• Note to all who belong to the "Recognize and Resist" gang, please see Dr. Thomas A. Droleskey's documentation of previous true Popes' decrees that mandate you cannot resist just those things you don't think is Catholic, and still recognize Mr. Bergoglio the unFrancis as a true pope. It's not possible, or as anti-sedevacantists are wont to say, "It's untenable." There is only one tenable conclusion: The Chair has to be empty or else the gates of hell have won and Christ lied. We know that's not possible, therefore this apostate heretic is hiding in plain sight. Just look! It's not complicated as Tom shows in the simplicity of Vatican I with Incompetent To Teach Squat About The Catholic Faith Part Three

  • NovusOrdinarians had better pony up more bucks in the collection plate because the CONciLIAR cabal is going to need it with news that the FBI is clamping down on Dolan and Ratzinger for cover-up as Traditio reports FBI hot on heels of NY's Dolan

  • Wanna become a "saint"? Bill Metallo shows you the wide path of worldly acceptance John Paul 2 took. Hey, why not canonize Pope Alexander VI considering the bar has been lowered so far?! Bill lists How to become a saint...it's as easy as following off a log

  • Don't wanna be Catholic? That's fine with ol' Jorge who says, as Traditio reports, you can join the Anglican church. After all, what's the difference? They're both PROTESTANT! All part of the progressives' plan.Okay for Novus Ordinarians to become Anglican Ordinarians

  • With all the bad trees sprouting up since Vatican 2, Dr. Thomas A. Droleskey alerts all not to get lost in the "trees" or they will get caught in the backdraft of the impending fire, so obvious by those who penned the ludicrous "lumen fidei" as Tom shows how the Church has long ago condemned the "four hands" Incompetent To Teach Squat About The Catholic Faith Part Two

  • Jorge rams Ramadan down Catholic sense, but then did you expect him not to? NovusOrdoWatch details his apostate remarks where he hopes a false religion, a satanic one at that, will "bear abundant spiritual fruit." Never mind Sunday's Gospel, this Bergoglio bud is a classic example of those who say "Lord, Lord" and won't enter into the kingdom of Heaven (Mt. 7:21). Maybe he can count the 72 virgins with his Muslim buddies. So how will the semi-traditionalists explain this? They'd be wise to first check out Happy Ramadan!?! Not if you're Catholic!

  • Our Lord said to make friends of Mammon and the CONciLIAR 'popes' have done just that and now it is coming back to bite them big time as Traditio reports. Paul the Sick bowed to the UN in the 60's, JP2 & Ratz followed. What did that get them? How about UN demands the Vatican to turn over all pedophilia files by January 2014 or else.

  • Mr. Bergoglio the unFrancis' poor taste bespeaks his beliefs and that is not good as Dr. Marian Therese Horvat points out in his love for the bizarre work of the modernist 'artist' Marc Chagall that looks more like kindergartener scribbled it. Just more of the evidence that satan rules Rome, not Christ as can be seen in Jesus on the Cross by Chagall

  • Modernist to the core and DOA! That is the summation Dr. Thomas A. Droleskey arrives at in reviewing the word salad bafflegab of lumen fidei where more ambiguity slithers into the sensus of theCONciLIAR faithful to further confuse them into thinking Mr. Bergoglio the unFrancis is the greatest thing since sliced bread. Tom toasts the two-headed pope monsters in his first part as he clearly shows unFrancis and nolonger Benedict16 are Incompetent To Teach Squat About The Catholic Faith Part One

  • We assure you that you can depend on the thorough researchers at NovusOrdoWatch to expose the CONciLIAR charlatans including the apostate Mother Teresa who was not the saint the world and John Paul 2 made her out to be. The site publishes beaucoup links to provide evidence to her heresies as well as the specific condemnations by the Church and that she ipso facto placed herself outside the true Church which proves also that Wojtyla's words and Mr. Bergoglio the unFrancis layman's words in lumen fidei only contribute to the fact they're all apostates and anything they do is entirely null and utterly void for they have no authority, which we hope His Excellency Bishop Richard Williamson will see and abandon any hope of Jorge doing God's will. Few apostates repent. See The Apostate Humanism of Anjeze Gonxhe Bojaxhiu

Ironic is it not that the intention for this second Saturday of the Fifteen Saturdays Rosary Crusade is charity towards our neighbor, when, thanks to Vatican II and political correctness, true charity - wanting our fellow man to be in Heaven - has been totally abandoned. Proseltyizing and conversion to the true Faith is considered offensive today, intolerant if you will. We must not judge, we must be tolerant we are told by the hypocrites in church and state while they go right on being intolerant of the virtuous in favor of furthering their own vices. Charity to them is redistribution where the incompetent n'er-do-wells are rewarded for their embrace of the Seven Deady Sins while those who endeavor to work by the sweat of their brow are taxed to death and regulated into debtors' prison by the idealogues who punish the virtuous by isolation and ridicule. They are all afraid of offending the offenders while gravely offending God. Is that charity? Not on your life and it is about life we're talking about - everlasting life. Second Saturday of the Fifteen Saturday Rosary Crusade

As we contemplate the second Joyful Mystery, we'd be wise to channel our charity towards that exhibited by the pregnant Blessed Virgin Mary in visiting her elder cousin Elizabeth much further along with child. She didn't just hop in a car or caravan to see her. No, she trekked quite a distant to see her, to offer her help amid great hardship. John Gregory shares the experience in his meditation for the Visitation which we celebrated at the beginning of the month. In this time when man's uncharity towards his fellow man is legend, we need to refocus on the intention for the Second Joyful Mystery - charity towards our neighbor out of our love for God. John shares the meditation of The Second Joyful Mystery: The Visitation

