- Mr. Bergoglio the unFrancis "wants anarchy, disorder, chaos, confusion and dialogue to replace the last bastions hierarchy, order, structure and obedience." Those are the words of Dr. Thomas A. Droleskey in assessing the severe damage Jorge has leveled in stirring up the revolutionaries as Tom pulls back the curtain in Francis The Apostate: From Revolution to Anarchy
- Bishops join the flash mob in a disgusting 'Simon Says' dance, but then what else are those false prelates good for? So much for dignity. Let's hear the excuses the "Recognize-and-Resist" gang will make for this one of the blind leading the blind toward the abyss. What is there to really celebrate with the loss of so many souls? Evidence at NovusOrdoWatch that they don't care as you'll see with the Dancing "Bishops"
- Jorge's presbyters are taking him at his word and stealing jewelry off statues as Traditio reports. The "mess" has begun, but the thief who turned Our Lady of Copacabana Basilica into a den of thieves was jailed. Whoa! Jorge didn't tell the youth they'd be jailed for the disorder he called for. More chaos ahead with A Den of Robbers
- In the aftermath of the hedonistic WYD, Traditio publishes a few words from Pope Benedict XV's encyclical Sacra Propediem in 1921. You would hope and pray that TIA would realize no true pope could ever condone the immodesty that went down in Rio Against Women's Indecent Clothing
- We remind you not to forget the traditional Catholic family of Mark and Rita Davidson and their four sons who lost everything in a horrific fire. Please pray for this devastated family and open your heart and checkbooks to help. To understand their plight NovusOrdoWatch has more info on Ferocious Fire destroyed Property of Dedicated Traditional Catholic Family in Canada
To help, please see The Davidson Family Trust
- It was Marxism to the max from Merton to Montini as Social Justice raised its ugly head thanks to Florence's mayor, pro-union thug, and Communist agitator Giorgio La Pira, who knew full well he was going against Social Catholic Doctrine as Dr. Carol Byrne reports in part IX of her series on this Catholic Communist in Moving in for Industry Takeovers
- The mud mecca of the Modernists has been moved to Copacabana Beach. Oh, that's reverent! Dr. Thomas A. Droleskey continues to expose Jorje's real agenda of indoctrinating the youth to socialism and the New World Order for he is merely Francis The Sillonist
- Respected Italian journalist Sandro Magister digging harder as NovusOrdoWatch reports in his efforts to get to the bottom of the scandalous cover-up engineered by unFrancis and Ricca and the rest of that ilk as well as the real reason
30-year old sultry siren Francesca Chaouqui was appointed to have unlimited access inside the Vatican. Oh that will work, right? Wrong! Remember the Borgias. For more on "As the Vatican Turns" see The Scandals Continue - And there's a New One Brewing
- Waves galore, but no blessings as Traditio relates that Mr. Bergoglio the unFrancis layman calls on youth to create a new mess. Wait, they already have the New Mess and sending these know-nothing-about-the-faith "evangelizers" out into the street will only agitate things, creating chaos - wait, isn't that the modus operandi of the Marxists? Ah, now you're getting the picture Beware of False Prophets and False 'Popes'
- Send in the clowns, send in the unCatholic clones, as Dr. Thomas A. Droleskey reminds us of Venerable Anne Catherine Emmerich's horrible vision of what has become the CONciLIAR circus, so evident in Rio this week with Mr. Bergoglio the unFrancis layman strutting about, defying both God and security. Tom actually took the painful task of watching the bizarre proceedings and shares the results that include good ol' Bishop Rifan (you remember that betrayer from Campos). Tom tells it like it is in Francis The Syncretist

 In the July 2013 edition of Adsum, His Excellency Bishop Mark Pivarunas, CMRI illustrates just one of the many, many areas that would automatically prohibit any consideration of sainthood for one who openly espoused heresy not just against what holy Mother Church has always taught, but against divine Law, specifically the very first Commandment. The fact the CONciLIAR church is proceeding with this abomination of elevating two Modernists to the highest honor the Church could bestow is proof positive to all, especially the cowering "Recognize-and-Resist" camp that these men and the one who will perform this blasphemous ceremony could not possibly be true popes for Christ has assured us He cannot deceive nor be deceived. Yet the vast majority have been deceived. That speaks volumes as to the veracity of sedevacantism if only Catholics were honest enough to admit the obvious. How can a man who promoted strange gods be promoted to sainthood?
