Hail Mary Most Holy, Beloved Daughter of God the Father
Through the intercession of Mother Mariana de Jesus Torres, grant thy good success to this request
(name your request)
Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory Be...
Saint Michael, pray for us.

Hail Mary Most Holy, Admirable Mother of God the Son
Through the intercession of Mother Mariana de Jesus Torres, grant thy good success to this request
(name your request)
Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be...
Saint Gabriel, pray for us.

Hail Mary Most Holy, Most Faithful Spouse of the Holy Ghost
Through the intercession of Mother Mariana de Jesus Torres, grant thy good success to this request
(name your request)
Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be...
Saint Raphael, pray for us.

Hail Mary Most Holy, Temple and Sacrarium of the Most Holy Trinity.
St. Michael, St. Gabriel, St. Raphael,
pray for us.

Our Lady of Good Success, thou who art the all-powerful intercessor before the Most Holy Trinity, deign to hear and answer my request, so long as it contributes to the salvation of my soul and the glory and exaltation of Holy Mother Church.
Hail Holy Queen...

  • Our Lady of Good Success website dedicated to her
  • Articles, Books and Devotions on Our Lady of Good Success from TIA
  • Kasper's Brag Dr. Thomas A. Droleskey, still suffering from frostbite as more snow hounds his area, informs readers not to be snowed by the ecumaniacs who occupy modern Rome for they despise the previous reliable true Popes as evidence by their total rejection of His Holiness Pope Leo XIII's encyclical Apostolicae Curae and the embrace of the heretical, manifested in 'cardinal' Walter Kasper's acceptance of the "Lambeth Cross" which is acknowledging and recognizing the Church of England, something Edward Campion, Bishop John Fisher and the humanist martyr Sir Thomas Moore all refused to do. But then what do you expect from the Modernists who long ago abandoned Catholicism in order to please man with no regard for what God wills. In due time, unless they repent - which becomes ever more doubtful with every passing day - they will understand all too well what God wills and then they will regret, oh will they regret. We doubt there'll be much bragging then. 1-27
  • Because last week was dedicated to the Chair of Unity Octave we did not run the next installment of Catholicism Made Simple, but return today to resume weekly publishing of this feature. We've been paralleling the liturgical season with the Birth of Jesus, His early years and Hidden life. In step twenty-five we focus on Christ's Public Life. After spending 30 years with his holy and Immaculate Mother Mary and taking care of her after His stepfather Joseph's peaceful death, the Son of God knew His time had come to go forth. It was His Own Mother who may well have rushed His fame by beseeching Him to perform His first miracle at the Wedding Feast of Cana. Even though He had not intended to do so, the persuasion of His Mother out of compassion for the bride and groom illustrated something Catholics realize all too well and bemoan the fact Protestants do not for Mary is the answer to reaching Jesus for He cannot say no to His Mother. Possessing the divine nature, Jesus could very well have gone forth and converted all by one miracle and all would be satisfied, but using His second nature as man He was like any man except for the capability of sinning and chose to follow the human path in teaching God's truths by preserving free will, giving man the choice between Christ or chaos. Because of this He employed parables that all might understand at their level of understanding and still have the capability to think for themselves and choose. Why did Christ only spend one tenth of His life in public? That is a question we may never know until the end of time, but we do know that He left us an example that after God, family comes first and it could be the crux of why the world is in the shape it is today because we have abandoned such wisdom, opening the door to His adversary. We'd be wise to reread the Gospels often to truly realize what a treasure has been left to us as you can see in Time to Begin

        Oh, to have the caliber of saints like the Golden Voiced Orator today to combat the heresies of Modernism and to bring souls back from the abyss just as he did in the early Church. The holy Doctor of the Church Saint John Chrysostom was a great orator who studied under one of Greece's famed orators and ultimately became one of the greatest orators himself, laboring for Christ and His Church in the century in which Constantine had declared Rome a Christian state and Christianity began to flourish, thanks in large part to John. He was duly recognized by Pope St. Pius X as Patron of Preachers. Like the other Doctors of the fourth and fifth century, he combatted the damaging heresy of Arianism and was harassed for his orthodoxy. Like St. Jerome, he employed the wealth of his family to further his own studies before turning his talents to bring souls to Our Lord. This masterful Doctor, the "Golden-throated Orator" is Saint John Chrysostom who was known far and wide as The Golden Voice of Truth

    Just as we need holy, courageous men like St. John above, we also need men like St. Hilary and the other brave stalwarts who stood against the Arians. So also today as the great deceiver Joseph Ratzinger lures those who should know better away from what they had previously defended, we must man the ramparts and fight with fewer, but fight we must and be willing to be martyrs for the holy Faith and its Founder, our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Patricius Anthony files a reminder of this as he sounds the clarion to be ready in Traditional Catholicism's Real Enemy

