Front Page April 23 (apr23.htm)
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  • Regina Coeli
  • SATURDAY      April 23, 2005      Volume 16, no. 113
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    As these pages load, we invite you to say as many Hail Mary's as necessary.

    Let Benedict XVI know what he must do to return to the Truths and Traditions of Holy Mother Church at

      In a show of "openness," Benedict XVI is encouraging Catholics to e-mail him and this is your chance to remind him of the Catholic truths that have been abandoned by the church of Vatican II and also the fact that the Immemorial Mass of All Ages - the Traditional Latin Mass said from Peter through Pius XII is at the heart of reform in rebuilding Christ's Church. He can be another St. Benedict in uncompromisingly converting souls to the Faith or he can be a Benedict Arnold in betraying Christ and the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Faith. Here's your chance to speak directly with the new pope. Pounce on it by e-mailing him at

    For the sake of souls everywhere, we implore Benedict XVI to
    Be the Enforcer!
    Do the right thing!
    Do as Christ asks:

    "Feed My sheep!"

    And on the second day, Joseph Ratzinger was chosen by the conclave on April 19, 2005. He elected to take the name Benedict XVI and, just the fact he did not choose John Paul III, and chose a preconciliar Pontiff's name gives us hope that "With men this is impossible, but with God all things are possible" (Matthew 19: 26). We pray that Ratzinger will call upon his patron saint good Saint Joseph, and he will be faithful to God's holy will and emulate the universal patron of the Church, aborting the novelties and aberrations of Vatican II. Yes, it is true that Ratzinger was one of the architects of Vatican II - a Modernist himself - but compared to the current crop of hierarchy today, he is considered, as we heard from so many newscasters over the past week - a conservative and would be a "traditional pope." Oh, if only that were true! I urge all to read Traditio's comments and documentations with the short piece Church Goes to the Ratz to realize there are grave, grave problems that also bring to light the severe consequences laid out by Pope Paul IV in his infallible, perpetual decree Cum ex Apostolatus Officio.

    Let us fervently pray and offer a nine-day novena to Our Lady's earthly spouse holy Joseph, beginning on Friday, April 22 to end on April 30 - the Feast of Saint Catherine of Siena and one who held the Papacy as so sacrosanct and was not afraid to speak out and castigate pontiffs when they went awry. What a wonderful way to enter Mary's Month and the Feast of St. Joseph the Worker on Sunday, May 1st...for there is much work to do for Benedict XVI and all of us in the Church Militant to rebuild Christ's Church in returning to the Truths and Traditions of Holy Mother Church as handed down from Peter through Pius XII. It should not be long, by how he treats the Papal Coronation and his subsequent appointments to know if he is sincere or it will be more of the same ol' same ol' skimble-skamble and bafflegab. Considering that Thursday he reappointed all the same curial heads, it surely does not look like one who is intent on returning to the Faith of the Fathers.

    Yet, with hopeful hearts, trusting totally on the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost as well as the intercession of Mary Most Holy, let us pray that the 40-year time in the desert from 1965 to 2005 is at an end and Benedict XVI will go down in history and Heaven as the one who, like Saint Paul, has turned from persecuting Our Lord to working feverishly in His vineyard and a true Shepherd who will manifest his holiness through conversion, not compromise. As one traditional blogger just wrote, "But let us remember another liberal who was elected to the see of Peter - Blessed Pius IX. He was very liberal to start with, but by the grace of God became the Pope of the Syllabus of Errors and the Definition of the Immaculate Conception. We must pray and do penance for His Holiness, that by the grace of God he too may be converted as Blessed Pius IX was converted, and that he too will do great things for the glory of God and the restoration of our Holy Mother the Church." We continue to pray for the soul of John Paul II and pray that his legacy fades into memory, and Benedict XVI ushers in the same intention Saint Pius X encouraged so actively a century ago - Instaurare omnia in Christo - "To restore all things in Christ."

    Michael Cain, editor

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       There are several sources we strongly encourage you to follow so that one can get a true picture of what the traditions should be during this time of transition and questions. One is the regular news wire we carry below from a Traditional Catholic perspective from In the face of so much fawning and false information from the secular media and even the Novus Ordo media, Fr. Moderator's daily commentaries are a must to understand what is really going on. We encourage you to go to for he is usually on top of whatever event has come down the pike and calls them pretty much as we see them here at The Daily Catholic in striving to uphold and preserve the Truths and Traditions of Holy Mother Church as part of the Resistance to the Revolution of Vatican II, especially during this time when so much misinformation is flooding into homes as fact and the Novus Ordo mentality and novelties will be ingrained in so many. The third source is a very good site providing a plethora of information on the traditional practices. It is the Kensman Catholic Site.


       Like Fox News, The Daily Catholic seeks to provide a fair and balanced perspective on modern Rome always from a Traditional point of view. There are traditional Catholics who believe Ratzinger is a legitimate successor of St. Peter. Their views need to be heard. There are also traditional Catholics who believe he is not a true Pope in light of the heresies of Vatican II and his own complicity in the conciliar church, and have documented such. Their views also definitely need to be heard. Therefore, The Daily Catholic from this point on will provide both views for the discernment of readers for these are very, very critical times - indeed, a time of epikea - the likes of which have never afflicted the Church as it is today. We are all fighting a common enemy and need to be united as Traditional Catholics. We are the Church Militant and in all charity, need to speak out when wrong is being done. The Church is not above Christ. The greatest criteria for our own salvation is being fully Catholic in every way. That means not veering one iota from what Holy Mother Church has always taught. Not one iota! We must cling to the Faith handed down by the Apostles in Divine Revelation and Divine Tradition, reinforced and codified, often with the power of perpetuity by popes, many holy ones, down through the ages. When those infrangible truths are tampered with, we will not stand still and let the marauders have their way. The Church is not a democracy, does not sway with political correctness, polls, public opinion or the times. True authentic Catholics will always confront the barbarians both at the gate and inside the gate, having as their allies our Lord Jesus Christ, His most Blessed Mother, the Primacy of Peter, and all His angels and His saints.

