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Sixth Day of the Novena to the Sacred Heart of Jesus
TUESDAY      May 31, 2005      Volume 16, no. 151
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    On this Double of the Second Class Feast of The Queenship of the Blessed Virgin Mary on the last day of Mary's Month of May, let us continue to pray daily the Leonine Prayer said at the end of every Latin Low Mass:

    Let us pray. O God, our refuge and our strength, look down in mercy on Thy people who cry to Thee; and by the intercession of the glorious and immaculate Virgin Mary Mother of God, of St. Joseph her spouse, of Thy blessed apostles Peter and Paul, and of all the saints, in mercy and goodness hear our prayers for the conversion of sinners, and for the freedom and exaltation of our Holy Mother Church. Through the same Christ our Lord. Amen.

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We continue with our individual Tributes to this year's inductees into the prestigious TOWER OF TRENT HALL OF HONOR. As we wrote yesterday, within one week in July of 2004 the world lost two traditional sacerdotal stalwarts in Father Oswald Baker and Father Paul Wickens. Yesterday we paid tribute to Fr. Baker posthumously, today we honor Fr. Paul A. Wickens, also posthumously, with the Tower of Trent Trophy and enshrinement into the Tower of Trent Hall of Honor. They join the 7 other "dry martyrs" of Traditional Catholicism enshrined last year and Fr.Gommar DePauw who received the Crimson Cross with his death on May 6 this year. Father Wickens was a "maverick priest" who realized what it meant to be a priest forever and conducted himself as one of God's consecrated servants in standing fast to Tradition. As the pastor of St. Anthony's in West Orange, he imitated his patron saint in being America's Hammer of Heretics. There is much more about this dedicated, persevering priest who died just a year and a month shy of celebrating 50 years as a priest we share with readers some of his insights and how much his flock loved him as we pay tribute today to Father Paul A. Wickens
Fiat Voluntas Dei
Timothy Duff provides inspiration and a fail-safe method of being always in the right frame of mind to receive Holy Communion and never to take this Awesome Gift of the Bread of Angels for granted. He gleans several pointers from St. Louis Marie de Montfort's True Devotion and so, on this day when countless Catholics renew their consecration or fulfill for the first time their consecration Tim furnishes an excellent checklist to continue the fervor. There is no better time to focus on truly and worthily receiving Christ into our very beings and being conscious of this great and wondrous gift throughout our entire day than during this span of a week when Corpus Christi is still fresh in our minds, we celebrate the glorious Coronation of Blessed Mary our Immaculate Queen, and are in spiritual prepare for the great Feast of the Sacred Heart on Friday. Time offers his short formula of spiritual success in True Devotion and Holy Communion
We have reached the final day of the traditional devotion during Mary's Month of May of The Little Crown of the Twelve Stars of the Blessed Virgin Mary which is an ancient prayer said by more than a few saints and was mandated by the holy St.Louis Marie de Montfort to those in his orders. It is a prayer said for each day of May. Along with this prayer there is another tradition that can be found in Fr. Lasance's book on Our Lady and that is to offer each day in May to the Blessed Virgin a different flower which corresponds to a particular virtue for each day. Today, the last day of May we offer her both the Anemone flower which represents the beautiful virtue of Union with Jesus. The Anemone is a woodplant whose beautiful flower is renowned. Also well known is the fact Our Lady constantly encourages us to come to her Divine Son and be united with Him through her. That is because He loves His Mother and His children so and is so pleased when we honor her as He honored her during His life on earth and after in Heaven where He, along with the Father and Holy Ghost crowned Mary as Queen of Heaven and earth. That is why today is so special for we take the entire bouquet offered throughout the month and offer them all to our Blessed Heavenly Queen with a bonanza of bouquets of flowers and the corresponding virtues that we have pledged to Our Lady to practice. Above and in this installment we provide a special graphic where Our Lady is surrounded by these beautiful flowers. You can go to HOLY CARD to print it out and clip it out as a holy card for your missal to remind you of these virtues. For this and the flowers and virtues thus far, as well as the special May devotion, see The Little Crown and Queen of the May
We begin this week with our individual Tributes to this year's inductees into the prestigious TOWER OF TRENT HALL OF HONOR. Within one week in July of 2004 the world lost two traditional sacerdotal stalwarts in Father Oswald Baker and Father Paul Wickens. Today we provide a tribute to Fr. Baker and tomorrow we shall honor Fr. Wickens, both posthumously with the Tower of Trent Trophy and enshrinement into the Tower of Trent Hall of Honor. They join the 7 other "dry martyrs" of Traditional Catholicism enshrined last year and Fr.Gommar DePauw who received the Crimson Cross with his death on May 6 this year. Father Oswald followed in the footsteps of his very own countrymen - the brave Martyrs for the Faith St. John Fisher and St. Thomas More and fittingly he was buried on their feasts. There is much more about this dedicated, persevering priest of 62 years who was truly a "Rebel with a Cause." We pay tribute today to Father Oswald Charles Baker
Gabriel's Clarion
In anticipation of tomorrow's glorious feast of the Queenship of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Gabriel Garnica presents an interesting tribute to Our Lady showing how the Blessed Mother balanced the Seven Dolors with Seven Choices Mary made that verified Her first fiat over and over again. Gabriel shows how Our Lady's fiat in each instance he cites should spur us on to give over our own wills totally to her Divine Son and let Him do with it as He wills. That, as Gabriel points out is the only way to be able to carry our crosses faithfully and gain great graces through our suffering and obedience. Garnica clarions loud and clear that Mary's Coronation as Queen of Heaven and earth was not some spur of the moment idea, but one planned for all eternity and one She earned by the grace of God and Her everlasting fiat to Almighty God in all things, all choices. He details in his tribute to Our Lady titled The Seven Choices of Mary
One of the traditional devotions during Mary's Month of May is The Little Crown of the Twelve Stars of the Blessed Virgin Mary which is an ancient prayer said by more than a few saints and was mandated by the holy St.Louis Marie de Montfort to those in his orders. It is a prayer said for each day of May. Along with this prayer there is another tradition that can be found in Fr. Lasance's book on Our Lady and that is to offer each day in May to the Blessed Virgin a different flower which corresponds to a particular virtue for each day. Today the flower offered to Our Lady is the beautiful Camellia with the corresponding Virtue being Perseverance. This magnificent flower, which is a greenhouse shrub, is relatively a new find from the tea plant. In fact, its Latin name was derived after the one who discovered it and who practiced perseverance: the Jesuit missionary Father Georg Josef Kamel, a missionary priest in Moravia. Perseverance also applies to the fact that there is but one more day left in this Month of May to honor Christ by showering His Blessed Mother with bouquets of flowers and virtues. For this and the flowers and virtues thus far, as well as the special May devotion, see The Little Crown and Queen of the May
"Qui legit, intelligat"
In Father Louis Campbell's sermon for the Sunday Within the Octave of Corpus Christi, he documents the infallible teachings of Trent which assures, when the sacrament is properly confected through the strict, exact words of the formula set down "in perpetuity", the bread and wine become the Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity of Our Lord Jesus Christ through transubstantiation. This dogmatic Council also declared anathema sit anyone who denies or compromises on this dogma. That brings us to today's present pope Benedict XVI who as the former Joseph Ratzinger pronounced heresy on this very point which Father documents from a book Ratzinger wrote shortly after the close of Vatican II in which the "now-pope" proclaimed: "To go church on the ground that one can visit God Who is present there is a senseless act which the modern man rightfully rejects." Yes, the very man, who Father notes is traveling to Bari today to acknowledge what he does not himself believe from his own words and actions in embracing the Novus Ordo. How sad that there is so much confusion and yet, as Father points out, we have not only Trent but the great saints of the Holy Eucharist, most notably the Angelic Doctor who bequeathed to all the magnificent Panis Angelicus and Tantum Ergo to name a few of his master tributes to The True Presence
One of the traditional devotions during Mary's Month of May is The Little Crown of the Twelve Stars of the Blessed Virgin Mary which is an ancient prayer said by more than a few saints and was mandated by the holy St.Louis Marie de Montfort to those in his orders. It is a prayer said for each day of May. Along with this prayer there is another tradition that can be found in Fr. Lasance's book on Our Lady and that is to offer each day in May to the Blessed Virgin a different flower which corresponds to a particular virtue for each day. Today the flower offered to Our Lady is the Aster with the corresponding Virtue to practice and attain being Goodness. The Aster is named for the Greek aster which means star and the blooming herbs of the Aster with the showy daisy-like flowers blooms in the Fall, shining amongst the changing foliage which is losing its leaves. Appropriately Goodness shines through when others lose their luster. Goodness is what the Blessed Mother cherishes so much in her Divine Son's children for Goodness is the foundation of a sincere heart and a pure soul. For this and the flowers and virtues thus far, as well as the special May devotion, see The Little Crown and Queen of the May
Gabriel's Clarion
Gabriel Garnica resumes the final segments of his series on the Catholic Identity Crisis in the USA. Today his observations on cafeteria Catholicism hit home for like irresponsible parents, the modern American hierarchy abandoned good nutrition of the soul years ago and let their flocks pick and choose what they wanted, allowing the sheep to grow slothful and selfish over the years. Long before fast-food became the fare of American Catholics, their souls had been starved, deprived of the True tenets of the Faith. Malnutrition of souls has been the result for Cafeteria Catholicism has caused not just food-poisoning of the mind, but has proved fatal to the life of the soul. in Part Eleven The Perdition of the American Buffet Mentality
One of the traditional devotions during Mary's Month of May is The Little Crown of the Twelve Stars of the Blessed Virgin Mary which is an ancient prayer said by more than a few saints and was mandated by the holy St.Louis Marie de Montfort to those in his orders. It is a prayer said for each day of May. Along with this prayer there is another tradition that can be found in Fr. Lasance's book on Our Lady and that is to offer each day in May to the Blessed Virgin a different flower which corresponds to a particular virtue for each day. Today the flower offered to Our Lady is the Honeysuckle with the corresponding Virtue being Confidence in God. The honeysuckle, a member of the columbine family is a sweet plant of long spurred flowers that resemble almost a trumpet like shape, trumpeting the Confidence in God. From the amazing floral display thus far in May, we can see the beauty He has created and this should spur on confidence in Him alone. Nothing, however is more beautiful to His beautiful Blessed Mother than a pure soul arrayed in grace. For this and the flowers and virtues thus far, as well as the special May devotion, see The Little Crown and Queen of the May
Catholic PewPOINT
Editor Michael Cain announces why, as part of The Daily Catholic's upgraded ship-logs which registered over 4,500,000 hits for April, it is time to cast out into the deep and raise the billowing sails higher and wider with affordable advertising for clients seeking a special target audience. The increasing numbers make it a perfect opportunity for advertisers and readers to benefit and enable The Daily Catholic to not only stay afloat, but improve and recommit its total dedication to the one and only purpose for The Daily Catholic's existence: The Faith; something that will always sustain this spiritually, but ad revenue will provide the funds to fuel The Daily Catholic further in its quest for souls in bringing them to Not just Safe Harbor, but Sure Harbor!
White Smoke, Black Fire!
It has been building through 51 episodes and it all comes down to this: The Final Episode of the novel when the Basilisk is confronted. Can the Resistance survive the wrath of hell? It will all be played out in the final hour on the 7th Day on the Field of Death in the very area where Adam and Eve fell eons ago. Now Lucifer is prepared to return and only one weapon is powerful enough to thrust him back into hell. What is it? All will be revealed in the final episode. We encourage readers who have become hooked on "White Smoke, Black Fire!" to concentrate on the similarities in this novel - first written in 1986 for these very times - with actual events happening right now. Having just tightened and updated this novel in 2005, readers can catch up on all the episodes we have run over the past seven weeks and brush up on any episodes they might have missed by going to the Installment Index. In today's final episode, Fr. Niki, Pat and Corrie are bound and stranded as the dawn breaks with Blix, Vendhem and Macelli vying for favor from the Master-to-come. They have recognized the co-pilot Marinko is actually Dr. Makuta Ogidi. Now he is in their clutches - or is he? The answers will be made clear in the final thrilling, chilling episode, one you don't want to miss in the Fifteenth Chapter in Part VI - The Unveiling with episode six The Alpha and Omega
Echos of True Catholicism
Dr. Marian Therese Horvat weighs in with a fascinating piece that gives a little more insight as to what Benedict XVI might intend to do. Based on past history and the compromise with the modernists his namesake Pope Benedict XV took after the strict and vigilant pontificate of Pope Saint Pius X, she gives the reader a glimpse of how the Vatican was penetrated by the modernists and worse. Just as John XXIII released those who had been censored and exiled, so also Benedict XV liberated the very ones St. Pius X had selectively quarantined. One such rascal was Rampolla - Cardinal Mariano Rampolla del Tindaro, elevated by Leo XIII but who became a cancer which St. Pius tried to root out, but Benedict XV only encouraged. Marian's interesting article advises all authentic Catholics to be on their guard and defend the Faith for history is about to repeat itself. She explains in her article The “Reconciliation” of the Two Benedicts
One of the traditional devotions during Mary's Month of May is The Little Crown of the Twelve Stars of the Blessed Virgin Mary which is an ancient prayer said by more than a few saints and was mandated by the holy St.Louis Marie de Montfort to those in his orders. It is a prayer said for each day of May. Along with this prayer there is another tradition that can be found in Fr. Lasance's book on Our Lady and that is to offer each day in May to the Blessed Virgin a different flower which corresponds to a particular virtue for each day. Today the flower offered to Our Lady is the Verbena with the corresponding Virtue being Prudence. The verbena, often grown in tropical and sub-tropical areas, are often mixed with the sacred boughs of laurel, olive or myrtle plants which are prized and intended to be cultivated just as the soul strives to manage itself by upholding all moral propriety and modesty, presenting itself before God as a victor over sin. For this and the flowers and virtues thus far, as well as the special May devotion, see The Little Crown and Queen of the May