       Yesterday we concluded the Week of the Chair of Unity Octave and completed it by calling upon the renowned and eminent venerable Benedictine Abbot Dom Prosper Gueranger to put this Feast of the Conversion of St. Paul in perspective provided by his inspirational Exerpts from The Liturgical Year on the feast. In our present time the crisis has grown far more worse than in Gueranger's time. Therefore, hopefully this past week the prayers offered for conversion will reach Heaven and the Holy Trinity will respond in kind by touching hardened and prejudiced hearts to bring to a reality Christ's call "that all may be one." But as much as many are content to wait for a miracle, God expects us to do our part and that is to urge the true traditional bishops to realize they must lead the charge. Let us pray that God will knock them off their respective horses long enough for them to realize they alone have the power and duty to return the True Faith to the masses for they are the true successors of the Apostles as Mario Derksen has certainly proven in his 100 page pdf Open Letter to Bishop Kelly with not a doubt that the charlatans posing in scarlet and purple in the conciliar church today cannot be true bishops, and ergo not authentic successors of the Apostles. The problem is that if the true Traditional Bishops do nothing, then the true Faith will mean nothing to the generations to come. It's now or never, Your Excellencies. Please, for the sake of souls do something to unite the Remnant Church!

        We are currently in the midst of the nine-day Novena leading up to the traditional feast of Our Lady of Good Success which coincides with Candlemass and the Feast of the Purification. This year it is even more significant since we celebrate the 400th Anniversary of the Blessed Mother's messages and visits to a humble Conceptionist nun in Mother Mariana de Jesus Torres. True to the prophesies imparted to her, these messages would be forgotten and little known until the time they pertained to which are our times, folks. We encourage you to purchase the fascinating books Dr. Marian Therese Horvat has compiled on Our Lady of Good Success, the messages and messenger of Quito, Ecuador and see that Our Lady foretold all that is unfolding today. In light of that, we encourage all to devote the next nine days to praying the Novena to Our Lady of Good Success either the Long Version of the Novena with an Imprimatur each day or the shorter Nine-Day Short Novena.

        The above applies not just to those outside the true Faith but also the church of Vatican II, Newchurch, the conciliar church, whatever you want to call Modernist Rome, for it is not Catholic, evident by the antipopes - many will say antichrists - who have usurped the authority of Peter and the Apostles. But the authority lives on in the true bishops who bring the true sacraments to the remnant flock; those who have resisted all that has come out of Vatican II. Most of those bishops are true shepherds through the heroic decision of a Vietnamese priest, consecrated with the blessings and consent of His Holiness Pope Pius XI to carry on the work of the Apostles as a true successor to them. This priest, who was, of course, His Excellency Bishop Pierre Martin Ngo-dinh-Thuc, became a shepherd to his people. Little did he or his flocks know that their homeland was on the cusp of war, to be laid waste by hostiles from afar and near. Little could he have imagined that he and his flocks would be betrayed by Washington D.C. and the Vatican, that his brother would be assassinated. His life would fill volumes. Over the years he became a man of whom much controversy has erupted within the Traditional Catholic movement over his validity, licitness, jurisdiction, etc. Was he conflicted over Vatican II? Who wasn't? Was he pressured by various groups within and without the Vatican? Oh, indeed.

        But Bishop Thuc was true to our Lord's charge in St. John 21: 16, to "Feed My Sheep." Yet there are those who castigate the bishop and those who trace their succession to him and ultimately the Apostles. In demeaning these Thuc Bishops, it has only served to greatly confuse even more souls. One particular offender is the founder of the Society of St. Pius V Bishop Clarence Kelly who has long railed against Bishop Thuc and the Thuc Bishops, the very ones who are laboring in the vineyard today. At last, we have a breakthrough and we are proud to announce that one of The DailyCatholic alumni, if you will, Mario Derksen has focused on getting the facts and ending the doubts and lies about Bishop Thuc and a majority of the traditional bishops today. In total candor and integrity, Mario has published an Open Letter to Bishop Kelly, filed at ThucBishops.com to clarify the confusion and challenge the bishops to move on and unite for the salvation of souls. That is truly a wake-up call to those in doubt. Doubt no longer as you read the documented thesis of Mr. Derksen. It is 100 pages of airtight documentation refuting Kelly's claims. We strongly urge you to read it, but set some time aside so you can digest it better and understand where the problems lie and how they can be solved so that doubts can be put aside and with an assurance of doing the right thing, we can all unite within the Traditional movement for the greater honor and glory of God in our collective effort to add more souls to the remnant church presently in eclipse. This extensively researched thesis by Mario should help bring more light to the subject and allow more to see where the True Church truly is and work towards that unity we all desire for Christ's One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church.