      Did Michael Davies know something about Ratzinger's future?
      Michael Matt divulges something few knew and that is that the late Michael Davies told him that Joseph Ratzinger would eventually play a most important role in returning the Latin Mass. It is a stunning revelation given that since being elected Benedict XVI has done nothing but condone the same agenda John Paul II promoted, deviating from the True Faith in embracing ecumenism, modernism and humanism. With Matt we can only hope and pray that Michael Davies knew something no one else did and that Benedict XVI will turn modern Rome back to Eternal Rome for the greater honor and glory of God. The editor of The Remnant explains in his report Thoughts on the Day After: A Possible Michael Davies Connection

      Are we worthy of a pope who will restore Tradition without compromise?
      Dr. Thomas A. Droleskey weighs in with his fears, but hopes as well in his column in which he entreats all to pray for Benedict XVI who to this point has made no indication he is going to change anything. In that Tom shows the problems still existing and until there is a full commitment toward correcting the grave errors, who knows what to think or expect except that the status quo remains the same and we're back to square one. Considering all the infighting within the traditional movement and the lukewarm hearts, not to mention the hardened hearts, he asks: "Our long journey in the catacombs thus continues, raising the following question: Are we truly worthy of a pope who will restore Tradition without compromise?" He explains in Pray Very Hard for Pope Benedict XVI
      Can an old dog learn new tricks - or rather reapply solid doctrine?
      Father Francesco Ricossa documents big time problems with Benedict XVI whose 1993 document portends to all pieces now being in place for the one-world religion, hence a one-world order which is the antithesis of what Christ intended for His Church as He charged in Matthew 28: 21 and Mark 16: 15-16. Ratzinger has often been referred by some as "God's Rottweiler" but for such a canine cardinal, now pope, to truly be in God's court and be a good "German Shepherd" he would need to uphold and promulgate the unadulterated Catholic Faith without exception, without compromise and not veer one iota. Sadly, as Fr. Ricossa documents, he has consistently deviated far from the straight and narrow path, embracing the wide one strewn with roses called ecumenism. He explains in his article Benedict XVI’s 1993 program for a one-world ecumenical church
      What are Catholics to think of Ratzinger's Counter-Syllabus of Errors?
      Father Donald Sanborn provides documentation that the conciliar document Dominus Jesus does not reaffirm that the Catholic Church is the "unique means of salvation," but rather more ecumenical mumbo-jumbo that was solidly condemned by previous reliable pontiffs. It was Benedict XVI himself who said it was a "Counter-Syllabus of Errors" which should have alerted every Catholic that it was NOT Catholic. It was Ratzinger who pushed for "subsists in" rather than "IS" in Lumen Gentium wherein the conciliar church broke away from the True Church of Rome. Father Sanborn points out the problems in his essay Ratzinger's Dominus Jesus: A Critical Analysis

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    From a Traditional Catholic Perspective


      When it comes to all these ungodly laws being passed by liberal judges because of the lobbying and intimidation of a small minority out to do away with the natural and supernatural order, it is wise to keep in mind the following:
    "Unjust laws are, properly speaking, NO LAWS!"
    His Eminence Saint Robert Cardinal Bellarmine, Doctor of the Church

    Gabriel's Clarion
    Gabriel Garnica, on the heels of his two series on Tolerance and Diversity, reverts back to his series on the Dragons from late last year. There he identified the various vices of the three-headed dragons. But there is a fourth dragon, a four-headed beast that invades homes, schools and churches through television, radio, print and the internet. This dragon has mesmerized and mashed minds into believing anything and Gabriel lays the blame where it belongs: at the foot of the Catholic hierarchy who have abandoned their posts as guardians, turning the other three dragons even deadlier and swifter by the powers of the fourth dragon who slithers in hissing heresy without anyone to stand up against the fiery fallacies scorching souls and turning the sheep without caring, vigilant shepherds into nothing but gullible goats, blindly being led by evil to the same bridge of perdition he referred to in his last series on Diversity; the one that leads to the bottomless abyss. He explains in The Fourth Dragon is the Fifth Estate in his first installment of Evil Leading The Blind Part One
    The Sanity of Sanctity
    In an effort to storm Heaven with prayers that Benedict XVI will turn out to be a St. Benedict and not a Benedict Arnold, we call upon his patron saint to guide him to truly become a universal holy father and abandon the path to perdition embarked on by Vatican II, and return Eternal Rome to the Holy See and all of Christendom. This Novena, running from April 22 to April 30, leads into the universal Feast of St. Joseph the Worker for, indeed, there is much work to do in rebuilding Christ's one, true Church as He intended. We entreat all to pray as one for the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church in this most pivotal time ever in history. Today we invite you to pray the Second Day of the Novena to Saint Joseph for the Universal Church
    White Smoke, Black Fire!
    We encourage readers hooked on "White Smoke, Black Fire!" to concentrate on the similarities in this novel first written in 1986 for these very times with actual events happening right now. Having just tightened and updated this novel in 2005, readers can catch up on what the daily installments they might have missed by going to the Installment Index. In today's episode a weakened, but determined and trusting Riage Benziger returns to one side of the Vatican gate, while Stephen is stealing out another way. Once trapped, Captain Benziger suspects betrayal and his only hope that someone on the side of right will find his S.O.S. scribbled on a towel while Legion operatives in Rome and Dallas are piqued over the prize still missing in the sixth episode of the Sixth Chapter of Part III The Shadowing: Twin Piques over the Puzzle of the Prize
    Six Day Left to Honor those you think are worthy of the Hall of Honor
    Readers will have a chance to vote in their own conclave of sorts, that of selecting the eligible and worthy recipients of this year's Tower of Trent Trophies and be inducted into the Tower of Trent Hall of Honor. Once inducted, the honoree is ineligible to be nominated again. However, each of last year's inductees received at least 100 votes each. This year to date no one has 100 votes totaled yet, so the list could be minimal this year. It depends on your vote. Voting ends on the Feast of St. Catharine of Siena, April 30. Eligibility consists in either having exhibited for over twenty years or more an uncompromising position on adhering to the Truths and Traditions of Holy Mother Church or now adhering and forever rejecting the conciliarist Novus Ordo and having made a major impact for Traditional Catholicism in the spirit of Trent. For last year's charter inductees see 2004 Tower of Trent Hall of Honor For this year, send your choice to My Choice/s for the 2005 Tower of Trent Hall of Honor

