Greater Double of the First Class Feast

White Vestments

Missa "Nos autem"

       The Station was formerly held at St. John Lateran, originally called the Basilica of Saint Savior.

       The Liturgy of Maundy Thursday is full of memories of the Redemption. It provided formerly for the celebration of three Masses : the first for the reconciliation of public Penitents, the second for the consecration of the holy oils, and the third for a special commemoration of the institution of the Holy Eucharist at the Last Supper. This last Mass is the only one that has been preserved, and at it the Bishop, attended by twelve Priests, seven Deacons and seven Subdeacons, blesses the holy oils in his Cathedral church.

    The Reconciliation of Public Penitents

       Sinners who had undergone a course of penance were granted on this day "the abundant remission of their sins", "which were washed away in the blood of Jesus". Dying with Christ, they were "cleansed of all their sins, and clad in the nuptial robe they were admitted once more to the banquet of the Most Holy Supper."

    The Blessing of the Holy Oils

       This blessing took place with a view to the baptism and confirmation of the catechumens during Easter night. The bishop exorcised the oil, praying God "to instill into it the power of the Holy Ghost", so that "the diving gifts might descend on those who were about to be anointed".

       Before the prayer Per quem haec omnia there used to be a form of blessing of the good things of the earth, with mention of their different kinds (fruits, milk, honey, oil, etc.) of which we still find examples in the Leonine Sacramentary. Of this form there remains nothing in the Canon of the Mass except the conclusion, which on Holy Thursday retains its natural meaning, since it immediately follows the blessing of the holy oils.

       The oil of the sick, which is the matter of the Sacrament of Confirmation, is the noblest of the holy oils, and the blessing of it takes place with greater pomp after the clergy have communicated. It is used for the consecration of bishops, in the rite of baptism, in the consecration of churches altars and chalices, and in the baptism or blessing of bells.

       The third holy oil, which is blessed immediately after, is that of the catechumens. It is used to anoint the breast and between the shoulders of the person to be baptized, for the blessing of baptismal fonts on Holy Saturday and on the Vigil of Pentecost, at the ordination of priests, at the consecration of altars, and for the coronation of kings and queens. "Oil," says St. Augustine, "signifies something great." Through the ages and in many a land it has always played a mystical and religious part. Soothing and restoring by its very nature, it symbolizes the healing wrought by the Holy Ghost (Extreme Unction); a source of light, it denotes the graces of the Holy Ghost which enlighten the heart; flowing and penetrating it represents the infusion of the Holy Spirit into souls (Baptism, Confirmation); softening in its effects, it shows forth the action of the Holy Ghost, who bends our rebellious wills and arms us against the enemies of our salvation. The Holy Ghost is especially represented by the olive oil, according to the Blessings of Oil and of Palms, because the dove, a symbol of the Holy Ghost carried an olive ranch in her beak; because the olive branches cast by the Jews in our Lord's path foreshadowed the outpouring of the Holy Spirit, which was to be given to the Apostles at Pentecost. The balm which is added to the oil to make the sacred Chrism signifies by its sweet perfume the good odor of all Christians virtues. Also it preserves from corruption; another respect in which it is a symbol of supernatural grace that protects us from the contagion of sin (Catechism of the Council of Trent).

    Mass for Maundy Thursday

       The Church, which commemorates throughout the year in the Holy Eucharist all the mysteries of our Lord's life, today lays special stress on the institution of that Sacrament and of the Priesthood. This Mass carries out more than any other the command of Christ to His priests to renew the Last Supper, during which He instituted His immortal presence among us at the very moment His death was being plotted. The church, setting aside her mourning today, celebrates the Holy Sacrifice with joy. The crucifix is covered with a white veil, her ministers are vested in white, and the bells are rung at the Gloria in excelsis. They are not rung again until Holy Saturday.

       St. Paul tells us in the Epistle that the Mass is a "memorial of the death of Christ". The Sacrifice of the Altar is necessary if we are to partake in the Victim of Calvary and share in His merits. And the Eucharist, which derives all its virtue from the sacrifice of the Cross, makes it universal as regards time and space in a sense unknown so far. To love the Blessed Sacrament is "to glory in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ" (Introit). Christ takes on Himself to perform the ablutions prescribed by the Jews during the supper (Gospel), to show forth the purity and charity that God requires of those who desire to communicate for, as in the case of Judas (Collect) "whosoever eats this bread unworthily is guilty of the body and the blood of the Lord." (Epistle)

       After the Mass the altar is stripped in order to show that the Holy Sacrifice is interrupted and will not be offered again to God until Holy Saturday. The priest therefore has consecrated two hosts for on Good Friday the Church refrains from renewing on the altar the sacrifice of Calvary.

       On this Holy Thursday, when the Epistle and Gospel describe for us the details of the institution of the priesthood and the Eucharistic sacrifice, let us receive from the priest's hands that Holy Victim who offers Himself upon the altar, and in this holy manner fulfill our Easter duty.

      We want to thank the Friends of Our Lady of Fatima for expediting these resources of the Propers. Sources: Saint Andrew Daily Missal and the Marian Missal , 1945

Missa "Nos autem"


INTROIT:    Galatians 6: 14
      Nos autem gloriari oportet in cruce Domini nostri Jesu Christi : in quo est salus, vita, et resurrection nostra : per quem salvati, et liberati sumus. (Psalm 88: 2) Deus misereatur nostri, et benedicat nobis : illuminet vultum suum super nos, et misereatur nostri. REPEAT: Nos autem...
      But it behooves us to glory in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ : in whom is our salvation, life, resurrection : by whom we are saved and delivered. (Ps. 66. 2) May God have mercy on us, and bless us : may He cause the light of His countenance to shine upon us; and may He have mercy on us. REPEAT: But it behooves...
      (The Gloria is now sung : the organ is played and the bells are rung, after which they are silent until Holy Saturday.) Return to the ORDINARY OF THE HOLY MASS and the GLORIA THE MASS OF THE CATECHUMENS
      Dominus vobiscum.
      R. Et cum spiritu tuo.


      Deus, a quo et Judas reatus sui poenam, et confessionis suae latro praemium sumpsit, concede nobis tuae propitiationis effectum; ut, sicut in passione sua Jesus Christus Dominus noster diversa utrisque intulit stipendia meritorum ; ita nobis, ablato vetustatis errore, resurrectionis suae gratiam largiatur. Qui Tecum vivit et regnat in unitate Spiritus Sancti, Deus,
      Per omnia saecula saeculorum.
      R. Amen.