  Thanks to Traditional Catholic Sermons we are able to bring you an eight-minute sermon given five years ago on this feast by Bishop Daniel Dolan, pastor of St. Gertrude the Great in Cincinatti, Ohio. His Excellency tells about St. Anthony of Padua's great devotion to St. Martha and that man cannot live without bread and she is the essense of the active vs. the contemplative of her sister St. Mary. She is depicted in art as holding the asperges in sprinkling holy water as a sacramental driving out the dragon which represents the devil as she clings to the Word of God of which she heard our Lord speak so often during his visits to their home. She comes to us at each funeral as a reminder of Christ's question to her if she believes in eternal life and her testimony to Him. The Bishop then gives a special blessing for this feast in concluding his sermon on Saint Martha
  We continue to promote Enthronement in the home during the month dedicated to Our Lord's Most Precious Blood for we are in the heart of the summer, having left behind the Sacred Heart with the Immaculate Heart honored next month. We must remember that satan can enter so easily through technology, acquaintances, what not, especially if one does not stay attentive and busy, and focused on improving their spiritual life while working on self-discipline in the face of so many temptations. There are beautiful devotions in the Consecration in the home with prayers that you can repeat monthly, weekly, or more often and on major feasts. In this time when many, because of distance, cannot get to a true Mass, it is the next best thing to have your home as a haven for the Sacred Heart and the Immaculate Heart of Mary. See
Enthronement of the Sacred Heart in the Home

or you can send your tax-deductible contribution (check, cash or M.0.) by mail to:SANCTUS/DailyCatholic 2750 Wheatstone #111 San Diego, CA 92111    

click above to go to past issues over the last nine months
Click above for the Litany of the Most Precious Blood
V. The Angel of the Lord declared unto Mary.R.
And she conceived of the Holy Ghost. (Hail Mary)
V. Behold the handmaid of the Lord.
Be it done unto me according to Thy word. (Hail Mary)
V. And the Word was made flesh.
And dwelt among us. (Hail Mary)
V. Pray for us, O holy Mother of God. R.
That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ.
V.Let us pray.
Pour forth, we beseech Thee, O Lord, Thy grace into our hearts, that we to whom the Incarnation of Christ, Thy Son, was made known by the message of an angel, may by His Passion and Cross be brought to the glory of His resurrection. Through the same Christ our Lord. Amen.
Angelus Domini nuntiavit Mariae.
Et concepit de Spiritu Sancto. (Ave Maria)
Ecce ancilla Domini.
Fiat mihi secundum verbum tuum. (Ave Maria)
Et Verbum caro factum est.
Et habitavit in nobis. (Ave Maria)
Ora pro nobis, sancta Dei Genitrix.
Ut digni efficiamur promissionibus Christi.
Gratiam tuam, quaesumus Domine, mentibus nostris infunde: ut qui, Angelo nuntiante, Christi Filii tui incarnationem cognovimus, per passionem ejus et crucem ad resurrectionis gloriam perducamur. Per eumdem Christum Dominum nostrum. Amen.
The Fatima Prayers
My God, I believe, I adore, I trust and I love Thee; and I beg pardon for those who do not believe, do not adore, do not trust, and do not love Thee.
(repeat the above 3 times then bow your head in reciting the following:)
O Most Holy Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Ghost, I adore Thee profoundly. I offer Thee the most Precious Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Jesus Christ, present in tabernacles throughout the world, in reparation for the outrages, sacrileges and indifference by which He is offended. By the infinite merits of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, in unison with the Immaculate Heart of Mary, I beg the conversion of poor sinners.
O Most Holy Trinity, I adore Thee! My God, my God, I love Thee in the Most Blessed Sacrament!