    The Sanity of Sanctity
    In an effort to storm Heaven with prayers that Benedict XVI will turn out to be a St. Benedict and not a Benedict Arnold, we call upon his patron saint to guide him to truly become a universal holy father and abandon the path to perdition embarked on by Vatican II, and return Eternal Rome to the Holy See and all of Christendom. This Novena runs from April 22 to April 30 leading into the universal Feast of St. Joseph the Worker for, indeed, there is much work to do in rebuilding Christ's one, true Church as He intended. We entreat all to pray as one for the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church in this most pivotal time ever in history. Today we invite you to pray the First Day of Novena to Saint Joseph for the Universal Church
    Gabriel's Clarion
    Gabriel Garnica completes his short series on Diversity, the other bookend to Tolerance of which he wrote immediately prior to this. Today he files part two in which he shows clearly that the antithesis of what God intended for diversity is what paves the bridge to perdition. Anyone daring to tread that road is destined to fall into the great abyss because God cannot and will not ever reward evil and make something good out of an inherent evil, especially that which is bent on continuing and justifying that very evil. Such can never come from the Almighty, but rather His great adversary who prowls about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he might devour as our first Pope warns in 1 Peter 5: 8. Gabriel explains in his second installment on The Bridge to Perdition: Demonic Hypocrisy vs. Truth in The Scourge of Moral Diversity Part Two
    White Smoke, Black Fire!
    We encourage readers hooked on "White Smoke, Black Fire!" to concentrate on the similarities in this novel first written in 1986 for these very times with actual events happening right now. Having just tightened and updated this novel in 2005, readers can catch up on what the daily installments they might have missed by going to the Installment Index. In today's episode a new day dawns as tensions begins to build both in fitfull sleep and in the fears of what the Legion is planning. Swiss Guard Riage Benziger tends to the comatose Pope Clement XV, trying to keep the latter alive while gaining enough strength himself to go get help. Across town in Dr. Makuta Ogidi's second-floor flat, Pat awakes from his hellish nightmare of the Basilisk and relates it to Niki as the reader gains greater insight into Pat's character. Back at the Vatican, Stephen experiences hell itself in a haunting, horrific vision inside the Holy See near the sacred Sistine Chapel in the fifth episode of the Sixth Chapter of Part III The Shadowing: Ghosts of Gehenna
    White Smoke, Black Fire!
    Because of the crisis now in place and because events are paralleling so much of what is contained in our novel White Smoke, Black Fire and because it deals with the death of a pope and the ensuing conclave, we have decided it is time to rerun the novel in its entirety for it is written for and playing out in these very times. For those who want to read the entire novel as it was released in 2001, you may go to Episodes to read the entire book. For those who want to take it in daily doses and concentrate on the similarities with actual events happening right now, we have tightened and updated it in 2005, providing daily installments, indexed at Installment Index. In today's episode Pat wakes with a concussion and badly bruised ribs, finding himself in strange environs, but with a familiar face for Fr. Niki Andriopoulos and Dr. Makuta Ogidi who had rescued him at the Via Magdalena from certain death. Despite his wooziness, he is conscious enough to share information and the reader learns more of the Basilisk and Ogidi's role in the fourth episode of the Sixth Chapter of Part III The Shadowing: Down, but not out!
    Gabriel's Clarion
    Gabriel Garnica dovetails his series on Tolerance with the other bookend - Diversity - of which he begins his series on The Scourge of Moral Diversity. Today he converses on how God, in His infinite goodness and greatness has created the proper moral order, ordaining perfect diversity in order for man to function in fulfilling his mission for his Creator. As God is the Head of His Church, we are His members. If we were all right hands, or left feet, that body would be truly handicapped where it would not be functional. Diversity is a good thing in God's order, but it is satan who has jumbled the members to freak out the Heavens with the outrageousness that denies God's purpose, turning good into evil and blaming the good for the evil. He explains in his first installment The Scourge of Moral Diversity Part One
    Making Sense of Sensus Catholicus
    Father James F. Wathen, the pioneering traditional author of The Great Sacrilege, illustrates through the Gospels how Peter, the first Pope, thinking he was above sinning, became a grave sinner. Father points out the amazing sins he was guilty of in violating the Ten Commandments. It is a very important lesson for every Catholic to take into consideration for when we say 'they might sin, but I would never do that' beware for Peter said the same. He paid for his errors and paid for them dearly and with love. And love was returned as God always does. That is the beauty of penance on our part, for it is done out of love for God. Father writes, "all Simon’s tears did not exempt him from this humbling chastisement, though it must be owned, our Savior administers it in as loving a way as is conceivable." That is the beauty of God and His ways for here was one who betrayed Him, and still after Christ still chose Simon Peter to feed His sheep, as John documents. Christ could have turned His back on Peter, but God's love is not that way. Rather it is we who turn our back on God and when we do, we must realize that like Peter, there is a chastisement that is owed. In love we must accept whatever God selects as our penance to atone for our offenses because, unlike the Protestant concept that good works are not needed, the contrary is true for not by faith alone is one saved but by faith and good works. Peter is proof of that as are the Sacraments whereby we gain Sanctifying Grace, specifically the Sacrament of Penance. As usual we are grateful to Maria Hughes for sending Father's latest essay titled Peter's Penance
    White Smoke, Black Fire!
    Because of the crisis now in place and because events are paralleling so much of what is contained in our novel White Smoke, Black Fire and because it deals with the death of a pope and the ensuing conclave, we have decided it is time to rerun the novel in its entirety for it is written for and playing out in these very times. For those who want to read the entire novel as it was released in 2001, you may go to Episodes to read the entire book. For those who want to take it in daily doses and concentrate on the similarities with actual events happening right now, we have tightened and updated it in 2005, providing daily installments, indexed at Installment Index. In today's episode it is a bitterly chilling evening in Rome as Riage Benziger makes plans to notify someone he can trust after making sure Pope Clement XV is as comfortable as possible considering the spartan circumstances in a secret room within Castel San't Angelo. Meanwhile, Pat, troubled by haunting nightmares while trying to get some sleep during the afternoon at the Esperia, awakes to the reality of a worse nightmare; one fated for this evening. Pat arrives just a minute or too late, but it is much too late to save Fasif's daughter Karel. Pat realizes too late that he has walked into the Legion's lair in the fourth episode of the Fifth Chapter of Part III The Shadowing: The Deadly Game of Cloak and Dagger