We continue the nine day Novena to Our Lady of Mount Carmel that was composed in part by St. Simon Stock in the thirteenth century for it was to him the Mother of God, dressed in the colors of Carmel as a Carmelite holding her divine Son as a child, appeared to him and bequeathed to him the Brown Scapular which every true Catholic wears without fail 24 hours a day. It is similar to the monastic scapulars in miniature form and is considered a sacramental since it is blessed and Our Lady has promised that those who wear it faithfully will be granted the grace of final perseverance as long as they remain in the state of Sanctifying Grace. Today is Day Six

This is the twenty-seventh of seventy-seven Graces derived from participation at the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass - the Mass of All Ages - the Latin Mass of the Roman Rite which was decreed to be said "in perpetuity" by Pope Saint Pius V in codifying the infallible decrees of the dogmatic Council of Trent. These graces are taken from Father Martin von Cochem's Explanation of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass with an imprimatur. The twenty-seventh reason is that Our Lord's Most Precious Blood pleads for us in words as countless as the drops which issued from His sacred veins.

This is the twenty-seventh of 62 reasons which were submitted by the Priests of Campos and endorsed by the late great Bishop Castro de Mayer. Reason number twenty-two: Because by means of ambiguity, which was not by accident, but purposely intended with time bombs in the bafflegab and novelties introduced and the idea that it was that way in the past, the New Mass pretends to please Catholics while pleasing Protestants; thus it is "double-tongued" and offensive to God Who abhors any kind of hypocrisy: "Cursed be ... the double-tongued for they destroy the peace of many." (Sirach 28:13)

We continue to promote Enthronement in the home during the month dedicated to Our Lord's Most Precious Blood for we are in the heart of the summer, having left behind the Sacred Heart with the Immaculate Heart honored next month. We must remember that satan can enter so easily through technology, acquaintances, what not, especially if one does not stay attentive and busy, and focused on improving their spiritual life while working on self-discipline in the face of so many temptations. There are beautiful devotions in the Consecration in the home with prayers that you can repeat monthly, weekly, or more often and on major feasts. In this time when many, because of distance, cannot get to a true Mass, it is the next best thing to have your home as a haven for the Sacred Heart and the Immaculate Heart of Mary. See Enthronement of the Sacred Heart in the Home

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Litany of the Most Precious Blood

    V. The Angel of the Lord declared unto Mary.

    R. And she conceived of the Holy Ghost.

    (Hail Mary)

    V. Behold the handmaid of the Lord.

    R. Be it done unto me according to Thy word.

    (Hail Mary)

    V. And the Word was made flesh.

    R. And dwelt among us.

    (Hail Mary)

    V. Pray for us, O holy Mother of God.

    R. That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ.

    V.Let us pray.

    All Pour forth, we beseech Thee, O Lord, Thy grace into our hearts, that we to whom the Incarnation of Christ, Thy Son, was made known by the message of an angel, may by His Passion and Cross be brought to the glory of His resurrection. Through the same Christ our Lord. Amen.

    V. Angelus Domini nuntiavit Mariae.

    R. Et concepit de Spiritu Sancto.

    (Ave Maria)

    V. Ecce ancilla Domini.

    R. Fiat mihi secundum verbum tuum.

    (Ave Maria)

    V. Et Verbum caro factum est.

    R. Et habitavit in nobis.

    (Ave Maria)

    V. Ora pro nobis, sancta Dei Genitrix.

    R. Ut digni efficiamur promissionibus Christi.

    V. Oremus.

    All Gratiam tuam, quaesumus Domine, mentibus nostris infunde: ut qui, Angelo nuntiante, Christi Filii tui incarnationem cognovimus, per passionem ejus et crucem ad resurrectionis gloriam perducamur. Per eumdem Christum Dominum nostrum. Amen.

The Fatima Prayers

My God, I believe, I adore, I trust and I love Thee; and I beg pardon for those who do not believe, do not adore, do not trust, and do not love Thee.
(repeat the above 3 times then bow your head in reciting the following:)

    O Most Holy Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Ghost, I adore Thee profoundly. I offer Thee the most Precious Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Jesus Christ, present in tabernacles throughout the world, in reparation for the outrages, sacrileges and indifference by which He is offended. By the infinite merits of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, in unison with the Immaculate Heart of Mary, I beg the conversion of poor sinners.

    O Most Holy Trinity, I adore Thee! My God, my God, I love Thee in the Most Blessed Sacrament!

    O my Jesus, it is for love of Thee, in reparation for the offenses committed against the Immaculate Heart of Mary and for the conversion of poor sinners.