      The Lord be with you. R. And with thy spirit.

      Let us pray.

      O God, from whom Judas received the punishment of his guilt, and the thief the reward of his confession, grant us the effect of Thy clemency; that as our Lord Jesus Christ in His passion gave to each a different recompense according to his merits, so may He deliver us from our old sins and grant us the grace of His resurrection. Who livest and reignest with Thee in the unity of the Holy Ghost, one God
      Forever and ever.

      EPISTLE:   1 Corinthians 11: 20-32
      Lectio Epistolae beati Pauli Apostoli ad Corinthios. Fratres: Convenientibus ergo vobis in unum, jam non est Dominicam cœnam manducare. Unusquisque enim suam cœnam præsumit ad manducandum. Et alius quidem esurit : alius autem ebrius est. Numquid domos non habetis ad manducandum, et bibendum ? aut Ecclesiam Dei contemnitis, et confunditis eos qui non habent ? Quid dicam vobis ? Laudo vos ? in hoc non laudo. Ego enim accepi a Domino quod et tradidi vobis, quoniam Dominus Jesus in qua nocte tradebatur, accepit panem, et gratias agens fregit, et dixit : Accipite, et manducate : hic est corpus meum, quod pro vobis tradetur : hoc facite in meam commemorationem. Similiter et calicem, postquam cœnavit, dicens : Hic calix novum testamentum est in meo sanguine ; hoc facite quotiescumque bibetis, in meam commemorationem. Quotiescumque enim manducabitis panem hunc, et calicem bibetis, mortem Domini annuntiabitis donec veniat. Itaque quicumque manducaverit panem hunc, vel biberit calicem Domini indigne, reus erit corporis et sanguinis Domini. Probet autem seipsum homo : et sic de pano illo edat, et de calice bibat. Qui enim manducat et bibit indigne, judicium sibi manducat et bibit : non dijudicans corpus Domini. Ideo inter vos multi infirmi et imbecilles, et dormiunt multi. Quod si nosmetipsos dijudicaremus, non utique judicaremur. Dum judicamur autem, a Domino corripimur, ut non cum hoc mundo damnemur.
      Deo Gratias.
      When you come therefore together into one place, it is not now to eat the Lord's supper. For every one taketh before his own supper to eat. And one indeed is hungry and another is drunk. What, have you no houses to eat and to drink in? Or despise ye the church of God and put them to shame that have not? What shall I say to you? Do I praise you? In this I praise you not. For I have received of the Lord that which also I delivered unto you, that the Lord Jesus, the same night in which he was betrayed, took bread, And giving thanks, broke and said: Take ye and eat: This is my body, which shall be delivered for you. This do for the commemoration of me. In like manner also the chalice, after he had supped, saying: This chalice is the new testament in my blood. This do ye, as often as you shall drink, for the commemoration of me. For as often as you shall eat this bread and drink the chalice, you shall shew the death of the Lord, until he come. Therefore, whosoever shall eat this bread, or drink the chalice of the Lord unworthily, shall be guilty of the body and of the blood of the Lord. But let a man prove himself: and so let him eat of that bread and drink of the chalice. For he that eateth and drinketh unworthily eateth and drinketh judgment to himself, not discerning the body of the Lord. Therefore are there many infirm and weak among you: and many sleep. But if we would judge ourselves, we should not be judged. But whilst we are judged, we are chastised by the Lord, that we be not condemned with this world.
      Thanks be to God.

      GRADUAL:   Philippians 2: 8-9
      Christus factus est pro nobis obediens usque ad mortem, mortem autem cruces. V. Propter quod et dues exaltavit illum : et dedit illi nomen, quod est super omne nomen.
      Christ became obedient for us unto death, even to the death of the cross. V. For which cause, God also hath exalted Him and hath given Him a name which is above all names.

      GOSPEL:    John 13: 1-15
      Dominus vobiscum.
      R. Et cum spiritu tuo.
      Sequentia sancti Evangelii secundum Joannem.
      R.Gloria tibi, Domine.

      Sequentia sancti Evangelii secundum Joannem. Ante diem festum Paschæ, sciens Jesus quia venit hora ejus ut transeat ex hoc mundo ad Patrem : cum dilexisset suos, qui erant in mundo, in finem dilexit eos. Et cœna facta, cum diabolus jam misisset in cor ut traderet eum Judas Simonis Iscariotæ : sciens quia omnia dedit ei Pater in manus, et quia a Deo exivit, et ad Deum vadit : surgit a cœna, et ponit vestimenta sua, et cum accepisset linteum, præcinxit se. Deinde mittit aquam in pelvim, et cœpit lavare pedes discipulorum, et extergere linteo, quo erat præcinctus. Venit ergo ad Simonem Petrum. Et dicit ei Petrus : Domine, tu mihi lavas pedes ? Respondit Jesus, et dixit ei : "Quod ego facio, tu nescis modo, scies autem postea.""Si non lavero te, non habebis partem mecum." Dicit Ei Simon Petrus : Domine, non tantum pedes meos, sed et manus, et caput. Dicit ei Jesus : "Qui lotus est, non indiget nisi ut pedes lavet, sed est mundus totus. Et vos mundi estis, sed non omnes." Sciebat enim quisnam esset qui traderet eum ; propterea dixit : Non estis mundi omnes. Postquam ergo lavit pedes eorum, et accepit vestimenta sua : cum recubuisset iterum, dixit eis : "Scitis quid fecerim vobis ? Vos vocatis Me Magister et Domine, et bene dicitis : sum etenim. Si ergo Ego lavi pedes vestros, Dominus et Magister, et vos debetis alter alterutrum lavare pedes. Exemplum enim dedi vobis, ut quemadmodum ego feci vobis, ita et vos faciatis."
      Laus tibi Christe.

