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October 23, 2008 (oct2008.htm)

       As these pages load, we invite you to say as many Hail Mary's as necessary. You can click on the Rosary button to the left as well to see the Rosary Prayers in English, Latin and Spanish. We pray you will be imbued by the truths of the authentic Catholic Faith we provide here and yearn to learn more of the infrangible truths of the One and only Church founded by Jesus Christ.

We've been wondering why we have not received any donations via PayPal since the first of June and now we know. In the string for the PayPal account it unfortunately still pointed to our old e-mail address Therefore, PayPal claims it went unclaimed and therefore was never processed. In other words no funds were transferred. Because of that we have no records to show who might have tried to donate and only found out when a contributor notified us. So we are at the mercy of our readers. If you sent a donation over the last five months, we did not receive it. Therefore, we respectfully ask if you can resend by clicking on the button below. We've been assured by PayPal that it will be accepted this time. Without anything coming in via PayPal for practically half a year you can appreciate the financial straits we are in. Even if you did not send a donation during that time, if you can we would be most grateful for things are very, very critical right now, as in desperate. Thank you and God bless.

Michael Cain, editor,
SANCTUS/The DailyCatholic

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      • Fearing Not to Offend God by Dr. Thomas A. Droleskey on how Benedict/Ratzinger, in waffling over the conciliar status of Pope Pius XII, is more than willing to cater to Zionists while slapping Christ in His face. Proof that the antipope has no clue of what St. Paul asserted in Galatians 1: 10, "For do I now persuade men or God? Or do I seek to please men? If I did yet please men, I should not be the servant of Christ" and the Hegelian henchman surely isn't. Proof of that is is the two verses that preface verse 10. Something about "Let him be anathema."
      • The City of Man is "Built on Sand" from Patricius Anthony on how the current economic collapse, so manipulated by the world's central banking system, is nothing compared to the collapse of the faith and the tragic loss of souls in the billions. And it all lies with the man who was in on the ground floor well over 40 years ago: Joseph Ratzinger.
      • It's Still Absolute Insanity by Dr. Thomas A. Droleskey on a follow-up on the political frenzy running amock in every party with no sensible syllogism that naturalism is never the answer. It only creates more problems no matter who we vote for, unless they recognize the Social Reign of Christ and His Authority through the Catholic City He established as the common good for all, the only salvific answer to our problems.
      • Apostasy Has Consequences by Dr. Thomas A. Droleskey on what the Great Apostasy has produced: a clueless conciliar collective that is about to elect an Hegelian Marxist as President and have no base for recourse in future years for the generations have been indoctrinated to believe a lie as St. Paul warned in 2 Thessalonians. We have seen the "operation of error" now in full force within conciliar structures that has enabled a man like Obama to arise on the scene in much the same manner as Lenin and Hitler did. Be forewarned. A must read.
      • The main reason for the national debt and recession: ABORTION from Stephen Ertelt, LifeNews on how the lost Gross Domestic Product of close to 70 TRILLION DOLLARS is directly attributable to abortion, abortifacients and contraception. In other words, folks, we've created our own hideous monster in the U.S. and deserve whatever punishment God will send to wake Americans up...even if that includes a Socialistic Marxist president.
      • Ratzinger: the "New Bugnini" from Traditio on the latest change in the abomination of desolation Novus Ordo as more novelties are introduced in throw-it-up-against-the-wall-and-see-what-sticks haphazard Hegelian fashion that should prove to all that any assimilation to Catholic worship has completely vanished in the counterfeit church of conciliarism.
      • Willfully Trapped by Apostasy by Dr. Thomas A. Droleskey on how various conciliar "spokespersons" are subordinating the faith in favor of political expediency - as twisted as the Marxist candidate Obama's is, no less, seemingly unmindful of the grave damage they are doing to souls, beginning with their own.
      • "That" Church Will Always Exist by Dr. Thomas A. Droleskey on how obvious syncretism has snuffed out any possible embers of Catholicism in that body better known as the counterfeit church of conciliarism as Tom illustrates in the arrogance of the conciliar "bishops" revising history and misrepresenting tradition.
      • Fallacies Galore by Dr. Thomas A. Droleskey on how McCain's meltdown in the last debate was more same ol' same ol'. Instead of really taking the bull by the horns of the dilemma and calling abortion what it is: murder, McCain said "no litmus test" for Supreme Court judges. Well, Thee Supreme Judge has a litmus test. Tom points out that neither candidate holds the answers, only Christ through His true Church (hint: it hasn't been in Rome for, oh, say 50 years!) This race is indeed about color: yellow, as in afraid and ashamed of standing uncompromisingly for God's little ones from conception on.
