August 22, 2007
vol 18, no. 234

"Stand firm; and hold the traditions..." Surrender Not!

    On this day of the spotless and pure Immaculate Heart of Mary, let us not be stained by caving to the pressures of the counterfeit church of conciliarism and their Motu madness that causes our Lady to weep and to ask why have we forgotten what her divine Son died for, why He instituted His Church upon the Rock of Peter? Why have we allowed yourselves to be deceived by the glitter of convenience and the lure of peace on man's terms? It can only be accomplished when her Immaculate Heart triumphs, and that can only be accomplished through our fiat to follow her beloved Son on the narrow path in the catacombs of His true Church. Accept no substitutes but the authentic Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. Accept no less than your promise to participate and to pray the holy Rosary, do penance and offer it as a glorious bouquet in reparation for the offenses against her Immaculate Heart. That is how we can stand firm and hold the traditions passed down. We must daily surrender our hearts to God, but never can we surrender our faith!

My very dear brethren in Christ Jesus,
    It is with profound humility and gratitude that I write to tell you that my recent major surgeries (I wound up having to have two operations within two weeks), went as well as could be expected. I didn't know if I'd be strong enough to write, but am prompted to do so.

    I wanted to tell you that your prayers supporting Michael and me during this very trying time pleases our dear Lord very much, He heard your prayers, and was with me through it all. Only in Heaven will you know the reward of your charity in praying for such a poor instrument as I, yet one whom our Lord and His Most Blessed and Immaculate Mother still have much work for my husband and me to do.

    Because of this operation, where I had to have 80% of my large intestines removed…and the second operation was necessitated by a tremendous abscess which arose on the night of July 4th, when it was 107 degrees here in Spokane, and we were experiencing power brownouts as well as total loss of phone service. To the best of my recollection that's what happened for I was very, very sick and, when I realized just offering it up was no longer the only course to take, my beloved earthly archangel Michael drove to the nearest fire station, where they summoned paramedics, who arrived and immediately transported me to the hospital. The abscess was discovered, and I underwent another two-hour operation the following day to remove this abscess, which totally blocked my small intestines.

    For the first time in nearly 20 years, I can eat without pain. And, I can eat and begin to feel somewhat as a normal human being. I know it was our dear Lord's plan to erase this one very significant problem from which I suffered, in order to allow me to grow in strength and stamina, for the truly hard work of preserving the One True Faith now begins. What has gone before for these many years, we will all look back upon as a time of training in the spiritual realm, a boot camp, if you will, especially in learning the faith, learning the virtues, learning how to apply these virtues to the situation in which God has chosen us to live, and to prove our love and devotion to Him, and to the One, Holy, Roman Catholic and Apostolic Church, by fighting to the death if necessary to preserve it.

    Events over these past few months while I've been recuperating prompt me to speak out. What the man who calls himself Benedict XVI has recently released regarding the Traditional Mass has sent the Traditional movement reeling. Satan laughs uproariously at how easily he deceives us, even many truly ordained priests. The white flags of surrender are being raised across our own nation, around the world, for the masses have once again believed satan's lie, and are duped into believing that Benedict has begun to turn things around, to turn back the clock to recapture in full the essence of the One True Faith.

    In truth, he deceives as cleverly as a spider weaving its web, as cleverly as a disguised sheep, who underneath is a wolf through and through. No document has ever been needed by any truly ordained priest to say the Tridentine Mass. And Benedict's document is, as usual, full of landmines of ambiguous language and subject to interpretation by each "bishop" (they are not bishops if they were raised to that rank using the "new" rite of Episcopal consecration after 1968), whether to allow this "Indult Tridentine Mass" in their respective dioceses, or not.

    The answer will be "or not," take my word for it. If you believe it is the true Tridentine Mass (actually, as Mike corrected me, the Apostolic Latin Mass of Sts. Peter and Paul - the Mass of All Ages - the Traditional Latin Mass, the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass) infallibly promulgated by Pope St. Pius V according to the Council of Trent, you are sadly deceived again. It will evolve to be the Novus Ordo said in Latin (don't count on proper translation, either), and the document commands that any priest who offers this "Motu Indult" must also say the Novus Ordo, for to not do so would rob the Novus Ordo Missae of its richness and validity. See, there's that one word - validity. It is NOT valid, can never be valid, because it is man-made. The Tridentine Mass of Sts. Peter and Paul is of divine origin and the saints in Heaven will tell you, if you pray and ask for their help, that you should be running as far from this new document as you can, and pocketing your white handkerchief where no one can pull it out and wave it in front of your face, while smirking at you that the traditionalists who persist in holding out are fools, "when we have a true pope."

