MONDAY     vol. 11, no. 51     March 13, 2000

March 13, 2000


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Lenten Weekday

First Reading:
 Leviticus 19: 1-2, 11-18
  Psalm 19: 8-10, 15
  Matthew 25: 31-46

For the Daily LENTEN REFLECTION for Monday, March 13th, see LENTEN REFLECTION.


   Today's and tomorrow's liturgy are both Lenten Weekdays For the readings, liturgies, and meditations, see DAILY LITURGY.


"And answering the King will say to them, 'Amen I say to you, as long as you did it for one of these, the least of My brethren, you did it for Me."
Mattthew 25: 40

The Gospa's message for February
February 25th Medjugorje Monthly Message

NOTE: We respectfully recognize and accept the final authority regarding apparitions, locutions and prophecies presently being reported around the world rests with the Holy See of Rome and the Magisterium of Holy Mother Church to whose judjment we humbly and obediently submit.

"Dear children! Wake up from the sleep of unbelief and sin, because this is a time of grace which God gives you. Use this time and seek the grace of healing of your heart from God, so that you may see God and man with the heart. Pray in a special way for those who have not come to know God's love, and witness with your life so that they also can come to know God and His immeasurable love. Thank you for having responded to my call."

For more on Medjugorje, click on MEDJUGORJE AND MORE

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  • Why it's called Vice:
    The stress of things other than God, can press, depress and drive one into despair!

       In his column today, Pat Ludwa delves into the reasons people often embrace vice or give up: depression and that depression stems from not having total faith in God. It also evolves from making excuses in trying to rationalize a behavior that is adverse to the Will of God because they aren't willing to do all God expects as Pat points out in the Scriptural passage where the young man walked away from Our Lord because he wasn't willing to go that extra length and give up worldly possessions to follow Jesus. Too often worldly trappings do just that, trap us into a void that is devoid of hope. But there is always hope if we are willing to rise from the depths of depression and despair through the spiritual prescriptions offered by Christ and His Church. For his column today, Why many wallow in the depths of depression and despair , see VIEW FROM THE PEW

    GIF images used with permission of EWTN
    Pope teams up with seven curial members to pronounce general sins of the past in special penitential ceremony at St. Peter's on "Mea Culpa Sunday"
       Today we bring you the Holy Father's unprecedented Universal Prayer yesterday on "Mea Culpa Sunday" at Saint Peter's in which he pronounced publicly the past general faults and sins of the Church's children over the centuries in a ceremony where, joined by seven prelates of the Curia - five cardinals and two archbishops, the Vicar of Christ asked forgiveness of sins and called down Divine Mercy on the entire Church and world in one of the most significant events ever conducted by the Holy See and especially this Jubilee Year. See THE VICAR OF CHRIST SPEAKS

    Appreciation of God's gift of Christ's Redemption and His Church to guide us against deadly Mortal Sin
        Today we continue with our new series in the search to uncover the wonderful treasures of the Church contained in the great Deposit of Faith. Today we present the first part of the catechesis on the death knell for so many: Mortal Sin as explained in My Catholic Faith for this wipes out all sanctifying grace and takes away, while we have mortal sin on our soul, any chance of Heavenly bliss for it is a oneway ticket to hell when a soul turns their back willingly on God. For part one in the 129th installment, see APPRECIATING THE PRECIOUS GIFT OF OUR FAITH

    Events that happened today in Church History
       On this day 538 years ago in 1462, Johannes Gutenberg, who had experimented with printing with moveable type in metal blocks, began printing the bible - the Latin Vulgate. In later years during the Protestant Reformation the King James version would largely replace the Catholic text. Prior to the Gutenberg press, monks had hand scrolled the complete bible and few were able to read them but with the advent of the printing press all would eventually be able to read the Word of God. Little did Gutenberg even imagine that in the late 90's of the twentieth century the entire bible would fit on one small chip in three languages and various versions and be available on the worldwide web in a nanosecond. How far we've come, and yet the Word remains - or should remain the same. For other time capsule events that happened in Church history on this date, see MILLENNIUM MILESTONES AND MEMORIES

    The ultimate search for better and the Best
    Famous quotes of Bishop Fulton J. Sheen    They say a picture is worth a thousand words, but the words of Bishop Fulton J. Sheen have been known to launch a thousand images in one's mind, one of the ways this late luminary did so much to evangelize the faith. Because of the urgency of the times and because few there are today who possess the wisdom, simplicity and insight than the late Archbishop who touched millions, we are bringing you daily gems from his writings. The good bishop makes it so simple that we have dubbed this daily series: "SIMPLY SHEEN".

    "Dissatisfaction sometimes can be the motive of true progress. Dissatisfied with the pen, man invented the printing press; dissatisfied with the chariot and the locomotive, he invented the airplane. There is implanted in everyone an impulse which drives the spirit to beat its wings like an imprisoned eagle in the cages of this earth until there is blood on its plumes. Did hearts but analyze this urge that is within them, which drives them away from the actual to the possible and makes them dig in the desert of their lives for new living springs, and climb every mountain to get a better look at Heaven, they would see that they are being drawn back again to God, from Whom they came."

    Coming Tomorrow:

  • Another pertinent editorial in CATHOLIC PewPOINT

  • Another poignant column by Michael Vincent Boyer in HOW HOLY WOULD HELP HOLLYWOOD

  • The 130th installment on the treasures of the great Deposit of Faith in our daily series APPRECIATING THE PRECIOUS GIFT OF OUR FAITH

  • Lenten Reflections for March 14th and the Way of the Cross Meditations

  • Time Capsules in Church History focusing on March 14th

  • Another gem from SIMPLY SHEEN

  • Daily LITURGY for the Lenten Weekdays on Tuesday and Wednesday.