      The Lord be with you.
      R. And with thy spirit.
      The continuation of the holy Gospel according to John.
      R. Glory to Thee, O Lord

      Before the festival day of the pasch, Jesus knowing that His hour was come, that He should pass out of this world to the Father: having loved His own who were in the world, He loved them unto the end. And when supper was done (the devil having now put into the heart of Judas Iscariot, the son of Simon, to betray Him), Knowing that the Father had given Him all things into His hands and that He came from God and goeth to God, He riseth from supper and layeth aside His garments and, having taken a towel, girded Himself. After that, He putteth water into a basin and began to wash the feet of the disciples and to wipe them with the towel wherewith He was girded. He cometh therefore to Simon Peter. And Peter saith to Him: Lord, dost Thou wash my feet? Jesus answered and said to him: "What I do, thou knowest not now; but thou shalt know hereafter." Peter saith to Him: Thou shalt never wash my feet, Jesus answered him: "If I wash thee not, thou shalt have no part with Me." Simon Peter saith to Him: Lord, not only my feet, but also my hands and my head. Jesus saith to him: "He that is washed needeth not but to wash his feet, but is clean wholly. And you are clean, but not all." For He knew who he was that would betray Him; therefore He said: "You are not all clean." Then after He had washed their feet and taken His garments, being set down again, He said to them: "Know you what I have done to you? You call Me Master and Lord. And you say well: for so I am. If then I being your Lord and Master, have washed your feet; you also ought to wash one another's feet. For I have given you an example, that as I have done to you, so you do also."
      Praise be to Christ

      There is NO CREED this Night.
      Dominus vobiscum.
      R. Et cum spiritu tuo.

      Dextera Domini fecit virtutem, dextera Domini exaltavit me ; dextera Domini fecit virtutem. Non moriar, sed vivam ; et narrabo opera Domini.
      The Lord be with you.
      R. And with thy spirit.

      The right hand of the Lord hath wrought strength: the right hand of the Lord hath exalted me: the right hand of the Lord hath wrought strength. I shall not die, but live: and shall declare the works of the Lord.
      Ipse tibi, quaesumus, Domine sancte, Pater omnipotens, aeterne dues, sacrificum nostrum reddat acceptum, qui discipulis suis in sui commemorationem hoc fieri hodierna traditione monstravit, Jesus Christus Filius tuus Dominus noster. Qui Tecum vivit et regnat in unitate Spiritus Sancti, Deus,
      Per omnia saecula saeculorum.
      R. Amen.
      We beseech Thee, O holy Lord, almighty Father, eternal God, that our Lord Jesus Christ Thy Son may make our sacrifice acceptable to Thee, who on this day commanded His disciples to do this in remembrance of Him. Who liveth and reigneth with Thee in the unity of the Holy Ghost, one God
      Forever and ever.

      Dominus vobiscum.
      R. Et cum spiritu tuo.
      Sursum corda.
      R.Habemus ad Dominum.
      Gratias agamus Domino Deo nostro.
      R. Dignum et justum est.

      Vere dignum et justum est, aequum et salutare, nos Tibi semper, et ubique gratias agere : Domine sancte, Pater omnipotens, aeterne Deus. Qui salutem humani generic in lingo Cruces constituisti : ut, unde mors oriebatur, inde vita resurgeret : et Qui in lingo vincebat, in lingo quoque vinceretur, per Christum Dominum nostrum. Per Quem majestatem tuam laudant angeli, adorant Dominationes, tremunt Potestates. Coeli, coelorumque Virtutes, ac beata Seraphim social exsultatione concelebrant. Cum quibus et nostras voces, ut admitti jubeas, deprecamur, supplici convessione dicentes:
      The Lord be with you.
      R. And with thy spirit.
      Lift up your hearts.
      R.We have lifted them up to the Lord.
      Let us give thanks to the Lord our God.
      R. It is meet and just.

      It is truly meet and just, right and for our salvation, that we should at all times, and in all places, give thanks unto Thee, O holy Lord, Father almighty, everlasting God : Who didst establish the salvation of mankind on the tree of the Cross: that whence death came thence also life might arise again, and that he, Who overcame by the tree, by the tree also might be overcome: Through Christ our Lord. Through Whom the Angels praise Thy Majesty, the Dominations worship it, the Powers stand in awe. The Heavens and the Heavenly hosts together with the blessed Seraphim in triumphant chorus unite to celebrate it. Together with these we entreat Thee, that Thou mayest bid our voices also be admitted while we say with lowly praise:
      HOLY, HOLY, HOLY...

      COMMUNION:   John 13: 12-15
      Dominus Jesus, postquam coenavit cum discipulis suis, lavit pedes eorum, et ait illis: Scitis quid fecerim vobis ego Dominus et Magister? Exemplum dedi vobis, ut et vos ita faciatis.
      The Lord Jesus, after He had supped with His disciples, washed their feet, and said to them: Know you what I, your Lord and Master, have done to you? I have given you an example, that you also may do likewise.
      Dominus vobiscum.
      R. Et cum spiritu tuo.
      Refecti vitalibus alimentis quaesumus, Domine Deus noster : ut, quod tempore nostrae mortalitatis exesquimur, immortalitatis tuae munere consequamur. Per Dominum nostrum Jesum Christum, Qui Tecum vivit et regnat in unitate Spiritus Sancti, Deus,
      Per omnia saecula saeculorum.
      R. Amen.
      The Lord be with you.
      R. And with thy spirit.
      Let us pray.
      We beseech Thee, O Lord our God, that being nourished with this life-giving food, we may receive by the gift of Thy immortality what we celebrate in this mortal life. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, Thy Son, Who liveth and reigneth with Thee in the unity of the Holy Ghost, one God
      For ever and ever.
      R. Amen.


NOTE: The Ite Missa est is said and the blessing given, followed by the Gospel of St. John, at the beginning of which the priest does not make the sign of the cross on the altar, but only on himself.


Immediately after Mass, the celebrant incenses the chalice containing the reserved Host (the Ciborium), which is carried in procession to the altar of repose prepared for its reception within the church. During the procession the hymn Pange lingua from the Vespers of Corpus Christi is sung. On reaching the altar of repose the chalice with the reserved Host is placed on it, and after being incensed, it is placed in the tabernacle. Vespers are then said in the choir.
      Pange lingua gloriossi Corporis mysterium.
      Sanguinis que pretioso, Quem in mundi pretium.
      Fructus ventris generosi rex effudit gentium.

      Nobis datus, nobis natus
      Ex intacta Virgine,
      Et in undo conversatus,
      Sparso verbi semine,
      Sui moras incolatus
      Miro clausit ordine

      In supremae nocte coenae,
      Recumbens cum fratribus,
      Observata lege plene
      Cibis inlegalibus,
      Cibum turbae duodenae
      Se dat suis minibus

      Verbum caro, panem verum
      Verbo carne efficat orum
      Fitque sanquis Christi merum
      Et si sensus deficit,
      Ad firmandum cor sincerum
      Sola fides sufficit.

      (Here all kneel)

      Tantum ergo Sacramentum
      Veneremur cernui;
      Et antiquum documentum
      Novo cedat ritui:
      Praester fides supplementum
      Sensuum defectui

      Genitori, Genitoque
      Laus et jubilation;
      Salus, honor virtus quoque
      Sit et benedictio:
      Procedenti ab utroque
      Compar sit laudation.