The Voters and editorial Board of The Daily Catholic have settled on five persons to be honored in this second annual presentation. As Our Lord states in Matthew 22: 14 "For many are called, but few are chosen." The five chosen were the only ones receiving consensus votes of at least 100 to make them eligible. Two of the Recipients are being awarded the Trophy posthumously with the Crimson Cross for though they did not die martyrs, they did not see the fulfillment of what they had sought - the freedom and exultation of Holy Mother Church for these two brave heroes died on the battlefield of Tradition vs. Modernism. They will be long remembered as we honor our two fallen stalwart pioneers Father Oswald Baker and Father Paul Wickens who spurred the rest on to hold fast to Tradition. This year only three received enough votes to be elevated to the laity wing of the Hall of Honor. Respected Traditional Writers Solange Strong Hertz and Marian Therese Horvat become the first women to be inducted into the Tower of Trent Hall of Honor. This year they join another respected and prolific long-time Traditional Writer Patrick Henry Omlor. During the next few weeks we will be honoring them individually with a tribute and day dedicated to each. Announcement of the 2005 Recipients for enshrinement in the TOWER OF TRENT HALL OF HONOR

2005 IgNOMinious gNOMe Awards
The Second Annual igNOMinious gNOMe Awards have been presented for 2005. As we have said before, these offenders need to be exposed and shamed for the sake of their own souls and to warn others that there behavior, their guidance can be harmful to souls. Unfortunately too many have become immune to what these ignominious ones do and say and think they're right and those clinging to the Truths and Traditions are way out in left field with conspiracy theories that make no sense. Let them think that as they read Matthew 7: 20, "By their fruits you shall know them." Thus we provide evidence of this lack of fruits with the full list of igNOMinious recipients of the 2005 gNOMe Awards
As has been established, Griff Ruby is well-known for taking on tough subjects and not shying away from controversy. Today, he tackles a sticky wicket with the utmost aplomb and tact, but decisevly illustrates the holes in certain theories. He begins with a zany hypothesis that cannot be proven because no evidence exists and which is too far-fetched for all parties or any participants to verify. He then applies this same thinking to the concept that Cardinal Giuseppe Siri was elected Pope Gregory XVII both in the 1958 and 1963 Conclave. Though many, many Traditional Catholics would like to believe it, there simply is no definitive evidence to support that claim. Griff poses some of the problems of this theory and how it backfires in Part One of his two part essay titled Project Harvest Moon and Pope Gregory XVII
White Smoke, Black Fire!
The euphoria of the Sistine has been turned into doom with the realization that Fr. Niki, Pat and Corrie are prisoners of Edwin Blix, Josef Vendhem and Antonio Macelli as they head back to where it all began between the Tigris and the Euphrates. We encourage readers hooked on "White Smoke, Black Fire!" to concentrate on the similarities in this novel - first written in 1986 for these very times - with actual events happening right now. Having just tightened and updated this novel in 2005, readers can catch up on the daily installments they might have missed by going to the Installment Index. In today's episode, Colin caught Pat's signal but is helpless to send help except to notify Cardinal Zachmunn and Stephen. Will the phone call Gregory makes make a difference? Pius' Bible is recovered and the code verified by Cardinals Mendoza, Wetherby and Zachmunn. Meanwhile, Blix is gunning down and destroying anything in his path as he motors on to the Field of Death tying his three preys to posts in the center of the ashes. He has left them for the night to await the dawn and the rise of the Beast in the Fifteenth Chapter in Part VI - The Unveiling with episode five Back to the Beginning
One of the traditional devotions during Mary's Month of May is The Little Crown of the Twelve Stars of the Blessed Virgin Mary which is an ancient prayer said by more than a few saints and was mandated by the holy St.Louis Marie de Montfort to those in his orders. It is a prayer said for each day of May. Along with this prayer there is another tradition that can be found in Fr. Lasance's book on Our Lady and that is to offer each day in May to the Blessed Virgin a different flower which corresponds to a particular virtue for each day. Today the flower is the Primrose with the corresponding Virtue being Love of Labor. Interesting that the primrose would represent the love of work for it is the primrose path which represents sensual pleasure and is most often associated with the path to perdition. Conversely it is the narrow and straight path to Heaven which fosters a love of labor out of a sincere love for God and total humility. Perhaps the primrose, not actually a rose, is presented for it typifies the plentitude of multicolor flowers that are produced through tender loving care by the love of labor for it takes time and work to cultivate a garden of primroses. So also it takes time and work to cultivate virtue but the result is more colorful and splendid to the soul and to Our Lord and Our Lady than any flower, no matter how beautiful the primrose bouquets can be. For this and the flowers and virtues thus far, as well as the special May devotion, see The Little Crown and Queen of the May
Gabriel's Clarion
Gabriel Garnica takes a break from his on-going series on the Catholic Identity Crisis in the USA to focus on tomorrow's Double of the First Class Feast of Corpus Christi. He applies what he calls "The Calvary Test" to show the vast chasm existing between the tried and true Tridentine Rite of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass and what passes today as the "Mass" in the Novus Ordo establishment. Gabriel puts it very clearly in quizzing the reader on how to decipher if the Mass they are attending contains the essence of the propitiatory sacrifice, if in their parish "the altar is an extension of Calvary." He points out that "This simple test will guide us toward what is and is not fitting for this most Sacred Sacrifice. Any behavior, actions, thoughts, attitudes, approaches, and views that would detract from such an experience and disrespect the significance of that event is therefore evil." He explains in detail in his inspiring column The Calvary Test
White Smoke, Black Fire!
The Legion has been reeling most of this sixth day of November, but as the sun begins to set the Legion is regrouping and striking back with a vengeance. Vendhem and Macelli have been sprung from the gallows beneath the Governor's Palace, leaving a string of dead bodies behind. Blix has Corrie. For the Resistance that is not good. We encourage readers hooked on "White Smoke, Black Fire!" to concentrate on the similarities in this novel - first written in 1986 for these very times - with actual events happening right now. Having just tightened and updated this novel in 2005, readers can catch up on the daily installments they might have missed by going to the Installment Index. In today's episode, Pat and Fr. Niki pursue the cowled one who has Corrie. The trail leads to well behind St. Peter's and the heliopad in the far corner where a hijacked copter lands with Ans and Soto commandeering the pilot. Pat wrestles the gun away from Blix only to be forced to surrender for Macelli has Corrie. Pat, Niki and Corrie become prisoners, incarcerated in Blix's corporate Lear Jet which takes off from the Fiumicino tarmac heading east - back to where it all began. The tension builds in the Fifteenth Chapter in Part VI - The Unveiling with episode four The Legion Strikes Back
One of the traditional devotions during Mary's Month of May is The Little Crown of the Twelve Stars of the Blessed Virgin Mary which is an ancient prayer said by more than a few saints and was mandated by the holy St.Louis Marie de Montfort to those in his orders. It is a prayer said for each day of May. Along with this prayer there is another tradition that can be found in Fr. Lasance's book on Our Lady and that is to offer each day in May to the Blessed Virgin a different flower which corresponds to a particular virtue for each day. Today the flower is the Daffodil with the corresponding Virtue being Devotion to Mary. The lovely yellow or white daffodil signals the fullness of Spring just as Our Lady's fulfillment of God's holy Will signaled the fullness of redemption through her Divine Son. Because She is the Living Tabernacle for the Son of God, it is only natural that we show her the very same respect Christ did and shower her with prayers of intercession and with spiritual daffodils in thanksgiving for what was the true "New Springtime" the Passion, Death and Resurrection of the One who conquered sin and death for us. As Co-Redemptrix, Advocate and Mediatrix of all graces, we honor Mary with true devotion in the spirit of St. Louis Marie de Montfort. For this and the flowers and virtues thus far, as well as the special May devotion, see The Little Crown and Queen of the May