    Books you can count on!
    Gary Morella provides a review of Dr. Thomas E. Woods work THE CHURCH CONFRONTS MODERNITY - Catholic Intellectuals & the Progressive Era released last July. Gary is a master for fleshing out the message and he has excerpted magnificent passages from Dr. Woods' book which tell the story that, especially now as the faithful pray and await with longing the essence of a good and holy Pope, we must return to Pope St. Pius X's call Instaurare omnia in Christo - "to restore all things in Christ." Gary reveals how Dr. Woods documents that secularism and progressivism have exhausted all avenues and most Catholics, especially faithful ones who seek guidance for themselves and especially their offspring, long to return to the treasured tenets that sustained Holy Mother Church and were so centered on the Gospels at the turn of the century during Pius X's reign. Many of the good things, such as the Jesuit journal America, while founded on right, have fallen on hard ground and scattered to the winds of heresy. Dr. Woods syllogizes the sense and sensibilities of Church Doctors, Popes, and the Scriptures in recognizing the futility of continuing on the progressivist path. Gary masterfully sums up the essence of Dr. Woods' book by citing the certain decrees of Pius X against Modernism. May Modernism die a quick death is our prayer as we invite you to read Gary's A Review of The Church Confronts Modernity
    Father Lawrence Smith provided a reality check as a postscript to Dr. Thomas A. Droleskey's excellent column we posted yesterday. Because it is so poignant and tremendous food for thought, we've decided to publish it separate from Tom's piece to give it the proper emphasis. In the simplest of ways, Fr. Smith has once again succeeded in zinging the heart and mind to wake up to reality with his pertinent points that magnify the very problem we face today because most have remained silent while the destruction has continued unabated over the time continuum of the past papacy and Catholic Truth has been locked away. If we wait too much longer to express that truth, it may be too late, or, to put it more succinctly: speak now or forever hold your peace. Father Smith hits home with his short, sobering piece Wait to speak the truth
    White Smoke, Black Fire!
    Because of the crisis now in place and because events are paralleling so much of what is contained in our novel White Smoke, Black Fire and because it deals with the death of a pope and the ensuing conclave, we have decided it is time to rerun the novel in its entirety for it is written for and playing out in these very times. For those who want to read the entire novel as it was released in 2001, you may go to Episodes to read the entire book. For those who want to take it in daily doses and concentrate on the similarities with actual events happening right now, we have tightened and updated it in 2005, providing daily installments, indexed at Installment Index. Today the reader is back in Rome, 48 hours after the devastating destruction in Iraq, where the day begins under a gray, foreboding cumulus blanketing the eternal city. The coffins are arranged in St. Peter's in preparation for the funeral as Fr. Niki goes undercover in Rome while Pat rendezvous with Karel in St. Peter's Square, trying to find a way to gently break the bad news of Fasif and Elias to her. Their initial meeting marks the beginning of a cloak and dagger tour throughout the rest of the morning in Rome, where, high above in the hills outside the city, Macelli receives a vile vial from Elena Grabe. Meanwhile back in Rome, Niki's former classmate Lorenzo Stravianzzi has analyzed the small piece of plastic which Niki has asked his scientific friend to identify. The results reveal the contents Andriopoulos subconsciously feared. He realizes all too clearly the shocking intent of the plastic strips in the second episode of the Fifth Chapter of Part III The Shadowing: Transparent Caissons
    Gabriel's Clarion
    Gabriel Garnica concludes his four part essay on tolerance with the Catholic solution to taming tolerance. He points out that intolerance, which is not about people, but ideas, is nothing new for it has been around for ages, and, in fact in the face of intolerance the Christian Faith flourished. If we are to follow in Christ's footsteps, we must overcome tolerance by expressing love for the sinner but a continued disdain, yeah hate for the sin and not be afraid to express that. One of the problems, as Gabriel cites, is that so few today not only don't know their faith but cannot express it clearly to others and thus evangelization is fruitless in that effort for true Catholicism is not expressed, but rather a hybrid compromising Protestant mish-mash thanks to the watered down tenets of Vatican II that make Protestantism seem logical compared to the fabricated Catholicism of today. Gabriel calls for Catholics to stand up and be counted, but to know their Faith. If they do, despite the obstacles, they will be victorious. He explains in his final installment The Desecration of Tolerance - True Catholic Defiance
    White Smoke, Black Fire!
    Because of the crisis now in place and because events are paralleling so much of what is contained in our novel White Smoke, Black Fire and because it deals with the death of a pope and the ensuing conclave, we have decided it is time to rerun the novel in its entirety for it is written for and playing out in these very times. For those who want to read the entire novel as it was released in 2001, you may go to Episodes to read the entire book. For those who want to take it in daily doses and concentrate on the similarities with actual events happening right now, we have tightened and updated it in 2005, providing daily installments, indexed at Installment Index Today the scene turns to the city of Seven Hills where the major players are arriving. Pat has landed and settled in for a restless night while Niki's arrival is a bit rockier for he is discovered by Dr. Makuta Ogidi in the hold of the C-130 transport with the caskets. A mysterious phone call wakes Pat to the reality of the fate of Fasif, Elias and Helena as Fr. Stephen and Macelli wait for the caskets to be released. Once back at the Vatican Stephen overhears the troubling plot of Macelli and Vendhem while Niki finds bare shelter in a simple flat on the other side of Rome provided by Ogidi in the first episode of the Fifth Chapter as we enter Part III The Shadowing: All Roads Lead to Rome
    Christ or chaos
    Dr. Thomas A. Droleskey requested his columns be widely circulated in as many Traditional Catholic publications as possible and other venues as well for the sooner all Catholics realize what is going on, the better they will understand the present crisis and why we are in such sad straits. In the first, published on his site last week he pinpointed the problems of the past papacy and cautioned those optimists to look closer at the last 26 years before rushing to heap so many plaudits and praise on a man "who presided arguably over the worst pontificate in history." Tom lays out the facts and entreats all to Pray for the Pope: The Last One and the Next One

