troubling times of the rise of modernism and the masonic movement. A pious Pope who stood by the Traditions with every fiber of his being, he declared the Dogma of the Immaculate Conception in 1854. Sixteen years later he would see the end of the Papal States when the Italian Army took over Rome. He chose to forever remain within the Vatican. For the encyclicals, apostolic exhortations and Papal Bulls by Blessed Pope Pius IX, including his Syllabus of Errors in which he clearly outlined those things which would be, are and should forever be anathema, see Blessed Pope Pius IX

Pope Leo XIII
Proclamations of post-Vatican I Popes

  Cardinal Joachim Pecci served the Church well, especially after becoming Pope Leo XIII on March 3, 1878. His pontificate spanned the turn of the century and he followed and was succeeded by two holy Pontiffs named Pius. He passed away on July 20, 1903. lFor the encyclicals, apostolic exhortations and Papal Bulls by Pope Leo XIII, including his encyclical "Rerum Novarum" against Marxism, which plagues the Church today, and his encyclical "Humanum Genus" on Freemasonry, see Pope Leo XIII

Pope Saint Pius X
Proclamations of post-Vatican I Popes

  Pope Saint Pius X was born Joseph Sarto and became the 257th Sovereign Pontiff on August 9, 1903. His glorious papacy lasted eleven years with him passing to his Heavenly reward on August 20, 1914. For the encyclicals, apostolic exhortations and Papal Bulls by this holy Pontiff of the Holy Eucharist who urged priestly sanctity and who so fought againt Modernism, warning the Church over and over including his encyclical "Lamentabili Sane" and "Pascendi Dominici Gregis " followed by his "Oath Against Modernism" released three years after the two former encyclicals, see see Pope Saint Pius X

Pope Benedict XV
Proclamations of post-Vatican I Popes

  For the encyclicals by Pope Benedict XV during his 8-year papacy (September 6, 1914 - January 22, 1922) on emulating the saints and pleading for peace in the wake of World War I, see Pope Benedict XV

Pope Pius XI
Proclamations of post-Vatican I Popes

  For the many encyclicals by Pope Pius XI, including his "Divini Redemptoris" in which he condemned atheistic communism and many other encyclicals where he warned the world of the dangers ahead, especially to the United States with his "Vigilanti Cura" in which he pleaded for decency in the mushrooming film industry that, today, has become a cesspool that has plunged the world into decadence. The "Legion of Decency" which he promoted so was disbanded after Vatican II. Pius XI's pontificate spanned 17 years from February 12, 1922 until his death on Februuary 10, 1939. For his writings, see Pope Pius XI

Pope Pius XII
Proclamations of post-Vatican I Popes

   ;For the encyclicals, apostolic exhortations and Papal Bulls by Pope Pius XII, the last Traditional Pope and the last to speak ex cathedra with "Munificentissimus Deusi" on the Dogma of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary on November 1, 1950. Elected on March 2, 1939 as war was about to break out throughout Europe, his pontificate withstood the ravages of World War II and behind the scenes he did all he could and more to protect all - especially the Jews. He did all he could to keep the modernists, progressivists and communists in check. After his encyclical "Humani Generis" he censured and exiled men who were spreading false opinions and many times heresy. The saddest part of all this is that all those he exiled were feted as the new thinkers at Vatican II. Pius followed up his successor's encyclical on the film industry with an even stronger one "Miranda Prorsus" in 1957, a year before he died on October 9, 1958. For his writings, see Pope Pius XII

Second Vatican Council

  Rather than re-open Vatican I, Blessed Pope John XXIII shocked the world and launched the slippery slope the Church has been on ever since when he announced on January 25, 1959 at St. Paul's Outside-the-Walls that he would convene the Second Vatican Council. After sending out the original schemas to every diocese in the world and wading through all the feedback that greatly diluted the original content, the Council opened on October 11, 1962. A dying John XXIII closed it on December 8, 1962 and, on his death bed, begged, "Stop the Council! Stop the Council!" But his successor Paul VI reopened it on September 29, 1963 - just three months after his election - and closed it on December 4, 1963. The third session was opened on September 14, 1964 and closed on November 21, 1964. The fourth and final session convened a year later on September 14, 1965 - where non-Catholics and women were given a greater say than ever in the history of the Church as the progressivists completed the hijacking of the largest, and, what will go down in history, as the most damaging Council in Church History. The Council closed on December 8th of the same year. For all these documents see Vatican II

Blessed Pope John XXIII
Proclamations of post-Vatican II Popes

   Though he was beatified last year on September 3rd in a balance of Traditionalist (Blessed Pio Nono) and Liberals, make no mistake Blessed Pope John XXIII was a liberal. He was also full of love, tremendous love for everyone and trusted too much. Elected on October 28, 1958 as an interim Pope because the Conclave was deadlocked and settled on this loveable Patriarch of Venice. He wrote eight encyclicals during his 4-year pontificate. His first "Ad Petri Cathedram" illustrates the love and his belief that all could live in harmony. Two of his more famous encyclical were "Mater et Magistra" and "Pacem in Terris". It was not until he lay on his deathbed, dying from lukemia that he realized how he had been used by the modernists, progressivists, communists and masons to undermine the one obstacle in their way: Holy Mother Church. Sadly, his successor did not heed his plea, "Stop the Council! Stop the Council!" He passed away on June 3, 1963 and the entire world mourned the good Pope. For his writings, see Blessed Pope John XXIII