Fiat Voluntas Dei
Timothy Duff elaborates further on the subject matter of his article last week on cultivating virtue. This week he points out that "it seems those who exalt virtue over dignity gain both, whereas those who exalt dignity over virtue lose both." Thus, on this feast of Our Lady, Help of Christians we present Tim's piece first published in Reign of Mary in 2000. It has as much meaning today, if not more for dignity is being elevated to a secular plane where no virtue is tolerated. In this month of Mary's May when bouquets of virtues are exalted to the Immaculate Queen, a definite distinction must be made between dignity and virtue. Virtue without dignity is worth many graces; dignity without virtue is worthless. Let Mary, Help of Christians, show us the way to her Divine Son's Heart through virtuous lives as Tim explains in his essay Virtue is Greater than Dignity
One of the traditional devotions during Mary's Month of May is The Little Crown of the Twelve Stars of the Blessed Virgin Mary which is an ancient prayer said by more than a few saints and was mandated by the holy St.Louis Marie de Montfort to those in his orders. It is a prayer said for each day of May. Along with this prayer there is another tradition that can be found in Fr. Lasance's book on Our Lady and that is to offer each day in May to the Blessed Virgin a different flower which corresponds to a particular virtue for each day. Today the flower is the Red Poppy with the corresponding Virtue being Fervor. The hairy-herbed poppy, though coveted for its opium by those who reject its beauty and look to use it for the means of mammon, emits a milky juice that has been used for authentic medicinal purposes to heal the body. But it is the fervor of its elixir spiritually that drives the virtue of fervor to heal the soul and therein lies the true beauty of the Red Poppy offered to Our Lady in Mary's May. For this and the flowers and virtues thus far, as well as the special May devotion, see The Little Crown and Queen of the May
White Smoke, Black Fire!
With the Pope having declared Vatican II anathema sit, it is now time at last for the mysterious contents of the sealed envelope left by Pius XII to be revealed. Having been consecrated to the episcopate on the very day Our Lady appeared at the Cova on May 13, 1917 and buried on the anniversary of 41st anniversary of her final apparition, in truth Pius was the true "Pope of Fatima." Could his revelation read to the Conclave be true? We encourage readers hooked on "White Smoke, Black Fire!" to concentrate on the similarities in this novel - first written in 1986 for these very times - with actual events happening right now. Having just tightened and updated this novel in 2005, readers can catch up on the daily installments they might have missed by going to the Installment Index. In today's episode, we continue with events immediately following the peaceful death of Pope Clement XV in the Sistine Chapel. As the airwaves are released to the networks and GNS media mogul and financial Lazarus Colin Rembert accompanies the pontiff's corpse along with Dr. Ghisleiri, Ogidi and Kinsajira and two Swiss Guards, Cardinal Gregory Zachmunn reads the startling revelation left by Pius XII to his fellow Cardinals. Behind the Sistine, Sergeant Kutsch has a plan to spring Macelli and Vendhem from the gallows. Or is it to silence the two Judas prelates for fear of exposing the Legion? Meanwhile, as Corrie and Fr. Niki return with Pizza and refreshments fate, steps in and Corrie is once more in the clutches of the vile Edwin Blix, masquerading as a Franciscan monk. This and more awaits in the Fourteenth Chapter in Part VI - The Unveiling with episode three Revelation of the Revolution
The Sanity of Sanctity
Professor Plinio Corręa de Oliveira, through the auspices of Atila Sinke Guimarăes at Tradition In Action, provides a comprehensive of the origins of the feast of Our Lady Help of Christians and a little known apparition seen by the infidel and similar to what the leader of the barbaric Huns saw behind Pope St. Leo the Great at the gates of Rome. This vision was seen by Muslim forces at the Battle of Lepanto and played a significant part of their superior forces fleeing the scene in assuring victory for Don Juan of Austria's Christian forces. This pivotal battle in all of Christendom saved Europe from the crescent moon, though today they have conquered without lifting the scimitar. Perhaps then Christians everywhere should once again invoke the Auxilium Christianorum to pray for deliverance from the infidels both outside and within her Divine Son's Church. The professor details the significance of Our Lady Help of Christians - Auxilium Christianorum
Gabriel's Clarion
Gabriel Garnica continues his series on the Catholic Identity Crisis in the USA. Today he turns his attention to what has become common this time of year in the United States and that is the dirth of controversial figures invited as commencement speakers to supposed 'Catholic' institutions of higher learning. More and more the invitation of these speakers indicates a definite defiant and deviant detour from Catholic truth. Yet they are masqueraded as experts by the media and accepted by administrations. Loyalty to the tenets of the True Faith are cast to the winds, just as so many mortar boards are flung into the air in abandonment. Truth and Faith have truly taken a holiday in these institutions of higher learning. Gabriel identifies some of the offenders in Part Ten PhD's in Perdition
One of the traditional devotions during Mary's Month of May is The Little Crown of the Twelve Stars of the Blessed Virgin Mary which is an ancient prayer said by more than a few saints and was mandated by the holy St.Louis Marie de Montfort to those in his orders. It is a prayer said for each day of May. Along with this prayer there is another tradition that can be found in Fr. Lasance's book on Our Lady and that is to offer each day in May to the Blessed Virgin a different flower which corresponds to a particular virtue for each day. Today the flower is the Bluebell with the corresponding Virtue being Desire for Heaven. The delicate bell-shaped flower which grows on many continents and belongs both to the hyacinth and columbine genus, is symbolic of the church bells that clarion souls to come to Holy Mass or to pray the Angelus. The reason for prayer is not for socializing, but for turning our attention to God and the purpose of desiring things not of this earth, but of Heaven. The Bluebell's delicate shell chimes quietly in a whispy wind reminding us of God's call to focus on our end goal - our Desire for Heaven, possible only through adherence to all Christ has taught and established in the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church He founded. It is a magnificent flower to offer to Mary whose entire life was focused on a Desire for Heaven and bringing God's children to that same goal. For this and the flowers and virtues thus far, as well as the special May devotion, see The Little Crown and Queen of the May
"Qui legit, intelligat"
In Father Louis Campbell's sermon for TRINITY SUNDAY, he shows through the Scriptures what is the cornerstone of sanctity - humility, for it is this virtue of submitting to the will of God and humbling ourselves before the Triune Divinity which builds the foundation that stretches toward Heaven. Yet, it is another structure that man ever seeks to build - the prideful tower of Babel, confusing generation after generation. Today that tower is masked in many facades, yet leading toward the same destination: perdition. It is the same story, Father points out, as Adam and Eve and the serpent. No man can know the Mystery of the Holy Trinity for the finite mind cannot comprehend such a mind-boggling supernatural possibility. The greatest minds in history have never been able to understand it. Even, when the great St. Augustine attempted to comprehend this august Mystery, he realized through a little child that humility was the only answer. Despite the wisdom of the prophets and saints, the example of Christ Himself and His Blessed Mother and the Apostles, specifically St. Peter, today's usurpers of Christ's True Church dare to contradict Their words by saying man knows better than God. Prayer and the virtues are abandoned for dialogue and tolerance. Father cites a most recent statement by Benedict XVI that gives credence to this reality and wonders why these men who hold power are not fearful of "The Mighty Hand of God"
One of the traditional devotions during Mary's Month of May is The Little Crown of the Twelve Stars of the Blessed Virgin Mary which is an ancient prayer said by more than a few saints and was mandated by the holy St.Louis Marie de Montfort to those in his orders. It is a prayer said for each day of May. Along with this prayer there is another tradition that can be found in Fr. Lasance's book on Our Lady and that is to offer each day in May to the Blessed Virgin a different flower which corresponds to a particular virtue for each day. Today the flower is the yellow Buttercup with the corresponding Virtue being Obedience. The Buttercup, with its five petals and small, humble appearance is a most fitting reminder of obedience for the 15 Mysteries of the Rosary are divided into three sets of five and begin with the Annunciation, which epitomizes obedience for Our Lady's fiat paved the way for the ultimate obedience to the Father with her Divine Son's Passion, Death and Resurrection so that salvation could be attained through the merits of Jesus Christ. What a wonderful flower to offer to the Blessed Mother in her month of May. For this and the flowers and virtues thus far, as well as the special May devotion, see The Little Crown and Queen of the May
Ember Saturday
White Smoke, Black Fire!
This weekend's episode of White Smoke, Black Fire! is the entire gist of M.C. Siena's novel. Even if you have not been following the episodes, have not read anything before this from this on-line novel, this episode is a must read for everyone! That is because finally a Pope speaks out, admitting the mistakes of the past 40 some years and consigning Vatican II and all its novelties and innovations such as ecumenism and dialogue, the whole concept of the "New Evangelization" and "New Springtime" to oblivion, and restoring the True Latin Mass universally. Though a fictional work, it really is - outside of Divine Intervention - the only solution that could come out of Rome to restore and rebuild Christ's Church. Some think Benedict XVI will do this. As much as we would hope that to be true, we highly doubt it from what he has done thus far. We encourage readers hooked on "White Smoke, Black Fire!" to concentrate on the similarities in this novel - first written in 1986 for these very times - with actual events happening right now. Having just tightened and updated this novel in 2005, readers can catch up on the daily installments they might have missed by going to the Installment Index. In this pivotal episode, as we emphasized above, the Roman Pontiff, who has succeeded Benedict XVI, is revealed in the Conclave. His one last act before he dies in the Sistine, is to pronounce his landmark Papal Constitution, broadcast to the world in the Fourteenth Chapter with episode two in Part VI The Unveiling: "Lamentabili Culpa"
Gabriel's Clarion
Gabriel Garnica continues his series on the Catholic Identity Crisis in the USA. Today he focuses on the sixth situation he posed in Part Three - What's My Line. That would be permit for murder. Gabriel correlates the highest case of AIDs in the United States with the situation in San Francisco, but more than that, the murder of souls by the open affinity to embracing sin in Sodom by the Bay, or as Gabriel puts it the "City at Bay." The Golden Gate may beckon tourists, but it is also symbolic of the road many have taken in Sodom by the Bay. So many from the apostate mayor to a pro-homosexual city council, from lukewarm archbishops to the radical nuns, priests, and parishioners, from the secular media to the strong sodomite and pro-choice presence have all disdained the narrow path, opting to follow that wide path strewn with roses which leads to eternal damnation. Gabriel explains in Part Nine Left Their Souls in San Francisco
One of the traditional devotions during Mary's Month of May is The Little Crown of the Twelve Stars of the Blessed Virgin Mary which is an ancient prayer said by more than a few saints and was mandated by the holy St.Louis Marie de Montfort to those in his orders. It is a prayer said for each day of May. Along with this prayer there is another tradition that can be found in Fr. Lasance's book on Our Lady and that is to offer each day in May to the Blessed Virgin a different flower which corresponds to a particular virtue for each day. Today the flower is the bluish Periwinkle with the corresponding Virtue being Purity of Intention. It has been said the best intentions often go awry. One reason they do is because they may not be based on God's will. Through purity of intention, it is based on doing the Divine Will in all things. One reason the Periwinkle plant is associated with this is because the periwinkle is a trailing evergreen herb with solitary blue or white flowers, often also referred to as myrtle in the U.S. The trail of good intentions, if followed in a straight line toward Heaven will stretch further toward God; those intentions which are not cultivated and cropped by living a virtuous life, will scatter every which way and gather cockle and thistles, thus becoming refuse to be cast into the eternal fires (cf. Matthew 7: 19). For this and the flowers and virtues thus far, as well as the special May devotion, see The Little Crown and Queen of the May
Ember Friday
Fingerprints of Anathema?
