October 18

October 19

October 20

October 21

October 22

October 23

October 24

Click dates above to go to that day, or click below for specific items in this edition

      The feast of Saint Luke the Evangelist falls on Mission Sunday this year as we are all called to go & do our part in converting souls to the one, true Faith

      Completion of "The Secret of the Rosary" Roses
        Connect the dots so you will not be deceived
        Calling all Protestants and V2 Catholics to wake up

      Urgent plea: Help DailyCatholic stay afloat
      Follow those dedicated to Restoring the Sacred
      Join ROSARY CALL nightly
     Remember Lepanto & Pray

      Stand against the deceit of the devil
      John Gregory on the Scourging of the Pillar
     Fr. Kevin Vaillancourt on The Rosary and the Mission to Save Souls

      St. Bridget: Cures to Combat Fallen Human Nature
      Fifty-Third Rose: Praying the Glorious Mysteries
        Commemoration: 21st Sunday after Pentecost

      Fr. James Wathen: The Purpose of Archaism
      St. Bridget: A soul in mortal sin=ugly, hideous sight
      Bishop Daniel Dolan on Rosary History & Miracles

      Fifty-Fourth Rose: A shorter way to pray the Holy Rosary
           Fr. James Wathen: The Rite of Peace
         Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI on Our Lady's Rosary

      John Gregory on the Crowning with Thorns
          St. Bridget: Mercy for God's Daughter
         Fifty-Fifth Rose on the Power, Value, & Holiness of the Rosary

      Commemoration of St. Hilarion
      Fr. James Wathen: "Communion"
      St. Bridget: Nature has a way of taking its course
        Pope St. Pius V: Quo Primum

      Fr. Casimir Puskorius, CMRI: Weapon Against Spiritual & Physical Evils
         Fr. James Wathen: "Ecumenism"
        John Gregory on Carrying of the Cross

      Bishop Donald Sanborn: The Rosary & Catholic Life
      St. Bridget on What it will take for man to see
      Fr. James Wathen: Language of the "New Mass"

      Bishop Daniel Dolan: The Power of the Rosary
      John Gregory on the Crucifixion of Our Lord
      St. Bridget on the lesson to never dance with the devil

      Fifty-Sixth and Final Rose: The Salutation of the Rosary is worthy of the Queen of Heaven
                Fr. James F. Wathen: Paul VI's "Apostolic Constitution

      St. Bridget of Sweden on The fleeting embers of the flesh
         Bishop Daniel Dolan on St. Raphael the Archangel
      Prayer to St. Joseph during October

      Traditional in-depth comments from reliable sedevacantist sites on the latest atrocities from Modernist Rome to prove Apostasy in CONciLIAR church

Plus the following regular devotions, features, updates, and trusted links:

       The Fatima Prayers
   15 Decades of Mary's Holy Rosary in English, Latin and Spanish
   The Meaning of the Holy Mass and the Golden Chalice

       Spiritual Communion and the Silver Chalice
     Examination of Conscience
     Consecration & Enthronement in the Home
     Traditional Catholic Sermons

       Latest from Introibo Ad Altare Dei
     Douay-Rheims Bible
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         Latest from Christ or chaos
         Latest from In Veritate
        Latest from Quidlibet

       What the True Church really teaches
    Why the V2 CONciLIAR church is NOT Catholic
   Videos on state of the Church Today
  Help us reach more souls

    This year the feast of St. Luke the Evangelist supersedes the Twenty-First Sunday after Pentecost which is also Mission Sunday. While the purpose of this Sunday has been greatly de-emphasized by the new order CONciLIAR cabal, it should be made all the more important in traditional circles for we are the last line of defense of the one, true, unadulterated Faith instituted by Jesus Christ and passed down through His Apostles and their legitimate successors through the death of His Holiness of happy memory Pope Pius XII whose 57th anniversary of his passing we observed a few weeks ago. Thanks to today's technology we can reach all four corners of the world. We can be the missionaries Our Lord asks us to be through the help of His beloved Immaculate Mother Mary who bestowed on mankind both the Holy Rosary and the Brown Scapular; the former being one of the most powerful weapons possible against the slings and arrows of the world, the flesh and the devil; the latter a potent shield of protection as St. Paul's metaphors point out in Ephesians 6: 10-17. We can be the missionaries God expects us to be by following Paul's counsel in the next two verses of Ephesians "By all prayer and supplication praying at all times in the spirit; and in the same watching with all instance and supplication for all the saints. And for me, that speech may be given me, that I may open my mouth with confidence, to make known the mystery of the gospel. For which I am an ambassador in a chain, so that therein I may be bold to speak according as I ought."

    We know what is happening. It is all playing out as the scriptures and prophets have foretold. But if we remain silent, if we retreat into our little traditional refuges then we will be letting God down by not doing our part in the overall restoration of the true Church in this time of the Great Apostasy where so many souls have been deceived. By doing nothing, we are condoning that deception and will have to answer to the Supreme Judge at our particular judgment.

   This is the month of the Most Holy Rosary and we've been building towards this month as we continue each day a chapter from St. Louis de Montfort's "The Secret of the Rosary" which we complete in this edition. In addition, throughout October we endeavor to bring you a daily sermon tying in with Our Lady and the Holy Rosary or a special feast, all courtesy of Traditional Catholic Sermons. If ever we've needed Our Lady's help through storming Heaven with Rosaries, it is now. With the Islamic threat, with the fear of war not only in the mideast, but on our borders and, actually, everywhere, and with the increase in persecution of believers in the Holy Trinity, and especially Traditional Catholics being denigrated by the Marxist Argentinian who heads the false CONciLIAR church, well, the answer is to do as St. Paul advises in 2 Thessalonians 2: 14 and stay with the traditions we have learned. One of those traditions bestowed by Heaven 801 years ago is Mary's holy psalter and, as proven through the annals of Church history, has been one of the most powerful weapons we could ever have. The problem is we're not using our full arsenal that Heaven has given us. The Mother of God urged us to pray the Rosary at Fatima. We know from St. Louis de Montfort the power of the Rosary.

    We know from Lepanto how praying the Rosary can overcome all odds, yet how many are using this simple, effective weapon that is, as stated above, more powerful than any bomb, gun, cannon, axe, machete, flamethrower, bow-and-arrow, sword, slingshot, or you name it. The fact is no human weapon is more effective than the Rosary. And you can carry it anywhere and use it anytime. Any questions? Then take up thy Rosary and fire away.