      • The Petticoat Synod from Traditio on how Ratzinger has caved to the feminist movement in not only admitting 25 women to the Synod in Rome, but allowed them to march and demand "ordination" of presbyterresses. Pray tell make them ministers so more can see how unCatholic the VulgArians are.
      • The last word on the "Last Rites" of the counterfeit church of conciliarism from Traditio on the conciliar congregation of divine worship (as opposed to true Catholic worship) admitting that it not only has no association with the holy Sacrament of Extreme Unction but isn't even effective as a "blessing of the sick."
      • Desiring to Stay Ignorant by Dr. Thomas A. Droleskey on how the "Catholic collective" refuses to recognize the Judeo-Masonic system that is diametrically opposed to Catholic truth. It is too bad Tom is not moderating the last debate instead of Bob Schiefer. Tom would not be so gentle nor would he hold back the truth.
      • Now it can be told: VulgArians have tampered with Sacred Scripture from Traditio on a French conciliar "cardinal" making waves after the Synod in Rome (or was that Sin-odd considering those who participated) to put back what was omitted by the antipope Paul VI.
      • More Scourgings for Our Lord From the One World Church by Dr. Thomas A. Droleskey on the aberrations and anathema going on why McCain is stumbling so and how the devil empowers Obama, all because there can be no good and lasting fruits from a system that rejects the Social Kingship of Jesus Christ.
      • Such Are The Joys of Pluralism by Dr. Thomas A. Droleskey on why McCain is stumbling so and how the devil empowers Obama, all because there can be no good and lasting fruits from a system that rejects the Social Kingship of Jesus Christ.
      • The Work of Columbus by Dr. Thomas A. Droleskey on how the importance of what this great explorer planted - the seeds of the Faith in the New World.
      • Socialism, Straight From Your "Pro-Life" Conservative by Dr. Thomas A. Droleskey on how much America has been Sovietized and that there is only one answer to recovery and that is to embrace the true and only Faith and Christ, uncompromisingly, as our King.
      • Ratzinger and his band of Judases throw Pius XII under the bus with their silence from Traditio on the silent consent by the conciLIARS of allowing a rabbi to bash Pius in the last true Pope's "backyard." It's as if BeneRatz set it up as a bargain with the Zionists despite the agenda of sneaking two antipope/antichrists into the faux beatification process with Pius XII. It's best to keep Pius XII out of the fray of the flailing apostates for Modern Rome has no authority to speak on anything!
      • There Can Be No Doubt by Dr. Thomas A. Droleskey on events this week leading up to the Anniversary of the Death of Pope Pius XII how there can be no doubt Ratzinger and the rest have become blatant enemies of Christ.
      • The Nine vs. Lefebvre: We Resist You To The Face by Fr. Anthony Cekada on setting the record straight on the true story of the bitter court battle between the nine who refused to compromise their faith in standing against the mechanizations of the Socity of St. Pius X.
      • Is the SSPX now the Society of John XXIII? from Traditio on the bailing out of many in SSPX parishes because of the Society's direction under Bishop Fellay.
      • Ratzinger and his band of Judases throw Pius XII under the bus with their silence from Traditio on the silent consent by the conciLIARS of allowing a rabbi to bash Pius in the last true Pope's "backyard." It's as if BeneRatz set it up as a bargain with the Zionists despite the agenda of sneaking two antipope/antichrists into the faux beatification process with Pius XII. It's best to keep Pius XII out of the fray of the flailing apostates for Modern Rome has no authority to speak on anything!
      • There Can Be No Doubt by Dr. Thomas A. Droleskey on events this week leading up to the Anniversary of the Death of Pope Pius XII how there can be no doubt Ratzinger and the rest have become blatant enemies of Christ.
      • The Nine vs. Lefebvre: We Resist You To The Face by Fr. Anthony Cekada on setting the record straight on the true story of the bitter court battle between the nine who refused to compromise their faith in standing against the mechanizations of the Socity of St. Pius X.
      • Is the SSPX now the Society of John XXIII? from Traditio on the bailing out of many in SSPX parishes because of the Society's direction under Bishop Fellay.
      • The implosion intensifies as BeneRatz is forced to admit beaucoup baptisms in the conciliar circus are invalid from Traditio on the horror that exists with so many so-called 'Catholics' thinking they're baptized but are not. Thanks to novelty and Modernism the conciLIARS are getting exactly what they have sewn: bad fruits.
      • Trapped by Apostasy by Dr. Thomas A. Droleskey on how despite how much is disseminated about the blatant culture of death and sodomy agenda of Marxist Barack Obama, he will be elected by clueless 'Catholics.'