While Catholic feasts are more and more downplayed, even at times eliminated, pagan feasts are increasingly being recognized and condoned by the modern Vatican. Such is the anathema of the Vatican II cancer which has forsaken Sacred Scripture and Catholic doctrine in favor of Nostra Aetate. The smudges of anathema are everywhere. How do these ecumaniacs in the Curia rationalize their actions and words? What part of Mark 16: 16 don't they understand? Especially all within the Pontifical Council for Interreligious Dialogue. Who came up with such an aberration of that curial office in the first place? Ah, yes, the great one! And after the first month of the regime of Benedict XVI, it isn't going to change one iota - quite possibly get worse. Same ol', same ol' as loss of souls increases. Gary Morella weighs in on the very facts that the latest official release from Archbishop Michael Fitzgerald is not only laced with anathema, but a prime example of the non-Catholicism wrought by Vatican II. Fitzgerald's own words indict him. Giving the GATE to the head of the Pontifical Council for Interreligious Dialogue
One of the traditional devotions during Mary's Month of May is The Little Crown of the Twelve Stars of the Blessed Virgin Mary which is an ancient prayer said by more than a few saints and was mandated by the holy St.Louis Marie de Montfort to those in his orders. It is a prayer said for each day of May. Along with this prayer there is another tradition that can be found in Fr. Lasance's book on Our Lady and that is to offer each day in May to the Blessed Virgin a different flower which corresponds to a particular virtue for each day. Today the flower is the popular Geranium with the corresponding Virtue being Zeal for Souls. Consider that the colorful Geraniums number over 100 million plants grown and sold throughout the world every year. Each colorful, hardy perennial plant, while often different in color and even design, still belongs to the Geranium family. Now consider that in souls - 100 million souls a year being converted! Talk about Zeal for Souls! That is what we should all have and what pleases Blessed Mary so much. We should consider a person's soul much more beautiful in God's sight than a Geranium and tend to cultivating souls by nourishing them perennially with the Truths and Traditions of the One, True Church. For this and the flowers and virtues thus far, as well as the special May devotion, see The Little Crown and Queen of the May
White Smoke, Black Fire!
Time to spring the surprise. As the smoke of the chaotic explosions four hours earlier clears, the people flood back into St. Peter's Square waiting for the White Smoke from the Sistine chimney. Little do they believe what they hear and will see. We encourage readers hooked on "White Smoke, Black Fire!" to concentrate on the similarities in this novel - first written in 1986 for these very times - with actual events happening right now. Having just tightened and updated this novel in 2005, readers can catch up on the daily installments they might have missed by going to the Installment Index. In today's episode, we begin the final Part VI with The Unveiling. The trap by the Resistance has worked to perfection. The Legion has been reeled in and is now reeling as they discover the Prize has returned. Pope Clement XV is alive. Cardinals Mendoza and Zachmunn have trumped the Legion's objectives as Clement orders Cardinals Vendhem and Macelli hauled off in chains and Colin Rembert commandeers the airwaves once more to broadcast the events within the Conclave for with the Pope alive, the Secrecy of the Conclave has been lifted in the Fourteenth Chapter with episode one in Part VI The Unveiling: Showdown in the Sistine Corral
Griff Ruby's Excerpts
In addition to his "Straight Stuff" columns, Griff Ruby is providing the reader with excerpts from his excellent book The Resurrection of the Roman Catholic Church. Today he points to the appendix of his book in answering why certain topics were not broached. For example, private revelation. The Faith is not contingent on private revelation and nothing new can ever be revealed since all stopped with Divine Revelation. Griff also documents fallacies in some private revelations which often show that they come from another medium - many times the media! He debunks the vicious rumor that tries to impugn the SSPX about Cardinal Lienart being a mason. Just as Christ foretold, His Church would always have enemies. Why play into the devil's hand? Though he admits conspiracies and plots do exist, Griff covers why it is not the end-all and be-all regarding the Faith. It doesn't do any good to worry about has happened or what will happen. That exposes doubt, despair and lack of trust in God. Prayer and seeking to do God's holy will are the answers, found within the Truths and Traditions of Holy Mother Church which teaches us to be concerned about what is happening right now to souls and do all we can to help others realize what is truly Catholic and what isn't and for the faithful to do something about it for God's sake! Griff explains in his excerpt we have titled Why One Can Get Detoured Chasing Messages and Conspiracies
One of the traditional devotions during Mary's Month of May is The Little Crown of the Twelve Stars of the Blessed Virgin Mary which is an ancient prayer said by more than a few saints and was mandated by the holy St.Louis Marie de Montfort to those in his orders. It is a prayer said for each day of May. Along with this prayer there is another tradition that can be found in Fr. Lasance's book on Our Lady and that is to offer each day in May to the Blessed Virgin a different flower which corresponds to a particular virtue for each day. Today the flower is the rugged Hawthorn with the corresponding Virtue being Mortification. This is appropriate for mortification takes being able to withstand pain and pleasure. The red-fruited Hawthorn with dense corymbs of pink-red flowers has stems and leaves which are densely covered with short wooly hairs and must bear up under cold and windy conditions. That is why it is found in evergreen country where conditions are rough for a lot of wind helps the Hawthorn to bloom. So also mortification helps to toughen us in the face of temptation and the life of ease, allowing grace to blossom forth. For this and the flowers and virtues thus far, as well as the special May devotion, see The Little Crown and Queen of the May
White Smoke, Black Fire!
As the smoke of the chaotic explosions four hours earlier clears, the people flood back into St. Peter's Square waiting for the White Smoke from the Sistine chimney. We encourage readers hooked on "White Smoke, Black Fire!" to concentrate on the similarities in this novel - first written in 1986 for these very times - with actual events happening right now. Having just tightened and updated this novel in 2005, readers can catch up on the daily installments they might have missed by going to the Installment Index. In today's episode, we complete Part V of The Shedding for unbeknownst to all but a few, Pope Clement XV is smuggled into the Sistine as the Resistance prepares for the unveiling with the Legion none the wiser; so overconfident are Vendhem and Macelli. They are basically in the dark for in suspecting Elena double-crossed them, they are not yet aware she plunged to her death. The Conclave begins at 4 p.m. sharp in the Sistine while in St. Peter's Square, the demonic Blix is up to no good masquerading as a Franciscan in the Thirteenth Chapter with episode twelve in Part V The Shedding: Extra omnes! Let the Conclave Begin!
Ember Wednesday
Gabriel's Clarion
Gabriel Garnica continues his series on the Catholic Identity Crisis in the USA. Today he focuses on the fifth situation he posed in Part Three - What's My Line. That would be prior commitment. Gabriel poses this in the vein of North vs. South for the civil war still rages on, not so much on the political scene as in theological, hierarchical and liturgical realms that bleed of humanism. Modern American Catholicism is embroiled in an uncivil war between North and South mentality that has taken its toll in souls. Both sides claim they are right, but the evidence proves otherwise because they have veered from the true teachings of the Church. The North-South is not a blue and gray issue when it comes to the Faith. It should be as clear as Black and White because the absolute truths and traditions Christ imparted leave no room for doubt or twisting or altering. Only total adherence to these truths will lead to true union with Christ and His Church. Gabriel explains in Part Eight North, South, and In-Between
One of the traditional devotions during Mary's Month of May is The Little Crown of the Twelve Stars of the Blessed Virgin Mary which is an ancient prayer said by more than a few saints and was mandated by the holy St.Louis Marie de Montfort to those in his orders. It is a prayer said for each day of May. Along with this prayer there is another tradition that can be found in Fr. Lasance's book on Our Lady and that is to offer each day in May to the Blessed Virgin a different flower which corresponds to a particular virtue for each day. Today the flower is the delicate Lavender with the corresponding Virtue being Modesty. This is appropriate for modesty is the cornerstone of chastity and purity. What we wear governs how we think, where we place God in our lives. Like the Lavender, our souls are delicate and to be immodest in any way or not to practice custody of the eyes puts that delicateness in jeopardy. Our bodies are temples of the Holy Ghost and we must strive to adorn these temples with layers of clothing that are pleasing to our Almighty Creator, not man. For this and the flowers and virtues thus far, as well as the special May devotion, see The Little Crown and Queen of the May
White Smoke, Black Fire!
In the midst of chaos, sanity and endearment surface in the Papal Quarters. We encourage readers hooked on "White Smoke, Black Fire!" to concentrate on the similarities in this novel - first written in 1986 for these very times - with actual events happening right now. Having just tightened and updated this novel in 2005, readers can catch up on the daily installments they might have missed by going to the Installment Index. In today's episode, Cardinal Zachmunn et alii clue Pope Clement XV as to damages and Gregory presents the Holy Father with the mysterious sealed envelope bearing Pius XII's papal seal while Blix's helicopter retrieves the Legion's principals from gridlocked traffic. Dropping Macelli and Vendhem back at the Vatican, Blix discovers his limo from the air across the Tiber by the Victor Emmanuel Monument. Locked tighter than a drum, Blix rages with an Uzi. As his cohorts from the Black Mass panic and try to put vertical distance between this publisher gone-mad and themselves, he fires on his own chopper bringing it to a fiery end. In haste he flees, hi-jacking an Audi and heads round-a-bout back towards the Vatican eluding the police in the Thirteenth Chapter with episode eleven in Part V The Shedding: The Spider and the Fly
Pentecost Tuesday
Fiat Voluntas Dei
Timothy Duff shows that we all need to have a green thumb to cultivate our own spiritual gardens. God provides us all the tools necessary to tend to our soul. He has given us the Truths and Traditions of His Church and the Sacraments, all contained in the Sacred Deposit of Faith. If we are serious about salvation we will realize tending to souls - whether it is our own or others - is a full-time job of pulling out the weeds of vice and cultivating fruitful virtues through Son-light and showers of grace so that we can bear good fruit and be worthy of the Harvester gathering our soul up when the time comes for Him to separate the wheat from the chaff. Tim explains this metaphor in detail and how it correlates with Sacred Scripture in a piece first published in 1996. Time to get down and dirty with the business of cultivating souls with his masterful essay Garden of the Soul
Echos of True Catholicism
Dr. Marian Therese Horvat has ended her silence. Who could continue to be silent in the face of the aberrations Benedict XVI has been committing? She details the offenses and documents why it purports to very bad news for all Catholics, especially with the appointment as Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith of a known lukewarm louse in the person of the progressivist archbishop of San Francisco William Levada. This is akin to allowing the fox to guard the henhouse with the wolf's permission. Any safeguards of the Faith that the CDF may have protected however flimsily before with Ratzinger in charge, are now open to the whims of one who was - make that "is" - Roger Mahony's classmate and buddy. That in itself is enough to send shivers through the spine of not only every Traditional Catholic, but decent Novus Ordinarians as well for Mahony is the worst of the apostate bishops. What about Levada? Marian also covers that in her article The True Colors of Benedict XVI
One of the traditional devotions during Mary's Month of May is The Little Crown of the Twelve Stars of the Blessed Virgin Mary which is an ancient prayer said by more than a few saints and was mandated by the holy St.Louis Marie de Montfort to those in his orders. It is a prayer said for each day of May. Along with this prayer there is another tradition that can be found in Fr. Lasance's book on Our Lady and that is to offer each day in May to the Blessed Virgin a different flower which corresponds to a particular virtue for each day. Today is dedicated to Fidelity in little things with the corresponding Flower being the beautiful Lilac. It is the little buds that group together in fidelity to the greater good which God intended in order to emit the spring fragrance that is so pleasing to the olfactory senses. Lilacs grow in colder climes, meaning they go dormant - retreat, if you will, so that toughened in the rough weather they can blossom ever more magnificently. So also with us. The more trials we face, the more we grow in grace and the more we will be faithful in little things, just as the holy Saint Therese of Lisieux practiced every day of her life. For this and the flowers and virtues thus far, as well as the special May devotion, see The Little Crown and Queen of the May
