August 23

August 24

August 25

August 26

August 27

August 28

August 29

August 30

August 31

We conclude the month of August incorporating the Thirteenth and Fourteenth Sundays
through the feast of the holy confessor St. Raymond Nonnatus. During these last nine
days of the month dedicated to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, we honor some amazing
saints and martyrs - from the great Doctor of the Church St. Augustine to the precursor
of Jesus Christ, the holy St. John the Baptist whose sorrowful feast of his beheading is
observed on Saturday with commemorations of St. Philip Benizi and St. Rose of Lima
respectively on succeeding Sundays, with a like commemoration of Pope St. Zephyrinus
on a Feria day. Besides this holy martyred Pontiff, we have the Apostle St. Bartholomew
followed by France's holy King St. Louis IX and St. Joseph Calasanctius. Below you'll
see the various features for this time period including continuing our alternate series on
Fr. James Wathen's irrefutable The Great Sacrilege and the inspiring, soul-searching
The Prophesies and Revelations of St. Bridget of Sweden, plus an Ave rose each day.

Click dates above to go to that day, or click below for specific items in this edition

      Do we have the faith of the Samaritan leper to always give thanks for God's blessings?         Do we believe we can serve two masters and still please God?

         Honoring the Immaculate Heart of Mary
    Connect the dots to where True Church is
     Where there is Peter...
    Urgent plea: Help DailyCatholic stay afloat

      Litany of the Immaculate Heart of Mary
     The answer: Connect the Beads and pray Our Lady will intercede
     Glorious Rosary Reflections - John Gregory

      Follow those dedicated to Restoring the Sacred
    Join ROSARY CALL nightly
   Haydock Commentary: Where are the others?
   Thou wrapt in the blaze...

      Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI: How grateful are we?
     Commemoration of St. Philip Benizi
      A White Rose for Priests
     Bishop Dolan on St. Bartholomew

         Pope St. Pius V, Quo Primum and the True Mass
     As the moon on the lost...
       A Red Rose for Sinners
     St. Bridget on Fighting against God's enemies

       Hail, Mother most pure...
       Dr. Thomas Droleskey: From His Mother's Knee: A King Who Ruled for Christ the King
        A Mystical Rose for Devout Souls

          Commem. of Pope St. Zephyrinus
     The Act
       Above all the angels...
     A Rosebud for Little Children
       Dress for Spiritual Success
       First Rose/Ave

       O Mother of mercy...
   Doctor of Grace - St. Augustine
   Paul VI's Defense of the Vulgar
    Through thee may we come...
    2nd Rose: Origin of the Rosary

          Dr. Droleskey: Dancing to the Tune of Herod & Herodias
     If Christ honors Mary, We must want to as well
      These praises & prayers...
     3rd Rose/Ave

       Rosary Crusade: Week 10
   Haydock: No man can serve two masters
   Escaping the Trilemma by Griff Ruby
    Bishop Daniel Dolan on St. Rose of Lima

          Be thou my true guide...
    4th Rose/Ave
    Con Job of Paul VI's "Authentic Tradition"
  There is a bough in which no blur of either kind...
    5th Rose/Ave

      Traditional in-depth commentary from reliable sedevacantist sites on the latest atrocities out of Modernist Rome to prove Apostasy in CONciLIAR church

Plus the following regular devotions, features, updates, and trusted links:

      Novena for Nativity of Mary
  The Fatima Prayers
  15 Decades in English, Latin & Spanish
   Meaning of the Holy Mass and the Golden Chalice

         Spiritual Communion and the Silver Chalice
    Examination of Conscience
   Consecration & Enthronement in the Home
     Traditional Catholic Sermons

         Latest from Introibo Ad Altare Dei
    Douay-Rheims Bible
   Live Streamed Mass
   Listen to True Restoration Radio
   Previous editions/issues

      Latest on DailyCatholic Twitter
       Latest from Novus Ordo Watch
       Latest from Christ or chaos
        Latest from In Veritate
        Latest from Quidlibet

         What the True Church really teaches
  Why the V2 CONciLIAR church is NOT Catholic
  Videos on state of the Church Today
  Help us reach more souls

    The theme of the gospels for the Thirteenth and Fourteenth Sundays Gospel can be summed up in the headline above for in Luke 17: 11-19, it is faith that Jesus rewards when lauds the only healed leper of ten, a Samaritan, who returned to give thanks after being made clean. Our Lord wondered aloud why the other nine did not give like gratitude via glory to God, but realized the faith of this grateful Samaritan when He said, "Arise, go thy way for thy faith hath made thee whole." The question is do we give thanks for the graces God has bestowed on us? Too often, we, as Traditional Catholics, can take for granted that we have the truth and we might fail to express thanksgiving daily for the great gift of discernment. We must be careful lest our faith would wilt within the overconfidence of thinking we have it made and need no more help, thus forgetting St. Paul's words to work out our salvation in fear and trembling. In the latter vein, we must take great care to continue to discern that what man reveres is not what we should. That is why Jesus says in Matthew 6: 24=33, "No man can serve two masters for he will hate the one and love the other, or he will sustain the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and mammon." There it is! It's One or the other. No exceptions. You can't straddle the fence. Either you are 100% Catholic or you're not Catholic! Period. Which do you choose? You must have full fidelity to all the holy Catholic Church teaches because Christ has revealed them, Who canst neither deceive or be deceived. If you have been deceived in any way, it's time to re-focus and see which Master you are serving. If it's not Jesus and His one true Church from St. Peter through His Holiness Pope Pius XII, you had better do a self-examination and pray for the grace to truly see your path will lead to a dead end.

    This is expecially the case regarding the current imposter in Rome, one Mr. Jorge Bergoglio, who, like his predecessors since 1958, are so taken with pleasing man that, through their words and actions choose to serve Mammon at the expense of countless souls worldwide. Thus we must go against the grain, swim against the stream of comfort zones catering to the world, the flesh and the devil. That is why we have a duty, a Catholic responsibility before God to instruct the ignorant and, believe us, the majority are truly ignorant of what the Catholic Faith teaches. That is why, with so few true priests, it falls on the laity to counsel the doubtful while leaving the true sacraments to the true priests who are spread so thin. The same goes for comforting the sorrowful and there is plenty to be sorrowful for, not only if you read the daily headlines or hear the sound bites, but the void of grace in countless souls since the Holy Ghost long ago lifted protection of the church in Rome today due to the Modernists' infiltration and the Great Apostasy resulting from the Second Vatican Council. Because we march to a different drum and choose the narrow path over the wide path to destruction strewn with wilting roses. That's why we get a lot of rejection. That's why we could tear our hair out in frustration at the lack of conversions except we know that "With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible". Therefore, as true Catholics, we must bear wrongs patiently and forgive all injuries. Finally, or should we say, first of all we cannot sustain this path unless we do as St. Paul says in his letter to the Corinthians, "Such confidence we have through Christ towards God. Not that we are sufficient to think of ourselves, as of ourselves: but our sufficiency is from God". That is why we are strongly encouraged to pray for the living and the dead in fulfilling our part of the Communion of Saints, something lost in today's pick-and-choose politically correct CONciLIAR church where the devil has ensconsed himself as is only too evident.