    In this issue:

    Previously on The DailyCatholic:

    Commemoration Jan. 23 |

    Holy Mass for Jan. 24   |   

    Holy Mass for Jan. 25  |     

    Holy Mass for Jan. 26   | 

    Holy Mass for Jan. 27  |  

    Holy Mass for Jan. 28  | 

    Holy Mass for Jan. 29  |

    Commemoration Jan. 30

    Holy Mass for Jan. 31  |   

    Holy Mass for Feb. 1   |   

    Holy Mass for Feb. 2     |   

    Holy Mass for Feb. 3  |  

    Holy Mass for Feb. 4  | 

    Holy Mass for Feb. 5  |

    Commemoration Feb. 6  |  

    Holy Mass for Feb. 7    |  

    Holy Mass for Feb. 8      | 

    Holy Mass for Feb. 9 

    Holy Mass for Feb. 10  | 

    Holy Mass for Feb. 11  | 

    Holy Mass for Feb. 12

    Note: As these pages load, we invite you to say as many Hail Mary's as necessary. You can click on the Rosary button to the left as well to see the Rosary Prayers in English, Latin and Spanish. We pray you will be imbued by the truths of the authentic Catholic Faith we provide here and yearn to learn more of the infrangible truths of the One and only Church founded by Jesus Christ. This page views best in Mozilla Firefox. For Internet Explorer, we suggest putting text view in smaller mode.

      Most recent pertinent articles from Dr. Thomas A. Droleskey at Christ or chaos:
  • Bearing "Fruits" From Hell Itself Part One and Part Two With true Catholics having prayed fervently this past week for the conversion of all false sects to the true and only Church founded by Christ, the betwitched Benedict 16 has been busy doing all he can to condone those same false religions in their errors, bending over backward to please them no matter their grievous heresies as he only intensifies his own heresies and offenses against God with his ecumaniacal agenda in stealthily building a One World Religion which will be devoid of Christ and His Spirit for that would be offensive to Jews and Muslims. Dr. Droleskey lists the offenses in part one of a multi-part feature on the fact a bad tree cannot bear good fruit. 1-24

  • Heathens Believe in Their Own Might, We Believe in Christ the King What the Protestant mindset has done over the years and what greatly influence the progressive move toward all that Vatican II stood for is the idea that we must please man to get along and that we place our trust in man because we have the answers ourselves. They think, as the conciLIAR 'popes' have expressed, that man can find peace on his own. Dr. Thomas A. Droleskey reminds us of such folly and that true Catholics realize that Christ established His Church as a guide to Heaven and to ignore the wisdom and divine revelationhanded down by holy Mother Church and abandon Christ as our Sovereign King is akin to not only spiritual suicide, but opening a whole Pandora's Box that only leads to ruin. Do not be lured by the pied pipers on the right who promise what only God can deliver. 1-21

  • "From Sharp Focus to Fuzziness Oh, Ratzinger is a crafty devil. Of course, he's not going to destroy Catholicism in one fell swoop but undermine it one truth at a time with enough ambiguity to plant doubt in Catholics while sending false messages to non-Catholics that they are fine with their own tenets because even Catholics are no longer sure they are the true Church. Sound familiar? Can you say Vatican II? Oh, how insidious this anti-Thomistic disciple of Modernism is and Dr. Thomas Droleskey exposes this charlatan for the apostate Benedict 16 is by pitting him against Pope Pius XII, the Angelic Doctor, and numerous other saints, not to mention infallible councils and divine revelation itself. This time the Ratz is trying to poison the cheese of belief in Purgatory by casting doubts that it is a place where souls must spend time to be purified of all sin before entering into the presence of the Beatific Vision. Choosing a little known saint, he weighs her own private revelation and feelings against the solid doctrines holy Mother Church has always held regarding the Church Suffering as a key component of the Communion of Saints. Yes, Josef, there is a Purgatory. Yet, the more you undermine it, the less chance you have of ever experiencing it for your words and actions direct you to that place far, far below Purgatory. 1-18

    Dr. Thomas Droleskey weighs in with the facts of why the 'beatification' of Karol Wojtyla is a travesty of the umpth degree and we must all pray that God will intervene and stop the apostate Ratzinger from elevating another apostate all for the purpose of condoning a heretical council that has taken the true Church from the world's view and forced Her into the catacombs. Tom provides the proof of why May 1 will forever live in infamy if he goes through with this mockery of the sacred. Yet, no one should be surprised for it is none other than the pantheistic Pole who created the saint factory and abolished the advocatus diaboli that prior to Vatican II would prevent such a burlesque of 'beatification' from ever taking place. Who's next? Martin Luther? Maybe John Calvin? Tom explains the bizarre in "Beatifying" Yet Another Conciliar Revolutionary 1-17

    Also see Saint Peter and Anti-Peter

  • Unity and Peace Cannot Be Based in Error and Falsehood, Part Two While most Americans might expect a morale boost from the President of the United States, Catholics expect a moral boost from a Pope but then since we haven't had one for 52 years and counting, how could we ever expect false popes to uphold Catholic truth? That sure is not the case regarding Benedict XVI who has violated almost everything true Popes before Vatican II have said. Add to this the atrocious Assisi announcement and the even more appauling aberation of canonizing john paul 2 for a very questionable "miracle" that has the devil's handprints all over it. News wags report that Wojtyla should be made a saint because of the clamoring at his funeral. Puhlease! That was a concerted effort by a political group masquerading as Catholic to ramrod their agenda through. If he's in Heaven, then no one needs to worry about salvation. However, if he's not, and no one knows, but by his words and actions gives the impression that it would be mighty hard for him to go through that eye of the needle, then all should be on their guard that God will not be mocked. 1-14