O my Jesus, it is for love of Thee, in reparation for the offenses committed against the Immaculate Heart of Mary and for the conversion of poor sinners.
The Litany of the Blessed Virgin Mary 
Lord have mercy on us,
Christ, have mercy on us.
Lord, have mercy on us. Christ, hear us.
Christ, graciously hear us.
God, the Father of Heaven,
have mercy on us.
Holy Trinity, one God,
have mercy on us.
God, the Son, Redeemer of the world,
have mercy on us.
God, the Holy Ghost,
have mercy on us.
Holy Trinity, one God,
have mercy on us.
Holy Mary, * pray for us.
Holy Mother of God, *
Holy, Virgin of virgins, *
Mother of Christ, *
Mother of divine grace, *
Mother most pure, *
Mother most chaste, *
Mother inviolate, *
Mother undefiled, *
Mother most amiable, *
Mother most admirable, *
Mother of good counsel, *
Mother of our Creator, *
Mother of our Savior, *
Virgin most prudent, *
Virgin most venerable, *
Virgin most renowned, *
Virgin most powerful, *
Virgin most merciful, *
Virgin most faithful, *
Mirror of justice, *
Seat of wisdom, *
Cause of our joy, *
Spiritual vessel, *
Vessel of honor, *
Singular vessel of devotion, *
Mystical rose, *
Tower of David, *
Tower of ivory, *
House of gold, *
Ark of the covenant, *
Gate of Heaven, *
Morning star, *
Health of the sick, *
Refuge of sinners, *
Comforter of the afflicted, *
Help of Christians, *
Queen of angels, *
Queen of patriarchs, *
Queen of prophets, *
Queen of Apostles, *
Queen of martyrs, *
Queen of confessors, *
Queen of virgins, *
Queen of all saints, *
Queen conceived without original sin, *
Queen assumed into Heaven, *
Queen of the most holy Rosary, *
Queen of peace, *
Lamb of God, Who takest away the sins of the world,spare us, O Lord.
Lamb of God, Who takest away the sins of the world, graciously hear us, O Lord.
Lamb of God, Who takest away the sins of the world,have mercy on us.
V. Pray for us, O holy Mother of God.
R. That we may be worthy of the promises of Christ.
Let us pray.
Grant unto us, Thy servants, we beseech Thee, O Lord God, at all times to enjoy health of soul and body; and by the glorious intercession of Blessed Mary, ever virgin, when freed from the sorrows of this present life, to enter into that joy which hath no end. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.

  To enhance each Sunday's Epistle and Gospel we present this special feature provided by John Gregory with the Haydock Commentary found at the bottom of each page of the Douay-Rheims Bible. For the Tenth Sunday after Pentecost we have as the theme man's pride and forgetting who he really is for without God he is nothing. St. Paul bears this out in his Epistle to the Corinthians in warning that the spirit (Holy Ghost) cannot deceive, knows all and knows which gifts to bestow. Likewise in the Gospel God knows man's heart and though he might act humble, he who strives to be exalted will be humbled, as will he who broadcasts that he is 'humble' like a certain Argentinian, but he who credits God for whatever he has, be they gifts or crosses, will be exalted by God. After all, that's really all that matters.