    In fact, It would seem the gates have shackled what to the world appears as the Catholic Church today, but in essence, is nothing but an evil imposter posing as Catholic while stripping her of all semblance of Catholicity. Yet so many remain blind, deaf and dumb to it all, going along to get along without realizing how wrong they are and how they will have to account for their actions or inactions at their Particular Judgment when it will be too late to make excuses or say 'I didn't know'. That is why we have continued to publish the DailyCatholic and link you to reliable, trusted sites so you can't say you didn't know. That is why we provide the Haydock Commentary for the 13th Sunday and 14th SundayJohn Gregory. That is why, thanks to Traditional Catholic Sermons we're able to bring you a pertinent sermon for the deaf to hear and for their tongues to speak out, no longer dumb, to enlighten the dumbed-down. Yes, it means leaving the comfort zone you've erroneously grown accustomed to, but it's time all realized that we owe our allegiance not to men who violate the Faith, but to God and all that His holy Catholic Church passed down from Peter through the last true Pope - His Holiness Pope Pius XII of happy memory. Since then the wolves have invaded and engulfed souls in their wicked jaws. The six imposters you see here could never be true Popes as previous true Popes have decreed as is documented to the right.

    When you discover what the True Church teaches you'll realize that ever since the death of His Holiness Pope Pius XII , the Catholic Church hasn't been the same. That's right, and Jesus tells us why. Because what poses as 'Catholic' today, governed by those usurping the authority in Rome and dioceses throughout the world, is a false church - an arrogant, out-of-control, failing man-made religion that has eclipsed the humble true Church consigned in these times to the catacombs. Our Lord shows us in Sunday's gospel His mercy in healing those willing to be healed, but He is also equally just and those who presume on His mercy may be left in the dust. Jesus identifies these proud modedrnists who have eclipsed the true Church quite clearly in St. Matthew 7: 15 that we must beware of the false prophets who may appear in clothing of sheep, but inwardly we must recognize them as ravening wolves or worse. If the faithful couldn't see the "abomination of desolation" (St. Matthew 24:15) and devious destruction of the true Faith during the regimes of the first five imposters since Pius' passing, they should surely see it now as Roman-born Argentine Mr. Jorge Bergoglio continues his agenda to wipe out any vestiges of Catholic truth that would be offensive to non-Catholics in his Marxist mindset to please man, not God through his humanist efforts to form a One World Religion. If one reads St. Paul's warning in 2 Thessalonians 2: 3-11 and what many would do in 2 Timothy 4: 3-4, we can more readily see what Our Lord meant in St. Luke 18:8 when He asked rhetorically if there would be any one of faith left when He returns.

    How do we restore the sacred? How do we wake up the masses as to what constitutes a true Mass and that those in the CONciLIAR church of Vatican 2 do not have it? First of all, we pray. Then we inform so the deaf may hear and the dumb speak out the truths from the rooftops. Out of all reliable sources verifying the above, NovusOrdoWatch provides the best play-by-play of the implosion of the counterfeit CONciLIAR church and the schemes toward a One World Order which is intent on erasing all true spirituality from this planet. Others worth checking on daily are for articles and links, as well as True Restoration and the following blogs that we heartily recommend Introibo Ad Altare Dei, Fr. Anthony Cekada's Quidlibet, Bishop Donald Sanborn's In Veritate, and the satirical, but on-point Call Me Jorge. We also point you to Traditio which, although the Father Moderators will not admit the term "sedevacantism", 95% of what they provide reinforces this position. Note, we provide here those sites that carry almost daily coverage and in no way demean other sites that update more infreqently. For those sites, please see Traditional Catholic Resource Port.

    The only obstacle to totally dominating as a totalitarian society is the Roman Catholic Church. Always has been. Since the death of the last true Sovereign Pontiff Pope Pius XII on October 9, 1958 that wall of resistance has been steadily crumbling thanks to those with a worldly Marxist bent to accept the world and please man rather than God as is so evident today. Oh, the devil is laughing, but he seems to forget Genesis 3:15 where the Blessed Virgin Mary will crush his head with her heel. Oh, we can't wait! Until then, it's important to expose the wolves just as the holy Doctor of the Church St. Francis de Sales advises for the sake of informing souls of the dangers these charlatans pose.

    It's also important that Protestants of every fabric, as well as those wedded to the dead-end Novus Ordo and its apparatchiks, realize Jesus founded only ONE Church upon the Rock of Peter and "the gates of hell shall not prevail against it" (St. Matthew 16: 18). Just the fact the fortifications are crumbling is evidence the church since the 60's is not the true Church for if it were, then the conclusion would have to be Jesus was wrong. That is blasphemy. Ergo, we need only revert to the Act of Faith we say every day wherein we pray "We believe these and all the truths of the holy Catholic Church because Thou hast revealed them, Who canst neither deceive nor be deceived." Just the fact so many souls have been deceived proves it is not from God, but of His adversary lucifer and his legions. Also the fact that all other religions formed over the last two millennia Anno Domini were founded by men who thought they had a better idea than God give credence that they were all founded upon error. Thus Lutherans, Presbyterians, Methodist, Baptist, Mormons, etc. may call themselves Christians, but considering they subscribe to a sect that broke from the true Church, and thus have abandoned their stewardship as God expects, this should have them quaking in their boots for unbeknownst to them, most have embraced Mammon. We say that not to denigrate those born into or taking up a false religion, but to "Preach the word: be instant in season, out of season: reprove, entreat, rebuke in all patience and doctrine" as St. Paul urges in 2 Timothy 4: 2. For the Apostle of the Gentiles was given to know as he warned in the next two verses: "For there shall be a time, when they will not endure sound doctrine; but, according to their own desires, they will heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears: And will indeed turn away their hearing from the truth, but will be turned unto fables."

    The vast majority of Protestants and Novus Ordinarians do not realize this and it is left to true Catholics to inform them, to reprove, entreat, rebuke in all patience and doctrine. Basically it means upsetting their comfort zone. They may not like it, they may put up their defenses or do as so many do, change the subject and get away as fast as they can. But if we, as true faithful Catholics who abide by the infallible, perennial Magisterium of nearly 2000 years, do not do as Paul instructs in verse five to be vigilant, labor in all things, and do the work of an evangelist to fulfill our ministry while keeping sober, then we will be held accountable for our stewardship and face bad news at our Particular Judgment. We may not win friends with our persistence to proclaim the truth, but if we can convert souls, that's all that counts with God. Man has a free will. That is something to remember and when rebuked, then shake the sandals and move on. After all, all Our Lord asks is that we try. He'll do the rest. We conclude with the reminder of what Christ says in St. Luke 18: 7-8, "And will not God revenge His elect who cry to Him day and night: and will He have patience in their regard? I say to you, that He will quickly revenge them. But yet the Son of man, when He cometh, shall He find, think you, faith on earth?" The truth is there is little faith left and it is dwindling by the day. It all makes sense today and it makes sense to take our stewardship seriously and commit our efforts to restore the sacred by driving the apostates out so that the churches can someday, in God's time, become truly Catholic churches again after they are re-consecrated with the filth washed away.

   So while the Marxist apostate Mr. Bergoglio the unFrancis continues to proclaim ever so boldly collective salvation through protecting against 'global warming', we must realize each one of us is responsible for our own salvation and we've been given the blueprint before Vatican Two. Guess what? It still works. Guess what else? The new-fangled CONciLIAR religion doesn't work. Never will. That is why we find more waking up after praying for the grace to see, truly see, and that is where twitter can be a great means of conversion one soul at a time. That's why, to paraphrase an axiom in less than 140 characters, brevity is the soul of witnessing as we ask you to follow the DailyCatholic on Twitter After all, it is not 'global warming' we should fear but God's Global WARNING. Therefore you need to...