Above left: Bishop Mark Pivarunas reads from the Rites of Holy Orders during the ordination of Fathers Kryssov and Bernard. L-R, Fr. Casimir Puskorius CMRI, Fr. Benedict Hughes CMRI, Fr. Anaya. Holding the book while kneeling is Fr. Gerard McKee CMRI. Above Right: Priests-to-be Fr. Bernard Welp CMRI and Fr. Alexander Kryssov hold their candles and vestments just outside the sanctuary at the front pew. Photos courtesy of Tom Gilbrough, of St. Joseph's Graphics and Photography.

October 2008 (oct2008.htm)

Saint Anthony Mary Claret

by Bishop Daniel Dolan

The Second Glorious Mystery
John Gregory

Saint Raphael the Archangel

by Bishop Daniel Dolan

courtesy of
Traditional Catholic

Click on type below to go to previous audio sermons

All have the opportunity to touch Christ's cloak as did the woman healed in the Gospel of St. Matthew. By sincerely reaching out, Jesus returns grace to our soul through His Sacraments He instituted and which St. Paul preaches and practices as evidence in the Epistle for this Sunday.

We continue this special feature provided by John Gregory with the Haydock Commentary found at the bottom of each page of the Douay-Rheims Bible. With the type so small in most bibles, we publish it here in larger type in conjunction with the Epistle and Gospel for the Sunday Mass, with the cogent comprehensive Catholic Commentary penned by Father George Leo Haydock. For the Twenty-Third Sunday after Pentecost Father Haydock provides a few commentaries that have been abandoned by the conciliar church, so intent on playing down, if not omitting miracles. In today's Gospel two miracles are performed by Christ, one who had the faith but to touch our Lord's garment which, of course, Jesus, by His divine nature, knew immmediately what was in her heart. So also with the young girl whom He had compassion on and rose from the dead, playing it down to diminish the sensational by merely saying "back up and put away your mourning for she is only sleeping." Of course, she was not, but as Fr. Haydock points out it is a way of saying that Christ alone can restore grace to the soul. It symbolizes that she was dead to mortal sin, but revived by sanctifying grace from the touch of our Lord for Christ is the key to all things in life and in death. Something we should all remember well in these times when man places so much emphasis on the temporal and turning to the finite for answers that can only be provided by the Infinite. John provides the Haydock commentary for theTwenty-Third Sunday after Pentecost

Miracles and wonders come in many ways. Is it any wonder then that one man, with no outer influence but what he knew in his heart, was open to God's will to help fulfill a request made 91 years ago at Fatima and to save souls in Russia despite Communist suppression and Conciliar oppression?