      V. Panem de caelo praeastisti eis, alleluia.
      R. Omne delectamentum in se habentem, alleluia.

      Sing, my tongue, the Savior's glory, of His Flesh the mystery sing;
      Of His Blood, all price exceeding, Shed by our immortal King.
      Destined for the world's redemption, From a noble womb to spring.

      Of a pure and spotless Virgin,
      Born for us on earth below,
      He, as Man with man conversing,
      Stayed the seeds of truth to sow.

      Then He closed in solemn order
      Wondrously His life of woe,
      On the night of that last supper,
      Seated with His chosen band,
      He the Paschal Victim eating.
      First fulfills the Law's command:

      Then as food to all His brethren
      Gives Himself with His own Hand.
      Word made Flesh, the bread of nature,
      By His word to Flesh He turns;
      Wine into His Blood He changes;
      What through sense no change Discerns?
      Only be the heart in earnest,
      Faith her lesson quickly learns.

      (Here all kneel)

      Down in adoration falling
      Lo! the sacred Host we hail,
      Lo! o'er ancient forms departing
      Newer rites of grace prevail;
      Faith for all defects supplying,
      Where the feeble senses fail.

      To the everlasting Father,
      And the Son Who reigns on high
      With the Holy Ghost proceeding
      Forth from each eternally,
      Be salvation, honor, blessing,
      Might and endless majesty.

      V. Thou hast given them Bread from Heaven. Alleluia.
      R. Containing in itself all sweetness, alleluia.

      O sacrum convivum * in quo Christus suitor : recolitur memoria passionis ejus : mens impletur gratia : et futurae gloriae nobis pignus datur, alleluia.
      A sacred banquet, in which Christ is received, the memory of His passion renewed; the mind filled with grace, and a pledge of future glory given to us. Alleluia.


      The Pater Noster and Ave Maria having been recited secretly the Vespers are at once begun with the first antiphon. The Gloria Patri is not said at the end of the Psalms.

      1. Psalm 115: 13: Credidi

      An act of thanksgiving for deliverance from deadly peril.
      Credidi propter quod locutus sum : * ego autem humiliates sum nimis.
      Calicem * salutaris accipiam, et nomen Domini invocabo.
      Cum his * qui oderunt pacem eram pacificus : dum loquebar illis, impugnabant me gratis.
      I believed, therefore I was greatly afflicted.
      I will take the chalice of salvation, and I will call upon the name of the Lord.
      With them that hated peace I was peaceable : when I spoke to them they fought against me without cause.

      2: Psalm 19: Ad Dominum

      The just man beset by his enemies has recourse to God.
      Ad Dominum, cum tribularer, clamavi : * et exaudivitr me.
         Quid libera animan meam a labiis iniquis * et a lingua dolosa.
         Quid detur tibi, aut quid apponatur tibi * ad linguam dolosam?
         Sagittate potentis acutae * cum carbonibus desolatoriis.
         Heu mihi, quia incolatus meus prolongatus est : habitivi cum habitantibus Cedar *
         Cum his qui oderunt pacem eram pacificus : * cum loquebar illis, impugnabant me gratis.

      Antiphon: (Ps. 119: 7) Cum his qui oderunt pacem eram pacificus : dum loquebar illis, impugnabant me gratis.

      Antiphon (Ps. 139: 4) Ab hominibus * iniquis libera me, Domine.

      In my distress I cried unto the Lord, and He heard me.
         Deliver my soul, O Lord, from lying lips, and from a deceitful tongue.
         What shall be given unto thee or what shall be done unto thee, thou false tongue?
         Sharp arrows of the mighty, with hot burning coals.
         Woe is me! That my sojourn is long : I dwell with the dwellers of Cedar. My soul hath long dwelt as an exile.
         With them that hate peace I was peaceable : when I spoke unto them, they fought against me without a cause.

      Antiphon (Ps. 119: 7) With them that hated peace I was peaceable : when I spoke to them they fought against me without cause.

      Antiphon (Ps. 139: 4) From unjust men deliver me, O Lord.

      3. Psalm 139: Eripe me

      Urgent appeal to God against the enemies of the just man.
      Eripe me, Domine ab homine malo, * a viro iniquo eripe me.
         Qui cogitaverunt iniquitates in corde, * total die constituebant praelia.
         Acuerunt linguas suas sicut serpentis * venenum aspidum sub labiis eorum.
         Custodi me, Domine, de manu peccatoris, * et ab homanibus iniquis, eripeme.
         Qui cogitaverunt supplantare gressus meos * absconderunt superbi laqueum mihi;
         Et funes extenderunt in laqueum, * juxta iter scandalum posuerunt mihi.
         Dixi Domino : Deus meus es tu : * exaudi, Domine vocem deprecationis meae.
         Domine, Domine virtus salutis meae * obumbrasti super caput meum in die belli.
         Ne tradas me, Domine, a desideria meo peccatori; cogitaverunt contra me * ne derelinquas me, ne forte exaltentur.
         Caput circuitus eorum * labor labiorum ipsorum operiet eos.
         Cadent super eos carbones, in ignem dejicies eos * in miseries non subsistent.
         Vir linguosus non dirigetur in terra, * virum injustum mala capient in interitu.
         Cognovi quia faciet Dominus judicium inopis * et vindictam pauperum.
         Verumtamen justi confitebuntur nomini tuo: * et habitabunt recti cum vultu tuo.

      Antiphon: (Ps. 130: 4) Ab hominibus * iniquis libera me. Domine.

      Antiphon (Ps. 140: 9) Custodi me * a laqueo quem statuerunt mihi, et a scandalis operantium iniquitatem.

      Deliver me, O Lord, from the evil man : preserve me from the wicked man :
         Which imagine mischiefs in their heart : continually are they gathered together for war.
         They hae sharpened their tongues like a serpent : adders' poison is under their lips.
         Keep me, O Lord, from the hands of the wicked: and preserveme from the evil man:
         Who purpose to overthrow my goings. The proudhave hid a snare for me:
         And spread a net with cords: by the way-side have they set a trap for me.
         I said unto the Lord: Thou art my God : hear the voice of my supplication, O Lord.
         O Lord, my Lord, Thou strength of my salvation : Thou hast covered mine head in the day of battle!
         Give me not up, O Lord, to the desires of the wicked : they take counsel together against me : forsake me not, lest they exalt themselves.
         As for the head of those that compass me about, let the mischief of their own lips cover them.
         Let burning coals fall upon them; let them be cast into the fire ; when they are in trouble they will not be able to stand.
         An evil-speaker shall not prosper in the earth : evil shall hunt the wicked man, to overthrow him.
         I know that the Lord will maintain the cuas of the afflicted, and will revenge the poor.
         Surely the righteous shall give thanks unto Thy name; and the upright shall dwell in Thy presence.