We urge you to join the 15-week Rosary Crusade organized several years ago by Bishop Robert McKenna, O.P. to do our part for the salvation of souls by bringing souls to the true Catholic Faith and Sacraments, for the welfare of our country, and for our own special intentions as we all strive for holiness in our role as members of the Church Militant. We all need to continue to pray the Holy Rosary as often as our states in life permit. On the last day of August we will begin the nine-day Novena for the Holy Name of Maryaculate Heart of Mary leading to her feast on the Ninth Saturday of the 15 Saturdays Rosary Crusade where the intention, coinciding with the fourth sorrowful mystery - the Carrying of the Cross - is love of the Cross - for as Jesus says, "Unless you are willing to take up your cross and follow Me daily, you cannot be My disciple" Probably few times in history have Christians been more reviled than in our day when the godless seem to be stifling free speech and forcing more crosses on those who won't compromise with the world, the flesh, and the devil. We cannot let up and should not limit our Rosary to one day a week. In fact there is now a way where you can join others in praying the Holy Rosary on ROSARY CALL where Tom Gilbrough from Mt. St. Michael's in Spokane has set up a conference call every evening at 8 p.m. Pacific Daylight Time. On the east coast this would be 11 p.m. Eastern Daylight Time, Central 10 p.m., and 9 p.m. Mountain time. Just call 712-775-7031 then, when answered, punch in access 393-323# You are encouraged to call in 5 to 10 minutes early to prepare to share the Holy Rosary with others. You can follow along with the prayers of the Rosary if you do not know them by going to Holy Rosary port The Rosary is the most powerful weapon we have. Connect those beads.

    In these last nine days we complete the stanzas that comprise the Little Office of the Immaculate Conception in honor of the Immaculate Heart of Mary during August. Meanwhile on Mary's feast on August 22, we began to bring you a true Treasure of Tradition in the 50 Ave's that will continue up through October 11. Each day we bring you one of the chapters of St. Louis-Marie de Montfort's magnificent The Secret of the Rosary, signified by a rose on each bead composing the holy Rosary.

    Though I have already personally thanked each of those who have answered our plea here at SANCTUS/DailyCatholic, I want to publicly acknowledge their sharing and caring. To date we've raised just over $3,000.00 but are still a little more than $2,000.00 short of our necessary goal to continue publishing. Actually, because we had not reached our goal in time, the debit is even more now. We desperately need donations and, as mentioned a several editions ago, almsgiving is part and parcel of salvation for we cannot take it with us and how we distribute our treasure and talents on this earth goes a long, long way toward what the verdict will be when we stand before the Supreme Judge at our Particular Judgment. The more who realize this, the more peace of mind they will have. We are not a church. Yet we have been a traditional apostolate professing, proclaiming and promoting the infrangible truths of the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church for a quarter of a century. During this period we have always depended upon the mercy of our readers and benefactors and God has always provided, with the Holy Ghost prompting souls to donate.

    As you know, this long-running publication has always used that analogy for this publication in inviting all to "set sail with" We can confidently say, without a shadow of a doubt for all the years we've been publishing on-line, that we've never steered one soul wrong in all we've published. For our content has been in 100% accord with the infallible, perennial Magisterium of the Church firmly aboard the true Barque of Peter. Speaking of vessels, over the last year we've been taking on water even in a drought year, no less, due to a bilge of bills. To stay afloat we need to turn to you our readers. It has been well over a year since this editor made a plea for funds. Prior to that my beloved late bride Cyndi would write a heartfelt plea and benefactors would respond generously. With her gone, I'm not too good at asking for money, but purveyors need to be paid so necessity is the mother of invention and I have to ask. Speaking of mothers and Cyndi, it was Henry Ward Beecher who said "The most important thing a father can do for his children is to love their mother." I can confidently say before God I loved their mother dearly and dearly hope that what we imparted as parents will sustain them in this chaotic world where the secular demons of the world, the flesh and the devil have eclipsed Christ's holy Church, chasing the faithful remnant into the catacombs of sedevacantist churches and chapels. That is where we are today, isolated, if you will, from the vast majority because of our belief in the true Faith. But belief alone, as strong as it is, isn't, unfortunantely, strong enough to move mountains or meet expenditures that continue to increase as the economy teeters. Therefore, of the $5,000.00 needed for this apostolate to continue as it has we're still close to $3,000.00 short. I set that amount for we have always budgeted $25,000. a year in donations and to date since January the total is close to $11,000. and we're way past the half-way point of the year. Hopefully you can more readily see the deficit and why the DailyCatholic's plight is actually at that crisis point. As fast as it would come in, the faster it goes out to meet the creditors necessary to keep this publication on line. I would hope and pray you will see in your heart the compassion to help and we remind you with the graphic below, repeated each day. We remind you we are a bonafide 501c3 non-profit so any and all contributions are tax-deductible. I also remind you that this editor does not take one penny in salary. It remains a labor of love. Now I just ask for a little love from our readers by clicking the graphic below to take you to our Donation page. Thank you in advance.

Michael Cain, editor, DailyCatholic

The liturgy for the Thirteenth Sunday After Pentecost shows us that by faith we put all our hope in Jesus, for He is our Refuge and we ask for the virtue of charity, which renders us lovers of the divine law and practitioners of ...More

St. Philip Benizi was born in Florence on the feast of the Assumption in 1233. He was one of the first to profess the religious life as a Servite, and in time became general of the Order. With his brethren he preached in many countries of Europe, and journeyed even into western Asia to spread the Christian faith. In his humility he refused honors and even the Papacy, which was offered him by the cardinals assembled in conclave. He entered into the glory of Heaven in the year 1285. It is said that when he was dying he repeatedly asked for his book, and when the infirmarian did not understand his meaning the saint made signs that he wanted his crucifix, which was the book in which he was accustomed to meditate. August 23rd is also the Vigil of St. Bartholomew, Apostle. Like the other Apostles, the holy Nathanael or Bartholomew, a true Isrælite, sincere and without guile, as Our Lord and Savior Himself testified, was ...More

For the Thirteenth Sunday after Pentecost John Gregory provides the Haydock Commentary where Father Haydock continues with the Samaritan, this time in respect to the ten lepers and the only one to return and give thanks for his healing by the miracle of Jesus Christ is a Samaritan. Christ exhibits surprise that this Samaritan is the only one left, but the Son of God knewe and it was another manifestation that He had come for all, not just the Jews. He conveys this by assuring this man that the faith he had is what healed him, made him whole. The Faith of the Samaritan

Thanks to Traditional Catholic Sermons we are able to bring you an eleven minute sermon given two years ago for the Thirteenth Sunday after Pentecost by Father Benedict Hughes, CMRI, Rector of St. Joseph Seminary at the City of Mary in Rathdrum, Idaho. Father reminds us of the importance of making visits to the Blessed Sacrament when and where the true Presence is available. He points out that if we do not have the opportunity to visit a chapel as such, however if we cannot, he emphasizes the advantage of making an hour of adoration in our homes, taking an hour a day to pray and adore Jesus even if He is not present in the Eucharistic Host, He is present with you and that is why if the faithful would pray at home, setting up their small shrines, and devote an hour a day to Our Lord. After all, did He not ask "Could you not watch one hour with Me?" Father shows how we can be like the Samaritan and be there for Jesus. Father asks How Grateful Are We?