The Essence of Humility
  Thanks to Traditional Catholic Sermons we are able to bring you a 12-minute sermon last year for the Tenth Sunday after Pentecost by Father Benedict Hughes, CMRI, Rector of St. Joseph Seminary at the City of Mary in Rathdrum, Idaho. Father points to Our Lord's words in the Gospel and urges us to be careful when we see something to not make rash judgments for then we can be as guilty as the pharisee. While we must judge the words and actions of others, we must also remember we never know their heart and must leave it to God to judge that. But we should, like St. Paul entreats us, to rebuke, reprieve, entreat but always with great charity and doctrine. If we are not sure, then remain humble for humility is the failsafe way to stay on God's good side since the more publican like we can be, the better our chances of Heaven as Father encourages with the wise advice: Let Us Humble Ourselves
  The intention for the Fourth Saturday in this Fifteen Saturdays Rosary Crusade first introduced by His Excellency Bishop Robert McKenna, O.P., is purity of body and soul. Most appropriate considering the debauchery and perversion going on throughout the world, not to mention the temptations in Rio with the CONciLIAR Woodstock on the beach. As the Italians would say: "Purity of body and soul? Fuhgeddaboutit!" but true Catholics can not only not forget, but keep this intention paramount in their lives since Our Lady said at Fatima that more sinners go to hell for the sins of the flesh than any other. Without a pure soul, we're damned! Think about it and pray. Fourth Saturday of the Fifteen Saturday Rosary Crusade
  In tying in with the 4th Saturday, John Gregory provides a comprehensive reflection/meditation and study on the Presentation of the Child Jesus and the Purification of His Blessed Mother in the Temple and a renewed perspective of Mary's role in salvation in how her life parallels her holy obedience to all God has asked. Though her divine Child would be submissive to her as an obedient, loving Son for the next 30 years, it was here, 40 days after His birth that Mary followed the letter of the Jewish Law not only to present Him to the Jews as the Messiah, so recognized by Simeon, but also for Mary to obediently go through the rite of purification in the eyes of man - though she already was the purest vessel ever created by the Almighty, free of original sin. In a sense, for the rest of us born with Original Sin, her submission was the precursor for the Sacrament of Penance. John shares his reflection on The Fourth Joyful Mystery: The Presentation in the Temple

John Gregory takes a break from polemics to provide an inspiring piece on Saint Anne in a similar style to his meditations on the Mysteries of the holy Rosary. There is much to contemplate on the intricate and intimate role good Saint Anne played in bringing forth the Immaculate Conception. He calls on the words of His Holiness Pope Pius XI in his encyclical Casti Conubii and the insight of the noted liturgian and Benedictine abbot Dom Prosper Gueranger in illustrating that through the cooperation with God and her holy husband Saint Joachim, she nourished the only person ever conceived without sin for a purpose she did not know except for her love of God and the child she carried. Staying true to her mission she dedicated and raised the young child Mary to prepare her for the greatest story ever told: the Redemption of mankind. John provides the contemplation in
The Mother of the Mother of God

While today is not Mother's Day, it could very well be. At the least it should be "Grandmother's Day" because it is the feast of the greatest grandmother who ever lived, the grandmother of none other than the Son of God Himself. Yes, we are referring to good Saint Anne. The late Denise Michele submitted this article several years ago and it's worth re-running on this feast. Before cancer claimed Denise's life, she worked tirelessly in promoting mothering and mentoring mothers, herself a mother of a large family struggling over being forced into a lifestyle against everything she held dear, especially the importance of motherhood and their greatest gift: bearing children. This is a lesson lost on today's selfish, instant-gratification generation who have forgotten that the rewards of motherhood are 'rolled over' in Heaven forever. Why? Because mothers work in cooperation with God to populate Heaven, and this would never have been possible without the fiat of
Good Saint Anne, Patroness of Mothers
Following up NovusOrdoWatch.org's latest volley to the "Resist-and-Recognize" gang who ignore the elephant in the room and the bizarre and dangerous actions of one Mr. Bergoglio the unFrancis, we bring you a column Griff Ruby wrote for The Four Marks two years ago as he points out there is no sensible solution to their stance other than to admit the sedevacantists are right. Of course, pride and fear hold them back from connecting the dots and admitting the obvious in the face of all the atrocities committed against God's divine Laws and the truths and traditions of holy Mother Church. Griff shows here why it is not possible that the current popes could ever be legitimate and to continue to recognize them while still resisting not only aberrant commands, judgments, and examples, but even erroneous doctrines, is to exhibit a non-Catholic mentality. It is time to either break with the false church of Vatican 2 or to embrace the Great Apostasy and make friends of Mammon now. There can be no other way. Fence sitting is henceforth forbidden because horns can be dangerous to the welfare of souls.