The Litany of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Lord have mercy on us,
   Christ, have mercy on us.
Lord, have mercy on us. Christ, hear us.
   Christ, graciously hear us.
God, the Father of Heaven,
   have mercy on us.
Holy Trinity, one God,
   have mercy on us.
God, the Son, Redeemer of the world,
   have mercy on us.
God, the Holy Ghost,
   have mercy on us.
Holy Trinity, one God,
   have mercy on us.
Holy Mary, * pray for us.
Holy Mother of God, *
Holy, Virgin of virgins, *
Mother of Christ, *
Mother of divine grace, *
Mother most pure, *
Mother most chaste, *
Mother inviolate, *
Mother undefiled, *
Mother most amiable, *
Mother most admirable, *
Mother of good counsel, *
Mother of our Creator, *
Mother of our Savior, *
Virgin most prudent, *
Virgin most venerable, *
Virgin most renowned, *
Virgin most powerful, *
Virgin most merciful, *
Virgin most faithful, *
Mirror of justice, *
Seat of wisdom, *
Cause of our joy, *
Spiritual vessel, *
Vessel of honor, *
Singular vessel of devotion, *
Mystical rose, *
Tower of David, *
Tower of ivory, *
House of gold, *
Ark of the covenant, *
Gate of Heaven, *
Morning star, *
Health of the sick, *
Refuge of sinners, *
Comforter of the afflicted, *
Help of Christians, *
Queen of angels, *
Queen of patriarchs, *
Queen of prophets, *
Queen of Apostles, *
Queen of martyrs, *
Queen of confessors, *
Queen of virgins, *
Queen of all saints, *
Queen conceived without original sin, *
Queen assumed into Heaven, *
Queen of the most holy Rosary, *
Queen of peace, *

  Lamb of God, Who takest away the sins of the world,spare us, O Lord.
  Lamb of God, Who takest away the sins of the world, graciously hear us, O Lord.
  Lamb of God, Who takest away the sins of the world,have mercy on us.

V. Pray for us, O holy Mother of God.
R. That we may be worthy of the promises of Christ.

Let us pray.

  Grant unto us, Thy servants, we beseech Thee, O Lord God, at all times to enjoy health of soul and body; and by the glorious intercession of Blessed Mary, ever virgin, when freed from the sorrows of this present life, to enter into that joy which hath no end. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.

Pray for the Sick

Pray for the Dearly Departed Souls
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To assist all in striving toward holiness, click on the Confessional to your right to review your transgressions through a thorough Examination of Conscience

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In Book Four of Chapter Forty-Five of the Prophesies and Revelations of the holy mystic St. Bridget of Sweden we see the bride's lamentation before the divine Majesty. She presents the four sisters, Humility, Abstinence, Contentment, and Charity, who are all daughters of Jesus Christ the pure, all-merciful and all-just King. She laments that they are rejected by the world as worthless but realizes these four wise sisters have chosen the narrow path through their virtue. While the world looks askance at them, they eagerly embrace and encourage the women of destitution who are the four sisters of the dark side known as Pride, Desire, Excess, and Simony. They are truly the daughters of the dark king who is the devil, and though they are now called noblewomen they will wither and die for they are whores of satan, while the four virtuous sisters of grace will live on brighter and more beautiful than ever. Such is the grace of God. Beauty or the Beast

We continue the nine day Novena to Our Lady of Mount Carmel that was composed in part by St. Simon Stock in the thirteenth century for it was to him the Mother of God, dressed in the colors of Carmel as a Carmelite holding her divine Son as a child, appeared to him and bequeathed to him the Brown Scapular which every true Catholic wears without fail 24 hours a day. It is similar to the monastic scapulars in miniature form and is considered a sacramental since it is blessed and Our Lady has promised that those who wear it faithfully will be granted the grace of final perseverance as long as they remain in the state of Sanctifying Grace. Today is Day Five

This is the twenty-sixth of seventy-seven Graces derived from participation at the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass - the Mass of All Ages - the Latin Mass of the Roman Rite which was decreed to be said "in perpetuity" by Pope Saint Pius V in codifying the infallible decrees of the dogmatic Council of Trent. These graces are taken from Father Martin von Cochem's Explanation of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass with an imprimatur. The twenty-sixth reason is that Christ offers Himself as the most efficacious peace-offering, interceding for us as earnestly as He interceded on the cross for His enemies. "Father, forgive them..."

This is the twenty-sixth of 62 reasons which were submitted by the Priests of Campos and endorsed by the late great Bishop Castro de Mayer. Reason number twenty-two: Because the New Mass was made in accordance with the Protestant definition of the Mass: "The Lord's Supper or Mass is a sacred synaxis or assembly of the people of God which gathers together under the presidence of the priest to celebrate the memorial of the Lord." (Par. 7 Introduction to the New Missal, defining the New Mass, 4/6/69). As you can see this is Protestant to the core! Even out-Protestantizing the Protestants more often than not!

Griff Ruby shares a simple fact that should simply move you to simply say: He's right. It's that simple! Here we are, the few, who have a demographic out there of prospects for conversion and few there are who are up to the task to reach out to these souls who it has been proven will respond if prodded right. The sad part is that we have so few venues to guide them to unless they're willing to make great sacrifices - like driving 200 miles to assist at the true Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, or risk losing friends and influence, because as complicated as it seems it really comes down to our salvation. It's that simple! Jesus has assured us that if we love others more than Him, we are not worthy of Him. He also said in Sunday's Gospel for the Seventh Sunday after Pentecost that not all those who say "Lord, Lord" will enter into His kingdom. That should wake up the masses to realize where they need to be - to see the Light, if you will. It's up to those who have this gift - the Traditional Catholics - to turn up the lights so all can see, truly see where they must be for the sake of their eternal soul! If they don't, then turn out the lights. It's over for them! Griff explains in A Simple Faith

We continue the nine day Novena to Our Lady of Mount Carmel that was composed in part by St. Simon Stock in the thirteenth century for it was to him the Mother of God, dressed in the colors of Carmel as a Carmelite holding her divine Son as a child, appeared to him and bequeathed to him the Brown Scapular which every true Catholic wears without fail 24 hours a day. It is similar to the monastic scapulars in miniature form and is considered a sacramental since it is blessed and Our Lady has promised that those who wear it faithfully will be granted the grace of final perseverance as long as they remain in the state of Sanctifying Grace. Today is Day Four

This is the twenty-fifth of seventy-seven Graces derived from participation at the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass - the Mass of All Ages - the Latin Mass of the Roman Rite which was decreed to be said "in perpetuity" by Pope Saint Pius V in codifying the infallible decrees of the dogmatic Council of Trent. These graces are taken from Father Martin von Cochem's Explanation of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass with an imprimatur. The twenty-fifth reason is that Christ places to our credit a portion of His merits, which we may offer to God the Father in expiation for our offenses.