White Smoke, Black Fire!
The world has been rocked again, damage control is underway as the dust settles. Have the Basilisk truly destroyed the Vatican? The answers are in the Thirteenth Book - The Shedding. We encourage readers hooked on "White Smoke, Black Fire!" to concentrate on the similarities in this novel - first written in 1986 for these very times - with actual events happening right now. Having just tightened and updated this novel in 2005, readers can catch up on the daily installments they might have missed by going to the Installment Index. In today's episode, despite all the destruction and chaos, countless lives have been saved. Rather than reeling, the Legion is gridlocked in traffic while the valiant leaders of the Resistance rendezvous in the Papal Quarters for a brief respite, sharing a few moments of joy and smiles, however short. These times are to be treasured and that is what Corrie intends to do as finally a week after being separated, she is reunited with Pat in the Thirteenth Chapter with episode ten in Part V The Shedding: Out of the Ruins - Reunion
Pentecost Monday
Gabriel's Clarion
Gabriel Garnica continues his series on the Catholic Identity Crisis in the USA. Today he expands on the fourth situation he posed in Part Three - What's My Line. That would be the collateral damage. While many would equate that with physical life, it is the decline of morality that has given ground, if not total possession to the Seven Deadly Sins. Gabriel shows how these dovetail into each other and how American Catholics have grown soft, flabby, angrier, avaricious, gluttonous, and immune to the glut of lust today. Yet despite all these signs of perdition, they remain prideful in thinking what they are doing is pleasing to God. Christ clearly shows in Matthew 7: 20 that they are blind for there are no fruits. Gabriel points this out and the fact American Catholicism is in moral and financial bankruptcy because those responsible and those blindly following have put all their eggs in one basket in shopping exclusively at stores of convenience and tolerance. If they look up they'll see they are in WoeMart because they have forsaken the dividends built up in the True Church by those who preceded them. Will they realize before it is too late that they have wasted their treasures and talents on foolish things and have become faltering fodder for perdition? Gabriel explains in Part Seven The Economics of Perdition
One of the traditional devotions during Mary's Month of May is The Little Crown of the Twelve Stars of the Blessed Virgin Mary which is an ancient prayer said by more than a few saints and was mandated by the holy St.Louis Marie de Montfort to those in his orders. It is a prayer said for each day of May. Along with this prayer there is another tradition that can be found in Fr. Lasance's book on Our Lady and that is to offer each day in May to the Blessed Virgin a different flower which corresponds to a particular virtue for each day. Today the flower is the Lily of the Valley with the corresponding Virtue being Punctuality. The purity of the Lily of the Valley can be equated with the parable of the Five Virgins who were punctual and had their lamps lit when the Master came; whereas the other five foolish virgins were not punctual and because they were not, missed out on eternal bliss. That is why punctuality in all things is a virtue so that we will always live in the state of sanctifying grace and like the snow-white Lily of the Valley be ready when God decides to take us out of this Valley of Tears. For this and the flowers and virtues thus far, as well as the special May devotion, see The Little Crown and Queen of the May
White Smoke, Black Fire!
It all boils down to High Noon in today's explosive episode that will rock your socks, so to speak, in the Thirteenth Book - The Shedding. We encourage readers hooked on "White Smoke, Black Fire!" to concentrate on the similarities in this novel - first written in 1986 for these very times - with actual events happening right now. Having just tightened and updated this novel in 2005, readers can catch up on the daily installments they might have missed by going to the Installment Index. In today's episode the Resistance learns of Collier's folly and the dire predicament of 28 explosive coffins still within the Vatican beneath the Nervi Hall. Quick thinking and cooperation is vital for St. Peter's is packed as the Funeral Mass continues. The clock is set, High Noon approaches and the consequences will be disastrous. Will Dominic get the train far enough away from Rome to dump the 120 explosive caskets safely? What of the plastic explosive candles within St. Peter's. For that matter will St. Peter's Basilica stand against the destruction planted by the Legion of the Basilisk? The answers lie in one of the most shocking episodes of this novel in the Thirteenth Chapter with episode nine in Part V The Shedding: Destruction at High Noon!
"Qui legit, intelligat"
In Father Louis Campbell's sermon for the Double of the First Class Solemnity of Pentecost Sunday, he emphasizes the necessity of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ sending His Spirit, that all that He revealed would be known, upheld and passed down so that all may know that Jesus Christ is the only Way, the Truth and the Life. That is why, as Father points out, to congratulate those who reject Christ as the Son of god is insane and doing much more harm than being fashionably charitable in the worldly sense. But the Vatican II church doesn't take this vital Catholic truth into account when they pander to rabbis and pagan leaders. Despite the abundance of God's heart, these ecumaniacs greatly offend Jesus who said so succinctly "if you deny Me before man, I will deny you before My Father." Think how many have ignored these words and slapped the Holy Ghost in the face by failing to heed all that He has imparted. Christ also said, those who are not with Me, are against Me. This is just more evidence that, though the modern church at times gives Him lip service, their actions prove they are definitely not with Him. Father laments how many souls have been lost because those who should be vigilant have failed in their duty. They have not loved Christ as John says "He who does not love Me does not keep My words." The evidence is overwhelming that they have not kept His words and do not love Him. While God's Heart is always open, they have closed theirs. Father explains in his sermon "Out of the Abundance of the Heart"
One of the traditional devotions during Mary's Month of May is The Little Crown of the Twelve Stars of the Blessed Virgin Mary which is an ancient prayer said by more than a few saints and was mandated by the holy St.Louis Marie de Montfort to those in his orders. It is a prayer said for each day of May. Along with this prayer there is another tradition that can be found in Fr. Lasance's book on Our Lady and that is to offer each day in May to the Blessed Virgin a different flower which corresponds to a particular virtue for each day. Today the flower is the Mimosa with the corresponding Virtue being Generosity. How so very perfect this year that it is on Whitsunday for what is more expressive of infinite generosity then for the Holy Trinity to send the Advocate - the Holy Ghost? Like the rays of the Spirit descending upon the Blessed Mother and the Apostles, the stamen of the Mimosa flower fan out in ray-like fashion. For this and the flowers and virtues thus far, as well as the special May devotion, see The Little Crown and Queen of the May
White Smoke, Black Fire!
The Resistance continues the evacuation process as the train with the explosive coffins chugs further away from the Holy See while the demons rumble beneath the Pantheon. Time is of the essence as the tension continues to mount in the Thirteenth Book - The Shedding. We encourage readers hooked on "White Smoke, Black Fire!" to concentrate on the similarities in this novel - first written in 1986 for these very times - with actual events happening right now. Having just tightened and updated this novel in 2005, readers can catch up on the daily installments they might have missed by going to the Installment Index. In today's episode The Funeral Mass begins as the Satanic Mass comes to a sickening end and Pat brings needed supplies to the Pope. Meanwhile, Stephen and Colin team up to alert Cardinal Mendoza of the explosive candles in St. Peter's while Corrie manages to arrange a meeting with Monsignor Navarro in the Thirteenth Chapter with episode eight in Part V The Shedding: Snuffed Out!
Gabriel's Clarion
Gabriel Garnica resumes his series on the Catholic Identity Crisis in the USA. Today he expands on the third situation he posed in Part Three - What's My Line. That would be getting involved. The greatest problem with Catholics today is that they have become more like the Church of Laodicia from Apocalypse 3: 13-19. They have become lukewarm and because of this indifference they have allowed Satan to march right in and thoroughly infiltrate Christ's Church, turning it into a den of iniquity. Worse, few there are today who would stand uncompromisingly for the Faith and not fear persecution. That is the sad state of Catholicism in the U.S. today, nay, the world.How will you be judged by the Supreme Judge? Gabriel explains in Part Six Are You Guilty?
One of the traditional devotions during Mary's Month of May is The Little Crown of the Twelve Stars of the Blessed Virgin Mary which is an ancient prayer said by more than a few saints and was mandated by the holy St.Louis Marie de Montfort to those in his orders. It is a prayer said for each day of May. Along with this prayer there is another tradition that can be found in Fr. Lasance's book on Our Lady and that is to offer each day in May to the Blessed Virgin a different flower which corresponds to a particular virtue for each day. Today the flower is the Passion Flower blossom with the corresponding Virtue being Sacrifice. How appropriate that on this Vigil of Pentecost this year this devotion emphasizes Sacrifice. Was it not the Passion of our Lord which was the greatest Sacrifice that resulted in the blossoming of souls through salvation for all who followed Christ's teachings? On this day before the Holy Ghost is sent as Christ promised, our souls should open wide like the Passion Flower to embrace our crosses sent so lovingly by the Almighty. Carrying our cross daily is what Sacrifice is all about so that grace will flower forth. For this and the flowers and virtues thus far, as well as the special May devotion, see The Little Crown and Queen of the May
Today we completethe Novena to the Holy Ghost preceding the Feast of Pentecost, praying for the Fruits of the Holy Ghost. This is one of the oldest novenas since it was first made at the direction of Our Lord Himself when He sent His apostles back to Jerusalem to await the coming of the Holy Ghost on the first Pentecost. It is still the only novena officially prescribed by the Church. Addressed to the Third Person of the Blessed Trinity, it is a powerful plea for the light and strength and love so sorely needed by every Christian. To encourage devotion to the Holy Spirit, Holy Mother Church has enriched this novena with and indulgence of ten years on any day of the novena with a plenary indulgence if one participates in at least five exercises and moreover go to confession, receive Holy Communion and pray for the proper intentions. Accompanying each day is the Act of Consecration to the Holy Ghost and the Prayer for the Seven Gifts of the Holy Ghost. Today is Ninth Day of the Novena to the Holy Ghost
White Smoke, Black Fire!
The Resistance counters as the principals take shape. Time is of the essence as the tension mounts in the Twelfth Book - The Shedding. We encourage readers hooked on "White Smoke, Black Fire!" to concentrate on the similarities in this novel - first written in 1986 for these very times - with actual events happening right now. Having just tightened and updated this novel in 2005, readers can catch up on the daily installments they might have missed by going to the Installment Index. In today's episode The Legion begins the Satanic Black Mass in the fuliginous bowels of the Pantheon while the explosive coffins are loaded on rail cars behind the Vatican. But Blix's lackey Jordan Collier is determined to put a crimp in the Resistance's evacuation efforts by shutting down the tunnel entrance out of the Nervi to the Railway Station. Meanwhile, Elena has locked the final coordinates into fail-safe mode. The detonator has been set. But she did not count on encountering Monsignor Stephen Navarro in her haste to exit the Vatican. Stephen is forced to confront the monster in all its satanic, hideous reptilian beastiality as Elena transmorphs into the Basilisk. Will the monster from hell devour Stephen as it did Helene Shenneker and Victor Van Wess? The answers lie in the seventh episode in the Twelfth Chapter in Part V The Shedding: Locked, Loaded and Loathed
Living in Tradition