Escaping the Trilemma
On this feast of St. James the Apostle, St. Christopher is intrinsically linked as the renowned venerable Benedictine Abbot Dom Prosper Gueranger relates. In many traditional parishes, vehicles are blessed on this day as well for St. Christopher medals and statues still populate traditional homes and cars. St. Christopher ferried so many of His "lesser ones" across the turbulent river to pray at the tomb (above left) of St. James the Greater at Santiago Compostela in Spain. A final thought. Why would  Archbishop Giovanni Montini have wanted to rid the calendar of St. Christopher? Why would Bishop Karol Wojtyla and Father Joseph Ratzinger have followed suit in condoning such insolence? Could it be because St. Christopher, is, as Gueranger points out, the patron saint against demons and we all know who let the demon dogs in the front door after Cardinal Angelo Roncalli opened wide the back door. Sancte Christophorus, ora pro nobis. For more, see Saint Christopher
St. Christopher

John Gregory continues his series on the work of Prior to Vatican 2 and the occupiers who slithered in as imposters with the intent to slowly but surely destroy the Church, the true magisterium ordinarium et universale determined that one must believe what the Church has decreed. It is not open to opinion if it is de fide. While there are some discussions and dissent on theological opinions, such as the stance of sedevacantism, there is no discussion as to who is saved outside the Church. That would be no one! However one need not be a member of the Church per se to be saved, though one can only be saved through the Catholic Church. That is de fide, set in stone, as Monsignor Fenton so deftly explains in identifying the very documents that lock this in with no room for discussion. Yes, Feeneyites, it's an open and shut case. Oh, and those in the Recognize-and-Resist camp, compare the orthodoxy and no-nonsense doctrine Fr. Fenton presents to the excessive verbage and progressive pabulum the robber barons have been spewing for the past 50 years.
John reminds you of what is Catholic truth with Part Three
The Dogma of Salvation in Official Pronouncements of the Church
 In Book Four of Chapter Forty-Six of the Prophesies and Revelations of the holy mystic St. Bridget of Sweden we see the bride's exhortation toward a man who has not treated others fairly in his mission to acquire temporal things. St. Bridget does what every Catholic should do as Jesus invokes in the gospels and as St. Paul's epistles supplicate us to do and that is to in all charity to preprove, entreat, rebuke in all patience and doctrine. In this particular case, she identifies who received the message of conscience and why this man, whom she does not know but loves because he is made in the image and likeness of God, needs to amend his ways, make recompense to those wronged in every way, and treat others as he would want to be treated by the divine Judge. She warns that, if he continues in his ways, God will deal him a harsh sentence.
Make Amends Now
  The race-baiters are in a race to keep race at the forefront because they have nothing else as Dr. Thomas A. Droleskey notes in his latest article at christorchaos.com that Caesarus Barakamus Obama and Eric with-Holder are beholden to satan, not God and are doing all in their power to divide and conquer. This is evident from all the hate rhetoric as a result of a fair trial not going the way the way those who talk about "fair share" want and so they'll do whatever it takes to gin up dissent. They should realize the warnings of St. Bridget above. But thanks to Modernism, most of the populace are clueless, failing to realize it's not about the color of one's skin but the color of one's ideology, which is Marxist to the core. Yet, because most have been so dumbed down in both church and state, they are mere pawns in the bid of yet another narcissist in the Hitler-like mode who will do anything to misdirect while the POTUS plots the destruction of America, much in the same way those in Rome have sought to destroy true Catholicism over the past fifty years.
Reality Is No Impediment To a Demagogue
click above to go to past issues over the last nine months

- Don't be suckered into believing Russia and China are not a threat to the West. That is the warning imparted by Toby Westerman to not be lulled into a false sense of security for recent events show they are mounting an offensive with the U.S. as their target and with this present incompetent and evil administration we're sitting ducks. Is Moscow-Beijing Axis a Real Threat or an Imagined One?