Besides the prayer below from the Little Office of the Immaculate Conception by St. Louis-Marie Grignon de Montfort, we have the magnificent inspiration he gave us with The Secret of the Rosary. Continuing from August 22 we will be bringing you an Ave rose a day corresponding with each chapter of de Montfort's magnificent work on Mary's holy Psalter to enhance your devotion in praying the Rosary for those blessed beads are indeed, the most powerful weapons we have available 24-7. We present today, representing the Apostles' Creed, in de Montfort's Dedication, first and foremost for Christ's consecrated alter Christi who have true succession from the Apostles via their ordination from true Bishops. Thus we have A White Rose for Priests

Thou wrapt in the blaze
   Of His infinite light,
Dost shine on the morn
     On the confines of night.

From Vespers in the Little Office of the Immaculate Conception

In the Gospel of St. John, the Apostle Bartholomew is not mentioned among the Apostles, but it is stated that Philip and Nathaniel came to Jesus, and that Our Lord said of Nathaniel, "the Israelite in whom was no guile." In the list of the apostles in the other Gospels, Nathaniel is not mentioned, but after Philip is placed Bartholomew. The Redeemer chose all the apostles at once, and formed them from the beginning into a hierarchial group with St. Peter at their head, in order to show us that the rightful priesthood instituted by Christ is that which is derived in unbroken succession from the twelve apostles chosen by Our Savior, and being in communion with the See of Peter, is also in communion with the entire Catholic episcopate. Bartholomew is said to have preached the faith over a great Part of Asia and suffered martyrdom in Armenia, where he was flayed alive. His body was ...More

Thanks to Traditional Catholic Sermons we are able to bring you a seven minute sermon on St. Bartholomew the Apostle by Bishop Daniel Dolan, pastor of St. Gertrude the Great in the Ohio's Queen City of Cincinnati, given eight years ago on the Apostle who was skinned alive for the holy Faith in Armenia. The bishop relates that we too will be hated because we cling to the truth. And yes, the truth will be hated. If we love truth and hate evil, we will eventually bring down evil, maybe not in our lifetime but we can play a part on this and by doing so help to populate Heaven. The bishop speaks of the Armenian Church which fell into the heresy of not agreeing that Christ had both a divine and human nature. The bishop notes what an obstacle heresy is and especially those in the CONciLIAR church who look the other way in the face of so many heresies today. He explains in his sermon on St. Bartholomew

The late Father James F. Wathen continues Chapter Three, appropriately labeled by the same as the title of his book "The Great Sacrilege" as he focuses on the infallible decree Pope St. Pius V decreed in codifying the dogmatic Council of Trent by declaring that the Canonical Apostolic Latin Mass of all ages must be said in perpetuity and if anyone dared to alter it, they would "incur the wrath of Almighty God, and the Blessed Apostles Peter and Paul." Fr. Wathen shows that His Holiness could see in 1570 that Lex orandi, lex credendi and that in the no-nonsense manner that Trent elevated the Mass to the importance and infrangibility it deserves, it truly is, as Fr. Faber called it, "the most beautiful thing this side of Heaven". Father points out that Montini's 'New Mass' was in no way an act of infallible teaching authority and he, along with Fr. Gommar De Pauw, was one of the first to call into question the morality, nature and orthodoxy of this vulgar form that has been foisted on the faithful against what St. Pius V set in stone as we ssee in as we see in Part Three of Chapter Three on Pope St. Pius V, Quo Primum and the True Mass

    As the moon on the lost
         Through obscurity dawns,
    The serpent's destroyer,
         A lily amid thorns. Amen.

    I made an unfailing light to arise in Heaven.
          And as a mist I overspread the whole earth.
    O Lady, hear my prayer.
          And let my cry come unto thee.

From Vespers in the Little Office of the Immaculate Conception

Besides the above prayer from St. Louis-Marie Grignon de Montfort, we have the magnificent inspiration he gave us of The Secret of the Rosary. In this series from the feast of the Immaculate Heart of Mary through the feast of Mary's Divine Maternity, we want to bring you installments to enhance your devotion in praying the Rosary for those blessed beads are indeed, the most powerful weapons we have available 24-7. Repesenting the first Hail Mary for an increase of Faith, we present today de Montfort's Dedication to the laity, whom he recognizes that all of us having a fallen human nature and why we need faith as he offers A Red Rose for Sinners

St. Louis XI was born into royalty on April 25, 1214 in Poissy, France and crowned King of France in 1226 on the death of his father King Louis VIII. He had been raised in a staunch Catholic atmosphere by his mother Blanche of Castile, who became regent upon her husband's death until her son reached adulthood. The youthful Louis, one of the youngest rulers in French history, weaned on his faith by his mother exemplified his Catholicity throughout his life. It served him well in his long ...More

To see an enlargement of Michelle Maher's painting of St. Louis IX, click image below.

See Dr. Thomas A. Droleskey's inspiration for St. Louis From His Mother's Knee: A King Who Ruled for Christ the King

Through these revelations to St. Bridget we see clearer than ever the mind of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Here Our Lord tells His bride how His Spirit cannot remain with the unrighteous and that is why we must be on the side of righteousness to receive His Spirit. Jesus talks of the separation of the unrighteous from the good, just as He does in His parable of separating the wheat from the chaff, and how good men, armed with the spiritual weapons as St. Paul lists in Ephesians 6: 10-18 asHe charges these good men to wage war against the world as we see in Chapter Six of Book One Fighting against God's Enemies

      Hail, Mother most pure,
           Hail, Virgin renowned,
      Hail, Queen with the stars
           As a diadem crowned.
From Compline in the Little Office of the Immaculate Conception

Besides the above prayer from St. Louis-Marie Grignon de Montfort, we have the magnificent inspiration he gave us of The Secret of the Rosary. In this series from the feast of the Immaculate Heart of Mary through the feast of Mary's Divine Maternity, we want to bring you installments to enhance your devotion in praying the Rosary for those blessed beads are indeed, the most powerful weapons we have available 24-7. We present today de Montfort's Dedication to the good and devout souls in offering the second Hail Mary for an increase of Hope in hope that devout souls will remain so and more will convert as the holy de Montfort offers A Mystical Rose for Devout Souls

The liturgy for the preceding Sunday - the Thirteenth Sunday After Pentecost - shows us that by faith we put all our hope in Jesus, for He is our Refuge and we ask for the virtue of charity, which renders us lovers of the divine law and practitioners of it. Let us pray for an increase of faith, hope and charity. The Collect which prays for an increase of this - faith, hope and charity - re-echoes the teaching of the Apostle in the Epistle and that of the Master in the Gospel. The Jews wanted to impose the Mosaic law on Christians; St Paul shows to the Galatians that it is not this ...More

There is a commemoration today for Pope Saint Zephyrinus, a native of Rome, who succeeded Pope St. Victor I in the pontificate in the year 198. In 202 Septimus Severus, a military despot, raised the fifth and most bloody persecution against the Church, which continued for nine years until the death of the emperor in 211. Until this furious storm ended, the holy ...More

The late Father James F. Wathen continues Chapter Three in now beginning to show what a sacrilege the Novus Ordo Missae is: a very, very sinful act. Father maintains that Paul the Sixth's perpetrated a direct attack on the all-holy Mass in a sinful act far worse than Luther or Cranmer, likening the situation as making the Church like a wounded animal, left to die of its wounds. But the true Church cannot die as we see in the holy scriptures, which has foretold these very times. Father went so far as to suggest that Paul 6 had opened the very pits of hell by his changing the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass and by doing so, definitely had incurred the wrath of Almighty God as we see in part four of Chapter Three The Act

      Above all the angels
           In glory untold,
      Standing next to the King
           In a vesture of gold.
From Compline in the Little Office of the Immaculate Conception

