GABRIEL'S CLARION (jan23gab.htm)
January 23, 2006
vol 17, no. 10
I Just Had Another One of Those Nightmares

      Reality takes a holiday when the pro-aborts go into action. They say the devil never sleeps and those who advance his agendas should know.

    "Like many of my other nightmares, this one was triggered by real-life trends and attitudes. Each part of this nightmare showed me a society that has moved from allowing, to accepting, to defending, to demanding, to assuming, to promoting, to embracing, and finally to worshipping and praising abortion as some divine female right. Now that I think about it, I never did see any images of dead fetuses in that art show, but I guess they would not fit there since the show was called Images of Choice and nobody would "choose" to be ripped to pieces. Besides, such images would be offensive to everybody's sensitivities!"

    Every once in a while, I get a nightmare that really makes me take pause. These bad dreams do not send shivers up my spine because of how fearful they are, but more because of how possible they are given the present state of this society. The other day I had another such nightmare, and it was a five parter! Considering that yesterday was the 33rd anniversary of the abominable Roe vs. Wade decision, I have decided to dedicate this week to articles on abortion. I'd love to wake up and see that it was all a nightmare and that over 40 million did not die horribly in what should be the safest place in the world - a mother's womb. Unfortunately we know it is not a dream but reality and if we don't all get down on our knees and pray for the deliverance of overturning Roe vs. Wade we may all regret it. Consider my disturbing nightmare below.

Part One…Have It Your Way

    In the first part of this nightmare, I saw "Express Planned Parenthood" with a sign reading millions and millions served. You could drive up to a plastic fetus with a speaker and look at their "choice menu" which explained all of the ways that they could murder an unborn child and the price for each. You could even "supersize" your order and murder twins for the price of one. Inside, people could get little caps that read I Just Played God and a tee-shirt that read Abortion is moral…really. As people left, they were given little plastic trophies to remember their experience. Anyone under 20 even got a feminist/abortionist action figure. I saw a little plastic Margaret Sanger that gave a Nazi salute when you pressed her arm. There was a self-serve section as well as vending machines selling abortion drugs for those in a real hurry to get to eternal damnation. As my dream moved on from this place I kept thinking that these people were really having eternity their way.

Part Two...The Lullaby of Broadway

    In part two of my nightmare, I found myself in front of a marquee that read Choice..The Musical. I went inside and saw a big Broadway production with tap dancers, singers, lots of music, great scene construction, and haunting melodies. I could not make out many of the musical numbers, but I did hear some pieces of ones called Tonight We Abort, West Side Termination, I Feel Guilty, and Abortion Line. The heroine was a pregnant girl trying to have a better life and she was attacked by great guilt and confusion. To the rescue came Planned Profit, an international organization specializing in converting confusion into cash for themselves. In the end Planned Profit manipulated the girl into killing her unborn child and escaping the clutches of some religious fanatics trying to save the baby. The people applauded and cheered when the girl jumped out at the end no longer pregnant holding a resume.

Part Three... Reality Show

    The third part of my nightmare involved a hit reality show called The Fastest Abortion whereby ten pregnant contestants tried to see who could murder their unborn child the fastest. The winner received a lifetime supply of condoms and a 10% discount on future abortions. Everybody began the race in the middle of a church and did their best to run as fast and as far away from any moral spiritual guidance as possible.

Part Four...Sitcom

    In the next part of the nightmare, I saw a television show entitled My Choice which followed the wacky adventures of ten young women as they took turns "terminating" their successive pregnancies while trying to deal with uncaring pro-life protestors and being protected by noble Planned Parenthood types with no material agenda and only pure concern and dedication in their hearts.

Part Five...Art Show

    The last part of my nightmare involved an art show called Images of Choice which showed images of women thinking about, going to, having, walking away from, and whimsically forgetting their abortions. The show also showed the angry, fierce, and violent faces of pro-life protestors praying really loud and making our noble heroines uncomfortable and ill at ease. Finally, there were images of caring, compassionate, noble, virtuous, unselfish, and dedicated Planned Parenthood workers and volunteers helping our girls finish the deed.


    Like many of my other nightmares, this one was triggered by real-life trends and attitudes. Each part of this nightmare showed me a society that has moved from allowing, to accepting, to defending, to demanding, to assuming, to promoting, to embracing, and finally to worshipping and praising abortion as some divine female right. Now that I think about it, I never did see any images of dead fetuses in that art show, but I guess they would not fit there since the show was called Images of Choice and nobody would "choose" to be ripped to pieces. Besides, such images would be offensive to everybody's sensitivities!

    Fortunately, I woke up to realize that though it was a bad dream, the reality of what was happening made me more determined to do all I can to do God's holy will. This nightmare awoke in me an awareness that the programmers of satan's itinerary may pose that they are sensitive to others but it rings hollow when one realizes they could care less about being sensitive to what God wants. We must all pray all the more for these poor misguided souls that they will extricate themselves from this nightmare. Otherwise their surprise will be when they wake up and realize the nightmare is very, very real; one they will never escape in the sleepless eternal fires of hell. For them, Heaven forbid, Heaven will be forbidden.

Gabriel Garnica

    Editor's Note: Heaven is once again under attack by those who would seek to ignore and overthrow God's majesty and authority. Gabriel Garnica, educator and attorney, submits regular insights and commentaries to remind and help guide readers toward a deeper and more assertive faith. Touching on topics and issues ranging from personal faith, doctrine, education, scripture, the media, family life, morality, and values, Gabriel's notes are music to traditional ears but unpleasant tones to those who have bought into the misguided notions so prevalent and spreading in today's Catholic world.

    Gabriel's Clarion
    January 23, 2006
    Volume 17, no. 10