  • ...and much more in our 52nd issue for 2000!
    with a Catholic slant

    News Ticker from Catholic World News For more from CWN and other Catholic wire services, see stories below

    The Holy Father asks forgiveness for sins committed over the centuries in unprecedented penitent ceremony at St. Peter's on special "Day of Pardon"
      His Holiness John Paul II began his penitential path for "Mea Culpa Sunday" before the magnificent marbled statue of the Sorrowful Mother of God holding her Divine Son Jesus, so masterfully depicted in Michelangelo''s priceless treasure of the Pieta, asking the Virgin, Mother of the Church to help the entire Church ease the burden of the crucified Savior by being cleansed of sins of the past that. He then proceeded to the altar and during his Papal Mass, he, along with seven high prelates in the Curia, delineated general sins of the past in asking forgiveness. The full text can be found today in THE VICAR OF CHRIST SPEAKS. continued inside
    It's official! Blessed Faustina to become Saint Faustina on Divine Mercy Sunday this year!
    Blessed Sister Faustina She'll be canonized on Divine Mercy Sunday    The much rampant rumors of Blessed Sister Faustina Marie Kowalska became fact over the weekend when the Holy Father signed the final document approving the canonization of his fellow Pole whom he played a major role in bringing her beatification and canonization process to fruition and in spreading the devotion to Divine Mercy received by the Polish nun in the 1930's while young Karol Wojtyla was studying for the priesthood. Her canonization can only further champion world-wide her Diary - "Divine Mercy in My Soul" and no longer belong to one group or another, but to the whole world as a universal saint. continued inside.

    More saints on the horizon during this Jubilee Year as Pope makes known at public ordinary consistory
       At the same time the Pope approved Blessed Faustina for sainthood, he made it official that during this Jubilee Year he will proclaim at least 150 men and women as canonized saints of the Church. Among them are many martyrs, priests and religious, all of whom led exemplary lives. It is also important to note with all the secular opinions trying to interfere, that when the Sovereign Pontiff proclaims one a saint, it is done infallibly. continued inside.

    Catholics and Muslims team up to fight pro-aborts at the UN's Beijing+5 Women's Conference
       In New York the UN's Biejing+5 Women's Conference is heating up as Catholic Pro-Life groups and many Arab nations continue to demonstrate together and debate with pro-aborts the hotly disputed issues of abortion vs. a woman's "right to choose," as well as debate on the subject of sexuality, with implications of recognizing the rights of gay marriages. The mood is tense, even hostile, as the liberals are being forced to back down and dig in as a wounded rat due to the strong front being waged by the pro-life solidarity of Catholic and Muslim. continued inside.

    Swiss Bishops join Pope in making apologies for failure to do more for the Jews during World War II
    Switzerland    Bishop Kurt Koch of Basel, Switzerland, who heads the Swiss Episcopal Conference, announced the release of a document drawn up by the Hebrew-Catholic Dialogue Commission, with the intention of apologizing on behalf of the the country for its failture to do more at the time of the Holocaust, claiming that Church officials in this country of the Alps did not speak out strongly against Hitler nor did the Swiss do enough for refugees who fled to this neutral land. continued inside.

    Germans to keep their cellphones on alert during Lent
    Germany    While cellphones have become more of a nuisance in America, German bishops are hoping it will have a more calming, positive effect for as the world of high tech surges ahead, the Church in the Deutchland is making full use of wireless technology. Several dioceses are offering to send to all cellular phone users a Lenten message each day which includes the daily readings from the Gospel and signifies a "call" to deeper understanding of the meaning of Lent. continued inside.

    Cardinal Kung dead at 98, served 30 years in communinst prisons in staunch loyalty to Rome
    Cardinal Ignatius Kung Pin-meiChina    One of the Sacred Conclave's oldest cardinals passed away early Sunday morning in Stamford, Connecticut where he was in exile, overseeing the Cardinal Kung Foundation. He was named the Roman Catholic Bishop of Shanghai in 1950 but was imprisoned by the Chinese communists after five years in that post and sentenced to life imprisonment in 1960. After 25 more years of incarceration, he was released in 1985 and three years later pardoned and his political rights restored but he was not allowed to serve as Bishop in China. Therefore he moved to the United States in 1988. He had been named by John Paul II a cardinal "in pectore" during the Holy Father's first Consistory in 1979 and formally acknowledged in 1991.continued inside.

    Fishers of men metaphor spreads its net worldwide with an emphasis on the worldwide net during seminar in Assisi
    Fishing for souls worldwide on the net   This past Saturday there concluded in Assisi a study seminar headed by Bishop Antonelli, whose objective was to promote E-vangelization on the internet with the metaphor of a fishing net in which those who evangelize are able to catch souls for God on the worldwide web. Recognizing ithe impact of the internet, this study encourages the Gospel to be preached to the very ends of the earth, as Christ Himself commanded of His Apostles and of us today. continued inside.

         For more headlines and articles, we suggest you go to the Catholic World News site at the CWN home page and Church News at Noticias Eclesiales and the Dossiers, features and Daily Dispatches from ZENIT International News Agency CWN, NE and ZENIT are not affiliated with the Daily CATHOLIC, but provide this service via e-mail to the Daily CATHOLIC Monday through Friday.

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    March 13, 2000     volume 11, no. 51   Front Page