  • Unity and Peace Cannot Be Based in Error and Falsehood, Part One While most who are steeped in naturalism are falling all over themselves praising Obama for his "memorial speech" in Tucson Wednesday night at the University of Arizona, Tom reminds us to look beneath the surface to the intent and content, which was totally absent, purposely as a matter of fact to accommodate syncretism, of the acknowledgment of Christ the King. Tom shows how no one can be consoled without the help of Christ through the only Church He established on earth. All else is fruitless, hollow and goes unheard in Heaven, sad over the fact that these clueless ones, celebrating a memorial service as if it were one big pep fest, have all bought into the false assumption that those who have died are in a better place. They forget Christ's words in St. Mark 16: 15-16. Do not be fooled by fables told by fools. 1-13

  • "Lucky" Mario May Not Be So Lucky in the End How we act as stewards here on earth in upholding God's immutable laws will go a long way when we stand before the Supreme Judge at our Particular Judgment. Tom notes that might be the achilles heel for the usual suspects such as the so-called 'Catholic' politicians who have had no problem violating the 5th Commandment as well as other Commandments and common decency. Of course, they might not be so emboldened had there been true shepherds to herd them in and teach the truth. But then in this parallel universe of the conciliar church and ammoral America what else would you expect? 1-8

  • With a Shrug of the "Papal" Shoulders Normally, one would have to ask who is vetting these men appointed to prestigious posts in the counterfeit church of conciliarism, but then the word counterfeit says it all. As traditional Catholics we could say 'why should we be concerned?' But as traditional Catholics we should say, 'why not when so many souls are being deceived?' Is it not our duty as St. Paul says in 2 Timothy 4: 3, "Preach the word, be instant in season, out of season, reprove, entreat, rebuke with all patience and doctrine"? Well the patience of true Catholics is wearing thin after 50 years and that pales in comparison to God's patience for what has been done to His holy Church. Yes, we must speak out and we can thank God for that the most prolific Catholic writer today is a dedicated traditional Catholic who puts his words where his heart and soul is. That's something you'll never get from the head man in Rome who could really care less about his responsibilities to souls. Oh, he will when he stands alone before the eternal Judge. Oh, will he! 1-7

  • Close Ideological Kinsmen The United States is ripe for the taking thanks to the Marxist-in-Chief who is puddy in the hands of fellow comrades Putin and Chavez. Over the last two years Nobama has seen to the sacking of our defense program while committing more troops to a senseless conflict in Afghanistan which is assinine, but all part of the agenda of a Fifth Columnist Manchurian Candidate in betraying his country (if it is indeed "his") by deliberately weakening of our military might as well as our economy. All part of the formula toward a One World Order where there will be no room for God, let alone for the Holy Trinity and the true Faith. We need to pray and make reparation in doing all in our power to restore the Catholic City for only by reestablishing Christ as our Sovereign King can there be any hope for America. 1-5

    Ol' Benedict xvi began the year in the same manner he ended it, still steeped in apostasy and ever more evident in his "World Day of Peace 2011, Religious Freedom, the Path to Peace" Urbi et Orbi in which he clings to the false belief that peace on earth can be obtained through temporal means and acceding to false religions to prompt God to bless that which the scriptures have assured can never be condoned by the Holy Trinity. Going even further, Ratzinger is even calling another syncretic synod of religious leaders for, where else? but Assisi! And again in October! What's with these conciLIARS that they can mock God with no fear of consequences? Be on guard for another earthquake. Tom provides all the grizzly details of Ratzinger's syncretism in his three-part essay:
  • Another Year of the Same Conciliar Apostasy, Part One 1-3
  • Another Year of the Same Conciliar Apostasy, Part Two 1-4
  • Another Year of the Same Conciliar Apostasy, Part Three 1-6

  • Content With Sloth The recent blizzard that hit the Big Apple on the last weekend of the year has had many repercussions, and Tom nails the problem: sloth and deliberate sabotage by the unions in a slowdown mode to disable and prevent normal traffic in and out of the city. But it is nothing new to those who forget there are consequences to their actions for God will not be mocked and will have the final say when they stand before Him. Isn't it about time the public woke up to those taking advantage of others? Perhaps we ourselves have been too lax in allowing it, in not speaking out more forcefully. 12-31

  • To Men of Good Will The dead-in-the-wool Hegelian who is Joseph Ratzinger continues to confuse those who do not truly know their Faith by masquerading as a Catholic pope with platitudes that might sound Catholic during public pronouncements on Catholic feasts, but read beneat the veneer and you'll see the drops of poison he has instilled since his days in Germany. Can you imagine what the caldron holds today? There has been nothing in the past half century to eradicate the poison which previous reliable and true Popes warned against and condemned, specifically Pope Leo XIII's Satis Cognitum. But Benedict is puffed up as a bladder as Pope St. Pius X described in Pascendi Domenici Gregis and we might add that when the Modernist Ratzinger seeks to see things in a "new light" that light is invariably from the "bearer of light", translated: Lucifer. 12-29