    We all need to continue to pray the Holy Rosary as often as our states in life permit. Probably few times in history have Christians been more reviled than in our day when the godless seem to be stifling free speech and forcing more crosses on those who won't compromise with the world, the flesh, and the devil. We cannot let up and should not limit our Rosary to one day a week. In fact there is now a way where you can join others in praying the Holy Rosary on ROSARY CALL where Tom Gilbrough from Mt. St. Michael's in Spokane has set up a conference call every evening now an hour earlier at 7 p.m. Pacific Daylight Time. On the east coast this would be 10 p.m. Eastern Daylight Time, Central 9 p.m., and 8 p.m. Mountain time. Just call 712-775-7031 then, when answered, punch in access 393-323# You are encouraged to call in 5 to 10 minutes early to prepare to share the Holy Rosary with others. You can follow along with the prayers of the Rosary if you do not know them by going to Holy Rosary port The Rosary is the most powerful weapon we have. Connect those beads. That will provide the grace to...

    We are now in the final week of what Novus Ordo Watch properly calls Vatican III, more specifically the so-called "Synod of the Family" which is really a SIN-ODD from the heresies that have so cleverly evolved where now they are out-and-out blatant. For everything you need to know about this sacrilegious blasphemy going on in Rome, see Complete Coverage and commentary on the Synod. Despite what is going on, the Resist-and-Recognize camp still cling to calling him "Pope". Someday, someway, somehow they will awake from their slumber. They will raise their necks from the sand and voila, they will realize sedevacantists have been right all along. Pray for that day. We're reminded what Jesus said in St. John 15: 18-19, "If the world hate you, know ye, that it hath hated Me before you. If you had been of the world, the world would love its own: but because you are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, on account of this the world hates you." We can see how those who have no love for the true Catholic Church fawn over Mr. Bergoglio the unFrancis just as Our Lord foretold and what holy scriptures portend in Daniel 7: 25, Galatians 1: 8-10, 2 Thessalonians 2: 3-11, 2 Timothy 4: 3-4, 1 John 2: 18, 22, Apocalypse 13: 5 not to mention chapters 17 and 18. Mr. Bergoglio the unFrancis has gone beyond the pale where even more secular voices are asking "Is the pope Catholic?". We answer with a resounding "No!" and every time he opens his mouth that becomes more and more evident to even the uneducated. No wonder he hates true Catholicism so as we continue to expose the Great Apostasy fostered by Vatican 2. Continuing his humanistic live-and-let-live, live-by-the-golden-rule platitudes, never did he proclaim Jesus Christ as necessary for salvation. Never did he proclaim the only way to true peace is through the Social Kingdom of Christ as our Sovereign King. No, it was all temporal that at times in his political correctness seemed almost pantheistic and whenever he did refer to the Lord it was for things Jesus did to help someone temporally. Not once did he reference St. John 8: 11, "Go, and now sin no more" You see Mercy is two-fold. If we are to expect God's mercy, then we must be willing to amend our lives. That part of it was missing. No surprise because Bergoglio, the worst of the worst, preaches to go by one's conscience and that one's Catholic faith is not that important, as long as you have food and water. He is humanistic to a fault and trying with all his might to make it more difficult for true Catholics and easy on pseudo-Catholics and non-Catholics. Keep in mind Our Lord's words in St. Matthew 12: 8-9, "And I say to you, Whosoever shall confess me before men, him shall the Son of man also confess before the angels of God. But he that shall deny me before men, shall be denied before the angels of God."

    Typical of this Marxist Modernist, who couches his platitudes in the heresy of relativism, he has so duped the majority of souls and will do even more damage with the upcoming Synod in Rome which more appropriately should be spelled SIN-odd since it is not only odd, but totally antithetical to call a democratic summit to talk about easing Catholic restrictions that have alway been upheld. This SIN-odd grew from Jorge's own acceptance of mediocrity and his statement that "we must be more lenient toward homosexuals, couples using contraception and living together outside of marriage, and the divorced" bodes toward a total liberalization of the Modernist church. It is a moral implosion that threatens more souls by making life on earth easier, yet much, much harder to get to Heaven, even if they can receive the wafer and CONciLIAR kool aid. I guarantee it won't help souls. God's not for it, satan loves it. That tells you everything.

    To many it would seem the gates have shackled what to the world appears as the Catholic Church today. We know that is impossible because Christ prommised that would not happen. Therefore, it is only logical to syllogize that the church posing as Catholic is nothing but an evil imposter intent on stripping her of all semblance of Catholicity. Yet so many remain blind, deaf and dumb to it all, going along to get along without realizing how wrong they are and how they will have to account for their actions or inactions at their Particular Judgment when it will be too late to make excuses or say 'I didn't know'. That is why we have continued to publish the DailyCatholic and link you to reliable, trusted sites so you can't say you didn't know. Yes, it means leaving the comfort zone you've erroneously grown accustomed to, but it's time all realized that we owe our allegiance not to men who violate the Faith, but to God and all that His holy Catholic Church passed down from Peter through the last true Pope - His Holiness Pope Pius XII of happy memory. Since then the wolves have invaded and engulfed souls in their wicked jaws. The six imposters you see here could never be true Popes as previous true Popes have decreed as is documented to the right.

    We've documented before many of the bizarre things he's said off the hip and formally that the world takes one way while Traditional Catholics see through the veneer and can peg his agenda so clearly. That's another reason he has targeted Traditional Catholics many times in derisively calling them "neo-pelagians" and worse. He can't touch sedes, so he focuses on those who subscribe to the Recognize-and-Resist camp. We've seen his hatchet job on the Franciscans of the Immaculate last year and now the SSPX. Do those who cling to the Society really want to align with these apostates? Puhlease. When, oh when will those in the Recognize-and-Resist camp wake up to the fact UNfrancis can't possibly be a true pope, let alone even be Catholic? His tactics are the way liberals and Marxists operate as is obvious from his humanist ridiculous, sacrilegious eco-cyclical and catering to Islam. But then, as he and his ilk proffer so humbly (yeah, right!), who wouldn't agree that we must not be concerned with "small-minded rules"? Those are supposedly passé in today's world. Who should want those? Every true Catholic worth their salt, that's who. And those who still remain Recognize-and-Resisters had better realize that the world loves to hear this. Shouldn't that tell everyone, who has ears to hear, that he is anathema, and worse, quite possibly the antichrist; definitely a precursor to thee antichrist.