As a follow-up to the blessed landmark event that took place on the altar of Mt. St. Michael's Monday morning when the first native of Moscow was ordained for the first time in at least 50 years, we share with you the joyous and wondrous part of Dr. Thomas A. Droleskey's article from Tuesday on the aberrations, anathema and apostasy going on in Rome at the "Bishops'" Synod at St. Paul's-Outside-the-Walls with his piece More Scourgings for Our Lord From the One World Church. Buried in that excellent article was the beautiful account of Fr. Alexander Kryssov and we wanted to emphasise that part in a special piece excerpted from that article. In addition, we've endeavored to place the excellent photos of Fr. Kryssov's First Mass, courtesy of Tom Gilbrough of Saint Joseph's Graphics & Photography. Therefore you can see those pics at Ordination & First Mass of Fr. Kryssov. We think when you read Tom's words and Fr. Kryssov's own account you will see how God works in mysterious and wondrous ways and how, if Our Lady's request ninety-one years ago at Fatima cannot come from the top since we have not had a true Pope since Pope Pius XII, then let it begin at ground zero in the shadow of the Kremlin and work up from there for the first step has been taken in Planting the Seeds for the Triumph of Mary's Immaculate Heart

This is the sad state we have fallen into today, how Russia's errors have spread to where we not only have adopted the communist manifesto, but lowered our standards even further to make it possible. The result: the coming chaos we have been warned about so often.

  On the occasion of the 91st Anniversary of the Blessed Mother's final Church-approved apparition, editor Michael Cain points out that those who have not been paying attention to the signs, those who do not know the Scriptures, those who have ignored Our Lady's Message at Fatima - an extension of her message at Pillar, Guadalupe, Quito, Rue du Bac and LaSalette, those who have bought into the canard that the counterfeit church of conciliarism is Catholic and believe a "pertinacious heretic" could ever be a valid pope, and those who place their hope in man, specifically that the upcoming election will make any difference as to the fate of the Socialist and Marxist People's Republic of the United States, well,those people might be surprised at the illegal government takeover of banks, the crash on Wall Street, the greed and fraud being exposed, the obscene taxation without representation, and the "sudden" gains the enemy of the soul has made in legislating and exalting the most perverted sins and the killing of over 50 million of God's precious children in the womb. But to those who have had their lamps lit, who have been loyal to Mary's request for the daily Rosary, penance and reparation, who make no concession to the false church and the antichrists who rule in Rome and Washington, D.C. and so many other places, they realize God can stay His hand just so long. There are consequences for our actions and now it is time to pay the piper, so to speak. But before we have our pockets emptied, do not forget that we must first render to God the things that are God's and then, only then, should we look to Caesar's needs. Cain explains why Rewarding Failure Never Works.

On the Feast of the Most Holy Rosary, the Most Reverend Mark Pivarunas, CMRI ordained Father Bernard Welp, CMRI and Father Alexander Kryssov to the holy Priesthood. Fr. Bernard, who celebrated his First Mass on the feast of the Divine Maternity of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Fr. Kryssov said his First Mass on the feast of St. Edward the Confessor, which also was the 91st anniversary of the final apparition at Fatima. If the conversion of Russia can't come from the top due to not having a true pope, then let it begin at the grass roots level at ground zero of Communism in the shadow of the Kremlin when Fr. Kryssov returns home to begin the process of converting Russia one soul at a time. After all, in the end Mary's Immaculate Heart will triumph. For photos provided by Tom Gilbrough, see Ordination and First Mass

Over 50 years ago Pius XII foresaw the terrible times ahead and feared for his flocks. He even remarked that the devil was near for at times he could smell sulphur when walking through the hallowed halls of the Vatican. Many scholars have chronicled and documented how satan got in and why. The question is: Considering all this, why give any credence to the devil and his minions who now occupy Modern Rome?