  • Hush, Hush, Don't Tell the People Contrary to the left politicos and MSM wags, death panels are definitely in Obamacare even if such legislation was eliminated in the final package, but, as Tom points out, dictators who have no respect for God's Natural Laws will be the first to violate human rights and it is a pattern that has been prevalent in history, yes, even in these United States from its very founding. Thanks to the total sell-out by the Modernist church of Rome, we have a so-called Catholic vice-president, former speaker of the house, and several others in power who have empowered Barry Nobama to do whatever he wants to do including skirt Congress on death panels as well as governing the internet. Who knows what's next? Perhaps our days on the internet are numbered. That we leave to God for He alone knows how this will all end, but right now He surely cannot be pleased that we, as a nation and as concerned Catholics have allowed it to happen. 12-28

  • Honesty and Truth Though it may seem hard to believe, there are some who exagerate the damage Ratzinger and his cohorts in sin are doing but it begs the question, why? Benedict XVI and his potentates have exhibited enough evil that it doesn't have to be caricaturized. It stands on its own as stinging evidence of the fulfillment of Our Lady's prophecy at La Salette: "Rome will lose the Faith, and become the seat of the Antichrist." Rome is the new Babylon as St. Peter called it and as the Apocalypse terms it in the last days. Yes, we are reaching those times for Modern Rome has abandoned Eternal Rome and gives credence to every religion just as the ancient Romans did to compromise and conquer. Sadly, the only thing Modern Rome is conquering are more souls for satan. Sad but true and that is nothing to make fun of. 12-22

  • Still Preparing the Way for Antichrist The world today is a mess, but you knew that. Did you know that the reason for the reigning chaos can be traced to the very fact that the moral beacon that had always been the Catholic Church has been aiming in a different direction than God wills; rather they are taking their marching orders from satan, which is evident by the words and actions of Ratzinger and his cronies and his predecessors as well over the past 50 years. A Catholic from the 50's wouldn't recognize the world, and you know he wouldn't recognize his beloved Church. Yes, God will have His day and we had better be prepared as St. John the Baptist alerts us in Gospel for the Fourth Sunday of Advent. 12-20

  • Benedict in Wonderland With apologies to Lewis G. Carroll, he missed the boat on his characterization of the Mad Hatter for had he lived today he would have had an ideal candidate in one Joseph Ratzinger, alias Benedict XVI. Whether he's leering at topless male acrobats as he did a few days ago in a shameless exhibit in the Vatican or proclaiming another false religion as perfectly fine while failing to suborn even one conciliar potentate for their complicity in the perversion and scandals that have ravaged the counterfeit church of conciliarism, he is truly mad. Only insanity could absolve him before God because before man he is an out and out radical heretic even if everyone else pretends they can't see the cheshire cat. Meow! 12-17

      Evidence of the "operation of error" that is the counterfeit church of conciliarism from other sites:

  • The Sin of Being Silent The little known holy man St. Vincent of Beauvais filed an account of what Sacred Scripture says about peccatum taciturnitatis - the sin of being silent - including the great St. Gregory who asserted, "The priest who enters will die if the sound is not heard, for he will attract for himself the wrath of the Eternal Judge if the sound of preaching does not come from him." Add to this the warnings in Exodus and Ezekiel and we can see to remain silent against today's apostasy or to not speak up against those not carrying out their duties according to the divine will convicts us. Therefore we must speak out or be accused by God of the sin of silence. from Tradition in Action 1-1

  • We Should Attack and Discredit the Agent of Error In 1960 the Spanish priest Fr. Felix Sarada y Salvani tried to alert all that the liberals would try to turn the tables and accuse true Catholics of hate whenever they were attacked. That trend of diversion continues today and it's time it's stopped. Why? Because as the Fathers and Doctors of the Church, as well as many Saints and true Popes, such as Paul IV, St. Pius V, Leo XIII, St. Pius X to name a few, emphasized: we must attack the person spouting heresy in order to defuse the weapon he uses. It's warfare and we have to strike at the heart of the enemy with forceful words to discredit them, but always with the sword of truth. Therefore, Fr. Salvani's words should reassure and justify traditional publications, sites and writers who have been accused of being mean-spirited when they attack the heresies of the conciliar popes and potentates who have been firing slings and arrows expecting traditional Catholics to be more "charitable" while they wreak havoc on souls with their Hegelian, Modernist bafflegab and gobbledygook that has so confused countless souls. from Tradition in Action 11-20

  • Joseph Ratzinger is Not the Pope by Jerry Meng

    The Fatima Prayers
    My God, I believe, I adore, I trust and I love Thee; and I beg pardon for those who do not believe, do not adore, do not trust, and do not love Thee.
    (repeat the above 3 times then bow your head in reciting the following:)

        O Most Holy Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Ghost, I adore Thee profoundly. I offer Thee the most Precious Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Jesus Christ, present in tabernacles throughout the world, in reparation for the outrages, sacrileges and indifference by which He is offended. By the infinite merits of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, in unison with the Immaculate Heart of Mary, I beg the conversion of poor sinners.