    When you discover what the True Church teaches you'll realize that ever since the death of His Holiness Pope Pius XII , the Catholic Church hasn't been the same. That's right, and Jesus tells us why. Because what poses as 'Catholic' today, governed by those usurping the authority in Rome and dioceses throughout the world, is a false church - an arrogant, out-of-control, failing man-made religion that has eclipsed the humble true Church consigned in these times to the catacombs. Jesus identifies these proud modedrnists who have eclipsed the true Church quite clearly in St. Matthew 7: 15 that we must beware of the false prophets who may appear in clothing of sheep, but inwardly we must recognize them as ravening wolves or worse. If the faithful couldn't see the "abomination of desolation" (St. Matthew 24:15) and devious destruction of the true Faith during the regimes of the first five imposters since Pius' passing, they should surely see it now as Roman-born Argentine Bergoglio continues his agenda to wipe out any vestiges of Catholic truth that would be offensive to non-Catholics in his Marxist mindset to please man, not God through his humanist efforts to form a One World Religion. If one reads St. Paul's warning in 2 Thessalonians 2: 3-11 and what many would do in 2 Timothy 4: 3-4, we can more readily see what Our Lord meant in St. Luke 18:8 when He asked rhetorically if there would be any one of faith left when He returns.

    How do we restore the sacred? How do we wake up the masses as to what constitutes a true Mass and that those in the CONciLIAR church of Vatican 2 do not have it? First of all, we pray. Then we inform so the deaf may hear and the dumb speak out the truths from the rooftops. Out of all reliable sources verifying the above, NovusOrdoWatch provides the best play-by-play of the implosion of the counterfeit CONciLIAR church and the schemes toward a One World Order which is intent on erasing all true spirituality from this planet. Others worth checking on daily are Christorchaos.com for articles and links, as well as True Restoration and the following blogs that we heartily recommend Introibo Ad Altare Dei, Fr. Anthony Cekada's Quidlibet, Bishop Donald Sanborn's In Veritate, and the satirical, but on-point Call Me Jorge. We also point you to Traditio which, although the Father Moderators will not admit the term "sedevacantism", 95% of what they provide reinforces this position. Note, we provide here those sites that carry almost daily coverage and in no way demean other sites that update more infreqently. For those sites, please see Traditional Catholic Resource Port.

    As these sites above point out, the only obstacle to totally dominating as a totalitarian society is the Roman Catholic Church. Always has been. Since the death of the last true Sovereign Pontiff Pope Pius XII on October 9, 1958 that wall of resistance has been steadily crumbling thanks to those with a worldly Marxist bent to accept the world and please man rather than God as is so evident today. Oh, the devil is laughing, but he seems to forget Genesis 3:15 where the Blessed Virgin Mary will crush his head with her heel. Oh, we can't wait! Until then, it's important to expose the wolves just as the holy Doctor of the Church St. Francis de Sales advises for the sake of informing souls of the dangers these charlatans pose.

    It's also important that Protestants of every fabric, as well as those wedded to the dead-end Novus Ordo and its apparatchiks, realize Jesus founded only ONE Church upon the Rock of Peter and "the gates of hell shall not prevail against it" (St. Matthew 16: 18). Just the fact the fortifications are crumbling is evidence the church since the 60's is not the true Church for if it were, then the conclusion would have to be Jesus was wrong. That is blasphemy. Ergo, we need only revert to the Act of Faith we say every day wherein we pray "We believe these and all the truths of the holy Catholic Church because Thou hast revealed them, Who canst neither deceive nor be deceived." Just the fact so many souls have been deceived proves it is not from God, but of His adversary lucifer and his legions. Also the fact that all other religions formed over the last two millennia Anno Domini were founded by men who thought they had a better idea than God give credence that they were all founded upon error. Thus Lutherans, Presbyterians, Methodist, Baptist, Mormons, etc. may call themselves Christians, but considering they subscribe to a sect that broke from the true Church, and thus have abandoned their stewardship as God expects, this should have them quaking in their boots for unbeknownst to them, most have embraced Mammon. We say that not to denigrate those born into or taking up a false religion, but to "Preach the word: be instant in season, out of season: reprove, entreat, rebuke in all patience and doctrine" as St. Paul urges in 2 Timothy 4: 2. For the Apostle of the Gentiles was given to know as he warned in the next two verses: "For there shall be a time, when they will not endure sound doctrine; but, according to their own desires, they will heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears: And will indeed turn away their hearing from the truth, but will be turned unto fables."

    The vast majority of Protestants and Novus Ordinarians do not realize this and it is left to true Catholics to inform them, to reprove, entreat, rebuke in all patience and doctrine. Basically it means upsetting their comfort zone. They may not like it, they may put up their defenses or do as so many do, change the subject and get away as fast as they can. But if we, as true faithful Catholics who abide by the infallible, perennial Magisterium of nearly 2000 years, do not do as Paul instructs in verse five to be vigilant, labor in all things, and do the work of an evangelist to fulfill our ministry while keeping sober, then we will be held accountable for our stewardship and face bad news at our Particular Judgment. We may not win friends with our persistence to proclaim the truth, but if we can convert souls, that's all that counts with God. Man has a free will. That is something to remember and when rebuked, then shake the sandals and move on. After all, all Our Lord asks is that we try. He'll do the rest. We conclude with the reminder of what Christ says in St. Luke 18: 7-8, "And will not God revenge His elect who cry to Him day and night: and will He have patience in their regard? I say to you, that He will quickly revenge them. But yet the Son of man, when He cometh, shall He find, think you, faith on earth?" The truth is there is little faith left and it is dwindling by the day. It all makes sense today and it makes sense to take our stewardship seriously and commit our efforts to restore the sacred by driving the apostates out so that the churches can someday, in God's time, become truly Catholic churches again after they are re-consecrated with the filth washed away.

   So while the Marxist apostate Mr. Bergoglio the unFrancis continues to proclaim ever so boldly collective salvation through protecting against 'global warming', we must realize each one of us is responsible for our own salvation and we've been given the blueprint before Vatican Two. Guess what? It still works. Guess what else? The new-fangled CONciLIAR religion doesn't work. Never will. That is why we find more waking up after praying for the grace to see, truly see, and that is where twitter can be a great means of conversion one soul at a time. That's why, to paraphrase an axiom in less than 140 characters, brevity is the soul of witnessing as we ask you to follow the DailyCatholic on Twitter After all, it is not 'global warming' we should fear but God's Global WARNING.