This is the twenty-fifth of 62 reasons which were submitted by the Priests of Campos and endorsed by the late great Bishop Castro de Mayer. Reason number twenty-two: Because we are faced with the dilemma: either we become Protestantized by worshipping with the New Mass, or else we stand firm as St. Paul tells us in 2 Thessalonians 2: 12 and preserve our Catholic Faith by adhering faithfully to the Traditional Latin Mass - the "most beautiful thing this side of Heaven."

There are so many who speak of salvation, but they fail to realize that only through the Catholic Church, the one and only Faith on earth established by the Son of God - can man be saved. John Gregory begins with this first installment to share the renowned work of the orthodox theologian of the 20th Century Monsignor Joseph Clifford Fenton as John initiates a series on The Catholic Church and Salvation. Fr. Fenton's work needs to be spread widely throughout the world, especially in these times when the very man who the world thinks is a pope says atheists can be saved by "doing good." Oh, how far we have fallen if we buy that heresy. This is also timely to combat the vapid "lumen fidei" just released by the CONciLIAR comrades-in-corruption Mr. Bergoglio the unFrancis and the quitter Joseph Ratzinger. Oh, we have lost so much and we need to return to our Catholic roots in order to prune off the bad branches that cling like bastardized barnacles to the bark while returning the Barque of Peter to the rightful crew to guide souls to Heaven's shore. John presents Introduction to The Catholic Church and Salvation

We continue the nine day Novena to Our Lady of Mount Carmel that was composed in part by St. Simon Stock in the thirteenth century for it was to him the Mother of God, dressed in the colors of Carmel as a Carmelite holding her divine Son as a child, appeared to him and bequeathed to him the Brown Scapular which every true Catholic wears without fail 24 hours a day. It is similar to the monastic scapulars in miniature form and is considered a sacramental since it is blessed and Our Lady has promised that those who wear it faithfully will be granted the grace of final perseverance as long as they remain in the state of Sanctifying Grace. Today is Day Three

This is the twenty-fourth of seventy-seven Graces derived from participation at the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass - the Mass of All Ages - the Latin Mass of the Roman Rite which was decreed to be said "in perpetuity" by Pope Saint Pius V in codifying the infallible decrees of the dogmatic Council of Trent. These graces are taken from Father Martin von Cochem's Explanation of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass with an imprimatur. The twenty-fourth reason is that each time we hear Holy Mass we can do more to pay the penalty due to our sins than by the severest works of penance.

This is the twenty-fourth of 62 reasons which were submitted by the Priests of Campos and endorsed by the late great Bishop Castro de Mayer. Reason number twenty-two: Because Protestants themselves have said "the new Catholic Eucharistic prayers have abandoned the false (sic) perspective of sacrifice offered to God." (La Croix 12-10-69). No wonder the Protestants rejoiced so much that the "old Mass" had beeen consigned to oblivion or so they, in concert with the CONciLIAR charlatans at Vatican II and those who followed, all hoped. Thankfully the True Traditional Latin Mass still lives. Deo gratias!

In order to prepare ourselves properly we need to have our mind, heart and soul in sync with the divine Will. To do this we can't just rush in and plop down as the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass begins, but should be there beforehand in plenty of time to properly assist at Holy Mass. Of course, we are talking solely of the True Mass - the Traditional Latin Mass, also considered the Canonical Apostolic Mass of All Ages and any facsimile is a sacrilegious abomination of desolation which Our Lord warned of in St. Matthew 24: 15. Sadly, we have arrived at that time, also foretold by Our Lady and many saints, chief among them St. Paul in 2 Thessalonians 2: 3-10 and 2 Timothy 4: 3-4. We are in the time of the Great Apostasy, that time of when Our Lady of La Salette foretold "Rome will lose the Faith and become the seat of the Antichrist." Satan's vehicle would be the abominable Novus Ordo Missae, bereft of all sacrificial aspects and akin to nothing more than a Protestant service, often times more bizarre than most mainstream Protestant forms. That is why, for true Catholics, reverence and decorum in dress, manners and mindset are so important in assisting at the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. Assisting at the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass

We continue the nine day Novena to Our Lady of Mount Carmel that was composed in part by St. Simon Stock in the thirteenth century for it was to him the Mother of God, dressed in the colors of Carmel as a Carmelite holding her divine Son as a child, appeared to him and bequeathed to him the Brown Scapular which every true Catholic wears without fail 24 hours a day. It is similar to the monastic scapulars in miniature form and is considered a sacramental since it is blessed and Our Lady has promised that those who wear it faithfully will be granted the grace of final perseverance as long as they remain in the state of Sanctifying Grace. Today is Day Two

This is the twenty-third of seventy-seven Graces derived from participation at the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass - the Mass of All Ages - the Latin Mass of the Roman Rite which was decreed to be said "in perpetuity" by Pope Saint Pius V in codifying the infallible decrees of the dogmatic Council of Trent. These graces are taken from Father Martin von Cochem's Explanation of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass with an imprimatur. The twenty-third reason is that Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ offers Himself as a Victim to make satisfaction for a part at least of our debts and transgressions.