      Antiphon: (Ps. 139: 4) From unjust men deliver me, O Lord. Antiphon: Ps. 140: 9) Keep me from the snare which they have laid for me, and from the stumbling blocks of them that work inquity.

      4. Psalm 140: Domine clamavi

      Prayer of the just man to God to obtain protection in the hour of trial
      Domine clamavi ad te, exaudi me ; * intende voci meae, cum clamavero ad te.
         Dirigatur oratio mea sicut incensum in conspectu tuo * elevatio manuum mearum sacrificum vespertinum.
         Pone, Domine, custodiam ori meo ) * et ostium circumstantiae labiis meis.
         Non declines cor meum in verba malitiae * ad excusandas excusationes in peccatis.
         Cum hominibus operantibus iniquitatem : * et non communicabo cum electis eorum.
         Corripiet me justus in misericordiae, et increpabit me; * oleum autem peccatoris non impinguet caput meum.
         Quoniam adhuc et oratio mea in beneplacitis eorum; * absorpti sunt juncti petrae judices eorum.
         Audient verba mea Quoniam portuerunt; * sicut crassitudo terrae erupta est super terram.
         Dissipata sunt ossa nostra secus infernum : * quia ad te, Domine, Domine, oculi mei: in te speravi, non auferas animan meam.
         Custodi me a laqueo quem statuerunt mihi : * et a scandalis operantium iniquiatem.
         Cadent in reticaulo ejus peccatores : * singulariter sum ego donec transeam.

      Antiphon (Ps. 140: 9) Custodi me a laqueo, quem statuerunt mihi et a scandalis operantium iniquitatem.

      Antiphon (Ps. 141: 5) Considerabam * ad desteram, et videbam, et non erat qui cognosecret me.

         Lord, I cry unto Thee :Hear me! give ear unto my voice when I cry unto Thee.
         Let my prayer be set forth as incense before Thee : the lifting-up of mine hands as the evening sacrifice.
         Set a watch, O Lord before my mouth: keep the door of my lips.
         Incline not mine heart to any evil word, to excuse myself in my sins.
         With men that work wickedness; and let me not eat of their dainties.
         Let the righteous smite me in kindness : and let him reprove me : but the oil of the wicked shall not anoint mine head:
         For yet my prayer shall be against their lusts. Their judges, shall be left (to their fate beside) in the hands of the rocks:
         (And) they (that have wreaked their vengeance on them) shall hear my words, that they are mighty. Like clods of earth broken by the ploughman.
         So are our bones scattered t the grave's mouth. But mine eyes are unto Thee, O Lord, my Lord : in Thee is my trust, leave not my life to destruction.
         Keep me from the snare which they have laid for me, and the gins of the workers of iniquity.
         The wicked shall fall into their own net; as for e, I dwell alone, until I depart hence.

      Antiphon (Ps. 140: 9) Keep me from the snare which they have laid for me, and from the stumbling blocks of them that work iniquity.

      Antiphon (Ps. 141: 5) I looked on my right hand, and beheld : and there was no one that would know me.

      5. Psalm 141: Voce mea

      Appeal from the just man to God in the midst of his calamities
         Voce mea ad Dominum, clamavi, * voce mea ad Dominum deprecatus sum.
         Effundo in conspectu ejus orationem meam, * et tribulationem meam ante ipsum pronuntio.
         In deficiendo ex me spiritum meum * et tu cognovisti semitas meas.
         In via hac quaambulabam * absconderunt laqueum mihi.
         Considerabam ad dexteram, et videbam, * et non erat qui cognosceretme.
         Periit figa a me, * et non est qui requirat animam meam.
         Clamavi ad te, Domine, dixi: Tu es spes mea, * portio mea in terra viventium.
         Intende ad deprecationem meam : * quia humiliates sum nimis.
         Libera me a persequentibus me : * quia confortati sunt super me.
         Educ de custodia animan meam ad confitendum nomini tuo: * me exspectant justi, donec retribuas mihi.

      Antiphon (Ps. 141: 5) Considerabam ad dexteram, et videbam, et non erat qui cognosceret me.

         I cried unto the Lord with my voice: with my voice unto the Lord did I make supplication.
         I pour out my complaint before Hi : before Him also I show my trouble.
         When my spirit faileth from me : then Thou knowest my path.
         In the way wherein I walked have they privly laid a snare for me.
         I looked on the right hand and beheld: but there was no man that would know me.
         Refuge failed me : and no man cared for my soul.
         I cried unto Thee, O Lord! I said: Thou art my refuge, and my portion in the land of the living.
         Attend unto my cry, for I am brought very low.
         Deliver me from my persecutors : for they are stronger than I.
         Bring my soul out of prison, that I may praise Thy name: the righteous wait for me, till Thou deal bountifully with me.

      Antiphon (Ps. 141: 5) I looked on my right hand, and beheld: and there was no one that would know me.

      Neither the chapter, hymn nor verse is said

      Antiphon at the Magnificat: Matthew 26: 26
      Coenantibus * autem illis, accepit Jesus panem, et benedixit, ac fregit, deditque discipulis suis.
      Whilst they were at supper, Jesus took bread and blessed and broke and gave to His disciples.

      Respice, quaesumus, Domine, super hanc familiam tuam, pro qua Dominus noster Jesus Christus non dubitavit minibus tradit nocentitum et crucissubire tormentum. (The rest is said in silence) Qui tecum vivit…
      Look down, O Lord, we beseech Thee, on this Thy family, for which our Lord Jesus Christ was content to be betrayed and to be delivered into the hands of wicked men, and to suffer the torment of the cross. (The rest is said in silence) Who liveth and reigneth…


At the conclusion of Vespers the priest, assisted by his ministers proceeds to strip the altars, whilst reciting the antiphon Diviserunt and Ps. 21. "The Divine Savior applied this Psalm to Himself by beginning it with a loud cry on the Cross, in order to teach us to continue it in the same sense." (Bossuet)
      Antiphon (Ps. 21: 19) Diviserunt sibi * vestimenta mea : et super vestem meam miserunt sortem.
      Antiphon (Ps. 21: 19) They parted My garments amongst them : and upon My vesture they cast lots.