    I know it's becoming monotonous to keep reminding our readers, but with bills in arrears of $1,500.00 we have no choice but to ask for donations. First, we cannot continue to publish if donations do not increase, especially monthly pledges so that we can budget. Secondly, this is a labor of love and there are no salaries or any perks that other non-profits provide their executive directors, often in six figures. We're fortunate to garner the low two figures and we're grateful for that even though our debts are the same or higher. It's just a fact of life and we've repeated it so many time, it gets so tiresome mentioning that it's the same loyal benefactors who always answer the call, but few others. Ask yourself why? Ask yourself if you do not have a duty before God to help those who labor in the field for Jesus and His True Church with no compromises to the false faith, the "mystery of iniquity" that has deceived so many. Is your heart that hardened that you wouldn't give for a worthy cause? Is not pledging a monthly donation worth it for perpetuating the one true Faith? The answer can only be determined by you and what you deem to be generous and worthy. Now I just ask for a little love from our readers by clicking the graphic below to take you to our Donation page. Thank you in advance.

Michael Cain, editor, DailyCatholic

St. Luke was not a Jew. He is separated by St. Paul from those of the circumcision (Colossians 4:14), and his style proves that he was a Greek. Hence he cannot be identified with Lucius the prophet of Acts 13:1, nor with Lucius of Romans 16:21, who was cognatus of St. Paul. From this and the prologue of the Gospel it follows that Epiphanius errs when he calls him one of the Seventy Disciples; nor was he the companion of Cleophas in the journey to Emmaus after the Resurrection (as stated by Theophylact and the Greek Menologium). St. Luke had a great knowledge of the Septuagint and of things Jewish, which he acquired either as a Jewish proselyte (St. Jerome) or after he became a Christian, through his close association with ...More

Fr. Kevin Vaillancourt presents a 14-minute sermon for Mission Sunday during this Rosary Month given five years ago on The Rosary and The Mission to Save Souls

God is good towards us: let us be the same towards our brethren. If we pardon our brethren from the bottom of our hearts, Our Lord Jesus Christ will remit our debts (our sins). The Apostle describes for the Christian the armour he must put on to enable him to ...More

This year the Sunday liturgy is superseded by the feast of St. Luke the Evangelist so there is merely a commemoration of the Twenty-First Sunday after Pentecost in which we present the Haydock Commentary for that Epistle and Gospel that are so pertinent in our times. The Gospel is so applicable to the very situation going on today in Modernist Rome with the faux "Mercy Year", in Washington, Wall Street and throughout every home in America and the prospect that thought failure has been rewarded, those whose debts have been forgiven with a bailout are not passing that same mercy on to the common man. Even more pertinent is that few are realizing this whole crisis doesn't amount to a hill of beans in God's eyes if our hearts are not pure and therein the final verse from our Lord says it all: "So also shall My heavenly Father do to you, if you forgive not every one his brother from your hearts." See Mercy is a Two-Way Street

During this month of the Most Holy Rosary we continue to bring you John Gregory's envisaging meditation on each Mystery to enhance our own praying of Mary's holy Psalter each day. Today John provides an insightful inspiration on the Scourging at the Pillar. By our sins we scourge our dear Lord anew. Do we take pleasure in such masochism to our souls and to pure Love that we would continue to beat Christ? By tending to our souls, and examining our words, actions and thoughts at the healing font of Divine Mercy - the Confessional - we receive the salve of salvific Sanctifying Grace. Through the Sacrament of Penance we can put a halt to the scourging, and apply dabs of sincere love to close and comfort those terrible wounds on His precious flesh; wounds we helped open. See the Second Sorrowful Mystery

In Chapter 22 of Book One, in humility St. Bridget expresses her fears to Our Lady concerning her own fallen human nature and the evil around her, but the Blessed Mother assuages her fears by offering three cures to avoid her own sins and three cures to understand better why God allows the evil and how it is important to preach to them in hopes that those who have fallen from the wayside will realize the error of their ways and return, like the prodigal son, to the bosom of truth Who is Mary's divine Son. Our Lady uses the rose and thorns, and why God tolerates evil for He is the final Judge and those who are good can improve despite the evil around them as we see in Chapter Twenty-Two Cures to combat Fallen Human Nature

St. Louis Marie Grignon de Montfort concludes the prayers for each decade in this chapter as he shares the prayers for the Glorious Mysteries. Just as for the Joyful and Sorrowful, (never ever the mendacious mysteries labeled 'luminous') and now shows us prayers for the Resurrection, Ascension, Descent of the Holy Ghost, Assumption, and Coronation of Our Lady as Queen of Heaven and earth as he offers up a Fifty-Third Rose for Praying the Glorious Mysteries

Saint Peter of Alcantara was born in Alcantara, Spain in 1499. His father, Peter Garavita, was the governor of the province, and his mother was of the noble family of Sanabia. After a course of grammar and philosophy in his native town, he was sent, at the age of fourteen, to the University of Salamanca. Returning home, he became a Franciscan in the convent of the Stricter Observance at Manxaretes in 1515. At the age of twenty-two he was sent to found a new community of the Stricter Observance at Badajoz. He was ordained priest in 1524, and the following year made guardian of the convent of St. Mary of the Angels at Robredillo. A few years later he began preaching with much success. He preferred to preach to the poor; and his sermons, taken largely from the Prophets and Sapiential Books, breathe the tenderest human sympathy. The reform of the "Discalced Friars" had, at the time when Peter entered the order, besides the convents in Spain, the Custody of St. Maria Pietatis in Portugal, subject to the General of the Observants.

Bishop Daniel Dolan with a 46-minute talk on Rosary History and Miracles

We continue with installments of Father James F. Wathen's irrefutable work written in 1971. This was only six years after the close of the Vatican Two Council. Quite early, but it was the "Early Church" that the Modernists used as an example of why they were so drastically altering the altar, liturgy, and, yes, the Faith. You see these were the experts who tried to pull the wool over the faithfuls' eyes that what they proposed is how it was done in the early Church. How did they know? Were they there? No, but this is a tactic Modernists used to convince believers that there should be a return to those customs, which they totally mangled. What they were doing was to placate Protestants, not to convert them, but to be like them. Many saw this and cringed, but obedience was the key satan played on and thus, if the 'Pope' and Bishops said to do it, who were the uneducated, for the most part, to do but to go along. Thus, as Father Wathen explained in part eleven of Chapter Four of "The Great Sacrilege", the charlatans at Vatican 2 were able to foist on the faithful the false concept of renewal as The Purpose of Archaism