This is the twenty-third of 62 reasons which were submitted by the Priests of Campos and endorsed by the late great Bishop Castro de Mayer. Reason number twenty-two: Because the changes such as : a table instead of the holy altar; facing the people instead of the tabernacle; communion in the hand, intinction, lay participation etc. all emphasize Protestant doctrines where the priest is only the president of the assembly and the eucharist is not the Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Jesus Christ, but merely a piece of bread that symbolizes Him.

A Kartov Syndrome is when a chess player can't find the right move after giving it a lot of thought. Then, under pressure, he suddenly makes a move that can be dangerous when he looks back on what he should have done. Such is the case that could be facing Bishop Richard Williamson as we bring you his Eleison Comments #311 and #312. He is not deaf to the encouragement he's been given to be the bishop all hoped he would be for the "Resistance". He puts forth arguments in playing the Devil's Advocate himself on what course he should take as he reasons that it's all about jurisdiction and he cannot give that to himself. He brings up Ecclesia supplet, but rationalizes that it has to come from a pope. Of course there is no true pope and the CONciLIAR cabal doesn't deem that there is an emergency. Oh, but there is! Yes, we must turn to God for Deus providet, but He also expects us to realize when to act and that time is now. It's both encouraging what the Bishop says, but also discouraging that he's afraid to act. He urges patience, but the more patient we are, the more damage is done to souls. What is even more puzzling and discouraging is that he is waiting for the "pope" to come to his senses. Your Excellency, that will never happen! The apostate Mr. Bergoglio the unFrancis is a lay wolf in sheep's clothing who was weaned on liberation theology. Ol' Jorge, a Peron disciple, is out to destroy whatever is left of the Petrine Primacy, so devastated by his five apostate predecessors. It's your move, Your Excellency. Choose wisely. Authority Crippled II in a Lively Debate

Today begins the nine day Novena to Our Lady of Mount Carmel that was composed in part by St. Simon Stock in the thirteenth century for it was to him the Mother of God, dressed in the colors of Carmel as a Carmelite holding her divine Son as a child, appeared to him and bequeathed to him the Brown Scapular which every true Catholic wears without fail 24 hours a day. It is similar to the monastic scapulars in miniature form and is considered a sacramental since it is blessed and Our Lady has promised that those who wear it faithfully will be granted the grace of final perseverance as long as they remain in the state of Sanctifying Grace. Today is Day One

This is the twenty-second of seventy-seven Graces derived from participation at the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass - the Mass of All Ages - the Latin Mass of the Roman Rite which was decreed to be said "in perpetuity" by Pope Saint Pius V in codifying the infallible decrees of the dogmatic Council of Trent. These graces are taken from Father Martin von Cochem's Explanation of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass with an imprimatur. The twenty-second reason is that Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ forgives our sins, unknown or forgotten - those venial sins that we had never mentioned in confession due to lapse of memory.

This is the twenty-second of 62 reasons which were submitted by the Priests of Campos and endorsed by the late great Bishop Castro de Mayer. Reason number twenty-two: Because by grave omissions, the new mass leads us to believe that it's only a meal, which is Protestant doctrine and not the indisputable, infallible Catholic Doctrine that the Mass is a sacrifice for the remission of sins. All sacrificial aspects of the Mass are removed - and all by design in order to destroy the Apostolic Canonical Traditional Latin Mass which Luther hated with a passion as do the CONciLIAR cabal since Vatican II.

To enhance each Sunday's Epistle and Gospel we present this special feature provided by John Gregory with the Haydock Commentary found at the bottom of each page of the Douay-Rheims Bible. For the Seventh Sunday after Pentecost, quite possibly the most powerful of affirmations is given by our Lord and Savior that it isn't that difficult to tell who are the false prophets and heretics for by their fruits we shall know them. There is nothing ambiguous about Christ's words that a bad tree will be chopped down and rooted out, then cast into the fire. What other kind of fire would the Son of Man be talking about in His parable but eternal hellfire? It dovetails with St. Paul's words in the epistle that the wages of sin is death, as in mortal sin equals death to eternal life; and that eternal life is available only through the grace of God, our salvation merited by Christ's offering Himself on the Cross, shedding every last drop of His Most Precious Blood for us. A most fitting commentary to the Epistle and Gospel for the Seventh Sunday after Pentecost in these tumultuous times when all that is Catholic is mocked in Rome and throughout the world. They forget that Those who do not yield good fruit and remain unrepentant will be cast into the eternal fire

Thanks to Traditional Catholic Sermons we are able to bring you a twelve-minute sermon given last year by Father Benedict Hughes, CMRI, Rector of St. Joseph Seminary at the City of Mary in Rathdrum, Idaho. Father asks, in speaking of today's gospel, how do we judge who is a false teacher? He shows that we have to judge by one's words and actions. Are they in sync with all the teachings of holy Mother Church. Father relates today's situation to the Old Testament and the traitor Absolam who wreaked so much havoc because of his own ambitions. Father asks us to test the spirits, know the true Faith so you will not be led astray. He refers to those in the CONciLIAR church who don't want to try to know the truth, using the excuse that they are not theologians, but Father points out we don't need to be to know the false church of Vatican 2 is a bad tree that is destined for the fire for there are no good fruits. Is it a good tree or a bad tree? As Father notes, the answer is obvious for By Their Fruits You Shall Know Them