On this Feast of the holy Doctor of the Universal Church, Saint Robert Bellarmine of the Society of Jesus, we present the Apostolic decree from the AAS 23, 433-438 in which His Holiness Pope Pius XI declared this holy Cardinal who so solidified the decrees of Trent, an official Doctor of the Church. It was Pius who both beatified and canonized St. Robert at the same time he decreed the sanctity of the holy North American Martyrs. In Pius' magnificent fairly short decree he lays out the great virtues and fruits produced by Cardinal Bellarmine and officially established his universal feast be observed as a Double Minor. Known for his great clarity (in comparisons to today's ambiguity and verbosity by Vatican II authorities), Pius clearly points out why St. Robert was so deserving in the Holy Father's decree from September 17, 1931 called Providentissimus Deus
Gabriel's Clarion
Because today is dedicated to the great Doctor of the Church Saint Robert Bellarmine and is the 88th Anniversary of the First Fatima Apparitions in which Our Lady called for Prayer in reparation for sins, Gabriel Garnica completes his short two-part series on "The Silent Sacrament" as he provides the reader the various types of prayer and their relative value, explaining the kinds of prayer and why. Then he wraps it all up in his conclusion which puts it all in perspective in the second and final installment on "The Silent Sacrament." He details in Part Two Levels of Prayer
One of the traditional devotions during Mary's Month of May is The Little Crown of the Twelve Stars of the Blessed Virgin Mary which is an ancient prayer said by more than a few saints and was mandated by the holy St.Louis Marie de Montfort to those in his orders. It is a prayer said for each day of May. Along with this prayer there is another tradition that can be found in Fr. Lasance's book on Our Lady and that is to offer each day in May to the Blessed Virgin a different flower which corresponds to a particular virtue for each day. Today the flower is the Laurel blossom with the corresponding Virtue being Love of Duty. What a perfect day for this for it was duty to the Church and Christ's Vicar on earth that prompted St. Robert Bellarmine to become a Jesuit priest and then to utilize all his God-given talents for the greater honor and glory of God and His Holy Church. Likewise, Our Lady appeared near the Cova and a copse of trees where Laurel blossoms might be found and her message was to remind her children of our duty to pray and to obey her Divine Son. She instilled in the Fatima children and from them all mankind the importance of the Virtue of Love of Duty. We have a duty to spread and live all Our Lady imparted and which was officially approved as worthy of belief by Holy Mother Church. For this and the flowers and virtues thus far, as well as the special May devotion, see The Little Crown and Queen of the May
Today we continue with the Novena to the Holy Ghost preceding the Feast of Pentecost, praying for the Gift of Wisdom. This is one of the oldest novenas since it was first made at the direction of Our Lord Himself when He sent His apostles back to Jerusalem to await the coming of the Holy Ghost on the first Pentecost. It is still the only novena officially prescribed by the Church. Addressed to the Third Person of the Blessed Trinity, it is a powerful plea for the light and strength and love so sorely needed by every Christian. To encourage devotion to the Holy Spirit, Holy Mother Church has enriched this novena with and indulgence of ten years on any day of the novena with a plenary indulgence if one participates in at least five exercises and moreover go to confession, receive Holy Communion and pray for the proper intentions. Accompanying each day is the Act of Consecration to the Holy Ghost and the Prayer for the Seven Gifts of the Holy Ghost. Today is Eighth Day of the Novena to the Holy Ghost
White Smoke, Black Fire!
The Resistance counters as the principals take shape. Time is of the essence as the tension mounts in the Twelfth Book - The Shedding. We encourage readers hooked on "White Smoke, Black Fire!" to concentrate on the similarities in this novel - first written in 1986 for these very times - with actual events happening right now. Having just tightened and updated this novel in 2005, readers can catch up on the daily installments they might have missed by going to the Installment Index. In today's episode Stephen's bizarre plan is put into action thanks to the generous cooperation of Australian media mogul Colin Rembert and the marshalling by Cardinal Gregory Zachmunn. It is the Iron Horse which will carry the explosive cargo away from the Holy See as Gregory and loyal Swiss Guards make the switch with the triggered papal bier and the coffin of fallen guard Captain Riage Benziger while on the other side of the Tiber Corrie attempts to escape while her captor is involved with other matters in the entrails of the Pantheon in preparing for a Satanic Black Mass in the sixth episode in the Twelfth Chapter in Part V The Shedding: Bait and Switch
Fiat Voluntas Dei
With Pentecost practically here and tomorrow's recognition of the 88th Anniversary of the First Apparition of Our Lady of Fatima, it is important for us all to carry on the Church Militant's role in upholding, defending and spreading the True Faith. Thus, Timothy Duff, who has taught Traditional Catholicism for decades and is also a consummate expert on Venerable Mary Agreda's masterful work Mystical City of God, provides a primer on how to help our friends trapped in the Novus Ordo establishment to see the truths of the True Mass, the True Faith and to better understand why the New Order 'Mass' is not from Christ nor from the Church He established! It is not Catholic! The title of this article seems obvious enough, does it not? What Catholic could be found who would not agree that the Church is not above Christ? Yet the belief that the Catholic Church has more authority than Jesus Christ Himself is actually the very core of the error of those who attend the Novus Ordo Missae or "New Order Mass" (NOM). It is a sacred duty of charity for those whom the Sacred Heart of Jesus has mercifully called to attend exclusively the Traditional Latin Mass to desire the same grace for others. That is why Tim shares this "how to explain why" to help our friends truly understand Catholic truth as he explains so clearly in his magnificent essay The Church is Not Above Christ
One of the traditional devotions during Mary's Month of May is The Little Crown of the Twelve Stars of the Blessed Virgin Mary which is an ancient prayer said by more than a few saints and was mandated by the holy St.Louis Marie de Montfort to those in his orders. It is a prayer said for each day of May. Along with this prayer there is another tradition that can be found in Fr. Lasance's book on Our Lady and that is to offer each day in May to the Blessed Virgin a different flower which corresponds to a particular virtue for each day. Today the flower is the Heath-Flower with the corresponding Virtue being Recollection. The Heath-Flower comes from the Greek genus Epacris - meaning "upon the hill" where it grows. Many believe they sprouted on Calvary but this has not been proven in such climes. Yet, it would be appropriate for the Virtue of Recollection is centered on the Sacrifice of Christ upon Golgotha where His Blessed Mother stood faithfully to the end. So also are we able to stand with her through recollection of the Mysteries of the Cross. For this and the flowers and virtues thus far, as well as the special May devotion, see The Little Crown and Queen of the May
White Smoke, Black Fire!
The close calls have been plenty as the Legion rears back on its heals ready to strike. But the Resistance will not take it lying down. That we can see as the strategy unfolds in the Fifth Book - The Shedding. We encourage readers hooked on "White Smoke, Black Fire!" to concentrate on the similarities in this novel - first written in 1986 for these very times - with actual events happening right now. Having just tightened and updated this novel in 2005, readers can catch up on the daily installments they might have missed by going to the Installment Index. In today's episode of the novel Cardinal Gregory Zachmunn initiates Stephen's bizarre plan to extract the weapons of mass destruction while Dr. Makuta Ogidi re-emerges in disguise to save Monsignor Navarro from certain detection. After a change of costume, he is off again to prevent more disasters as Pat reaches the Papal Quarters through the secret tunnel from Castel Sant'Angelo. Reinforcements are on their way to the weakened Pontiff Clement XV as Blix and his entourage, including his hostage Corrie, arrive at the Vatican in the fifth episode in the Twelfth Chapter in Part V The Shedding: Something wicked this way comes!
Today we continue with the Novena to the Holy Ghost preceding the Feast of Pentecost, praying for the Gift of Counsel. This is one of the oldest novenas since it was first made at the direction of Our Lord Himself when He sent His apostles back to Jerusalem to await the coming of the Holy Ghost on the first Pentecost. It is still the only novena officially prescribed by the Church. Addressed to the Third Person of the Blessed Trinity, it is a powerful plea for the light and strength and love so sorely needed by every Christian. To encourage devotion to the Holy Spirit, Holy Mother Church has enriched this novena with and indulgence of ten years on any day of the novena with a plenary indulgence if one participates in at least five exercises and moreover go to confession, receive Holy Communion and pray for the proper intentions. Accompanying each day is the Act of Consecration to the Holy Ghost and the Prayer for the Seven Gifts of the Holy Ghost. Today is Seventh Day of the Novena to the Holy Ghost
One of the traditional devotions during Mary's Month of May is The Little Crown of the Twelve Stars of the Blessed Virgin Mary which is an ancient prayer said by more than a few saints and was mandated by the holy St.Louis Marie de Montfort to those in his orders. It is a prayer said for each day of May. Along with this prayer there is another tradition that can be found in Fr. Lasance's book on Our Lady and that is to offer each day in May to the Blessed Virgin a different flower which corresponds to a particular virtue for each day. Today the flower is the beautiful pink rose with the corresponding Virtue being Prayer. How appropriate that outside of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, the most efficacious prayer is Mary's Holy Rosary. The pink rose so magnificently expresses Our Lady's true femininity and divine motherhood. Her Rosary which she herself bestowed to St. Dominic is a spiritual bouquet of roses we can offer daily to Heaven, a spiritual bouquet built upon the ancient prayers of the Psalter - 150 decades for the 150 Psalms of David. For this and the flowers and virtues thus far, as well as the special May devotion, see The Little Crown and Queen of the May
Gabriel's Clarion
Because today is dedicated to Prayer (above) Gabriel Garnica takes a break from his on-going series on the Catholic Identity Crisis in the USA to bring readers a magnificent essay on Prayer in which he examines in a two-part essay, the many kinds and levels of prayer that incorporate the essence of the saints and what Holy Mother Church asks in expressing adoration, repentance, thanksgiving and petition to God Almighty. Nothing is more important than our communication with the very One Who created us, Who without we would be nothing - literally nothing. Gabriel explains in the first of two parts on "The Silent Sacrament" to be completed this Friday on the occasion of the 88th Anniversary of the First Apparition of Our Lady of Fatima The Many Faces of Prayer
White Smoke, Black Fire!
While we slow the roller coaster down somewhat, there are more curves ahead so buckle in tight as the thrill ride continues in the Fifth Book - The Shedding. We encourage readers hooked on "White Smoke, Black Fire!" to concentrate on the similarities in this novel - first written in 1986 for these very times - with actual events happening right now. Having just tightened and updated this novel in 2005, readers can catch up on the daily installments they might have missed by going to the Installment Index. In today's pivotal episode of the novel to date the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass is offered at opposite ends of the Hadrian Wall at dawn on the day of the funerals and Conclave. The weakened Pope receives Holy Communion from Niki, but Pat deferring to receive at a later time bears a tremendous significance not yet revealed. As the Legion plots further in Macelli's office, Blix's private jet lands at Rome's Fiumicino Airport with Corrie in tow and Soto at the ready to chauffeur them all into the City of Seven Hills in the fourth episode that begins the Twelfth Chapter in Part V The Shedding: Introibo ad altare Dei
Today we continue with the Novena to the Holy Ghost preceding the Feast of Pentecost, praying for the Gift of Understanding. This is one of the oldest novenas since it was first made at the direction of Our Lord Himself when He sent His apostles back to Jerusalem to await the coming of the Holy Ghost on the first Pentecost. It is still the only novena officially prescribed by the Church. Addressed to the Third Person of the Blessed Trinity, it is a powerful plea for the light and strength and love so sorely needed by every Christian. To encourage devotion to the Holy Spirit, Holy Mother Church has enriched this novena with and indulgence of ten years on any day of the novena with a plenary indulgence if one participates in at least five exercises and moreover go to confession, receive Holy Communion and pray for the proper intentions. Accompanying each day is the Act of Consecration to the Holy Ghost and the Prayer for the Seven Gifts of the Holy Ghost. Today is Sixth Day of the Novena to the Holy Ghost