Jesus returns with a lesson to St. Bridget in chapter 23 regarding a false man - a bishop no less as St. Lawrence reveals in a vision. This man is called an enemy of God as Our Lord describes his hypocrisy and all his characteristics that betray him as one who has veered from his appointed course even though to many he appears holy, but Christ reveals what he is like on the inside just as he described the Scribes and Pharisees in the Gospels. The Son of God details in vivid imagery the various features of his body in exposing the fallacy of this wretched soul but still holds out hope for him that as long as there is life in his body, his soul can still be saved as we see in Chapter Twenty-Three of Book One Bold and brave on the surface, but rotten within

St. Louis de Montfort now shows another method for saying the Rosary for each decade in reminding ourselves that the mysteries encompass the life of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ from womb to crowning His Immaculate Mother in Heaven. St. Louis realized the faithful may not be able to memorize or have the prayers he previously presented and therefore he also wanted to lay out the main rules of the Confraternity of the Most Holy Rosary as long as one has a blessed Rosary, says it every day or at least once ea week and whenver possible Confession and Holy Communion on the first Sunday of every month. He points out that these rules do not bind under pain of even a venial sin as he offers a Fifty-Fourth Rose with a Second Method

Saint John was born at Cantius or Kenty in the diocese of Cracow. He was a parish priest and missionary, but, above all, he is remarkable for having fulfilled during many years the duties of a professor at the University of Cracow. There may be many who hold that the position of a teacher at a university, who is apt to be enamoured of his own learning, is scarcely suited to the practice of Christian perfection. John of Cantius has dispelled this illusion, and has proved that the example of a holy life lends authority to a master's teaching far more than would self sufficiency. He was marked during his life-time by a great generosity towards the poor, and, after his death, God distinguished him by a number of miracles. He died on ...More

Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI presents a 13-minute sermon given fifteen years ago on Our Lady's Rosary

In part twelve of Chapter Four, Father illustrates how archaism was adopted to totally skewer the concept of the Pax vobiscum before the Agnus Dei. To do this, the Modernists highlighted the "Kiss of Peace", meant only for solemn High Masses between those in the sanctuary to incorporate now all in the congregation which has, essentially, turned into a love-fest "Love Feast" as Father called it as everyone reaches out horizontally to hug, shake hands, even kiss each other while ignoring He to Whom they should be reaching out to vertically to Heaven through the alter Christus who is no longer the "other Christ" but rather a mere presbyter who has no more power to confect the sacrament of the Eucharist than anyone in attendance. Father pointed out that to bring this to it's all-out revolution against the sacrality of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, humanism had to be emphasized in such subliminal ways as to give the impression the early church did this to "reconcile with thy neighbor" before approaching the altar. In effect, all barriers had to be removed and what has resulted is a free-for-all of social glad-handing that further took reverence from what should be one of the most sacred times in the Holy Mass, but since it is no longer a true Mass, and is not holy but rather "The Great Sacrilege", he exposes what is wrong with The Rite of Peace

During this month of the Most Holy Rosary we continue to bring you John Gregory's envisaging meditation on each Mystery to enhance our own praying of Mary's holy Psalter each day. Today John provides insight from various reliable sources to enhance the meditation on the Crowning of Thorns. Just as the Jews cried out in pride to patronize Pilate "We have no king but Caesar," so also we, who are true sons of God, must, in all humility, state unequivocally: "We have no King but Jesus." Where He is mocked, we offer humble prayer of reparation and expiation for these terrible sins against the Incarnate Word so cruelly tortured and disfigured. See the Third Sorrowful Mystery

Today in the Revelations and Prophesies imparted to St. Bridget of Sweden, she hears not only the Son of God and His Blessed Mother speak, but also God the Father Who gives His blessing to Our Lady that God will have mercy and compassion on a daughter who has tested God's divine patience. Even the angels chime in to stay His hand against a wayward daughter who has been given into the hands of those who would deflower and destroy her. Of course, what makes this so interesting is that the daughter is Christ's Church for she is truly the Bride of Christ and the Father's Daughter as we see in Chapter Twenty-Four of Book One with Mercy for God's Daughter

St. Louis Marie-Grignon de Montfort presents now the penultimate inspiration with encouragement and a reminder direct from the Mother of God in a revelation to Blessed Alan de la Roche that he was to reassert devotion to the Rosary over two centuries after St. Dominic received it from Heaven. Through Blessed Alan's obedience and his attention to making sure those who said it did not cause scandal of any kind, devotion has spread so that the benefits and promises of the Rosary have lived up to what was foretold. It was a reminder, as St. Louis offers a Fifty-Fifth Rose on the Power, Value, and Holiness of the Rosary

The Apostle describes for the Christian the armor he must put on to enable him to withstand in those woeful times the powers of hell (Epistle). He gives him a girdle, a shield, a helmet and a sword, so that, strengthened in the Lord, Whose ...More

There is a commemoration of Saint Hilarion. He was a Palestinian solitary, passed a life of self-denial and mortification in the wildernesses of Egypt and the Holy Land. His biography was written by St. Jerome. His last words were: "Go forth, O ...More

Fr. Casimir Puskorius, CMRI presents a 15-minute sermon during this month of the Holy Rosary given 3 years ago on The Rosary is a Weapon Against Spiritual and Physical Evils

In part thirteen of Chapter Four of his book "The Great Sacrilege" Father James F. Wathen exposed the radical departure of Paul 6 in his Missale Romanum where the reform was so evident in putting on an equal footing the Word and the Eucharist, which is totally Protestant in every way and gives reason why today at least 75% of ConciLIAR Catholics don't believe in the True Presence. But why should they when the Modernists make such a circus of this sacred moment. You can see the difference just in the photos above where the priest, the alter Christus administers the sacred Host on the tongue for none should touch with their hands the consecrated species except for the priest or an ordained deacon, whereas in the new church of Vatican 2, anyone can touch it, do whatever they want and even drink the wine in the cup, as long as a "eucharistic" minister wipes it off. Can't have any germs, while, in truth, the germs for the soul are infecting everyone because of the norms of GIRM. Father showed how Montini and his Missale Romanum was the antithesis of His Holiness Pope St. Pius V's Quo Primum in dealing with The "Communion"

The painting here of St. Bridget is so beautifully depicted in the painting by Michelle R. Maher. To see a larger copyrighted image click on the painting here. Today in the Revelations and Prophesies imparted to St. Bridget of Sweden God explains to St. Bridget why He does not bring the inquisition sooner to those deserving of damnation. He points out to her three reasons why as well as how evil sometimes can help even the evil see that continuing on such a path only leads to ruin as He explains in Chapter Twenty-Five of Book One Nature has a way of taking its course