    No, we do not have a true pope, for Benedict has yet to repent of his heresies, contained first in the documents of Vatican Council II, particularly Lumen Gentium, all the novelties, scandals, the rancid, perverted homosexual pedophile scandals which have rocked the true Catholic Faith, and sent one diocese after another into bankruptcy. Did you think Benedict really cared about souls? By issuing his document to lure back the many traditionalists into the Novus Ordo churches, all he is doing is trying to fill the collection plate with more of your hard-earned money in order to stave off total bankruptcy of the Novus Ordo structure. Oh, the devil is so clever and desperate.

    Many have already surrendered, packed up shop, and told their congregations to submit to this new document. Other publications that had long been in the forefront of resistance to the apostasy, are now waving their white flags of surrender in one hand while strewing roses at Benedict's feet with the other.

    Without trying to be holier than thou or trivial in my words - for believe me, I am the lowest of God's creatures and need His help every minute of the day or I could easily be deceived into believing so much that passes as Catholic (And it is easy to do. My husband and I know only too well) - have those who are now praising Father Joseph Ratzinger (yes, he is an ordained priest and nothing more), documented when he made public repentance for his mortal sins against the First Commandment, and his rejection of dogmas that remain in full force and infallible, whether he likes them or not? Can anyone provide me proof that he is sincere by removing every man he or his predecessor appointed who in the slightest way has deviated from the faith? That would be, I suspect, 99% of his "bishops" and "cardinals."

    If you feel the slightest urge to surrender and to attend one of these new "Tridentine" (oh, please) Masses (nothing more than a concoction from the 1962 Missal of John XXIII, plus the additional changes of 1965 through 1969 by the man who authorized a man-made rite that would be easy to digest to Protestants and the like and which eliminated "sacrifice" and "expiation" from the lexicon and hearts), then gather your wits about you, go to a true Roman Catholic church or chapel where He is truly present. He cannot be present in the Novus Ordo because true transubstantiation has not taken place. If a true Catholic church (you know, pre-Vatican II) is not near to you, then by all means remain at home, kneeling in silent adoration of our Lord's true presence in the Most Blessed Sacrament, pray the true Mass at home, pray the prayer to Send your Angel to Mass, and ask for the grace of discernment, the grace not to be deceived. Remain there until our merciful Jesus gives you direction, which He will most certainly do if your heart seeks the Truth.

    Dear friends, hold fast. This is nothing but another trick of the devil, whose plots and suggestions seem to be "Catholic," when they are mere shadows and mirrors, all illusions to distract you from the straight and narrow path and place you back on the wide road to the abyss. Benedict/Ratzinger is "pope" of the false, diabolical conciliar church, which preaches and teaches modernism, religious liberty, ecumenical dialogue, universal salvation, and forbids any "catholic" to seek the conversion of anyone in a false religion, particularly the Jews! None of these things has changed, and continues whether you see them or not. Listen to and research the documentation provided by those who refuse to accept this ambiguous document that is, in essence loaded with land mines and time bombs that is only too evident as each "bishop" decides what he will do in his "diocese". We can already see the novelties cropping up. Those who see it for what it is know better than to believe a word in it or of it.

    Before you would go leaping off the edge into "the dangerous depths of Lake Conciliar" (as Mike dubs it), look before you leap. Don't follow someone just because they said so. Compare what they say to what holy Mother Church has always taught, what the holy Scriptures relate. O please, I ask you to at least be patient enough to see what occurs in your diocese in September, which is less than a month away. This document isn't two months old yet and already we're hearing horror stories, novelties and what not attached to this new "Motu Mess" (as Father Anthony Cekada calls it). I assure you that your wait will bear good fruit and you will not be deceived by waiting, watching and praying.

    In fact, I further assure you that, holding fast to the One True Faith as given to us by our Lord through the Apostles and down through every pope until the death of Pope Pius XII, you will find that when Christ calls you home, you will receive the palm of martyrdom - dry martyrdom, for you will have endured the evil of these times, remained faithful to the grace and gift of the One True Faith until the end, suffering in body, mind, and soul over the diabolical destruction of the One True Faith (which the devil's pride makes him believe he has accomplished).

