GABRIEL'S CLARION (may6gab.htm)

May 6, 2004
vol 15, no. 127

The Spreading Penumbra of Sin, Smoke, and Death!

The Pro-choice 'Pepe le Pews' are polluting souls with the stench vapor of lie after lie. Values, morals and common sense are masked in the smoke of satan as lucifer works behind the haze to throw more into the maze of malaise by twisting evil into good and making virtue something that is offensive; something only the devil could accomplish with the hideous acceptance of abortion. How many can see we've been skunked?

      Madison Avenue's been commandeered by the devil and the saddest thing is that so many are buying the poisononous viper's rot!

    "The first step toward "breaking the murder habit" is to stop that penumbra of death disguised as freedom and choice from continuing to spread in numbers, rights, and applications. Abortion is a ghastly, vile evil and we have to reject all attempts to paint it as anything but. Supporting abortion is a gutless, clueless rejection of all things human and sacred and we have to reject all attempts to paint it as anything but. Supporting the so-called right to choose is as pathetic as supporting a right to shoes because true choice does not exist without God or without relevance to the ultimate goal of bringing us closer to salvation. In fact, fighting for the right to shoes is clearly more moral than fighting for the right to torture and kill an innocent baby, since the first fight is trivial and the second is tragic!"

    Webster's Dictionary defines a Penumbra, among other things, as "a body of rights held to be guaranteed by implication in a civil constitution." One classic example of such an implied spread of cancerous assumptions under the guise of discovered rights is found in the infamous Separation of Church and State, long waved by atheists, agnostics, and demons as justification for freedom from religion as opposed to freedom of religion as intended by The Founding Fathers. In fact, I wonder what those men would have thought, done, and written had they known that hundreds of years later evil, secular, and liberal devils in black robes would carve out a satellite of hell by twisting, cutting, and pasting their stupidities on the intentions of freedom penned by those earlier men of history. Worse still, we now have legions of fools defending and citing a separation which does not exist anywhere in the Constitution, but which was "discovered" in the black minds of deluded demons of arrogant jurisprudence. Alas! There is yet another penumbra of sin spreading across our society, and it promises to turn its present absurd, arrogant stupidity into a far more hellish, comical, and vile umbrella of damnation!

I had this Nightmare, you see...

    The other night I had a most horrific nightmare. It began with a sea of colorful banners which read Right to Shoes and legions of mostly women with some half men, half women mixed in and a small contingent of "sensitive" males. They kept yelling things such as It's Our Feet and Fight for Shopping Rights. At times strange beasts rose to a podium holding a shoe and declaring, "We are a few sizes away from becoming barefoot and pregnant again!" Still other apparent celebrities rose to make bold proclamations of extensive ignorance amid equally clueless applause from the air-headed crowd. As terrified as I was from the shrieks and terrifying faces I saw, I was able to find a somewhat empty-headed but not so scary face to which I asked, "what is this all about?"

    I was then told the whole sorry, tragic tale. You see it all began with a few ruthless female lawyers who manipulated this woman Norma McCorvey to start a case called Roe v. Wade. Those handling the case did not care about the McCorvey at all, but merely used her to push their agenda of death across the table they knew was ready for Satan's meal. Millions of innocent deaths later, these forces of Satan still used intimidation, lies, arrogance, and manipulation to push their penumbra of sin to even greater lengths. Aware that passionately advocating the societal benefits of tearing up innocent babies just would not do on longevity, these gutless ghouls began a systematic spread of their "mission" to cover as much and as many female sheep as possible. It was not Pro-abortion as that just sounded a bit ghastly, so it became Pro-Choice as that sounded so "freedomish." It was not the right to mutilate infant flesh as that was a tad sordid, so it became "Reproductive Rights" as that sounded so noble!

    Their enemy - the forces of good - would continue assailing the sin of killing of babies. The pro-choice platoons knew that would cast them in a bad light (which it should) and 'killing' just sounded too harsh so they changed the nomenclature to masquerade the abomination. Thus they twisted the evil into something that sounded honorable. In this way they could paint the righteous as being against women's rights, women's health, women's bodies, women's sports, women's eating habits, women's education, women's careers, women's shopping rights and, ultimately, women's rights to the kind of shoes they wanted, when they wanted them, and how they wanted them.

    In fact, one of these maniacs even announced that the enemy was trying to dictate everything from if, when, how, and why woman should have children to if, when, how, and why women should buy and wear new shoes. There was a rumor spreading that women's right to sleep, go to the bathroom, and even snore was in danger! No! This abuse of power at the expense of divine goddesses of feministic brilliance could not be allowed! Certainly our proud Constitution prevented this horror! There was another rumor that Benjamin Franklin had mentioned something about the divine right to shoes and Thomas Jefferson had uttered something about the separation of men and women at stores. Suddenly it all became very clear to me. What started with selfish arrogance had been painted into a noble cause covering everything but the kitchen sink!

    Suddenly I saw a float with a giant kitchen sink and some pseudo-females in the sink screaming "Dishes No More!" So, I guessed, even the kitchen sink had been included in this Sordid Stream of Sodom!

    I kept hearing the chant "A WOMAN'S RIGHT TO SHOES! A WOMAN'S RIGHT TO SHOES! A WOMAN'S RIGHT TO SHOES!" and promptly woke up from this nightmare in a cold sweat.