    We follow up his astute words with a most recent piece that nails the crux of the problem resulting from the past scandal on E-Bay where a host from a Novus Ordo Papal service was auctioned on the internet. He fleshes out what really happened, including details of the event and what happened as a result of the outpouring of protests. Yet none of this would have even been a problem had discipline been in place, you know that very Lex orandi, lex credendi discipline that hitherto 1958 was rarely ever a problem. Tom explains in his column Missing the Real Culprit Once Again

    On the BattleLine
    Atila Sinke Guimarães breaks his silence as he weighs in with a summation of the inevitable outcome of the conclave which begins today. He warns not to place too much hope in what will come out of it. In fact, he sees a further corrosion of the Papacy with collegiality and also sees something few secular experts have targeted - a concerted anti-American effort within a power bloc of cardinals to turn the rest of the cardinals, world and conciliar church against America in every way.While Traditional Catholics see John Paul II's failed papacy for obvious reasons, the left sees a failed pontificate as well for Wojtyla didn't go far enough and in that they feel betrayed and are more determined not to elect someone they cannot manage. Atila points out that only in the United States is there a conservative current flowing as a sort of backlash against the radical ideas and philosophies that have engulfed so many nations. The U.S., despite her worldliness and western culture of convenience, still is the one barrier to the much sought after satanic one world order. It makes sense why some Cardinals have gone out of their way to castigate the U.S. for invading Iraq. It is the strategy of the progressivists as Atila identifies in his Bird's Eye View of the News with What is the Mission of the Next Pope?
    "Qui legit, intelligat"
    In Father Louis Campbell's sermon for the Third Sunday After Easter, he illustrates the message of today's Mass in which we are merely "strangers and pilgrims" on a journey through this dark planet. If we stay on the straight and narrow and not veer, following the guiding light of Christ's truths, we will not be detoured by the world, we will not walk blindly in the darkness nor be deceived chiefly because Christ our Navigator cannot deceive or be deceived. Yet the world has followed a man whose symbolism and very title, identified by St. Malachy nearly a thousand years ago, as the "Eclipse of the Sun," is so ironic in the fact the world has praised John Paul II - the "pilgrim pope" to the hilt; so much so that a Zenit headline just released says "Even in death, a Media Superstar." The inordinate praise heaped upon him should be a wake-up call to every Catholic of the antithesis of such adulation. Father cites what our Lord said about all of this. Father doesn't necessarily see the eclipse going away anytime soon for, in following the modus operandi of the anti-Catholic operatives within, what may very well come out of the conclave in modern Rome does not portend well towards producing a holy true Pope. Yet, as Father points out, even when things are the darkest - even a near total eclipse - we can take great solace in Christ's promise in today's Gospel that "your heart shall rejoice: and your joy no man shall take from you." Father explains in his sermon De Labore Solis
    White Smoke, Black Fire!
    Because of the crisis now in place and because events are paralleling so much of what is contained in our novel White Smoke, Black Fire and because it deals with the death of a pope and the ensuing conclave, we have decided it is time to rerun the novel in its entirety for it is written for and playing out in these very times. For those who want to read the entire novel as it was released in 2001, you may go to Episodes to read the entire book. For those who want to take it in daily doses and concentrate on the similarities with actual events happening right now, we have tightened and updated it in 2005, providing daily installments, indexed at Installment Index Today the Legion of the Basilisk is only beginning its destruction as explosions engulf Fasif's estate in smoke and black fire. Fr. Niki Andriopoulos tries to save them, but he is too late. In chagrin he can do nothing but flee for his life while in Dallas Ben O'Fallon tries to assuage Corrie that Pat's okay. Meanwhile back in southern Iraq, racing for his life, Niki stays one step ahead of the Legion in a break-neck chase leading him to eventually choose a vehicle of death to escape certain death. But where will it take him? That is the scenario as the action heats up in the Sixth and final installment of Part II The Smoldering: Escape from the Embers
    Gabriel's Clarion
    Gabriel Garnica continues his four part essay on tolerance with his third installment in which he shows the total illogic of the arguments made by those promoting the world's definition of tolerance. Gabriel deftly illustrates how the moral pretzel can be twisted anyway they want, but he points out how twisted the logic to think one can be intolerant of the intolerant or tolerant of the intolerant for in so doing they themselves have betrayed their own stance. That's how far-fetched and insane these fools have become as Gabriel explains in his third of four parts on The Desecration of Tolerance - Illogical Myth
    White Smoke, Black Fire!
    Because of the crisis now in place and because events are paralleling so much of what is contained in our novel White Smoke, Black Fire and because it deals with the death of a pope and the ensuing conclave, we have decided it is time to rerun the novel in its entirety for it is written for and playing out in these very times. For those who want to read the entire novel as it was released in 2001, you may go to Episodes to read the entire book. For those who want to take it in daily doses and concentrate on the similarities with actual events happening right now, we provide these daily installments. Today Riage Benziger tends to a dehydrated Pope as Cardinal Macelli bluntly eliminates a long Holy See tradition. Meanwhile there is more subterfuge from Dallas to Rome by overconfident, insolent principal members of the Legion of the Basilisk as Pat arrives in Rome with the Basilisk growing more powerful, its stench ever more present in the Eternal City and in Tel Aviv where the venomous Basilisk strikes at the heart in Part II, Fourth Chapter, Episode Five of The Smoldering: Haunted and Hunted
    Catholic PewPOINT
    Today is Tax Day. The deadline to file. Editor Michael Cain comments about deadlines and about the fact that there's been a lot of buzz about what is needed to bring about a holy pope dedicated to restoring order to Christ's Church. The problem is that most are looking in the wrong direction. They are looking to modern Rome's appointed cardinals, but, in truth, these men have no authority as forever decreed by Pope Paul IV. Cain lays this out in the simplest and clearest of ways and points to the only solution left to man, short of prayer and fasting which he also strongly endorses, in a plea to every Traditional Bishop to bury the hatchet and unite so that the only true successors of the Apostles left can legitimately select a true Successor of Peter to lead the faithful out of the desert and towards the "Promised Land" by rebuilding Christ's Church. It is the one hope to unify His Mystical Body as Cain points out in his editorial We implore the Traditional Bishops to Come Together as One!
    White Smoke, Black Fire!
    Because of the crisis now in place and because events are paralleling so much of what is contained in our novel White Smoke, Black Fire and because it deals with the death of a pope and the ensuing conclave, we have decided it is time to rerun the novel in its entirety for it is written for and playing out in these very times. For those who want to read the entire novel as it was released in 2001, you may go to Episodes to read the entire book. For those who want to take it in daily doses and concentrate on the similarities with actual events happening right now, we provide these daily installments. Today Fasif divulges the causes and effects of why, how and where the Legion of the Basilisk gained such a strong foothold as Pat is fed a crash-course on the deadly evil that has gutted the globe and discovers other secrets and alliances that further convince him Fasif is on to something. More confidentialities are revealed that help the reader understand the depth and breadth and what lies ahead as Pat is given is marching orders in the fourth episode of Book Two The Smoldering with Revelations of Basic Basilisk 101