        O Most Holy Trinity, I addore Thee! My God, my God, I love Thee in the Most Blessed Sacrament!

        O my Jesus, it is for love of Thee, in reparation for the offenses committed against the Immaculate Heart of Mary and for the conversion of poor sinners.

  •    On Monday, January 24th they marched in Washington D.C., going through the very same rote exercise they have done every single year since the seventies. And what has it gotten us? Nothing but pabulum from presidents and polticians with nothing done for that is the way of politics and naturalism. It will continue that way as long as we put our faith in man, but if we really want action we must put our faith in God and urge those concerned souls to return to the True Faith for God will not hear our prayers if we have rejected His true Church in favor of any man-made conglomeration whether it is a pagan cult, a Protestant one, a Jewish one or the man-made conciliar church spawned from Vatican II. Today, in this seventh day of the Chair of Unity Octave Week we focus our prayers on the conversion of those who are in the NewChurch of Vatican II, the conciliar church, the Novus Ordo, call it what you want, but it is no longer Catholic as is evident by its conciliar 'popes' and 'prelates' and presbyters who have clearly veered from Catholic truth. Ergo, it cannot be Catholic. But most who still attend the Novus Ordo consider themselves Catholic because they have been dumbed down to believe that even though their belief system has drastically changed under the guise of "oh, the Church was out of touch with the times" mantra; something true Popes have proven is heresy.

       So how does the faith tie in with abortion? Because man veered from God, He has allowed countless millions of children to be slaughtered in the womb just as His permitting Will was to allow the Jews to wander and later be exiled to Babylon. You see, there are consequences for sin and the greater the sin, the greater the consequences aka punishments. Only if we repent of our sins, only if we accept every tenet of the holy Catholic Church as Christ instituted on earth (cf. St. Matthew 16: 16-18) and return to the true sacraments, abandoning the empty lodges of the Novus Ordo which apes Freemasonry with its sacrilegious Novus Ordo 'celebration.' You see the sacrificial aspect has been deleted in the 'new Mass' which makes it a Mess, not a Mass. Without sacrifice, there is no price to pay. Did Christ die in vain? Of course not, but in order to gain our salvation through His merits, we have to do our part and ignoring His divine Will that all may be one in the only Church He established is akin to suicide. Repent, Sacrifice and Convert and God will be merciful and miraculous. That is the only way we will end abortion in this country. It's up to each one of us to take responsibility and proselytize the true Faith regardless of how we'll be received. If they walk away, then so be it, but God will know that you tried. And that will go a long way in persuading His Mercy to end the slaughter of innocents.

    January 23rd is the feast of St. Raymond of Penafort, but is superseded this year by the Third Sunday after Epiphany. He is the patron of Canon Lawyers for he was a brilliant lawyer and teacher. At forty-seven, he decided to become a Dominican Friar, in part, to learn humility, which he lacked. Raymond feared no one. When the immoral King James ordered him to stay with him, Raymond is said to have taken his cape, laid it on the water and sailed back to Barcelona. He became General of the Dominican Order, Archbishop of Tarragona and confessor to the pope, who ordered him to gather into one work all scattered decrees of the popes and councils and all church laws. He stood strong for the true Faith, gathering the Sovereign Pontiffs decrees so all would know the Faith. In the same way we should read the encyclicals and decrees of past true, reliable Popes and see how what they wrote under the guidance of the Holy Ghost has condemned all that has been perpetrated on Catholics over the past half century thanks to the heretical council of Vatican II. Pray for those trapped in the counterfeit church of conciLIARism to receive the grace to emulate St. Raymond and use the cape of Catholic truth to escape across the turbulent waves of Modernism to the safe harbor of where the true Church still exists...in the catacombs. For more on this valiant saint, see St. Raymond of Penafort

        O sweet Saint Agnes, I earnestly implore thy compassion and commend myself to thy prayers. O noble virgin, thou didst despise all earthly things and prefer the love of Christ to the glory of the world. Death was welcome to thee, and the holy angels were waiting for thy soul to convey it into the joys of Paradise, where, adorned with the martyr's palm, thou didst arrive at the nuptials of the heavenly Spouse. I too seek Him; deign to intercede for me that He may grant me health of mind and body, restrain the temptations of the devil, extinguish the desires of the flesh, give me time for true repentance and amendment of life, grant me the remission of all my sins, together with grace to make a good end and a happy death. Amen.
    Composed by Thomas a Kempis

         No, we have not joined the eco-revolution and do not subscribe to global warming, which has lost all credibility this winter with all the snow and storms throughout the U.S. And in Northeast Australia terrible floods afflict the good citizens there. We make a big deal about six people killed in Arizona and forget the hundreds dying and thousand displaced down under, or 500 plus killed in mudslides north of Rio in Brazil, or the 36,000 plus ruthlessly executed by the deadly drug cartels in Mexico this past year. In fact, scan the globe and you can see all that is happening has nothing to do with global warming but something else which we have been touting for a long time. It's "global WARNING" for God cannot be happy with the way mankind has decided that modern society has a better idea than the Almighty and doesn't need God. Me thinks they'll find out soon enough the fatal folly of that thinking.