    I do not say this of myself, for I am truly nothing. But the Holy Ghost does direct my spiritual reading, and the promise I stated above was given to Venerable Mother Marianna de Jesus Torres, a cloistered Conceptionist nun who lived in Quito, Equador. She received many apparitions of Our Blessed Mother under the invocation of "Our Lady of Good Success." These apparitions were approved when Venerable Mother Marianna died, January 16, 1635. The Blessed Mother told her of these very times in which God has chosen for us to live, and told her that those few who persevere until the end, and who labor to preserve the True Faith, will suffer greatly in their hearts and souls, their minds and hearts, experiencing a very slow, very painful daily martyrdom as the evil seems to progress and all that was truly Catholic is eclipsed by a manufactured sacrilege which we know is conjured up by the conciliar church.

    Oh, how I pray you do not succumb to this latest and perhaps the cleverest trick satan has pulled out of his bag since Vatican II began. It's hard being in the position to say, "No, I don't believe it." But I don't. I don't believe, because Benedict has shown no repentance of his heresies, which are legion, and shows no other remorse for heretical acts. For example, while the world drooled at his document allegedly freeing the "Tridentine Mass", he ordered all true Roman Catholics in China to submit to the Chinese Communist government's version of the "Catholic Church" for their spiritual needs. In short, Benedict sold out the entire flock of sheep of our Lord Jesus Christ in China to the Communist regime, for the sake of human respect and global peace…all a lie because it is being done by man, not God! Saint Paul warned us of this many times, but the one I remember is from his epistle to the Galatians (1: 10 where he said, "For do I now persuade men, or God? Do I seek to please men? If I did yet please men, I should not be the servant of Christ." If one is not the servant of God, then he surely should not only not be followed or listened to, but rebuked and exposed as such.

    Ratzinger's twisted logic, if one dare use the word 'logic', erases from his mind the particular judgment, which awaits each of us. Assuming a position of such authority without proper canonical election, accompanied by his multiple heresies, are known to God and Ratzinger will have no excuse, no one else to whom he can point and say, "It's so-and-so's fault, not mine!" Oh, the punishment God has established for all heretics, and all who give or promote scandal to His "little ones." The pedophile, sodomy, abortion - most hateful sins, which cry to Heaven for vengeance will be given Perfect Justice. Yes, we must pray for this man and all who follow him that before death, he repents. It is our duty to do so, for all outside the maternal bosom of Holy Mother Church, and we include them in the Memento of the Living before the Consecration, but we cannot pray for him in the context of una cum famulo Tuo Papa nostro because if he is not a pope recognized by God, how can man recognize him as such? Think about that, dear friends. I was listening to Bishop Sanborn's sermon a few days ago and he said, heresy is a sin worse than murder because heresy kills the soul as well, whereas murder might just kill the body.

    I won't attempt to try to explain in more intellectual terms why the document Summorem Pontificum should be burned quickly before it contaminates the entire Traditional structure, for I am not called to do that.

    However, Michael and I are called to continue our apostolate, and we have been given a special mission with specific instructions as to what we are to try to accomplish for the honor and glory of God for the spiritual and temporal welfare of His One True Church. Although God is infinite, he has chosen each one of us to live in these most diabolical times, and His words in Sacred Scripture, accompanied by His Most Holy Mother's words in approved apparitions say all we, who desire to remain faithful to the end, need to know. So, our work in His precious vineyard continues for now here in Spokane where we have been able to refuel with the daily sacraments, but God is leading us back to Southern California for reasons I cannot divulge at present.

    Without your assistance through prayer and almsgiving, such a move remains impossible, for hearts are cold and hard, and donations to our apostolate have shrunk to a handful a month. In truth, were it not for one generous family's assistance each month, we would have had to close shop years ago. As it is The Daily Catholic just breaks even each month and we haven't been able to implement the SANCTUS mode in preserving sacramentals and items that edify the Catholic Faith. You see the wealth of material and graphics that are contained on these thousands of pages Michael has published over the years. He takes no salary for any of his talents to making The Daily Catholic one of the most edifying Catholic sites in the world. The hits and impressions of viewers show that you're out there, but so few respond.

    In truth, our apostolate continues to be on life-support, but only in the temporal realm. God needs all of his little ones, whom He has called to live justly and to persevere, to assist one another in the preservation of the One True Faith, in order to save souls, as well as hastening that moment when our Blessed Mother will miraculously intervene, restoring the True Church, bringing forth the true Vicar of Christ in ways known only to God, but of which we can be certain will carry such a miraculous nature all, of whatever faith, will recognize the validity of the True Vicar of Christ, and countless souls will be saved. We are the Church Militant of these times, chosen before time began to live now. It is our watch, and we dare not be lukewarm or indifferent, taking for granted that someone else will see to the work in the Lord's vineyard. We are not called to hide or bunker down in our traditional parishes or chapels, but to bring the Gospel to all as Jesus mandates in the Gospels.