- One look at the pix coming out of "World Youth Day" in Rio and you can see how unCatholic it is as NovusOrdoWatch posts a pic, all we can say is, "at least they left their socks on!" The temptations that exist at these events are no different than a rock concert except the Argentine icon they're coming to see is not Mick Jagger! But then a rolling stone gathers no moss, nor does an imposter 'pope'. See A Preview of the "Catholic Woodstock"
- Just an inkling of what to expect in Rio. Think what Carnivale conjures up and you'll see, as Tradition in Action illustrates, what is in store for WYD this week Flash-in-the-Pan Flashmobs have no clue of their Faith
- It takes a criminal to know one and we can see the cover-up of the sexual scandals continues as Traditio points out the public buffoonery of the disorganized one UnFrancis the flake fails at faking a fast one
- The rumors of the 'Gay' Lobby in the Vatican and sordid past of Mr. Battista Ricca's blatant homosexuality have been confirmed as NovusOrdoWatch reports just as ol' Jorje heads for Rio. Let's see Lombardi deny this! Let's hope and pray there is a mass exodus from the false CONciLIAR church so souls can be saved. We owe it to God and to our fellow man especially to save the true Church in light of Magister's Accusations Prove TRUE!
- There is a nostalgic article by Francisco Gutiérrez where he talks about manners. However, what he describes is not exclusive to Mexico. The very same points he makes were most common for all U.S. Catholics who were groomed in the same manner on manners in the 40's and 50's. Read it and weep compared to the disrespect we have today thanks to Vatican 2! Mexican Customs & Manners in the U.S.
- Not many are shining a light on Mr. Bergoglio the unFrancis' first 'uncyclical' Lumen Fidei and that's a good thing since there's really nothing about faith in it but, as Traditio points out, merely more "vapid puff-pieces" that would better be used for lining the bottom of birdcages. Lumen Fidei Has Been Widely Ignored
- Time to get off the fence and admit there is no way a true pope could ever canonize known heretics. NovusOrdoWatch takes off the gloves and lays down the gauntlet to the "Recognize-and-Resist" camp, especially the spin-doctors at the Remnant. It's time to answer honestly the question: Is the Novus Ordo Church the True Church or a Counterfeit Church?
- What is there left of Catholicism in the CONciLIAR church? Dr. Thomas A. Droleskey puts it very simply that with World Youth Day starting Monday in Rio the Carnivale atmosphere will be the theme as "another 'partnership' made in Hell to promote the devil's very own New World Order of Judeo-Masonry" and worse takes place before the world with the UN's involvement as well. Ah, what else would you expect from unFrancis? See Dispensing With The Last Pretenses of Catholicism
- What is happening in Brazil, aside form WYD, is a revolution and the causes and effects of it as reviewed by Manoel Ricardo da Rocha Fiuza, a long-time friend of Atila Guimaraes of Tradition in Action, is a mirror effect of what is happening and will happen here in the United States as the left tries to ramrod through legislation and tactics to muzzle its citizens. All part of the chastisement because of our grievous sins against God's Laws. Fed up with 'Democracy'
- Who was the best choice to place as new head of the Vatican Bank? Why of course, a known sodomite! Just when you thought it couldn't possibly get any weirder in the CONciLIAR circus, NovusOrdoWatch alerts all with several links that the reliable reporter Sandro Magister once again, along with Italian Weekly and others, have the evidence to prove the rot despite the Vatican's denials that unFrancis' choice comes from the 'Gay' Lobby within the vipers' nest and has a long history of covering up the blatant sodomy network, which, of course, Bergoglio had to be totally numb not to know since tricksta Ricca was just across the river from Buenos Aires. See Lambasting Lombardi's Lies on 'Gay' nays
- Formed as a backlash to Archbishop Lefebvre's episcopal consecrations, the FSSP has had a quarter of a century to try to stem the tide, but they have been swallowed up by the Modernist monster as Traditio points out in 25th Anniversary of the Insult Mass
