December 24, 2000
volume 11, no. 271

MILLENNIUM MILESTONES that occurred Today in Church History

Historical Events in Church Annals for December 24th:

  • 642 A.D.
  • Election of Pope John IV, 72nd successor of Peter. This Dalmatian-born pontiff's papacy would last just a few months shy of two years. During his pontificate he would try to bring the dissentients of Egypt to the way of Truth. He would also have the remains of the martyrs Venantius, Anastasius and Maurus transfered to the Lateran. He would personally ordain 28 priests and consecrate 18 bishops in order to be sure of their faith and allegiance to Rome.

  • 1046 A.D.
  • Election of Pope Clement II, 149th successor of Peter. His pontificate would last less than a year in which his great preoccupation would be with the arrogance of the Count-Bishops, the cause of much bitter fighting among their vassals. He would also succeed in overcoming the resistance of Bishop Aribert of Milan. It was Clement who would canonize the Hungarian martyr Saint Viborata.

  • 1294 A.D.
  • Cardinal Benedetto Gaetani becomes Pope Boniface VIII, 193rd successor of Peter. This pope of great stature but questionable measures, would celebrate the first Holy Year in 1300 and decree that every one hundred years it would be repeated. During his bitter fued with King Philip IV of France this former advisor to Popes would issue the famous Papal Bull Unam Sanctam.

  • 1997 A.D.
  • Pope John Paul II lights the first Channukah candle ever officially lit at the Vatican in a gesture of peace toward the Jews.

  • 1999 A.D.
  • Pope John Paul II opens the Jubilee Year 2000 by praying before the massive Holy Doors in the apse to the right of the main entrance leading into St. Peter's Basilica. He invites all to follow him in crossing over the threshhold of the Third Millennium as he opens wide the Doors to Jesus Christ.

December 24, 2000
volume 11, no. 271

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