Besides the below prayer from St. Louis-Marie Grignon de Montfort in the Office of Prime, we also have the magnificent inspiration he gave us of The Secret of the Rosary. In this series from the feast of the Immaculate Heart of Mary through the feast of Mary's Divine Maternity, we want to bring you installments to enhance your devotion in praying the Rosary for those blessed beads are indeed, the most powerful weapons we have available 24-7. We present today de Montfort's Dedication to the the children whom he calls Dear Little Friends. This represents the third Hail Mary for the increase of Charity/Love which the innocent little children have and as adults we must have for Jesus says unless we become as little children, we cannot enter the kingdom of Heaven. Therefore St. Louis de Montfort offers A Rosebund for Little Children

St. Joseph Calasanctius was born in Aragon in 1556. Having become a priest it was revealed to him that he should teach the children of the poor. He founded the Order of the Poor Clerks Regular of the Pious Schools of the Mother of God. He was ever a devout pilgrim at the shrines of the martyrs, and daily visited the seven Churches of Rome, where he lived for fifty years. He died August 25, 1648. This is also the historical feast of the Seven Joys of the Blessed Virgin Mary. They are the Annunciation, the Nativity of Christ, Epiphany, the Resurrection, the Ascension, Pentecost and Mary's Coronation as Queen of Heaven and earth. You'll note how the first two correlate with the Joyful Mysteries and four comprise the Glorious Mysteries. ...More

Through these revelations to St. Bridget we see clearer than ever the mind of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. For the first time Jesus now sends His Blessed Mother to counsel His bride as Our Lady tells Bridget how to dress modestly for what you wear will convey who you really are. Blessed Mary instructs her on the kind of clothes to wear and points out what the ornaments signify that adorn her covered body and why it is so important to be chaste and avoid the world, the flesh, and the devil as we see in Chapter Seven of Book One Dress for Spiritual Success

      O Mother of mercy,
           O Star of the wave,
      O hope of the guilty,
           O light of the grave.
From Compline in the Little Office of the Immaculate Conception

Besides the below prayer from St. Louis-Marie Grignon de Montfort in the Office of Matins, we also have the magnificent inspiration he gave us of The Secret of the Rosary. In this series from the feast of the Immaculate Heart of Mary through the feast of Mary's Divine Maternity, we want to bring you installments to enhance your devotion in praying the Rosary for those blessed beads are indeed, the most powerful weapons we have available 24-7. With his four chapters of his dedication completed, representing the Apostles' Creed, and the initial three Haily Mary's, he begins with presenting the origin and name of the Rosary as he distributes ten roses, replicating a decade, with the first rose being First Rose: The Prayers of the Rosary

It was the combined efforts of two saints who had the greatest effects on the life of one of the great Doctors of the Church Saint Augustine of Hippo. Augustine's mother Saint Monica played a major behind the scenes role in his conversion, while Saint Ambrose was on the front line with Augustine, who had become a great skeptic, teaching, influencing and converting him. Augustine was born in Tagaste in what is today Algeria on November 13, 354. By the time he was 30 he was preaching rhetoric, interspersed with Manichean heresy, at the university of Milan. It was there he ...More

Saint Augustine is one of the greatest Doctors of the Church, one of the greatest single intellects ever. Like the Apostle St. Paul, he began as a notorious sinner, embracing heresy after heresy, but when grace finally touched him through the prayer and reparation of others, this Saul turned into a Paul and his cries for truth were mostly heard and responded to in Heaven by the relentless efforts and graces of his loving, persevering mother St. Monica and his mentor, the Bishop of Milan, the holy Doctor of the Church Saint Ambrose, who is credited with the conversion of this man from Hippo. Sadly today neither Augustine, his mother Monica nor Ambrose nor all the saints who passed through this veil of tears over the centuries, would recognize the CONciLIAR counterfeit church as Catholic. They would have denounced from the beginning the aggiornamento and "new springtime" as heretical and extremely harmful to souls. See Doctor of Grace

The late Father James F. Wathen continues with part five of Chapter Three, focusing on the culprit who engineered the "abomination of desolation" - one Bishop Giovanni Montini, aka Paul 6. He equates him to a Hamlet-type of character, so desperate to defend the indefensible that one might think the former Archbishop of Milan was insane. In God's eyes he was crazy to throw away the sacred and introduce the profane though, as Father Wathen points out, Paul went to great lengths to try to justify his insane moves and, because the world considered him a 'pope' satan played on this trump card to get Catholics to buy into these stark non-Catholic changes that ushered in the Great Sacrilege. We see how detached from Catholic truth Montini was in Paul VI's Defense

    Through thee may we come
         To the haven of rest
    And see Heaven's King
         In the coursts of the blest. Amen.

    Thy name, O Mary, is as oil poured out.
          Thy servants have loved thee exceedingly.
    O Lady, hear my prayer.
          And let my cry come unto thee.

From Compline in the Little Office of the Immaculate Conception

"Since the holy Rosary is composed, principally and in substance, of the Prayer of Christ and the Angelic Salutation, that is, the Our Father and the Hail Mary, it was without doubt the first prayer and the first devotion of the faithful and has been in use all through the centuries, from the time of the Apostles and disciples down to the present. But it was only in the year 1214, however, that Holy Mother Church received the Rosary in its present form and according to the method we use today. It was given to the Church by Saint Dominic who had received it from the Blessed Virgin as a powerful means of converting the Albigensians and other sinners." Those are the opening words of St. Louis de Montfort's second part of the origin of the Rosary as he offers Second Rose: Origin of the Rosary

Besides the chief feast of St. John the Baptist, that of his nativity, the Church commemorates on the twenty-ninth of August, his glorious death and birth into Heaven. Ever since the Fourth Century in Africa, in the East, in Syria, and in many places all over the world, the beheading of St. John the Baptist has been commemorated on August 29th. When in 362, pagans violated the tomb and burned his remains, some parts were saved by monks, and taken to St. Athanasius at Alexandria. The head is said to have been preserved at Jerusalem, and may later have been ...More

See Dr. Thomas A. Droleskey's piece: Dancing to the Tune of Herod and Herodias

Through these revelations to St. Bridget we see clearer than ever the mind of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ ahd His dear Blessed Mother Mary who He sent to His bride to reinforce how God reveres the Mother of God and how we should do also for it is great praise of God when we honor His holy Mother for she is blessed among all generations as the Magnificat affirms. Here, in a short soliloquy to St. Bridget, Mary lays out who she is and how she should be honored as we see in Chapter Eight of Book One If Christ honors Mary, We must want to as well

      These praises and prayers
           I lay at your feet,
      O Virgin of virgins,
           O Mary most sweet.
From The Commendation in the Little Office of the Immaculate Conception

"This miraculous way in which the devotion to the Holy Rosary was established is something of a parallel to the way in which Almighty God gave His law to the world on Mount Sinai and obviously proves its value and importance. Inspired by the Holy Ghost, instructed by the Blessed Virgin as well as by his own experience, Saint Dominic preached the Holy Rosary for the rest of his life. He preached it by his example as well as by his sermons, in cities and in country places, to people of high station and low, before scholars and the uneducated, to Catholics and to heretics." Those are the opening words of St. Louis de Montfort's third part on the receptor of Mary's holy Psalter from Heaven as St. Louis offers a Third Rose: St. Dominic