    Griff Ruby is well-known for taking on tough subjects and not shying away from controversy. Today he may stir up emotions and traditional factions, but it is necessary to awake the valiant remnant from their slumber and self-righteousness. While Traditional Catholics cast a wary eye to the proceedings in Rome during this time when the whole world is focused on the Vatican, considering the mass apostasy of the Novus Ordinarian leaders, skepticism is warranted during this time of true sedevacantism. Yet no traditional Catholic should gloat or sit back and relax because there is a benign cancer within the traditional movement that needs to be treated with the radiation of faith, hope and charity to make sure it does not grow into a malignant tumor through the malicious rumors running rampant among the factions. The Mystical Body needs to be united, not divided. Doctors of the soul are needed and almost every Traditional Priest has the qualifications, but too many patients are calling the shots and that creates canonical pessimism which becomes havoc and anarchy. Griff tries to inject a note of positivism where so little seems to exist because of the friction created by mistrust and pride. He identifies the problems in calling for a unified understanding that will exemplify Christian charity, not chaos. He explains in Canonical Pessimism
    White Smoke, Black Fire!
    Because of the crisis now in place and because events are paralleling so much of what is contained in our novel White Smoke, Black Fire and because it deals with the death of a pope and the ensuing conclave, we have decided it is time to rerun the novel in its entirety for it is written for and playing out in these very times. For those who want to read the entire novel as it was released in 2001, you may go to Episodes to read the entire book. For those who want to take it in daily doses and concentrate on the similarities with actual events happening right now, we provide these daily installments. Today the reader is given further insight into who Fasif is and part of why the world has arrived at these apocalyptic time as Pat learns further the vital and very real chess match being played out in these times. The pawns have been captured, the bishops and rooks have fallen, only a few knights remain to defend the White Queen and King from the onslaught of the Regals of the Dark Regions in the third episode of Book Two The Smoldering as the reader is drawn in to The Universal Chess Game
    Gabriel's Clarion
    Gabriel Garnica continues his four part essay on tolerance with his second installment how it gained such a devastating foothold in society today. In his first installment, he traces the origins of the meaning and what Christ intended it to always be. It meant respect for others but not for erroneous or sinful views that go against God. This is what happened when respect and humility were cast to the winds. The original meaning of the word, meant to spread the love of Christ, has been twisted to cater to the canard that tolerance is a gateway to do anything one wants with no reprise or repercussions from man or God. Gabriel explains in his first part of The Desecration of Tolerance
    White Smoke, Black Fire!
    Because of the crisis now in place and because events are paralleling so much of what is contained in our novel White Smoke, Black Fire and because it deals with the death of a pope and the ensuing conclave, we have decided it is time to rerun the novel in its entirety for it is written for and playing out in these very times. For those who want to read the entire novel as it was released in 2001, you may go to Episodes to read the entire book. For those who want to take it in daily doses and concentrate on the similarities with actual events happening right now, we provide these daily installments. Today the reader is introduced to another very pivotal figure for the Resistance - the noble Fasif Khadid who, as is evident, has high connections with clues dropped as to how high. It is Fasif's palatial villa where Niki has brought Pat to rest and refuel but the second episode of Book Two portends there are greater and more dangerous assignments ahead for Pat as The Smoldering hints in Fate, Fasif, and Faith
    The Sanity of Sanctity
    We bring you a piece we brought you last year on the Solemnity of St. Joseph by Fr. Lawrence Smith who shared reflections on the holy attributes of St. Joseph whose Octave Feast we celebrate today. The traits and human character exhibited by Jesus - known as 'the Carpenter's Son' - came from the tender, patient teaching of His foster father Joseph who, as the Patron of the Universal Church, is the one saint we can call on anytime for he is the Model of Christian Workers, Protector of Children, Patron of Priests and Seminarians, Protector of Virgins, Safeguard of Families and Patron of a Happy Death just to name a few of the grace-filled qualities we attribute to St. Joseph in seeking his intercession. Father points out how obedience was at the hub of harmony within the holy family and is necessary for happy families today. The crux of the problem is that work is no longer done as a labor of love but for ends that are not pleasing to God as Father explains in his reflection St. Joseph: Teach us always to labor for Jesus
    Rock-Solid Reasons
    Few encyclicals are as complete in the mission and duty of the Church than Pope Leo XIII's magnificent Satis Cognitum on Unity of the Church. It contains clear and concise explanation of the Church's, Bishops' and Pope's role in assuring salvation as Christ laid down for His Mystical Body. Every Catholic needs to read this vital encyclical, especially those who have been satiated with all the ambiguous, double-speak and humanistic baffle-gab and skimble-skamble that has come out of modern Rome over the past 40 years; they would do well to read Leo's solid and sure words that convey pure Catholicism in every sense and he pulls no punches, stating clearly and emphatically "The Church of Christ, therefore, is one and the same for ever; those who leave it depart from the will and command of Christ, the Lord - leaving the path of salvation they enter on that of perdition." There are countless jewels in this lengthy, but lasting encyclical which is must reading for every Catholic. Satis Cognitum
    Making Sense of Sensus Catholicus
    Father James F. Wathen, the pioneering traditional author of The Great Sacrilege, presents a balanced plea to the emotions are in motion over the papal passion that is running amok in which unverified miracles are being attributed to John Paul II and the world clamors for his instant canonization and that he be given a place in history above reproach. Yet, as Fr. Wathen points out, this pope did not preach Catholicism, but "godless humanism" which may be what man wants, but not God to Whom we must be obedient as the first responsibility for eternal salvation. The fact John Paul II did not adhere to this raises many questions, and still, Father cautions not to condemn him automatically either. That is left for God's judgment, not man's and be wary as well of those who would go so far as to call him an anti-pope or Antichrist. There needs to be a balance rooted in prayer for the man's soul. Realizing Our Lord's words in Luke 12: 48, "And unto whomsoever much is given of him much shall be required: and to whom they have committed much, of him they will demand the more" we must pray all the more for what John Paul II had to account for at his Particular Judgment. As usual we are grateful to Maria Hughes for sending Father's latest brief essay which we've entitled Papal Passions
    White Smoke, Black Fire!
    Because of the crisis now in place and because events are paralleling so much of what is contained in our novel White Smoke, Black Fire and because it deals with the death of a pope and the ensuing conclave, we have decided it is time to rerun the novel in its entirety for it is written for and playing out in these very times. For those who want to read the entire novel as it was released in 2001, you may go to Episodes to read the entire book. For those who want to take it in daily doses and concentrate on the similarities with actual events happening right now, we provide these daily installments. Today we begin the Second Book - The Smoldering where the reader discovers Pat stumbling over the ashes on the Field of Abraham, now forever known as the "Field of Death." There he literally bumps into another major character who will play a most pivotal role for the Resistance - Niki Andriopoulos. While Vic tries to stave off the intimidating threats of his publisher Edwin Blix in Dallas, and while Macelli and Vendhem struggle with the riddle of who took the bodies in the Papal Chambers, Pat is invited to a mysterious Oasis for food and rest. What does it portend? Those are questions posed in the first episode of The Smoldering titled, Assigned to the Ashes