For features thus far in May, click on bar to the right.

For all features in April, click on bar to the right.

For all features in March, click on bar to the right.

For all features in February 2005, click on bar to the right.

For all features in January 2005, click on bar to the right.

   There are several sources we strongly encourage you to follow so that one can get a true picture of what the traditions should be during this time of transition and questions. One is the regular news wire we carry below from a fairly closely related Traditional Catholic perspective from In the face of so much fawning and false information from the secular media and especially the Novus Ordo media, Fr. Moderator's daily commentaries are a must to understand what is really going on. We encourage you to go to for he is usually on top of whatever event has come down the pike and calls them pretty much as we see them here at The Daily Catholic in striving to uphold and preserve the Truths and Traditions of Holy Mother Church as part of the Resistance to the Revolution of Vatican II, especially during this time when so much misinformation is flooding into homes as fact and the Novus Ordo mentality and novelties will be ingrained in so many.

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From a fairly Traditional Catholic Perspective



   Like Fox News, The Daily Catholic seeks to provide a fair and balanced perspective on modern Rome always from a Traditional point of view. There are traditional Catholics who believe Ratzinger is a legitimate successor of St. Peter. Their views need to be heard. There are also traditional Catholics who believe he is not a true Pope in light of the heresies of Vatican II and his own complicity in the conciliar church, and have documented such. Their views also definitely need to be heard. Therefore, The Daily Catholic from this point on will provide both views for the discernment of readers for these are very, very critical times - indeed, a time of epikea - the likes of which have never afflicted the Church as it is today. We are all fighting a common enemy and need to be united as Traditional Catholics. We are the Church Militant and in all charity, need to speak out when wrong is being done. The Church is not above Christ. The greatest criteria for our own salvation is being fully Catholic in every way. That means not veering one iota from what Holy Mother Church has always taught. Not one iota! We must cling to the Faith handed down by the Apostles in Divine Revelation and Divine Tradition, reinforced and codified, often with the power of perpetuity by popes, many holy ones, down through the ages. When those infrangible truths are tampered with, we will not stand still and let the marauders have their way. The Church is not a democracy, does not sway with political correctness, polls, public opinion or the times. True authentic Catholics will always confront the barbarians both at the gate and inside the gate, having as their allies our Lord Jesus Christ, His most Blessed Mother, the Primacy of Peter, and all His angels and His saints.

    Why the Anglicans have abandoned Christ and common sense!
    The wacky Archbishop of Canterbury has just gotten more dangerous, much more! No longer is looney Rowan Williams that eccentric nut-case, now he is an apostate from his own man-made church and has totally lost all sense of decency and moral fiber. That was made manifestly clear Sunday in the London Sunday Times when it was announced that - are you sitting down, folks? - that it will be okay for anglican "priests" to marry their live-in boyfriends...they just can't touch them! Yeah, right, and the Vatican II church will never allow communion in the hand or altar girls! Memo to Benedict XVI: Do you really intend to continue to dialogue with the devil? This man whom your predecessor schmoozed with and gave improper privilege to in ecumenical services is no Christian. He has succumbed to mammon by caving to the sodomites. Will you also do the same? From your appointment of William Levada to head up the Doctrine of the Faith it sure looks like you'll eventually follow the same course as your Anglican bud. Such is the path of ecumenism that leads to the fruits of sodomy and every other sin. Henry VIII was bad, but even he would have been outraged! Where is your outrage, Benedict?

    Why are these people smiling? Do they know the dam is breaking in Spokane?
    The picture above left is taken from the Diocese of Spokane's website which pictures the bishop of Spokane William Skylstad with some of his closest friends. We have no idea why they are all smiling considering the sorry situation he has left the See of Spokane in. Lord knows he needs friends at a time like this when his Diocese and City are falling apart. Not only has his diocese of Spokane declared bankruptcy, but the City itself is enmeshed in a lurid scandal with charges against the mayor Jim West for the very same reason Skylstad and his fellow Novus Ordo bishops covered for homosexual behavior among men who did not have a vocation to the priesthood but rather were deviants who should never have made it through the first year, let alone month of their seminary training. Spokanians are up in arms calling for West's removal. If only Catholics had that kind of fervent perseverance and conviction to demand the same of the modern apostate bishops. We present for your perusal two stories, one which reports that Skylstad is pushing for the courts to accept the fact that the Diocese does not own the parishes. If the courts agree with that, it could work very much in the favor of Traditional Catholicism as Fr. Moderator so astutely points out. One point he doesn't approach however is that it would be left to the parishes to decide and sadly, there are few Novus Ordo parishes where the parishioners are not totally dumbed down to even realize they could have a Traditional Latin Mass in place of the aberration they now have. It takes education and a willingness to accept the truth; something ex-Novus Ordo Spokanians have discovered by increasing the ranks of Tradition, spearheaded by the mushrooming fruits cultivated by the CMRI priests, sisters and brothers on the campus of the magnificent, edifying Mt. St. Michael's above the very city where everything else is going to pot-hole hell. Traditional Catholics have come to realize Our Lord's words that one does not cast pearls to the swine.

    Why 2 million marching for Christ is disheartening news to Catholics
    On the glorious feast of Corpus Christi two million Brazilians massed and marched in Sao Paolo. One would think that would brighten the heart and soul of every Catholic, thinking oh, how wonderful that the Blessed Sacrament would be processed through the streets. But it wasn't like that because there was nothing Catholic about it. In the spirit of ecumenism the Protestants have slowly but surely been taking over South America and this is evidence of it since the event, not called Corpus Christi but simply "Jesus Day" was organized by evangelicals that have been doing it since 1987. Ah, the fruits of ecumenism. This once great Catholic country is going to the dogs of Protestantism and the modern Church can do nothing but congratulate them just as they congratulate the Hindus, Jews, Muslims and every other New Age innovation while spurning and persecuting those who cling to the True Faith. Truly Our Lord's words ring true, "Not all who say Lord, Lord will enter the kingdom of Heaven."

    Legionaries playing the spin game in trying to save Maciel's hide
    Despite the Boston Globe's account on Monday that all charges against the Legionaries of Christ founder Fr. Marcial Maciel have been dropped by the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith and that there will be no further investigation, we have on good assurance that it is the Legionaries that launched that fabrication and that the investigation is very much still on as was reported previously in the story below. In typical non-committal fashion the modern Vatican institution continues to dodge and weave just as the ambiguous ones have been doing over the past 40 years. Anyone remember the "It is as it was" fiasco where they changed their mind several times? Can you say credibility gap? Here is another one and though the Boston Globe article would be more advantageous for those out to canonize JP2 and try to justify the unjustifiable - Vatican II - Benedict XVI is caught in a Catch-22. If he closes the case, it will be obvious there's a cover-up; if he authorizes full-speed ahead with the trial, it will open many cans of worms that will further taint his predecessor's reputation. Ah, what a tangled web the modernists weave.

    Legionaries' Maciel might be in trouble without John Paul Two to protect him
    Sandro Magister of is on top of a story that could have impacting consequences on the Legion of Christ founder Fr. Marcial Maciel who has long been suspected of improprieties including sexual abuse. For long he was protected and his accusers denigrated, but more and more it looks like there may be truth to some accusations; so much so that Joseph Ratzinger, before handing over the reins of the CDF, ordered all cases to be resurrected, thus dashing the hopes of Legionaries that Maciel would go scott-free. As evidence mounts, the trial is inevitable.

    Many questions surface as to who Levada really is
    Two articles have revealed the fears that many Roman Catholics have expressed over placing William Levada as the Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith. One priest tells horror stories about his experience with Levada when he was bishop of Portland. One thing is for sure, Levada is no friend to Traditional Catholics and no friend of the True Latin Mass. That in and of itself is enough to be very, very leery and doubtful any progress toward returning to orthodoxy will happen. Also read Gabriel Garnica's piece Left Their Souls in San Francisco. There is another article on Levada that comes from a homosexual-oriented publication which we only link because it tells volumes about Levada's political correctness. See the news article directly below this to understand what PC really means. The best advice regarding Levada is be very aware and astute in what he does or says. As Gary Morella commented on this article, "Are these qualifications for Prefect for the Congregation of the Doctrine of the Faith? Not if the Church is still Catholic!"

    The Red Casting of Political Correctness
    What we have warned of for quite a few years has been verified in a special study conducted by and that is that the dreaded PC is communism masked. That is the finding as stated, “Political Correctness is Marxism, with all that implies: loss of freedom of expression, thought control, inversion of the traditional social order and, ultimately, a totalitarian state.” Have we not seen this in our own society and government where the state has taken over through the media to dictate how people should act, think and react. Tolerance and diversity are all part of the manifesto to eliminate not only freedom, but God. Political Correctness is dangerous and must be exposed and that is what a series of expert writers have done with the links available through or More and more we can see Holy Writ being fulfilled in these times foretold by Our Lord in Matthew 24 and what Our Lady warned at La Salette and Fatima. Truly Russia's errors have spread, so much so that few recognize it for what it really is today: inside our psyches and rotting souls by the second.

    Horrors of horrors! Benedict turns over CDF to the wolves!!!
    Friday 13th turned out to bring to fruition any and every Traditional Catholic's worst nightmare! Any hopes they had of Benedict XVI cleaning house and being any different than John Paul II can forget it. That was evident by two announcements out of the Modernist new Vatican on the 88th Anniversary of the First Apparition at Fatima and the universal Feast of the holy Doctor St. Robert Bellarmine, who would have rather given his life in martyrdom than turning over the guardianship of the Sacred Deposit of the Faith to one who caused grave scandal and empowered the sodomites because he didn't have the guts to stand up to the political pressure. We're talking about William Levada, a sorry and spineless excuse for a bishop - even a Novus Ordinarian pretender. He said nothing to deter supposedly 'Catholic' mayor Gavin Newsom who single-handedly solidified San Francisco as Sodom by the Bay. It was just announced that Levada's own See is to be the headquarters for human stem cell research using aborted fetuses. This proves this God-forsaken area has added yet another sin to the many sins that cry out to Heaven for vengeance.