We urge you to click the Rosary banner above for the Tenth Saturday in the Fifteen Saturdays Rosary Crusade organized by Bishop Robert McKenna, O.P. to do our part for the salvation of souls by bringing souls to the true Catholic Faith and Sacraments, for the welfare of our country, and for our own special intentions as we all strive for holiness in our role as members of the Church Militant. On this tenth Saturday of the Fifteen we stand beneath the Cross for those three agonizing hours and then when most have left, we weep with the Blessed Mother as she holds her lifeless divine Son in her arms. Would we have walked away when He died or would we have joined Mary and the few who remained until the bitter end? Tenth Saturday

The Epistle and the Gospel for the Traditional liturgy for the Fourteenth Sunday After Pentecost focuses on the fact that we cannot serve two masters. Those two masters this week are namely the flesh and the spirit. The spirit, or grace, given to us by the Holy Ghost, inclines us to supernatural and holy things. The flesh, or man with his bad and carnal instincts, make us commit all manner of sins. The Epistle and Gospel teach Christian people to attend to their temporal interests without exaggerated preoccupation, for such ...More

Saint Rose, the first canonized saint of the New World, was born at Lima in 1586. She received the name of Isabella in Baptism, but one day her mother saw a beautiful rose drooping over the baby's cradle and ever afterwards called her Rose. She was an obedient child; her mortifications were most severe. She prayed worked, and wept for the conversion of sinners; she excelled in her love for holy purity. She lived a life of simplicity and prayer in a small hut in a corner of her father's garden; the birds would visit her and sing with her the praises of God. The Savior frequently appeared to her. Her devotion to the Passion of Our Lord was remarkable as were her own sufferings. Her bed was strewn with glass shards, with nails and thorns; she wore chafing hair-cloth; her head was crowned with painful thorns skillfully concealed by roses. She died August 26, 1617. Her Office was written by the eminent Cardinal Bona. There is also a commemoration of the holy martyrs Saint Felix and Saint Adauctus. St. Felix suffered martyrdom in the year 303, and was joined by Adauctus, who shared his martyr crown. There is a painting, which ...More

Even though the Sunday liturgy is superseded this year by the Double Major Feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross, John Gregory provides the Haydock Commentary by Father George Leo Haydock for the Fourteenth Sunday after Pentecost where we see Our Lord's words from St. Matthew 6: 24 that no man can serve two masters; that one cannot serve both God and mammom, which means riches and worldly things. Therefore we realize the words of St. Paul in the epistle to walk in the spirit and rail against the flesh for the world, the flesh and the devil is our downfall unless we heed Christ's counsel. He chastises us not because He's mad, but because He loves us and reassures us here how much the heavenly Father does too with his reference to those wonderful things of nature God has placed here on earth for man's use as He intended. No man can serve two masters

In tune with Sunday's gospel, we present a feature penned by Griff Ruby several years ago in the The Four Marks in addressing the "Resist-and-Recognize" gang who continue to ignore the elephant in the room and the bizarre and dangerous actions of one Mr. Bergoglio the unFrancis, as Griff pointed out there is no sensible solution to their stance other than to admit the sedevacantists are right. Of course, pride and fear hold them back from connecting the dots and admitting the obvious in the face of all the atrocities committed against God's divine Laws and the truths and traditions of holy Mother Church. Griff shows here why it is not possible that the current popes could ever be legitimate and to continue to recognize them while still resisting not only aberrant commands, judgments, and examples, but even erroneous doctrines, is to exhibit a non-Catholic mentality. It is time to either break with the false church of Vatican 2 or to embrace the Great Apostasy and make friends of Mammon now. There can be no other way. Fence sitting is henceforth forbidden because horns can be dangerous to the welfare of souls. Escaping the Trilemma

Thanks to Traditional Catholic Sermons we are able to bring you a twenty-minute sermon on the feast of St. Rose of Lima from six years ago, superseded this year by the Sunday liturgy. The bishop likens her to the Samaritan who offered everything up, surviving her fair share of abuses. Her chastity and humility were such that she not only fasted, but did all she could not to be vain, even wrapping three length of chains around herself. Yes, that may seem extreme, but it showed how important she considered how deadly temptation and sin were. His Excellency describes the penances of this saint and only can be understood by how God saw her. She was always childlike with full joy and love for the cross. She had so much zeal for conversion of souls. She had to deal with the racism of her time for there has always been racism due to Original sin where some considered others as sub-human, especially the Spanish. Rose's penance did much to expiate these sins, evident by the miracle of roses falling from the sky. He explains further in his sermon on St. Rose of Lima

      Be thou my true guide
           Through this pilgrimage here,
      And stand by my side
           When death draweth near.
From The Commendation in the Little Office of the Immaculate Conception

"All things, even the holiest, are subject to change, especially when they are dependent on man's free will. It is hardly to be wondered at, then, that the Confraternity of the Holy Rosary only retained its fervor for one century after it was instituted by Saint Dominic. After this, it was like a thing buried and forgotten. Doubtless, too, the wicked scheming and jealousy of the devil were largely responsible for getting people to neglect the Holy Rosary, and thus block the flow of God's grace which it had drawn down upon the world. Thus, in 1349, God punished the whole of Europe and sent the most terrible plague that had ever been known into every land. It started first in the east and spread throughout Italy, Germany, France, Poland and Hungary, bringing desolation wherever it came----for out of hundred men hardly one lived to tell the tale. Big towns, little towns, villages and monasteries were almost completely deserted during the three years that the epidemic lasted." Here St. Louis de Montfort is speaking of the Black Death as offers a Fourth Rose: Blessed Alan de Roche

St. Raymond Nonnatus was the holy Confesser who never knew his mother for he was born prematurely and she died at childbirth. Thus the mother of this heroic Spanish saint, did not live for him to know and love. Longing for a mother, Raymund asked the Blessed Virgin to take him as her special son. She revealed to him that he should devote himself to the ...More

On August 31 we begin the Novena for the Nativity of Our Lady that will last through September 8, the feast of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary. This Novena, celebrating the birth of the precious Immaculate daughter to Sts. Anne and Joachim, was approved well before Vatican 2 with a Nihil Obstat: Iacobus P. King, I.C.D. Censor Deputatus. Imprimatur: Bryan Iosephus McEntegart, D.D., LL.D. Episcopus Bruklyniensis. It is a beautiful Novena with a different short prayer for each day. Thus we presesnt Day One of Novena for the Nativity of Mary

The late Father James F. Wathen continues Chapter Three, appropriately labeled by the same as the title of his book "The Great Sacrilege" as he focuses on how Giovanni Montini and his henchman Annibale Bugnini duped the faithful by trying to get the masses to believe that this new Mess came from "Authentic Tradition" when, in truth, nothing could have been further from the truth and that this new vulgar concoction was devoid of the sacred and sacrifical nature, leaving Pandora's Box open for all kinds of aberrations that we have seen over the years. Through deviousness, secrecy and lies, the Mass of St. Pius V was turned into a Protestant/Masonic/Pagan service more suitable for the devil himself than devout souls seeking to assist at Holy Mass as we see in Part Six of Chapter Three The Con job of "Authentic Tradition"

There is a bough in which no blur of either kind,
   original or wrought, hath touched the Virgin rind.

In thy Conception, O Virgin,
   thou wast immaculate.
Pray for us to the Father,
    Whose Son thou didst bear. Amen.