As mentioned above, July 7 is the sixth anniversary of Ratzinger announcing his Motu Mess which was merely to deceive semi-traditionalists that he was sincere when, in reality, we all know what he really intended: to curtail any resistance from the Recognize-and-Resist crowd. Well, you think they're happy now with his replacement? Actually this might just be a wake-up call to the R&R gang that the sedevacantists have been right all along. Will they have the honesty to admit that? We can only pray they are not further deceived by believing there is any Catholicity left in Rome. We list below links to articles on the Motu Mess including Griff Ruby's prophetic Motu Wars four-part series.
Griff studied the CONciLIAR document Summorum Pontificum and foretold exactly what would happen. As you'll see, he was dead on. Star Wars was fiction, this, sadly, was not. Dr. Thomas A. Droleskey also weighed in with several pertinent points in: Probably one of the best assessments of the Motu Mess was presented by Fr. Anthony Cekada with: And finally, editor Michael Cain filed an editorial that shows the unsteady foundation of the CONciLIAR church for it is an unsteady

This is the twenty-first of seventy-seven Graces derived from participation at the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass - the Mass of All Ages - the Latin Mass of the Roman Rite which was decreed to be said "in perpetuity" by Pope Saint Pius V in codifying the infallible decrees of the dogmatic Council of Trent. These graces are taken from Father Martin von Cochem's Explanation of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass with an imprimatur. The twenty-first reason is that Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ removes many of the imperfections attached to our good deeds so that they have more merit that will help at Judgment time.

This is the twenty-first of 62 reasons which were submitted by the Priests of Campos and endorsed by the late great Bishop Castro de Mayer. Reason number twenty: Because the narrative manner of the 'consecration' in the New 'Mass' infers that it is only a memorial and not a true sacrifice so that it falls in line with the Protestant thesis, which has become so prevalent ever since the Novus Ordo's inception where few today believe in the True Presence. But then they would be right because Christ is not present in the bread and wine because only a true priest in a true Mass can confect the sacrament.

click above to go to past issues over the last nine months




  • Once again Tradition in Action publishes an article by Dr. Robert Banaugh that reaffirms sedevacantism is the only syllogism to what has happened over the past 50 years as he presents part II of The Church of Man with Attack against the Integrity & Unity of the Faith

  • Amidst all the corruption in the CONciLIAR church, why should we be surprised that rules have been sorely broken in pushing through the cononization of two rascals who by their words and actions surely could never be considered saints? In fact there is an apparition, whether true or not who knows, but it depicts JP2 burning in hell. Yet, because it's the will of Mr. Bergoglio the unFrancis to destroy the Church he's going through with it come hell or highwater as Traditio exposes the corrupt culprits in What does unFrancis care about Traditional Requirements?!

  • Be ready for a barrage of volleys at the Recognize-and-resist gang who think they can have their cake and eat it too. NovusOrdoWatch proves that we have a duty before God to verbally expose those who refuse to listen to the truth just as we attack a gunner in war, not the gun, so also we must target the person as Fr. Felix Sarda explains in his 1886 masterpiece Liberalism is a Sin as it's time to refute a popular misconception in Liberalism and Personal Polemics

  • Jorge's Mafia-like foil caught trying to smuggle 26 million dollars out of Switzerland and deposit it in the Vatican Bank as Traditio points out the embezzlement and money-laundering going on by the CONciLIARS Bergoglio's Senior Accountant Caught Smuggling Beaucoup Bucks

  • More of the same ol' bafflegab to further dumb down the sheeple. On the same day it is officially released that - come hell or highwater (probably both) - Roncalli and Wojtyla will be cononized by Mr. Bergoglio the unFrancis on Dec. 8 this year to prop up the apostasy spawned at V2, he issues his first and hopefully last faux en-sick-lick-ill lumen fidei. Ol' Jorge claims Fr. Joseph Ratzinger also had a hand in it - figures since Mr. B is not too bright - thus "four hands", but we all know whose hand is really in this. Hint. The hands also hold the pitchfork and seem to have adjusted to fire. NovusOrdoWatch will be at the forefront of exposing Another Milestone [Millstone] in the Modernist Sewer

  • Just as we've been pointing out in our series Truth vs. Fiction on the stark differences between the grace-filled Traditional Latin Mass and the graceless Novus Ordo, NovusOrdoWatch shows the words and phrases deleted that makes it not only invalid, illicit, but also sacrilegious. See The Novus Ordo 'Mass' Exposed

  • Penance and reparation are things of the past according to Jorge as Dr. Thomas A. Droleskey points out how Mr. Bergoglio the unFrancis layman is not only a heretic and blasphemer, but also he's Francis the Insidious Little Pest

  • Denial and lies haven't worked so well with the false clerics in scarlet, purple and black, so the U.S. potentates of the cloth, as Traditio reports, have decided to leave their scheming to others as they Hiring Lobbyists to do the 'Bishop's dirty cover-ups

  • Four hands are still no hands when Mr. Bergoglio the unFrancis issues his first uncyclical as NovusOrdoWatch points out along with several other interesting pieces in their latest Novus Ordo Watch News Digest

  • Oh, don't you love semantics? Words do have significance and NovusOrdoWatch shows the absurdity of the recognize-and-resists' ridiculous arguments by replacing one title for a name and you see the vacancy of a certain CFN editor's mind of not admitting the Chair is Vacant. In this Reality Check for Non-Sedevacantists, NovusOrdoWire presents beaucoup links to show once again the anti-sedes have no answers because it is their position that is untenable as you'll see in Demonstrating the Folly of the False Traditionalist 'Recognize & Resist' Position