  This past Thursday marked the 50th anniversary of the death of His Holiness Pope Pius XII. Editor Michael Cain notes how things are only getting worse. While you just know the conciliar conmen will try to spin that Pius was the forerunner of Vatican II and that is what he would have wanted, Cain will not hesitate in calling that a lie. He emphasizes that it is well past time for those who are so afraid of the term "Sedevacantism" to admit there is no other alternative. Fifty years of this nonsense that heretics can be Roman Pontiffs has passed all credulity with the manifest, formal and blatant heresies exhibited by the conciliar posers-as-popes that there is no more sublime but rather entirely ridiculous with the current Hegelian haggard hampering souls everywhere. Enough is enough! Cain calls out those who stubbornly persist in recognizing Ratzinger as a valid Pope when long ago he apostasized from the Faith. The evidence of such are in the very documentations presented by literary luminaries such as Atila Guimaraes, Dr. Marian Horvat and John Vennari who still can't seem to see the trees through the forest. Holy Mother Church has already passed judgment on the conciliar antipopes as Cain shows and concludes that to place even one iota of hope in even one man within the conciliar collective is futile and fruitless! There is only one solution to this fifty-year malaise. It is the only hope to prevent having to commemorate the 60th, 70th, 80th, 90th and centennial of This Interminable Interregnum.

Who are you to believe? Those who appoint themselves as self-proclaimed "experts" or authentic Church-authorized experts in the person of Fathers, Doctors, Saints and Popes? If you're honest, it's a no brainer. If you're not honest, you go mining for useful-sounding quotes. It is the epitome of the Art of Scholastic Dishonesty.

Griff Ruby continues his mega-part comprehensive series "The Art of Scholastic Dishonesty" in exposing not only the heresy of Feeneyism, but also the intended deliberate dishonest deception of this of one of this heresy's greatest defenders, one Peter Dimond, half of the combination known as the Dimond brothers. We've all seen the hilarious exercise of bobbing for apples, ironically in water. However, what Griff has decided to do is not funny, but very necessary in order to refute the heresy of Feeneyism that Baptism by water is the only way to salvation. Thus he goes bobbing for verified examples of Baptism of Blood by first splashing around the depths of the Treatise to uncover the disguised examples that the Dimonds have omitted or fabricated what might have occurred without their ever being there. Then Griff gets to the core by producing the shining precedent the Church has sunk her teeth into from earliest times in providing example after example of canonized saints who never had the chance to be baptized by water, yet they are official saints in Heaven. If the good fruit of what the Church says doesn't sink the Feeneyite heresy, then we can only hope the latter will dry up, so dehydrated by the arid audacity of stubborness and pride to dare deny Catholic truth. Griff lays out the irrefutable evidence for Baptism of Blood in his ninth installment, Bobbing for BOB

There is a price to pay for America's consumption of things that don't mount to a hill of beans in Heaven, but through such actions have contributed to barring at least 50 million souls from seeing the Beatific Vision.

  Over this past week or so many are in panic mode and it prompts editor Michael Cain to ask why the only time most turn to God is in times of crisis to bail them out. After 9/11 many churches were full but that tailed off as people emerged safe and grew fat and sassy again in the same fallen human nature way the Jews of old veered from the God of Abraham. Maybe it is true that in good times God is placed on the back shelf while His creations fill the other shelves and every corner of their homes with more "things" because they're prompted by the subliminal masters of mind control. We're sure you've heard the commercial by Chase Credit Cards, "I want it all and I want it now!" But such greed and avarice has its price and we're about to pay for it. We can't blame God, we got ourselves into this pickle. How do we extract ourselves from this mess? By turning back to Him and really meaning it this time. In milliseconds our fortunes can change for the better, not temporally but definitely spiritually for God doesn't need to call together a congress, doesn't need to test the pulse of the people. He has no ulterior motives or anything to hide. He is God. Oh, he has a few lobbyists in Heaven vying for His attention, chief among them the Most Blessed Virgin Mary whose requests always take priority because, well, she's the Mother of God. That is why the Rosary is such a powerful weapon, why she asks us to pray it daily, why an entire month is dedicated to her holy psalter. I dare say, had we all been more vigilant to this we wouldn't be in the predicament we're in today. Cain gets to the heart of the matter in his editorial The only bailout that will work.