          When we say "Think Green" we are referring to two points; one, we return to the green vestments for the Time after Epiphany which this year is extended for six weeks, making it the longest period possible for this liturgical season, considering Septuagesima does not fall until the 20th of February; and two, green is a sign of hope and a new start even though spring is a few months away. In today's Gospel we see the first sign of Christ's public miracles at the Wedding Feast of Cana where His Blessed Mother, with compassion for all, gently asks her divine Son to make an exception even though He may not be ready to perform such wonders yet. Yet, you know He cannot say no to His Mother. That gives all hope that we should continue to ask Mary's intercession in all things for she brings us always closer to Him in advising "Whatsoever He shall say to you, do ye."

    Though the feast is not universally celebrated in the Traditional Propers of the Mass, January 15 is the traditional feast of Our Lady of Prompt Succor. Dr. Marian Therese Horvat provides an excellent article on this feast and how intricately it is tied to the United States, especially New Orleans and the amazing miracle Our Lady interceded for in the Battle of New Orleans in 1812 and General Andrew Jackson's acknowledgement of such. Of course, that was back when there was respect and awe for God's Justice and Mercy, not to mention respect for Catholic truth. Fast forward to modern times and the fact the statue of Our Lady wept in 1972. Could it be she wept because of what was happening to her divine Son's Mystical Bride or that within one year human sacrifice would return to the new world in the senseless slaughter of the unborn with Roe v. Wade? Either way she knew God was not happy and could stay His hand only so long. Perhaps she knew that the "Big Easy" was about to run into hard times for the sinful debauchery of Mardi Gras. Can anyone say "Katrina"? Marian lays out the history of Our Lady's title and the valiant efforts of the Ursuline nuns who went above and beyond the call of duty in answering Heaven's call and how Heaven responded in 1812. She explains in Our Lady of Prompt Succor, a Patroness for Americans

    This is the first Doctor of the Church in the calendar year. This holy Bishop and Doctor of the Church Saint Hilary of Poitiers was another from the fourth century who, like the three great Doctors - St. Athanasius, St. Ephrem and St. Cyril of Jerusalem - who proceeded him. Unlike the one whose name sounds so similar, there are no similarities to the character of St. Hilary with Hillary Clinton. The former is a saint, the latter...well, you fill in the blanks, but keep it clean. Back to the true Hilary. He was both greatly persecuted by the Arians and ostracized by many within the Church because of false information. Hmm, sound familiar? Every Traditional Catholic can relate to that. This first Doctor, of what is today France - eldest Daughter of the Church - was known for his great labors in the fields of God from Gaul to Ilyria. Born the same year as his colleague Doctor and Bishop of Jerusalem St. Cyril, he labored tirelessly for the True Faith and is appropriately known as the Laborer for God

    With this issue we resume our Catholicism Made Simple Series as we pick up after the Nativity, Epiphany and Flight into Egypt. From that point on there is a gap until Jesus is twelve years old. Then after a brief initial encounter with the Scribes and Pharisees as a signal of where He was destined to challenge the hypocrites, the Scriptures merely say He returned with Mary and Joseph and was obedient to them. That's it. He doesn't surface again in divine Revelation until He ventures forth to fast for 40 days and nights in the desert, followed by the Temptation and subsequently His ringing rejection, Vade, Satanas!; something that should be on our lips in fending off the devil who, as St. Peter relates, "goes about like a roaring lion seeking whom he might devour." As protection against the devil, our Lord led by example, submitting to His cousin the Baptist to be baptized in the Jordan. Thus, the question always arises: So what do we know of those hidden years? The revelations to Venerable Maria Agreda, St. Gertrude the Great, St. Teresa of Avila, and St. John of God as well as St. Bridget among many saints without even counting other private, yet highly speculative disclosures, such as Poem of the Man-God, give us a hint, but only a hint for it was a time of formation to prepare the greatest Preacher of all time for His three-year ministry that has forever had an impact on civilization. God chose this time to be private, a testimony that the family came first and the importance of living the Fourth Commandment. Quite a change from today's topsy-turvy priorities that have so skewered the family unit, dedication to the divine will, virtue and morality. Thus, we look back on The Hidden Years

    Editor Michael Cain weighs in with his first editorial for 2011 on the terrible tragedy in Tucson and what's really the cause. Anyone who might have been asleep since the 50's and awoke in this time, would think they were in a parallel universe, and, indeed, they would be right for what was right then is wrong today and what was sinfully wrong then is now nonchalantly accepted and encouraged under protection of law. Not only that, but the elimination of God and His Divine Laws and holy Church are at the top of the liberals' to-do list with no regard for the consequences that such an agenda will result in the loss of Heaven and the righteous anger of the Holy Trinity for truly, God will be avenged. If we're on His side then we had better dig in because it's going to be a brutal war against the wages of sin in trying to save souls with the most powerful weapon we have: our holy Faith and Mary's Rosary. The more we use it, the more we'll realize the fleeting futility of all the empty rhetoric in the aftermath of the Tucson crisis where pundits and progressives are pouncing on the chance to never let a good crisis go to waste. While they attempt to skewer the facts, they need to realize they and any other sinners who persist in their sins are In the Crosshairs of God's Wrath