- Flash mob ready to flash for unFrancis in Rio at WYD. So much for virtue. NovusOrdoWatch warns it's R-rated or worse. We're taking their word on it. We won't watch it. We're just alerting you how vile Vatican 2 church has become and to warn any friends who may have kids duped by the hype. Beware! Guard their souls. Lewd Dancing for World Youth Day
- A leopard cannot change his spots. So also with Mr. Bergoglio the unFrancis whose spots run deep through his Talmudic connections so much so he could be called Francis the Rabbi as Dr. Thomas A. Droleskey documents or Francis the Silent in his deaf response to the scandals that he knows very well have crippled souls and continues unabated despite the rhetoric as he is ready to party hardy in Rio, but if you want the bene fits you better twitter him. Unbelievable? See Tom's final part of Where Does One Begin? Part Three
- Step right up, boys and girls, see the circus that awaits World Youth Day in Rio! Tell us that's Catholic and we'll tell you you're out of your cotton-pickin' mind! It's pagan to the hilt - all form and no function as NovusOrdoWatch presents the bizarre liturgical freak show. Truly it's The Blind Leading the Blind
- You couldn't make this up. Acting more like the corrupt Borgia pope. Traditio reports Mr. Bergoglio the unFrancis flake, in order to gin up attendance in Rio, is...ready for this? offering "Indulgences" for Tweets
- The sell-out of the Church by the CONciLIAR 'popes' is at the crux of the problems in the world today for by so doing so these imposters skewered the moral compass that had been guarded by the only Church that Christ established on earth. Dr. Thomas A. Droleskey files his second installment that he could easily have called, "Live by the UN, die by the UN" as we see in Where Does One Begin? Part Two
- Bishop Donald Sanborn and Fr. Anthony Cekada weigh in with a true Catholic perspective with insightful commentary linked NovusOrdoWatch on Restoration Radio broadcasts, the latest being unFrancis' First 100 Days
- Mr. Bergoglio refashions the criminal law to stem impending demand for documents on sexual scandals. It's all form and no function, typical of the Modernists who've ruled for 55 years as Traditio reports that unFrancis is more interested in how pizza is prepared than protecting children from the ravages of pedophilia Bergoglio's New Law Panders to Pedophiles
- During a time when known heretics are being advanced for CONonization, Dr. Thomas A. Droleskey shares astounding accounts of a true holy priest from Chicago whom the CONciLIAR church wants nothing to do with, even though Fr. Leo McMcNamara, who died in 1973, had as his most ardent supporter none other than Padre Pio. Many miracles have been attributed to this mystic and stigmatist Fr. Leo, who had a special mission for St. Maximina, and Tom's own testimony in Better Than Realtors and eBay
- Eccesiastes 1: 2 says it best: "Vanity of vanities, and all is vanity."
What is more vein than false 'popes' being marketed from trinkets to bobble-heads to, as Tradition in Action documents, being on the cover of the worldly, bizarre and salacious "Vanity Fair" magazine - namely Mr. Bergoglio the unFrancis proponent of progressivism as their 'Man of the Year' saying: "...the revolution continues"! Ah, yes, perhaps Jorge mistook the scriptural meaning of "all is vanity". Not! And the 'humble' Francis wins in Vanity Fair
- While most Americans revere the Constitution, what they forget is that it is a mere document written by men. The infallibility of Catholic dogma, however, is from the hand of God and takes precedence every time as Dr. Thomas A. Droleskey
points out in showing how Freemasonry has enveloped all facets of our society today and, thanks to Vatican 2, almost the entirety of the Catholic population as Tom reminds us it is either Christ or chaos, the latter of which we've had plenty of lately and sure not enough of the Former as you'll see in Where Does One Begin Part One
- With Roncalli's CONonization less than six months away, did anyone check on his association with Montini and La Pira, both being propped up for BEATification in the corrupt CONciLIAR church? Dr. Carol Byrne presents evidence of La Pira's hand in caving to the Commies in part 8 of her series Helping Communist Interests at Vatican II
- One of the famous lines from the 1939 classic The Wizard of Oz is "We're not in Kansas anymore" but Bishop Richard Williamson was in the sunflower state on July 2, Rossville that is. He was stirring up his own tornado in exposing the man behind the curtain and in front as he gave almost a two-hour talk for the Silver Jubilee Anniversary of the landmark Episcopal Consecrations by Archbishop Lefebvre in 1988. NovusOrdoWatch provides his talk in mp3 form in Williamson unleashed