The subject has been broached before but many shy away because they feel there wouldn't be a universal representation of true bishops to effect a papal election of a true Pope. Therefore, they say it's implausible and impossible. But they fail to remember what our Lord says,"with God all things are possible." The courageous Saint of Siena wasn't afraid, neither should we be.

Cyndi Cain has spent the summer in prayer and study. What she writes about, with the 50th Anniversary of the death of His Holiness Pope Pius XII now less than a month away, is whether true Catholics can afford to wait another 50 years for a true Pope. Just as the laity forced the election of a Pope by literally raising the roof after so much delay by the electorate, and just as Saint Catherine effected events to return the Papacy to Eternal Rome, why should not we, the laity in these days, urge with urgency our trusted and true episcopal shepherds - the Traditional Bishops to unite, putting aside differences that divide and for the sake of souls everywhere, come together in a universal Synod of true Bishops for the purpose of working toward selecting a true Successor of Peter? While many may think this is impossible, a pipe dream if you will, how else will Christ's true Church ever right itself? There is no way one can ever count on anyone of true authority to ever bring this about within the conciliar structure. Therefore, short of divine intervention, it won't happen. Unless we recognize that perhaps that very divine intervention is to be God's instruments to prompt the Bishops to action. That is what the Saint of Siena did. In her lesson on courage, Cyndi asks: Why cannot we in our time? Is that really so impossible? To Dream the Impossible Dream

    We at the Daily Catholic believe that copyrighting material is counterproductive to the purpose of saving souls and, therefore, in order to expand our reach so that we may decrease while Christ increases, we freely give permission to all to copy and disseminate any written material contained on these pages from 2002 onward, provided nothing is taken out of context and the URL and sources are credited for the sake of accuracy and for the sake of restoring all things in Christ. So as not to confuse or deceive the faithful in any way, nothing before 2002 may be used without written permission from the editor.    For pertinent questions on this, contact the Director

The following 15 promises (the same number of Mysteries) were given by the Blessed Mother of God to Saint Dominic and Blessed Alan in the twelfth century. To every person who devoutly prays the Rosary, Our Lady promises:

  • Whoever shall faithfully serve me by the recitation of the Rosary, shall receive signal graces.

  • I promise my special protection and the greatest graces to all those who shall recite the Rosary.

  • The Rosary shall be powerful armor against hell. It will destroy vice, decrease sin and defeat heresies.

  • It will cause virtue and good works to flourish. It will obtain for souls the abundant mercy of God. It will withdraw the hearts of men from the love of the world and its vanities, and will lift them to the desire of eternal things. Oh, that souls would sanctify themselves by this means.

  • The soul which recommends itself to me by the recitation of the Rosary, shall not perish.

  • Whoever shall recite the Rosary devoutly, applying himself to the consideration of its sacred mysteries, shall never be conquered by misfortune. God will not chastise him in His justice. He shall not perish by an unprovided death. If he be just, he shall remain in the grace of God and become worthy of eternal life.

  • Whoever shall have a true devotion for the Rosary shall not die without the sacraments of the Church.

  • Those who are faithful to recite the Rosary shall have, during their life and at their death, the light of God and the plentitude of His graces. At the moment of death, they shall participate in the merits of the saints in paradise.

  • I shall deliver from Purgatory those who have been devoted to the Rosary.

  • The faithful children of the Rosary shall merit a high degree of glory in Heaven.

  • You shall obtain all you ask of me by the recitation of the Rosary.

  • All those who propagate the holy Rosary shall be aided by me in their necessities.

  • I have obtained from my Divine Son that all the advocates of the Rosary shall have for intercessors the entire celestial court during their life and at the hour of death.

  • All who recite the Rosary are my sons and brothers of my only Son, Jesus Christ.

  • Devotion of my Rosary is a great sign of predestination.
  • EyeOpeners (eyeopenr.htm)