    Catholic PewPOINT
    Out of respect for the Novus Ordo establishment's time of mourning, we have refrained from commenting on John Paul II until today. But after being fed so much misinformation over the past week by the secular media who utilized every New Order periti they could find except experts on the True Faith, we've had enough. It's time to speak out before this unhealthy, inordinate love fest turns into a bonfire equivalent to hell, for that is the origin of all this worldly adulation. The news is consumed with the comings, but mostly the goings of those who fit the descriptions. But what does it all mean? In this time when men lament a man who the world blessed, where do they turn? The answer is simple: To another greater, much, much greater than he. Editor Michael Cain points this out in his editorial in which the events and participants from this past week have been ghastly misunderstood and misrepresented. With yesterday being Good Shepherd Sunday, we look to the Pastor Bonum as a balance to all the spin that has made truth-seekers dizzy and disposable. Cain provides the analogies in explaining the nuances of Prince, Pauper and Pope
    Gabriel's Clarion
    Gabriel Garnica begins today a four part essay on tolerance and how it gained such a devastating foothold in society today. In his first installment, he traces the origins of the meaning and what Christ intended it to always be. It meant respect for others but not for erroneous or sinful views that go against God. This is what happened when respect and humility were cast to the winds. The original meaning of the word, meant to spread the love of Christ, has been twisted to cater to the canard that tolerance is a gateway to do anything one wants with no reprise or repercussions from man or God. Gabriel explains in his first part of The Desecration of Tolerance
    White Smoke, Black Fire!
    Because of the crisis now in place and because events are paralleling so much of what is contained in our novel White Smoke, Black Fire and because it deals with the death of a pope and the ensuing conclave, we have decided it is time to rerun the novel in its entirety for it is written for and playing out in these very times. For those who want to read the entire novel as it was released in 2001, you may go to Episodes to read the entire book. For those who want to take it in daily doses and concentrate on the similarities with actual events happening right now, we provide these daily installments. Today's episode eight reveals one more key figure of the Resistance - Cardinal Gregory Zachmunn. As Pat lands in Iraq, and while the Cardinal and Monsignor Navarro concern themselves with Macelli and Vendhem in the Vatican, outside its walls the Legion plots further in the dark climes of Rome's seedy side, where the reader meets two more Legion members who have convened with Brunatti and Serrano in a stagnant basement hovel. But the master doesn't even trust his own and has employed an old wino Sebastiano Tenazi in the eighth episode of The Unleashing titled, Pride and Power: The Opiates of the Legion
    "Qui legit, intelligat"
    In Father Louis Campbell's sermon for Good Shepherd Sunday or the Second Sunday After Easter, he assures all that the death of John Paul II should have no effect on true Catholics who see a pope as the visible head, but Christ always as the Invisible Head. Christ has promised He would always be with His Church "unto the consummation of the world" and since He neither deceives nor can be deceived, to worry about the worldly things exposes us as uncommitted sheep. It means we do not trust our Shepherd - the Son of God. He remanded His apostles several times about this. As loyal lambs we have nothing to fear if we stay under the watchful eye of the Good Shepherd and remain faithful to the Truths and Traditions of the Church He founded. Father points out that one cannot be His disciple if one is not willing to carry his cross daily and be a sign of contradiction to the world. When the world praises you, that is not good for if we seek the world's favor then our reward comes from man, but if we seek God's favor by doing His will and hearing His voice, our reward will be great in Heaven for we are The Sheep of His Flock
    White Smoke, Black Fire!
    Because of the crisis now in place and because events are paralleling so much of what is contained in our novel White Smoke, Black Fire and because it deals with the death of a pope and the ensuing conclave, we have decided it is time to rerun the novel in its entirety for it is written for and playing out in these very times. For those who want to read the entire novel as it was released in 2001, you may go to Episodes to read the entire book. For those who want to take it in daily doses and concentrate on the similarities with actual events happening right now, we provide these daily installments. Today's episode seven begins the second chapter late in the afternoon of All Saints Day. As Pat jets toward Iraq haunted by altered state warnings, Corrie muses over the futility, but necessity of make-up, while in Rome the make-up of two more Legion operatives is bent on destroying the evidence. But a conscious Riage Benziger foils their plans aided unwittingly by Sister Bridie in this first episode of Chapter Two of The Unleashing titled, Cosmetics and Consciousness
    Gabriel's Clarion
    Gabriel Garnica asks a question every traditional Catholic is asking during this time of universal sedevacantism. What next? Quo vadis, Petrus? Where will the Primacy of Peter lead? It does not bode well for there are indeed dark clouds on the horizon, especially if we are to go by the popular, emotional spin spread this past week by the secular and New Order media that we must accommodate the world and change Catholicism to placate those who are not willing to walk the narrow path. Sodomites, pro-aborts, feminists will not give up their sins, so the Church must tolerate them and accept their sins. Nowhere in holy Scripture nor in the Sacred Deposit of the Faith is the word tolerance preached, let alone diversity. Jesus clearly forgave, but always He admonished, "Go, and sin no more!" It goes without saying that we must love the sinner, but hate the sin and do all in our power to root out sin in our own lives and others. That is true Catholicism, uncompromising Catholicism, something sorely lacking over the past 40 years. Amidst all the euphoria and opinions so prevalent this past week, Catholicism has been reduced to a political party whose platform can be changed to suit the people! Oh, how wrong they are! How wrong so many have been! But those who fight for right must remember St. Augustine's sage words, "right is right even if no one is doing it...and wrong is wrong even if every one is doing it!" Gabriel explains in his column What Next?
    White Smoke, Black Fire!
    Because of the crisis now in place and because events are paralleling so much of what is contained in our novel White Smoke, Black Fire and because it deals with the death of a pope and the ensuing conclave, we have decided it is time to rerun the novel in its entirety for it is written for and playing out in these very times. For those who want to read the entire novel as it was released in 2001, you may go to Episodes to read the entire book. For those who want to take it in daily doses and concentrate on the similarities with actual events happening right now, we provide these daily installments. Today's episode six deals with the aftershock reaction. Pat Gallagher talks his editor Vic Van Wess into sending him instead of another over to Iraq on the publisher's private plane, while in Rome the reader is introduced to two very high-up cardinals who are not what they seem, and two key characters within the Vatican for the Resistance who suspect Macelli of no good: the astute American monsignor heading the Holy See's Universal Communications department Monsignor Stephen Navarro and the spunky, dedicated Irish nun Sister Bridget Marie - known to all as Sister Bridie, one of the nuns responsible for the Papal Chambers. Both will unwittingly become embroiled in the intrigue to come within the hallowed halls of the Vatican in this sixth episode of Chapter One of The Unleashing titled, The Cabal and the Camerlengo