- Bishop Williamson continued his Silver Jubilee tour, so to speak, with SRO Masses in Virginia at St. Athanasius as Traditio reports, while in Econe Fellay's own celebration was half empty, giving evidence of the fallout as Williamson insists The Resistance to the SSPX is growing
- Note to all who belong to the "Recognize and Resist" gang, please see Dr. Thomas A. Droleskey's documentation of previous true Popes' decrees that mandate you cannot resist just those things you don't think is Catholic, and still recognize Mr. Bergoglio the unFrancis as a true pope. It's not possible, or as anti-sedevacantists are wont to say, "It's untenable." There is only one tenable conclusion: The Chair has to be empty or else the gates of hell have won and Christ lied. We know that's not possible, therefore this apostate heretic is hiding in plain sight. Just look! It's not complicated as Tom shows in the simplicity of Vatican I with Incompetent To Teach Squat About The Catholic Faith Part Three
- NovusOrdinarians had better pony up more bucks in the collection plate because the CONciLIAR cabal is going to need it with news that the FBI is clamping down on Dolan and Ratzinger for cover-up as Traditio reports FBI hot on heels of NY's Dolan
- Wanna become a "saint"? Bill Metallo shows you the wide path of worldly acceptance John Paul 2 took. Hey, why not canonize Pope Alexander VI considering the bar has been lowered so far?! Bill lists How to become a saint...it's as easy as following off a log
- Don't wanna be Catholic? That's fine with ol' Jorge who says, as Traditio reports, you can join the Anglican church. After all, what's the difference? They're both PROTESTANT! All part of the progressives' plan.Okay for Novus Ordinarians to become Anglican Ordinarians
- Our Lord said to make friends of Mammon and the CONciLIAR 'popes' have done just that and now it is coming back to bite them big time as Traditio reports. Paul the Sick bowed to the UN in the 60's, JP2 & Ratz followed. What did that get them? How about UN demands the Vatican to turn over all pedophilia files by January 2014 or else.
- With all the bad trees sprouting up since Vatican 2, Dr. Thomas A. Droleskey alerts all not to get lost in the "trees" or they will get caught in the backdraft of the impending fire, so obvious by those who penned the ludicrous "lumen fidei" as Tom shows how the Church has long ago condemned the "four hands" Incompetent To Teach Squat About The Catholic Faith Part Two
- Jorge rams Ramadan down Catholic sense, but then did you expect him not to? NovusOrdoWatch details his apostate remarks where he hopes a false religion, a satanic one at that, will "bear abundant spiritual fruit." Never mind Sunday's Gospel, this Bergoglio bud is a classic example of those who say "Lord, Lord" and won't enter into the kingdom of Heaven (Mt. 7:21). Maybe he can count the 72 virgins with his Muslim buddies. So how will the semi-traditionalists explain this? They'd be wise to first check out Happy Ramadan!?! Not if you're Catholic!
- Our Lord said to make friends of Mammon and the CONciLIAR 'popes' have done just that and now it is coming back to bite them big time as Traditio reports. Paul the Sick bowed to the UN in the 60's, JP2 & Ratz followed. What did that get them? How about UN demands the Vatican to turn over all pedophilia files by January 2014 or else.
- Mr. Bergoglio the unFrancis' poor taste bespeaks his beliefs and that is not good as Dr. Marian Therese Horvat points out in his love for the bizarre work of the modernist 'artist' Marc Chagall that looks more like kindergartener scribbled it. Just more of the evidence that satan rules Rome, not Christ as can be seen in Jesus on the Cross by Chagall
- Modernist to the core and DOA! That is the summation Dr. Thomas A. Droleskey arrives at in reviewing the word salad bafflegab of lumen fidei where more ambiguity slithers into the sensus of theCONciLIAR faithful to further confuse them into thinking Mr. Bergoglio the unFrancis is the greatest
thing since sliced bread. Tom toasts the two-headed pope monsters in his first part as he clearly shows unFrancis and nolonger Benedict16 are Incompetent To Teach Squat About The Catholic Faith Part One