    Benedict XVI signs off on New Vatican's fast lane to "sainthood" to enable the promotion of a known heretic!
    If Novus Ordinarians can't see the unraveling through the obvious facts that modern Rome is in no way connected with Eternal Rome and the Church Christ founded, then at least Traditional Catholics had better. Let's face it. A heretic can never be a saint, especially a manifest public heretic that Karol Wojtyla was well before he was elected by the usurping hierarchy as pope. The fact he did nothing to refute those heresies or repent of his errors, unlike Peter had done, proves he could not have been a valid pope. Does that mean Traditional Catholics will go along with even the idea of sainting a man many consider, in taking his teachings into account, an anti-pope? One wonders as the time quickly approaches to make the line in the sand and admit the obvious. Below Michael Matt and Chris Ferrara implored Benedict XVI to do the right thing. Canonizing a man responsible for the damnation of countless souls and who fostered the destruction of Catholicism sure isn't the right thing!!!

    Benedict explores digging in deeper in efforts to sleep with the enemy!
    Never mind the persecution of Christians by the Chinese Communists,and the radical Muslims, now Benedict XVI is going to dialog to death - literally perhaps - those very enemies of the Church who have openly defied the Traditions of 2000 years and sought to persecute Christ and His followers. Calling for diplomatic ties this modernist church will reach out to all of mammon but hold those most faithful to the faith as lepers. Go figure! It's easy to figure because the Vatican II church is the enemy of Jesus Christ and His True Church. The evidence is overwhelming for those who have eyes to see.

    Christopher FerraraMichael MattThe Remnant's Christopher Ferrara and Michael Matt Implore Benedict XVI to Do the Right Thing
    In the aftermath of their personal coverage in Rome during the conclave, Remnant editor Michael Matt and columnist Christopher Ferrara weigh in with an Open Letter imploring Joseph Ratzinger, now Benedict XVI to alter the course of history and turn away from the destructive path of Vatican II and return to the Truths and Traditions of Holy Mother Church. They express how many times they had hoped previous conciliar popes were going to do the same only to disappoint greatly. Can Benedict XVI make a difference? Time will tell, but they respectfully lay out the problems and the solutions, magnificently researched, and use the very words Ratzinger as a cardinal expressed in pleading with him to back up what he has said. Will it work? Time will tell, but they have presented an excellent argument that puts the ball squarely in Benedict's court. If he does not respond, does not exhibit the sensitivity he himself expressed, we will know it is all smoke and mirrors. Though lengthy, it is an excellent argument for Tradition in persuading him to abandon the novelties of the Novus Ordo, Ecumenism and Dialogue. They detail it all in their

Let Benedict XVI know what he must do to return to the Truths and Traditions of Holy Mother Church at

    In a show of "openness," Benedict XVI is encouraging Catholics to e-mail him and this is your chance to remind him of the Catholic truths that have been abandoned by the church of Vatican II and also the fact that the Immemorial Mass of All Ages - the Traditional Latin Mass said from Peter through Pius XII is at the heart of reform in rebuilding Christ's Church. He can be another St. Benedict in uncompromisingly converting souls to the Faith or he can be a Benedict Arnold in betraying Christ and the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Faith. Here's your chance to speak directly with the new pope. Pounce on it by e-mailing him at

    One way to contact him directly is to either send a copy of the Open Letter from Michael Matt and Christopher Ferrara below or reinforce certain points they have brought up. Either way, if you remain silent, you have no one to blame but yourself when God asks "What did you do to rebuild My Church?" Again, we can't reiterate strongly enough: Countless souls are at stake!

    When it comes to all these ungodly laws being passed by liberal judges because of the lobbying and intimidation of a small minority out to do away with the natural and supernatural order, it is wise to keep in mind the following:
"Unjust laws are, properly speaking, NO LAWS!"
His Eminence Saint Robert Cardinal Bellarmine, Doctor of the Church


   We are proud to be able to provide for our readers the full Ordinary and Proper of each day's Holy Sacrifice of the Mass for the Immemorial Latin Mass in the Traditional Calendar.

Tomorrow is still within the Octave of Corpus Christi which commemorates the institution of the Holy Eucharist. Corpus Christi parallels Maundy Thursday (Holy Thursday), which also commemorates Our Lord's institution of the Eucharist. Because Holy Thursday is in Holy Week, a season of sadness the celebration Corpus Christi was introduced so that the faithful would not lose sight of the institution of the Holy Eucharist.

   Saint Angela Merici was the youngest of her virtuous parents’ five children; she was born in Italy, near Brescia, in 1474. The grace which filled her soul made her beauty a trial for her, and as a young girl she already rejected all vanities. Every evening at home the parents read to the children from the lives of the Saints, and Angela wished to imitate them. She and her sister made an oratory in their room and retired there every day to pray and sing. She added to this service of God harsh austerities, sleeping on the floor while her sister slept profoundly. “We are the children of the Saints,” she would say to her, “and we must turn all our affection towards the One who dwells in heaven. Oh! what torments, what disgrace and privations the solitaries and virgins have endured, to win the crown of immortality! We must suffer and die to ourselves.”

   St. Angela made a vow of virginity before she was ten years old and persuaded her older sister to do the same. The children soon afterwards lost both their parents. A wealthy uncle took the two little girls into his home, but soon the sister of Angela followed her parents by a sudden death. At the age of thirteen Angela still had not received Holy Communion, according to the regrettable delays of those days. She begged to be admitted to the Holy Table, and as soon as her request was granted, resolved to take this heavenly nourishment often. For that purpose she entered the Third Order of Saint Francis, and then, with her director’s permission, was able to receive her Eucharistic Lord every day.

   In 1496 at the age of 22, Angela returned, after the death of her good uncle, to the paternal residence in her native village. There several others began to imitate her pious life. She was persuaded that the ills of society resulted from the scarcity of Christian mothers, and that this in turn was the effect of a lack of good education for young girls. She prayed that God would help her remedy this deficiency, and a heavenly vision assured her that before she died she would establish a Congregation of virgins. She and her companions began to assemble the little girls of the area and teach them Christian doctrine. And with them they visited the poor and the sick, and distributed most of the alms by which they themselves lived. Angela became an angel of consolation for all in the region, and though she had not studied, her mind was so clear that preachers and theologians came to consult her.

   It was not until 1535 that St. Angela was able to establish her Community; she was then 61 years old. During the intervening years, she made pilgrimages to the Holy Land and to Rome. Her devotion to the Passion of our Saviour was always increasing, and her piety inspired that of many others. One night in a vision, however, she saw a severe figure, a lash in His hand, look threateningly at her; it was Jesus, Who reproached her for her delay in founding an Order which was destined to do a much-needed good. She asked pardon and immediately began to draw up plans and inform her companions of them. These co-workers were still living each in her own house, but all promised to follow the rules. They visited prisons and hospitals, instructed the poor and assisted them, and all of them brought together young girls in their various houses, for instruction. At first this was a simple association, but soon Angela gave her companions the name of Ursulines, in honor of the virgin martyr of chastity and her companions. St Angela encouraged her Ursulines to make a voluntary vow of chastity only. She died in January of 1540. It was in France some sixty years later that the group became a regularized Community under Madame Frances de Bermond; thereafter the Institute spread widely. The Foundress was canonized in 1807 by Pope Pius VII.

  The Voters and editorial Board of The Daily Catholic have settled on five persons to be honored in this second annual presentation. Two of the Recipients are being awarded the Trophy posthumously with the Crimson Cross for though they did not die martyrs, they did not see the fulfillment of what they had sought - the freedom and exultation of Holy Mother Church for all of these brave heroes died on the battlefield of Tradition vs. Modernism. They will be long remembered as we honor our fallen stalwart pioneers Father Oswald Baker and Father Paul Wickens who spurred the rest on to hold fast to Tradition.
   Three received enough votes to be elevated to the laity wing of the Hall of Honor. Respected Traditional Writers Solange Strong Hertz and Marian Therese Horvat become the first women to be inducted into the Tower of Trent Hall of Honor. This year they join another respected and prolific Traditional Writer Patrick Henry Omlor.
   Though we honor them all today, beginning next week we will honor one by one until all are completed in early June. For the Charter Recipients in 2004, see TOWER OF TRENT HALL OF HONOR

  For those who truly want to delve deeper into what the Faith teaches and what past Sovereign Pontiffs have decreed, we recommend for your vital reading to better KNOW THE FAITH in order to KEEP THE FAITH, pertinent Papal decrees which put to the lie what is being promulgated today by the Vatican II church. We strongly encourage you to read these to understand how today the modern church is in Apostasy when compared to what had always been taught by Holy Mother Church and enforced and warned as most grievous by previous Pontiffs as you'll see in CREDO & CULTURE


For past issues this year so far, click on month of your choice below:

all issues in January                  

For past issues last year, click on month of your choice below:

all issues in January                  



   With Lent in the rear view mirror, almsgiving was down this year and with events where March roared out like a lion and hasn't let up in April, we don't need to tell you that almsgiving is one way Catholics can show their sincerity and commitment to Tradition. Our Lord sheds tears because so many souls still do not know the Truth and are wallowing in the desert of desertion, devastation and destruction. Right now they are being dumbed-down further and propagandized by the New Order with every secular media leeching on to the love train that cannot see the emperor wore no clothes. Because of that the light of Tradition grows dimmer as the weather patterns and natural disasters grow stronger. With your donations to The Daily Catholic and Our Lady's intercession, you can help to save souls, brighten the path to Tradition, and dry a tear or two from Jesus' holy face, lest those of you, who have the Truth and have been blessed with the means to help, might have to try to explain your selfishness at your Particular Judgment. Think and pray over it as we ask you to remember this apostolate for charitable giving during this time when the dollar is stretched tight with donations to help the victims of the devastations in Indonesia, which must take priority. But if you have anything left over, we greatly appreciate any donation you can make for almsgiving is one of the commandments of the Church. We count on the generosity of our readers to keep up the integrity of this publication and keep it free of all advertising and banners in providing our readers worldwide with the foundations for the Truths and Traditions of Holy Mother Church. If you can give of your love and bounty we would be most grateful.

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When it comes to all these ungodly laws being passed by liberal judges because of the lobbying and intimidation of a small minority out to do away with the natural and supernatural order, it is wise to keep in mind the following:

"Unjust laws are, properly speaking, NO LAWS!"
His Eminence Saint Robert Cardinal Bellarmine, Doctor of the Church

   We invite you to find out for yourself the truth as we present a compendium portal of documents on the Faith in all aspects, past, present and to come. We guarantee what you read is in full harmony with the Truths and Traditions of Holy Mother Church, and we guarantee you that if you read it all with a discerning heart you will be able to decipher the wheat from the chaff. You will better understand what the absolutes of our Faith are and not be fooled by modernism and ambiguities, no matter how cleverly they are couched. Remember satan is the father of half-truths. Read the fullness of the Truths and Traditions of the Roman Catholic Faith in the sections below.


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