  • Who's behind the massive cover-up of the rot? Convicted pedophile Poggi could poke enough holes in the CONciLIAR balloon to deflate the satanic perverts in the Vatican if he proves credible, though that could be a problem despite the fact he supposedly knows and wants to expose all the sodomite rot, pimping, demonic Black Masses and other terrifying sacrileges that include names yet to be announced. Why? Because misery loves company. You know, make friends of mammon time. It would seem NAMBLA is alive inside the Vatican as NovusOrdoWatch alerts all to stay tuned as they hold their nose while they journalistically peel away the onion in following the Italian and French media breaking accounts of acts that would embarrass Alexander VI. See the sources at Sodomite Underage Prostitution Ring has ties to Vatican

  • WOW! We congratulate Tradition In Action for not only admitting they were wrong, but producing all the evidence one would need to see that the CONciLIAR church is in apostasy and that its hierarchy have incurred automatic excommunication, (v.g., Codex Juris Canonici, can 2322 n. 1) thus putting them outside the Church including everyone inside the Vatican which would mean...wait for it...wait for it...the CHAIR IS VACANT. When will TIA admit the obvious? See What Are the Cases that Incur Automatic Excommunication?

  • Very interesting piece just published in the July-August issue of Chiesa viva and brought to our attention by NovusOrdoWatch to share with you from Dr. Franco Adessa, a close confidant of the late great Fr. Luigi Villa, whose close contacts included Cardinal Alfredo Ottaviani and Padre Pio, on the possibility of what was really contained within the elusive, mysterious Third Secret of Fatima. The fact that Fr. Villa was unable to speak with Lucia gives credence to Dr. Marian Horvat's contention that there were two Lucys. You be the judge as you read THE THIRD SECRET OF FATIMA - A Testimony

  • Signs Ratzinger is dying as Traditio reports for he is foregoing teaching a summer seminar at Castel Gandolfo, something he's done every year since 1978. Or could it be he dare not leave Vatican City for he fears Jorge won't let him back. See Ratzinger Too Incapacitated to Teach

  • Why Mr. Bergoglio the unFrancis and Fatima can never ever be compatible is the topic NovusOrdoWatch tackles in defusing the thrill-up-the-leg false prophets of the semi-traditional (read anti-sedevacantist) camp who rightly resist this man, but wrongly, way wrongly, recognize this outrageous apostate as "pope." Yet, St. Paul warned they would believe a lie and, with their itching ears fall for fables and Jorge is one big fable, especially with the scuttlebutt that he's a "Fatima 'Pope'" and that Fatima itself is tending back toward tradition. Sadly, so sadly, that is wrong on all accounts. Read why in what we've termed Wishful thinking by those who are not thinking

  • Unlike the lion of the Wizard of Oz, the lion in medieval times represented courage and none exhibited it more than the noble knights and mercenaries, including the vaunted Swiss Guards who would die for their king or pope. Of course there's been no true pope to protect since Pius XII. Above is the monument to those who died defending King Louis XVI as Professor Correa de Oliveira describes in an interesting piece titled The Balanced Courage of the Medieval Knight

  • The cult of man is the religion of Vatican II. Forget God, forget Catholicity. We must change with the times. NOT! Dr. Thomas A. Droleskey shows how the more who seek freedom from their Catholic roots, the more they imprison themselves and the chief jailor goes by the name of Mr. Bergoglio the unFrancis who is merely following the heretical habits of his predecessors as you'll see in Francis The Liberator

  • There is no shame in being called a "sedevacantist" as Timothy A. Duff affirms from Sunday's Gospel that the only way for those resist-and-recognize polemicists to shut their consciences and to shy away from the inevitable truth is to resort to name-calling, much as liberals are wont to do when they know they have no argument. Tim advises to wear with pride the label sedevacantist. For contrary to many resist-and-recognize "experts", it is not a dirty word. After all it was the Church which established the term. So, fear not, there is no shame when they hurl Epithets

  • At the 'Catholic' Media Conference in Denver the keynote speaker, a prestigious seminary rector, admits the Vatican II 'experiment' was a "pastoral disaster". Duh! Well, of course it was and continues to be, but evidently as Traditio rightly asks, then why would he and the rest of the sheeple remain in the false church? That's the great puzzling question that these clueless clowns posing as priests and bishops can't seem to answer...or won't. There's more to their dismal failure than meets the eye in Dumbed Down, Duped and Discouraged over V2's Pastoral Disaster. Duh!!!

  • Once again, while Tradition In Action rails against sedevacantism, they publish articles that play right into the sede arguments. Case in point Rogerio Cesar Pereira Gomes' series on The Progressivist Sect & Vatican II as he presents part two. TIA calls them "progressivists", we have a simpler term established by true popes via their infallible decrees: "APOSTATES", which puts them OUTSIDE the Church including the head of this false church. Therefore, how could such a head ever be a true pope? Impossible. Ergo, the chair is empty opinion is not untenable, but the only syllogism. All one needs to do is connect the dots and pray for the grace to see, truly see how and why False Equality & Fraternity Destroyed Authority

  • Want more obvious evidence of apostasy? See what ol Gerhard Ludwig Muller of CDF (Congregation for Destroying the Faith) said a few days ago as reported by Vatican Insider: The war between the Liberation Theology movement and Rome is over ...Really?!!! Of course, the wolf is guarding the henhouse!