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       We are proud to be able to provide for our readers the full Ordinary and Proper of each day's Holy Sacrifice of the Mass for the Immemorial Latin Mass in the Traditional Calendar.


    This prayer replaces the Angelus during Paschaltide

    Regina Coeli laetare. Alleluia.
    Quia quem meruisti portare. Alleluia.
    Resurrexit sicut dixit. Alleluia.
    Ora pro nobis Deum. Alleluia.
    V. Gaude et laetare, virgo Maria. Alleluia.
    R. Quia surrexit Dominus vere. Alleluia.
    Oremus. Deus, qui per resurrectionem Filii tui, Domini nostri Iesu Christi, mundum laetificare dignatus es: praesta, quae-sumus; ut, per eius Genetricem Virginem Mariam, perpetuae capiamus gaudia vitae. Per eundem Christum Dominum nostrum. Amen.

    Queen of Heaven, rejoice, Alleluia.
    For He Whom thou was made worthy to bear. Alleluia.
    Hath risen as He said. Alleluia.
    Pray for us to our God. Alleluia.
    V. Rejoice and be glad, O Virgin Mary. Alleluia.
    R. For the Lord hath risen indeed. Alleluia.
    Let us pray. O God, Who through the resurrection of Thy Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ, hast vouchsafed to make glad the whole world, grant us, we beseech Thee, that, through the intercession of the Virgin Mary, His Mother, we may attain the joys of eternal life. Through the same Christ our Lord. Amen.

    To PRINT this prayer out, see Regina Coeli

      For those who truly want to delve deeper into what the Faith teaches and what past Sovereign Pontiffs have decreed, we recommend for your vital reading to better KNOW THE FAITH in order to KEEP THE FAITH, pertinent Papal decrees which put to the lie what is being promulgated today by the Vatican II church. We strongly encourage you to read these to understand how today the modern church is in Apostasy when compared to what had always been taught by Holy Mother Church and enforced and warned as most grievous by previous Pontiffs as you'll see in CREDO & CULTURE


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       With Lent in the rear view mirror, almsgiving was down this year and with events where March roared out like a lion and hasn't let up in April, we don't need to tell you that almsgiving is one way Catholics can show their sincerity and commitment to Tradition. Our Lord sheds tears because so many souls still do not know the Truth and are wallowing in the desert of desertion, devastation and destruction. Right now they are being dumbed-down further and propagandized by the New Order with every secular media leeching on to the love train that cannot see the emperor wore no clothes. Because of that the light of Tradition grows dimmer as the weather patterns and natural disasters grow stronger. With your donations to The Daily Catholic and Our Lady's intercession, you can help to save souls, brighten the path to Tradition, and dry a tear or two from Jesus' holy face, lest those of you, who have the Truth and have been blessed with the means to help, might have to try to explain your selfishness at your Particular Judgment. Think and pray over it as we ask you to remember this apostolate for charitable giving during this time when the dollar is stretched tight with donations to help the victims of the devastations in Indonesia, which must take priority. But if you have anything left over, we greatly appreciate any donation you can make for almsgiving is one of the commandments of the Church. We count on the generosity of our readers to keep up the integrity of this publication and keep it free of all advertising and banners in providing our readers worldwide with the foundations for the Truths and Traditions of Holy Mother Church. If you can give of your love and bounty we would be most grateful.

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    When it comes to all these ungodly laws being passed by liberal judges because of the lobbying and intimidation of a small minority out to do away with the natural and supernatural order, it is wise to keep in mind the following:

    "Unjust laws are, properly speaking, NO LAWS!"
    His Eminence Saint Robert Cardinal Bellarmine, Doctor of the Church

       We invite you to find out for yourself the truth as we present a compendium portal of documents on the Faith in all aspects, past, present and to come. We guarantee what you read is in full harmony with the Truths and Traditions of Holy Mother Church, and we guarantee you that if you read it all with a discerning heart you will be able to decipher the wheat from the chaff. You will better understand what the absolutes of our Faith are and not be fooled by modernism and ambiguities, no matter how cleverly they are couched. Remember satan is the father of half-truths. Read the fullness of the Truths and Traditions of the Roman Catholic Faith in the sections below.


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