From The Commendation in the Little Office of the Immaculate Conception

Besides the above prayer from St. Louis-Marie Grignon de Montfort, we have the magnificent inspiration he gave us of The Secret of the Rosary. As we continue in the first decade with the fifth Ave, which St. Louis de Montfort offers as a fifth rose, he turns to the merits of Confraternity in promoting and praying the holy Rosary, the holy Psalter of Mary. He points out that one should set aside time to pray the Rosary daily and, if your state in life is amenable, all fifte4en decades which incorporate the Joyful, Sorrowful, and Glorious Mysteries. Continuing this series first begun on the feast of the Immaculate Heart of Mary and to be carried daily through the feast of her Divine Maternity on October 11, we bring you installments to enhance your devotion in praying the Rosary for those blessed beads are indeed, the most powerful weapons we have available 24-7. We present today de Montfort's explanation of the Confraternity and delineats the various duties for each level of said devotion as he presents the Dedication to the laity, whom he recognizes as he offers Fifth Rose for Confraternity

click above to go to past issues/editions over the past year

       As much as we hate to beg, we have no choice. If you have benefited in anyway from what we have published, we humbly ask your help to keep this publication on line. We know that so many of our readers are unable to assist at a true traditional Latin Mass because of where they live and use the daily liturgy we publish to gain the efficacious graces possible through their prayers at home. We remain the only publication in the world to provide such and are grateful to God that we can provide such nourishment for souls. If you have not donated before, isn't it only right and proper to donate now? Whatever you can afford will be greatly appreciated. Just click the button below or send a check/money order to the address below. We are a bonafide non-profit 501c(3) religious association and all donations are tax-deductible. Whatever you would have contributed toward any bloated political campaigns or thrown away in the conciliar collection plates that only goes to covering up the sins of its presbyters and false primates while destroying all semblence of Catholicism, why not earmark it for SANCTUS/DailyCatholic? After all, shouldn't we all take St. Paul's strong counsel in 2 Thessalonians 2: 14 to heart and "stand firm, and hold the traditions which you have learned"?

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To fortify why the CONciLIAR church is the false church, see key Papal Decrees that preceded it in pre-Vatican Two times by true Popes who solidly condemned the V2 false 'popes' who have spit in Heaven's Face. God will not be mocked. See for yourself what the infallible, perennial Magisterium of the Church has decreed:

  • Papal Coronation Oath Pope Agatho
  • Unam Sanctam Pope Boniface VIII
  • Cum Ex Apostolatus Officio Pope Paul IV
  • Quo Primum Pope St. Pius V
  • De Defectibus Pope St. Pius V
  • Satis Cognitum Pope Leo XIII
  • Apostolicae Curae Pope Leo XIII
  • Lamentabili Sane Pope St. Pius X
  • Pascendi Dominici Gregis Pope St. Pius X
  • Oath Against Modernism Pope St. Pius X
  • Mortalium Animos Pope Pius XI
  • Humani Generis Pope Pius XII
  • Sacramentum Ordinis Pope Pius XII

    If the above Papal Decrees have not convinced you, then for more evidence that the Chair is VACANT and that Vatican Two and all that has followed is Anathema sit as St. Paul asserts in Galatians 1: 8-9, see these on-line books and sources:

  • Answering Objections of the Sedevacantist Position
  • John 23 - Anathema sit Fr. Louis Villa
  • NikitaRoncalli Franco Bellegrandi
  • The Robber Church Patrick Henry Omlor
  • Is the Pope Catholic? Hutton Gibson
  • Paul VI...Beatified? Fr. Louis Villa
  • The Enemy is Here - Vol. I Hutton Gibson
  • The Enemy is Still Here - Vol. II Hutton Gibson
  • The Enemy is Still Here - Vol. III
  • John Paul 2 - Anathema sit Fr. Luis Villa
  • Heresies of John Paul 2 Documented by previous True Popes & Scriptures
  • Fr. Sylvester Berry in 1921: "Satan will Persecute the Papacy" Novus Ordo Watch
  • Fr. Sylvester Berry warned in 1927: "Satan will set up a False Church Novus Ordo Watch
  • Syllogism of Sedevacantism Michael Cain
  • The Chair is Still Empty Gregorius
  • When the Shepherd Is Struck: The Papacy and Sedevacantist "Disunity" Mario Derksen
  • Sedevacantism: A Quick Primer Fr. Anthony Cekada
  • Msgr. Fulton J. Sheen in 1948: "Satan will set up a Counter-Church which will be the Ape of the Catholic Church" Novus Ordo Watch
  • Why Sedevacantism? Fr. Anthony Cekada and a plethora of other evidence provided by
  • What You Need To Know About Jorge Mario Bergoglio Novus Ordo Watch
  • Conspiracy! Meet Six High-Profile Traditional Catholic Conspiracy Nuts Novus Ordo Watch
  • Continuously Denying The Catholic Faith Dr. Thomas A. Droleskey
  • Trying to Put Humpty Dumpty Back Together Again Dr. Thomas A. Droleskey
  • Compare and Contrast Plethora of links by Dr. Thomas A. Droleskey
  • Freemasons and the Conciliar church by John Kenneth Weiskittel
  • Papacy and Freemasonry Msgr. Jouin
  • Francis' Heresy regarding the Jews Novus Ordo Watch
  • Francis' Heresy about Faith without Works Novus Ordo Watch
  • The "Bad Popes" Argument fails everytime Novus Ordo Watch
  • Pope Leo XIII Quashes Popular "Recognize-and-Resist" Position Novus Ordo Watch
  • Numerous Popes before V2 warned of the Freemason Plot against the Church Novus Ordo Watch
  • Is the question of the pope: "Just an opinion"? Bishop Donald Sanborn
  • Null and Void: Why "Pope" Francis is Not a Valid Priest and Not a Valid Bishop Novus Ordo Watch
  • The "Canonization" of John Paul II: Decision Time for Traditionalists Novus Ordo Watch

    by Mario Derksen

  • Secrets of LaSalette
  • Bishop Mark Pivarunas,CMRI on a true vocation
  • Bishop Donald Sanborn on The Pendulating Papacy
  • Fr. Julian Larrabee on Missions of Nigeria
  • Fr. Michael Oswalt on why he left the V2 to become a true priest
  • Bishop Donald Sanborn's 2013 London Conference on the SSPX
  • Fr. Anthony Cekada on invalidity of 1968 Episcopal Consecrations
  • Fr. Julian Larrabee with Mass for Immaculate Conception
  • Bishop Daniel Dolan's Sermon for the Immaculate Conception
  • End of Mass Recession as it should be
  • Benediction of the Most Blessed SAcrament
  • Bishop Williamson on Globalism in 2010
  • Bishop Williamson's 2009 interview - Part I
  • Bishop Williamson's 2009 interview - Part II
  • Bishop Williamson 2013 talk on division in the Church
  • Mass in the Vatican with Pope Pius XII (Italian)
  • Pastor Angelicus Pius XII (Italian)
  • Life of Pius XII (Italian)
  • Last Years of Pius XII (Italian)
  • The SSPX, "Resistance," and Sedevacantism Bishop Donald Sanborn
  • 'Pope' Francis and Sedevacantism Bishop Mark Pivarunas, CMRI

    The links above and below provide almost daily updates. The two above can be trusted totally, while we urge a mild caution on the two below because of their refusal to admit Francis is a false pope.