    This is even more paramount in these times when there are so few true priests and bishops. Cherish and appreciate these living sacerdotal witnesses of Catholic truth. They are true "treasures of the faith" and they won't be with us forever. In fact, they are dying off and it is so sad when a traditional priest leaves for there are so few to take their place or to exhibit the same tireless dedication these pioneers of resistance manifested to their flocks. It is a joy for them that they have gone to their reward, for that love of God and neighbor for the love of God was their motivation. But there is sadness for they are sorely missed. In their absence several are cajoled to return to the Novus Ordo under the ruse that they were schismatic, but now are returning to the Catholic Church. Oh, these "forgiving" conciliarists will put on their best mask to hide their real face, one that will be revealed when the defectors are thoroughly brainwashed to accept the heretical reforms of Vatican II.

    Pray for the traditional religious - priests, brothers and sisters - that they will not be deceived. And pray that more will awake to the ruse being used by Ratzinger. Only by knowing what is really Catholic can we resist the robber barons. That is another reason The Daily Catholic is such a wonderful resource for all of you. If it is of value to your soul and mind, is there not some monetary value you can put on it to help us help others? I ask you, dear friends in Christ and His Blessed Mother, to think and pray on that question.

    I ask that not just for our apostolate, but also the other traditional entities - be they chapels, congregations, or lay ministries that operate on a shoestring. Dr. Thomas Droleskey and Gerry Matatics are two who come to mind. The magnificent knowledge and application those two men provide for the common Catholic is proof of this hard-hearted generation for were they of the world, they would command six figure speaking fees, but because they stand alone with Christ in refusing to compromise with the world, they are considered insignificant; even by those who should cherish them for they are today's answer to Saint John the Baptist, "crying in the wilderness."

  &nbs So also we continue to cry out in the wilderness, wondering sometimes if we're just talking to trees! But the forest is vast and much more to conquer. At present, we are not able to give you details of the work we are asked to undertake, lest the evil one guess at any information he can garner and seek to undermine. We know his modus operandi only too well. He knows us. Let me put it this way: there is no love between us!

    When we will be able to move, my very dear brethren, depends on your discernment and generosity in almsgiving, which Christ speaks of most emphatically in Sacred Scripture. Christ calls each soul to a particular mission, some more, some less. Together, united to His Infinite Merits, each person's role is of vital importance. Lukewarmness, cold heartedness, indifference are satan's tools to thwart the plans He has for us and has provided the guidance of through His Spirit and His holy Mother, who will crush satan's head, restoring all things in Christ Our Lord, her Divine Son. She is the Immaculate one whose feast we celebrate this day and she weeps that so few exemplify her virtues and purity.

    As you must realize, this is the age of hardened, cold, indifferent hearts. Those to whom our Lord has given much earthly treasure are to use that treasure to aid those whom He has called to work in a specific way in His vineyard for the preservation of the One True Faith, and to hasten the moment when Our Blessed Mother shall intervene miraculously and restore the One True Faith by bringing forth the True Pope. When? I do not know, except that I believe with all my being in the work asked of us. Without your help, we cannot begin.

    Long ago, Mike and I took a private vow of poverty, and circumstances in our life have kept us living our vow of poverty, with total confidence in the Providence of Almighty God for his faithful little ones. We are nothing, yet He calls us. He knows our hearts, has received our whole-hearted fiat to do whatever He asks, whatever His Perfect Will is. We need your help, dear friends, to accomplish what Our Lord and His Most Blessed Mother have specifically requested of Michael and me. We need your help financially, for to continue our mission requires that we return to Southern California to reinforce the ramparts of tradition and take with us only that which we truly need (for we live in a single-wide trailer, possessing neither a bed, dishes, sufficient cooking supplies, or anything else for that matter. Our van is old, and most recently had to have both front axles replaced due to the awful road conditions here in Spokane due to the weather extremes that takes place here.

    The weather is also another key factor for our move, and we know and can visibly see that not just my health has deteriorated, but Michael's as well, and we know that the only alternative is salt air and moderate temperatures. Such is not available in Spokane. There are but two seasons: FREEZE and FRY. The "freeze season" can come as early as mid-September and lasts sometimes until early June, when seemingly overnight we enter the "fry season" with temperatures reaching triple digits, a desert like climate until the cold comes down from the Artic. Ah, but we regret not one moment, for Our Lord's generosity has seen to it that the starvation of countless years trying to survive the Novus Ordo have been replaced with a far more thorough knowledge of our precious faith, and the sacramental life of the Church and the fullness of parish life at St. Michael's. Ah, if you could but see and partake of the fullness of the One True Faith lived in word and deed every single day there, you would understand better what a blessing we have been given to prepare us to go forth now, as true missionaries, seeking to accomplish all He asks of us. It matters not the results, only that we obey and try with every ounce of our strength, supported by His Infinite Merits and graces. Being no prophets, it does not require such a special gift to realize that as the evil grows more pervasive, time runs out and the chastisements of our Blessed Lord shall soon be unleashed upon the world, no exceptions whatsoever.