On this Feria day there is no commemoration of St. Mary Salome, mother of St. John and St. James the Greater, but she was the wife of Zebedee and one of the three Marys who served Our Lord.
In today's liturgy St. Paul describes for the Christian the armor he must put on to enable him to withstand in those woeful times the powers of hell (Epistle). He gives him a girdle, a shield, a helmet and a sword, so that, strengthened in the Lord, Whose will nothing can resist (Introit), he may be protected against those who persecute him (Communion ). Thus preserved from all adversity by the effect of the unceasing goodness of the Lord, the family of God, which is the Church, will be enabled to glorify His name by good works (Collect). Therefore the Gospel speaks to us of the charity towards our neighbor which is the abridgment of the whole morality of Christianity. ...More

Bishop Donald Sanborn presents a 15-minute Sermon on The Rosary And Catholic Life

Father James F. Wathen pointed out the great danger of ecumenism, a heresy if there ever was one and a violation of the First Commandment for it was a return to worshipping Baal. He had the foresight to see way back in 1971 what we would be facing in 2014 when the "all should be one" would be so construed as to deceive even the elect just as Jesus foretold and St. Paul warned. But through demonic sources and the "Age of Aquarius" sixties, guards were dropped and seeping in was the slithering serpent where we see today the bitter fruits. Virtue is now vice, good is evil, while vice is excused and merely a victim of those fundamental neo-pelogians as unFrancis so boldly lashed out at the only remnant segment who still cling to the true Faith. It is typical of liberals, progressives, Modernists, Marxists, they're all the same. They will seek to eliminate boundaries and compromise belief, forgetting things of Heaven for the world awaits the New One World Order Religion and the Modernists of Vatican 2 have led the way for the past 50 plus years in apostasy, mainly because of the heresy of "Ecumenism"

During this month of the Most Holy Rosary we continue to bring you John Gregory's envisaging meditation on each Mystery to enhance our own praying of Mary's holy Psalter each day. Today we focus on the Carrying of the Cross. The time continuum between the Praetorium where the Jews screeched 'Crucify Him!', and the moment He arrived at the summit of Calvary could well have taken thirty minutes to an hour and a half. In this time, we have in the Via Crucis, several lessons we can garner from this interval, including His reunion with His Sorrowful Mother, the aid of Simon of Cyrene, the gentle charity of Veronica, the weeping of the women of Jerusalem, and three cruel falls along the way; each more crushing and exhausting. Despite all this, the question arises: do we have the spiritual stamina to keep up with Him? See The Fourth Sorrowful Mystery

In Chapter Twenty-Six of Book One of the Prophesies and Revelations imparted to St. Bridget of Sweden we see where the Angels praise the Lord for three reasons: He created them, all is in accordance with His will, and He created mankind and, of course, the Blessed Virgin Mary. Jesus answers with appreciation for the angelic hosts, but questions them about their gushing over mankind for man has greatly offended the Almighty by his sins and how children would have been born if the first parents had not sinned. Even with that God showed miracles to the people through Moses and later through His Own ultimate sacrifice of Pure Love for us. He speaks of the breakdown of the bodily marriage in this time, and the conditions of a spiritual marriage. How pertinent is this at the very same time the CONciLIAR church is trying to relax morals? Jesus has the final say as we see here in What will it take for man to see?

On this third straight Feria day we see where St. Paul describes for the Christian the armor he must put on to enable him to withstand in those woeful times the powers of hell (Epistle). He gives him a girdle, a shield, a helmet and a sword, so that, strengthened in the Lord, Whose will nothing can resist (Introit), he may be protected against those who persecute him (Communion ). Thus preserved from all adversity by the effect of the unceasing goodness of the Lord, the family of God, which is the Church, will be enabled to glorify His name by good works (Collect). Therefore the Gospel speaks to us of the charity towards our neighbor which is the abridgment of the whole morality of Christianity. ...More

Bishop Daniel Dolan presents a 17-minute sermon given ten years ago on The Power of the Rosary

The late Father James F. Wathen completed Chapter Four with part fifteen in which he pointed out how the absolutes of the Apostolic canonical Mass of All Ages had been sabotaged with ambiguous language that, as he put it "How few people realize that the very soul of the Revolution is deception and its total objective is influence." We can see today for the masses have, over several generations, allowed themselves to be deceived, herded by the Revolution of Vatican Two closer to the abyss. Father pointed out that language played a big part because it was the dialetic direction that duped so many and led to someone daring to violate the entire Liturgy, the heartbeat of the Church and placed it on life support because of the quacks that tried to operate on perfection. Father explained how this occurred through Language of the "New Mass"

During this month of the Most Holy Rosary we continue to bring you John Gregory's envisaging meditation on each Mystery to enhance our own praying of Mary's holy Psalter each day. We have now reached the Crucifixion. Three hours remain. From the sixth hour to the ninth hour Jesus Christ, the King of kings, the Lord and Savior, Redeemer and Messias, hung in abject humility upon a tree, mocked and derided as the few faithful stood near. After three hours they would all know that this man was the Son of God. Many would not admit it. Pride would not let them. But for those who were sincere, such as the good thief and the centurion; they had to be honest with themselves. So also we must be honest with ourselves as we stand with His Blessed Mother, the beloved disciple, and Mary Magdalene. For this is the moment of truth. See The Fifth Sorrowful Mystery

We continue to provide a chapter each day during October so readers can meditate on the contents of each short chapter and not be overwhelmed by too much. In Chapter Twenty-Seven the Mother of God appears to Bridget and alerts her never to get caught up in the dance with the world for the latter is always caught up in trouble. It is empty joy, frivolous and fleeting. Too many today reject labor and sorrow, wanting instant gratification. Our Lady shares with her the five spears that pierced her during her divine Son's Passion and Death that no one can imagine - from His nakedness, to the false accusations, to the crown of thorns, to His feelings of abandonment, to the bitter end of His life upon the cross. Mary reminds us all to remember Christ's suffering and why, when we feel like dancing, to remember how she was Pierced by Five Spears

Begun on the feast of the Immaculate Heart of Mary on August 22, we complete the 53 Aves as St. Louis Marie Grignon de Montfort completes his magnificent treatise on "The Secret of the Rosary" with more honor due the Queen of Heaven whom the angels venerate as Jesus asks all of us to do the same. One way we do besides the holy Rosary each day is to remember ejaculations to Our Lady and in every traditional parish the priest always leads the parishioners in a Hail Mary before he delivers his sermon. Several saints have documented these were the wishes of the Mother of God and St. Louis shares these accounts as he offers a final Fifty-Sixth Rose for the Salutation of the Rosary is worthy of the Queen of Heaven