    For other sites that provide the tenets of the Faith but are not daily, we refer you to

    Click Here

      We encourage you to learn more about the Traditional Latin Mass - the true Holy Sacrifice of the Mass in these videos at this link because each time you worthily assist at the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass in person, you gain graces that are placed in a "golden chalice", so to speak, and is offered to God to be weighed in substance when you stand before Him at your Particular Judgment. The more you have filled this chalice, the better will it go for your spiritual welfare in eternity, enhanced by your cooperation with grace. Know the Mass

    To assist all in striving toward holiness, click on the Confessional to your right to review your transgressions through a thorough Examination of Conscience

    When One Cannot physically assist at the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass we provide additional prayers that can be supplemented with the ORDINARY OF THE HOLY MASS and the PROPER OF THE DAY to enable you to better prepare yourself at home. Of course, this never replaces actually being there, but it is much better than attending the Novus Ordo services. Therefore we have gleaned from The Key of Heaven prayers to say at home. It is very comforting to know that the Holy Mass is offered for us even when we are not actually present. But to enjoy the benefits which it procures, we must by a SPIRITUAL COMMUNION become partakers of the altar from which we are temporarily banished. Here we provide prayers in preparation for fulfilling assistance in absentia in addition to the ORDINARY OF THE HOLY MASS and PROPER OF THE DAY. PRAYERS IN ABSENTIA

    Prayer Before the Crucifix

    Behold, O kind and most sweet Jesus, I cast myself upon my knees in Thy sight, and with the most fervent desire of my soul I pray and beseech Thee that Thou wouldst fix deep within my heart lively sentiments of Faith, Hope and Charity, with true repentance for my sins, and a firm purpose of amendment, whilst with deep affection and grief of soul I ponder within myself and mentally contemplate Thy five most precious Wounds; having before my eyes the words which David in prophesy spoke concerning Thee, O Good Jesus: "They have pierced My hands and My feet; they have numbered all My bones."

    Plenary Indulgence, Condition:
    • Confession
    • Communion
    • One Our Father
    • One Hail Mary
    • One Glory be...
    Pope Pius IX, July 31, 1858

    The Fatima Prayers

    My God, I believe, I adore, I trust and I love Thee; and I beg pardon for those who do not believe, do not adore, do not trust, and do not love Thee.
    (repeat the above 3 times then bow your head in reciting the following:)

        O Most Holy Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Ghost, I adore Thee profoundly. I offer Thee the most Precious Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Jesus Christ, present in tabernacles throughout the world, in reparation for the outrages, sacrileges and indifference by which He is offended. By the infinite merits of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, in unison with the Immaculate Heart of Mary, I beg the conversion of poor sinners.

        O Most Holy Trinity, I adore Thee! My God, my God, I love Thee in the Most Blessed Sacrament!

        O my Jesus, it is for love of Thee, in reparation for the offenses committed against the Immaculate Heart of Mary and for the conversion of poor sinners.

    Pray for the Sick

    Pray for the Dearly Departed Souls
    Click image above

    The angel of the Lord declared unto Mary. And she conceived of the Holy Ghost.

    Hail Mary full of grace, the Lord is with thee. Blessed art thou among women and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus.

    Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners now and at the hour of our death. Amen.

    Behold the handmaid of the Lord. Be it done unto me according to Thy word.

    Hail Mary...

    And the Word was made flesh. And dwelt among us.

    Hail Mary...

    Pray for us, O holy Mother of God. That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ.

    Let us pray.
    Pour forth, we beseech Thee, O Lord, Thy grace into our hearts, that we to whom the Incarnation of Christ, Thy Son, was made known by the message of an angel, may by His Passion and Cross be brought to the glory of His resurrection. Through the same Christ our Lord. Amen.

    Angelus Domini nuntiavit Mariae. Et concepit de Spiritu Sancto.

    Ave Maria, gratia plena, Dominus tecum benedicta tu in mulieribus, et benedictus fructis ventris tui, Jesus.

    Sancta Maria, Mater Dei, ora pro nobis peccatoribus, nunc et in hora mortis nostrae. Amen.

    Ecce ancilla Domini. Fiat mihi secundum verbum tuum.

    Ave Maria...

    Et Verbum caro factum est. Et habitavit in nobis.

    Ave Maria...

    Ora pro nobis, sancta Dei Genitrix. Ut digni efficiamur promissionibus Christi.

    Gratiam tuam, quaesumus Domine, mentibus nostris infunde: ut qui, Angelo nuntiante, Christi Filii tui incarnationem cognovimus, per passionem ejus et crucem ad resurrectionis gloriam perducamur. Per eumdem Christum Dominum nostrum. Amen.

    Litany of the Immaculate Heart of Mary

    Lord, have mercy.   Christ,have mercy.
    Christ, hear us.    Christ, graciously hear us.
    God the Father of Heaven,    Have mercy on us.
    God the Son, redeemer of the world, Have mercy on us.
    God the Holy Ghost, Have mercy on us.
    Holy Trinity, one God, Have mercy on us.

    Make our family life holy, Immaculate Heart of Mary
    Sanctify our clergy, Immaculate Heart of Mary
    Make our Catholics more fervent, Immaculate Heart of Mary
    Guide and inspire those who govern us, Immaculate Heart of Mary
    Cure the sick who confide in thee, Immaculate Heart of Mary
    Console the sorrowful who trust in thee, Immaculate Heart of Mary
    Help those who invoke thy aid, Immaculate Heart of Mary
    Deliver us from all dangers, Immaculate Heart of Mary
    Help us to resist temptation, Immaculate Heart of Mary
    Obtain for us all we ask of thee, Immaculate Heart of Mary
    Help those who are dear to us, Immaculate Heart of Mary
    Bring back to the right road our erring brothers, Immaculate Heart of Mary
    Give us back our ancient fervor, Immaculate Heart of Mary
    Obtain for us pardon of our many sins and offenses, Immaculate Heart of Mary
    Bring all men to the feet of thy Divine Child, Immaculate Heart of Mary
    Obtain peace for the world, Immaculate Heart of Mary

    Let us pray.
    O God of infinite goodness and mercy, fill our hearts with a great confidence in Thy Most Holy Mother, whom we invoke under the title of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, and grant us by her most powerful intercession all the graces, spiritual and temporal which we need, through Christ Our Lord. Amen.

    Set sail with

    We invite you to
    embark on a voyage
    to save more souls.

    Launch out into the deep
    and cast forth thy net
    to be fishers of souls

    You can do so
    through your:

    • Prayers and
      daily Rosaries

    • Tax Deductible Donations
      to our non-profit 501c(3) SANCTUS

    • Tell others about us

    • Follow us on twitter

    • Read the links we
      provide on the
      Daily Catholic

    • Share stories of
      your journey back
      to Tradition to
      encourage others
      to connect the dots.

    • KNOW the Faith
      in order to
      KEEP the Faith!

    Set sail with

    We invite you to
    embark on a voyage
    to save more souls.

    Launch out into the deep
    and cast forth thy net
    to be fishers of souls

    You can do so
    through your:

    • Prayers and
      daily Rosaries

    • Tax Deductible Donations
      to our non-profit 501c(3) SANCTUS

    • Tell others about us

    • Follow us on twitter

    • Read the links we
      provide on the
      Daily Catholic

    • Share stories of
      your journey back
      to Tradition to
      encourage others
      to connect the dots.

    • KNOW the Faith
      in order to
      KEEP the Faith!

    Set sail with

    We invite you to
    embark on a voyage
    to save more souls.

    Launch out into the deep
    and cast forth thy net
    to be fishers of souls

    You can do so
    through your:

    • Prayers and
      daily Rosaries

    • Tax Deductible Donations
      to our non-profit 501c(3) SANCTUS

    • Tell others about us

    • Follow us on twitter

    • Read the links we
      provide on the
      Daily Catholic

    • Share stories of
      your journey back
      to Tradition to
      encourage others
      to connect the dots.

    • KNOW the Faith
      in order to
      KEEP the Faith!