Pope Paul VI
Proclamations of post-Vatican II Popes

   The jury is still out on Cardinal Giovanni Battista Montini who, though exiled by Pope Pius XII returned to Rome to be elected Roman Pontiff and, rather than following Pope John XXIII's cautions, plunged even deeper into the malaise that Vatican II became as factions greatly embittered all camps and those progressivists from the northern regions of Europe were allowed to run freely and rule liberally as the Rhine flowed into the Tiber. Paul's pontificate lasted 15 years and yet he wrote one less encyclical than his predecessor. He will forever be remembered for the one great encyclical that was so widely rejected "Humanae Vitae". It was ignored because the modernists had already gained a strong foothold after Vatican II in almost every chancery worldwide. With this infiltration in place the cancer began to grow even deeper as the devil recruited more to help him in deconstructing his greatest enemy on earth - Holy Mother Church. Paul died on August 6, 1978, admitting that satan was now in the sanctuary. For his Encyclicals, Apostolic Letters Constitutions, and Exhortations see Pope Paul VI

Pope John Paul II
Proclamations of post-Vatican II Popes

   Now in the 23rd year of his pontificate, Pope John Paul II was elevated to the Papal Throne as the 264th successor of Peter on October 16, 1978 after his predecessor Pope John Paul I died mysteriously after only 33 days as Pope. No Sovereign Pontiff has been more well known, has traveled to more countries as he has become the "Pilgrim Pope." It has been left to this Polish Pontiff to try to salvage Vatican II. He has tried to please all sides in calling for unity and peace. But those intent on destroying the Church will not hear him and sadly many within the heirarchy have long been working to undermine his authority, trying to paint him into a corner so that he will lessen the temporal and spiritual powers of the Keeper of the Keys. At 81, we pray he has the strength to resist them. Now in the twilight years of an illustrious life, John Paul II will go down as one of the most prolific writers among the Popes. He has written volumes and volumes. We present Brother Ignatius' excellent compilation of our Holy Father's many works, including his Encyclicals, Apostolic Letters Constitutions, Exhortations, Angeleses, General Audiences and Homilies see Pope John Paul II

"In the beginning was the Word"

  No study is complete without Divine Revelation of the Word of God contained in the Sacred Scripture of the Old and New Testaments and passed down through Tradition with the Latin Vulgate and translated to the Douay-Rheims edition which is the most loyal to those traditions. Therefore, we provide the full Bible available on line. See HOLY BIBLE

The Catechism of Absolutes
  Many were weaned on the Baltimore Catechism which were the truths put simply and concretely in black and white. Those reared on this Catechism know their Faith and, when all else fails, we strongly urge you to return to the roots of what the Roman Catholic Church teaches without ambiguity - without relativism - without pouring through 800 pages from cover to cover. Therefore we present the Baltimore Catechism

The New Catechism

   For those who have read the new Catechism of the Catholic Church cover to cover, please let us know if it is as clear and concise as the Baltimore Catechism. While it is definitely more thorough, many believe it is too much so for it discourages the common Catholic from reading more because it is written, so often, above everyone's heads - such a thorough job have these 'knowledgable theologians' done. Nevertheless, because it is an approved work, we present this as a comparison to something that was perfectly fine before the periti decided to publish the following tome. The Catechism of the Catholic Church

Code of Canon Law

   We present here the Code of Canon Law of 1983. Canon Law is the ecclesiastical rule for the Church in establishing the norms and standards for all to follow. We don't really expect all to use this link unless you are looking up something specific. But it will help you if you are interested in various canons. See Code of Canon Law

St. Thomas Aquinas' Summa Theologica
   For those truly interested in theology, who are confused by the modern theologians who have led so many astray, we strongly recommend thee work by the Angelic Doctor of the Church Saint Thomas Aquinas and his masterful Summa Theologica available at New Advent's site. See "Summa Theologica"

Our Lady foretold these times
   Why was the Blessed Virgin Mary weeping so when she appeared to visionaries Maximim and Melanie on September 19, 1846? Read her words and you too will weep as you better understand 155 years later how Our Lady foretold of these times we are in when "Rome would lose the faith and become the seat of the antichrist." Blessed Pope Pius IX realized this and declared, "Unless you do penance, you shall all perish." Both the Mother of God and previous Roman Pontiffs have warned us and yet we have not listened. We reap what we sow and, as Pope Pius XII said on the Centenary in 1946, "The Madonna in Tears came to abjure her children to enter resolutely the path of conversion to her Divine Son, and of reparation for so many sins that offend the August and Eternal Majesty." With sin having become the rule and conversion the exception, do you think the direction the Church has taken since Vatican II is the right path? Read what Our Lady says in these approved apparitions in Messages of LaSalette

"In the end my Immaculate Heart will triumph"
   Since Our Lady's Heart has not yet triumphed, the Fatima mission and message continues. Read the messages conveyed to the three visionaries Blessed Francisco and Blessed Jacinta and Sister Lucia. We will not make an opinion here as to the Third Message compared to the First and Second. We leave that to you as you read the contents of all. For these messages, see Messages of Fatima

Age of Marian Apparitions
   From Rue de Bac to Lourdes through Medjugorje and Betania, Our Lady has been pleading with her children. She has consistently affirmed Church doctrine, warning of dire consequences if we did not repent, convert our hearts, turn back to her Divine Son Jesus, do penance, and stay in the state of sanctifying grace through the sacraments. For other messages, see Other Marian Apparitions

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