Saint Raphael is the "angelic physician of soul and body" for the name of this archangel means "God has healed." Yet, Raphael does not appear in the Hebrew Scriptures, and in the Septuagint only in the Book of Tobias. Here he first appears disguised in human form as the travelling companion of the younger Tobias, calling himself "Azarias the son of the great Ananias." The story of the adventurous journey during which the protective influence of the angel is shown in many ways ...More

Bishop Daniel Dolan provides a six minute sermon for today's feast of St. Raphael the Archangel

In Chapter Five of the late Father James F. Wathen's book, he showed how the devil apes God in so many ways and nothing was more obvious than when Giovanni Montini (aka Paul VI) dared to use the same terms to abrigate the holy Pope Saint Pius V's Missale Romanum and past true popes' own of the same title by calling it the same and trying to supersede an infallible decree that was a codification of the infallible, dogmatic Council of Trent. Father pointed out that Montini purposely mistranslated his Missale Romanum to give the impression that the "New Mass" was a continuation of tradition and the changes were in concert with that. We know that was a flat-out lie and that it is a Protestant-Masonic, yes, pagan rite that mocks the true Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. If you'll note to the corresponding side in why we are running the first part of the Book of Daniel, which treats the end of the "continual sacrifice" (the True Holy Sacrifice of the Mass=Apostolic Canonical Traditional Latin Mass), what Montini did was to do all he could to do away with the True Mass with The Apostolic Constitution of Paul VI

Continuing with the Revelations and Prophesies imparted to St. Bridget of Sweden with Book One we see today the words of the Lord to the bride on how a man came to be judged before God's tribunal, and the fearsome and horrendous judgment passed on him by God and all the saints on a certain man whose judgment is here proclaimed was a nobleman, canon and subdeacon, who received a false dispensation and married a rich virgin but was surprised by a sudden death and thus lost what he desired. Such is, as we see in Chapter Twenty-Eight of Book One The fleeting embers of the flesh

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To fortify why the CONciLIAR church is the false church, see key Papal Decrees that preceded it in pre-Vatican Two times by true Popes who solidly condemned the V2 false 'popes' who have spit in Heaven's Face. God will not be mocked. See for yourself what the infallible, perennial Magisterium of the Church has decreed:

  • Papal Coronation Oath Pope Agatho
  • Unam Sanctam Pope Boniface VIII
  • Cum Ex Apostolatus Officio Pope Paul IV
  • Quo Primum Pope St. Pius V
  • De Defectibus Pope St. Pius V
  • Satis Cognitum Pope Leo XIII
  • Apostolicae Curae Pope Leo XIII
  • Lamentabili Sane Pope St. Pius X
  • Pascendi Dominici Gregis Pope St. Pius X
  • Oath Against Modernism Pope St. Pius X
  • Mortalium Animos Pope Pius XI
  • Humani Generis Pope Pius XII
  • Sacramentum Ordinis Pope Pius XII

    If the above Papal Decrees have not convinced you, then for more evidence that the Chair is VACANT and that Vatican Two and all that has followed is Anathema sit as St. Paul asserts in Galatians 1: 8-9, see these on-line books and sources:

  • Answering Objections of the Sedevacantist Position
  • John 23 - Anathema sit Fr. Louis Villa
  • NikitaRoncalli Franco Bellegrandi
  • The Robber Church Patrick Henry Omlor
  • Is the Pope Catholic? Hutton Gibson
  • Paul VI...Beatified? Fr. Louis Villa
  • The Enemy is Here - Vol. I Hutton Gibson
  • The Enemy is Still Here - Vol. II Hutton Gibson
  • The Enemy is Still Here - Vol. III
  • John Paul 2 - Anathema sit Fr. Luis Villa
  • Heresies of John Paul 2 Documented by previous True Popes & Scriptures
  • Fr. Sylvester Berry in 1921: "Satan will Persecute the Papacy" Novus Ordo Watch
  • Fr. Sylvester Berry warned in 1927: "Satan will set up a False Church Novus Ordo Watch
  • Syllogism of Sedevacantism Michael Cain
  • The Chair is Still Empty Gregorius
  • When the Shepherd Is Struck: The Papacy and Sedevacantist "Disunity" Mario Derksen
  • Sedevacantism: A Quick Primer Fr. Anthony Cekada
  • Msgr. Fulton J. Sheen in 1948: "Satan will set up a Counter-Church which will be the Ape of the Catholic Church" Novus Ordo Watch
  • Why Sedevacantism? Fr. Anthony Cekada and a plethora of other evidence provided by NovusOrdoWatch.org
  • What You Need To Know About Jorge Mario Bergoglio Novus Ordo Watch
  • Conspiracy! Meet Six High-Profile Traditional Catholic Conspiracy Nuts Novus Ordo Watch
  • Continuously Denying The Catholic Faith Dr. Thomas A. Droleskey
  • Trying to Put Humpty Dumpty Back Together Again Dr. Thomas A. Droleskey
  • Compare and Contrast Plethora of links by Dr. Thomas A. Droleskey
  • Freemasons and the Conciliar church by John Kenneth Weiskittel
  • Papacy and Freemasonry Msgr. Jouin
  • Francis' Heresy regarding the Jews Novus Ordo Watch
  • Francis' Heresy about Faith without Works Novus Ordo Watch
  • The "Bad Popes" Argument fails everytime Novus Ordo Watch
  • Pope Leo XIII Quashes Popular "Recognize-and-Resist" Position Novus Ordo Watch
  • Numerous Popes before V2 warned of the Freemason Plot against the Church Novus Ordo Watch
  • Is the question of the pope: "Just an opinion"? Bishop Donald Sanborn
  • Null and Void: Why "Pope" Francis is Not a Valid Priest and Not a Valid Bishop Novus Ordo Watch
  • The "Canonization" of John Paul II: Decision Time for Traditionalists Novus Ordo Watch
  • by Mario Derksen

  • Secrets of LaSalette
  • Bishop Mark Pivarunas,CMRI on a true vocation
  • Bishop Donald Sanborn on The Pendulating Papacy
  • Fr. Julian Larrabee on Missions of Nigeria
  • Fr. Michael Oswalt on why he left the V2 to become a true priest
  • Bishop Donald Sanborn's 2013 London Conference on the SSPX
  • Fr. Anthony Cekada on invalidity of 1968 Episcopal Consecrations
  • Fr. Julian Larrabee with Mass for Immaculate Conception
  • Bishop Daniel Dolan's Sermon for the Immaculate Conception
  • End of Mass Recession as it should be
  • Benediction of the Most Blessed SAcrament
  • Bishop Williamson on Globalism in 2010
  • Bishop Williamson's 2009 interview - Part I
  • Bishop Williamson's 2009 interview - Part II
  • Bishop Williamson 2013 talk on division in the Church
  • Mass in the Vatican with Pope Pius XII (Italian)
  • Pastor Angelicus Pius XII (Italian)
  • Life of Pius XII (Italian)
  • Last Years of Pius XII (Italian)
  • The SSPX, "Resistance," and Sedevacantism Bishop Donald Sanborn
  • 'Pope' Francis and Sedevacantism Bishop Mark Pivarunas, CMRI

    The links above and below provide almost daily updates. The two above can be trusted totally, while we urge a mild caution on the two below because of their refusal to admit Francis is a false pope.