      Psalm 21: Deus meus
         Deus, Deusmeus, respice in me : quare me derelinquisti? * a longe a salute mea verba delictorum memorum.
         Deus meus, clamabo per diem, et nonexaudies : * et nocte, et non ad insipientiam mihi.
         Tu autem in sancto habitas, * laus Israel.
         In te speraverunt patres nostri : * speraverunt, et liberasti eos.
         Ad te Clamaverunt, et salvi facti sunt : * in te speraverunt,, et non sunt confuse.
         Ego autem sum vermis, et non homo : * opprobrium hominum et abjection plebis.
         Omnes videntes me, deriserunt me : * locuti sunt labiis, et moverunt caput.
         Speravit in Domino, eripiat eum : * Salvum faciat eum, Quoniam vult eum.
         Quoniam tu es, qui extraxisti me de ventre * spes mea ab uberibus matrismeae.
         In te projectus sum ex utero : de venre matris meae Deus eus es tu : ne discesseris a me:
         Quoniam tribulation proxima est, * Quoniam non est qui adjuvet.
         Circumdederunt me vituli multi : * tauri pingues obsederunt me.
         Aperuerunt super me os suum, * sicut leo rapines et rugiens.
         Sicut aqua effuses sum ; * et dispersa sunt omnia ossa mea.
         Factum est cor meum tamquam cera liquescens, * in medio ventris mei.
         Aruit tamquam testa virtus mea, et lingua mea adhaesit faucibus meis : * et in pulverem mortis deduxisti me.
         Quoniam circumdederunt me canes multi * concilium malignantium obsedit me.
         Foderunt manus meas, et pedes meos : * dinumeravetrunt omnia ossa mea.
         Ipsi vero consideraverunt, et inspexerunt me : diviserunt sibi vestimenta mea, * et super vestem meam miserunt sortem.
         Tu autem, Domine, ne elongaveris auxilium tuum a me ; * ad defensionem meam conspice.
         Erue a framea, Deus, animam meam :* et de manu canis unicam meam.
         Salva me ex ore leonis : * et a cornibus unicornium humilitatem meam.
         Narrabo nomen tuum fratribus meis : * in medio ecclesiae laudabo te.
         Qui timetis Dominum, Laudate eum : * universum semen Jacob glorificate eum.
         Timeat eum omne semen Israel, * Quoniam non sprevit, neque despexit deprecationem pauperis.
         Nec avertit faciem suam a me : * et cum clamorem ad cum, exaudivit me.
         Apud te laus mea in ecclesia magna : * voce mea reddam in conspectu timentium eum.
         Edent paupers, et sturabuntur, et laudabunt Dominium, qui requirunt eum : * vivent corda eorum in saeculum saeculi.
         Reminiscentur et convertentur ad Dominum * universi fines terrae.
         Et adorabunt in conspectu ejus * universae familiae gentium.
         Quoniam Domini est regnum : * et ipse dominabitur gentium.
         Manducaverunt, et adiraverybt inbes oubgyes terrae : * in conspectu ejus cadent omnes qui descendunt in terram.
         Et anima mea illi vivet : * et semen meum serviet ipsi.
         Annuntiabitur Domino generatio ventura : et annuntiabunt caeli justitiam ejus, populo qui nascetur, quem fecit Dominus.

      Antiphon (Ps. 21: 19) diviserunt sibi vestimenta mea; et super vestem meam miserunt sortem.

         My God my God, look upon me : why hast Thou forsaken me? The voice of mine offenses keepeth Thy deliverance far from me.
         O my God, I cry in the daytime, and Thou hearest not: and in the night-season and still it is not foolishness in me.
         But Thou dwellest in holiness, O Thou Praise of Israel!
         Our fathers trusted in Thee : they trusted, and Thou didst deliver them.
         They cried unto Thee, and were delivered: they trusted in Thee, and were not confounded.
         But I am a worm and no man : a reproach of men, and despised of the people.
         All they that see me laugh me to scorn : they shoot out the lip, and shake their head:
         He trusted in the Lord, let Him rescue him : let Him deliver him, seeing He delighteth in him.
         But Thou art he that took me out of the womb : Thou art mine hope from my mother's breasts.
         I was cast upon Thee from the womb. Thou art my God from my mother's belly Be not far from me:
         For trouble is near : for there is none to help.
         Many bulls have compassed me : strong bulls have beset me round.
         They gaped upon me with their mouths, as a ravening and a roaring lion.
         I am poured out like water, and all my bones are out of joint.
         Mine heart is like melting wax in the midst of y bowels.
         My strength is dried up like a potsherd, and my tongue cleaveth to my jaws : and Thou hast brought me into the dust of death.
         For many dogs have compassed me : the assembly of the wicked have inclosed me.
         They have pierced mine hands and my feet : they have told all my bones:
         They look and stare upon me. They part my garments among them, and upon my vesture do they cast lots.
         But let not Thine help be far from me ; O Lord, haste Thee to save me.
         O God, deliver my soul from the sword : my darling from the power of the dog.
         I will declare Thy name unto my brethren : in the idst of the congregation will I praise Thee.
         I will declare Thy name unto my brethren : in the midst of the congregation will I praise Thee.
         Ye that fear theLord, praise Him : all ye seed of Jacob, glorify Him;
         Let all the seed of Israel fear Him. For He hath not despised nor abhorred the prayer of the poor;
         Neither hath He hid His face from me : but when I cried unto Him, He heard me.
         My praise shall be of Thee in the great congregation : I will pay my vows before them that fear Him.
         The poor shall eat and be satisfied, and they shall praise the Lod that seek Him : their heart shall live forever.
         All the ends of the earth shall remember and turn unto the Lord.
         And all the kindreds of the nations shall worship before Him.
         For the kingdom is the Lord's; and He hath dominion among the nations.
         All they that be fat upon earth shall eat and worship : all they that go down to the dust shall fall down before Him.
         My soul also shall live unto Him; and my seed shall serve Him.
         The generation to come shall tell it unto the Lord :and the heavens shall declare His righteousness unto a people that shall be born, whom the Lord hath made.

      Antiphon (Ps. 21: 19) They parted my garments amongst them : and upon my vesture they cast lots.


After the stripping of the altars, the clergy at a convenient hour meet to perform the ceremony known as the Mandatum. The prelate or priest puts on over the amice and alb a violet stole and cope. Then the deacon, in white vestments (as is also the subdeacon) sings the Gospel Ante diem festum Pasche.