    We do not know if we will survive another long winter here, yet we entrust this to the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus through the Immaculate Heart of Mary. When we return depends upon your generosity in helping us return there. We seek no luxury, but only the poorest, least expensive dwelling we can find to rent. Our Job-like situation since 2002 has taught us much, and we pray never to forget the lessons God has given us in these last years.

    With humility, we acknowledge how much we need your help. Again, I look at the number of "hits" The Daily Catholic has received daily and monthly. While I realize that the total number at the end of the month represent far less people who actually visit our website and read the posted articles because of repeat readers each day, hopefully using the propers of the daily Mass as part of your prayer life. If each person who comes to The Daily Catholic sent in a small monthly stipend, or a large one for those able to do so, this apostolate would no longer be in ICU, but rather the vital entity God desires it to become to aid all of the souls He shed every last drop of His Most Precious Blood to redeem. I shudder to think of the vast number of souls daily swept into the abyss as we work here in Spokane, and await help to begin our work much further south. All is for love of God, love of the One True Faith, to prove our love and expiate for our own sins and the sins of others. Souls count; each is of invaluable means. How many souls shall be lost because hearts remain closed, indifferent, and we relish that God has seen fit to give us the grace of seeing the diabolical nature of all things Novus Ordo, while granting us the treasure of keeping the One True Faith. No one can horde such a priceless gift. To do so lacks all supernatural charity, and without this charity, Heaven will not open for us when we are called home.

    There are, as you know, two ways to contribute to the cause. You can send your check to

        The Daily Catholic
        P.O. Box 365
        Mead, WA 99021
or you can easily make a donation through PayPal by clicking on the button immediately below:

    How can any of us say "No" to Heaven's requests? When we realize our nothingness, and God's Infinite Mercy and Grace, which keep us in the secure refuge of His Most Sacred Heart. This is our time to be the Church Militant, to fight for our Lord, to fight for the gift and grace given us of the One True Faith. Will we fight, or will we be hard-hearted, stubborn, proud, mean-spirited, and worse, lukewarm - indifferent? The angels of Heaven stand armed and ready to assist us. Call upon them; they will fight with you and for you. Call upon the Mother of God who will crush the serpent's head and cast him and his followers into the eternal abyss. Without cooperation, we accomplish nothing. Fraternal charity, humility, patience, and total confidence in our Lord's Sacred Heart through the Immaculate Heart of Mary are the keys to ending this diabolical era, and seeing Holy Mother Church gloriously restored and countless souls saved.

    In advance, Michael and I thank you for whatever donation you can send to continue this apostolate. Whether it is a one-time donation or one you could make monthly, God can never be outdone in charity. His rewards go far beyond anything Mike or I could say or do to properly thank you. Yet we do thank you, and include each of you in our daily work and prayers, recommending each of you in our hearts to our Lord during the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, and at every moment, for often our work is our prayer.

    It is time we are racing against, and having just had two major surgeries, I am not particularly helpful in packing and cleaning, and Mike's health has slipped, with his arthritis reaching the point where moving has become incredibly painful and climbing stairs almost an impossibility most days. These are human frailties and of no matter in the face of what Our Blessed Savior suffered to redeem us. Nonetheless, we are still in our human bodies, and we simply tell you that we need help - your assistance - your tax-deductible donations - in the work still remaining. Please keep us in your prayers and ask God to grant us the means and grace to go forth now to continue the work He has prepared for us before time began. We only have this brief mortal life in which to prove our love for Him, to thank him, and to make reparation and expiation for our own sins, and the sins of others, that our own souls and others will be saved!

    May our beloved Savior bless you abundantly, may His Most Holy and Immaculate Mother protect and guide you, and may the Holy Ghost keep you from being deceived by satan and his agents, who are truly legion in these times.

    May you be imbued with the true Faith and persevere always in the state of Sanctifying Grace,
Yours in Jesus through Mary,


    Symphony of Suffering
    August 22, 2007
    Volume 18, no. 234