    For other sites that provide the tenets of the Faith but are not daily, we refer you to

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      We encourage you to learn more about the Traditional Latin Mass - the true Holy Sacrifice of the Mass in these videos at this link because each time you worthily assist at the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass in person, you gain graces that are placed in a "golden chalice", so to speak, and is offered to God to be weighed in substance when you stand before Him at your Particular Judgment. The more you have filled this chalice, the better will it go for your spiritual welfare in eternity, enhanced by your cooperation with grace. Know the Mass

    To assist all in striving toward holiness, click on the Confessional to your right to review your transgressions through a thorough Examination of Conscience

    When One Cannot physically assist at the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass we provide additional prayers that can be supplemented with the ORDINARY OF THE HOLY MASS and the PROPER OF THE DAY to enable you to better prepare yourself at home. Of course, this never replaces actually being there, but it is much better than attending the Novus Ordo services. Therefore we have gleaned from The Key of Heaven prayers to say at home. It is very comforting to know that the Holy Mass is offered for us even when we are not actually present. But to enjoy the benefits which it procures, we must by a SPIRITUAL COMMUNION become partakers of the altar from which we are temporarily banished. Here we provide prayers in preparation for fulfilling assistance in absentia in addition to the ORDINARY OF THE HOLY MASS and PROPER OF THE DAY. PRAYERS IN ABSENTIA

    Prayer Before the Crucifix

    Behold, O kind and most sweet Jesus, I cast myself upon my knees in Thy sight, and with the most fervent desire of my soul I pray and beseech Thee that Thou wouldst fix deep within my heart lively sentiments of Faith, Hope and Charity, with true repentance for my sins, and a firm purpose of amendment, whilst with deep affection and grief of soul I ponder within myself and mentally contemplate Thy five most precious Wounds; having before my eyes the words which David in prophesy spoke concerning Thee, O Good Jesus: "They have pierced My hands and My feet; they have numbered all My bones."

    Plenary Indulgence, Condition:
    • Confession
    • Communion
    • One Our Father
    • One Hail Mary
    • One Glory be...
    Pope Pius IX, July 31, 1858

    The Fatima Prayers

    My God, I believe, I adore, I trust and I love Thee; and I beg pardon for those who do not believe, do not adore, do not trust, and do not love Thee.
    (repeat the above 3 times then bow your head in reciting the following:)

        O Most Holy Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Ghost, I adore Thee profoundly. I offer Thee the most Precious Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Jesus Christ, present in tabernacles throughout the world, in reparation for the outrages, sacrileges and indifference by which He is offended. By the infinite merits of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, in unison with the Immaculate Heart of Mary, I beg the conversion of poor sinners.

        O Most Holy Trinity, I adore Thee! My God, my God, I love Thee in the Most Blessed Sacrament!

        O my Jesus, it is for love of Thee, in reparation for the offenses committed against the Immaculate Heart of Mary and for the conversion of poor sinners.

    Pray for the Sick

    Pray for the Dearly Departed Souls
    Click image above

    The angel of the Lord declared unto Mary. And she conceived of the Holy Ghost.

    Hail Mary full of grace, the Lord is with thee. Blessed art thou among women and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus.

    Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners now and at the hour of our death. Amen.

    Behold the handmaid of the Lord. Be it done unto me according to Thy word.

    Hail Mary...

    And the Word was made flesh. And dwelt among us.

    Hail Mary...

    Pray for us, O holy Mother of God. That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ.

    Let us pray.
    Pour forth, we beseech Thee, O Lord, Thy grace into our hearts, that we to whom the Incarnation of Christ, Thy Son, was made known by the message of an angel, may by His Passion and Cross be brought to the glory of His resurrection. Through the same Christ our Lord. Amen.

    Angelus Domini nuntiavit Mariae. Et concepit de Spiritu Sancto.

    Ave Maria, gratia plena, Dominus tecum benedicta tu in mulieribus, et benedictus fructis ventris tui, Jesus.

    Sancta Maria, Mater Dei, ora pro nobis peccatoribus, nunc et in hora mortis nostrae. Amen.

    Ecce ancilla Domini. Fiat mihi secundum verbum tuum.

    Ave Maria...

    Et Verbum caro factum est. Et habitavit in nobis.

    Ave Maria...

    Ora pro nobis, sancta Dei Genitrix. Ut digni efficiamur promissionibus Christi.

    Gratiam tuam, quaesumus Domine, mentibus nostris infunde: ut qui, Angelo nuntiante, Christi Filii tui incarnationem cognovimus, per passionem ejus et crucem ad resurrectionis gloriam perducamur. Per eumdem Christum Dominum nostrum. Amen.


        To thee, O blessed Joseph, we have recourse in our affliction, and having implored the help of thy thrice holy Spouse, we now, with hearts filled with confidence, earnestly beg thee also to take us under thy protection. By that charity wherewith thou wert united to the Immaculate Virgin Mother of God, and by that fatherly love with which thou didst cherish the Child Jesus, we beseech thee and we humbly pray that thou wilt look down with gracious eye upon that inheritance which Jesus Christ purchased by His blood, and wilt succor us in our need by thy power and strength.

        Defend, O most watchful guardian of the Holy Family, the chosen off-spring of Jesus Christ. Keep from us, O most loving Father, all blight of error and corruption. Aid us from on high, most valiant defender, in this conflict with the powers of darkness. And even as of old thou didst rescue the Child Jesus from the peril of His life, so now defend God's Holy Church from the snares of the enemy and from all adversity. Shield us ever under thy patronage, that, following thine example and strengthened by thy help, we may live a holy life, die a happy death, and attain to everlasting bliss in Heaven. Amen.

      This Prayer to the Patron of the Universal Church was prescribed by His Holiness Pope Leo XIII to be recited after the daily Rosary during October, month of the Holy Rosary.

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