You've Come a Long Way, Baby!

    Anyone 40 or older probably remembers the Virginia Slims television ads and commercials that aired when it was acceptable to push nicotine death. The ads began with some scene of female bondage and limitation at the hands of men, symbolized by their inability to smoke in public without being outcast as some kind of loose woman. Suddenly one was zipped to the present, where the woman strutted around basking in success, freedom, independence, and the kind of identity epitomized by a 70s hit song called I am Woman by Helen Reddy. "I am woman, watch me roar, in numbers too big to ignore…..I am strong, I am invincible, I AM WOMAN!" are the words I recall. The ad concluded by associating smoking with all the gains made by women from those times when they were treated as no more than furniture. The message was complete: Smoke because you can; Smoke to show you choose to smoke; it's your body and nobody has the right to tell you what you can do regarding your body!

    Well, it has become common knowledge that long ago the tobacco companies realized that social norms were eliminating the huge, untapped market of potential female smokers. Determined to grab this market and addict it to their product, these companies pushed smoking as the flag of liberation for women. Well, their efforts have obviously worked, for now more women get lung cancer than men as they strut around free to kill themselves at whiff. Guess what, the feminist and abortion lobbies have done the same thing with abortion! Realizing the potential financial and philosophical windfall of anchoring abortion as legal and elevating it to some golden calf of feministic freedom and choice, these forces have once again sold cancer, suicide, and death to women under the guise of freedom, choice, divine independence and runaway selfishness.

    Only this time, the cancer comes from abortion not cigarettes, the suicide is more spiritual than physical, and the death is more the death of innocent angels than bra burning feminists. This time around, the prey is far more innocent, the death far more horrible, and the reason just as pathetic, rendering the campaign for carnage far more vile and insidious than the campaign for puffs ever was. Besides, these feminists hate motherhood, marriage, and men, and what better way to spit in the face of all three targets than waving a mutilated, unwanted fetus as the ultimate symbol of "in your face" to all three hated preys?

    Instead of waving cigarettes as the tools of choice, freedom, independence, feministic autonomy and power, and a rejection of male dominance, these dumb dames now wave abortion pills and death mill appointments as those tools. Instead of rejecting the blessing of good health for the sake of imbecilic autonomy, these madams of malfeasance now reject the blessing of being able to bring forth life for the sake of the "right" to spew forth imbecilic trash disguised as profound proclamations. Yes, you have come a long way, baby….a long way toward spending eternity in the ultimate smoking room!

It's a Matter of Attitude and Custom

    I recall when I traveled to Europe, especially Italy how Italians smoke everywhere and anywhere in that beautiful country. We were bombarded by the impregnating odor of cigarettes wherever we went. You could not escape the runaway smoke. I was sure that one would see smoke rising from tombstones in a cemetery, so ingrained, free, and outward is this habit in Italy. Yet look at this country! Where smoking was once widely advertised, celebrated, and even glamorized, it is now much more limited, downplayed, and even frowned upon. More and more people and especially children never get hooked on cigarettes because it is just not as "in" as it used to be here.

    If materialistic devils can hook an entire half of the population for selfish gain and greed, and if a society can accept the wrong of a practice that was never a mortal sin and yet turn on it as mammon does in engorging their own by throwing it out as no longer the "in" thing to do, then why can't the same thing be done with abortion which is a mortal sin?

    The first step toward "breaking the murder habit" is to stop that penumbra of death disguised as freedom and choice from continuing to spread in numbers, rights, and applications. Abortion is a ghastly, vile evil and we have to reject all attempts to paint it as anything but. Supporting abortion is a gutless, clueless rejection of all things human and sacred and we have to reject all attempts to paint it as anything but. Supporting the so-called right to choose is as pathetic as supporting a right to shoes because true choice does not exist without God or without relevance to the ultimate goal of bringing us closer to salvation. In fact, fighting for the right to shoes is clearly more moral than fighting for the right to torture and kill an innocent baby, since the first fight is trivial and the second is tragic!

    Yes, it is a matter of attitude and custom. Smoking is impregnated in the Italian fabric and is being systematically "terminated" from the womb of American life. A minority hell-bent and hell-destined to have their way is forcibly impregnating right now abortion into American life. It is time to stop the impregnation of abortion into our society and allow the impregnation of God Almighty's Creative Majesty and Authority instead. It is time to return "choice" to God and flip "rights" into doing the "right" thing. It is time to terminate abortion instead of innocent lives. It is time to terminate the birth of pathetic euphemisms instead of preventing the birth of beautiful angels. It is time to say "NO SMOKING OR ABORTIONS ALLOWED!"

Gabriel Garnica

    Editor's Note: We are pleased to announce Gabriel Garnica will be contributing many articles in 2004. Heaven is once again under attack by those who would seek to ignore and overthrow God's majesty and authority. Gabriel Garnica, educator and attorney, will submit regular insights and commentaries to remind and help guide readers toward a deeper and more assertive faith. Touching on topics and issues ranging from personal faith, doctrine, education, scripture, the media, family life, morality, and values, Gabriel's notes will be music to traditional ears but unpleasant tones to those who have bought into the misguided notions so prevalent and spreading in today's Catholic world.

    Gabriel's Clarion
    May 6, 2004
    Volume 15, no. 127