      GOSPEL:    John 13: 1-15

      Ante diem festum Paschæ, sciens Jesus quia venit hora ejus ut transeat ex hoc mundo ad Patrem : cum dilexisset suos, qui erant in mundo, in finem dilexit eos. Et cœna facta, cum diabolus jam misisset in cor ut traderet eum Judas Simonis Iscariotæ : sciens quia omnia dedit ei Pater in manus, et quia a Deo exivit, et ad Deum vadit : surgit a cœna, et ponit vestimenta sua, et cum accepisset linteum, præcinxit se. Deinde mittit aquam in pelvim, et cœpit lavare pedes discipulorum, et extergere linteo, quo erat præcinctus. Venit ergo ad Simonem Petrum. Et dicit ei Petrus : Domine, tu mihi lavas pedes ? Respondit Jesus, et dixit ei : "Quod ego facio, tu nescis modo, scies autem postea.""Si non lavero te, non habebis partem mecum." Dicit Ei Simon Petrus : Domine, non tantum pedes meos, sed et manus, et caput. Dicit ei Jesus : "Qui lotus est, non indiget nisi ut pedes lavet, sed est mundus totus. Et vos mundi estis, sed non omnes." Sciebat enim quisnam esset qui traderet eum ; propterea dixit : Non estis mundi omnes. Postquam ergo lavit pedes eorum, et accepit vestimenta sua : cum recubuisset iterum, dixit eis : "Scitis quid fecerim vobis ? Vos vocatis Me Magister et Domine, et bene dicitis : sum etenim. Si ergo Ego lavi pedes vestros, Dominus et Magister, et vos debetis alter alterutrum lavare pedes. Exemplum enim dedi vobis, ut quemadmodum ego feci vobis, ita et vos faciatis."

      Before the festival day of the pasch, Jesus knowing that His hour was come, that He should pass out of this world to the Father: having loved His own who were in the world, He loved them unto the end. And when supper was done (the devil having now put into the heart of Judas Iscariot, the son of Simon, to betray Him), Knowing that the Father had given Him all things into His hands and that He came from God and goeth to God, He riseth from supper and layeth aside His garments and, having taken a towel, girded Himself. After that, He putteth water into a basin and began to wash the feet of the disciples and to wipe them with the towel wherewith He was girded. He cometh therefore to Simon Peter. And Peter saith to Him: Lord, dost Thou wash my feet? Jesus answered and said to him: "What I do, thou knowest not now; but thou shalt know hereafter." Peter saith to Him: Thou shalt never wash my feet, Jesus answered him: "If I wash thee not, thou shalt have no part with Me." Simon Peter saith to Him: Lord, not only my feet, but also my hands and my head. Jesus saith to him: "He that is washed needeth not but to wash his feet, but is clean wholly. And you are clean, but not all." For He knew who he was that would betray Him; therefore He said: "You are not all clean." Then after He had washed their feet and taken His garments, being set down again, He said to them: "Know you what I have done to you? You call Me Master and Lord. And you say well: for so I am. If then I being your Lord and Master, have washed your feet; you also ought to wash one another's feet. For I have given you an example, that as I have done to you, so you do also."

The officiating priest then removes his cope, girds himself with a cloth and, assisted by his ministers begins the washing of the feet of thirteen clerics or thirteen poor people chosen for the ceremony. It is obvious that the number was originally twelve, in remembrance of the twelve Apostles. According to a tradition, the alteration was made by St. Gregory the Great. This holy Pope, when washing the feet of twelve poor men, noticed one more, of a very magnificent countenance. When he tried to know who he was, after the ceremony, the mysterious poor had disappeared. St. Gregory believed it was an angel or our Lord Himself. The official liturgical book known as the "Ceremonial of the Bishops' prescribed the number of thirteen.

The officiating priest kneels before each one of them, washes, wipes and kisses the foot presented, using the cloth tendered by the deacon. Meanwhile the following is sung.

      Antiphon: John 13: 34

      The antiphon Mandatum is repeated, as is also each of the following antiphons after its psalm or verse ; but only the first verse of each psalm
      Mandatum novum do vobis : Ut diligatis invicem, sicut dilexi vos, ut et vos diligatis invicem. (Psalm 118: 1) Beati immaculati in via, qui ambulant in lege Domini. Mandatum novum...
      A new commandment I give unto you: That you love one another, as I have loved you, that you also love one another. (Psalm 118: 1) Blessed are the undefiled in the way, who walk in the law of the Lord. (REPEAT): A new commandment...

      Antiphon: John 13: 4, 5, 16
      Postquam surgit a cœna, et ponit vestimenta sua, et cum accepisset linteum, præcinxit se. 5 Deinde mittit aquam in pelvim, et cœpit lavare pedes discipulorum suoruj : hoc exemplum reliquit eis. (Psalm xlvii. 2) Magnus Dominueaudabilis nimis : in civitatem Dei nostri, in monte sancto ejus. (REPEAT): Postquam...
      After our Lord had riseth from supper and layeth aside his garments and, having taken a towel, girded himself. After that, he putteth water into a basin and began to wash the feet of the disciples and to wipe them with the towel wherewith he was girded. For I have given you an example, that as I have done to you, so you do also. (Ps. 118: 2) Great is the Lord and exceedingly to be praised in the city of our God, in His holy mountain. (REPEAT): After...

      Antiphon: John 13: 12-15
      Dominus Jesu * postquam coenavit cum discipulis suis, lavit pedes eorum, et ait illis : Scitis quid fecerim vobis ego Dominus, et Magister? Exemplus dedi vobis, ut et vox ita faciatis. (Ps. 84: 2) Bnedixisti, Domine, terram tuam : avertisti captivitatem Jacob. (REPEAT): Dominus Jesus...
      Our Lord Jesus, after He had supped with His disciples, washed their feet, and said to them : Know you what I your Lord and Master have done to you? I have given you an example, that ye also may do likewise. (Ps. 84: 2) Thou hast blessed, O Lord, Thy land : Thou hast turned away the captivity of Jacob. (REPEAT): Our Lord Jesus...

