September 12, 2000
volume 11, no. 168

MILLENNIUM MILESTONES that occurred Today in Church History

Historical Events in Church Annals for September 12th:

  • 1033 A.D.
  • Death of Saint Guy of Anderlecht, Confessor. This humble priest, born in Brussels, is known as a life-long sacristan because of his deep love for being near the Eucharistic Presence of Jesus in the Tabernacle.

  • 1362 A.D.
  • Death of Pope Innocent VI, 199th successor of Peter. This French Pope was one of the Avignon Popes and had a wall built to defend the city of Avignon from assaults. He also ordered the Spanish Cardinal Albornoz to restore order in the Papal States.

  • 1484 A.D.
  • Election of Pope Innovent VIII as the 213th successor of Peter. This Genoan-born pontiff would go on to rule for eight years, carrying out the tremendous task of pacifying the Catholic states. He was also inexorable in striking at the slave traffic as well as assisting Christopher Columbus in his undertaking to discover the western route to the Indies.

  • 1891 A.D.
  • Pope Leo XIII issues his 40th encyclical Pastoralis officii on the morality of dueling in seeking peace among Europeans and keeping them from fueding, especially in Germany and Austria.

  • 1897 A.D.
  • Pope Leo XIII ushers his 63rd encyclical Augustissimae Virginis Mariae on the Confraternity of the Holy Rosary.

September 12, 2000
volume 11, no. 168

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