November 14, 2005
vol 16, no. 288

Denial of Christ creates chaos

    Bishop Richard Williamson

    In his "Thoughts for November" from the Traditional List, His Excellency provides some sobering thoughts about the boiling cauldron that is Europe today, especially France, for they have forsaken Christ and His True Church. The result of man's convoluted ideas of equality of race, sex and creed have created confusion, corruption and chaos. Too often society, in its ennui and thirst for pleasure, is lulled into lukewarmness, being lured by the modern conveniences, forgetting Our Lord and Savior. Soft minds and lazy bodies with a hardening of hearts are the harbinger of trouble and that is what we are faced with today everywhere. Have you looked at France lately? The end result of two centuries of turning their back on Him Who died for them. The infidels are at the gate: Eurabia is inevitable. Yes, Paris is burning! A more sobering thought: Think of the souls burning in hell because those who should know, refused to do God's Will.

      "This immigration has taken place in France, Great Britain, Germany and also the USA, amongst other countries, especially since World War Two, for two main reasons. Firstly, the Europeans in these countries wanted to enjoy the conveniences of materialism without the inconvenience of having babies. So there were not enough workers for their factories or for all the menial tasks henceforth beneath their dignity as university graduates, university degrees having become as common as daisies. Secondly the enemies of God, seeing as usual farther ahead than His friends, foresaw in the immigration of an alien population a great means of diluting the national identity of countries which by their long and proud history risked not easily being absorbed into the Antichrist’s New World Order."

    At the risk of being called a racist, a Nazi, an anti-Semite and Heaven knows what else, let me try to talk a bit of Catholic uncommon sense concerning the troubles that have broken out in the last few weeks in several cities in France.

    At the moment of my electronizing – not the same thing as writing! – it seems as though the imposing of a curfew will calm down the problem short term, and that the French tax payer’s money – what else?– is due to make it sweeter medium term. However in the long term, if civil war does not break out this time round, it is sure to break out in a few years' time, and not only in France but also in other European nations, once Christian but now liberal, whose liberalism has imported a large population from abroad, not assimilated yet and not likely to be in future.

    This immigration has taken place in France, Great Britain, Germany and also the USA, amongst other countries, especially since World War Two, for two main reasons. Firstly, the Europeans in these countries wanted to enjoy the conveniences of materialism without the inconvenience of having babies. So there were not enough workers for their factories or for all the menial tasks henceforth beneath their dignity as university graduates, university degrees having become as common as daisies. Secondly the enemies of God, seeing as usual farther ahead than His friends, foresaw in the immigration of an alien population a great means of diluting the national identity of countries which by their long and proud history risked not easily being absorbed into the Antichrist’s New World Order.

    However, neither of these reasons would have come into play had not liberalism washed out the common sense of these nations. For as common sense has it, "Birds of a feather flock together", and it is not normal to push people together who do not belong together. But liberalism with its false equality and false charity would override common sense, and would make a point of defying it by doing everything possible to undo national identity. Once again, here is a punishment the apostate nations have deserved.

    For if they had kept the Faith of St Paul, they would never have let themselves be deceived by the liberals’ false equality and charity, which are no more than a parody of Christian equality and charity. St Paul says, "For as many of you as have been baptized in Christ, have put on Christ. There is neither Jew nor Greek: there is neither bond nor free: there is neither male nor female. For you are all one in Christ Jesus" (Galatians 3: 27,28). Similarly, "… putting on the new man, him who is renewed unto knowledge, according to the image of Him Who created him. Where there is neither Gentile nor Jew, circumcision nor uncircumcision, Barbarian nor Scythian, bond nor free. But Christ is all, and in all" (Colossians 3: 10,11).

    Notice how in each of these quotations, St Paul frames the equality of different human races, classes and sexes within Christ. In other words the equality is before God, and will only be fulfilled in Heaven. St Paul would never have dreamt of denying or wiping out the inequality of human differences before men. As to the inequality in this life between Jew and Greek, see Romans and Galatians; between bond and free, see Philemon; between man and woman, see Ephesians and Colossians. The will of God for men on earth is that Catholic save Jew, that the man free look after the bondsman and that the man be head of the woman. So when the white men give up on saving Jews, looking after other races and leading their womenfolk, it is altogether normal for them to be punished respectively by the domination of Jewish finance, by the refusal to follow of the non-white races and by rampant feminism.

    For by refusing Christ, these whites no longer understand the divine dimension of the true equality between men. Retaining however from Christianity, because it suits their pride, the sense of the value of every man, then all eternity’s equality has to be squeezed into this little life on earth, where it necessarily crushes the hierarchies willed by God between races, classes, and sexes. So by affirming the equality of men without Christ and without eternal life, these white men betray alike Jew and bond and woman.

    In chronological order, before Christ, nobody in their senses would have dreamt of denying the inequality of different races, classes and sexes. When Christ came, nobody in their senses imagined that men’s equality in Christ wiped out these differences, it transcended or rose above them. However post-Christian modern man, by refusing anything transcendent or anyone above him, has lost all grip on reality, and in all likelihood it will take rather more than a few thousand cars getting burnt for him to see straight once more.

    Then what? Then we need to pray that the much greater disasters soon to take place will open as many eyes as possible, to save as many souls as possible, and if the white men still refuse to convert, let us pray for some great conversions amongst Jews, Muslims and blacks so that they may take over where the whites have left off, and may continue to show us the way to Heaven. So long as God is served, all honor to His servants, of any race, class or sex!

Most Rev. Richard Williamson

    November 14, 2005
    vol 16, no. 288