      Antiphon: John 13: 6-8
      Domine * tu mihi lavas pedes? Respondit Jesus, et dixit ei: Si non lavero tibi pedes non habebis partem mecum. V. Venit ergo ad Simonem Petrum, et dixit ei Petrus : Domine, tu mihi lavas pedes? Respondit Jesus, et dixit ei: Si non lavero tibi pedes, non habebis partem mecum. V. Qund ego facio, tu nescis modo, scies autem postea. (REPEAT): Domine...
      Lord, dost thou wash my feet? Jesus answered and said to him : If I shall not wash thy feet, thou shalt have no part with Me. V. He came to Simon Peter, and Peter said to him : Lord, dost Thou wash my feet? Jesus answered and said to him: If I shall not wash thy feet, thou shalt have no part with Me. V. What I do, thou knowest not now; but thou shalt know hereafter. (REPEAT): Lord...

      Antiphon: John 13: 14
      Si ego Dominus * et Magister vester lavi vobis pedes : quanto magis debetis alter alteriuslavare pedes? (Ps. 48: 2) Audite haec, omnes gentes : Auribus percipite qui habitatis orbvem. (REPEAT): Si ego...
      If I your Lord and Master have washed your feet : how much more ought you to wash one another's feet: (Ps. 48: 2) Hear these things, all ye nations : give ear, ye that inhabit the world. (REPEAT): If I...

      Antiphon: John 13: 35
      In hoc cognoscent omnes * quia Discipuli mei estis, si dilectionem habueritis ad invicem V. Dixit Jesus discipulis suis. (REPEAT): In hoc cognoscent omnes...
      By this shall all men know that you are My disciples, if you have love one for another. V. Said Jesus to His disciples. By this shall all men know. (REPEAT): By this shall all...

      Antiphon: 1 Corinthians 13: 13
      Maneant in vobis * fudesm soesm carutasm trua gaec : nahir autem horum est caritas V. Nunc autem manent fides, spes, caritas, tria haec : major autem horum est caritas. (REPEAT): Maneant in vobis...
      Let these three, faith, hope and charity remain in you; but the greatest of these is charity. V. And now there remain faith, hope and charity, these three: but the greatest of these is charity. (REPEAT): Let these three...Let these three, faith, hope and charity remain in you; but the greatest of these is charity. V. And now there remain faith, hope and charity, these three: but the greatest of these is charity. (REPEAT): Let these three...

      Benedicta sit * sancta Trinitas, atque indivisa Unitas : confitebimur ei, qua fecit nobiscum misericordiam suam. V. Benedicamus Patrem, et Filium * cum sancto Spiritu. Ps. Quam dilecta tabernacula tua, Domine virtutum, concupiscit, et deficit anima mea in atria Domini. Benedicta, sit.
      Blessed be the holy Trinity and undivided Unity: we will praise Him, because He has shown us His mercy. V. Let us bless the Father, and the Son, with the Holy Ghost. Ps. How lovely are Thy tabernacles, O Lord of hosts! My soul longeth and fainteth for the courts of the Lord. (REPEAT): Blessed be...

      Antiphon: John 2: 3-4
      Ubi caritas, et amor, Deus ibi est. V. Congregavit nos in unum Christi amor. V. Exsultemus, et in ipso jucundemur. V. Timeamus et amemus Deum vivum. V. Et ex corde diligamus jos sincero.

      Antiphon - Ubi caritas, et aor, Deus ibi est. V. Simul ergo cum in unum congregaur. V. Ne nos mente dividamur, caveamus V. Cessent jurgia maligna, cessent lites. V. Et in medio nostri sit Christus Deus.

      Antiphon - Ubi caritas, et amor, Deus ibi est. V. Simul quoque cuj beatis videamus. V. Glorianter vultum tuum, Christe Deus. V. Gaudium, quod est immensum, atque probum. V. Saecula per infinita saeculorum. Amen.

      Where charity and love are, there is God. V. The love of Christ has gathered us together. V. Let us rejoice in Him and be glad. V. Let us fear and love the living God. V. And let us love one another with a sincere heart.

      Where charity and love are, there is God. When, therefore, we are assembled in one. V. Let us take heed, that we be not divided in mind. V. Let malignant quarrels and contentions cease. V. And let Christ our God dwell in the midst of us.

      Antiphon - Where charity and love are, there is God. V. Let us also with the blessed see. V. Thy face in glory, O Christ our God. V. There to possess an immense and happy joy. V. For infinite ages of ages. Amen.

      After the washing of the feet, the prelate, or whoever has performed the ceremony, washes his hands. Then returning to the place where he first stood, he puts on his cope, and standing with his head uncovered he says the Pater noster (in secret).
      V. Et ne nos inducas in tentationem.
      R. Sed libera nos a malo
      V. Tu mandastimandata tua, Domine.
      R. Custodiri nimis
      V. Tu lavasti pedes discipulorum tuorum.
      R. Opera manuum tuarum ne despicias.
      V. Domine, exaudi orationem meam.
      R. Et clamor meus ad te veniat.
      V. Dominus vobiscum
      R. Et cum spiritu tuo.
      V.And lead us not into temptation.
      R. But deliver us from evil.
      V. Thou hast commanded Thy precepts, O Lord.
      R. To be exactly observed.
      V. Thou hast washed the feet of Thy disciples.
      R. Despise not the works of Thy hands.
      V. O Lord, hear my prayer.
      R. And let my cry come unto Thee.
      V. The Lord be with you.
      R. And with thy spirit.

      Adesto, Domine, quaesumus, officio servitutis nostrae : et quia tu discipulis tuis pedes lavare dignatus es, ne despicias opera manuum tuarum, quae nobis retinenda mandasti : ut, sicut hic nobis, et a nobis exteriora abluuntur inquinamenta : sic a te omnium nostrum interiora laventur peccata. Quod ipse praestare digneris, qui vivis et regnas, Deus : per omnia secula saeculorum. Amen.
      Assist, O Lord, we beseech Thee, this performance of our service; and since Thou didst vouchsafe to wash the feet of Thy disciples, despise not the work of Thy hands, which Thou hast commanded us to imitate; that as here the outward stains are washed away for us and by us, so likewise may the inward sins of all be blotted out by Thee. Grant this, we beseech Thee, Who livest and reignest God for ever and ever. Amen.


Pius VII granted a plenary indulgence to all who on Maundy Thursday perform some pious exercise (reading, meditation or office) for one hour in commemoration of the institution of the Holy Eucharist, provided that, being truly contrite, they go to confession and holy Communion on that day or on any day of the week following.

   He also granted a plenary indulgence to all who pay a visit to the Blessed Sacrament at altars of repose on Maundy Thursday and Good Friday, and pray there for the intention of the Sovereign Pontiff, provided they have been to confession and that they go to holy Communion on Maundy Thursday or on Easter Sunday.