  • Is the USCCB ready to cave on abortion and sodomy? Considering how they are in no way Catholic, are you really surprised? While Mr. Bergoglio the unFrancis - aka "the Flake" as Traditio calls him - fiddles, souls are burning and will burn in hell if they do not wake up to the immoral path their apostate leaders are taking them. USCCB Closer to Funding Abortion and Homosexual Causes

  • The problem with most recognize-and-resist folks is they need to take off the blinders if they're going to be, so to speak, a horse in the race for saving souls as NovusOrdoWatch takes Tradition in Action to task via Canon Law and Satis Cognitum for TIA's grave and careless error on what constitutes heresy - public heresy. Ipso Facto Excommunication IS official Excommunication (latae sententiae) and the feeble argument offered by TIA that the head of the CDF hasn't declared himself a heretic means he's not is the same as Holder investigating himself amid all these scandals and declaring as head of DOJ that he's free and clear. We all know he's not. A sin so grave that it causes one to apostasize is a cause of heresy and, ergo, those who do so ARE heretics. But we stopped counting the heretics long ago since almost all who follow the false church of Vatican II are. Only God knows their hearts, but we know their words and actions and the proof of heresy is thoroughly listed to refute TIA's poor advice colored by their illogical opinion that unFrancis could be a true pope. Even though TIA is anti-sedevacantist, what they publish most often really plays into proof of the sedevacantist arguments. When will they connect the dots? Tradition in Action Gets It Wrong Again on Public Heretics

  • Timothy 'Allah Akbar' Dolan is at it again as the CONciLIAR clown 'cardinal' encourages Muslims to live their faith. Never mind that they do not worship the same God - uh, has anyone told ol' cheese-head Dolan about something called the TRINITY?!! No, for him it's all about getting along, don't rock the boat, just have fun and provide smiles galore as souls are savaged. Islamic terrorism isn't the greatest threat. Nor is global climate change as Dumbama incredibly said in Germany after attacking Catholic education in Ireland as 'divisive'. No, the greatest threat as Dr. Thomas A. Droleskey rightly nails is CONciLIARism for it's all about souls. Somebody tell Dolan fast because he remains Ever Faithful To Their False Religion

  • Coincidence or Godincidence? NovusOrdoWatch reports that the first time JP2's 'relic' was supposed to be exhibited at Lourdes last October, Lourdes flooded terribly. A sign? The second time: on the same day a group of compromised CONciLIAR 'theologians' railroaded through a 2nd "miracle" to fast track JP2's CONization, Lourdes flooded AGAIN, this time much worse -- so much so that it was declared a "disaster area" akin to the Apocalypse. The real disaster is the lost souls Wojtyla is responsible for before God. Many have had visions of the Polish 'pope' in hell fire. Considering his words and actions and St. John Chrysostom's words that "the floor of hell is paved with the skulls of rotten bishops" and that's all Wojtyla was, a bishop - and with these catastrophes where Our Lady declared herself the Immaculate Conception, it's highly, highly doubtful he was ever "Mary's Pope". See "Saint" John Paul II Strikes Again

  • Are you so bad you're even denied the Novus Ordo cookie? No problem, just have someone else go up twice. That's how bad the CONciLIAR confusion has become as NovusOrdoWatch files their latest News Digest with a horde of links that prove only too clearly satan's role in eclipsing the true Church, beginning with That's what 'Communion' in the Hand does for you to Ratzinger's Cronyism rewards an Anglican for Theology!

  • So Mr. Bergoglio the unFrancis thinks praying with Lutheran minister while not urging him to convert is a way towards unit? As Dr. Thomas A. Droleskey reveals yet once again Jorge's words and actions have been thoroughly condemned by a slew of past true Popes with infallible decrees that call this Argentiian layman just what he is: An apostate clown who is outside the bosom of holy Mother Church and alien to Christ. Tom adds divine revelation, Canon Law and common sense to indicting the dangerous Francis The Illusionist Part Three

  • Talk about the cart leading the horse, we urge traditional journalists to actually take unFrancis at his word and attack hypocrisy - the hypocrisy of a Marxist layman from Argentina who as the 'bishop' of Rome is doing all he can to further denude the Church of Her infrangible truths and traditions while posing as a humble follower of St. Francis. Not! But then he's a Jesuit and is trying to influence - social engineer, if you will, the Jesuit staff at La Civilta Cattolica as National Catholic [sic] Reporter reports by the most liberal of Jesuits Thomas Reese Francis tells journaists to attack hypocrisy

  • Just as we've been running the series with proof why all must abandon the Novus Ordo Mess, the CONciLIAR clowns are up to their old tricks in tinkering once again with their invalid rite by trying to re-introduce good St. Joseph into the mix. Believe us, the foster-father of Christ is very content the way the True Mass is and is not lobbying for inclusion. After all, what good is having your name included in a sacrilegious rite that takes its marching orders from hell? Traditio reports on the latest alteration of the "abomination of desolation" in Newrome Changes Its Invalid Novus Ordo Mess Yet Again

  • Is it a white flag of surrender or the rainbow flag? That's the question Margaret C. Galitzin poses as she relates how the silence on opposition to sodomy is deafening from the Vatican as the pro-homosexual legislation sweeps nations closer to the abyss as she points out in so many Waving the White Flag on 'Gay Marriage'

  • Sodomites within the Vatican are taking advantage that Jorge can do nothing about ridding the notorious "'gay' lobby" there by flaunting it on a website called "Venerabilis" in trying to recruit more queer presbyters as Traditio reports. Will the rot never end? Who will tell the CONciLIAR cabal that there is Nothing Venerable about a Sodomite Web Site from Vatican City