       We have all lost a member of the traditional family with the death on Friday evening at 7 p.m. of Abbot Leonard Giardina, O.S.B., founder of Christ the King Abbey in Cullman, Alabama where before his body is buried the mutineers are already plotting how they will throw out all those who are not in lockstep with the apostate leader of the counterfeit church of conciliarism. Because the barbarians are already in the citadel in Cullman, they rushed together a quick Requiem Low Mass for the Abbot on Monday, January 10 even though it was so soon after his death Friday night. We urge again those who have donated to the Abbey in the past to ask for a refund if, indeed, the conciliar diocese takes over at the behest of the Abbot's betrayers - Judases all. For more on the Abbot's influence, see We have lost a pioneer of the Traditional Catholic Movement and Out to Steal an Abbey

      Incline Thine ear, O Lord, unto our prayers, wherein we humbly pray Thee to show Thy mercy upon the soul of Thy servant, Abbot Leonard Giardina, whom Thou hast commanded to pass out of this world, that Thou wouldst place him in the region of peace and light, and bid him be a partaker with Thy Saints. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.

    You might call today's issue, "aces across the board" as renowned great play-by-play voice of the Dodgers Vince Scully is credited with that very term when the count on the batter is one ball, one strike, one out. Here it would be the first inning in a 1-1 tie, with a man on base, one out, one ball, one strike, one run in for full house aces across the board: 11.11.11 or it could very well be that this mathmatical equation won't return until 2111 and then it would be 11.11.111 which can truly boggle the mind, though what boggles one's cranium more is whether such a time will ever come considering the eschatological signs we see today. One thing's for sure, none of us who are reading this today will ever see this in our lifetime. So, without delving further into onethology, let us focus on the Trinity in this issue by asking Their Forgiveness for trivializing so many things in life, even, if you will, an obsession with numbers!

    In continuing ways you can "Fight 4 Your Faith" one of the keys is making reparation and seeking to amend our lives. That is why saying a good Act of Contrition is not only for the Confessional but also should become part of your daily prayer life, at least once a day or said three times a day in conjunction with the Angelus at 6 a.m., noon and 6 p.m. For many the Act of Contrition is an excellent way to end the day and make a good examination of conscience in preparing for the next day while reviewing the day that has ended. While there are several versions, we provide below the standard Act of Contrition learned by most Catholics:

      O my God, I am heartily sorry for having offended Thee, and I detest all my sins, because I dread the loss of Heaven and the pains of Hell, but most of all because they offend Thee, my God, Who art all-good and deserving of all my love. I firmly resolve, with the help of Thy grace to confess my sins, to do penance and to amend my life. Amen.

      In order to "Fight 4 Your Faith" you need to prepare well each day and that begins with making a Morning Offering. We provide the traditional prayer below and encourage you see what the morning prayer consists in encompassing the four elements of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass: Adoration, Reparation, Thanksgiving and Petition as well as other aspects. You can see more by going to Tradition in Action for morning prayers

        Most Holy and Adorable Trinity, One God in Three Persons, I praise Thee and give Thee thanks for all the favors Thou has bestowed upon me. Thy goodness has preserved me until now, I offer Thee my whole being and in particular, all my thoughts, words, and deeds, together with all the trials I may undergo this day. Give them Thy blessing. May Thy divine Love animate them and may they serve Thy greater glory. I make this morning offering in union with the Divine intentions of Jesus Christ Who offers himself daily in the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, and in union with Mary, His Virgin Mother and our Mother, who was always the faithful handmaid of the Lord.

        Glory be to the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost...

       How fitting that the first feast after Epiphany honors the Holy Family. For throughout the centuries the greatest model to emulate is the Son of God, then His Immaculate Mother Mary and finally the cooperator of all God deigned, holy St. Joseph, universal patron of the Church his foster Son established upon this earth several years after Joseph was rewarded with eternal life. Each of this triumverate melded into the perfect family to set the example of how man can live in harmony. Unfortunately, man didn't follow the perfect formula because of his own fallen human nature and sinful ways. What we have today is the antithesis of the Holy Family with abortion, divorce and adultery the norm as satan has twisted the natural law to even sink to the depths of same-sex marriage being accepted as normal. Has anyone told them what God thinks of such aberrations? Hint: Sodom and Gomorrah. Despite the trend to offend Him in every way possible in order to please man, traditional Catholics today are swimming upstream but they realize it's the only way to stay afloat as everyone else is being swallowed heading downstream toward the torrents of hell. That is why we must always call upon the Holy Family for keeping our souls above water and pray the waters of Baptism, that are highlighted later this week with the Baptism of the Lord, will save more souls who will have the grace to defy the devil and help dam up the neverending flow toward eternal damnation. Let us begin the Time after Epiphany by calling upon the Holy Family with the inspiring liturgy of Holy Family Sunday

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